n i J . I1 i I f w t ft ; . 1 ! n e 1 r : I 5- i I ! I ii if - ;l S ! 1 i i i i I THAD R. MANNING, Owner and F.ditor. Pstotcc T thf. lMrTKit, Fottca m. and Matebiai. Wklfaicb VXXCK CoirXTT ASJ XCMUTM CAKOl.rXA, rMi-fil at the live and jpwrns town ,f Uradi-riMffe, a fftm centre of the Famous Yiaxx Tobacco District. X weekly regime of the ws. Humor and General Topic the Day. PCRLfSKKU KVEKY TlTURSliAY MOUSING TERMS OF SUUSCIlll-riOX HearkkK unto this ye moneyed men j of Henderson: A multiplication of small industries is what ? want. ILr.fraordinaxy returns .are received from all kinds of manufacturing otcr-j-ises when j-ofKTly managed. The National Democratic Conven tion now in .session at St. Louis - com menced well. President Cleveland was nominated by acclamation yester day. The convention then adjourned until to-day. It is generally conceded that.Judge Thurman of Ohio will be named for Vice-President. DISTKICT CONVENTION. 'ongrttmai Klminon 3Iakcs an U " Speech. ovHEA-jm,. -why, old strictly Pure VI , 131 VUU UCtU . - i .. i i . a jun-jam ; oui i ve ueeu m i at Davis store. i I -. fl Convent of the Seco.n Vional District was failed to ; j,m Ju, ' ? , p CoaHuitYee. who explained theon; til fl M I II'"'- - . . , 1 an. i ue ic- i i you'd had a regular jira-jam. George: "Naw, I've not teenhavin regular We c:i the Attention of painters aud everybody to our ce ebrated ' '" ' '..-- '' "" .. 5 PURE READY MIXED PAINTS. (MMTCS ii li'.l I . 1 (UlllVKlllUlH CmtlC "Tirrr,,.. Vv.-fl.live )i i ne I"""11' the ie- n:s cdme- at i,ast. We Call Your V. Ilnll toaetuHtemiHTarv M-cieta Mr. W'.KHlarfl annouucocl that t c U business in oi'der was the appointa.cKt ol ... AVLJatihoH aeonnin ieeiii ti - ...... . r one ., 1 1H f hot davs take th- newyiiancr to a snudy spot, lie down in gloriou?j:asc ana read E. C. Davis' advertisement. MnjorT. Ci coinmittet' One copy on year. ' ' ii niontns, 52.00 VVe desire" Hvf C,Y' A1,TJl "-i nt every ixistolnce Vance nnd adjoitU counties. Write for term. PUBLISHER'S ANNOUNCEMENT. We imitef"itrilu1iftnR on all ubli?ff ioral and j:euera inieresx: " !"t uiloii matters of die concera, .rt Snal pms, essays, eritiqnes etc One side of the paper, lv. u Wrrt ten on-and the rrl name of ie w r t r .c ouipanv the coiitritnitiii. No attention wlll lM paid to iiiionvnion." letters. rhVl-Mitor disclaims nil rcs.nsihiliH for the ThAvs or statements of r..rresin(-'nts-an 1 reserves the ritrht at all times to revise or reject any article he may think PJLddrressal1 communications to GOLD LEAK. IIiulerson. C. An immense iron c is being laid connectir. Ue ail fields oi Pennsyl vania with the city of Chicago. The liijes will be eight inches ni diameter and 210 miles long and will .require i.i.ood barrels of oil to fill it. The largest pump ever made has just lecn coiuleted to force the oil through the nitc- 15'tir thing. The papers tell us that the steamers sailing to Europe are crowded with Americans. A large part of them have never seen the beauties and wonders of their own country. i-ut for them to do Europe is the thing, and so they go. u hat must the intel- . . '.-. i, r. i fIllIIl 1ft Hiiity as a t-oinv'1 . .7.