Cool jnd R 1W.W FEED STORE. tESEasasasaa CKDXJ1D JJttJJF. DE W DROP IM ! Km ra si i3?iP as I fel 3ga R BS KSH gig rR IIEXDEKSOX, X. C, THURSDAY. OCT. 20, 1887. LOVE'S TRIUMPH. New York Graphic When the mnni broke clear and the sun rsH bright, , , . And lh -a, which had tossed through that terrible niht. On that rock-bound shore. Ceased to MirK d to swell in waves mountain hiirh. Ceased t's its foam angrily up toward the sky, I its horrible roar ; Then she st.le from lier cot, with her babe clorelv pressed Gainst her heart, which had widly throbbed in her breat Through the wearisome night ; And she moved to the cliffs, which stood hijjh and .steep. And, with wide-staring eyes, looked out on the deep In the clear morning light. That vast sea was as smooth as a lake that's at rest ; , , Not a wave could be seen npon its broad breast As it rolled to the land ; Yet it silently swept far up on the beach, Every time it came up striving higher to reach Upon the bleak strand. For a moment her heart was filled with af fright, While she gazed on the sea, lit by morning 3 clear light. And saw far and near, On the breast of the deep, bits of hull and of mast, Which told of the tempest that o'er it had passed In that night bleak and drear. Twas her fisherman husband for whom she feared ; For his bo it on the ocean she eagerly peered, But no sail was in sight ; Then her eyes chanced to turn from the sea to the land, And she saw a man's form lying still on the sand In the clear morning light. Something strange in that form for a breath stopped her heart, Something known in that form caused the life blood to dart Through her losom once more ; For a moment she scarcely could gather her breath. For a moment her face was ghastly as death, As she gazed at the shore. Then she rushed to her hut, took the babe from her breast. And, leaving the child in his cradle to rest, She hastened to ro Down the path, that was cut in the cliff's rugged side, To the sands where the ocean's still rising tide Came steady and slow. With a fast beating heart along the dry beach. Which the incoming tide was trying to reach, She flew o'er the ground ; In the form which lay there, as if dead, on its side. In the spot where 'twas left by the last rising tide. Her husband was fonud. At his side in an instant she dropped on her knee, And eagerly peered at his features to sec Were lie liv ing or dead ; Hut she saw that his face was as ghastly as death, And there came foom his lips not even a breath As she lifted his head. Then the shirt o'er his breast she tore quickly apart. And her quivering hand she placed on his heart For a moment's brief space ; As she felt his heart's throb uncertain and slight. Her breast tilled with joy, her eyes shone with a light Which transformed her face. ITe was ghastly and eold as he lay on the sand At the spot unto which he'd been swept on the strand liy that terrible storm, liut her heart leaped for Joy in the breast of that wife. For she'l teit his blood throb and she knew there was life In that almost dead form. With the strength of a giant, born of her love. She carried that form to the cliff top above, From the surf-beaten shore ; And she dared 011 the way not a moment to rest. Lest the heart that so faintly beat ia his breast Should cease evermore. To their cot, near at hand, her burden she bore. And, though herframeshook as she eutered the door, lier heart did not quail ; Yet she sighed when she'd placed his form