"THI2 I'KOPLK'S PAPER." By THAD R. MANNING, Owner ami Editor. Devoted to the Industrial, Educa- TIOXAI AND MATERIAL WELFARE OK VAXCE CotTCTY AND NORTH Carolina. Published at the live and growing town of Henderson, in the centre of the Famous Yellow Tobacco District. A weekly resume of the News, Humor and General Topics of the Day. Published every Thursday Mokvikg 0 TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION : One copy one vear, ' - - - ?3.00 " " Kihontlis, - - - 1.00 3 -r -r - .50 We desire a lire nger.t and correspondent at ever)' ptoflice In Vance and adjoining counties. Write for tonus. PUBLISHER'S ANNOUNCEMENT. "We invite contributions on all subjects of local nnd general interest: viea and state ments upon matters of public concern, orig inal poems, essays, critiques, etc. One side of tin paper, only, must be. writ ten on ami the, real name of the writer ac company the contribution. No attention will 1 pa ill to anonymous letters. The Editor disclaims all responsibility for the views or statements of correspond entsand reserves the right at alj tiins to revise or reject any article he may think proper. Address all communications to HOLD LEAF. Henderson, N. C. THUKS1AY, SEPT. 22, J 887. A Correspondent says work on the Lynchburg & Durham Railroad has been begun at the first named city and is going rapidly forward. The Piedmont exposition, at Atlan ta, is going to be a big affair. It will be of great practical value to the South. All the booming cities and rich sec tions, with their minerals and crops and woods and industries, will be fully represented. The result will not only show to the world the advancement that has been made, but will foster and encourage further progress. Is pur immediate section doing anything to 1 represented ' there? aW know North Carolina will be. Henderson and Vance county should look to their interests in this matter. While we believe the people of no town are more united upon all ques tions affecting the general good of the community than those of Henderson, the following sensible remarks from the Atlanta Constitution will bear repeat ing. It says : A town must have natural commer cial advantages-but it might have all the advantages in thje world, and yet not prosper' if its citizens are so con stituted as to be willing to look after their own individual affairs, and not willing to sink petty grievances for the general good, Durham and Henderson both voted the subscription to the Durham & Northern Kailroad. This looks like the line will run to Henderson as Major Winder's promise sseem to lead that vay." Jt seems to us that Dur ham would prefer to run to the point she could get to with least money. Franklinton Weekly. Why bless you, neighbor, Durham is not going to build the railroad; and even if she was, is it not reasonable that she would prefer direct communi cation with tat point lrom which she would recieve most benefit from such connection? It seems so to us at any rate. AGRICULTURAL, FAIRS. The Gold Leaf is a strong friend and advocate of agricultural fairs. Such displays of our products can but prove- of great benefit to a State or community when properly conducted. They serve as a stimulous to the people awakening them to a higher apprecia tion of the extent and capabilitis of our resources, and do much toward in fluencing them to renewed and greater efforts by way of creating a friendly rivalry among exhibitors. For this reason we are always anxious to see any enterprise of its kind successful, and we urge ouf people to do some thing toward making the State Fair and the Weldon Fair such- We name these especially because they are near to us and the citizens of Vance and adjoining counties ought to feel a sort ot personal interest in them. Let our section be well represented at both places. We can make a good exhibit if we will, and the Gqu) Leaf respect fully suggests that we do it. Speak ink oi the State Fair the Progressive Parmer says this : With our fine crops and the enthu siastic dertermination which pervades the great mass oi our farmers in all sections of the Stated tQ improve their condition, we hope to see them avail themselves of the1 benefits Jq be de rived from a liberal patronage of the State Fair, and to see thousands o them on that occasion. Let every one of them bring something to put on exhibition. " It will help the fair t will encourage the officers, it will do you good. 