-7. wore iMutinti was en-iea ana i -vj ; ;,piointd: IUMtn .1. A . land , Ciat i n!,!t Lenoir. C. Mar.ly ; L T u ' ZollieniTer: auce, 1 L. l.mi warren n. i'. n:uiwi ' f t I jip'.or.iieu i. - ; :. .'wiitniwntlie 1 ftiM,! JllJ I Hill 1- 11 l 'I III III VH J - ll"tl. Ship your supnlies, square your saus. 1 set your compass, iind steer ior i.iti i store, the haven that is always open to ; i bargain seekers. It is a ir:em1ly port, and th.ere are no harbor charges. llreen a coin F. M. Iimn'ons prepuce. 1 il' ri) iHT in: credentials reported tliat every coitntv in the .'iistvict ffw rfinfr sl'nted-, except (Jieen, either by dele-ates V, Peebles the re- ! r tiu'ks'day." .tuxi: 7. Con- DEMOCUATIC TICKKT. Aillowintr is the ticket noou MrA l.v the State Democratic ilitv.u ' J vention at Ji-deigh last week : tor governor: DANIEL C. FOWLE, cA Vake. T09. tJiarTENAVT-CWF.RNOR : THOMAS ML HOLT, of Alamance. VOK SECRETARY OF STATE: WILLIAM L. SAUNDERS, of New Hanover. FOR TRiAH:REK: DONALD W.JIA1N, of Wake. f.oracpitcr; GEORGE W. SAXDERL1X, of Way ne. rvnixiirsvtEvr or ruuiJC- struciton: M. 1'INGER, of Catawba. fjk. atiorney ;enerai. : HEODORE F. DAVIDSON, of Buncoiubtt. oritv of them do? Emry, Alex. ile.leiratcs and alternates. '11' ' -' carried and the chair app ";' IIerreli.lU.rtle; C. Manly. Craven and ?rent European think of an American Lenmr ; 1 . 1-o.irne. Y VX Tones T. ho goes abroad knowing as httlc ; vy . Mas..,; tnen about his own country as a great ma-1 irv(,uyi. n ... At this pout Mr. Minmous c.n. c hall ami was trreeted with he addressed the convention in a splendia !Sec which awakened the enthusiasm lciUredthe h-oes of the convei, t, . Tne neuiim tui-n-u ............. i,., were oeuer nnc ' iiif state. ii fOR IN proxiejs. On iimtion of CaPt. E. port, was adopted. ff fftn. 'Hie permanent organi.atK.n 5, " ven i . heins next in order the tempo, organization was made permanent on mo i&u Ju Eouvne. of Ed-ecov.be. II. (J. liourne in'"-" - from eacn cmunj -m- . . ... nliiP'il" Mr. mSttee i.W'Lith wo selLandet ttc folwins,?0'- "tr t l-o ro,,l these ! live eua.-anifcr. 11 Uu ait. iiiikii'tv, tvj rvv v. jj-v-.'- i - i'a guarantee on r - iREADY MIXED. PAINTS, . ." - ;- - ' wlPn properly app'ied to a gob J SurUf e Iot to Lrack, LiiaiK or im, and to give Perfect Satisfaction AS A FIRST-CLASS FAINT, Ann if after THREE YEA PS 1VEP, ,t t.i! t. .h t Uie above rouuements. we xjrree to furnish pa.nt t'revj of charge to repaint buiUiny. TUB ULLMAN & PHILPOTT manufacturing company A full stock of thso piinte oa baud at;d for sale by X. F. & W. W. ALSTON, UENDERSOX, ' - N. C. pril 19-4 I Alfehlion to Line of Our Low At the sociable social the other evening the ladies monopolized the conversation by talking almost con tinuously on one subject. The gentle men were rude enough to want to know what that subject was, but when told that it was Davis' tremendous bargains in Millinerv which caused the excite ment, they expressed no surprise, was Just,' ' so they said. thattho prospects .i .1-. in any outer pui nin I i: 3tm i s ., other parts of the. State of the j wu'ul(, bP cllIed by the "''VAri'ie I 0 every time ; cone, 'compoJin, thi disti-ict is afforded- ! would in the next campaign hold t h i.ite is auorueu . Carolina in their hands ; and t. ,J It III I iP U MlllII Hl" ,. Democrauc- Huef. is what the white Democrats of the State are doing for the negroes, and yet they will go to the polls in almost solid phalanx and vote in cu rect opposition to the interest white man (and their owr an opportunity to clo so ... . i rum ui iwv. v-wiw.v-vj. , maintained by the State will this year : tv wm'male victory certain tiiis year. r $1,500 each, and will kecpj oia. months. The other school, I t, Jt !f at Fayetteville, gets ,000 a year, j ,lc . said that Ul and is kept on the same length of j consent for colored men to rule this coun- time. They arc all supported almost "K entnely by n.oney paid by the whites, every relation jMlfe to t-athem . : , " ;...t.,i,t -Mm.laiil He fcel ieve.d that ... ... r .1 t-....i 1111 11 11 . ' H3E daily coition 01 ine munam 1 slK.C(Ss was gamed two Tobau-4 I'Jant has been received. There was a narrow escape drowning the other day, when boat was capsized, containing from a row fuur SEASONABLE SUMMER GOODS J'. T J V ..... . -. nnTLrrn'll - T-y'l-l'T T. Comprising ICE CHESTS, IRL11 JAKb, i Kruvi. -ivr.i nxa, 'lCF'''XTRr:AMr.Kh.r:Lr.f -lult 1 v a umo, nuw, -' MOWERS, GRAIN CRADLES, GRASS BLADES, FLV FANS, FI V TRAPS, OIL STOVES; &c - : ' young iadies cresseu in ngni, summer suits. They were fortunately 1 rescued by their gallant escorts, ana panned with a duckiner. No damage was done to their clothing, as he dresses were bought from Davis, and were made of material that will not shrink or fade in color. A YHEN YOU WANT Firfct-clasN Hair cut or a Nice Suioolh &iiave, call at OSCAR OUTLAW'S BAKEELi PARLOti t v-r ti fe Bark of Her tUr-;oii. The best room, the b;st furnifbed una the best wurk of auy vl iee iu town. WHITE GOODS LACES, EDGINGS, FANS, PARASOLS; SATTEENS, LINENS, SHIRTINGS, SUMMER SUITS, "C00L PRETTY Am CHEAT lli LiiN Il COLLARS, CUFFS, SHIRTS, CRAVATS, HOSIERY, &C. WE Tv ILL SELL AT HALE VALUE Vi'MVS aio OV Ujr 1111(11 v " .1- - " , :.i iu.ibr iia nt coioreu linn I tint they uld aain be fomidsumUnB l- r. il, c,,!,;Prt mntipr ronfainfil the Democratic nonuuei , V. . ou iai oul-j iMnm".it.s but because mn 1 111. - - - - TOR SLFKEMT. COUttT V.ENCII : Associate Justice, to Ail vacancy caused by death of Thus. S. Ashe, JOSEPH J. DAVIS, of Fxankltn- Mcrve if CMMititHtional Amciid mcnt is adopted, JAMES E. SHEPHERD, of lk'aufort. ALPHONSO C. AVERY, of Uurkci To TOR ELECTORS AT LARt.E: ALFRED M. WADDELL, of New Hanover. FREDERICK. N. STRUDWICK, ! Orange. and the typographical excellence of ihe weekly was concerned there was little room for improvement, and the daily shows no falling off in any re spect. The colored lithographed heading of the copy before us is a new departure and makes the Daily To- L-ra Parif at rw'-" i iaurnolittir it- oi perfection. Messrs. Burkhead and Whitaker are a strong team and will make their nevr venture a credit to their newspaper skill and ability. The Coi.u Leaf's best wishes are with them. of others against their wishes. lhe ay. thinkintr for themselves and want ne 1 1 oltice who will cive. ti.em ')ne "n t lie did not believe that after twentv ai.s of emnncination tney weie mu - Hi. tlwiin in ert to tne uwia. the will IUsaid the ereat rpiestion which was to-day a-ilat-nuMhe mi ids of Democrats was the t; iff. It was receiving prenter attontum .ha ever before. The quest.on is how fai to ... 