THE DISPATCH CLASSIFIED ADS N fmsmmcsm? 4 ? ????? i Classified Rates This Size le per word (Minimum charge 25c) This Size 2e per word (Minimum charge 50c) K<>r I a rue r size type, inquire for classified uisplay rate. 25 words in regular size type, ?laily tor one montli . . . .$0.00 \'ii rules or borders will be avail able for use in the classified but while space may be used on each sale of an ad and charged at lie pci line in depth. T1IK HENDERSON DAILY DISPATCH special notices SATTERWHITE'S for FURNITURE 7-tf KlilST FROZEN FOOD STORE IN ! Iciulorson. Phone 415 or 416 for Delivery. National Food Market, 41U South Gurnctt street. 22-1! KHKSII FROZEN Fn for $11.75. New heavy stock. While or Ivory. Henderson Book Co. 21-tf !??!: YOUR PAINTING NEEDS ? i.nlart Bill Griffin, phone 664. I have 5 good painters. All work guaranteed. A-24-2G-U WANTED: FARM < >N FOUR Til I hates with l.? to 211 aero toimrcr :l<>t?liftit and land tor ntiu r crop Have help and Mimplote equip . ent. No linani ial aid needed. Ad ores:; Farm, care Dispatch. 30-2-1 Inl.l.oW THE CROWD FOR ICE i t .an. cold drinks, cigars, rigir I'tirs. I Cult gas and oil. horse. I r .ile. and chicken foods, heavy an i ' l.iiu y groceries. Fiesit fish c. cry I Friday ;iil Saturday. .1. T. IV gram Grocery. 4 miles north of Ifendei'son. Phone 32M. 20-m-f-nti Kl.KCTRIC KITCHEN STOVE .'.anted. New or second hand. I'-a.-e oil tart .1. Cooper. Jr.. . .one 155. 3(l-ood-41i Special Wednesday As I a>n<^ As They 1 .ast! LA OIKS' RAYON HOSK 25c All Sizes CARTON'S DKPARTMKNT STORK 2-2ti Mr'. SEE THE NEW SELECTION "f Fall Fell Hats at Carton'.-. We have a full assortment. Colors. Iir varietv of school wear for both boys and girls. See us for your needs. Carton's Department More. 2-211 WAX Ml? Foit IIENT. HEAVY BLEC Jfic type* Also. Sanding Machine for rent. Good supply waxes, pol ishes and shellac for sale. Wutkin Hardware Co. 2-4ti WANTED TO RENT wanted to kknt: veteran J-'?*> wife would like two or three room apartment. furnished or un furnished. Call Mrs. Edward (>? Collins. Phone 872-W. 311-31 i wanted to rent small farm with ?! or !> acres tobacco allot ment conveniently located to school bus. Write .1. O. I'oythress. Route 2. Oxford. N. C. 30-lti three; pour, five oh six k' m>m house or apartment wanted. Con flict V. I,. Knight, Phone Itll-W or 751-W. 2-2ti INSURANCE 1 IIF..N1 >KRS< )X. N. ('. tf FARM SUPPLIES [HAMMER MII.I.S SWEEP RAKES. | Sprint Ti?>tli Harrows and Two- i Ron S". 1. ("niter.-- available fol ium.eliav dcli\cry. J. Klemin;{ | Su|>|>lv l'n. Montgomery St. :{?-?tti SEE CS FoR V??l'R FEED NEEDS We have Chicken Foods. Mash and Sornloh. Ilnrso and Mulo Foods, Hoy Ration and Shipstuff. Clark's, (iri.oi-iy. opposite Coopers Ware house. l!-4ti YOU WII.I. FIND A GOOD VA- I rioty of Foods lioro, including Ship-luff. Dairy Foods. Roy Ration and Chieken Kivils. Your patron atto i. approoiatod at Klop-Siiop Fi?kI Market. Montgomery S'roit. U-dti AUTOMOTIVE ASIIN < MtTIl & .lOIIXSOX .M<>T(U: COMPANY Complete A V T n S K II V I C E Painting Body Work Our Specialty I Phono III - .'i_ii N. Garnet! si. tf-daily | G? II 111 'EC \: AT,INF.. WASH- . in.:. | :ia. lubrioation, battery ' roeha tire service, Pyrcne In- I ll.