IIEKDERSQN, X. C. THUICSUAY, JAN. C, 1887. THE DEATH OF THE YEAR. All the Year Round. A cloud came out of the golrifMi west, A lell rang over the silent air; The suu-:xl hurried away to rest, yiushiu with kisses eacli cloud lie prest, And, oh: but the day was fair. "How brightly the year goes out," they said ; "The glow of the sunset lingers long, Knowing the year will he over and dead, Its sad hours "over -its fleet hours lied With service of even-song." .Air 11 - . . . 1 1 . ' l now shu iv iue j ear came in, iney sain, i 1 listened and wondered in dusk of night; ! To ine no year that might come instead ! Of the old" friend numbered among the dead (JoiUd ever.be half so bright. j The sun-kissed clouds grew pale and gray, ( The Hells hung silent in high mid-air, Waiting to ring the year away ; In strains that were ever too glad and gay For uie as I listened there. ; Oh, hearts! that beat m a million breasts, j Oil, lips: that utter the same old phrase, I wonder that never a sorrow rests Jn words you utter to friends and guests In the new year's strange new days! Is it just the same as it used. to be? Have new years only a glailder sound? For ever and always it seems to rue That mi e.w face can be sweet to see As the old ones we have found. There is no colud in the darkened west, The bell is silent in misty air. The year has gone to its last long rest, And I, who loved and who knew it best, Shall meet it Ciod knows where! IN OTHER LANDS. Outline of Political Movement In For eign Countries. JANUARY. 1. Burmah was formally annexed to the British empire. 7. New French cabinet formed, with M. De Freyeinet at its bead. 21. British parliament opened by the queen In person. 2rt. An amendment to the queen's address. Introduced by Mr. Collings, in which regret was expressed thut no measures had been suggested for the amelioration of the condi tion of the Irish tenantry, was passed by a close vote- after an excited and very personal debate. 27. Tho Salisbury ministry tendered its resignation, which was accepted a few days later. FEBttCABY. 3. Gladstone and his ministry assumed chnrRe of the affairs of state. 8. Gladstone announces his new cabinet and defines his Irish policy. MARCH. 2. Servia and Bulgaria signed a treaty of pence at Bucharest. 27. A sensation was created in British political circles by the withdrawal from tho cabinet of Messrs. Chamberlain mid Trcvel yan, who wero succeeded by Mr. James Stuns lleld and th Earl of Dalhousie. CI. Tho reiehstag prolonged the anti-Socialist law two year. APRIL. fl. Prince Alexander of Bulgaria was recognized on lif ft governor of Eastern Rou ntclia by all the powers, except Russia. 7. The Russian landtag passed tho bill con fiscating all lands m I'osen banging to l'olcs, and providing for the colonization of tho province with Germans. 21. Gri veo was ordered by tho powers to disarm within eight days. Returning en quivocal answer, tho foreign ministers, on CJ.:iy (5, announced their intention of leaving Athens. Hay '.I the foreign fleets blockaded the sea const, and the ministry at once re signed. Three days later a new ministry was formed by M. Valvis, who assumed tho lead ership. tz. Tho Spanish senatorial elections re sulted in a sweeping victory for the Minis terialists. MAT. 21. Now Greek ministry formed by 1L Trieoupis. JUNE. 13. Ludwig II, deiosed and insane king of Bavaria, committed suicide by drowning in Lako Starnberg. His physician, Dr. Gud den, lost his life in an effort to rescue his sovereign. 