1 ii... 4,,.. en i it and toaacco antl reutiue Mr. Brown is the happy possessor of three little bull pups, now four days old. His friend, Mr. Kummclschather, called the day after they were born, and remarked that they were blind. That was, of course, quite natural to pups a day old, but he called two days later and was astonished to find that the pups could see. He asked the cause of this sudden enlightenment, and Mr. 15. said thathe was anxious for the pups to open their eyes, so he took them down to h. tx. Davis , ana snoweu them the bargains in Millinery and Dress Goods. GEORGE JEFFRIES Toont.rMiiv ntT. rs his se'vices to the poojile of 1Jederos, as CONTRACTOR and BUILDER, TV.ebn" as-ured that a Ions Fract'eal e:r- nofionPHiiMrranlsliira in .'iiaranteeini: pes tect saaianc .ion sirice. Plans and c .n bhort nott: 0. aprd 19 a. as to WorK mm G3tiaiate3 Turnisbtu mmmmm mmr balsam lifS-triSn-iTisKi ivnd beautifies tho hair. jSif"Mcvcr Fails to Restore Gray PARKER'S Ha.r to its Youthfiil Co'or. CuT-ssKolp dicasc3ninl liair railing .- ..w.-' I Invaluablofo. Cou-hs, Colds, IiiTu-dPain8.Eibau6t3on. TAT n rT! TTATTTTiTT7H A ll i Uif u in JJim vv um ah GENTS' LOW QUARTER CALF SKIN SHOES TO CLOSE HATS, SHOES, BEST MAKES GOING FAST. . OUT New Goods Received Every Week. rrvR Arrn ri ttq to oiiDFR . BOB HAYS WILL MAKE THEM FLUES TO ORDER, BOB FOR US THIS HAYS YEAR. COME AND SEE US. Respectfully 1 , ' S. & C. WATKINS HisisriDiiiKSOisr,' isr. o. Trinity College is progressive. It it tmvrlinrr citit of the usual ruts of ordinary "book learning." We no tice that Col. I L. Polk, editor of ihe riPgresssiv: Juu ixcr, has lx?en in ited to deliver a lecture before the faculty and students upon "The Fu ture of Agriculture in North Car olina." Mr. W. G. Burkhead, editor of the Durham Tobacco Plant, will deliver a lecture on "Journalism," and some time next fall Judge Walter Clark is to deliver a lecture on "Civic liuties." The Charlotte -Chronicle sums up the following as a partial list of im provements made in that progressive city in the past year. It does not in clude the numbers of store houses and private residences that have bc?n built. This is a pretty good showing: 25,000.00 25,000.00 200,000.00 5,000.00 150,000.00 100,000.00 25,000.00 Y. M. C. A. building, S R. & D. depot, Victor mills, Charlotte oil mills, Ada Manufacturing Co., Alpha Manufacturing Co., Charlotte cotton mills, Municipal improvements on streets, sewerage, etc., 22,500.00 A total of 41... 4n v enn- tin; mi .: if ,, i.o,v .i4h total: off from, tne Tarui. i i -entire internal revenue is lepealed tlieie can be no tariff reduction ; if tariff leduc.ion is too -rreat there can be no reduction ot the internal revenue. The real iuumpm 101 North Carolina is for the tax on iiuemal revenue not. to be repealed. Each element should be uiveu relief as far as possible, so that no one class should be relieved while others are not. If the Mills bill becomes a law there will he 110 power on earth to prevent the election of G rover Cleveland for a second time. (Applause). 1 he peo ple have spoken all over the country ami those protection Democrats who weiud not. hear to reason wore required to retire from the leadership of tho party. It was sad to see. Samuel J. Kandall. at the beginning of this session of Congress, the leader of l his partv, now unable to make ins nn.uence i fuit a 'i.n unfo did. The scentru of his power in the National hall of lecilatiou had departed from him and now he was no more than any other member and all he- cause, he disregarded the popular wm u the people and said 1 am jireater than the Democratic