on tlie bed. For his eyes were wide staring as If he were dead, And his face ghastly ple. With the courage of love she fought for his life, With the vigor of love she entered the strife And conquered grim Death ; For she saw, in good time, light gleam in his eye. And she heard withdelight from his bosom a sigh, And she felt his faint breath. Iiove had won, as oft times it had won be fore ; Love had won, as it will till our loving is o'er. Till wo pass from this earth ; Strength had come to her arms as lier hus band she bore, Strength had come to her frame that she'd ne'er known before Till love gave it birth. Depends upon What Kind is Referred to Durham Tobacco riant. 1 Query for the press : Has North Carolina more dogs than sheep ? J'rogressive Far met. II you mean those four-legged wooly bleaters, yes. But it you mean by "sheep" timid legislators and scary political bleaters, no. The Bankof Hnderson HENDERSON, VANCE COUNTY, N. O. tteneral Ilaukliigr. Exchange and Coliectiou Uusines. .... " wijixs Negotiated on good farms lor a term of years in ?.U.T f HU,1L uPwarn t 8 r cent ,"",,w" ""eraie charges. Apply to "J. n.o. JIUKlilVYN, At the IUi.k of Henderson. yyM. H. S. BURG VTN, ATTORNEY -A.T LAW, HENDERSON, C. Persons desiring to consult me profes luo ot Uendersoij Bu;lding. Why Not Take A Life Policy? YU cannot y. I am not able to kyep up a Life Policy." A very little outlay wi I do it. Yon ran, by taking a Policy, create in an in tan t. a capital of $l, 00 fir your family though you be ever so poor, for although the anoui-1 premium may seem a sum of Home imporanee, a fzvo cents l-tid by each week will m ik up the amount. You canot say, "If I stop paying I shall lose all I have put in." On ordinary f r:us ot anxurance. if from any ciU56 you a e unab 1 to coo- I tinue your payment, y -u umy secure an equi'able return upon th me alreaoy made upon the surrend -r of your policy subject to the company's rul ;s. You cannot say, "Life Assurance is not a profitable in vestment"" If it be not go, how is it that thousands of the shrewdest business men ii the country inv-st their funds in this way? Examine a list of the names of those who are to-day carrying large pdicies and fudge f r yourself an t the merits of Life Assurance, viewed simply as a financial transaction. You wi'l find that the most prominent men, business men of tlie'liighest repu tation, a-HUre their lives. Many of them to the amount of g-10 000, or $100,000. or even half or three-q larters of a million. J. K. YOr.NG, Life and Fire Insurance AciEMt, Henderson. N. C Policies written in tirtt-class conipa ui s only. SOME TESTIMONIALS. Extracts From Letters Written by Tontine Policy Holders of the Equitable Lite Assurance Society of the United States. In reply to yours of the 10th inst., I will sav that 1 was the holder of Policy No. 42.3G7 for 5,000, 15 year Tontine, the re sults of which were published by yon, and are correct. 1 selet ted the cash settlement and took a new policy on the same plan. I will say that I am perfectly satisfied with my insurance in The Equitable on the 15 year Tontine plan. JoilN. ij. Hall, Sedalia, Mo., Your letter of yesterday containing check in payment on my $10,000 Tontine in surance policies, Nus. 61,541-2, has reach ed me safely and and in return I desire to present The Equitable my sincere thanks for the promptness with which it lias set tled my claim. Charles E. Prisfau, (Jrand Rapids, Wis. The policy of $10,000 