23. A decree of banishment was issued ngninst tho French princes, all of whom im mediately left France. JULY. 20. Complete returns of tho British parlia mentary elections aro nil in. Tho figures t-how: Conservatives, 31; Union Liberals, 7fS; Gladstone Literals, 191 Furnellites, 85 giving a clear Unionist majority of 118. 21. Mr. Gladstone's retirement from the government accepted by the queen. Lord Salisbury was at onco summoned by the queen, and formed a new ministry, which as fcumed the reins of government Aug. 3. 23. A resolution to emancipate at an early date the 2f,(HX) slaves remaining in Cuba passed tho Sanisli chamber of deputies unanimously. AUGUST. 1. Tho Republicans of France won an over whelming victory in the general elections. 21. Prince Alexander of Bulgaria was forced to abdicate. Ho, however, returned soon afterward and was again crowned. SEPTEMBER. 4. Prince Alexander of Bulgaria was com pelled by tho czar of Russia to abdicate again. 10. Tories express great dissatisfaction at tho action of Gen. Redvers Buller, who was sent to Ireland to investigate the workings of tho Land laws. 15. The Russian general, Baron Kaulbars, was appointed Russian diplomatic agent at Sofia. 21. Mr. Parnell's Irish Tand bill was de feated in the British house of commons. 25. The British parliament was prorogued by tho queen until Nov. 11. NOVEMBER. 0. Lord mayor's day at London. No dis turbances of moment occurred, tho Socialists having been ref use" I er mission to assemble. DECEMBER. 15. The British government has announced its intention of issuing a proclamation declar ing tho Irish National League an illegal con spiracy. 10i At Loughrea, Ireland, John Dillon, tho Irish leader, with three others, arrested for collecting rents under tho League's phm of campaign. Mr. Dillon is roughly handled by the ioliee and is remanded for one week. 10. The territory along tho entiro African coast, between Kiptni and Lamsa, coded to Germany. 22. Lord Randolph Churchill resigns from the British ministry. Tho place is offered to Lord Uartington, who hesitates to accept it. 2S. Eastern war cloud very threatening. Declaration of war by Russia believed to be i aim incut. . WORLD OF SPORTS. Events of Interest to Persons who Ad mire Athletics. Feb. 3. Jack Fogarty was knocked out by Jack Dempsey, in tweuty-six rounds, at 2ser .York city, for $G,.')00 and tho middleweight championship. Feb. 10. Jem Smith and Alf Greenfield, both of England, fought thir teen rounds near Chautilly, France. The referee decided it a draw. March 14. Jack Dempsey whipped George LeBIanche, tho Marine," at Larchmont, L. I. The result of tho fight left Dempsey the undisputed middle weight champion of the United otates. Jiarch 23. Tommy Warren defeated Tommy Barnes . for, the featherweight champion ship of'tho world, "at Mill Creek, lorty bix miles from -Louisville, - Ky., in forty . round. July 5. Peter J. .Nolan brat Jack Burke, tho "Irish Lad," in eight rounds at Chester - rk, Cincinnati. 'July St. Jake Kilr&in defeated Jack Ashton. the , ;Providence womler," iaeiprht rounds at HMge- whx1 park, Brooklyn. Sept. 18. Jolia L. Su.li-vat)k-featcd Yank llearld i:i two roiuds fit Al- IskIk ny City, Fa. Oct. ii. Johnny MeAullflTe, of Crooklyn, defeated Billy Iazier, of Sonwrville, ' iHass., at Doston, for tho-lifthtweiRlit cliampion- sliipcf the-'nited States, kuockinij hiin out ia tb-i twchtv-lirst round: - In tho sam-j riw; Isaac .Xidr, the'-lielfast Bpiair." defeated Janus K. - Fuhry.'of -BanRor, Me., ia four rounds, for the 'New England featherweight championship. Nov. 13. Paddy Ryan was knocked out by Juhu I. . fculliva.u nt tne Mechanjj.'s' l'ayiliiiii, &m 1 run- cf.