-tlel . Casitc sludge si i. i ? i-o' ers. Courteous and Irion Henry Mangtim. props .. City Service Station. 2t>l ^ illiam stroi t, phone 7all. , mon-tf A NFA' PAIN'I .ff?P- WII.I. IX oreie the value and improve tlie appo iitr of your oar. I.ot iis ro pain' ' now. Ask us for colors and estm ih'stei Motor Co., 12.1 . Hon i ' : Plume til - J. mon-tf GET . ERY AND TIRE sorvu v at Ron Ton Esso Service, S. G net I St.. or Harris & Daniel Esso Service. X. Cornell St. Atlas Tires and Batteries and complete Esse Service. Ms-'f * ? . \nnounccment! \Yc arc now prepared : l to e \ on expert I IMIOLSTKRY WORK (' in now niv.I see <>nr nice i i-'merit see u . Stop-Simp Food Market, Moiit (?oiiiery Street. 2-lti FOR SALE FOR THE ISEhT IN FANCY groceries, fresh fruits, vegetables fresh meats, fish and oysten. Phone 439. Herbert's Yellow Front Free Delivery. 17-tf MONUMENTS TOMBSTONES - MARKERS From The Snuth's Largest Monumental Factory W W. LANGSION 219 Young St., Phone 773 I'd! SAl.K ? EMPTY Iil'RLAP bags, egg crates, Bruce orange boxes, and lard cans. Herbert's Yellow Front, phone 439. 20-U LOTS OF NEW ITEMS TO SELECT , from in our stock of furniture. , See a: save money. K. K. Salter While A- Sons. 22-tf ' FOR SALE ELECTRIC FAN AND eleelrie peanut roaster, both in good condition. Red Front Gro cery. phone 850-W. 27-Gti TIN WOOD HEATERS AND COAL Heaters. Stove Pipe and Elbows at Fall:tier's Building Supply Court St.. in front of Courthouse. Phone lit. Come to see us?we ap preciate your trade. 28-aii FOR SALE: 3-WAY GALVANIZED rule sink. Good condition. Write "WH". earo Dispatch. 31-2U FOR SALE: ONE CHILD'S METAL outdoor play gym. with slide, swine, acting bar and ladder. Call 1093-W. ' 31 -2t i ONE COAL BURNING HKATROLA and one laundry heater with water jacket, i'ailh items in good condition. Call 3U7-W after 7 p. m. 3l-3li I WINCHESTER. BOLT-ACTION 22 Rifles, Assortment of Pliars. Cig- | arette lighters. flints and wicks, i Radios. Phonographs. Hair Clip- ! pers. Diamonds. Watches. Foun- I tain Pens. Luggage. Baker's Pawn j Shop. 2-tf SEE US FOR YOUR GROCERY needs. We hiive a full variety ?>: I fresh produce and canned goods. Also paper napkins, cleaning needs and brooms. Come to see us. I Clark's Grocery, opposite C'ooocis Warehouse. ?? Iti 1 r.i.r.i i mi in m |*|..-\1T.S Willi ( j either double or sinulc eye. Al> 1 i Kliftrie 'Pollsters. l.oltlo Warmers. ! Pads. I renin'.! fords. Diop Cords and Klei-tric Wire mid sup plies for sale. Welkins Hardware I Co. 2-4 ti I I.Altl>. CIIKKSK. WIIITK FI.OUK. I Corn Meal, Flat and round j I!rooms. A xood stock of Fresh j Produce and Canned Groceries. W-* I also have a limited supl.v of aim j I shells, l.el lis serve you. Stop-Shop i Kood Market. Montgomery Street. I - - 2"'!' Vol* CAN ('.FT T1IOSK G( 11)1) j I'.rookside 1<--.- Cream Sandwich. here! Also many other templiic; j and delicious foods. Slop by to- ! | day! Clark' Grocery. opposil l Cooper.- Warehouse. 12- ?t i j TllliKK I.ITTKItS OK COCKKIt I Spaniel puopies for .-ale. Fight weeks old. A. G. lirady. !ll!i Are i 1 street. 