Henderson Batltj Bispatt\\ thirty-third year '^iKKAssVH"A1yi?V;;!:!ssr Henderson. n. c., Saturday afternoon, September 21,1941; n-twt-,...kvvwv. okntk copy Helicopters At Wreckage Of Aircraft Two Transports Carry Machines To Ganrier Base Hauler Aii|mhI. Newfoundland. Sept. -Ii.l'l?Tlu? army Sky masters ] t.ich ? :ui>n?;; a eoa.it guard Iwlk'iip ti K.irl -?l ill I! Ill'lcr base today loi . ti attempt lu rescue IIS survivors in.ii.Minod ;it the wreckage el ;i P.cl 1..1111 airliner in llw wiidorcnss 22 nidi", I mm thi.s base. The fit si tr?iw|Mirl nrriml Innn th?' ? S. al Hull a in. i ..t, tit** sit* .ml ill in null's later. Workmen tnt mediately ber.iin unloading the dis lli; lit I'll ilOlillijili'l -o til en Un IH' 11". 'i'iI tin' the hazardous' pick-up hi ,!i" survivors, i i ni w.iinii t.ii, iiijuinl .ciii'?i>ly. I.i Angus! Kclish. Cincinnati. t?.. i lie nl the two con? I Riia.il helicop 1,1 11.1 it.i will! arrived Willi tl'.e ' Iran-|hii I*. said it wnulil Sake ;il li ,i-i eight hour.* tn assemble a I '.me. 'I lie other helicoptei pilot w:;. i.i Waiter Boltc.ii. Milton. Mas*. 'In I.ami On I'latcau. Kleish raid the machine probably (??ilk! he landed on a small plateau about a quarter of a mile front the crash. Previously n plan to hover over the survivors' vamp in II ?? dense wilderness and lift them by emergency litters and hoists ha I bei n considered. The helicopters, with mechanics, weie flown from New York and K.hzabeth City. N. C. Ctimmamler Kran's Krieson ;ei l Lt. Stuart Crnhnm, attached to th ? ina t guard station :il Fli/abeth City, are to pdot the helicopters. lit.' pilots linlil tile No. I and No. I helicopters licenses in the United Stales. Meanwhile, a eon i guard fly in 4 do.it look off for the scene to drop a small p. wer plant, two lood lights, sanitary equipment, splints and crutches. The latter items indicated some of the survivors had broker, arms or legs in the crash of the Salieiia aininei Wednesday morn ing. A H-man U. S. army rescue team was ministering to th.- group of sur- , vivors which crushed in a f?g be- ' fore (lawn Wednesday. 22 miles from fiande*' airpoil. Sirewn amim i the victims were the Im?iics of 2*5 pci'M?!i- killed outright in the crash. Old Belt Tob acco Markets To Open For Year Monday Itv The .AtHortalrtl Pr^s. I ? ?? l!> lit'iiiri'o in triu-ts i?l Ihc Vn ::m i jiikI North t'iirolpi i Old I'i 't .11 < iten Y.utility 'u:- ilu- llilti Ml ? I .IS 'II. 1 ? Xmlh C'.ir'lin.i I>o].;ii'tHH'iit \;iii'iiliiirc pi. irlcil i >y tluit i pi :nr |:rolii;vf} the world s Ini'KPhl. II! ot its sub- i sidnnes and lti of its officers were convicted today of violating Fed-1 end anti-trust law. The defendants, including John A and Cio?ri!e I.. Hartford, chiefs of :ii itiitK n-wiite network ot retail oul-j hts and affiliated operations, were' touiul guilty by Federal Judge Wat- , tee C. Landtcy on b.?ih counts of a ' criminal information. They were found to have conspir ed to restrain tiade in (and prod ucts and "to nioiio|Hi|i/.e a sub.tan- ' tia) part of such products in inter state commerce." Penalty Is 85,000 Fine. Tit" maximum penalty for each defendant would Ik* a Sli.WKi fine . nd mie year prison sciitcnrc on oacn of the two eoimls. A. ami P. immediately iinnoiineed it would appeal, saying "we cannot i nnceive ol this decision boms up held by any appellate court for wc ItIiovi it to be in direct eonfltcl with the fi.cts in the ea.e and the Utter and spirit ot the Sherman Nnii- liiM Act." Judge I and Icy' ? ruling, in a 117 page opinion, climaxed one of the longed and most complicated fed eral c?uit trials on record The trial liegan .'vpiil III, IMS. twice was re rc?ol atal taken under adviseiivnt without a jury on April ??. 