-ico, fa CTiree rouiiiTj. ov C2. Tomliiick ZTc Catfrey knockitl "Sparrow" Golden out of time l:i eleven rounds at a New Jersey hamlet wit'ain a fcv.- miles of New Ycrk city. Jan. Jacob fccliacfcr, tlif? 1-ilii:ml c sport, defeated i Laurie.- Vignaiix, of Franco. t ier York. Apr. 3. The Cani!ridff: University boat crew Leal tlie Oxford crew on tli; 'i'hann s l.ng land) course from Putney to Mortlake. May 14 - lien AM wins the Ka iUicv i-ilv. liay ! Myers, the American runner, lt f v-nu-il lK.-orj.. for tlu third time at fine mi.e, therehy wiiianj; tlie championship Juno 10.- J li. Hag&iis la:y colt Ban Fox, with llaywsird up. won tii- On y Island berby. June ). TJm- Phi itan won i:nm for first Ia..s fclooj.s in t)i.- E..t-l m wici.tc r.' at larl)iehi-al, liana. July -2. -Yi-lo ileteaiea llai uil for th.j rou in cliumjii us.ii; .f Amcri a:i eolli;;j. a at Sew London. Co:m. i-'v jt. I. Villi:ii lVuch Ueieulod Joim Ti-emcr t r la s uorl.i a nqnatie championship, over t;e Thames course, London, Lupland. fcy-'pt. II. The intenintioual yacht race was won by the Mayflower, the-America cup thus remaining in thia country. S. pt. I'.. Oeorffe V. Lt-e. of New Jersey, lx-at"Neil Matter son, of Australia, on the Thames river. Huland. iscpt. J. Ueachbeat Gaudaur over tlie Thames ihainpioiLbip courue, Ionlon, England. Sei t. IS Tile Mnvflnw-r .-ri tlu mpii IVir irr fl-i44 yachts in the Newport regatta, ricfeatfcig the Gal- I au-a and 1'uruan. bpt. to. v uiiam lieoch, or Australia, defeated Vv'allact; r.os for the cham pionship of th? world over the Thames course, London, England. Time, :i:vo. Oct. -. W. O. George defeated Cuniriiins iu a t?n mile foot race at Birmingham, England. Oct. U. The Chi cago club won tho League b isebali championship Iennant; Uio Uticvi club t ok I lie International ciiampfonKhip, while the St Louis Browns vgain c.irrit d off tho honors la the American associa tion. Oct. 21 At St. Louis the St. LouU lirowns, champions of the American associati u, defeated the C hicago club, the League cliainjiions, for the fourth tim", thus winning the world's bascb-Vl championship and thj entire receipt of tho MX ga men played. Nov. . Yal'j beat lYineetonat lo itoall ou tho latter 's grounds by one touchdown, rrin.eton protested CRIMINAL CALENDAR. Justice Overtaken Now York's Boodle . Aldermen Other Matters. Feb. (5. The New York state assembly be gan investigating the Broadway franchise grant by the New York aldermen. Fran chise annulled April 21 on ground that it was obtained by briliery. March 18. Henry W. Jaehne, vice-president of tho 188-1 board of nldemicii, was arrested for accepting a bribo in connection with the franchise. May 0. Jaehne convicted and sent to state's prison for nine yeats and ten months. April 8. "Boodle" A lderman Miller arrested in Florida, and loth all the other '84 aldermen who had not absconded taken in. Oct. 11 Alderman Suyles forfeited his bond by going to Canada. Nov. 4. Doodle Alderman McCatie declared insane. Nov. 19. Alderman DufTy and Fullralf turned inform ers. Nov. S4 Jury ia the ease of Alderman Jic Qundo disagreeJ. Dee. 6.--McQuade convicted and sentenced to five years with $5,0OJ lino. A stay was afterward obtained. March 3. Express Messenger Kellogg fatally beaten and S'iJ.x) stolen fro;n tha car near Chi cago. Oct. SS. Messenger Foth jringhain. on the St inis and San Francisco railroad, bound and robljed of O- He was arrested charged with complicity, but nothing was proven. lee. 11. Loblxrs go through a train at -Believuo, near Fort Worth, Tex., despite tho pres cneo of troops, and secure f.000. Dec. 'S. Pinkerton's detectives arrested three men supposed to have been implicated in the Fother ingham express car roboery. It turns out thst "Jim Cuinuiiags," who has been writing lett.