( ur .-.! i Miu.'f a a;iv f..'V.-- of !' mar occur 1.1 liooiS- ... i'.-r-'i;:s cani SPECIAL. NOTICE, friends throughout tcuntiy favor i-y K'"--:1'1 '1 " f hnt a I or "enerai . ,. their reactive adver- Wheheis Oxe's Labors auk Light ened Our esteemed co-laWrer, Brolhcr Eoote, of the Warrenton Gazette, is kind enoujh to say this, and we reply by say- ins no man has greater caiw to be made to Reiiieniber the sale of valuable town lot by N. 11- Chavasse on Murrh Slat, at 3 o'clock. For further information apply to T. A. Davis. Fiee The dwelling house of Allen Per- Wyche is . ,.r wriiiHg to , l ' ... r, I.KAF. while it will cost You !!Oth.i. TOWN ANJOUNTRY. . qpaL laconics picked up he-.e and THERE BY OOS EAGLE-EYED REPORTERS. 1,-t lhre be a large turn out of the f a r-Jtole-arthe addict of Col. Ricketts irxl Saturday. See ticc of valun'ol 11 in (iranvllle oomtytobesoldbv F. F- Hobgood. ad v. itiM-d in this paper. What Ins become of our military com pany? The Gold Ixak hopes it will not b allowed to die out. xr i u i:.:,.iciM,:i has taken charge ,,f the i.osto.'lice. Mr. Wi'.ynt: as-,i-tiii: him for awhile. Uliariee ir.en will be here in full with t'fir neighbors to hear the speed o. Col. G. 15- UicketU next .Saturday. Many improvements are narts of the town. building is going on and it will increase as the Spiing opejii. Far should not fail to bear the ad dress of Col. G. IS- Kieketts State Organ izer and National Lecturer of the Farmer Alliaiic-, lK-xt Satuiday. A nniiitx-r or new buildings are proposed for tin: burned district. The Gold Leaf hop m to see tin work of rebuilding tins part of town soon under way. The Lulu Delmo Company played to small houses at Burwell Hall Monday and Tuevlay nights. The free show on the street caught much the larger crowd. Dr. Walter Brodie, of Wilson, is here this week. A former citizen and a clever gentleman, the Doctor has many who are always glad to see bun Ageupy Tor ILtc kmcy Bros' Ccrriaces, 4c. Read the new advertisement or James A. O'Ncil w hich appears elsewhere in this isae of the Gold Leaf. Mr. O'Neit has the only hardware store in town and keeps n Po:nu'ete stock of everything in his line. He can not only supply what you want, feel just as we do, for certainly no paper ; ry, colored, situated on the suburbs of the tory in O'Neil building figures alwavs. Call and Dill til see him after carefully looking says : The Henderson Tobacco Board of Trade . . m i f ris icoiter. ass 21 w -u l.. u over 1 advertisement. j . t."tiou called to the advertisement : All'."' ' of A. nd of our acquaintance has worked harder for i Noith-east part of town, wns burned about ! of vehicles of all kinds always on : Its town and county than the Gazette. It ! 10 o'clock Monday night. No one was in j M- Jas. A. . J" snow tuft IDvir:- the agency for Hackney Bros baggie, carr Lures, w?;ons, road catts, &c, 1 can sell any stvl vehiel desired at fac tory prices. This work is all of th best material ant! fnllY warranted. Keposi- A good supply hand, work has presented Mr. Manning, the editor of tlietoLD Leak, with a handsome silver Smith, who win sen a vaiuaoic , serviee of sevoi pieces as a token of their -..o-r nnnaratus on Wednesday, April 11th. . appreciation tf hw efforts to help build up v : nil' 1 I It' 1 .V v.i ' s ' ' - ' - : . . .. am" - ... . ...i, "ueiii woriiiiiv oe-ioweu auu nonestlv won nith will he o hi ajr,o. -jr A man who feels that his work is appreci- be bought pnvaieiy oeiwic j area can oo more and much oetter labor -d will take force noticeable in Considerable trienls in these Do not despise and neglect the sweet ministry aud be uity of flowers. Nothing adds more to the beauty and attractiveness of the front yard than flowers and ever greens. One of our exchanges voices a truth, sig nificant and full of meaning, when it de clares that many a broadcloth husband owes his prosperity to the fact that he mar lied a gingham gii 1. An exchange .says the people who are generally the mo-t severe newspaper critics, aie those ho never subscribe for a paper, and if they do, never pay for the privilege of reading it. The Chui ubusco; In Uani. Sanity Vt jle .says : A substance is said to have been discovered three hundred per cent sweeter than sugar. The substance is about eigh teen years old and wears a bustle. The (io:.i Lkaf will have a warm wel come for its friends and that dollar due us, or in the possession of any person who desires to b'-couse a subscriber. Xo need of being backward in coming forward. The .sutrsville Landmark wants the press to hand around the "Artistic Needle Company," 1155, t?th St., New York, as a fraud. We gave Hrother Coldwell credit for b.-ing too ' sliaip" to get "stuck" by such "sh.ii'pers." A M m thinks bis work is dun when he presents his bill, when in fact its only just b e g u n . ' r a ujt 0!.irrc'-r. Veiy true. 