"Tin: pj;opli:s paper." By- THAD R. MANNING, Owner and Editor. DEVOTED TO THE lXDCSTKIAT,, EDUCA TIONAL and Material V.'elfake ok Vance County and North Carolina. PuMIsIhnI nt the live and jrrowins town of Henderson, in the centre of the Famous Yellow Tobacco District. A weekly resume of the Xews, Humor and General Topics of the Day. PUIILI.SHKU EVERY THURSDAY MORNING TEP.MS OF SUIifeCIUPTION One copy one vear, -" " (J months, - 52.00 1.00 .50 The Birmingham Herald utters a truth when it says that nowhere' is the national spirit stronger, deeper 'or more patriotic than in the South. The News and Observer says Bun combe's exhibit. of grains and grasses was awarded the first premium at the Pennsylvania State Fair in Philadel phia. Hurrah for Buncombe and the Old North jState ! Lewis Barries.. Lewis Stainback. Ed. Young. We desire a live axnt nnd coi respondent at every postotlice in Vance and ail joining counties. Write lor terms. The Norfolk Virginian is gallant, and courteous, and clever enough to say: "North Carolina is rich in great men, pretty women, agricultural pro ducts and wonderful mines. It is stated that a gold mine in Rowan caunty is 770 feet deep, and has a re cord of over $3,000,000 since 1S24." Barnes, Stainback & Co, Have J" oast Returned from the 1SJ ortlaern Markets Where they Purchased an Immense Stock OIE1- PUBLISHER'S ANNOUNCEMENT. We invite contributions on all subjects of local and general interest; views and state ments upon matters of public concern, orig inal poems, essays, critiques, etc. One side of the pa per, only, must 1)0 writ ten on and the real name of the writer ac company the contribution. No attention will he pa id to anonymous letters. The Editor disclaims all responsibility for the views or statements of correspond entsand reserves the right at all times to revise or reject any article he may think proper. Address all communications to OOLD LEAF. Henderson, N. C. THUUSDAY, OCT. (i, 1887. tin: valuj: of good local PAIM5KS. The Baltimore Manufacturers'. Rec crd, the leading Southern industria journal, in its last issue has this to say of the importance and value of good local papers ; and from its position it is eminently qualified to speak advisedly on the subject. The Record says : One of the brightest and best of our Southern exchanges coming from j small town is the Gold Leaf, of Hen .1 VT I " 1 t 11 .1 ucrson, in. k.. iAKe an otner good papers, it is doing ten times, yes hundred times, as much for its town as the town will ever do for it. And yet irom its last issue we see that it is stil printed on and oliV.ime hand-prcs- .1 1 ;l . uiu mai wiiu iwo oiecis in view, one to do still more good for the town, as and the other to aid in securing money lor the purchase of a new press, the editor announces that he will get out a special issue, showing up the advan tages and the business interests of that town and section. He promises to make it a splendid advertisement to let the world know what Hender son has and what it is doing, and only asks for the encouragement of the busi ness men of the town. Surely this will be liberally given, or we are mis taken in the character of Henderson's eople. 1 he Manufacturers' Record has often urged uponSouthern people tne importance of giving a liberal sup Iort to their local papers; and we use this case to enforce this point once more. There is no better investment that the people of any live town caj make than to secure first-class live papers by heartily encouraging their publishers with business. A town is judged by its papers, and few outsiders will ever le drawn to a town "where the local papers show, by the lack of well-filled advertising columns, the want of energy of the people of that place. Southern papers are doing a great work for their country. In its development