V*nittr?m Baflij Biapotrlfj Established August 12, 1914 Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by HENDERSON DISPATCH CO., INC. 109 Young Street HENRY A. DENNIS. Pres. and Editor M. L. PINCH, Sec.-Treas., litis. Mgr. TELEPHONES Editorial Office 500 Business Offices 610 The Henderson Daily Dispatch is a j member of The Associated l'ress and AP features. Southern Newspaper | Publishers Association and the North ; Carolina Press Association. The Associated Press is exclusively 1 entitled to use for republication all news dispatches credited to or not other w ise credited in this paper, and also the local news published therein. All rights of publication of special dispatches herein are reserved. St ItSl It I PI ION KATES CARRIER DELIVERY in City ot Henderson. Payable to Carrier or direct to office at 20c per Calendar Week. No monthly or other rate is made. MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS. Payable in 1 advance. One year $6.00, 6 months 52.00, 3 months $2.00?1'er Copy do. j Entered at the post office in Hender son, N. C., as second class mail matter. Ye are all the children of light, and tile children of tiie day; we are not of tin night, nor of darkness.? I Thcss. ?> .V Bowles Loses Again Che -c: flow It's is a poor politician He ma.v be ^ very able man. ami wo think probably ho is. But ho made too many enemies as ? >1'A ' director to get far in polities as a choice ?! tiio people I'liat was dem onstrated in his bill for the Dent- j oeratio t: ibo notorial nomination in Connecticut. lie got oonsiderable support, but it tell far short of the hoooss.il> strength to ijivo him the tit le. A Ions with a lot of misfits, thoie were and cv a good many oapablo rnon ;it government positions. But we wonder if the nose thumb ing ?? a's vetted in Connecticut i: a fair sample of the people's at titudc toward the bureaucrats who are among Washington's army ot cliff dwellers. There is belief that a lot of the It. rdboi'.od swivel chair sitters ill the national capital would be given lite boot as Bowles was if the tolks over whom they have ruled had an op portunity to >peak tneii mind. Bow les lost the nomination because the convention thought the man who finally won could command more voter at the November polls. That, to pip n another way. is the same > t : iiic people wanted no more oI the hnth-hal stuff that has bee.i imp eil upon them these many ' >? \ ot a the others might lea *, i ' two as to their popularity 11 opportunity were given for the . ai I.!* ot Americans to ???< | ' ? ? iitnnents We can think ot :omv whose names we wish we 1 rt lib : iei ? ;. a ballot, come electi ill day. Learning From U. S. (>i; .1 .-lit visit in tins country. .1 group of four Czechoslovak inn jour 11,11 l.-t; stopped sit tile hllfte TV A devt : .(>? i-nt 111 Tennessee iitifl West fin .1 tii Carolina, ami while 111 Kiinwille said they had put TVA (>n ti i 1 list of points to see because they considered it the most nearly ??socialized" project in tins country. They sittd they hoped "to learn loiu ii during our visit here that will lie id interest and help to Czecho slovakia." ' Fancy that, will you? Here sire F.uropeans. where communism was hatched an i ,_ot its start, and where 11 is sweeping one country after an other today, coming to the I niled States to learn something about 'socialism it any one could wish evi dence of how far tins ideology has jiilegrated ilself into the fibre of the ?American economy this incident should suffice to that end. In sin adder's- t' Nortlt Carolina member- and prospective members of the National Association of Msiini isu'turci: si * Greensboro last week. Ilnleomhe Paikes. ?of New York, vice-president in charge of public relations of thsit orgsinizsition. de clsired the basic issue facing Hits country today is that of collectivism against in lividual or private enter prise " He emphasized fiiat the cur rent drift to the left would ultimate ly. if not halted, result in some fortn ol stale control of business in America This may not be generally iccngnized now. but it would def jnitely be the logical outcome of present trends, and in the end would lie far worse for the country sis a whole, including manufacturers and Workers alike, than anything we hsivc or have had. II would stifle Initiative and ambition, sis govern ment meddling already has done to a considerable extent. NAM is preparing In launch a 'campaign to soli the country