'J'lie hardest thing about some kindi of bu- iiies; is not in doing the work, but gelling pay therefor. Col. C. H. 1'icketts, State Organizer and National Lecturer of Fanners' Alliance, will address the farmers and public gener ally of Vance county, at Henderson, Sat u.l iy, March iMth. Don't forget the date of his coming to lien Jeron. How about the Goi.n Leaf's proposition to move for a government building in Hen derson? We believe the thing might be carried through with a little effort. What say our leading citizens on the suhject ? Nothing undertaken, nothing accomplished Those w ho suffer tin severest hardships of winter, will the more fully appreciate the verdant reason of spring with its re turning balm and sunny wk'ies. It is the season of turmoil and siiffeiing below that serves to make the christian prospect bright. Sid Davis, one of our very reliable col-, ored butchers, is now supplying his custom ers with Richmond beef altogether. This shows enterprise and a disposition to sup ply the best meat to be had, and the pub lic will show their appreciation by their patronage. Did it ever occur to you that the woman with the new bonnet and the man with the new hoe a I -vavs occupy the trout rows at church .' Waterloo Obnrrcer. It has. And it has alsooccuned to us that they usually co;ne in late, after ser vice ha scout menced. N bile we experienced some cold and disagreeable weathei last wtek, w have caus to feel thankful that it was nothing like what they had iu -the North, an ac count which will be found published on the first page of the Uold Leaf this week. We have the most favorable climate and thj bet country, after all. Read the advertisement of Ober's Special uie time a mi ui nti-'"1"-' L. S nronerty may .1-.V .f sale. Partus interest notice and govern themselves accordingly. K smoking tobacco factory is one of the new enterprises soon to be started in Heii .lcrvm. The ioi-l Leaf was acquainted with the fact some weeks ago but was asked to av nothing about it until the plans were all conciliated. Messrs. vv . . and John K. Hicks, with a third partner, had ed by ample capital, are the geutle iun w ho embark in this enterprise. Suc cess to them. Closs' Comet Band is busy practicing and under the Induction of Professor Pounet promises to attain great proficiency in the manipulation of their instruments, and ere long will treat our citizens to some good music. Encourage the boys by chip ping in" and helping them. In their ef i .... o 1.,-ass band in Henderson they should not be left alone to foot all the expenses. Tobacco has been coming in this year a i . ..it., th.tn if nma great deal more auunaauuy umn i -in last season. The sales have been un precedented for the past four or five months. 'Ibis is accounted for in two ways, the hi"h prices paid on this market and the increased territory from which we have to draw. Tobacco comes from a much greater distance to Henderson now than it did a few years ago. Little George Iloscnbusch fell off of a pair of "torn walkers" Tuesday and broke his arm. The Cold Leaf bas been ex pecting to hear something of this kind. Parents should prohibit their children from playing with such dangerous things. It is nothing to a boy's credit if he can walk on stilts somi times five or six ieei from the ground, while he runs a risk of of breaking a limb or his neck. The wind Tuesday night was the most severe we have experienced since March came in, and the rainfall was perhaps the heaviest we have had for some time. The thunder was terrific and the lightning flashed vividly, reminding us that winter is uow a thing of the past. The caprices of the elements Tuesday night would indeed have produced quite a storm at sea, hail we not been, removed quite so far inland. The Danville Tobacco Journal noting the suggestion of the Gold Lkaf recently to HuT effect that our citizens put their should ers to the wheel and work together with the siu"le purpose in view of making Hen derson the "Hub" of the Golden Tobacco Uelt, styles it a "Hut) with many spokes." Ri"ht you are. Brother Harman ; and one .. .... .. i ; ... whose, "felloes" never "lire i.p.ui.... ing the advantages of our town and mar ket. Raleigh Standard Guano for bright yel low, tobacco stands well with those who hare used it. Good results are reported from its use the past two av;i. and many of our best farmers hereabouts will use It extensively again this season. Ills not a high priced fertilizer, but a high grade one, solid worth counting for more than style with the manufacturers. I) V. Cooper handles Raleigh Standard again this .season, and has a large lot on hand. Try it. An agricultural authority says recent tests appear to confirm the theory that planting whole potatoes (Irish) is followed by the largest crops. With most people it is the custom to cut them, preservingone or more "eyes" to each piece cut. This plan makes the potatoes go futher in planting. but whether it is economy in the long run or not, the Gold Leaf is not prepared to say. Suppose some of our readers try the experiment this year and test the thing for themselves. The Gold Leaf has received a new piece of music, called "Silver Bell Waltz," by the popular composer, Charley Baker. Wc do not claim very great proficiency or knowledge along this line, but the music in ouestion is said to be very good, it not. being to ditheult and at the same time verv show v. It can be plaved on the Piano or Organ, and will