Fireworks Liceuses Are Banned No license* will be -mum by Vance county I ? i. I lie aK ot firew.rk- hi the county next Christm .. m other lit . the Vance Hoard County Commissioners decided tod i.v at their monthly mooting fur Sep tembc.. It \va> said this action \va in keep: . w 'th similar action take:; l?t ihc !!? t - m City Council. Tax t'cvc.iue in \. ,;t>; amount .i t" $!,5fta.$'. including $1111.13 in prt \ ili*. e I ?. n ? ?- collected and Slot) h e an I \\ it licenses. I'. M ! > sey. eoi ?> v.\ collector, repot tee 'I he bo ? had a report front Cilj Fire Chi"t e' ti. Kills advisim: th. . city fuvmeti ? sw.- ??it ?-;i!Is t>> fit- ' tvelt fill's ?>;.:? :!i 'inm . alio ! for which the county pays the city $23 each, ??; .i total of $373 for An- I gust. Jurors to sci".? a; the October II term of Vaiu* Superior Court were drawn, fifty for tii ? first week, for I trial of criminal cases, htcludintt a number for the grand jury, and 23 I for ill* seci n i w tck, or civil court. : Payment ?l ?. ? u Whiltillg !m ' i V . ..'i !? .n-hip. t?>. loss of 33 young turkeys killed by I ? The Ix'.i'd . 1 - .in re'.V I lii i petit'I'll t" ? io 1! :w (y Coin- r 'i n .Co i i ? ' IV . ? j . the I .in i the third the paving ot Denver|t ? ? ? ARO'i M) i OWN CM 1 its; t \i ' Itt I \V(> : '( : \ -I two v.h'i .hi". . lii.- register of deeds office ? ... the week-end, ' Ida Ai.ay .. t_>. I., oi Henderson, it was reporiod. ij "embassy" i'hoi!.' ? ' ( ii'.il.iitah!.' Board Told Of Opening Of Schools Si nii of r i ll all.I Vane' r.x M't.ti tllfii- tall ti-riil wttit i.It atiaii last l-'t iil.iy ami he;;iu i.itj; al classes tiniay without mtiv uption or friction lit one of th" nost satisfactory openings itt voar... pcrinlctidi III I!. M. lo'llins toll Vatti v County Hoard of Filuca ?ott today. Ill >pitC of ill ft a II It lot. Illi'illl'llt l-> slnviitiiiit nearly IMH) children in ho colored schools. a- a result ot ?? hurn i ^ ul Fa Mr school tlit. ?nth a; >. their i have start u we:I mi.!- ilirii'tur ot tin- pin: ipal ail'-, the colored : iljii'l x 10.. ! Hi -11111 t.iti-l. I In- ho.i it I oil': ' toil to iiiprnil ?liil.'lil to push a rapidly a:? |Mn iblo the program for iiuildiirt new I'lim'l units !??: tii. eoloreil cltililren ?li th. a: a o! i i\ no; them :i-.i i. : da- open i: . a year homo it p ? I'le. First prucc lure will be to pro ail- the sites, ''to on th ? onsterr. .o ot th: eity. and the other at tli ? to ot t.ho buttled building at the ot of IVttigrexv street. After tlsat !?.!'.** an I spe-afie itions must ho . timed. and i' i. iioped to have ... steps completed ami to lie .. ty to order eonstructiun work as ::i klv as malei inls ean tie liad. Mr. loiiltns laturtiteii the board vit luiieii service is siffordod ;:t at; .eliools except Junior !r i .i . i service at Wis', III- ii<1 not have complete sta in . as to enrollment. NO V. \. FOIIMS VI-'.T. Win ton-Sulcm. Sept. ? I'ntil i i-r t Tins and instructions are i xni by tlv V.\. amputee vot r.ns in North Carolina are request to write or wire Veterans Ait 'r . on ofia-i s concerning their liability for money with which to uy automobiles and other convey SON ol James Monroe, fifth presl- j dent of the United States, Maj. Ed- | ward James Monroe. 131, of Jack sonville. Ela.. is shown after a press interview in New York'. He was I born July -1, 1815 and served as a major in the Confederate Army at the age of -15. He served in the liner War and tried to enlist in World War 1 at the age of 102. lie gave as his personal formula for longevity clean life." (International) One Dead In Road Crash IS ear Here Mrs. Helen Seav.right Wright. 