194(5. Th-.* bearing consumed 22 weeks. HIGHWAYS IN N. C. DAMAGED BY RAINS Raleigh. Sept. 21.? i.-P> ?Heavy rain storms In eastern North Car > 11nil diiiiiig the past three days washed out sevoial roads and mini dated others, rendering them tin pa- il>le . nd < atising thousands ot dell.ii damage, the State Htghwav t'oininis-ion reported today. The Wilmington area, w.as hit by heave ; .pi slorm We'litestlay. and apprnximr.teljr eight Inches of rsttt fell in IB hours. Dairy Products To Remain Free Of Price Curbs Washington. Sept. "21.?tAI'i? Dairy products Weill llicir way in a free market today, but with I utter and cheese prices unriqpa wary eye of the pri.-c decontrol hoard. In announcing a derision not to rcimpnsc ceilings now, the hoard declared it would main tain u%lrh(ulnru over the dairy prirc trend and stay ready for any action which might he nec essary. A hoard official to! 1 report ers chrrse and latter are the 'Sore spots" ( hairman Roy I,. Thompson had in mini) last night when he said prires are approaching the "rrilrial point" Need A Nice Big Boat For Fishing? Warship For Sale Honolulu, Sept. 1!;. -oVi 1 lie bat tleship Oklali 'ina is toing to i?e .sold neross tlie ei.miter for recap. Til- viii'Table fighting lady, sunk during tin? I'carl llarlmv .itt.uk und raised Monet two yea.'s later, wilt l,e sold ";.s anil when' i Ailm I'liestor \V. Noilit/. ha- advised Viiv Ailm. Oscar Itaducr. i?i.:uiiiaml?>r the Servirr Force: of the Pacific Fleet. The Oklahoma now i> lieitlieil it i'carl llarlmr. She will !>? ai'verlis etl in Hawaii i.ud mi the mainland as for sale. Weather FOR NORTH CAROLINA. Clear In partly cloudy and slightly warmer tonight. Con tinued moderately warm Sun day. Broad Plan For Europe Is Outlined Proposals Made To Aid Reconstruction Of War-Tori; Areas i kihiti v, n v.. !'? 21. t/1% j A I 111???I ?iiitiiissiou ? ?II ll>" lit iM-tilic I' II I rut'! lull nl ' ?leva I'd'al i". |><.p*?v?.| today .? breed pro;*raui iIimiiiiiiI pill wiir iimii kuii'c' llill'k I'll ii: o*t*l ill iii help formula! ? :i Imi >, range* Euro livi.tl ? i* it one |i|;ui iitipi'rcjdcllivl n . c*i?*. 'iii - pr.-tminis \v'f contain *d in .1 ' ISO-pane ri|i*irl which detailed tin lemur n ii Ii'kuis In Europe an? t iiii Ik* coni|>Vlc*d. A .i imil;i ? | it'lkiil 1.11 .-Via will Ik- ready next spring. Emerging liapitlly. 'Hi * sub-commisviun Inuiul thai , Europe is niiL'i'Kiii* rapidly from , the period of devastation, largely . clue to the help of I'N'ltRA. but that - most countries still have serious , shortages in food, fuel, housing, manjmwor and raw malcrinla. And, that finunriiil assistance is hadl.v needed to restore industry and in ternational trade to a normal level. Chief proposals y the fnmi'/ I .