be sent at the special price of only 11 2-ccnt stamps. Address J C. Groene & Co., 3'J aad W Arcade, Cin cinnati, Ohio. Mr. John A. Fleming, one of our "solid" citizens from the Middleburg section of the county, has a practical way of showing his sympathy for a fellow who has just re pudiated bachelordoni. He called in to sec us when in town a few days ago and after some preliminary and congratulatory remarks, asked for a receipt for a couple of years' subscription, one due to date and one paid in advance ; and he was accommodat ed of course. There is nothing small i about our friend ; be is built on the broad ! gauge plan and is warranted full weight. due E. i their business and town. It was a ooiupli- for any cause. It stimulates him. the honse at the tims. the occupants being away, attending church. The origin of the fire is not known. The house belonged to Allen and was Insured for $200. The household effects were saved. Loss placed at about ?300. Veterinary Surgery. Having had a long experience in the treatment of horses and cattle, both here and i i England, I offer my services to the publi?. Can be found at iuy residence, or at Davis Bros warehouse. Charges mod erate, and strict attention Nicholas II. Chavasse. Keep an Accoitnt. As the Pittsboro Home says, every man ought to keep an accural account of his business transac tions. And this applies to the farmer as well as any one else. In fact, he more than others, perhaps, should know what any particular crop, costs him to cultivate it and what it is worth after it is gath ered. This is the only way to determine the amount of profit it is to him. Yes, let the farmer as well as the merchant and banker keep a strict account f everything. He is thus enabled to know wh it he is do ing and how he stands with the world. Guess work won't do to denend on. These accounts have saved many a man from bankruptcy and financial ruin. Another Kailkokd. Proposals for bids to build the Atlantic, Henderson & Virginia Railroad, from Henderson, to some point on the Atlantic Coast Line, are adveuised for in this issue of the Gold Leaf. The management propose to push this ent; in a short time we expect to see active op erations begun on another railroad with the "Hub" of the Golden Tobacco Celt as the objective point. Let the good work go forward. March 8, 3 I. II. II. Beit WELL. Catarph Ccked. health and sweet breath secured, by Shiloh's Catarrh Reni' edv. Price ."0 r .ds. Nasal Inlector free For sale at W. T. Cheatham & Go's drug store. feb 9. Aklcc's Manilold Cyc!opedia. New and Attractive Stock. Messrs. Barnes, Stainback & Co., have just opened a new and attractive stock of clothing, shoes, hats, trunks and furnishing goods, to which they invite the attention of their friends and the public generally. Their recent purchases arc well selected and were bought at extremely low prices, which fact will enable them to off.rr aston ishing bargains. They are young men of push and first-class business talent, and the Gold Leaf hikes pleasure i:i recom mending them to the consideration and patronage of its readers. Call and see them when in need of anything in. their line. Lewis Barnes, or Lewis Stainback, or Ed Young, either of the three, will take pleasure in waiting on you. Interview them when in need of goods in their line. The second volume of this work, now on our tablej even better tha? the first, ful fills the promises of the publisher's pro poctus. It is a really handsome volume of 60 D;;ees. half Morocco binding, large l" 1 llvno imif .wlr Uli.vti.Ttl ami vt -ioLI prise as rapidly as possible, and for t'he .)rice of C(Mlts . clo'tl, binding only 50 cents postage 11 cents extra. .Large discounts even from these prices are al lowed to early subscribers. It is to be is sued in about thirtv volumes. The Manifold Gyclopedia is In many ways, unlike any "other Cyclopedia. It undertakes to present a survey of the en tire circle of knowledge, whether of words or of thing?, thus combining the charac teristics of a Cyclopedia and a Dictionary, including in "its vocabulary every word w hich has any claim t a place in the En glish language. Its form of publication is as unique as its plan the "Ideal Edition" its publisher calls it. an ! the popular ver dict seems to sustain his claim. It certain ly is delightfully convenient. It will not be strange if this proves to be the great popular Cyclopedia. It certainly is worthy of examination by all searchers after knowledge. The publisher sends speci men naees free to anv applicant. John B. Insure your life, !nsnr vonr property, with J. R. Ydcso, Agent. '-- Order of Totare Sales ftor tbe Week Com aeacins Marrfe 26. IRKS. Monday, 26. Cooper, Harris, Sidelight. Davis. Tuesday, 27. Harris, Sidelight, Dati. Cooper. Wednesday, 28. Sidelight, DaTis, Coop er. Harris. Thursday, 20. Davis, Cooper, Harris, Sidelight. Friday, 30. Cooper, narrls, Sidelight. Davis. Saturday. 