Day's Leaf Sales Put At 360,000 Lbs. Today's rale on V.te Henderson to bacco market were estimated by Ul?<ys \\". l-.itt. sales supervisor, at atitl.UUI) pi .1111':. and an average of 42 to 415 cent? per pound. Offerings continued heavy, and sides lasted Tor the full three hours lor eaeh < T the two sets of buyers, or a total of .-ix hours of selling time. Quality < !' the leaf was still very poor in many piles on sale, and this accounted tor the low average. Prices are expected to rise s'imply when the better grades begin to n a lie their appearance on warehouse floors. Official ligurcs by llritt today showed Wednesday's sale at BO 1 .tall pi uittds. which brought St55.0-ta.Bl for iitt average of $!l per hun dred pounds. A lift For Today He went up into a mountain apart to pray.?Matthew 14:23. THE OMNIPOTENT CHHIST | still rules the world, and will brim: peace and victory t;> all who strive i to overcome e\ il. Prayer will brim; peace and healing in s<>nI and body. { We thank Thee. () l.ord. for the j assurance of Tliy savins: presence ! and the privilege of cumins to Thee j in prayer. AROUND TOWN j PAYS FINE Joel T. Cheatham. Jr.. paid a fine of $1 at the city clerk's office yes terday for violation of a traffic reg ulation. Teague Home From : j Postmaster Meet I In Miami, Florida, j Narth Carolina was prominent in I activities at the annual convention | ? ol die National Association u! Post-j mastirs in Miami. Flu., last week, j and the postmasters heard an ad i dress by Postmaster General Hubert I Hunncgun. Dcinucrulic National | chairn-.-ai as a highlight of their J ir.cctilig. Postmaster ,1. It. Tcugue of Henderson .-aid today alter ins I return I runt the gathering. ILimcgan told tire postmasters tin re are two virtue- seriously lucking, and which were lust during the war. and these are courtesy and service. lie told the postmasters that jo far as the postal service is em.' erned. lie was not only re quest but demanding that these qualities be restored in.mediately. Mr. Tcugue served on tiie nom inating committee >f the conven ti< ii, and the North Carolina dele gation succeeded in electing Miss Pearl l.inville. postmaster at Oak Itidge. a- !'i urtli v iee-president. an j ? ft ice which usually goes to a wom an. Josi ;.h F. Conrad, of Scranton, Pa., was elected president tor the eonting year, and l.os Ar.geh was si In te l "as tile place b>r the P.I47 national eanvention. Various members of the N> rth Carolina delegation were pr? minetit in entertainment Icature- arrange ij for the evening progran ? during | the convent ion. Zcb \ mice Meets kinton Fork In Finals Plav-Off * Zeb Vance and Kinton Fork will j meet Saturday in Oxford in the I third and deciding game of the semi- 1 final playoff. Zc'j Vat ? j wan (>-0 in the first , game and a 2-2 tie was played last j \\Ydne> lav. the can e being called . i :i account of darkness. Kinton ! Fork wan 5-1 Saturday when the i Zi.b Vance defense blew wide e;ien | to allow fear unearned run.-. An it her pit in r's baltl" is <et !?/. j tittl iv. with .Irtie Klliugton or i.i fly Shearin of Z. > i .clos ing Guthrie Watson. Kllingten has cctt tit with siikness. but is re t'.v.l t'' X ready for play now. At a ivvtitcz i' tiv mant'Ker and >re- tit I t nigiit. it was voted to ? rn the .. ?> renifts t; n la?t Sat urday's ' ? . tr to Turner Cot ire!!. t K:n" >:i Fork, who broke 'its iiiin in a ?> me olayea tit Zt ; two weeks ago. MRS. DAVID COOPER BURIED IN ELMWOOD j (*? 'mmit!;il services were held at I ;he graveside .11 IJmwood cemetery , 'his morning !<>r Mrs Virginia Furcy j Cooper, wife of Dr. David A. Cooper, j if Wynncwond. Pn., who died at Bryn Mavvr hospital in Bryn Maw I Fa., early Tuesday. P. Andrew Mulch, pastor of Bryi I Mav.r Presbyterian church, conduct ?d the services, assisted by Uev. \V. i D Melunis. pastor of the First Pros- | >ytcrinn church here. I allboarcrs wore George A. Itoso. | ? r.. ! ?. Boyd Kimball. John Boddie | 'riuiiip. Bennett II. Perry. John II -ilk-offer and P: vid Cooper. Many floral designs were offered ' ?1 tribute. . Get Welcome Relief From Stomach Gas, Sour Food Taste Do you feel bloated and miserable aftox ?very meal? If so. here Is how you may rid yourself of this nervous distress Thousands have found It the way to be well, cheerful and happy again. Everytlmc food enters the stomach a vital gastric Juice must flow normally to break-up certain food particles: else the food may ferment Sour food, acid indi gestion and gas frequently cause u mor bid. touchy, fretful, peevish, nervous condition, loss of appetite, underweight, restless sleep, weakness. To get real relief you must Increase the flow of this vital gastric Jdtco. Medi cal authorities. In independent labora tory tests on human stomachs, have by I positive proof shown that SSS Tonic Is