WEATHEK?Cloudy followed by rain Tuesday night and Wednesday in tho rasl?HOME EDITION Henltersmt Bailn Utspafdt THIRTY-THIRD YEAR HENDERSON, N. C., TUESDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 31. 1946 n''Lls^^m"ixim':liN0',N FIVE CENTS COPY ID WIGHT D. EISENHOWER II the people want me ... Gen. Eisenhower Is 'Ready to Run uwinvnTOV __ tl ? ? ?? ? Tlmcs-Uerald said Tuesday in n copyright story that C>en. i)\vlcht 11 l-iscnhnwc.r was reported i I'll fly to run for President in j!tl.< if the people want him." Klsi'iihowrr, the Times-Herald ?aid. is snid to hare told friends during i n f o r ni a I dismissions while on a fishing trip off .Miami OUT the holidays thai "1 will run for President If the people of the onuntry want me to ran." The friends were not identi fied. The Tiines-llerald continued: ??The statement was the first eildence that the (ieneral has given any attention to frequent reports that he was being felt out as a nominee by representa tives of both major parties." Atternpla to reach (ieneral I.lsenhower at Miami, said the ^ 1 - * i?n|M*r, itr?ucm iin- ri^pmor thai lii? hail gone to Fvcrglades C It y i rnrsdny on a fishing trip. I'.isrnhnwrr, Army Chirf of Staff, wont to .Miami recently for a physical checkup at the Pratt Army General Hospital. "Although the (General has never civ en any Imlication as to his party (celiacs, it was pointed out in Washington Monday night that Senator Capper (K-Kas) had come out for 'Fiscnhower For President* as lone as three years ago." said Tin* Tinics ilerald. "At the same time, sources close to Capper said of Kisen hower's candidacy: 'There are some people in the Republican Party who are not satisfied with Dewey or Taft. and some in the Democratic Party who do not feel that they can win with Tru man.' " uaraner s successor Little Man's Friend HARTSVIDLRE, 3. < . T Th? 1 Little Man'' is paining a No. 1 friend in the Treasury Department ^ ith the appointment of coun try banker Archibald Lep Manning U'ipgimi aa Undersecretary. From his tiny Haitsville office *n?Ti he directs an empire of small businesses, Wiggins ? his friends known hltn as "Leo"?said Tuesday his advice to lug bankers h.is always been to "take the little man into your confidence It's the little men 4f> million rf them? who have the deposits, savs | Wiggins. ' They furnish 00 to ftf? per cent of the assets and the hanks. wlii? h furnish the other five ot !0 pel eer.t, take all the profit Must Be Human "We have to humanize banking if '.vp expect to pet along. Tlieie i? ?? only two thing* a bank nas to ??? I* service and the use of oth?*i p-op!e*s money. | "'H inkers must realize that m ?r.*'V Is the merchandise an their shelves and if they dor.'t sell it '? ? v are doing disservu ?? to them iv.s and their community Wiggins is especially fond of his tiny office. It was here that he *'??>!< his fir?t job. over -Id years ago. ??, -? stcnocraphet fot David H. Poker. ?T.u k of Many Trades T day he directs from lu te the business of the Bank ??t llnt>ville ' 'huh he heads; The Trust ?'otn j v of South Carolina; the Coket I >* : his ?tnt( ' ? dei nl government ' Tut years." Wiggins soul bradnute of 1"NC* "However. Mr. Snydet Sect ? ' the Treasury. feels that 1 can he of some assistance to him. In tindeitaking this work 1 have great admiration for the wny in which M' Sydor hns met the responsible of hlii high office nnd 1 ? ) ?i to fV? ? veiythli f f enn '?? help him carry on Wiggins is ft5 ?ears old lb* wa^ cjiidimted from tile t'niveisity of x* rth Cnrolino In 1P1S ind j ,f,l^ married the fomer Miss inline I.nwton. They have two f,ns and two daughters Portal Pay Suits Billion And Half "y The Aaanelateri I'fCM 'hp total of retroactive pcut.il to 'tut pny nnd damage audi "ii ?? Tueaday climbed toward be '"on and a half dollar mark. r\ ?'