31. Harris, Sidelight, Dayis, Cooper. Whv not take out a policy on vour life in .. . . -l "111 A. . " , 1 1 t I . lue L,quuaoie. inu simhuu uave iw. J. It. Yocxg. Agent Off After New Goons. Mr. John W. Purefoy lias gone North to purchase Spring goods, and will next week tell th? public of some bargains he will have to offer in lawns, prints, ginghams, &z. He will buy extensively, for cash, thus e: abling him to give his customers the benefit of superior bargains in goods in his line. Look out for his return and call on him at his new place of business in the Kelly building below Harris warehouse. ftisli, 331 in clr,- DOORS, SHINGLES and LATHS, SOLD VERY CHEAP CY " JOHXB. W ATKINS, sept. 29-6 I. Henderson, N C. HENDERSON TOBACCO MARKET. Conected weekly by D. Y. Cooper, Propri etor of Coofek's Wauf.hol'se. Hexdersox, N. C, March 21, 18RS. Public School.-The Gold Leaf is 1 auimi, V3'-'ni-. v.Z i,c X OIK, 01 Ajtt.eiuc liuuuuis, oivuflv. glad to note the increasing intci est in the public school. The second quarter ended March Hth, ahd daring that time there- were enrolled 62 scholars, with an aver age attendance of 33. On the roll of honor are the following : Lucy II. Young, Phil. D. Hawkins, Lucy S. Whitten, John R. Clack, Nora H. Clements, Chas. Henry Edwards, Annie B. Smith, Washington Edwards. The teacher, Mrs. Garden, informs usthatsome of the best studimts failed to get their names on this roll on accdunt of irregular attendance. This should not be the case. Parents should see that their children at tend regularly and promptly. The ses sion will close in June. Brick for Sale 203,oOO well burned brick March 15 a J. A. Kelly. Shii.oh's Cough and Consumption Cure is sold bv us on a guaianttee. It curea Consumption. For sale at W. T. Cheatham & Go's drug store. fob 9. Fillers Common dark or green Common to medium Medium to good Good to fine Smokers (Joramon Common to medium Medium to good Good to fine Cutters Common to medium Medium to good Good to fine Wrappers Common Common to medium Medium to good Good to fine Fine to fancy 2)4 0 4 4 W 6 6 (a) 8 10 (pi 12 3 (& G 5 6 8 Oi 11 10 1.1 IS 17 (2.i 25 (St 32 1.1 (5 18 IS Ci 20 30 O n 40 40 S3 00 T5 Notice ! Sanitary Regulations to be Ob serve! Nolle U ber by pivou to all porn liv Dg within tb errp-rtrt limit f h town to clea upthf-ir piemhea rd pat ihem in througb aoiurj cnditLn wt nrca. It is metsary to use eviry pre caution to avoid ritnet drrn;j tb coming Summer moi.ths, Md to that end all trxsh pile-, wink, ee. pool", He cyed v egeta'-l? matter and tiltL f w hat- over description, should be removed. Where r.frcesHry, disinfect not and dfoder'zrn should bo used. An applU cation ft lime, copperas or coal allies In recoui tnrnded. All premised nt found t- bi in pei feet K-ui:arv condiM r, when vblted in persou ami inwpectd by. the ui.vb-rigned. will ba reported to ihe proper authorities a vioiatioiia of law sul jct to nn and penliv. F. H. HAKKI, M. D.. Mip't of U faith. march 15 4 o GEORGE FEILD, lenr:il 3Ierchamlie Broker, AND FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENT HENDERSON, N. C. All business attended to promptly. rcspondence solicited. 1 building. Cor- Oftice in Cheathnin iec 84 1 HENDERSON PLANING MILLS, riXKSTOX & SHKARIX. Proprs. Manufacturers or Sash, Illimls, loors. Mouldings, Brackets, Newels, Stair Hails, Banisters, nutl Building Material Generally. FLOORING. WEATHEK HOARDING. CEILING AND MOULDING A SPECIALTY. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ri,tcnt Fami,y Flour' 3ust Notice to Stockholders march 1, 4 o. Cooper & Mitchell's. For correct styles of Mourning Jewelry, call on E. E. Hight, who keeps Fowler's English Crape Stone Jewelry, which is recognized as the xtandard by the best authorities in America. .j 1 . Death op an Aged Lady in the Coun ty. On Wednesday, March 7th, 1888, at the home of Mr. Thos WT. Hicks, near Wil liainsboro, Miss Jane Kicks died in the 100th year of her age. Deceased was born in Granville county on the 4th of July, 1783. Making her at the time of her death t'J years, 8 months and 3 days old. She was a consistent Christian, belonging to the O'Kellyite denomination, having been a member of the Midway church which has long since gone to ruin. She had been total ly blind for more than fifteen years before her death, laer memory was remarkably good so far as remembering events that oc curred more than threescore years ago, but could scarcely remember anything of more cent occurrence, uor health was very good up to a short time before her death. Hardware Store to be Opened. Ths Gold Leaf is pleased to learn that Mr. Charles C. Ferrall, of Raleigh, will come to Henderson and open a hardware store about the 15th of April. Charlie Ferrall has many friends in Henderson who will be glad to know that he will return and make his home amongst us again. It will be remembered that he was assistant rail road agent at this place a few years ago, since which time he has been connected with the large and well known hardware concern of Julius Lewis & Co., Raleigh. He is a young man of fine business quali ties and the Gold Leaf predicts that he will meet with success in his new under taking. Mr. Ferrall will have associated with him in the business a brother of his They will occupy Missillicr's old stand, in the Cooper building. What Are They Doing? What is the Chamber of Commerce doing with itself? The