-'.octnr. Dr. I*. \V. It ?n.ird. who toil i uvosl ignlors that Iter death may ' ; have been caused by an accidentia! : overdose of sleeping pills. j Truman Praised 1 In Wallace Case By James Farley I'aris. Sept. 2!. iA'i .lames A. al ley. foinier II. S. poMiunM ?? .ciicral, ism led a rljiteiuenl here to !a.v congratulating President Tiu ntin cm having asked for the rcstg latinn of Secretary ??f Commerce Henry Wallace and declaring that it vould have* been "disastrous" for the President "to have eh ne other wise." UNRRA Ship: in Unique Reli Wa.liin ton tW'llllA icliel ship- | ;?t!fI 11 ? l'i I'll- \\ .ll?l> Ilirut-N'. nr.i ? I miii.[i.i in' i.-fliin- slitj iiine -JN'l?illll>ll. I ?i l> !-??>>? (icm-lill K II .{?(Sunt tiii ri iil>. 'I'ii liali' UNHIIA ins >l.i, pi- I ti ire tIi:in I!! millii n nil:; ill n-lii . Mi'iplic:.. valued ill iIn | I .vi iil'in i ilnliir I i iiV>c*r.iX?*n'v i. wVn one mn 'ifi t -(!? ? h < crown tip in the pare of little tr ire than a year, and that it was first undertaken when a large imrt of the world was still in the crip of war. When t'NUHA's first foil relief ship sailed in March. 1045. the seas were battle fields, he explained. Waters were mined, channels and harbors were silted and hi irked by wrecked and limrfied ships, and ves sels had to travel in convoy under strides! wartime secrecy. There was an acute shortace of ships, anil shlppinc < rgani/ntiuns thrnieho'it the World were dtsrti ti ed. With war's upheaval and field ing. the \ ari is ships' MOfltl had no employes t>- hiishnnd their ships. As a result. UNRRA hnd to create its shipping '>rcatii7.ation and ivo ehinerv evn while sendinc supplies. I Dtl.VinR, discharging. warchnttifni | ?all had to t>e done by I'NIttlA. Today. UN It ft A erpjili vs hundreds of port officers, warehousemen and ship workers in the various foreign j ports. Although UNRRA has had to lake hurdle alter hurdle in its shipping operations, th rflov of relit f supplies TO REPLACE CARRIER 'FDR' IN EUROPEAN WATERS iiv ? dc<;trovrr effort Is the aircraft carrier Rimrfol/ih which will IEAVINO NIW YORK BAY nccoirp-European waters. The Randolph Is ? veteran of niany engage* relieve the carrier franklin D. Ro ^ RoostPtU to Greek waters following lb* plebiscite in that ment. in the Pacific The -C?urtcsy c?ll of tne ? y,, Um# ot ^ vl#it (inlcrnettonal) country was the subject of much discussion wr in. * IT SHOULD HAPPEN TO YOUR DOG MOST DOCS, IIKE HUMANS, like lo "dress up." Anil these photr.% taken to remind you of National Dos Week. Sept. 22 to 2", show how you can make your pet the proudest canine on the block. "Kidn," who has more varied ancestors than fleas, shows in these before and after photos what a bath, a brushing and a fancy ribbon can accomplish. (International) Greek Case Dropped By Security Council CIO Sailors End Strike At New York : alarmim: > Ik .si* .liffi. llllu - v i> !!??? w irld-wiilo tin 11 ; h rtiiK'* which developed early lii?> year, vet find has been the nia ?r Hi nt shippiil - illy la.t M.ircl. liil in ii shipment.* stint itiii ii a Inwii in volume. Itanltiht; items in ?llide nidm-itl supplies. vinthiltR. li? lilhilitlltinil in.iti'l l.ils. cult le iillll uiirr.als. These are over-all Roncrnl enm iiii lily tcrtiv. the director Ronei il vtr.'