'Come to the fair and bring something with you from your farm. Encourage your son and daughter to id something "and bring them' and the jjood wife along with you, A DISTINGUISHED EDITOR DEAD. The death of Capt. James Barron Hope, the scholarly and accomplished loet-editor of the Norfolk Landmark, removes one of the most brilliant and useful of Southern journalists. He died suddenly of heart disease at his home in Norfolk at 6:20 o'clock last Thursday evening, in the 58th year of his age. A short while ago Capt. Hope was invited by Gov. Lee to pre pare a poem to be read at the unveil ing in October of the monument to be erected to the memory of Gen. Lee in Richmond, The poet had just finish ed the work and placed it in the hands of a copyist the very day that he died. We consider it fortunate m the inter est of the history and literature of the South that Capt, Hope lived to finish this task. Speaking on this subject the Richmond IVJiig says : The work may go on, though the builder cease. The poet who was in vited to present his tribute to Lee on the occasion referred o, has, before the appointed time, followed his hero and joined 'The innumerable caravan winch moves To that mysterious realm where each shall take His chamber in the silent lals of death." His lips are mute and his tongue is still, but the thoughts and words which he would have devoted to this interest ing event are fortunately preserved, and it is fitting that some one should be designated by the proper suthority to deliver the poem, in its proper order, at the layipg of the corner-stone. A RAILROAD FROM DAN-! VILLETO HENDERSON. The latest move in the railroad world is a proposed line from Danville to Henderson. A company has already been formed and subscription books opened. This is a road that would do us much good and the Gold Leaf hopes to see it built. Commenting on what thfi Norfolk Public Ledger re cently said referring to the re-establishment of trade relations between that port and certain markets in North Carolina, the Danville Register says: But is Norfolk content to secure the trade of Durham alone ? The policy of the Richmond & ..Danville Road toward towns along its line has been so arbitrary and illiberal that all towns in this section of Virginia and North Carolina would be glatf ' to have an outlet to Norfolk and to do business with the tidewater people. We would subscribe liberally to a road which wlil give us an outlet to Norfolk. Danville has already voted $150,000 to the; Atlantic & Danville, but .in spite, of that fact would, we believe, vote a lib eral subscription to a " road from this point to Henderson, N. C, if she could be assured of an independent connec tion with the Seaboard Road. Norfolk and the Seabord Road must be alive to the fact that there is a splendid country in this section whose people are only waiting for an oppor tunity to get relieffrom the Richmond & Danville oppression. But under the present system, it is impossible for Danville to do business with Norfolk, Later, a Danville correspondent of the Richmond Whig says on this sub: ject : Books of the Danville & Seaboard Railroad were opened to-day (Sept. 19) for subscriptions to the capital stock. The committee for soliciting subscriptions is composed of Messrs. J. G. Penn, M. P. Jordan, P. R. Jones, H. W. Cole, and James E. School- field. These gentlemen are some of our liveliest and most progressive busi ness men. The corporators of the road are J. D. Blair, C. G. Holland, F. X. Burton. J. F. Rison, M. P. Jor dan, J. C. Wrenshall, Berryman Green, John H. Schoolfield, J. G. Penn, C. H. Conrad, B. B. Gordon, D. W. Thom, J. Wilcox Brown, and Frank P. Clark. The charter provides that the road shall run from Danville to some point at or near Norfolk. The route now contemplated is from Dan ville to the North Carolina line, and from there to Henderson. What has Henderson to say on the subject of having anqther road? It would pay us to hold out some induce ment to get this connection. The in corporators mean business we are tolcj and the possibilities are that within a few more years Henderson will be quite an important railroad centre. Let them come the more the better. A new use has been discovered for corn. An oil made irom it has been exhibited at