Gold Leaf has heard nothing of it since it organized. Was the severe cold weather that came on about that time to much for it? If so, it is to he hoped that with the coming of Spring it will come out of its hole and exert itself for the public good. Wc need such an organization in Henderson, and now that a step has been taken to the extent of forming an associa tion of the kind and electing officers, it should be kept going exerting an influence for good in our midst as it i calculated to do. Interest should not te auowea 10 drop back into the channels of indifference and in action or to lose itself in the slough of despond, so to speak. The Chamber of Commerce if carried out on the plans suggested would be worth much in fur thering the growth and prosperity of the town and community, and the Gold Leaf desires to see the most made of its oppor tunities. Gentlemen, keep up your or ganization and bestir yourselves. p. S. Since the above was put in type the Gold Leaf is pleased to learn that the Chamber of Commerce is by no means a thing without life and being. A meeting was held a few evenings ago. and another was called for yesterday, and the member ship is rapidly growing. Every professional and business man in town ought to join. If you receive or ship freight, own real estate, or are in way interested in the growth and prosperity of Henderson, you should kecome a member of the cnamuer of Commerce. In unity is strength. One hundred men representing the various branches of business and professions of the town can accomplish more than 0110 dozen. This is to certify that Mr E. E. Hight, formerly of Wake Forest. N. C. bat now of Henderson, N. C, lived here several vears. encased as a merchant dealer in Clocks, Watches, &c, and in repairing the same ; and by bi integrity in business and superior skill as an artisan, he gained the coou win auu cour.aence 01 me enure com munity. Prof. W G. Simmons. Treasurer Wak Forest College, N. C. 2N Central Agricultural Society ! Store for Iie..t. New brick store next door to the one oc cupied bv John W Purefoy. Size 24x60 feet. Immediate possesion given. J. A. Kelly, feb 23 a Henderssii, N. C, Will You Suffer with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint? Shiloh's Vitalizer is guaranteed to cure you. For aale at W. T. Cheatham & Co' drug store. feb 9. .-j- CONSUMPTION SURELY CURED. To the Editor. Please, inform your readers that 1 have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of mv remedy free to any of your readers who have consumption if they will send me their express and post office address. I . A. oLOcum, ai. u., dec 22 61. 1 si Pearl st.. New York. Notice is herebv given that, as directed by lhe Superior Court of Vance county, at February term, 1k8P, in a decree in State ex rel Kenan, Attorney General and others, against the Central Agri cultural xooielv and other-', I wil', on Moudae, the 30lh dav of April, 1888. nroceed to take proof of th s'oc-knoM- ers of the Hiid Central Agricultural So ciety and ihe amount of stock owned by each. All persons c aiming to do aioc-K holders in said Micietv, are hereby noti tied to Dreaent their claim before me, at . . - . .. . 1 my omce on mat aay, wun ineir certifi cates of stock. JAMES R. YOUMJ, f lik Superior Court, Vance Co., N.C. Henderson, N. , Mrcb iyiu, l&ss. (march 226 o.J Soda Fountain for Sale! Cooper & Mitchell are agents for Daisy and Clipper plows. Best on the market, march 1, 4 o. Persons who want their gardens plowed, should apply to 11. 11. Burwell. attention and charges reasonable Nice lot Mf Early Rose seed potatoes just received at li. Tliomasos's. Call early ud supply yourseu. As aisiiuea of E. L. Snvth, I i-hall ka!I in thh town of Henderson. C, on Wednesday, the lUh dy of Ann , 18f. one valuable lot of soda fountain appa ratus consisting of five copper fountain", ono sterline generator, mineral water glasses, lightning sbaKer, reirigeraior. murh A SIH.DS. xC. c. Also on the eame day ann piaco a 101 nf accounts due E. L. Nmitb. Parties interested will eovern themselves ac cordincrlv. I will sell any of the ab'.v Piompt property privately If parties desire 10 mirehaRe-helore inai uay. idih, .uarcu 21st, 1888. A. U. .Ubliitur tr-n, Assignee march 22-3 0 TO GROW FIXE URIGIIT TOBACCO. Men Who Never Forget. Under this heading the Danville Southern Tobacco Journal very kindly says : Henderson, N. C, has a representative Tobacco Board of Trade. It is composed Mort: New Storks for Henderson. Mr. Hill C Lmthicum, the well kv.own young architect and builder, has shown the Gold Leaf drawings and plans for a hand some block of buildings to be erected on that portion of the burned district next to the Harris building, opposite Burwell Hall It is to consist of three buildings (virtually one, with fire walls between) two store rooms in each, to be known as the Young Block. Capt. D. E. Young, Mr. It. E Young and Dr. W. W Young are the gentle men who are to take this progressive step. It is to be two stories high, iron front, plate glass windows, and will be built in the most substantial and ornamental manner possible. Th drawings show that it will be a very