-rs iu the case, is a Clucago coal dealer named W itrock. Jan. 8. William II. McNeil, vice-pn sident of tho Lancaster National bank, defaulted iu &1C0,-u-K) ami eseai)ed to Canada. Aug. ZO, WUUaia Grav. Jr., tn-asurer of the Indian Orchard mills, li..-to;i, defaulted in 81,000.000. Next day he killed himself. Sept 20. William S. Gould, cash I t of th-j First National bank, Portland, Me., de faulted in 8 7,000. Sept. sr.'. George M. Larthol oin 'w, president of the Charter Oak Life Insur- nuco company, Hertford, defaulted in 9100.0UO. Oct. S N. M. NeWd, of J. C. Ferguson & Co., dufaulU-d in $1.0 0,0j0 and absconded. Oct. 15. F. J. ISrad lev, ex-manager of Pullman Car works, chnrgod with 3 ,0U0 defalcation. Oct. 224. Hiram J. lenders, confidential clerk of Landers, Lames &. Co., cf Innianapo4s, absconded with S fOxOO. Mareh 8. Holland, the Texan, acquitted of the hiurdjr of Tom Davis, sawdust swindler in New York. July .Charges preferred against Kollin M. Squire, commissioner of public works 1:1 New York, cquire was removed. Contractor Maurice li. Flymi and Squire were afterward indicted for conspiracy. August 3. Re". George C. Iladdoek, prohib'ionist. niurdered in Sioux Falls, lov.a Oct. U. Edward Solomon, tho composer, charged with bigamy, was admitted to bail in London. Nov. 1. Surveyor HansS. Beattie. of the port of New York, shot by Louis Bieral, a discharged employe. The wound was not a severe Olio. ITov. 13. Maxwell, tlie murderer of Irel.er, convicted ia St. Louis, obtained a further stay. Nov. li-l The court of appeals having over-ruled the motion of Uuddenseik. the New York fchell tenement hou3e builder, convict ;d of manslaughter, for a new trial, he was taken to prison. "Work of the Flames. Jan. 8. Schooner Mary G. Farr burned off Nw Jersey coast; eight lost April 17. Galicia burned; 1S8 lives lost. April 22. Haifa million of property destroyed on Broadway, New York. Juno a. Three thousand houses reported burned at Akita, Japan. June 21. Fifteen persona burned to death in the New England institute, Boston. July 5. Stores at Harlem burned; losj $2CO,C0O. July 28. Theatre burned at Tinner velly. India; 100 lives lost. Aug. 0. Forest fires reported in Wisconsin. Aug. 21. Steamer Vera r-n.l 20 J persons burned on the Volga, Kussia. Aug. 29. Steamer Daniel Drew burned at Kings ton Point, N.Y. Oct. 14. Great Are in Eastport, Me. Oct. 27. Case Scientific school burned at Cleveland. Oct 31. Two men and $2.0,0J0 of property destroyed by fire in Chicago. Nov. 23. Million dollar fire at Duluth, Minn. Dec. (S. One hundred and twenty-five thousand dollar fire at Keokuk, Ia Dec. 10. Mississippi river steamer J. M.White burned near Baton Rouge, La. : thirty lives lost. Dec. 2a. Million dollar Bteamooat fire t Cairo, Bis. Deeds of Daring. July 11. C. D. Graham floated through the Niagara whirlpool rapids in a barrel. July 23. Steve Brodio jumps from the Brooklyn bridge. Aug. 8. George Ilazlett and William Totts go safely through the Niagara whirlpool rapids in a barrel. Aug. 22. William J. Kendall swims tho whirlpool rapids of Kiagrra. Nov. 7. Larry Donovan jumps from the new sus pension bridge at Niagara Falls. Nov. 28. Miss Sadie, Allen and George Ilazlett go safely through the Niagara whirlpool rapids in a barrel. Nov. O. William Kurix dives from tna Brooklyn bridge. LOST. BY E. XORMAX GUXXISOX. New York Clipper. "Alas for the rarity of Christian charity under the sun. Lost ! lost ! A soul is lost ! Winds of the Winter, tempest tost, Moan and srroan in your wailing pain. For the ioul