they are taking the lead, and they are I exerting such a mighty force for the uplifting of the people by steadily and persistently fighting for the right and auivmg 10 encourage ail classes to unite in pushing on the great progress of that section as to attract universal attention. Free to a large extent from sensational trash and particulars of all the latest scandals, the press of the South have bent their whole energy since 1S65 to improve the material interests of that section. They have sowed, but others have reajed the profits. Certainly, with the improv ing nnanciai condition ol the South, the time has come when Southern papers should have their columns well lined with local advertisements at good prices. Let special issues teeming with good descriptions of towns and filled with advertisements of every business house be scattered all over the isorth and West this winter, and good results will as surely follow as that harvest follows the seed-time. But this costs money, and this money must be furnished by the real estate owners and agents, merchants, pro fessional men, and, in fact, by every one interested in the prosperity of thtir section. The President has started on his trip South. He will stop in Asheville on his return, so a letter received by the president of the Asheville Board of Trade from Col. Daniel Lamonf, his private secretary, slates. He will reach there on Friday, October 21st. Mr. Cleveland will be accorded a roy al reception by the citizens of the mountain metropolis. Nowhere will he find prettierscenery or cleverer peo ple than in and around Asheville. TVTT I U I M U 3 L lit VV vi vy h s kj -9 su b i sr5 S Which are Kow Daily Arrivlna and Being Opened as Fast as Possible. GRAND OP WE HAVE AN IMMENSE STOCK OF From the Charlotte Chronicle we learn that Capt. John A. Gee, a well known conductor of the Richmond & Danville Railroad Company, has been appointed passenger agent of the At lanta & West Point railroad, with head quarters in Atlanta. No man is more worthy of such promotion, for there is not a cleverer or more popular one any where. JLJut the traveling public wil miss the kind and courtly and affable manner of Capt. Gee when his genia countenance is no more to be seen on the Richmond & Danville passenger trains. 1 The Italian Minister of Public In struction has issued a decree that women teachers receive equal salary with men teaching the same grade. i x change. 1 hat is right. We have never been aoie to see why a woman doine: the same work as a man should not re ceive a man's pay therefor. An ade quate service demands an adequate compensation, and there is neither sense nor justice in requiring the labor of a person who happens to be a fe ivml 1 r r 11 nunc iv uc given ior smaller pay than that of another who fortunately is a male, we have reference of course to such occupations as women can pursue with equal propriety and fill with equal acceptability as men. Whether as school teacher, telegraph operator or saleswoman, if she does the work of a man she should receive the pay of a man. That is what the Gold Leaf thinks at any rate. The Hartford, Connecticut, Cour- ant surveys the field of the Southern jress and expresses itself on the sub- ect of its observation in this wise. It says : There is no better evidence of South ern prosperity than the new life ex hibited by the Southern press in the jwide range of thoroughness of their news gathering. The representative soumern papers are abreast of the country in their enterprise. We can not agree with a good deal we see in Southern newspapers, but it is a pleas ure 10 come m contact with their openness and prevailing sincerity There is another noticeable point, ine soutnern editor has never been timid about expressing his mind, ex cept m certain directions where liber ty