HEXDEliSON , X. C. . i THLKSUAY, March 18. ANGEL OR DEMON. BY Et.LA WHfcKLKK WILCOX. You call mo an angel of lore anil of light, A being of ;o.Hlit?s ami heavenly fire. Sent out from God's kingdom to uide you aright In path where your spirit may mount and aspire. You say that 1 glow like a star on its eonr.e. Like a ray from the altar, a spark from the source. Now list to my answer ; let all the world hear it ; - 1 speak utafraid what I know to le true: A pure, faithful love U tbe creative spirit That makes women angels. I live but in you. We an bound soul to soal by life's hollo.st lawa. And If I au an angel, why. you arc the cause. At my ship Uim the sea I look up from her deck. Fair, firm at the wheel shine love's beautiful form ; Aad shall I corn the barque that lust night went to wreck, liS tho pilot abandoned to darkness and storm ? My craft was no stauncher ; she too had leen lost II ad the wheelman deserted or slept at his post. 1 laid down ihc wealth of my soul at your feet, (Some woman does this for some man every da v.) No desperate creature who walks in the street lias a wickeder he art than 1 might have, I say, Had you wantonly misused the treasure "you won, As so many men with heart riches have done. This fire from God's altar, this holy love fla me That burns like sweet incense forever for you, Migkt now be a wild conflagration of sham?. Had you tortur;d my heart or been base or untrue, For angels and devils are cast in one mould. Till loe guides them upward or down ward, I hold. X tell you, the women that mnke fervent wives And sweet, tender mothers, had fntc been less fair. Are the women that might have abandoned their lives To the madness that springs from and ends lu despair. As the lire on the hearth, which sheds brightness around, Neglected may level Ihe walls to the ground. The world makes grave errors in Judging these tilings. Great good and great evil are borne in one breast. Jxve bonis us and hoofs us, or gives us our wings And the liest could be worst, and the worst could lie best. You may thank your own worth for what 1 grew to bo, For tlia demon lurked under the angel in met A La Man's Incnnlty. A Kingston man, who keeps a horyo, takes a rido every morning beforo ho goes to work. The only drawlwck is, tlio horso must bo fed and watered before the rido can bo taken. Heretofore tho man has been forced to get up at an early hour, go. to tho barn so.uo distance away, to caro for tho horse. Lately ho has ar ranged a bin and hopper, containing oats, over tlw feedlox, which can be operated by a touch of a door knob on the wall a few inches from the head of his led. An arrangement is also made for lot ting on warer in the pail, by which tho horuo is watered. When tho man wakes up in tho morning, at that time when ho feels that a eecond nap would le a preat blcminx. ho pulls tho knob, which turns on tho oats ami w ater, and then quietly lies back on his pillow and goes to bleep. Some would call this man lazy, but others would say ho was an ingenious in dividual, Kingston Freeman. A Konud Legal Opinion. K. BainbrMee Munday, K-q., County At torney, Clay CO., Texan, nays : 'Have used electric Hitters with most happy result. My brother aUo won very low with Mala rial Fever and J umdice, hut was cured by timely use of this medicine. Am satisfied K'ectric Bitters saved his life." Mr. I. I. Wilcoxson. of II rse Oive, Kv.. adds a like