may never be found again. Tempted, and tried, and turned, it fell From the heaven of purity, down to hell ; Turned from home to the dreary street. No rest, no peace, for the wandering feet For when the Rubicon once was crost, Angels shrieked over her: "Lost! lost lost I" Out in the street stands the Magdalene, With her race averted Lncieau: im xinclean !" And her gay-clad sisters go sweeping by Under tlie arch of the Winter sky Sisters! No! she had stumbled, fell, Theirs is the Heaven, hers the Hell, Do you think they would soil one trailing skirt To lift up this fallen one from the dirt? No ! for the head is scornfully tost. And they whisper each other : "Lost ! lost lost ! Only a woman more or less To curse the land she was born to bless Only a woman sunk in shame. Cursing her life and her Maker's name. Onlv a woman Got! above ! Is there room for such in Thy boundless love? Sold to a life of deathless pain For the greed of lut, or the greed of gain Treading a path with anguish crost Is this soul forever lost, lost, lost ? Ist ! lost ! No soul is lost ! Though the chasm be wide, it is bridget a crost. And spanned by His infinite love and care no needs the uttered or silent prayer ; And the very skiits of this Magdalene, O scornful sister ! may be more clean In the eyes All-seeing although you de ride Than yours, so stained with unchristian pride ; Her draggled soul is a pearl of cost. Well worth your finding, though lost ! lost lost ! Lost ! lost ! O Thou who died That the daikest soul might le purified ! Dost thou sec from your beautiful home on nign This wandering one Jneath the Winter sky? Didst thou see the passion, the pain, the fall ? O God ! Thou soe'stand know'st all ; No erring woman, no sinful man. Can mr.r the strength f Thy righteous plan No son I ever cried from the depths where tost, To hear i hee answer Lost ! lost ! lost ! A2J The enmities hundles ai d bn e9 t' tale that strikes 'e rnr to th- lir of flved as flferna' Truth, is th. J nW and CLOTHING AND SHOE rJOlE ea fine Ready made Clothingr. H Sh tc., ever shipptd to Vance county. VV jj j li IbljUlllltlbiMli MM 1 urn. 1 Mil Our patterns the prettirst ; and onr prices always the eheanest style and quality of ffnods ennsidered. Rtmeruber we keep no Shoddy stock, 1 e ice wp have no bankrupt prcrs. We have (and nur eronils will show for themselves) the largest and best stnek of fine TAILOR FITTING CLOTHING ever brought to Henderson. Men's, Youth's and Hoys' Sui's and Overcoat", The Quility Good; the Designs Beautiful; I he Prices Low. Positively the largest and handsomest assor'ment of HATS and SHOES in town. All the standard makes and latest styles. No old shon-worn goods or cast-off Pstvles among our selection. Indisputably the largest and best line of GENTS' In the market as elegant as it is extensive. We are acknowledged Head quarieis for every thing in this lne. In GENTLEMEN'S NEC K WEAR we lead the irade, our assortment .standing absolutely separate and apart from all the rest; positively unappr.iached in its matchless beauty. Some thing new and superbly grand in Siarfs ihis season. Our goods are de clared the best and our styles emphatically the latest and most correct This is the testimony of our customers not ourselve?. We are the leaders of Fashion; ail others are mere imitators who pattern after us. This is a declaration of our own, backed up by the opinion of the trading public But we don't ask you to take our word for it. come and see fer yourself. We have an immense stock of goods aud they must be sold; we bought tht m for that purpose. Very. Respectful ly3 LEHMAN'S . CLOTHING' ME (LEHMAN'S