party. t , , . There was much applause at tne close of Mr. Simmons' syecch, of which we have riven but a poor synopsi. Mr. Manly, for the committee on nom ination al"e a report embodying a resolu tion endorsing the administration of .Mr. Cleveland which was received wil.i pro loived applause, lie then read the names of those selected for the several positions, which was as follows : Elector John E. Wood a id, of Wilson. Delegates to the National Conveiuion NRW 1 GO TO THE L HARDWARE STORE, ON. 3sT. C, PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY IIENDERS (MISSILLIER'S OLD STAND,) FOR HARDWARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. David AM) DBYBLOPS OIK UK Rvytos: we 4iad half a dozen more tobacco factories, employing say fifty har.ds each, two or three canning .establishments with seventy-five hands; these operatives woyJd aaakc and spend l.ere between $75,000 and $100,000 a ycaT, say, and property would be en hanced fifty x:r cent. Besides this, "the otroers of the factories would make money, and the producers would de rive xliandsonve revenue from the to- 1-1- 1 1 I;, ,.-n 1 ,f "v m Mm lit !;?()!! t If . ' . J. ' . 1 1 . ' ' L I 03-0WU-WU 1 ii.-..rr..r ..f V:..nre. Alternates. I Oettiiicer, of Lenoir, and A. V. Wood. ,,, ,.,-(. Mr. 1". A. Uoodard. 01 w uson, '"'' 11. Al liClil'N .. 1nn,.win- resolution which was iulopieu : licvAred, That we the Democrats of t.ie Second district congressional convention do T'nder this headin-Mhe Danville Tj- herebv heartily endorse tne course o. oui LlUlcr tms ncaubij, u'mui,L ; ;ern.stMU;,tive, the Won. F. M. Simmons, bacco Journal says; j and com mend him to the district as a utef ul .... , f ami able llepresentative. lhe toliacco sections of irgmuii Tllt. C4,nmiiaee appointed -to report Ex and North Carolina are pushing ahead ecutive com mil tee for the district reported , . 1 4 1 the following which was adopted: at the present time as no other parts j 1 1; ,ltio Vi : outlaw ; Craven, E. Fa vie; f tnf. tn-n rrrpnt Sf.TtPSL V,l.'ifi.l:ilu'. . . I4. 11 1-lgei s ; U leeu , J.m'i . . . 0 t .... . .... ii,riu.v Halifax. .Itmas Cohen ; .Jones It we loofe to ixortn uaroima-uiat , "iV ,;.noir, j, w.;raSer ; rrrpnt frictnr in the "New South of: o,,.,,,., s .1. Calvert : Vance, House Furnishing Goods, Wagon and Buggy Materials, &c, Bar Iron and Steel, Cutlery, Guns, Pistols, Paints, Glass, Putty, Varnishes, Fishing Tackle, Lamps and Lamp Goods, Rope and Gill Netting, Blacksmith Bellows, Blacksmith Tools. . A FULL LINE OF COOKING STOVES. The Gauze Door Stove something new. Saves health, money, fuel and time. A NICE LINE OF SUMMER GOODS. ave Your Plant Beds, Your Fruit, Your Flowers, that makes home pleasant and prohtable. by .using SMITH'S PATENT SPRINKLER ANTI NG VELTY FOPvCE PUMP. PRICE ONL $3.00. v i mm & i ? n- mm PRICE ONLY $3.00. Flv Fans Flv Trans. Ice Cream Freezers, Oil Stoves, Fluting Machines, Prpcrvin-r iTpttlps. T.nwn Mowers.'G rass Blades and Swaths, Grain Cradles, Cotton and Tobacco Hoes, the Celebrated Holloway Harrow. LOW PRICES IM EVERYTHING. I have a thoroughly equipped Tin Shop and employ experienced workman am prepared to contract for tin roofing. Leave orders now for 'iooacco It U tho most perfect nd eff. etive hand Apparatus ever invented tor t water. Win save vur buildings in cf, of rir. Will aveyour Fruif, y. .1... x.,r i'!.jrt 'i.cr Ti vhiat! in pverv liouehold for waMiinK v and am Flues. Wanvn, D. -M. Colim J N'Uth- . II. S. Wilson, son,. the ideal, the home unrnv and contented VI 1I.44 people, ,i-. i-.