*lve of unverified elnlm* 'Ite total of apeeifled nmotm' ' i The Govei ntnent's v;ist atomic encigy tit-v< lopinetit program steps out of titWorni and into civvies WVdnos d.'iv. ivtnils of (ho rhniiK'oovei fiom military to civilian control were to be announced by Secretary of War I'attciHon and the new .r> niember Atomie Knergy Commis sion. headed bv !>avid 10. Lilien tha I. Carroll Louis Wilton, th?* new year old Genet a I Mann get for fin program, said the changeover will be accomplished "as expedi tiously and efficiently as possi ble. " He emphasized. however, that it involves "quite a few changes" to carry out the deniili tati/ation railed for under the law whit h created tlie commis sion. Kor the most part this involves replacing military officers, now in ? xecutive positions, with civilians HUGE U.S. FOOD WASTE 80 Million Dollar Loss In Rotten Spud Stock 1 WASHINGTON ? (AP) ? Agriculture Department offi Icials predicted Tuesday that millions of bushels ol frozen and rotter, potatoes will b3 jumped under Government in structions during the next several weeks. They will be part of tho 1946 crop surplus ol nearly 100.000,COO bushels. Officials estimated the gov ernment's final loss on the surplus will amount to around $90,000,"00. Here is why the Government I takes it on the cliin: ; Under war-time legislation, the Agriculture Deportment underwrote the ItMfi Clop ol potatoes n* well las many other farm products. D assured farm r-\ that tlrey would get at least !'(> per cent of parity ?tiie theoretical price determined i lo he equally i.ur to producers and consumers. ! The potato trouble developed when the crop turned out to be i about 100.000.000 bushels larger than the Department hoc: planned I for and about that much larger than estimated consumer requiie mcnts. ! When this surplus became np , pat . ut. potato prices tumbled. And th>- Department was let; to carry i out its legal obligation to assure s at least, I") per cent of I parity. Held Prices t p To s that heavy losses late anticipated. F -r 1." of better facilities, many ' million but he!* wt re left in fields. ' simply covered with straw or other { material, which left them vluner ablo to winter trcere.s. j Distillers Help Secretary of Agriculture Clinion 1 1' Ai der n ported recently that it I 1 . -i) bUsltels of the sut - > pUm had been distributed free to public ins lttitlons and school linn It p:i :1 ? nv; and that an nildi I tional s.floo.ooo bushels have been ;l!v :? (i .'.arch mills at cut-rate prices. /.ALMANAC'.' i- JANUARY pv5TONo'''Yecr'sDay' Infill , 2-?- rm u. s. n-3. ?' . , J 177S. &?V.ctory ot fronton, 177?. -h admitted to Union.' 5?Poffir eoMa cjor.od to pufciic. 1973. " >V ~T 6?Joan o Aribo.u, 1-iU / J&9 \^<^\ >7?r-?t nitisr.al dlert!^ , j ft*-** U.S., 1783. 97-v f*r*f WAR OFFICIALLY ENDED ? Emergency Laws Will Be Junked WASHINGTON? (AP) ?President Truman Tuesday issued a proclama tion terminating the period of hostili lies of \\ orld War* Two as of noon. The President told a suddenly sum moned news conference his action ended emergency Govermenl powers immediately under some 20 laws. He added that it also ended admin-! istration powers under some T> other laws at later dales, 'generally at the end of six months from the dale of the pro clamation.' liUF And Truman Oppose Tax Cuts WASHINGTON?(A P)?Three more Republicans put ibudget balancing ahead ol tax cutting Tuesday as top White House advisers said President Truman will oppose any general slash in taxes by the new Congress. At the same time however these ? Presidential intimates emphasized _ ? ? Jthat the Administration will :ior j fight tax law changes designed1 I either to add to the production "m jcentive" or to wipe out any "in-! I equalities" that may exist. But none would say what rhanc-l |es along these lines might he in j [ prospect. j The new "go slow on tax cutt I ing" signs were hoisted on both | sides of Capitol Hill. I Senator Hawkes tR-NJ). n for - j , m?'f president of the I'nited States ! Chamber of Commerce and one time vice president of the National Association of Manufacturer, de clared that "nothing is more im portant than balancing our national budget" and big tax re ? duct ions must wait for that. I "I talked to fkk> able men tit the Inst three weeks." Hawkes told a reporter, "without being asked, all ! volunteered the same stateme.