on the Idea ^f private enterprise. The move ment is ft belftted one, nnd mucn more ground will have to be retraced and covered now than would have baan had industry not baan so timid. % < HENRY! <4 HENRVY'X WALLACE^ " " and the tight to exist. Congress ha listened so long and so attentively, and with so much downright t'eai. to so many blocs and pressure ? gioups that .1 seems at times to have concluded that these are Anient i itself and that there are no other j people in this country. Certainly 1 there are others, hi it there won't be for long unless they make their m flucnrc lelt m a manner that will command the respect of those ? n i authority. ! Others' Views AI It. KIM SAM. ANSWKItS. To The Kdft.tr: i 1 am writing to ask yon to Rive me spa; v a ho wrote the reply to m> article in last Saturday's Dis patch signerl i>v live teen-agers. tint i I want to say 'hat I wasn't cnt i ici/niR tliem hut it was written tor! the grown pei pie who were span- j soring and ehnperonittR the exor- j clses My reference to the ABC" store as one of the evils of our ?? wn which I spoke ot had no connection with j j the Drop-In club. I didn't know that I , yon all even sold cold drinks until! you said so ill your article. What I I said about card playing was another evil I was condemning which I j I didn't kin .v yon all were engaging' dn until I read yonr article. Youj spoke about ? hildren not attending | Sunday school and cave as the rea- \ ? son Ilia ttheir parents lacked in-1 i teres! in church I didn't speak of their not cming but only that , the dances on Saturday nights unfit- j ted those that came for real worship | Sunday morning. 1 understand lots | of oar Baptist b< vs and girls are | attending your dances and also our | grown-up;, all of which I was afraid j of. When they built the Parish | House I thought it was to he an I addition to the church in which ( ? Answer from 19. Custom 31. Put off 4(". Compass 14 Temper 21. Like 37. Number point 16 Sloth 22. Father 38. Birds, as (abbr.) 17. Jeered at 25. Behold! a class 41. Moisture 2?. Pots for tea 23 Literary "pry*;?r?n?p?P7Wr?r;?r, a y>>\ composition /VS, 6/s Yvw 24 Out loud <66-, 29 Swallow 66 664 66 greedily 46- 46 31. Wrap up. as 66 66 66 in bandages 66 - 66 35. Music note 66 66 66 36 River i Fr > ^ 66 66k 6666 37. Exhibition 66 '66 35 Ceremony - 4^4^ 67? 77?, 67? V7? ,L2""' ^_1111 .. li ///y r-? i'' ib n io 42 Taradtse 66 43. Evenings __ __ 7/6 XSn III 11LZQI It Wither * " ? l*v 15 Compass 6Z. 76k point 56 76X66 44 " ia DOWN 761 1. Unskilled 6y WW ^ laborers 66, 6/6, (China) 41 Y66,?? 66 2 Monster 66 66 66 3 Not alive 47," VZZ" 66 4. Lamprey Y66\ Y66 66, 9i? CRVPTOQUOTF.?A cryptogram quotation N L II L L Y H CD N W Q L E S I) J S C N L JDGRT X A VSCBVCVDS ? ZDZL. Yesterday's Cryptoquote: NO BEAST SO FIERCE BUT KNOWS SOME TOUCH OK PITY?SHAKESPEARE. Distributed by Kins Features Syndicate, Inc. prayer" and you ail have made i; a house of wickedness? When they were planning to build ? he Baptist church they were to iave in the basement a swimming pool and shower baths as recrca\n for the !>' vs and young men <>? the church :>iit alter giving it serious consideration they decided it vv add cause too much of a frolic and disre spect for the church so they used the space for what is now the wom en's parlor in which religious serv ices are conducted win .1 I think was a very wise tiling to do. Christians should guaid their in fluence. Once a man and his wife were attending a fine revival and on the way home she wanted to know why he didn't go up and give his heart to the laud and when they got home he got a piece of papci and pencil and began to write on it thus: I dance and so do you. I play cards and so do you. I go ti.* thea tres and so do you. and mentioned several things he did and she was guilty of doing all of them. So she decided to give them all up and it j wasn't very long before he came' into the church. Christ paid. "Straight is the gate and narrow is \ the way that Icadeth to Life and' few there lie thai find it." and on j the other hand He said. "Wide is the gale and bread is the way that Icad eth to destruction and many there be that go in thereat." W. II KIMBALL. Henderson. GRAB BAG One-Minute Tent. 1. What Is a fresco painting'.' 2. Where are the following world- I renowned objects: the Pantheon, the I Partheonom and Colosseum? 