handsome structure and those who know Mr. Linthicuni appreciate his ability to faithfully perform any work of the kind that he undertakes. Work will soon be commenced. The Gold Leaf congratulates all parties interested upon being able to lay this pleasing piece of in telligence before our readers. Use G. Gher & Sons Company's Special Compound for Tobacco. Reliable in its manufacture, special attention being given to the manufacture of every pound. Quick in its action, profitable in-its results. Has been used successfully by the farmers of Virginia and North Carolina for thirty years. By proper cultivation, care and managerxent, it insures you a crop of Fine Yellow Tobacco, lryittnis year 511 you w ant a crop of Golden bright iobacco. None better on the market. Refer you to the thousands of planters who have used it year alter year, tooiu in lienaersou oy " march 22 a D. Y. Cooper. We also keep on hand all kinds of rough umber. t 1r1t rM inn aui ImSLIinrr . vilnnu a n.1 - timates furnished, and satisfaction guaran teed ss to work and prices. All business entrusted tous win recetv eur prtmpt and careful personal attention. Thankful for the very generous patronage given us in the past, and honing t merit ft continuance of tha same in the future. erv Respectfully, PlNKSTON & SHEAR1N. men 81c Henderson, N. C. loi?Heiit. I have for rent a good dwelling houae, containing four rooms, with pantry, e. Two-room kitchen in the yard, bowl w 11 of water and 'arge garden on the premise. Pleasant and healthy loca tion; vrry desirable uehtuboruood. Convenient to business part of town and church. For trm, c , apply o W. T. KTAINBAC K r at Lnsaiter'a 8 tore, march 1. Croup. Whooping Cough and Bronchitis immediately relieved bv Shiioii s L-ure. For sale at "W. T. Cheatham & Go's drug store. leu a. Beautiful styles in dress goods, white goods, &c, at march 1, 4 o. Cooper & Mitchell's. Tobacco Compound, which appears in this 1 of whole-souled gentleman who never for- paper. There is 1.0 better fertilizer on the : U'ldrieHS. Mr. Tlud R. Manning, of , . , i the Gold Leaf, lias alwavs l een a staunch market, and farmers who wish to obtain best results will use it again this year. D. Y. Cooper sells it and has a large quantity on hand. Call on him and ascertain how he is selling "Ober's" this season. With the Young block, and the drawings nhow that will be a very handsome struct ure, and the Parker building reared on the burned district, that part of town at one time unsightly and a disgrace to us, and niv barren and desolate looking will be transformed into a thing of beauty. And others will follaw in due coarse. The Gold Leaf believes the manufac- champion of the Henderson market and his ' paper has been a great helper in building ; up that market. Recently, in recognition of Mr. Manning's services in this direction, j the Hoard of Trade presented the Gold 1 Leaf with a handsome silver tea ser I vice. The token was a well deserved one. i and yet it was but an evidence of the fact that Henderson's tobacco men never for ' get to rightly appreciate favors. About Cigarettes. An exchange says the use of cigarettes has assumod alarming proportions. Little by little the manufac ture has increased, till now it is considered ne of the most profitable industries of the day, and when one considers by whom the ture of pressed brick, tiling, terracotta pip- cigarettes are principally used boys. ing, Ac, would pay in Henderson. First rate clay for the purose can be h.id in abundance near at hand, and that there would be demand for the output cannot be questioned. Let some of our moneyed men think upon the suggestion here thrown out. The meeting at the Baptist church con tinues with increasing interest. Rev. Mr. VanDeventer who has so faithfully preached the Word for the past two weeks will leave for his home, after preaching to-night. Greensboro Workman, lGth. youths and even to some extent by women one must feel alarmed for the future. Perhaps the fancy, and frequently ob scene, pictures w hich many manufacturers niak the very best your land will produce . 1 - 1 . 1 . ... :... ...mi 1 . . 1 it-11 1 ne nuiici cipum j'u iii nave Good Advice to the Tobacco Planters. Admonishing the tobaccs planters of Virginia and North Carolina not to make the fatal mistake of putting in too large a crop this year, The Southern. Tobacco Jour nal says this : You may write this down as a settled fact, tint there will be an overwhelming crop tif tobacco grown in the West thi year and very likely in Virginia and North Carolina also. In this event the price on all common grades must le low much lower than the real cost of production and hence to grow such grades w ill not pay you nor anybody else. Why. the people in "the West are renting Burley lands and paving as nign as m per acre, juocsn t that look like an over crop? It certainly does and such we are sure to have. Now be wise. Act independently for once, riant a iuu crop 01 all home sup : plies, and make all the bread stuff you can. Select a few acres of your choicest land that will grow bright tobacco and put that in the bet order. It won t pay to plant anv other kind