.h.'si/.eil. \cUtnlly. each carpi includes literally hundredsiI iic:r>s. raiiiMi.! Irnm wheat and dried meat 'o DDT powder and safety pins, from tractors and machinery ta bull '.o/crs and 200-ton tugs. The f> Mowing countries have re ceived UXRHA supplies: Albania Austria. Byelorussian S. S. R . China Czechoslovakia. I> ?docanc-c Islands Finland. Oiwrc. Hungary. Italy. Ko rea. rhili; pines. Poland. Ukrainian S. f? It.. Yurtnlsvis. Situation Remains Under Surveillance Of Secretary Lie I-ike SlKuia, V. Sept. It,.?(,l?i Rc,: .tried rhoolittg in,'iiivnl.< along the northern Greek tivntier remained i.iKltr siirvcillamv nl the United Xa : tMills today despite Russia's v eto of an Am; ricun projn at m the Secur ity Coi ncil for .ai on the ; j??t in vestigation. I Tire suggestion ? : I casing con i tiiK.i.i attention . :i tin* ttovi tied Bal i kun situate n was made in an vm preccnentd move t>y Svcrctary Gcncral Trygve Lie lost night, when the council rejected lo.ir proposals arising ir. ti the hoviit LTv.aino's no 'illation against Greece. The rejection had the effort ol <|ii?ishni(< the Ukrainian charges that Greece, with Itriti. i backing. was , mtiiiciiig peace >i.\ la A. .anion 1 frmitirr. iiimI ilwv i-roV ;l lie ns of Int.nig di a.e i.. tin | M > -1 three weeks. I Ih never Lie's "tatrniont ? thai I ho was reserving the right, under the l". X. charter, to investigate and report on any matter which he i deemed a threat to inlet national ! peace and see ndty moved So viet Ivies.i'e Andrei Gin ttv'sn, the niiiitcd' ? .tairman. to tie.a 1; that le thought the si rei.n y- oeu nil was "peifvrtly ri at" in taisint; the I (pillion. ti tut: in n.mii (IX GRIT K Vll.l.u r. Athens. Se t -I -MN T'lie Min isfrv of Public Ord r said i day I? Iter.otts ;vcre killed when the vill .gr /irmiyro; <111- \vn ; ? tot in its third lilt r't liv t.efii' hands -.villain the past tv. > wick Tito dead included 15 i? i|~ t 1 iwn .'?llicvs. tli" ;inriii!iuT?.i; 1 ... 1. itonxs stitik? t>. L \nic>. fi 1 SI i-. A I tie ? H Mm run! . hit . ml little Ill union tt'.lje flij: Mi!. In i.av IiiiI . i the bin it .?!?: ? *i i re ah -t I hi- tin- tliir I v I. ii. 11 ; (* ? I ? 11 ii - nin's t.i. u.-.iir!.! of t un i ' tu inn: lilt" t!i.- lew st-iits it;.i :? it .- -tile tnr liiiiri'nii-.iT.- .-it i-i niti-r joints. Xewest simi.itinii- to union n Irnct*. raid n rpnkcMMin for li.ntH striliintt \KI. (" ;!ii e.v V. ri.i-i. an< Bartenders. Included Rtarl CnrmU'i 'I ii'iitir lU-laui lit timl l?i ? I'lin.? en's, .in ev.'lusivo Deverly Mill., cafe. ^ t n truck driven by Frank Council, a Nem o. SEES MOTHER. Wash i ;tnn. St pt 1!!. !*? i?? tin* ctfh Ileal illno'v ;?? rr. Hi. l.enn I.. Pratt. H.A.Wallace To Continue His Tight' Cunyrcss Members Ask Two Questions After Resignation V.'.i li .1; i ? i. 2!. Henry A. prune eiti/en. t new ? ?v. ii i'm> gauntlet 11 the Truman ,d?i nit I:, ii.in t may t r a continuing battle i . or [iiroign | obey. The i. uslitl Secretary u( Commerce of State .lames Byrnes' position well nil.' sage no wa- resigning in iiitlor "tlint I may l>e free as private citizen t<> continue to light lor wurltf peace." And in a nation wide radio address he declared that "winning the peace is rt >re in ? uilant that high public oltai. Ii is a ue it: ortunt than any tonsiucrali in ? f party politics." lie rv roved any douizl that lie would battle on for his "gn-casy v ith-Russia" ideas which brought him into on liel with the State De partment and led President Truman to dismiss him from his official family. Will Of The People. 