3. What modern painter's Tahit- ' ! Kin subjects III., iii In in fame'.' Word:- of Wisdom. A rich mnn without charily is a rogue: and pcrhap* it would be no difficult matter in prove Unit he is also a fool. Kidding. Today's Horoscope. If you arc celebrating a birthday | today, you arc ambitious, energetic ami a hard. n i. cicntiolis worker. You help those di a- 1 i you even at the cost of your physical well being. You are careful and accurate, dis creet and somewhat fastidious. You love music and literature, and make an interesting conversationalist. You are also loving and kind, and will be contented Head a book of poetrv or an inspiring biography today. Hays of friendship brighten the day. so be cheerful and make some plans for a social event. Your mind will respond with alertness to the pres ent aspect Solve problems, tackle chores. Mercury enters Libra at fl:.T? a. m. One-Minute Test Answers 1. Pictures painted on freshly spread plaster before it dne 2. I. in Home; Athens; Home. .1 Paul Gaugiiim. ANSWEK5 TO DAILY QUIZ 1 Ixiekheed Constellations. 2 Captain. 3. Itonrik Itven. 4. Russia. Beethoven was deaf; llarh was blind. 0. Col. Edward Riley Bradley. 7. William Caxton. 8. Brazil. 9. Mountain Time Zone. 10. On th< island of Corsica. Accidents killed more persons ? 11 to 27 years of age in ISM-i than any | disease, reports the National Safety i For Prompt, Courteous TAXI SERVICE PHONE 201 Day and. Night Service POOLE'S CABS ? All Form of Insurance Real Estate Bought & Sold Property Management Home Financing ? AL. B. WESTER McCoin Hide. Phone 139 i AMERICAN PALMIST This is her lirst visit to this city. You will flnJ k.. ? perior to any palmist you have consulted. FOR WHITE OK COLORED. .Madam will tell your past, present and futurr. she will tell you whether husband, wife or sweetheart is true or false. How to rain the' love of anyone you most desire. Control or influence the actions of anyone, even miles away, tell of absent friends, whether living or dead. She fives never fail ing' advice on all matters of life, such as love, court ship. marriage, divorce, business, law suits, specula lions ami transactions of all kinds. She never fails to re - ? ?"i>py marriages, overcome enemies, rival and lovers' quarrels, evil habits, stumbling blocks ami bad lurk or all kinds. She lifts you out of sorrow and trou ble and starts you on the path to happiness and prosperity. If unhappy or discouraged and a failure in love or business, this message is for you. Since a child Madam has been gifted with a strange and mysterious power, and not only tells you these things, but can help you. Von will find this place moral and not to be classed with Gypsies. She advises the most skeptical to come and give her a trial. Guaranteed satisfaction. Fee in reach or all. Office Located In Trailer Coach On Oxford Highway 158. ij-Mlic Be voiul City Limits Of Henderson. N. C. Hours: 9 A. M. To 9:30 I*. M. It Pays To Advertise! HEARTY FOOiCS fori Hearty Days! 9 WujKmmj V jJJ^ Cool September days sharpen appetites . . . and that's ? B filllllllw wJ _?1))DJJ]J)J)J w^on hearty meals arc in order. The place to plan them W; ?SBr WWim '3 at vour A & P. for A & P features wide selections ' L of delicious, nourishing foods that make ideal autumn !? dishes. What's more, they're all marked with sensible 11 - i' . t prices to please your purse. Come in today and select f your favorite makings. You'll agree that for quality ... as well as economy ... it pays to shop at A & P! " ? ??= - i Lj Fruits And Vegetables WHITK SF.F.PLKSS 2 I.BS. | i GRAPES 29c oRKCiON FHKSt! 2 LBS. PRUNES 35c FRESH FULL OF MILK COCONUTS . . Lb. 15c CALIFORNIA 2 LBS. CANTALOUPES . . 25c ! i:I'Sii (;I;;"! x : 11;!r:.; 2 Li;s. BEANS 25c i 1 cal. babtlktt 2 lbs. PEARS 25c TlloSK BONOM 4 lbs. APPLES 29c iionky di-av MELONS ... Lb. 9c wkll blb.viiko 2 stalks CELERY 15c r. s :??< >. 1 wm ri; 10 l.b bag POTATOES .... 32c ??, i SUNNYHKLD KOLLED OATS -11c I'.KSTKX 1*7 I XI ?l II JUICE 18' I.IIIIIY'S DEVILED HAM a 14c HRANDYWINE SLICED MUSHROOM . . . a 41c STANDARD QUALITY PEAS ..... 2 s?? 25c A NATIONAL FAVORITE NECTAR TEA . . - 34c XEI.LOGO'S CORN FLAKES . . a 7c ?????????^? , A&P GOLDEN CORN N?. 2 I,K i'NPKAI.KD APRICOTS x;-,r= 27c STOIIK IIOUHS: M()N. 11:30 A. M. TO. G P. M. Tl'KS. 8:30 A. M. TO G P. M. WEI). 8:30 A. M. TO I P. M. TllUlt. 8:30 A. M. TO 0 P. M. Fill. 8:3ft A. M. TO fi P. M. SAT 8:30 A. M. TO 7 P. M. WHITEHOUSE EVAP. MILK ... 2 ~ 23> Occasionally you may finrt sonic Item 1 %c n'lvcrtisc ?hort in mpply or t?.m r