was carried for ten years at a cost of only $1.88 per $1,000 The notioe from The Fq-iitalrfe va duly received, regarding my Tontine policy. I have decided to accept Option No. 3. I do not feel like giving up my insurance in The Eq'iiiable, as I prize it highly. H. H. Story, Piatt- burgh, Pa. Your favor showing the results of my Tontine policy. No. 2 8S6. was duly re ceived. I have determined to surrender it for its cash value, $48.45. Then I am perfectly satisfied with the outcome, I need scarcely add, in view nf the fact that I have since taken out a new 1,000 policy, 13 year Semi-.Tontine. J. I. n j m, Baltimore, Ml. 1 acknowledge the receipt of Eq lita b'e Society's cheek for $757 25. being set tlement lor my Ten-year Tontiue poli cy. Allow me to exDress my entire satisfaction with the resul, as I have been insured for ten years for but $579 per thousand. 1 h'im as A. Parke. Pittsburgh, Pa. I am leased with the settlement allow ed on my Ten-year Tontine policy which matures January I, 186, and have concluded to take the first option and continue my inssurance upou the ordinary life pian, taking my surplus S210.09 in cash. Please send me a check tor my surplus. Alios Salzenstein, Athens, III. Learning that I have bien repeatedly quoted as being vry dissatisfied witu the settlement of my Toutine Policy iu The Equitable, I oeom it necessary in justice to my.M!f and your company, to make a clear and emphatic denial. Far from being dissatisfied, I claim that I have had the cheapest! insurance, for the ten years my policy was iu force, I have bad yet. The figures; show that my insurance cost me exactly $5.83 ptr thousand, which will, in mv estimatiou, be hard to beat. O. 8culeiter, Pittsburgh, Pa. J. R. Young, Life and Fire Insurance Agent, Henderson, X. C. Policies written in first-class compa nies only. COMBINED WITH GREAT REFRACT- mu ruvvtK. THEY ARE AS TRANSPARENT AND COL- """mi An uoui IISfclLK, Ami for Knftiiocc nrsii.i.nn . not be excelled, enabling the wearer to read Uv....a Buiiuuii.iugue, in tact, tliev nr Perfect Siht Preservers. 7u??2?,tr?w' the ,eaJinR Physicians in had their sight improved by their ull C All Eyes Fitted and the Fit Guaranteed bv W T. CHEATHAM & CO., Henderson. - - - n. C. These gUsscs are not supplied to peddlers at any price. a . K. HA W K Fs Who.esale depots: Atlanta. Ga.; Austin, Te'x. JAS. E. BARNES Whoesala Al Retail DEALER IX OYSTERS, Xo. 11 Campbell AVliarf, Norfolk, : : Virginia. sept 292 I. 0 CUT YOUR HEAD OFF! DAVE HAWKINS, THE OLDEST barber iu Henderson, has an envi able reputation in the business Hi. shop over Currin's bi lird loon, s hardsomely and comf;rtfcbly fitted un and heKivesaDeatru-urs and tXsk lonable hair cut. I wr-uld respectfully notify my frierds and the pnl lic generally that I have moved to Henderson, and opened a Feed Store, in th OLD W ATKINS BUILDING, where I keep a lull sUply of fie.-ii Watsr-Ground Heal, (from Rowl-uiu'd Mil!) FLOUR, IP STUFF, OATS, SEED WHEAT, KYF, SUlNiit.E, LATHS, tc, Cheap for Cash. Vt'ill pay highest fash i.riees for Cor , Wheal, Tens-, e Mr. J. H. Mah(ne is with me and will be pleaded to se yon. f'emember the place Yratkiu' oiu store Louse, next to Draper. l'.es-p.