-t,rit witti T-iriilf thf rnii-; Jlurgwyn: lu-uajr "v. v V.. ,,! I idly rising young cities that are com- j v,:, c.iimittuo on unification of the lis ' . . .1 it it.,.1.,.- :4 ni-.i-iihiti-d two vears ago, iriji to tne lroni. muuti-i nn-i, ""n" - t was TOiununi. , . n f,. ,.,(i,.., thi ponvpnfion ad lournea to has I meet at the phue and date to be deMgna.e,, . . 1 4f.... ... tl.it liriHl-f a asiae station to a , P.A,U ,. t Hf or Cumiiess. tlirivinrr imvn with nrnrlvi Kv...-ntivp roniiiiniittee then held a """"n .w.-.., j , i i..,....... . - ... i;r .t inot-tiM-T and elected v . .. voii.uo. .ne ..... - r,,,;,,i:l., Welflon convenience. .t.v u. ask what has placed these representa tive tobacco centres of Virginia and North Carolina so far along the high 3 A i !1S WHOLESALE 'AND KETAIL DEALER IN GENERAL 'HARDWARE, CUTLERY,! IT siH-umi irom pushing, all the appurtenances of city Jvcer. .f 2t. 44 Decoration I:iy. rs inai- nave i-iapn-u , . ! road of prosperity in so short a time jnaiow, - 1 Thc nuestion is easily answered civil w:;r h.ive since tlie seived to other vegetables wnicn tney now iriror lovns and ciljcs have away in tons. These work. when A coitle of spirited fellows in New York tkxeatca to resort to thc code duella to settle a dispute between therru Various arc the modes of "warfare suggested by outsidrs, -among which are these : Broadswords at thirty paces ; axes at three feet ; white wash brushes and a pail of mud at twa 'feet ; garden -syringes aad hot water -at ten paces; 1oth jump o.ff the top of the Statue of Liberty hand in hand ; read original poetry to each otlier at ten paces, witk a police guard io keep the peace ; both sit on . a can A ynapme and explode it. been at ... i ! Thcw citizens nave oeen awae 1 . 1 . . 1 17..n... ,,c.t n n . . 1 I U1UV3 . v l . ' - " y " . ; lllillll txn hi jc-er strained to its utmost, a I ho 'Push" has been the watchword and TTc v p1iui if the obli'erate all sectional leriings, ami a united and prosperous nation joins in keep v -iern the craves of all its benm-d dra.L It is in this spirit that tliepu'nlW.er ..f lhe New York Fiuiiij iiiorj I' lptr has had wiittcn a thrilling and pathetic ro- e oeculiarlv appropriate l-inis naiiuir- Sidav, entitled " Faithful U'onore ; w i 11 is Crave Kept Gre?n. In tne same i r,!rrfr will a I so lp. found a weekly instal- ivish is Still written on their faces, i n,eut of th " Life and Adventures as a , ,"c . , hv :.JV tzi it ' Showman of F. T. Tiunium, written by Cities are not buiL b) ni.e taiK ;l - lf an(l oquauy interesting to the taxes wonc. ana szara wuik. iut ";vouug ioiks as aaiswi "",,k ( t-dialir ycl.im.nt of ,h to ana .f (,,:,k.,NV. has not resultcil in ip.s iucno, j. ln them rta wei to obtain o,ikoi , A M pK anf5hu, (,a,ied at rennet of purchaser j:iir mm i ranis umv. uul niv. .uuui.i i , vitu ,T - r- . . iu- .,v... ......w. ... - - dealer or m::.1 direct to the puiui!ier, tributary has likewise shared in the. ; Manrtt' pubiishin- lloiw .Nos." 21 and is; "eneral 'nro'sperstv. A large .town I Vandewater stret t. New York, and re lcs 1 brge market for country pro- i .ive th jrr fur fur ut ar, ducts. Thc countryman reaps thes " : benefits with the citizen of the town, j "Hackmkta.ck." a lasting an I fra-rant t v 1. 