12?1211 CANNKItS. CANNING TINS FRUIT .lais. Parafin Wax. .Tar Tools, .tel ly Glasses. Can Openers. Jnr Top and I.ills. If you need canning sup- ' plies come to see us! WatUin.- | Hardware Co. 2- Hi | LUNCHEON MEATS. SAUSAGE. Wieners. r>oloi;nn. Cheese and K"t;s. Also complete stock of groceries. We invite you to visit in . Clark's Groeeiv. opposite Coop ers Warehouse. 2?I'i DON'T DKI.AY?PUT IN YOUR winter supplv of coal now. Call u for service, il. O. Kalkner it Son. Uhnnn ???!> P-lf heaters: heaters: i \rgesize ronl heaters. .-heel iron heaters 1". 20 and 22. stove pipe, elbows, damper.-, i.nd new basket urates. Ale\ S. Wat kins. West Montgomery street. 2-3l'i JUST RECEIVED SHIPMENT OK matia/ine type stoves, (in and 100 pound eapaeity. See u bo fore you buy. Wilkinson Coal Co. phone I IK. 2-fi.i I.ADIK.S KAI.I. DRESSES. ATTIIAC j live autnuui colors in a sparklin ? variety of styles. All sizes. .*u> 20 * SKI.Carton's Deoartnient Store 20-2! CIIII.DREX'S ROM.KR SK YI'KS Table Tc nnis Sets. Wntjens. Seen: crs. Sand Ruekets and tnanv nth". C.ames and toys for children of all attev. See our .selection now. Wat ? kin-; Hardware Co. 2-Pi C< >M Pi .ETK S E L E C T I O X (>K Kadies' New Kali lints. Also. Ma tron'.' llals. special *2 OK in extra Inrffe st/as. Carton's Department Storo. 2-?ti KI.AS1 ll.lfJIITS KOR S\I,K. TWO and three cell : ir"s: also t.antern Kla hli'thts- I altcrie and Rtdh for eveiv tvpe Klashliniit Watkin Hardware Co. 2? lli WANTED WANTED AT ONCE SOMEONE TO live in heme and help care tor In valid lady. Mrs. E. T. Alston Route I. Henderson. Phone KOI 30?It i Mli K A It M Kit' WE RUY COUNTRY produce, meat:- and cues. Hi in yi in ui to us for good price ('lark's (Jrocery, opposite Coopers Warehouse. 2-Iti "Talk about results! I can use a Daily Dispatch Want A0 more than I paid I'or it lour years ?Ko!" HELP WANTED NOTICE! MARIA PARHAM HOSPITAL urgently needs graduate nurses, undergraduates, and nurses Slides l?> help in pres ent emergency. At no time since tiie beginning of the war has the nursing short age lieen so acute. PLEASE contact hospital immediate ly if available. 17-tf TWO WAITRESSES WANTED AT once. Convenient hours. good sal ary. Apply in person to Capitol Cafe. 3II-M SALESLADIES W A N T K D l'or rcjrular work. A p p 1 y Rose's ."j-10-2."?c Store. no-.">ti WANTED: TWO COOD COLORED truck drivers. II. o. Kuiktier & Son. Plionc 2l>0. 2-it ONE IIOTEI. MAID. ONE DlSli waslter. two Wc ii losses and <);>j Hotel Clerk wanted. Apply in aft ernoon lo ::e'el. 2-!-!! REAL ESTATE ATTK XT I OX FARMERS! If you plan to sell your farm this fall contact us. Wo Have the Rtiyers WALTER & HURLEY AUCTION' COMPANY 12(1 E. dill Street Charlotte. N. C. 2.1-12ti WANT TO I'd V 3. I. a. OR (i ROM lloii.-e in ta "o loe.oion. Call \'. !.. Knight. 1SH-W or 7.M-W. 2-2ti REPAIR SERVICES 3ET THOSE BACK-TO-SCHOOl. S shoes i?'!>?>iIt or repaired now. tonality work. quirk servire. Come 1 to see lis. Carolina Shoo Shop. Next to AS:!'. Ht-tf - ? electric contracting ^ Stiles tmii Service House Wiring ;t Specialty 21 Years Experience Phone 1017 P. (). Box G12 tf-tlaily \ ME. FARMER! Vol! CAN GKT EX- , peri repair service on all kinds of leather goods. shoes, harnes.