NEW Jrl e 1 1 d e is o n , - T y Over lea Thousand Trial jMMXtrMilLmat whom took n full trnnl mentftna were restored to health by nse of SEMI HAL PASTILLES. A Radical Cure for Nnrvnna Dnhil !tv. Cirrynnin Weakness and Physical Decavin Yonnsnr Mid die Aeed Mfin. Tnitita fnrP.inhtV Anna in tyi qtiv thousand cases tha-v AbsnlntAlv rMtnra nrAmntnrAlv ?Rd and broken dorm men to the full enjoyment of erfect and full Manly Strength and Vigorous Health. .To those who suiler from the many obscure diseases oroucht about by Indiscretion, Exposure, Over-Brain, Work, or too free Indulgence, we a&k that yoa Bend us your name with statement of your trouble, end secure AJiiAijjrAUivAliK JjKr.E, with Jtlust'd Famnhlet.tfo. 1UPTURED PERSONS can have FREE FLOATING ON THE TIDEOF POPULAR FAVOR Is what we claim for themercantileest tablishment of A. R. ANCLEA, Where will be found a nw and com plete stock of Dry Goods, Xotions, Boots. fhoeK, Hats, etc. Fine line of Gent's. Neck and Underwear, Tun ks, Valises, Ladies's Electric Gossamer-, Kubbei Goods. Ce luloid Collars and Cuff-. Ivory and 1 oilet Soape, Cigars, Tobacco and Suuff, Crockery and Queeusware. &g. um F1I SHOES a specialty. We carry a large line of Ladies' and Misses' Sbt e, in every sly)e and qiiality, to which we invite special attention. In this department we can not be discounted, either in Btyle, quaU ity or price. Mce line of Gentleman's HATS AND SHOES, All styles and prices. If you want a bargain call and see us. We take pleas ure in showing our fcoods whether you buy or not. We study to please and be lieve amrDK our varied and extensive stock you will always rind what you want and at prices we know cannot fail to impress you with their cheapness. We do not advertise to sell goods at oet, but we do prr pose to sell tht m at such figures as will SAVE YOU MONEY, quality and price considered. Our motto: A tirst-class article at a reason able price, polite attention and fair deal ing to all, will be strictly observed. Remember We Have Moved to the Alley Building, next door to Par, ker t Closs. on Main street, where. in future we will be pleased to see our oid friends and customers and make new ones. Give me a call. Very Respectfully, A. R. ANGLEA. Henderson, N. C. aug 6, a USTotice ! -V , f , , 1 . nvine ria'int'a a auminisiraior or i t'ae estate of James Pendleton Rtparr, the of Richmond, notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to the es tate of the said Jame Ptnditton Roger, or to J. P. Rogers t Co., undfr which firm name decease! conducted business, to make immediate iavment and settle ment, or the c'aims will be put into ihe hands f n nmcer for collection ; and a'.l nersonijhaving c'aims asainst said es tate or firm, will present them for pay ment within the time pr scribed by law, or this notice will b plead in bat oftheir recovery. W M. II. S. BU RG W YX, Adnrr tf James Pendleton Rogers. Dec. 9 1SSG. Aec. 9-6 o. MAN W Jo . n Leading! 2S- - ft cr '1 ily fr im nur storp tell the rl ai er-i. Inenntto-'orf ihl and ee irr aprion tha r.EHMAN'S - r es 'he. large and B t ftntk of es, G t' Fu nihii tr Gnod.s &c., OUR STYLES ARE rp b BUILDING) - - - N". C- MTdWl Avoid the imposition of pretentious rem- lies tor tnese cruuDies, and all (juacka, whose only aim is to bleed their vie tuns. TiueaSUJtUKEl(EIYthatHA3 CURED thousands, does not Interfere with attention to business, or cause pain or inconvenience in anv war. Founded on scientific medical nrincinfes. Bv direct irinlicatinntn the seat n1 dinpaiie it anecifln innueiiceis fel without delnv. Th. nntur:. I funrtiofis of the human omnium restored. Thm wasted animating elements of life are given back, the patient becomes cheerful and rapidly pains both strength aud health TREATMENT; OsTlIoBth, $3. Two Xos.