1 1.-1. KrTr-l- nr t ' nerfmii. 1'rice .5 and i Cents. For sale aimoiigmicnuy uu n - - at W. T. Cheatham .t CS dins tture board that helis Duua uie un Shiloh's cenv: will mr.s;ei:ateiv ie.ifve ' - - r.-;---T --.Jrynv vn- VI. DOLTS, &C.,iC. 1 . PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, GLASS, PUTTY, BUILDERS' SUPPLIES of every description. V full lino of Carriage, Shelf and Heavy Hard Ail) F. MIL'S - throwin ur Gr- b n vour Plart IJer'f. Ii valuable in every iwu f 110. u .ir wmiii.k prinklit-K the lawn, the meet, &: Iu variety of service, simplicity or cous.ruw rion and ease of ofrai ion, HAS NO EQUAL. It i alwavs readv for mo. not HabTo to cet out of order, and no light and con vemeut tht item be u easilv and eH-ctiv-l J by a lady or child. It comblofj all th fatureM reeesary for a Ib-Ht'clMH luce pump, which i a very eMMitiat framr to c considers!. A pet foraied bottom irv.its all RubHtaneen from B'in inio ttii pump that vouid obstruct the va'.vo-. Thin isan artlcl which no l"y ean atr.rd t do ith nt The ojr-.tion of the pntnp readily p. ak for ifieb, fr mat.v Mirini for who h it can be mt. Many ol the numerous firoH lh ,c.'ir , toiirvUil iih a prpkt 1h of property and irinenily or life, ntialil wj lo Pr. vented wre lbfrwim u -i-mt means of applying water at band, wuicu U " once Mippiii-tl by the us of this j unip. It Throws a Strong' Stream- Sixty Feet or More. With the Snrinkl -r attaehd it spread the water In a centle fhower or aprar. For washing wind wk r crriw, nd owerine livni, irardens ncl jrreeu-.use-, it ha. no q-ial. It i ararted to tbroiiiR liquid f)lalion .r all kinds t dwtrov r. xi.,t.s inU is and bugs r.f eiery nature, n plant, vine .r tree, and sbonia be kf-ot in t-very hou-r. ftor and, factory m tne country "TT" '' nre.F lHfact!inadiu.ioi(ideree,iti eapabie of every u9 of an ordinary toici. pump, ao i fr more onvenieot. For ha e by . Henderson, 1ST. C. .T. A. L.uuig:to;i. LTJDINGTO . 1 , eil 1 ns lnT" 9S We carrv a corutlete stck ci even .win" 1.1 - t " , , 1.5, vl ' "J .41.1.1 n. n-.i.' f,.ti..rT- ljni!r3 and Lamp Iix OCKrsillHl A - A nice assortment of I ,nit iirmMI STOVES and attachments. Tiuwaie, liest article of the kind on the aiarket. Powdpr Itaven Black Harness 01 . jue raceCba'uis, liamcs, Darbel -Wire, I. 12. Aycock N & AYCOCK, PRACTICAL BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS, . - - N. C, '.or.- t 11.1 It IM il 1 1 W.'l IWT. " 1 Ut'I I I'iMiiv, . - . . 1 .4 i table than whitewash. A supply on hand. 1 1 all colors Ast -rain . 'I ho Place to buv cetton ami tubico hoc?, garuen rakes, thovcis, 110-, yew e i Printirc v rciiwn with ." - - . . as cfTiee in tho houth Type Added Weekly ! low nr Large Force of Woikntea ci ad lev, A e . ITPepotfor It ACriMIVUt CiCiir A"VO uxostci: V.iSS. Read and advertise in the Gotu Croup. Wliotspinsj t 0111:11 av.u Ifioncuois. For sale at U . T. Cheatham A C's dru.? stuie. . Fb-ih vehicles ' on wheels." JAMES JL. O'IsTEXj-t, O-XFH.r.T nrK' IIKXDKUSOX, N. Tlio bsl ' Oar bu-dnc'u U e-"!ntlv mT i2 C. nfhio'i hows that onr iroJK" at ; joioderitd prices, business men f march 22 SEND F01S SAMPLES. Ail kinds of Blanks on ."PRICES THE LOWEST hand and printed to order

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