- and other item :it Carolina Sla-e Shop. ? next to A & I*. 12-tf FOR BETTER APPEARANCE. LON- > Her wear and "reatei comlort in work or dre. - shoes. In in.1, tlieni to lis for export repairing,. Caw thorne Ih'olhors. While-'i >iu-\Vait Service. 2'J-i f ^ FOR THE BEb"l E1.ECTR1CAL IN stallations, commercial and domes tic wiring and repair, phone 149-W. P. O. Box 115,0. Hayes Thomas Electrical Service . John , W. Hayes and John M. Thomas, "We Servo Best." 2d-tf GF.'i Y? it'll FALL AND WINTER shoe re|;aired now. llove tlieni ready when you want them. F.x pert work Carol.mi Shoe Shop. 2-11 RADIO SALtis?REPAIRS (. oMi'I.KTi: RADIO SERVICE Wr it rc fully i quipM in render aiii service ymir radio require-. We in vite Vn;i t<. III-| ? el i II'' -hop Woo-i licf Radio Sort lee. operated in connection with Western Aid" A: sociate Sti.ii-.. Day |>ii<>!i<* i Xight phone tititi-W. i_'-ibi radio si'.iivii oi-FKi: vi,?? j ? ? t*. Kim I. i please notify .lames 'laylor. a.! 1 Holier St. H?liti ? BUILDlNCi SUPPLIES I 1 A - VAK 1'A I NTS. WATKIt proofing Paints. Hoof Costings. Hoof Cement. Shellac. Sncn Enamels, llrtishes. Tanner Roofing Company. Phone fit>0. ISIT lit!: ? PLACE < >K VALUES" lor building supplies! llriNinent. ccnni.t. lime. improved gyplap. !):? |x>:: i. thirkbuU asphalt rhm- ? ;:1<- . roll * red an ! mi!/ ' brick sifting. Alex S. Walkins. J UY.-t ?.Ii ntgomery street. C- Liner. Inc.. has made application t i the N't rth Carolina l"t'.lilies Commission for a lranchise certificate to transport passu gets, i :? and mail over the following . iahways ami between the following points: 1. From tDo City Limits of llen dctson. N. C.. over an ttiiniim i.ered county road to Attn . N. ('.: thence ever highway No. 51) t.> W.arront. n. and return over same route, a distance of ap proximniely It! miles. 2. From the city Limits of Hen derson. X. C. over an unnum bered improved highway to Dabney and the Va cc-Oran ville County Line, and return over same route, a distance of approximately t> miles. 3. From Henderson. \". C. to IJrewry over an unnumbered unimproved county road. ;i.d return over same route, a dis tance of approximately 13 miles. 4. From Henderson for upproxi LEGAL NOTICES mutely i " mile on N. C". High way Ni>. ..I. tin m e u\i'i' ;in i in in .i ; 11 i'ii I li'.:>iway tu vi ' :? ??i? t'i. tn ?' in Colcy's Cm ISii.ii. iivt' ill hi tnnber i'il iiiii:.11ii? i\??(< 1'iiif!: thence nver lligl way ,\u. .it) lor ap |?rii. ? alclv .CI a iles In Kill's I'Isk e. . ii'l :. .?;111 ii . i t :? :i in e in '.', i i i t.iiiei ill approxi n.Siti-i.v IJM ? i?'it? . S. From iiiiuii nirg tu ntitm. N. C II. V: N. C lli. liv. iy No. 39. and ivtutn 11\i r -amc route. ;i It;.