*: i'l hope to Ood you won't reduce ? taxes until you balance the bud In the same vein. Rep. Hoffman ? R-Miehi to!d newsmen: "Kit st, we've got to make both ends meet, and pay something on the debt if we ca:?." I And Rep. Judd ?R-Minni chi med in with the view t h :? t ;" * it would be a mistake, financially land psychologically, to make tax |cutting the first order of bus iness " ? I think most of the countty I feels that way." Judd said, adding: j "Make tax legislation the third order of busirrrss. Kirt. reduce fed eral expenditures; second, reduce the debt don't just talk about it ? make an actual payment: and . thud, take up tax legislation." j Hoffman said the uncertainties of the yeai ahead should force 1 Congress to go low. "What with all the portal pay suits and perhaps ?some strikes ahead, we don't k:*>w what we are facing." the Michigan law maker said. j His reference to the portal pay stilts came after Rep Kniitson 'ft Minn ? disclosed that some Con sinjt the possibility of srrkine t< impose a "windhil t.ix" n:? judy men's won In -such pick p.iy suit: now bruu: widely filrd.. liuttrr and Kue*> C'HICACJO ?i.Vi Iintt?i unset | tied; receipts 'two days* 907,3H5 i Kites nervous; receipt m (hv< days i 18,249. Rain To Fail On NC New Year Night Revelers > By The Associated Press Tuesday ni^tH's New Year's t Kve revelers were promised I temperatures in the middle tliir- t ties?and rain?in most ??f North * Carolina and South Carolina. The Knleifrh Went her Bureau c said an overcast condition is inov- c ing northeastward from the Gulf ji States. overspreading the cold " wave thnt en me down from the <1 Arctic over the week-end. It is bringing rain, but prevent- I iin; surface cooling at night thus ? blanketing the suh-f icezim: tern > pei a fines predicted the past two ' days. s Asheville. Greensboro and Char lotte icported tain Tuesday mom- ?' inc. and the precipitation, will eon- 1 tinue over most of the Carolina^ v Tuesday night and Wednesday, the * Hm? an said Overnight tempera- ? tares, however, will not show :i much difference front the follow- * ing inininiunis foi the LM hours ?' ending at 8 a. m. Tuesday. Wilmington 41. It a I e i g h HI. 1 Greensboro 30, Charlotte 33, Spar- ^ tanbuiir 35. Chaileston 40. Colum- ' bin 41?. Asheville 33. and Mt s Mitchell 30. In Western North Carolina the 1 ram may turn to snow or sleet Tuesday night. Expected ininimiims for the 1 West and Central portions of the 1 Cnrolinas Tuesday night and eailv * New Yonr'n Day wei> 30-35 and in I coastal areas 315-40. Keeping Army In Dark WASHINGTON. G\P? Pirsi dent Tinman has left the Aimy in the do i k about his plans Inr a uni 1 verml tmini 111; proRiim in uliirh - ihr ??military phrase" would lie * only InndcntnI. So fni ns ? onld lie learned. no poliey nnklni official il tlie Pentapon has been Riven n White House lilueprint of ????hut the - Chief Kxerutive hod 111 nnnd when . lie snid ten dovs oro that he want > .-d the word "militniy" li ft out of the piORl'lim. NOTHING LFFT BUT SMOKE?Shown here i are Kalcitjh lircmcn ex tnmitshing a fire which | resulted irom the explosion and destruction ot : a fireworks stand, located two miles south ot I the Citv at the Carolina Pines development. iust before 10 Monday night. Phillip Jones of Ratoi'jli. Route 4. owner <.1 tlie stand, placed lus lo-.s at S1.000. He said :lie buildma. roe - rut tod of wood and corrugated steel, was blown up with dynamite bv an unknown person or persons. ?Times Photo bv Owen Rallatu > US And Britain Plan larger Of ftr Farces, Says London i.u.npoa. T Tin* Daily fail :tml Daily 1:1 |?H said m i Washington dispatch Tuesday h:it Ihe I'nitfd States and CJrent Iritain had taken definite steps mvnrd creation ot ".in A .Oo \nierhan Air Force." The Mail. discussing what :t ailed the l.itost phase of tn<- rec ntly reported and still not com ilftelv denied officially British itid Anieiicnn ngicement foi staa l.initiation of atnianio'/s. said 'drnft plans foi joint training" of lt\K and 1".S. 