testimony, savin?: Ite imim tlvely believes he would have died, liad it not been for K'ectric Bitters. The great remedy will ward ofT, as well as cure, all Malaria Diseases, and for all Kidney, Liver and Stomach Disorders stands unequalcd. Price oOc. and $1. at M. I tor fry ' Troptrnl Agrlenlturr. In order to encourage the youth of the Island of Jamaica in the btudy cf the first principles of agriculture applic bJo to their climate and soil, the govern xnentA tliat island has offered a pre mium of $500 for tho production pi tho bct text look, elementary in plan, Ciu bracing simplicity, brevity and freedom frotn technical tcrma. It is to lo a manual calculated to crcnto in the ruinds of the youth early and intelligent interest in the soil, and in the profitable .cultiva tion of products that wiljl coniruand a jvady homo or ftrcign market. Tlio yor. must ho eminently practical, and entirely freo from untried or doubtful theories, Ainciicaii Agriculturist. Don't experiment. ou cannot afford to waste time in ex perimenting when your lungs are in danger Con.HU mpt ion always feeius, at fjrsj ay a odd. pj not penult any dealer :to impose tipn you with jora cheap ;uialion ol Dr. lying' 5w icoveay for msumption. jc-Miyha and Colds, but be Mi.re yo get the genuine. J3ecane he can jgaake nite profit Je may telj y,gai h has something jut as iiod, or just the auie. In't le deceive!, but insist upon getting nr. itin'n yew Dis jROvery, which is guaranteed' to give relief in ajl Throat, Lung and Ch.est afTeetions. Trial bottles free at II. Jersey's lrugktorc. targe Bott'es 1. Dabtji is now referred to as the State where they have nine months of winter anthrep months of verv late fall. One itf ttj ht4 narber sltops in town is that of 11 if try punston. The locationis central mu oouvmiient up stairs in the JJurwell iNiildhtfr. firt door on the riRlit ajul tbe appointment arw all that could br ,dclml in any first-cnss barber shop. YA od Jack are with him. and they will always be round ready V wait on their .customers. Fr a good hatr-cut or a nice ruooth shave, yov"re ;uyitod U call at jUttoa' barber Vvp. eb 23 4 o. vum. piBSS, ijomplim'ts tanHsmaam resent the season's To their Many Friends AND CUSTOMERS, AND RE- ISITOTi'S OT? BOOTS spcctfully announce that they nowi1 Ult -DUXO, keep the FINEST STOCK of FANCY GROCERIES Evr kept in Henderson. Split Peas, C coa, C'iiocolaies. Jlixrd .Sf.ica. .Vustardf, Pickles. Citron, Currant. Prune, Raisin-, Rice, Flour, Oat Mea', Jiuck wheat and Graham Fk-uif. All kinds r.f Flavoring. Kx tracts, Fine uurnt and Kw Cotie?, Cut l-oal mil Vul vt.rt7.pr1 Smrr. Drit-il I a,-d Green Fruit", Canned Good. Fnii.-y Kons, fc-;. We have the finest Irish I'.jtatoe grown imported from Scotland. Finest all L'ram Cheese, Maccaroni, Cod Fih, and tho limst Virginia cured J-'ams you ever put a tootli in. Don't forgot nn in buyinir your Christ mas Goods. Our APOLLO FLOUR is the finest Flour rnsde in the woild, and e won't advance the price f r n xt. I't days. Uaving bought -10 bat rels beioret be ad j yance, w can ell 5" cents cheaper i than the market j We cany also a large stck of Carpets, j rurniture. Mattresses, tvo , up slairf. Paint, Oils, &eds, and Keedst litis. 1AHKE11 & CLOSS, HENDERSON, N. C. II. A. DRAPER, UNDERTAKER, HENDERSON, N. C, I earry a full stock of fine BURIAL CASES of everv description Mahogany. Ros wo d, W!rui, O loth Covered, Metallic and Zinc Lined all atyle?. rzoh and prices". Also nice line of burial robes. 