j amazingly effective In increasing this . flow when it is too little or scanty due : to a non-organic stomach disturbance. This Is due to the SSS Tonic formula which contains special and potent acti vating ingredients. Also. SSS Tonic helps bu!Id-up non organic. weak, watery blood 111 nutrl- i tlonal anemia?so with a good flow of this gastric digestive juice, plus rich red blood you should eat better, sleep better feel better, work better, play better Avoid punishing yourself with over doses of soda and other alkalizcrs tc counteract gas and bloating when what you so dearly need Is SSS Tonic to help you digest food for body strength and repair Don't wait! Join the host of happy people SSS Tonic has helped Millions of bottles sold (?et a bottl" of SSS Tonic from your drug store today SSS Tonic helps Build Sturdy Health. HEADACHES-NEURALGIA Eased Quickly Wi7/t BC -n^um^uiK neauuciie.s ami an noying neuralgic pains usual ly yield in a hurry to the quick-acting ingredients in the "BC" formula. "BC" is also effective for the relief of mu.scuiur acnes anu lunction- 1 al periodic pains. Be prepar- i ed. Keep a 10c or 25c package handy. Caution: Use only as 1 directed. Consult a physician when pains persist. I HEATwa WOOD I ^OUMulbCiJjt WOOD BURNER ? ENJOY 24-HOUR CONTROLLED HEAT^ ? BUILD BUT ONE FIRE A SEASON? ^ No Fires to Build On Cold Mornings ^ ? REMOVE ASHES ON AVERAGE OF ONLY 3 TIMES MONTHLY < I Insist on the Downdrolt ASHLEY?it's PATENTED. This thcrmosfoti? cotly controlled wood burning heater saves up to 50?o and more on luel costs, write many Ashley users. Clcon, less soot ond dirt. Over 3,500 retailed in one city and trading area?truly o sensation. Now in our 16th year. See your locol Ashley dealer today or write lor his name. ASHLEY AUTOMATIC WOOD STOVE COMPANY Columbio, S. C. J JUST RECEIVED! AERO CYANAMID ?For? WEED CONTROL IN PLANT BEDS ROSE GIN & SUPPLY COMPANY ?m*' , * * * * * * * * * * * ? ? * * ? * ? * * * * * * * * * * * * 2 o t? o uj CO CO 5 H 2 UJ a: o H co uj a; D H 2 aj D t-u H CO UJ O a: < -i * * * * * * * * * * * * 2 O ??< H 0 uj CO CO 1 f? 2 UJ as O H CO UJ as D H 2 OS ij U, ? 0 as < ?J * * * * * * * * * * * 1 * * * * * j ***** LARGEST FURNITURE STORE IN THIS SECTION ++++++++# -K J * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * J * * * * * * * * * * * r > ?o O E H *T1 JO z H C ?o m m H O ?o m z H E U) in m n H O z n * * * * * * * * * , * ' * r* > *> o fe H ?*1 S z H C ?o pi O 1 * IS H X a , cw pi o H O . 2 * * * * X >' X * >? >? )? >? J' )' )? )? J 3 . )' kiti LARGEST FURNITURE STORE IN THIS SECTION < Si@liiiiiJiKf&y AGAIN, WE SAY "WELCOME" TO OUR FARMER FRIENDS. This is the fifth year \v? have eelocl you with a hearty welcome and hello. Each year our many friends increase by leap; aii-.l bounds, and our sincerity increases with each ens. We are proud of our fiiend ship, ar.; equally as proud to invite your visit again. We have prepared greater values for you . . . and as great an assortment of good furniture as conditions permit. We wish you top-prices as you sell in Henderson, and we cordially invite you to visit us for any furniture need. BABY CRIBS Better quality, better made cribs with drop sides and handsome ^^?naniol finish. > , $21-75 if STURDY PLAY PENS r, 7- r Y' --? Riidil looking, well j n: ailf ;i ml nicely j linishcd. Folds 1 rcmpactly. $13-50 QUALITY HIGH CHAIRS Several models for your . ; !. ( '4:011. All i II c 1 11 rt e feeding trays. So useful and practical. $8-75 3-Piece living room suites See our attractive selection of suits in choice covers and colors to add cluunii? and comfort to your living rooms. Well-made, spiing filled, in a variety of styles. $139-50 (!|, Athens Overnight HEATERS Remarkably efficient. Hums from the hotti m lip to produce a larjro vohim?> of heat?to satisfactorily heat ! to o rooms. I'ses oiie-lhinl less real. Holds 100 lbs. of coal. P $61-so m Also A Selection Of Cabinet Type Circulators ^ ||| ( . 3-PIECE BEDROOM SUITE Blond finish to add sparkle to your bedroom. Hound / /tfl mirror on vanity. tri* i. ar."je Variety Of r LAMPS 'K Boudoir Lamps ? T able Lamps tfr i ioor Lamps All Styles And Sizes $2.90 RCLL-AWAY BEDS $35.05 LARGE SELECTION SOFA BEDS $79.50 UTILITY KITCHEN CABINETS $4?.50 5-Pc. Porcelain Top Table . . . A fine si t ? Sturdy and smart with law porce lain lop table and chronic letfs. (' h a i r seats and hack ii p h o I si .? r e<1 in leatherette. $82-85 I Discount hor Linsh?UUMFLETE HOME FURNISHINGS ? Easy Terms I YANCE FURNITURE CO. Occupying 5 Floors of Industrial Bank Building Phone 182 HEAT WITH WOOD SAVE FUEL BUILD BUT ^ ONE FIRE A SEASON 24 MM rCONTINOOUS HEAT R?moT? AiWi ota avira|? S tin** mo ii I My ? ma mi AUTOMATIC, SLOW BURNING DOWNDRAFT WOODBURNEt $32.oo T? $61.50 .

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