'presumably Arniyi lirforce personnel were submitted "est??relay to ( Son. < 'a 11 A Spaa!/.. S. Army Airlorre head. "lot iunature." The Mill's dispatch, written !?y fames Htough. its i om spo.-M-rt n Washington, said the ? hooling vouhi l?e standardized, that joint ?xperimonts would lie ^urnd out n such fields as supersonic flight ind that Ihitish fliers would 1 ? aught the tecliiihille. at least. of itomie bombing. "The fits! step m this lo:/g term ?Ian is the exchange ot British ar.d Duncan flicis. already ngieed to n principle by the t'nited States." aid Brough. An Anglo Am- ! n an Prfoiee ... i- ? logical conclus on." Theie was :i? immediate official 'omment either In a ??i in Wa-h ngton hut the Mail's dispatch was :>ublishcd just after an official lenial was issued concerning a le ant puhlihej in the French Press o the effect thai tile t'nited Slates md Client Britain would sign a ?act next March fui mutual as listancc in defense Blaze In Local Hotel Guests at the Andrew Johnson Hotel were routed intc the cold in night clothes and hastily-donned coats earl} Tuesday morning by smoke on the third tloor and a wail o trucks from the Raleigh Fire Department. The commotion was lessened when firemen disecvorec the lire was confined to a .attress and bod linen in a rocir on the third floor. No other damage was repotted to hole! property. Th< alarm came at 6:03 a m 2Former Newspapermen Go On Trial For Treason HUSTON .?? The ind:? tnirnt during the w ?i .-?it the stage Tuesday for New Knglar.d's first tiea.-an trial since tile* revolutionary* war. Cohort Henry Best. 51. a native of Sum'- r County. S. and I>oup las Chandler. 51. who was h in in Chicago. won* indicted by a man fedcial Crand Jury aftei less than an haul's deliberation. Judue Francis J VV. Foid. ns >luned to preside at tin trial, di rerted flint the two men accused of serving as Nazi ladio mouth pieces be brought hen* at the ear liest possible date from Washing ton for a 11 .ligament Conviction ot ti? on catties a mandntoy sentence of de.it hnnginsr. Th?- jury returned the indict ments after hearini: witnease whose iivntilics were protected b armed guards. At least two ci them were believed to be Gcrma; women, one of whom v.:h abou ">ft and stylishly dressed. The defendants woie acrus- d c "wilfully and finitorottK'y" givini aid and eonifotY to the en my fror within a few days after the t'nite States entered the war unil Gei many capitulated. Chandler, who allegedly broat: east Undei psouAonym "Paul Pel ere." was charged specifically 1 the indictment of "unlawful-traitm nus and Ireasr nalde conduct'' i "preparing commentaries, speed ps, talks and announcements an IIfiiunine Hie 111 I.? t mi.., , hrondcaal from Germany to to Ho.?l. :i pro-war eh under i Vienna restaurants, wax aoctixt <>r serving as rem editoi In tit i hnntlline btondrasts boantod t the United Plates and latci < pnrtiripatinc in i ?toinid tab! confoionrr" ptocinni on the Or: man radio. Republicans Organize senate As Threatened Revolt Fades Out lit JACK BKI.I, WASHINGTON A'< - A ' HIE Four" incliKliriE I wo potential candidate. lot I'lrnldont look i omnia nil Monday of Republican* in ? ini/lny I la- fit nl fioni n third term. Hllsl 01 K.inlZ'llloll attempts of the Republican* In the new Con ifress I hue went off a* planned possibly pi esn EinE " somewhat Hnllai ii suit ?hrii House mom l ei* no et Thursday to to through the