37. i 'clock win :i tlio automobile in which she and her husband were i .. iing wa ir. c litis., ii with, a tia : r and trailt-r near lloan ike river i.migo in Virginia. Mrs, Wright's chest was crushed .:.d both logs wore broktii in m-\ - r.11 place-, it wa stated. Her hus ? ii-i. .sgt. .loiin Wrivi.t. who ha been moved t>> Hi-, army hospital at Fort Drag.. also -uffi.o a crushed i ho ?? wore in rout-- to Nov . c\ to ... . rd a - hip winch would > any thera to Germany, where Sgt. Wright w serve with the oc :t a..nv. inioidiu.1 to mtor mation. Fhey \v re brought lo llendersoii. I by a South Hill. \ .. ambulance an i Mrs. Wright died about -la minutes 1 titer. She is survived by a brother. Pcle Seawright. <>f 225 Greenwood nao. Ware Shoals, S. C. 1 !. aut mobit a as reported t" hi.?re been badly damaged and it '? .i- it's" reported that I lie tractor ? nil '. oil r completely overturned. N'o iiiforniation was available as to whether the driver was injuretl. Mr> Wright's was snipped j to A iioviUi . her hie band's home, for burial. How's Your I. Q.? Can yon answer .-even of thesi i ijuiz questions'.' Turn to Page four ; for the correct answers. I. Aleido do tin.-p-Ti i. Hi" Prc ? ' ! which I'.u.opvan govern riu nt ' ' 'A hat i Hi" Word Ilia* mean- a vateitul and al.-o di.-ia.e of the II. Who .aid. alter th- . -ir.iung of tli" lire!;;! atioi 11 hang sop.rule ly i I'.otli the liliine and tile Phone I'lVor- l;i\c then* .'Ulive 111 wlliell eountryV > P< ; r ? t at |e for \ II -II i.i / < lei'inany aie lienie, con.- id< ed .it tic- I'an.; Pence t'onfoiciii ?: telle or false'.' House i : Common- lai a r tha i, mailer than, or the .-ami* a-. lb membership in the I'. S. House of Ih presentativc-'.' C. T. Nethery ? 11 Two Realty Actions Two properties were conveyed by IC. T. Nethery in realty actions at the register of deeds office Satur day. Nethery transferred a lot on Youirj street in South Henderson to Mrs. Annie A. Sprinkle for SH? and other considerations and a lot on Indian.i avenue to I). W Kaucette and wife I for SIO and other considerations. ?COOL? The STEVENSON ;? :i \ v ? ivMoKKiiu Auvenlure and A Intrigue! &lb O'BRIEN | f i|gp^ WARRICK 1-Ule.t ; .111. .i'.IOIl ?c?\ si u.; ? Glenn Thompson T iiti \l\s "Dixie i'lay Boys" i-aimvj; o;-: s.KM N. NS5 T C.VBSIIX la "Rough Riders of Cheyenne" OTtJwS t ... > { ; ji ? V-'-' i .. ?**?<& i m in /"? ucas- ?nr - ? I I'l ri'J TOON ? SMVS 1 in. si:yi:x-i i* noTTi.iNG co of l.ittlrlon. N. r. [ NEED MONEY FOR MARKETING YOUR COTTON AND CORN? Before you can get the money out of your cotton and corn crops, you may r.' ci \ hillc ready money to cov er normal marketing expense. v'/e are mahin? loan;: hcve at the Citizens Bank and Trust Company to provide needed funds for these pur poses, If ycu require ou?- cooperation, come in. We shall be glad to work with you in any *vay we can. ?? Citizens Bank & Trust Co. HENDERSON, N. C. 57 Years Security and Service Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Monroe's Son, 131 p o p E y E / okayvoosTK .ASKED PER IT.") I. ? r > yas, i wants . ' ya to ) sy socl.' (' V v,?" J y !! NOW l\ KNOWS SUMPIN'H ^mattFTT IV?,-V # r7 YRSZ THE K SNEAk/N' to*"**. ?AT SOCKED ^ ME ABOARD ) S^>- J ^ I COULDN SEE I YA, BUT I KNOW5Y BY THE Z at>^ '1. Over Station WHNC Dial S!>0 Now 1(1(10 watts Presented liv DR. SWETT'S ROOT DEER Phone 85 HENDERSON FLOWER SHOP VANfi: IIOTKI. ULUfi. Kntrunrr On Si. BRAKE SERVICE Also Clutch ami Transmission Work No WaUi.ii; ? Immediate Service! EVEREADY CHEVROLET CO. seerfpfants - ftrfi/iiers feeds groceries HOSE SIN a SUPPLY - COMPANY - CO TTON GIN FARM SUPPLIES ??j GOOD SERVICE Prevents BreuL clowns See Us F??r COMPLETE \UTO REPAIR? G Qualilv I'stis Sj-rvirc, !'! Conrti'sy BATTER Y ( lirrk ami lirrl .?xins () <; ???< (ioi>!)vrA!t i t:;i:s i xiDi'. riAT'r: I:II:S SEABOARD GARAGE I'OllM i: V fJAIIM'.TT A. ANDREWS AVE. T1 l? KOIUNSON. Proprietor the Dispatch Uassmea Ads.... It's smart to shop locally and the wise per son uses the Dispatch Classified ads for a ready means to find, buy, rent or sell be cause over 15,000 people read these ads daily. Look through the Dispatch Classified ads to night for services and values .... Let more people know your own wares and services with one of these ads and you'll find more people interested in purchasing them. Join the many satisfied users of Dispatch Classi fied now! Phone 610 Dispatch Advertising Dept.