-it-tfiTy, Yrr, W. EOWLAXD. HENDERSON, N. C. oct. 133 i PALL ANNOUNCEMENT ! I carry the largest and most complete stock of fine Shoes and Hats In this part of North Carolina and sell them at prices thnt defy competition. My goods arc mxde to my special order ly the follovt ipg bih s'andiuy: f,ietorie mentioned: Evctt lircs., ladies' and Jlisxes' tine h:tnd made tbeH in mot fashionable styles; T. J. McG ruder', fine hand made D'ingola, Kangaroo and French kid for ldien and Misses; ccrn mon sense and Eniih walking bto. ; E. P. Ked A (O.'d most popular styles; (Jbas. Heisei's handmade French kid and Cordivans for trents and youths. In all, a better line of high trntde shoes than is usually foond in any city store. Misses' and children's Solir Tips a spe cial y. Feeling flattered by my success in running an txjlusivelySUOF, HAT aod GEN IV Furnishing Goods store, I have laid in a larger stoeir this sea&ou Mian ever before. A mammoth stock of NECKTIES. TRUNKS and VALISES at foetory price. Try VIC TORIA CORN PLASTEt Thankful for the liberal and increasing patronage of the public, Very Respectfully, A. R. AGLEA, HENDERSON, N. C. aug :'6. a A GOLDEN OPPOHTUXITY To furnish your home by EASY PAYMENTS. We have just opened wiha full liu6 of Furniture 5 Which we are selling CHEAT FOR CASH aud ou the Instalment Plan. One-third cash and balance in wet In payments. FURNITURE OF ALL DESCRIP TIONS, Mattresses, Clocks, Pictures, &c. J.M.RYALL&CO., O'NEIL BUILDING, Henderson, : : : : N. C. J. W. HUHTEK & CO. -DEALERS IN- Dry Goods and Notions. MANUFACTURERS OF Shirts, Drawers, Sc., 40, 43 and 44 Commerce Street, NORFOLK, VA. aug. 233 1. STOP AT THE 1W Piffi ED, NORFOLK, VA. B. R BROWN. &. CO, PROPRIETORS. First-Class in all its Appointments. sept. 29-6 l.j ISGo. Estublisbed 18C5. M. L. T. DAVIS & CO. 5 WHOLESALE GROCERS AND DEALERS IN Flour, Provisions Fish Salt k S. E. Cor. Water & Commeree Sts. Norfolk, Va, aept. 29-6 I. Valuable Farm for Sale ! I off-r for sale a valuable farm situated near the town of Henderson, aud con. taming one hundred and sixtr (W0) acres. Land finely adapted to e rw A. C. ZOLLICOFFER 9 mhi.v. 1 m EiaflU ttt a mm 22 3 ! A SPECIFIC FOR fOITOjlSBASES seen Painful rofase I uppressed Scanty and Mm rreirnlar MENSTRUATION or ONTELY SICKNESS. If taken during the CHANGE OP LIFE, great offering and danger will be avoided. .J??-Send for book ".Message to Women," mailed tree. Braxctixld Bsoulxtob Co., Atlanta, Ga. JAS, H.L ASSITER & SON. WOULD CALL THE ATTEN TION OF THE PUBLIC TO TIJEirw LARGE AND Selected Stock -Consisting of DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, HARDWARE, CROCERIES, GLASSWARE, SUGAR, COFFEE, MOLASSES, FLOUR, MEAL, CORN, OATS, HAY BACON, LARD, FISH, &c, &c. Also a large quantity of Standard Fertilizers Consisting of WHANNS' PLOW BRAND, PACIFIC GUANO For Cotton and Tobacco. PATAPSCO GUANO, For Cotton and Tobacco. SPECIAL TOBCCO MANURE, STAR BRAND FERTILIZER, Sec. JAS. H. LASSITER & SON, Henderson, N. C. may 1", a. REMOVAL! MY FlilENDS AND TH E PUBLIC WILL PLEASE HEM EMBER 'Hi AT I HAVE MOVED FROM THE CORNER NEXT TO COOPER'S WARE HOUSE TO THE EJVETT BUILJ)J1TG (late the New York Casn Store) Just a few do-rs from my old sanr', wuere. witn a larger and better arrange.! house, troutinsr on Garnet and Munu Komey streets. I propose to ktep a large tjiwinn 01 eiioice DRY GOODS, EOOTS, SHOES, HATS, GROCERIES, TIN AND CROCKERY WARE, &C, &C. I keep on hand lrge quantities of Lime, Cement, Windows I Doors. 