of discussion could not not be al lowed. At any rate he expresses his mind now with refreshing candor and frankness. He is, perhaps, no more free lrom prejudice than the rest of us, but he seems to take pleasure in say ing what to him seems the truth. They are usually clean. They do not panuer m tneir news gathering to the tastes of salacious reading. In the latest styles to fit men and boys at prices ranging from $3.75 to $30.00 a suit. Overcoats of all sizes, colors and prices. Cravats in pro fusion. Select stock of GENTLEMEN'S UNDERWEAR. Lewis Barnes attends to this department and Lewis Stainback and Ed. Young have charge of the BY G I , fflCEHY i in MBTHT, And will be glad to sell to their friends at low prices. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF MADY -MADE CLOTHING, SHOES AND HATS. Determined to merit a share of the public patronage we shall be glad to have i wuj iiicuui can ueiore Duymg anything in our line. STAINBACK & CO. PREMIUM SALE -AT COOPEK'S . MEMBERS ON, N. C. Friday, Oct 14th, 1887. There will be Plenty of Room for all, and no Crowding- of Your Tobacco on the Floor. GwS"" &.S T:C.r antaud Airing patronage that the Tobacco ABLE COOi'JSK'S hivo at all WAKJSHOUK" lor th times acscorded the "OL.D KELI- way to express to them m,r J i " r." TL 7T. " uawwinig in so.oe murine I ... - fti auiMUD ltjl ILt ir II ieiHSUll) manner. wf i.iva m.im.i.. i .!.. 1 . ""'p -log premium lu a substantial upon the opening of our uew aud elegant brick warehouse: For the Fin per inf " ',iai'pcia, iku Less man 20 ids, i one- ixui icimcsbee wagon complete; Worth $40 i!2Ild best' as above' 1 set Duble Wagon Harness For the NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OMMISSIOXERS-SALE(Xxn Bjr Tirtne of a decree of the Court of Vance count io the proeTr,or John W. Chpe!l and otheef will sell at pnblic auction, on the e on the 15th day of October. 1S87 2 1" fiwa am rotfnn mn 1KI . 11 on which this nw'11 x un t Jink? iMiwpr pviirv : .1 a . . '"V aJ me rMl. situate on The stream on whirl, t.r. ..T:n ., " " " situate fii I0;j acres f good farming lands. neTl' adjoining the above, lying on Tar rirer VnT along Use R. A O. R. K. Much JSj land as rive.' luora. Terros-one-t! ,i 1 cash, balance in 12 months rJ THOS. M. PITTAUH. )rt THOS. B. VE3JABLE, Comm'ri. ept. 15-4 a Notice ! Havin? Qualified the estate of T. A.Stoim H.'f nT owrnnnu ,.1 J . a I - udiji arn uereov notinf do. ,uou oereoy notmed to rr n. iclter, Wi,hi 12 month from A '1 h0,fn..i.i V. . ."'" a-ta ... ... ... ujia woitct) win i pleaded i bar cf their r.v,vrr. .11 1 " a .,n dohjrt to MM .iecedent ma-tTk.". mediate pavment. This. 9iU day orse?T Admndsf atrix of T. A . Stone. dftJi A Z "COFFKR, Atty. 8 15 6 o. TO IY PATBBHSr . ik I can hut ex oresa m v rati..A ian it a 1 1 . uuiiifnn ior DlVBPlf T . ance ud best. Worth $18. as above, i set Single Buggy Harness Tai ties competing for premiums Must Sell at Least One Barn; a ... - SS 'MM SLSWVJT OTHER PREMIUMS WILL BE ADDED BEFORE DAY OF SALE. IF BIG PRICES are what von o-oni a. ING WALE.wLeretvr.rv cril 7 A 11" 1 V'".l. '"""'S v RAND OPEX- prieesoftheaeaHOD. Odr bUv "i"u hiddingr. Tbis promise takn i7h '"ir:.. "V""H,,.,a 7. .u their liberal trial that day. 4 uorui suoma induce all to give us a a!., com,, una ,U with u8,L? JSffiX tK'," D BARNES Y. COOPER Proprietor Cooper's New Brick Warehouse. .Now is the Winter of our Dis- uum,ein JYiaae (ilonous onmmei" by S. H. HAWES' COAL ELEVATOR RICHMONDJVIRGINIA. 