$8. Three, J7 HARRIS REMEDY CO., Mf'C Chemists, S06K IT. Tenth Street. ST.LOTTTa wro. Trial of our Appliance. Ask for Terms! 5 NNNN y NEW GOODS N SEW GOODS NEW GOODS L. -AT- J. Hiram Goodrich's CBBAP CASE STORE, Cheatham's corner" building, next to Coop er's Warehouse, Henderson, N, C. Ila3 just returned from the Northern markets where I bought for CASH, a LARGE STOCK of G&rv (Roods, ISTotions, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Tinware, &c, &c, &c. I also bought a LARCE STOCK of FAMILY GROCERIES, Such as MEAT, MEAL, FLOUR, LARP, SUGAR, COFFEE, TEA, CANNED GOODS, Ac, all of whick 1 am determined to sell As Low as the Lowest. AU I ask is a trial. I have with me as salesmen. Messrs. D. W Harrioe and J. M. Williams who are at all times ready to accommodate a d politely wai' on their many triend. Thanking you for pat patronajrr, and desiring a con 'inn a nee of the same. V-rv Hepec'fiill. J. HIRAM GOODRICH, sep 23. 3 i j 1 1 u I SHOE HOUSE, W ff-&rmm ass- N fl Vegetable Its Claims Sustained SUCCESS BY THE TESTIMONY OF THE Willing Witnesses test of merit, THE GOLDEN HARVEST A REMEDY HEALTH REAPED NOT FOR A day From this Prolific Remedy But for a Half a Century. Interesting-Treatise on lilood and Skin Diseases mailed FKEE to all who apply. It should be carefully read by everybody. Address THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ca. SELL YOUR TOBACCO AT COOPER'S WAREHOUSE, HENDERSON, N. C. Thet -Ajl-wsts Ti-rad ijt BIG SALES AND HIGHEST PRICES. Whether First or Last Sale, they Make Prices that Can't be Beaten and Rarely Equaled. BP All robaeco put on our floor shall at all times, and under all circumstances, te sold for it full market value, and we defy any House, or Houses, in or out of the State, to surpass, or equal our prices qualify considered. We work for all alike. The best Tobacco sells for the most money at our IIoue. We are filing TOBACCO, not MEN, and it is our determination in ihe future, as in the past, to pive equl justice to all, and sell your Tobacco for th last cent it is worth. Several of the largest Bright Tobacco Buyers in the U. S. have recently located upon our market, for this season, and we have now beyond doubt one of the strongest corps of Leaf Dealers in lheS-uth. Come to see us promptly, while we have an active market and lively demand for all colory grades. When vou load your wayon drive on to our House, regnrdless of what wayside drummers may say, and we will give you a cordial welcome, with good accommoda tions and full prices for your Tobacco. D.Y-COOPER- I" Just arrived, the finest lot of Top and no Top Buggies and Car riatres ever brought to this market, all of them fully warranted, and for sale at very reasonable prices. Call to see them before you buy elsewhere. Luther Sheldon, SASHES, POOPS AND 0UNDS, BULD1NGS, BRACKETS, STAIlt RAILS, NEWELS, BUILDERS HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS. QLASS, PUTTY AND BUILDING MATERIAL OF EVERY DEf-CKiP i ION, Nos. 16 West Side Market Squire, and 49 Roa ioke Ave., Norfolk, Established in 1870. JAMES A. O'MEiL, HENDEKaON, - - Sr. C, MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN CARRIAGES AND WAGONS, Full line of Blacksmiths Supplies ; Engineers' Supplies, Pipe and Steam Fittings; Builders' Supplies, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Putty, &c. In fact we carry everything in line of CARRIAGE and WAGON MAKERS' and BLACKSMITHS' SUPPLIES, an d BUILDERS' HARDWARE. Orders taken for