1 have tho FINEST IDAKSE East of Raleigh. Personal attention given to all burials where services are required. Cabinet making in all its branches. Office de.-ks, book case, tables. Ac, made to order on abort notice. Upl'ol sterinjr, repairinjr. &o. My motto is. the very bet work at the vpry loM'est living price ahvaj's. (:-ve me a trial. Work room in h old Watkins building, near V. G. Davis' store. H. A. DRAPER, nov. 10 a. IIendersn, N. C. ilTHAT FIGHT Tho Original Wins. C. F. Simmons, St. Louis, Trop'f M. A. Simmons I.ivcr Medicine, Eit'd lS4, in the U. S. Court defeats J. H. Zcilin, lro;)'r A. Q. Simmons Liv er HeffuUtor, Lsfd by Zcilin iS6S. M. A. S. L. M. has for 47 years cured Indigestion, Biliousness, ilsriFSIA,ICIC H!ADACIIE,LnST Appktitk. Sour Stomach, Ktc. T 1 1 T V. . . u. ixcuras, ristor 31. li. Church, Ad.ims, Tcnn., writes: wmK i snouia have been dead but tor your Genuine M. A. Siin moDi. Liver Medicine. I hav sometimes had to substitute rrnr I 'i:.ilins stuff " for voar Mrni. I COURTS I cinc' but lon't answer the L?0PLt .Ma Dr. J. K. Graves. Editor Tl Baptist. Memphis. Tenr. savs ; received a package of vour Liver Medicine, and have used half of it. It works like a charm. I want no better Liver Regulator and cer tainly no more oFZciiin's mixture. LATEST UPHOVE!) LIGHT RUNNING HIGH ARM SEWING MACHINES For pale on easy terms, and all kinds of Sewing Michiues repaired. In my eleven years experience in tho Sewing Machine business I Lavo adjusted and repaired thxusntids ot' Mavhinen, ex tended the period of thtir usffnlnes and saved ninny th expense of buying h now on. If you liave a Sewing Ma chine that needs cleaning, adjusting or any repair?, call on me or drop mj a postal card aiid i will estimate the aost of repair.H. I am permanently located hereand those to whom I am as ytt a Btranatr. are re vpecttu'l renueated t- give ins a tri-l . I lnHie wh hnve an3 doubt whatever as lo my reliability. I e.-,n refer to the best i known finiiien in this and other sec tienn uow using Mdchines repaired and adjuited by ui . C. D. POYTlIRES. Macuisi&t. Henderson, V. ('. fian 12 6 I THE LEADING SOUTHERN m HOUSE. T. W. W00D& SONS .10 S. 14th St., Eicbnond, Va. Request all Gardeners, Farmers and Truckers to send "for their HEW SEED CATALOGUE or 1888. It contains descriptions of. d& new and desirable varieties of SEEDS i PLANTS for the Farm and Garden that are adapted to the South. J Brass & Clover Seeds a Specialty. Catalogue mailed free. ScxD roR ir. LOWER THAN EVER ! When you want a BARGAIN in Don't tail to call on n. i ii.m- ASON. His stock is mucn larger anu more complete now than ever before. Also, a large and elegant assort ment of Dry Goods, NOTIONS, and many other thing? which will be sola at the LowestRaasonabls Pries FOR CASH. A large supply of the best brands of FAMILY FLOUR And a full line of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, which we sell at bottom figures. Bear in mind that we mean business " Quick sales and small profits" our motto. Very Respectfully, Jrl. Thomason, (opposite Coopor's warehouse) HEXDERSON, N. C. inch. 10 1 c When I say Cure I do not mean merely to stop them for a time, and then have there re turn anain. I mka.v A KAIUCAL COltE. I have made tho disease of FITS, EPILEPSY or FAXXING SICKNESS. A life long study. I warraitt my remedy to Ci'RB the worst cases. Because others have failed! s no reason fornot now receiving a cure. Rend at onae for a treatise and a Fee KBonxfl of niv Infallible Remedy. Give Express and Iost Office. It costs you nothing lor a ti ial, and it will cure you. Address H. C. ROOT. Bt.C, 183 Pearl St., KewYobk Vee PARSER'S OINCER TONIC without d.