1 THE ONLY ELEVATOR SOUTH ! dry .,, IP.rficlU, cton. I l,kve ,,mrid si , lalw.S ke ,m Jl nil Kinus ol Coal besl sniil f,.r i of bet quality. Prompt nsJluZr1 there, thus lessening the cost of the Tirade Tuth ' Upward! Onward TOWARD THE GOAL OF MERCANTILE PER FECTION. sumers Ret their Coal hand, a larue stock of use. All coal selected anil is loaded into them sept. 2Q 1 1. We notice that our friend Frank S. Woodson, has become city editor of 1 w-v ... me mnville Register. We extend to him a cordial welcome into the fold f : i- journansm, ana congratulate the Register upon having secured the services of a man so competent to fill the position. Mr. Woodson is a vig orous and sprightly writer and will make the local columns of the Agis ter take on new life and activity. He is an old Tar Heel boy, brother of the late lamented E. C. Woodson, and has many friends throughout this State. The writer has pleasant recol lections of Frank Woodson, made while connected with the Danville Daily News, and is always pleased to hear of his well doing. Our able and esteenwl mmom porary the Wilmington Star, has en & J icreu upon its 21st volume. Twenty years is a mature age for a daily paper to attain in North Carolina, and we congratulate the Star upon the cele 1 a. : r r- . urauon 01 so ieiicitous an event. And there is no paper of our acquaintance more deserving of long life and pros perity, In point of editorial ability it is the equal of any newspaper we read, and far more dignified and man ly and truthful than some of the great metropolitan dailies. It is sound n its doctrines, and honest and fearless in the advocacy of its principles. Mr. T. B. Kingsbury, the scholarly and acmmnli;lirl Us : uu . V.UH.U1, is a uom ana in cisive writer, polished and well poised, and easily one of the strongest and best furnished newspaper writers in the country. The Star is always fresh arid newsy, and among all our ex changes we accord no paper a more genuine welcome or read it with greater pleasure and profit. Long may it live to do battle for the right growing brighter and better with each passing year. YOU .-: HAVE Commenced to read tins. All wise people Will not onlv onmnipni Imt u,i it- through. It will interest you very much. After reading it over once read it again and make sure that you have not some of the most importaut points ; the in luiumuuii wui ue oi value to you. We know that you are a careful and cautious buyer. TO READ THIS m maKe you still more careful. It will inuve to jou tnai you are likely to lose a great deal by not carefully read ing E.G. Davis' advertisement. They have to announce that their immense FALL STOCK Is now in perfect order and they invite you to give them an early call and Downward and Lower T ii ri t . Notice ! ln me -cale 01 Low Fnces. t-t i SV MSflEKS: .ff WC haVC de I? our csomere, and do no, hesitaie , ixiy our purcnases this season are OF YOUR ATTENTION. YOUR ADMIRATION AND YOUR PATRONAGE. fnlT met my executions, and for ! NEXT 30 DAYS ;uS?U5? ?y entlre 8tock' GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. in order to make room for new fail" jrooi. Come nnd sea tb followinj jroods at reduced prices: nuivS GOODS BLAi'K 11 EN R I ETTA OI.OTHS,OTrOMANS, DIAOONfXlTs SERGES. (MSUMEKES, OK DIN A WHITE GOODS, INDIA I.INFVs rd Check NAIOOK Lm SWISS, FMBROI DKRY HAMBDttW aud INSERTING to match. LKUi AND Children's Slippers a specialty. I shall hare a nice Hoe of jcooda for niy fall trade, frjtLinK bf-itifr selecUd with r.r. ir "1 shall trj to buy jjood Koods and in the oest stTle. that m v cnatmn.. . a rriendB miy receire lull value tor every dollar apent with me. 1 Very truly, your friend, J. A, STALLINGS, HENDERSON. N. G. JMy Jfcwel Shirt ia Bfll! Ir. ..... demand. m,9m" INSPECT IT. gunless Their Tou are not expected to buy anvthin Vill Amrl .m .ii.. 1 a jvu uuu etu wnai you want Steady .Adm Is to please all their customers and meet me r requirements better than anybody else can do it. How far they have been successful can be demon strated by calling at their store and critically ex amining their dis play of Dress Goods, Millinery, Notions, bhoes, Clothing, &c. Y, ti-MevWl11 