of tobacco this var What titue you can spare from vour croDof c - . . . - ..r. coin, ore, pui on your tobacco and try to place in each package of their goods, has something to do with the large and grow ing demand for cigarettes. If this be true, so much the worse for this pernicious "lit tle roll of tobacco and paper. For lame back, side or chest, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents. For sale at Wf T. Cheatham fe Co drug store. full supply of home supplies bread and snoes ana ciotnes ror your family and no big fertilizer bill to met-t. What you re alize from your tobacco will be cb-ar mony which can be used for home expenses and : for helping you make the next crop. This is the semdble course to follow. Don't be allured by high prices at present but go to work in dead earnest, follow common sense 1 directioas aud you will profit by so doing. Church Work. Rev. Alex. Sprunt, the pastor of the Presbyterian church, has completed the third year of his ministerial labors in Henderson, and took occasion last Sunday morning to speak upon the subject, and as is customary to lay before his congregation a report of bis work dur ing that time. He has preached 417 ser mons in the three years, (156 Sabbaths) and delivered 85 prayer meeting lectures. 57 persons have been admitted to mem bership in the church, 31 upon examina tion of faith and 20 upon certificate of dis mission. He has married 9 couples, and officiated at 14 funerals ; baptized 38 pei sons, 31 infants and 7 adults, and made 1,900 visits. The following contributions have been made : For Home Missions, SJ280.00 ; Evangelistic Fund, ?62.00 ; Invalid Fund, ?14.00; Foreign Missions, :il5.00; Education, 08.00; Publication, $55.00; Colored Evangelistic Fund, Ji.OO ; Pres bvterial Fund. gbi.OO ; Pastor's Salary, J2.772.00; Miscellaneous, $316.00; Gon- gregational. $1,070.00. Total, $5,0;2.00. None of these contributions were raised either in whole or in part by church fairs, or festivals, or concerts, or outside sub scription-!, but in the regular channel of church contributions exc -pt some special contributions to Home Missions. This is a very satisfactory and encour aging showing indeed, creditable aliKe to tlie pastor ana me cl)nB.SJuuu --v..vi . - ... . - j Uu side of this the influence 01 ir. npruni nas oniv such land as is rich, or that you in- Kn f.,ri0.j.i,imr ami lastinf? for irood in tfnd makinc so bv the use of eood guat.o I . . ..v...... c - " " ' - 4 . t 1 t : : i. u K-o,r. o.rrct and iiomti manure me one 10 siari wie ur community snivel -,"w"'" . ih.. ntl,,r t Won It tM-owinir and us. 114 is a very iaienic Ki-'iueuim gjVe jt plenty of body and substance at cut- his preaching of the Word has been waited 1 ting time. nai win pui prices uown hkbiu bring about the Lte of things that existed only 12 mouths ago? Ihis, too, can be answered in a sinzle sentence Another Urge, poor crop. You had far letter plant nothing, let youi land have one year's rest, and save your team, well as the wear and tear of your farm implements, than to put in a large crop of Shiloh's Vitalizer is what you need for Constipation. Lo.5s of Appetite, Dizzi ness, and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. For sale at W. T. Cheatham & Co's drug store. For the Consideration of Tobacco Planters. A correspondent writing in a late issue of the Petersburg Rural Meexenger has the follow inc. to which the Gold Leaf in vites the careful and thoughtful attention of the tobacco planters of Virginia and North Carolina. The writer says : NOTICE TO Railroad Contractors! Notice is hereby civen that the Atlan tic, Henderson & Virginia Railraid Com puny will receive proposal- 10 01111a s railroad from Henderson, Vancecounty, N. C. to some point on the Hurting ton Jl Weldon railroad in Na n county. Said proposals must he hld wiih the Secretary of the Company at his office in Henderson on or before tue :iu day M-rc'i, 1838. By order of the Buid of Directors?. J AMES R. YOUNG, Secretary A , H. fe Va.. K. V. o. Henderson, N. C . March 17th, 18S8. march 22-2 o. SALE OP VALUABLE LAND. By virtus of an order of the Superior Court of Granville county, T h:l, on Tuesday, the 24th day of April nxt, of fer for alc, to the higher bidder, at puhle auction, vtthe'ourt House door in Oxford, the Unds of tho estate of tuo lute James B. Hobgood. Tb' se land consist of about 700 acres. wll timbered and are within five ilea of Oxford on the Oxford and Hoxboro road. They wii! be divided into three tracts, fne of about 250 acre, one of about 150. and one of about 2HJ, besides a small tract of 23 acrss. On t'e tract of 250 acres there I a ix- room dweldnirln thorough repair, be- LADIEM. nOYOUUOWS DYEING, AT HOME, WITH PEERLESS DYES They will dye everything. Thy are sold everywhere Price 10c. a package. 40 colors. They have no qial for Strength. Brightness, A mount 111 Pack szos or for Fastness of Color, or noiiN fading Qualities. 