-lny. A rare medicinal ceniuuiil tbat cui eii when ah visel aui B as cured tUe worst ca of Cough, Weak Luii, Arfliuia, InditresUon, Is ward Faius, KxhaUMtion. Invaluable for lvl:eujuatiam. Female Wi-akneiw, and ail pains and dirt orders of tbe Stomach and Bowels. 56c at Crugj;il& HBNDERCORPJS. The safest, surest and bor cure forCorns,Buruong, ie. Steps ail pa'-n. Eiumrws 00a tori to the ti-rt. Vure? fails to euro. 15 cents at Druggis .a, lUscoz & Co. , K. 'i . t OF- NEW New and handsome line of Collars, Cuils, Cravats, Ruffling1, "White goods, came in to-day. Large stock. Q NEW CHAMPION COOKING Li made. Prices the lowest. PCMTC HATS, SHOES, SOCKS, COLLARS, CUFFS, SCARFS, jrJi 1 vj Handkerchiefs, &c, DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, and new received weekly. PT A rV BED CL0TH )'ard JLl ll 1 Protect your tobacco WINTER CLOTHING, OVERCOATS, &c, at greatly reduced prices, to clear out stock. QT A"17 GEAR of all kinds. I J V V hames, cellars, &c. DHV HTVTr FARMERS' FRIEND, ORENSHAW AND DU 1 UlAlC, WATT PLOWS, POINTS, SLIDES, '&c. JpUf Anj y TC MOLASSES, SUGAR, Flour, Meat,; IMiVV UKLCi VlNO Salt, Canned Tomatoes, &c. j T7 T fl T p Large lot on hand 1 L,J (J and our LUXURY C I T A T D Q BEDSTEADS, BUREAUX, ll 1 a11 Furniture low down in pi Respectfully, S. & C. W ATKINS m . (ln,1..Tk...J1Vl.l JmL rer tma ThoRsan4 Trial m fy-ij rwc mo muM to p- rirar "n Si X 2 "iora to arsiui oy a or SEMINAL PASTILLES. Jo rTor K erroas Debil ity. Cms UADDICl WakBeunadFtirair&lIcayIn Vonnxor Mid e! Aeod Men. Tested for F.izht Viun in m.i Kra sua Brccva amrn men tote InU iijo?xB)iit ol Verfaetand (all Kaaly Strength n4 Vurarons Health. .To t has who ufTr from themanr obsccr A. ironntt nboct by Indiscretion, Ezonra, Orar-Braia ork.ortofre Indulgence, wsaskthxtyoa naiiss yoor name with vtetement of roar traable. and secure iSii L PACKAGE FItFE. with I UaK'd Pemrblt .. UPTUPEO PERSONS can hvo FREE jav vui -) 1 a - . '. -J . -- i i-ir-i ii i f BIGGEST PRICES ! FOR YOUE T THEN mm ELOOE ROOM, BETTER LIGHT AND BETTER ACCOM MODATIONS THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE IN THE STATE. and HEATING STOVES. The best nobby and stylish. SPIKNG MILLINERY wide 2 cents- 1TC Iot on hand plant beds by all means. Back bands, trace chains, plow lines, Our TELEPHONE FLOUR at $-.00, FLOUR at $5.50 can't surpassed. LOUNGES, TABLES and price. Avoid Coc tutpofkion ot preteMaoiM iw am lorum tnmlje,gn(i all voacca t;n,f Tut ttiXKUiriiwii.ti CI HU Utoiwul. oit not hHcrtct rUh lumnn to knimn. cr 6e !ftia or iBeonvaBirsre iB anr it. Foazdri on aeirntifie nwdtral priucinW. tijdifrt ?p:icmoitio tlie e btiikw nawu become cheerful aad rapidly mint bh auenci aiul hn.lh TREATMEIfT.