Chicago as the latest thing in cereal product. It is claimed that it is equal to cotton seed oil for the kitchen and soap factory. The only kind of oil previously obtained from corn is called fl fusil," which was an incident of whiskey manufacture. ISToticel VALUABLE PLANTATION FQR SALE. We offer for sale a valuable plantation, near 'the ' town of Middleburg, containing about 60 acres adapted to the growth of corn, cotton; grain and fine tobacco. For terniSj&c ipuly to MISS JANE C. YANCEY, Muldlebuff, N. O, Or to Day & ZoiicoFFjiR, sept 22-3 o. riendersonN. C. Lewis Barp.es, Lpvria St Barnes, Stainback & Co, Have Just Returned frojxi the N ortliern Markets Where they Purchased an Immense Stock OF r- NEW GOODS, Which are Wow Daily Arriving and Being Opened as Fast as Possible. -WE ft AVE AN IMMENSE STOCK OF L - T (G In the latest styles to fit men and boys at prices ranging from $3.75 to $30.00 a suit. Overcoats of all sizes, colors and prices. Cravats in pro fusion. Select stock of GENTLEMEN'S Barnes attends to this department Lewis have charge 07 tne GIBS, HU I 7 And will be glad to sell to WE MAKE A READY-MADE CLOTHING, SHOES AND HATS. Determined to merit a share of the public patronage we shall be glad to have our friends call before buying anything in our line. BARNES, STAINBACK & CO. so mil Ft mu Advertisements this week. When, this comes before your optics re member that DAVIS is in New York searching for which in due time will be banked up in his store, and don't forget that as the temperature falls our prices fall also. E. Gr. DAVIS, HENDERSON, N. C. Ed. Young, - - 1H1 - 0 m UNDEEWEAE. and Lewis Stainback and Ed. Young WM nEPMTHBMT, their friends at low prices. SPECIALTY OF Notice, -.. r-r-i ,.;t . - By virtue of power' conferred upon me by deed in trust - dily recorded in Register's Office, in Vnnce county, book 6. page 65, 1 will sell on Thursday, the 20th day of October, 1887. at public auction, - for cash, at the court house door in Henderson, N. C, a certain lot or parcel of land situate in the Southern part of said town of Henderson, adjoin ing the lands of R. L. Daingerfield. J. C. Jacobs and others ; and defined by metes and bounds in said deed in trust ! to whioh reference in hereby made. This, ' tliA 1Qrl i).i rt vnn' K- 1 COT D. Y. COOPER, Trustee. Day A Z llicofffr, Att'ys, a 22-4 o Notice ! Having qualified as administrator of the estate of John L. Hunt, deceased, all persons having claims against said de cedent are hereby notified to present them to me within 12 months from date hereof or this notice will' b pleaded in bar of their recovery; all rersons in debted to said decedent must make im mediate payment. This, 16th rlav of Sep tember, 1887. J. W. YOU NO, Administrator of John L. Hunt, de ceased. sept. 22 6 o. t. i. mm & oi., -WHOLESALE- GROCERS, Cor. Commerce & Elizabeth Sts., Norfolk - Va. raug.25 31. BIG BARGAINS AND- New Goods! aiufeack, Our Mr. T. J. Mitchell is now on the Northern markets and will return in a few days with a beautiful m line of. Fall and Winter . Goods, And we ask that our msny friends call and examine our stock. Don't fail to - . . i . see those , - - . 4 - - 4 LIGHT RUNNING D0MESTJP SEWING MACHINES AT Cooperi Mitchell's.. Sill 1 FOR SALE PRIVATELY IN AND NEAR THE TILLAGE OF WILLIAMSBOKO, 0. A TWO-STORY STORE HOUSE 20x70, and lot with large frame rat proof corn cri,b. In the store there is about 4 000 worth of General Merchandise gooi sleabl stock, including fall stock of Dkcgs and ilKDiciNEs, shop bottle, prescription cas, tcale. apparatus, and evers tbiug necessary to-a first-class Drug Store. We desire to sell all this prop, erty together- A. good prescription auii general drug trade established 8 f 10 years, uooa location ror uenerai .aiercoanaise Dustiness, oimareu in ipe village of WiiliainsboiMugb, iu Vance coumy. 10 miles from Henderson, 13 miles from Oxford, and about 20 miles from Claiksville, Bojdton and YVarrenron. While, most farmers near us grow Yellow Tobacco, they a'so grow Cotton, and we think : we can safely say there will be 300 bales of winter. Crop pr spent in tLis community alK-ut 1st of October and !ids fair to be a can do a business o9lo,000 a year For E & J, E HAITHCOCK & CO. A ftacbed to the above store lot is a 2-STORY DWELLING HOUSE, And lot containing 9 acres. The dwelling is L shape, has 3 rooms on second flor.r, 3 rooms n first floor, with wide bail basement room underneath. Outbuildings are. one bricic hot house, 16 feet square, keeps house plants sil winter without artificial heat. 2-room servant house. 