1 also make a specialty of Flour, Meat, Meal, Feed Stuffs, &c Profoundly thankful fnr th patronago extended me in the pst, I shall endeavor to merit its continuance. J. Hiram Goodrich, Henderson - - n. C. POMONA HILL NURSERIES, POMONA, N. C, Two and a half nil-s west of Greensboro, X. C. The main line of iho K. & D. R. R. passes through thn grounds and within 100 feet f the office. Salem traii-8 make regular stops twice dai y each way. Tuose interested in Fruit and Fruit growers i-re ordiaJIv ii.vit'd to inspect this the lrgst nursery in the State and one among the largest iu the South. The proprietor has for rrar y years vi iteii the leading Nurseries "Xonh and West, andcorresj?tied with t nose of f r egn couniries. gatheriuar tvery fruir that was calculitud to suit the South, both nati"e and foreign. The reputation of Pomona HiM Nurseries is such that many agents going out from Greens boro, representing other nurseries, trv to lrave the impression that th-y are representir g these nurseries. Wuy do t:iey do it? Let the pubUc answer. I haye in stock growing (and can show visitors tiae same) the largest and best stock of tree?, fce , ever shown or seen in any two rurseries in Xorth Carolina consisting of apple, peaefc. par, cherry) plum, grape, Japanese persimmon. Jap au-se pin t. aori ct, nectatice, Russian apricot, mulberry, piinee". Small fruits: Strawberrv, rapl 1 ry. cuj ranU, pe aus. Engli-iu walnuts, rhubarb, asparagus, evergreen. thade trees, rosea. &f . Give yourorder to my au?h- rized agent or order direct from the nuis-ry. Cor respondence solicited. I)e-cript ve cat alogues free to applicants. Add re, J. Van Lixclkt, Pomona, Oail.ord countv, N. C. may 2(3, 1 c.J 1 ; 1 For a cool, refreshing drink, fixed up to suit the most fastidious, GO TO GIBSON'S BAB, BILLIABD AND POOL SALOON, GrZRisnETT Street. In Cooper building next to postornce, where you will find the most popular brands 01 mountain and Kentucky rye and corn whiskeys, domestic and im- iitu uiauuic, wmes, vvc, togetner witn the celebrated Aurora and Bud weuser beers fresh from the ice house. Cigars, cigarettes and chewing tobacco. Elegant billiard and pool tables in a quiet, cool place. With prompt and polite attention, and a long experience in the business, I hope to please mv Pwuua iii UK iumrc as in tne past. J OIIN E. 7-7-A. YT ATCHSS -A.isnD JEWELRY P. wTc'KOFF'S, HENDERSON, ------- N. C. SOLID and HEAVY PLATED SILVERWARE of MANY KINDS and NOVELTIES You will be surnrised t" see hw oilman von oan purchase In the jewelry line, in fact, I endeavor to sell all goods in mr line --A.T REDUCED RATES.- Le Mare's ltock and Trvstal SppRtac'ea and Ee Glasses which I carry in stock are the bst for the yes and vry, very chap. With an experience of firt.v (40) yar.s I fin ur I can suit you. WATCHES AND JEWELRY REPAIRED. .Luther SASHES, DOORS AND BLINDS, MOULDINGS, ' BRACKETS, STAIR RAILS, NEWELS, BUILDERS HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS. GLASS, PUTTY AND BUILDING MATERIAL OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Nos. 16 West Side Market Pqu vre, aod 49 Roa loke Ave., Norfolk, Virginia. Established in 1870. oct 29, lc 3 trnZZmr-r Over Ten Thousand 1'rial gj y jXtXixyitages mailed to pa- JJk. XlsCKa i.. iwhomtookatolHroai A I tad leal Ours for NerronaDnhilitT. Oronnii Weaincos BndPhysi cal Decay in Yonna or Mid fill AffitH Va Tiui.; fA.r:Aiv - . IUoascnacu3i3 tney &bsolutl reeroro pitnatnraly Berfect ana full Manly Strength and Vifrorons Hbi.!'h. vTo those who 6uTor f'-orathoiCBny obscor dineasM eronghtnhout by Indiscretion, xnoaure,Over-Bram work, ortoo f rea Inlulease. we ask that yon aend na .nal5e with tr tcmeat of your trouble, end secure xBXAL