1 hcv do not crock or Biul. For sale by W. T. CHEATHAM & CO., DiuggislM, Hoderon, K. C. fob. 16-1 e Seeds! Seeds! I Buv field and rrarden wowls grown at home, in our own Sunny South. They' are btter adapted to our country than sny seds in the world. "11111100010' cabbage and everything el-e reduced to five cent per pucket, post paid. Try seme ef thoiu. Addrr J. W. V4NDIVER. Weaverviile, N. C Jan. 19, 3 I POMONA HILL NURSERIES What is the cause of the present good sidert w.Ven curing barns, a large pack prices of tobacco, and what will keep them 11 ti v We answer in a few words. A tmaller crou and betltr quality tells the whole tale, and since the same c iue generally pro duces the same effect, we would say that in order to keep prices up, the same plan must be followed thi? veir. Only plant what vcu can manure properly work thoroughly and huulle nicely, and you mav feel sure when selling time comes that umvaie ou by good congregations. Genial in dis position and polished in manner, he is no r less admired and respected by the public ; generally than c is loved as a preacher ; and pastor by his congregation, our rrs- . bvterian friends are fortunate in the pas- ( ..r- ti.ov have as indeed the Gold Leaf ! . ! ? 1 s tnvtn ia fnr a mnr tobacco, half mAtiured and hilf worked uiiuk, eC, u.,. . . -"" ;- i U say in all sincerity, doi.'t do it. earnest, devout, polished, high toned, cor- , DMoll ever think of the fact that one dial, friendly and altogether admirable 1 CI(t -pu prepared, will bring mort moruy body of ministers would be hard to find than two acres, half prepared? Now, if .1 Tt- i n Arnold of the Methodist ' vou are working to malce money, which is than Rev J. D. Arnold, or Uie iietnodisi . n fQr yQj to pursue? An,wer Episcopal, Rev. Julian E. Ingle, or the for TOuielf as a sensible man. and think Episcopal Rev. Robeit VanDeventer, of ! on these things before pitching your to- the Baptist, Rev. S. W. Goe, ot the Mrtho- ; bacco crop. dist Protestant, aud Rct. Alex. Sprunt, of I jj xcKiif o Coco h can be so quickly the Presbyterian church. They are all eUTed by Shiloh's Cure. We uusrantee it. ctmnr men. intellectually, spiritually, ! For sale at W. T. Cheatham & Co'a drut and socially. The. impressions for good of j tore. . such men caunot be estimated. They are j BackVa'a Arslea Salve a blessing to the community, sr indeed mey feb 9. are not public benefactors. Long may they be preserved in the good work in which they are engaged. Sleepless Nights, made miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the Remedy for you. For sale at W. 1 . Cheath ham & Co's drus store. feb -9. barn, stripping barns, frame stables, granary, Sc., a 1 in excellent condition. Ears ot the other tract has a two room Iweiling. barns and other farm houws. Thee land hare been rented for the year 1888. Preparations are making for planting a large cr n of tobacco as well as of com. wheat and oats. These crops will be sold with th land. i Term, one-third cvh, the bslree in one and two years, f.r which the pur chasers will jrivo bon?s bearim; 8 per cont. interest from the dav of sa'e. and the title retained until the whole be paid. Ths Hale is male object to the con firmation of the Court. For additional infoi mation. apply to the undersigned at Ox'brd. .Mr B. F. Hobg-od. who can be found at the late residence of James B. Uobgood. de teased, will tak plesvure in showing the lands lo person intertd. F. P UOBGOOD. Oxford, N.C, mar -h 15, 4 o.j Cheap Nursery Stock ror Winter aud Spring Sales 1HH7-H. I have a large stock of APPLE TREES, Two and thtee yeara old, good varie ties that I will CLOSE OUT CHEAP. ALSO, Plum, Cherry, drape, &c? If vou want anything in lbs Norserr line CHEAP, especially APPLE, send f ir my Illustrated Descriptive Cta logo and Hfecisl Price Lit of surplus atock for Winter sod Spring tales of 18S7-8only. Address J. VAX. LINDLEY. POMONA, N. C. may 28-1 c ONWARD! IS THE WORD! The PROORFSSIYE FARMER enters its Third tolcme at the fsllowlng rates : 1 subscriber, 1 year - - - fl.25 5 subscribers, 1 year - - - 5.00 10 subscribers, 1 year - - - 10.00 One copy, 1 year free to the one sending a club of ten. Eight pages. 40 column, weekly. Send cash (charges prepaid) to . L. L. POLK, Raleigh, N. C. ISTotice. Having qnalifi'd as sdmioiidrator of tbs extafe of Wm. P. Hawkins, dec4d. nil persons hnving claims sgaiuai said decedent are hereby bolifisd in present them to me fr payment wltbin li months from date hereof, or this --tlc will be pleaded in bar of their recor- ry; all pero.s indebted to sid dece- r dent oiost make immediate psymeot. rb's, 10th Hay of Eehrusry, I3-. ' Win. P. Hawkins, deceased. ' feb. 16-6 o. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Eruises. Sores Ulcers, Silt Kheum, Fever Sores. Tetter. happed Hands, ChilUsins, Corns, and all Skn Eruptious,and positively cures Piles, or nj par required. It is m.inniivl In v.ro nrfict fta iisfct ion. or mono refunded. Price 25 cents per box j PARKER'S ClflCER TOfllC For sale by M. Ixirscy. jan 5 1 c. ifv.cm&cuiawHt&makm PARKCR'O HAIR DALGAf.1 Hvr Fail to B tsrs Orsyl nir to iv tviBifi vinr. aw an ' i mi at a. "THE TIP-TOP." J. O. HEWLETT, late with II. B. Woodis. E. It. C MAJtKlJfO, for 15 3 cats with Vaughaa it Barnci, Hewlett k Manning, (Successors to ZI. R. Woodis) ' LIQUORS & CIGABS, No. 8. Bank Street, NORFOLK, ; ; YA, n