-!, in I- "! .IiI. : ill.itely 1 1 mile Nut ici i> i.rthi:- u -iii thut said indication will lie ciilted tin hcur i u Ih'Ii ; -i.:t C"?? i inn . .t in.nil .. SSI. ins Wetlisi (lay. Se 'i ni.,er 11, ti ll!, in the hearing r ? m t the Com : issioil ; Itul i North Can linn, ui't jii'i ? ili ? e inside in it it - v. ;!h tlie si"' t *u appear at ?iiitt la tiiss-i siiri i ileum in n|i Hisition t said applicsitlm are re {uiroU tu deliver ? : nail a written aotest and tw- ; e tin vof tu the liiivc n .a cd i t, >' least five lavs prior t" ida re fixed for said hearing, wh ; said protest i ;;!! : t ( :.i ? pi.rticil i; i ily tisi \ .ill i. in wilich ?aid prot t: nt will be adversely af fected iy the ... chi rights rc Hiestcd. Said protest shall certify that a copy tl rco lias i: deliver ed or maite ! to th ? npplicirt. Further n< tice of the pre codings iii tin.- e., '.-c -'.i'.l be uivesi only to tlie iipptlc-mt and tu j>r.-lestants fil ing written protests tu said aoplica t.en above re ;nired. Ail corre spondence relating to this matter -1!!,!! relet' to Ku.'!:et X ?. 'iisis the :.'!iti) day . i \ y l!)l(i. iiii deison Its'..- I.ines. Inc. Ily I!. I). Mel.i'as!. President. A. A. Utmn, Attorney. AD.MINfS'M! \TO!CS NOTICE TO ( ill OITOIiH. lla\ iuu (iirliiied as administrator ? if tlu* ivialc i 1 So .1 l.i ? Pule Iter, deceased. kite >>f Vance County, North Carolina. lii i- to notify all persons havin claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them lh" 1'ii'i : ii 'I at his of I ice in llci'dei .on. ,\\ (on ur before the 27th day of .Inly. ill 17. or this notice will i> ? )>' n idi in bar of their recovery. A'.l ? ? ir in silted to the ( tat will a ? i.. :?> imiueciialc payment. This 2Cth dnv . f .Julv 10!it. T. S. KITTRELI.. Administrator of Estate of Rosa I .ce Fulchcr. .1 29 A ft -12 -1D - 2 ? i S 2 voTft s:. Haviny citsnlifi?i n3 administrator of the estate of Mrs. Susie Knott, dcceased before Ihe fieri: of Vanco County Superior Court, this is to notify all persons holding claims onanist raid estate !?> file the same duly itemized and \ ified with the undersigned admini trater on or be fore the 12th. day August. 11?t~. or litis notice will be pleaded in bar thereof. All persons indebted to said eslate will }>lt make immediate settlement. I!. C. D.WIFL. Administrator. D. P. MeDuffee, Attorney. < \KI) Or THANKS We wi-h to 'halt' r ? iv f'*ioiuls for tiio flov. : - and kindness shown us dnrina the sickness and death of our wife and mother. M:s. Fatlllic Robe tsoil .lames T. Rein risen and Children ss T r A K E T T 1 h'cl '-O r~r->-~ P i r - MYRNA DAPLING' U . . AT AOS YOU I ? >vi:? ; n; ??_ tr . I TPs fHEATc ' - aim. - I JUSTACTU jLLY K . I-A3 TO yO J ' r ? did.: : i ? VPLN COULDN'T 1 S'AV AWAV / I 1 ISTCiCTLY I V- Foaao -, I : K\0* n;07H=3, 3UT j I r CA\7 GO OM FLUMIC- I INS FOTE\src TOS-AV ! twatolo school" I : K=AM PCACriCALLVf f ?^ w:0iN!G-r-' flSN"T TWECE i SOME WAY J V%5 CAM 6? \ro3=THEeq I r> THIS ISND7IME FO^SlLLV} 5=N~ VES7\'-J V= ("7 , -1 ENOUGH r i IS ir n=Ue] SwOTfV-J I I V5ANJ IS T H E G U M P S at the heusutof blm's d:\ner. pactn\ ?the g'ant plane lands/ I'S CASGO > ?Y FAST CACS TO > 3 MS FSSTISF POJeM TJg.VS OUT TO BE ?" j BTOTTy NOUS WIVES BARNEGA"T,OL' ^ BEN / WATER/ \ AN ANNA'S J s^VsnED.N - wow! LOOK AT HIM GOf) THE TITLE OP THAT / PICTURE 15 HAREM/ ^SCARE 11 K\f, TV' J>-H. " " --OR BN7\iGAT I AT BAN fX L 0 N D 1 E vou v6 GOT it/, ( A LITTLE ) / rnWCTlCE S S DOES J ( WONDER'S ) w ( WE'RE GETTING , ( AWrULLV GCOC? V AT ROPING ( coming powma vthg street >J ^ a- /' LOOK WH AT N, VVF CAUGHT J mama!