PACKAGE FKKS.with Jihist'd famphlot.ia. UPTURCO PLF.SONS can have Pf?EB New Livery Stables ! m Having bought out the entire liverv busines-h of Messrs. (urr1 it Bros., and aritiod in re horses ai-d vehicles, we d sire to annomue that we will conduct the business ar. the f-pir;e j lace and are prepared to .io everything in the Liveiy and Hauling line. Wh will keep a good sfck of horses aod bntririna. waaoim jnrl r.AP.mi and salcle horses, for hire, aud oi:r' lerms wni at ways te t una rejs nybe Special arcoinrnodaiions for trvelii g men and their bagae. AVid uiake contracts for haulirg Rock, Wood, Lumber or nnvthing that hor es can pml. tWUvtes fd by I he single feed. r?av oi month, and good attention vili bt given. Solicltinif a sharo of the publi' patronnge, Very K est ectfu !Jy. W. W. SWAIN fc CO., ALWAYS SATISFACTORY EIGHTEEN SIZES AHD KINDS filL PURCHASERS CAR BE SUITED MANUFACTURED BY Isaac ISheppard Co.,BaiaiaoreIHd. FOtt SALE CY J, L H. Mi&siJIier HENDERSON - - - N. C R r? B;.i5f?5 & 4 nt A3 13 r u as m 0 BtimnlHtcs the torpid liver, MrcRffth rnsl tie dijf Hwe rgma, rvulatoatbe bowels, ua;j are uiteualeu uu au fiHTi-BILSGOS KEOiGiHE, In malarial districis Iheir v.'rtnra aro n ldey rtoognlvHi.ns t tic v 2ohmfhm p uiiar pruprti k it; frtcliiK tit ,., tern from tiiai oLon. Eleicautly kurar CObScd. kinalt. iric, 25cts. Sold Everywhere. Office, 4Az Murray St, ITr.ry 3o-"- VALUADLE PROPEKrY FOK SALE. I off-?r for sale, privately. thefo'Iowin property in tho town of Ilenderson : One hoime and lot, situ tte on Itowland street, djjinin2 the property of Hrry T. Jor dan and O. D, Ellwr!h. containing nix rooun. The have a eood well of vater, sprvant's huse and sUbles. I m . I t SKi. 3r w mm iwo uounes ana lots, on tbe same street, containing four rwmsfach. The above bui'dtnps are new and in first rate order; locnted in the mont p!eaant prt of the town I offer also one lot, with small house, and one unimproved, it u&te rear the above de-cribed property. Prtie desiriujr to ee th proper' yean do ho by ca ling on Mr. I. C. Kowlmd it Hinders n. For terms, which are libera!, apply to A. V. ROWLAND, i '. N. Aget for Mr. 31. W. Iiowlmd. July 11-a. Live me a call. Resiectfullv. GIBSON, Act.. HENDERSON, N. C. Sheldon, atoi ine imposition ot prctentioua rm I.IHt. A ftKB m bUJlb HEISKDT UUtt BAB iCUKED thott&nda. docs &oi luterfcra with aitentinn tn huaina a nain , 7 anau on srirntifl inawlioal rw,intm T2 fnnfw.nMnf t 1 - t i jreirtedinlmatin elements of life sjt g.rn lmck the patient becomes cheerful and rapidly esans both strength ad heidUs TREATMEIfT; h7XoBlh,3, Trolfci.fl. lln 7 HARRIS REMEDY CO.v Mro CHCWSTi, Trial of our Aooiiance. 'Aaic for Terms! The Place to Buy Your Drugs, Wholesale and Retail, IS AT HARRIS & CO.'S, Who keep always on hand afr.-sh supply of tlie purest nd inot reliable drugs that are manufactured, together with a lull line of the most popular Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Perfumed and Medicated Soaps Extracts, &c. -A choice selection ot- CHEWING TOBACCO, CIGARS AND CIGARETTES, A lull stock of GARDEN SEEDS. Physicians Prescriptions A SPECIALTY. Will make it to your w 12111 on us D4iore ouyin. HARRIS & CO., HENDERSON, N. C. aug. 113 I. ISTotice Rv Virtue (if power conferred nnnn ma in mortnae deed, by Samuel J. 3lt tnewa and wite, June K. Matthews, duly recorded in Reiristei t,m,. ,.r vn C'Mintr, bo k 4. taire 530 anrt fU T will sell on Monday, the 7th day of Xovtm- wr, ai puunc auction, frr caab, at the court bouse door in Huwlr.n. V , a certain lot or parcel of land situate in the county of Vance, adjoining the nuui uj naran j. Matilipw Kran m vaugnau. J. w. nuke tu othr n contatninjc about 25 acres. Said land ia more definitely described in said deed w wuicu reference i iiereiiv mi.i. Tt.i- 5th day of October. 