- fcTltKth, 3. tr9ix.jS. Sine, 17 KARRIS REMEDY CO., Mrc Ckiksts, SO&4 S.Tanfb Btn.i 9T.Xtr. WOl Trial of our .ctriancc. Ask for Jsrm! i mi i wp m mi n 1 ALWAYS AT THE M OLD RELIABLE" MAMMOTH 1.1 JLJ f T AJJljJLJX. Established in 1870. LUTHER SHELDON, SASHES, DOORS AND BLINDS, MOULDINGS, BRACKETS NEWELS, STAIK KAILS, BUILDERS' HAKDWAKE, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, PUTTY AND BUILDING MATERIAL OK EVERY DESCRIPTION. j Xos. 1C Vost Side Market Square and 40 ltoauokc Aveijuc, THIS SPACE BELONGS TO HARRIS, GOOCH & CO, I OP Harris Brick Warehouse HIGHEST MARKET PRICE OBTAINED FOR ALL GRADES OF TOBACCO. WATHCES P. WYCKOFF'S, HENDERSON, SOLID and HEAVY PLATED SILVERWARE of MAXY KINDS and NOVELTIES You will be .urprUw! to Hee how cheap you rV purrha in th jewelrr lino in fact, I endeavor tn -H .) grd in my Hue 7 . ' AT TOCDtJCriCI RATES. Le Mtre'a Koclt and Crv-UI RpMtacfwi and Ere Olas-ei which I carry in .tov .ra th b-st for th yi and rrt, verr choap With an experie-eof fortv (40) yitrs f am ur I oin gait -on wtirnva AXD JEWELRY REPAIRER J " 1Cn.?3 0 OBACCO! 1 Jt. ,wm- . 1 SELL I Established in 1870. THE xjx JEWBLE-Y -AT- N.C. TTiiTTST?. ' !JAS.H.US$ITER WOULD CALL THE ATr TIOX OP THE PUSLICTO THEIR LARGE AND Well Selected Stock CouUtiu Of DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, HARDWARE, CROCERIES, GLASSWARE SVGAR, COFFEE, MOLASSES, FLOUR, MEAL, CQRX, OATS, HAY BACON, IJARD, FISH, Sec, &c. Also alarce quautitjr of Standard Fertilizers ConiMtin; of WH ANNS' PJ.QW pAND, PACIFIC GUAKQ For Cotton and Tobacco. PATAPSCO GUANO, For Cotton and Tobacco. SPECIAL TQBCCO MANURE, STAR BRAND FERTILIZER, JAS. H. LASSITER & SON, Henpersox, N. C. may 13. a. FOR TORPID LIVER. A torpid llrer Amrmngtm tke wljajpiy. tvin, ntl red ace - Sick Headache, Dyspepsia. Costiveness, Rheu matism, Sallow Skin and Piles. There la no better remedy for then eominen tiaeas tban Tutt'a Llrer PiUs, a a tria ) rll prove. Price, Sold Sverrwliero ANNOUNCEMENT! I carry the Urgent al most compel ht' ik of tine Shoes and Hats In this part f North Carolina and "H them at prices tlmt dfy -ctnrtiion. My Rood. are mud to jry pcil ordr y th follovinj? hitfh stHndinjt fartori irtentioned: Kv-tt Ur'-a , indies' i-d MisKes' tine liand made fltoen in inont fMshionab!': ty'e; T. J. Jci rutrrV, line hnd mad I nfiota, Kniciro.. d French hid fr l-diei nnd 3Iise: ecm inon KRtnf and EnuUh wnlkini! b ot ; K. P. Ked A ro.' niont popuir tvl : Chas llPiei'H hand-made French kid and CordivHUM for jrentn and yonlh". Io all, a bf Iter line of bii(b rde tbo tban I iiHiiiil I v found in any -ity atore. Mifsesi' nd eiiildren'n Scdar Tip a p cial y. Fee'injj flutter il by my uceii in running an i-xclutiveljrVUOF( HAT and GEMS' Furnishing Goods store, I have laid in a larger etoc ih" eaaou .hn ever before. A mmnvth tock of NECK TIE. TKUXKS nH TALISES at foctory price. Try VIC-. TO R I A CORN PI.AKTEtt Thankfl for the liberal and increasing ptror.s of the public, Very KefpectrullT, A. R. AiMCLEA, HENDERSON, N. C taug!6. a REMOVAL! MY FRIENDS AND THE TL'BLIC VTILL PLEASE REMEMBER THAT I HAVE MOVED FROM THE CORNER NEXT TO COOPER'S WARE HOUSE TO THE KIVETT BUILDING (late the New York Cash Store) Junta few doors from my ld a'an, where, with a larger and better arrant4' house, fronting on Oarnet and M't ffomery street. I propote to keep a lfl3 selection of choice bRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, GROCERIES, TIN AND CROCKERY WARE, &C I keep on band Urge quantities of Lime, Cement, Windows I Doors. 1 also make a speeialty cf Flour, Kctt, I tl, Feed Stuffs, &c- Profoundly thankful for tbe patronage ( xtended me in tbe past. I shall endeavor to merit its continuance. J. Hiram Goodrich, Mps ftlls ( 0 n n