mnir procedure. Pc.splle loud opposition lion) anti-Mcwoy forces. Rep Hallork I of Indian;) appealed certain of victory In the four-way tare fat Hip (JO!' floor leadership. Malleoli lias been endorsed for the post liy (jov Thomas K. IVwcy. of New Yoik. the 1911 Presidential nominee who generally is. export ed to hid for a second tiy at the White Mouse. Taft and Vandcnbcrg. who also may he .steered Into the 1948 Presidential contest emerged with important policy-making positions from a stormy meeting of all the OOP spnatois Taft was named to the Senate's new steering committee and was expected to he elected its chair man Vandenhetg was chosen for President Pro Tempote, the pre siding officer's job on which the full Senate must pass. White was picked for Party Floor header and Mlllikin was named t'halrrnnn of the HOI* Con ference. All four apparently will head committees also, with Vnn denheig taking ovet Foreign He i latlons, Taft Labor, White Coin iin* itr si ml Millikin Kln-inn Senator Wherry tR-Nebi, rc rliTtod whip and assistant leader, stood somewhat apart from the top quartet as thev disposed of opposition to tlieli organization plans White stepped out as chairman of the Committee on Committees and Senator Robertson, of Wyom ing. took over from the opposition ranks Senator Knowlnnd. of Cali fornia. a comparative newcomer, won a place on thi* group, along with Senators Taft. Brooks, of I! linois. Bu'ler of Nebraska. Bush field, of South Dakota. Capehart, of Indiana, and Donnell of Mis souri. Although Senator Reed, of K in sas. told reporters he planned *o resume his fight for the Com nieicc chairmanship. Robertson Said he thought the tentative as signments made by the old com mittee would stand These would give Reed no < hail ma nship. although he claims sen iority on the puhllr lands group, if he doesn't get the Commerce post. jbimxtcmoxi oe Arms Metote Feace Makers j? I.AKK Sl'CCKSS, N V . E Spoiled l>> lli>' specific ii<)iK t i %{. Sovtcl Kit i Hie 1 ll. ll N':iti"ll je Seciiniy ('nil' ii turned 'in. 'in ? l"i Mi.' in.i ..nil t" il' Ion i B .ill' ill mill 11 til it S11101-. K A li'f|i|''sl by tin hi, 11mi inilli B I'V Us delegate Andrei A. ?? i "n K vie lot p.cini'i . or.- ?! :.11 ' g I hi* i mis pi'ol i." in topped il' t| ".ml l ol i- S ill .1 y i IK : ullll'l I II: Hi .. i111'ill'I. <1 i . ? ? ,i lit . lul l!l< , il 11 11 1111 mi hi ' ! ."n ? ? 'rin si'1 ii. -l:imi I till I ; yi'l 11 nil III < " ll. 'I'll Kin ??!':? I I '. :n in/, i' lull 'II be l '. i I Ayi i: . I' . .in. ;iml I inl.i.i. t'tilled ? ? it ion- ? i". ' ii the Count would i. I ic :il w.tli H :m lii.iI l' Jioi t submitted by 11 I'm!. .1 Niilions Al'iiiin r.nci. Commission nfter more than < months of Inlrnslve ivoi k Tl Commission 1 v i vote ol 1 ? to with hiisski nnd Poland nbstul ing, sent its tirst leport to tl Council Mondny afternoon. It 1v.is expected thai tile lepO would he taken up ns early pi siblr. l)nc infoiinant expected th >1 ?'OM tion "f ih'- report. i in request before the v <' i.in . made two specific re ft quests: I. 'that the Council proceed at ,1 < n< e with work <>n practical nion . Hi' to np1?'iiont the resolution I on nims '.imitation adopted hv the I ililCd :: tion* O one I'll I A s sr in t'l v I. " '1 i '!"?? t the <" lined ye) up nit 1'in i tufn i i <'I i 'ion and regulation i i OK oi two tnonthfl nnd not '. ' it? ? ti> n tin i ' months. Hi' uv i. nil 1 veiled strctiuoun otiiri ona t i lip <'omntisslon'n re *' poll n d remained .silent when the 'itonite \ '< was taken submitted " In i pioposal to the V. N. Sntuidny. V Tin move was taken in 1J. N. IX clreh " as evidence of Russian do* teiminalion lo maintain the inl *'? ttative on nuns reduction whieh a- ihi Soviet : ? umed in the Gener w al Assembly in Oetohet. The Atomh Kneitrv Com mission it wan expected to meet fignln .Ian is- 15. with t?r. Osenr lounge, o( Pe at! In"'). ?? Chairman.