'The success ol any policy," Wal lace said, "rests ultimately upon the confidence and lite will of the peo ple." As the lowan stepped oat. he left Congress members end others ask ing two major questions: 1. Would the President's ae tion end the uncertainly over American policy caused by Wal lace's New York address 10 days ago u hieh contradicted Secretary But. if the ClO-pac makes only an en many points? Some said it would. Others doubt ed. Mr. Truman himself made clear lie intended the dismissal as emphatic n?t> e that he is standing squarely behind Byrnes. 2. What will lie the effects within the Democratic party end especially on its chances in the November elections and in the 1018 presidential campaign? A frequently expressed Republi can view was that the dispute em phasized the differences within the Democratic parly and enhanced Rc pt.'blicun pos picu of winning > on- , trul of the next Congress. Ranks Now Closed. Some DcnmcraU contended their IKirty's ranks had now been closed 1 tnd chances iir.irovcd. one Democratic senator, talking I with the understanding that his name would not be used, said he thought it w is largely a matter of what the CIO Political Action Com mittee does. lie said no votes were going to bo -hanged by the lotcign policy row. tint. if thi- C'lO-pas makes only an n 'iftcrent effort to gel out its votes. ie declared, then the Democratic nr:y may lose ^.mtc congressional t cats. President Bidmilt Of France W ins Political \ ictorv f'v i... S-pt. 21. i.-1'i ? President Gcmi.i. I'.idault appeared today to ? i\e wni ,i major advantage in It is i oIiiiim! >it> gglo w th General ("h.-p li - Ik-Gaulle over the promised new French Constitution. l?it the bettlj -. ill i 'illume until liidnull can sue ?ted in lining up the MRP (Popular Republican Movement) vote for the final draft of the new charter. 1 I'.idault. who was DcGiiullc's for I <-i ;n minister, obtained a vote of ? i i'liiidenee on his labor policy yes terday in the face of a strike' by ? oit.uiifi customs officials and tax ?ollrclor> and also succeeded in bringing about a conciliatory at titude to the legislature toward h's I government's proposals for the fu ture <>l I ranee's overseas territories, paving the way ;or MRP approval : of the Constitution. TYPHOON HITS C.t AM. Guam. Sept. 21.?i,pi?A trcach crous typhoon veered urn xpoctcdlv and roared today across the big U. S nava base and three more for ' led Ma nana islands to the north. -. living hea\ v military damage. FACSIMILE OF ARMED FORCES TERMINAL LEAVE BOND fif ft* ' 11 """V"Oi t-m'trrvira1r.? ut ? i?? ?? -?-*->??? ? "??? Wlf* ntflMU *?? ~ f? <. ???. fM-?mi? tnOtiT?4M|Uki rd rmMomoM oi M ui??ft ??? ?<*? Ui?l u* n i?4i ??M tltc f* t?l MdLAOTOM ntaM ? *?* t* *\u?* , r / f imwi?n'ffhi c?i. '*7 y ^Ari - ? ?? ?- ^ THIS IS A COPY of the 01 terminal leave bonds now beinc Issued under the bill recently signed by President Truman. It Is called Ihe "Armed Forces Leave Rond" and bears a picture of the late Senator Glass on It. He was a former secretary of the treasury.' About thirteen million veterans will receive the bonds shortly. A toi.il of two billion, one hundred million dollars " ill bo distributed to the ev-servlcemcn, (International)