Profitably spent, and you will become a regular customer to E. Gr. DAVIS. JZr.W& MIS WORTHY hu- Vuirr """'r0 w" Pleaded In ... lueir recovery; all reroona int dol.ted to Mi,i decednt msfS" mediate payment. ThKl6th day nfSe? aTJ??1? I88!' . J- W. YOUNG, oumimsiraior oi John T.. Hrt sept 226 . coased. T. 4. WILLIAM & CO. OUR NEW GOODS -WIIOLESALl A rf rlnJlir n f ..... , lt u wc are now exhibiting in all departments the Wtt ttl,u '"usl ucbirauie styles ot 1-oreiP-n anH nnm.f.:n .. .j. .. Ladies- Dress Goods, Trimminf&c.Z- attention of our lady friends. A Card i We are glad to be able to itate to our frienda and the public genrallr that we have purchased "the Entire Stock -OF DRUGS & FIXTURES Of E. L. Smith and will continue th drug business at the old stand on the corner. We have secured the services of Mr. J. K. McKelheny, recently of jiumigion, wno nas had a number of years' exjrience in the business and is without a superior as a prescription compounder in the State. All Prescriptions intrusted to our care will be promptly and carefully filled. We shall carry a First-Class Stock of everything pertaining to the drug 'c wimany invite a trial. Very Respectfully, J. M. YOUNG & CO. GROCERS, Cor. Commerce & Elizabeth Sts., nSTorfolk - V.i. fang. 25-3 I. BIG BARGAINS AND- New Goods! DRESS GOODS AND SILKS In this department wp mav w,r P, ... , , ... . a.y uui iibbortment is by lar the largest anrl ""w rl11 111 inis maricet, and ,s overflowing with novel ties that connot be found elsewhere. NEW DRESS TRIMMINGS. e are preoared tn sbrkw tv, i-, i . o i i , mosc enective assortment manv styles exclusively confined to . uiimepi, .many v,. c j i ; woittuuaiiuiciu, auu cannot be excelled You can find the latest effects, in astonishing variety. Must be seen to be appreciated. XiABGEST STOCK, GREATEST V.VRIETV 4uu.ii ncs ana lowest prices in Flannel VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR 8AI.K. I offr for sale, nrivatalv th rMr property In th town or HenHerM,,, : One noune and lot. situate on Rowland nlret. HOioniinir the nroirt f u . dan and . D. Ell-worth, ContafnirK ix rooms The premie i,aTe R ROnd . or water, servant'. h'.use and Ktables. Two houses anl Jot, on tbe same Mreet, eon raining four room each. Tbe above nuiluinira are near order; located in th tnnM nin of th town I rfTor a!ao nna rt ik amall house, and one onimnrov-d ait aAA. a! a . 'rr mtt aoove Uecribed "i 1.1 iir-niriur u mm I n nrM . do so hyca ling on Mr. I. C. RowUi in tifnaerson. For urm 1 : ! i iiuaiii, mppiy io A. W. ROWLAND, Agett for Mm. M. W. Kowhad. July J4-a. J.W.HUNTEK&C0. "DEALERS IS property. 'ran which are prices in rlannels. KlanVptc rvmfX-K. r..:i- t.i.i- I r s t b Linens. Nankins. TowVl, Tc v r. tLT-T?. M,1.f "UIC UfV llOOflQ X( NntinnC 4 , , j uiuiu, jN-iuuons, reamers. i j "- mhvi ivii7iioa Laces, Fine Shoes, &c. Our Mr. T. J. Mitchell io hB J X U turned from the Northern mar keta witb a beautiful line of all and Winter Goods, A nrl V A aaaW 4t a ... mai onr many mends call; na examine our stock. Don't fail to those x LIGHT RUNNING DOMESTIC SE1VIXG MACHINES AT Goopeh & Mitchells, i ELEGANT NEW MILLINERY GOODS. 1 L. 1 . i , .c uavc mc largest ana Dest assortment of goods in this line in Vance county 'Jl;"su -iicap. liss K.osa i nomas will take pleasure in them. showing CARPETS AND MATTINGS, Large stock, beautiful patterns. Now is the time to make your rooms comfort able for the winter. Remember, at our store you will always find the largest stock, the most exclusive styles, and the lowest prices. Respectfully, . & C. Watkents, HB2SnDllK,S02Nr, 3ST. C. s MANUFACTURERS OF Shirts, Drawers, So, 40, 42 and 44 Commerce Street, NORFOLK, VA. aujj. 253 1. JAS. E BARNES, Wholesale Retail DEALER IN r OYSTERS, Xo. 11 Campbell Wharf, Norfolk, Virginia, sept 29-2 1