the Celebrated unAMr 1UI lKUi rtALIWU y . a - f 1 A r - T T T" f t -v -ftTyT Estimates for any kind of iron work furnished on application. Have you used it? If not then you should call for ALAB A c3 T1 1 IST E I Tlie new substitute for Paint, Calcimine or Wall Paper. Cheaper than Paint, bet ter and prettier than Wall Paper, and vastly superior to Whitewash. Cheap and dura" ble. A full supply oh hand. In all colors. Ask for sample cards. JAMES A.. O'HSriEIL, O'NEIL BLOCK, HENDERSON, N. C. may 131c J D Lb M ft. Henderson, N. C. Wholesale a nd Retail Dealer in Such a? L'x;tc of all kinds, Lntohe-, B lt., B rts and Hinges. Ar, flatch HHmmrn, Plane, and Cxrpnt-r3' lool.-, Farm and House Bells', Plows. Feed Cutlers, Hoes, Shovels and Spades, Window Gla and Putty Saih, Doors anl Blinds, Paints, Oils and Varnishes Rubber Be'fmfif and Packing, tf., Ac, dc We have just n-ceived a car load of the Olebrated EXCELSIOR COOK STOVES AND HEATING STOVES. We puiranfee our Stoves in each instance to give entire satisfaction or your money will bp refunded. Be ue and call to see us before purchasing. Cooper Building, OppaJ'e R. ft. L4f ioi. Blood Purifier. Virgii -ia. fo r 29, Je AND Carriage and Wagon MAKERS' SUPPLIES. o SPOKES, RIMS, HUBS, IRON, STEEL, BOLT3, SCREWS, &c. -u t 71 i 1 1 A ft B I i. Vti , f7H CI II I iissillier 9 Mil Mil 7 ITlTlmff' I t I i I. EMrii. I ; I t I I I i t I I Mi, D' ALTON k CO.,' 31 Sycamore St., PETERSBURG, - - VA. WHOLESALE GROCERS. PROVISION DEALERS AND Commission Merchants", Keep on hand a larg, well assorted stock, and would be pleased to open correspondence. Dupont's Powder Agency sept 2 -6 1. EXCELSIOR C00KST0VES ALWAYS SATISFACTORY EIGHTEEN SIZES AMD HHPS ILL PURCHASERS CAR EE SUITED MAHUFACTURSD BY Isaac LSheppard Co.,BaItimore,Id. AND FOU 8AIJS BY J, L. H. MUsillier HENDERSON - - - N. C SMHE LIGHT RUIUIIIIO- SEWING'MAGHINB HAS NO EQUAL. PERFECr SATISFACTION Hei HtBBSeiisiMadsiiisCoJ ORANQC, f.lASS.- i 30 Union Square, N.Y. Chk2j5.Il St. Louis, M. Atlanta, 6a. Danas.Tesu San FranctKa, CaL BALfiZl E. G. DAVIS, SALES AGENT Henderson. N. C EXCELSIOR f THK EXCELS TOR TOOK STO K M anufacturt-d by tbe celebrated STOVE WORKS OF ISAAC A. SUEPPARD A CO.,1 BALTIMORE, Md. Are the best on tbe Market Seventeen different varieties manufactured in four series, of ' DIFFERENT SIZES AudPrces TO SUIT ALL PURCIIASEHS The Excelsior Combines tbe following leading fea cures, possessed by no other Cook Stove in tbe market? wood Door at k.cu End of tire box, Dam per and Automatic Oven fbelf working on eitber side of stove, so tnat tbe stove le uel equally well from' eitber aide. Lare lop, vmo Deavj ring covers oor.tii rosHpiefes, and patent reversible k- burinc lonir crospiece. ' Lnrve bioilioc door, sliding fire doors, with eitber lllu- miirated or rloxed pHiiels, as dea!red. Swing Heartbplate. dropping into placa rlusu witu tbe n-artu, lilting urxte and Swirging Flue Top. Tbe Fluea are large and easily kept clean. Tbe Damper cab be rt-sdily replaced at any time witbout removing tbe top. Four sites have Drop Shelves and Oalvaniad Towel Racka attached. LARGE ASSORTMENT Of tbe above name Stoves Heaters And Ranges, etc., In (stock and for sale at MANUFAC TURERS' PRICES. ' "MOORE COUNTY GRIT" Th bet MillftoM In th. Warli ft Table Meal. Simpl at Mat oa applicatiom. . Ri4 tnr priM PoruU C"n Milli, Uprr J I W Bnw mm Hill (t'lnn. wu irnu t,r Knsrinrw, lnrr,iw -Mill. ( lioi PU-ert. hnuig. for' Holirr-AlWI latfit hich m Wj7jeu for th miller ia ry barrel uf near iw . Write tata ba ym aai ad ternu jroa wih to in u Gir refenacM. AddreM. r.artk C'araliati 9IiU tone frk-, Mwun dv-, . v.