1-roorxi cook bouse, ment bouse, carriage house, nuuatngs. vi 11 or goo a wpter in tne yara. xard, garden and Jots' are all under good strong, oak p'snk and picket fences. One lot is well set in Orchard gras and one in clover. In rear of stables is a boat one are in nice large oak trees. At tached to this is 4 acres with sprim; branch running through. It has been hieblv mauured and will be sowo in Orchard gra to make grass lot for catt e and hogs. The is situated is wen eievaiea ana very hea or malarial disease on the place. Convenient to good schools acd churches. Reas on for telling have decided 10 go to Western North Carolina to engage in other business. JOHN HOME Containing about 16o acres, about 30 of luiuogiuKmi mo .oiiuuiviupo ui Wnr osroom awemog, coos room, a-room servant nous, meat house, large new stables (6 stalls.) new rat proof corn crib, carriage gooa repair. en 01 gouu water, orcnaras, ana grass lots. The dwelling lots are in th town of Williamsboro. on Miiu street. The land lies on either side of the a ISO a small tract about 35 acres, with gocd spring of water (5 or 6 acres In original growth.) A good building site. Most of this land is adapted to the growth of Yellow Tobacco. 450 cres near Island Creek Baptist t...vji o ... "'" . auia iniui eta to contaiu aooui z.o acres, nas on it a4 r;om hewed log dwelling with good rock and brick chimney, log stable and corn crib, a new flue curine tobacco barns. FORTY ACRES IS WOODS. HEAVILY TIMBERED. Has good bottom and upima, wen auapwa to me growtn oi corn, wheat, oat and cotton. 2 or SO acres of thi larni, soma latelv cleared and some in woods, ia ADAPTED TO THE uKuwrnur visum xkljajw iuuac O. This farm can be bought low. The east end of this farm contains about 175 seres, ha a four tag, og com crib, frame pack house, two mere is omy a rew acres oi mis istrcu in woods, but there is plenty of young pine which will soon supply timber, drc. There is 8 or 10 a ore of rhi nA ariantri t the growth of yellow tobacco j the rest is adapted to the growth of corn, wheat, fiats and cotton, Also one 4-room dwelling and lot in the village, containing about one sere of land. Well of god water. Lot of Horses, Cows and bheep. For further particulars, apply to EATON HAITHCOCK. PRETTY AS DRESS GOODS, LACES, NOTIONS, WHITE GOODS, STAPLE DRY GOODS, &c, Coming in Every Week at S. & C. W ATKINS'. "Nucky" Will Be Happy To Wait On You. LADIES' HATS, BONNETS, FLOWERS and RIBBONS, fall styles just come. Miss Rosa Thomas has them, NEW FALLUITS,. ' . Elegant and stylish. Tremendous stock. Can fit everybody. HATS AN DC APS, - Latest fall styles, large stock and so cheap. ZEIGLER AND BAY STATE SHOES, New fall stock coming in this week, BIG LOT UMBRELLAS, New ones. See our Gloria Silk, light and durable. furnitureTmattresses, SPRING BEDS, CHAIRS, LOUNGES, &c. Largest stock and lowest, prices. Second floor is full. Will be glad to show you. "GOOTESV. SUPERLATIVE FAMILY FLOUR is all right. Try it. SAINT LAWRENCE FLOUR, 355.75, takes the cake. COOKING ANDHEATING STOVES, Large stocky best makes. " Champion" still leading. OUR TOBACCOFLUES AND SHEET IRON are the very best. Mr. Cawthorne is making them right and making big sales. LANTERNSTtOBACCO KNIVES And THERMOMETERS, best patterns at low prices. GLASS, WHITE LEAD, OILS, &C. EMPIRE RUBBER PAINTS $1.25 per gallon beats them all. Wc sell good goods, will give you your money's worth, and solicit your trade. Respectfully, S. & 0. Watkis, HI VALUABLE Ifl PROPERTY-' cotton handled at this pla-e this fall and ' is line and fall tde will open here large tiade. An energetic business man further information apply to on first and second floors, and lrge large stables, and corn crib, a! good frame - 44 about 15th of September; is intended lot or siMiation on which the dwelling thy. I have never known a case of chills E. HAITHCOCK. TRACT, which is woods. The open land adapted Btrctiun. ids improvements are, one house, ice house. All wel built and in chruch, one mile from the villaze. on the win ui UIVIUCU 111 IO IWO larillg, the W-St flue curing tobacco barns, well of water. A PICTURE THOSE NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. QOMMJSSlQNfcSS' 8A&EOF J-ASu By rixtoe of a decree of the Superior Court. of Vance countr in the proceeding of Jofco V. Chapeil and others, exparteeK''9 will sell at public auction, on the premise on the loth day of October, 1887, at noon' the well-kpon Dickerson's Mill, with mill and cotton gin, and 15 acres of land situate en the ft & G. R. R, near Kittrell. The stream on which this mil) ia situate fur nishes ruunmg power every day in the year. At the eaaie time arid pbec we will soil 107 J acres of good arming lands, ncarlr adjoining the above, lving on Tar river ancj along the K & G." R. K. Much of thi land! is rive bottom. Terras one-iliini cash, balance in 12 months. THOS. M." PrTTMAN. THQ3. B. YEN ABLE, j- Comoi'rs. Lsepc io-4 o.J JSTotipe I Havine qualified as administratrix of the estate of T. A. Stone, deceased, aty persons havinjr clims against said da. cedent are hereby notified to prut them to me or my attorneys. Day A Zol liootfer, within 12 months from date bereof br this notice will be pleaded ia hajr of their recovery; all persons in dented to said decedent must make im mediate ravment. This, th day of Sep tember, 1887'. ROSA A. STONE. 4d ml til 4tratrix or T. A. Stono, deoeaed. DAY A Z I LI COFFER, Att'y. a 15-6 o. TO HYJipffi ! I can hat express my gratitude to mv many friends and customer, who hv so liberally patronised me since I openf(J buftinefta for myself. I hve fully met my expectations, and for the EXT 30 DAYS I shall offer my entire stock, except staple good?, at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, in order to make room for new fall goods. Come and see the fcl lowing goods at reduced price; DRESS GOODS, BLACK HENRIETTA CLOTH 8, OTTOM AN8, D1AOOVALS, SERGES. CA8HMEKES. ONDINEK and imny difTereut shades and styled WHITE GOODS, INDIA LINENS, MULIX PIQUES, MHSALE, Plan and Cbeok NAlNNOOK, LACES, 8WISS, KMBROIDERY. HAMRURGS and 1NSERTINGS to match. Ti ABIES AND-rr Children's Slippers a specialty. I shall have a nice line of goods for ruy fall trade, everything being selected With' care by in jaeJf, and shall try to buy good goods 'and id tb4 best styles, tbac my customers and friends may receive lull yalue for every dollar spent with me. Very truly, youjf friend, J. A. STALLINGS, HENDERSON. N. G. J&Uj. Jewel' Shirt is still In great demand.' '' A CARD! We are glad to be able to rtate to our friends and the public generally that we hare purchased the ' Entire Stock DRUGS & FIXTURES OfE. L. Smith and will continue the drug business at the old stand on the corner. We have' secured the services of Mr. J. K. McKeihepy, recently of Wilmington, who has had a number of years' experience in the business and is withotit a, superior, as a, prescription compounder in the Statel All Prescriptions intrusted to our care will be promptly and carefully filled. Ye snail carry a First-Cass Stock of everything pertaining to the drug trade. We cordially invite' a trial. Very Respectfully, J. M YOUNG & CO, VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. I offer for sale, privately, the following Sroperty in the town of Henderson : One ouse and lot, aituate on Rowland street, Hdjoining ibe property of Henry T. Jor dan and G. D. EU worth, containing six rooms. The premises have a good wel of water, servant' house and stables. Two bouses and lotn, on the same street, con rain ing four, rooms 'each. The above buildinga are new and in Ijrst rate order; located in tlte moat pleasant part of the town I offer also one lor, with small house, and one unimproved, lt utite rear the above described property. Partiex desiring V see the properly can do ao by cading on Hi I.' O. Rowland, in Henderson. For terms, which are liberal, apply to A. AV. ROWLAND, U'ilaon, N. Agei.t for Mrs. M. W. RowUod. Juiyl4-J HENDERSON MALE ACADEMY, HENDERSON, N. C. The first session wi!l begin on Hon day the 28th or September l87, and close in Jane following. The charge fo tuition for the aession 1n all branches taught is in ' PRIMARY DEPARTMENT, 25 SENIOR ' 4T Positively no extras. For. further In formation apply to k WJI. A. WILSON, Pkicipau Sweet 8pHng, Jnly 21 a. Monre Co , W. Va. J. W. HUNTER & CO. -DEALERS IN- Dry Goods and Notionst MANUFACTURERS CT- Shirts, Drawers, &cn 40, 42 and 44 Commerce Street, NORFOLK, VA, aug. 23-3 I.J