1887. JAMES R. YOUNG, oct. 64 o. Clerk "Mipei ior Curt. EVERY TOBACCO GROWER, Every Tobacco Manufacturer. Every Tobacco Seller, 6HOULD SUBSCRIBE FOB Th Richmond Whig. It has the be t TOBACCO REPORTS of any paper published in the State. JSend for secimeii coy. DAI LY, $4.50 a year. WEEKLY, 73 ets. Address The Whig, Richmond, Va. 1S lrslTRACt Ex& "E5sT fcASi 'W V!. WmT SALE'S ITEL I SntST, ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN, Xos. SO and 32 3Iarkct Square, Norfolk, Va., B. P. Sale, Prop'r. Lodging and Meals at all Hours. A Call Solicited. Satisfaction Given. ?pt. 29-a. SAXOON The undersiKnel vroold mnt ro.p.. fully inform the public ' ally thathehaaopened . FIRST-CLASS BAR On Kat Grnet strif, oPpnsi,e prker & Cos, where be iu alway kP good assortment of Pure Liquors, -SUCD A8 Pure Old By8 Whiskies Brandies, Wines, &c. ' TiiRA CO AND CIGARS HARRY BASSETT AND- . OLIVETTE Pare old K a Wk:a-n . beaten. N. C. Sweet Wwd lifl vMiiamnvK on liwnu.. Mr. D. W. MrH, t. -.f.u . . would be gUd to serve you. MU S. S. WHITTEN HENDERSON, - . n. C. august 31. LOOK! Selling Low In Order to Make Room for FALL GOODS! In order to give more room for Fall Goods, and desiring to give my cus tomers the benefit of Low Prices, I shall offer for the next 6o days, some SpGcial Bargains In Ladies' and Gents' Summer Goods, such as light Prints, Lawns, low-cut Shoes and Slippers, Straw Hats, &c. These goods will be sold at very low prices as it is getting late in the season and we must close them out to make room for other stock. Come one and all, while you have an opportunity, and we will save you money. Thanking my friends for their lib eral patronage in the past, and hoping to merit a continuance ot the same in future, Very Respectfully. H. Thomason, (opposite Oopor'g warehouse) HEXOKRCOX, N. C. inch. 10 1 c EXCELSIOR f THE EXCELSIOR COOK RTO kh Manufactured by th celebrated STOVE WORKS OF ISAAC A. SHEPPARD A CO., BALTIMORE, Md. Are the beat on the Market Seventeen different varieties, manufactured in four aeries, of FFERENT SIZES And Prces TO 6UJT ALL PUKCIlASEliS The IExcelsior Combines the following leading fan. turea, possessed by do other Cook Ktove in ins ruarices. ooa ioor at jcacn End of fire box. Damoet and Aiitmniio Oven fehelf wurkiun on itlir kiH n stove, so that the stove ra be used equally well from either aide. J-arge Top, with beavj ring covers, double cniiwpii)i;eii, vdu psieiii revcrsioie gas buriug long crosspiece. Large bioiling door, sliding fire-doors, with either illu minated or closed panels, as desired. Swing Hearthplate. dropping into place flush with the hearth. Silting Urate and Swinging Flue Top. Tbe Flues are large and easily kept clean. Tbe Damper caa be readily replaced at any time without removing tbe top. Four sizes have Drop Shelves and Galvanized Towel Racks attached. LARGE ASSORTMENT Of tbe above name Stoves Heaters And Ranges, etc., In btock and for sale at MAXUFAC TURER8 PRICES. J. L. H. Missillier, HENDERSON, N. C. UI11UU! Firm aad Ilarglsir PfMf. W. H. BUTLER, General Agnt. ntrnnr n a ft w . LOCK CO. 79 Dl?AX S1IIEI.T. JfKV ok. Jan. 131 c.