I SPECIAL NOTICE. rv ' .out the cour ..villi'1 t ,v,ii :,,-t ya noming TOWN AND COUNTR V . LACON!CS P'CKHD UP HERE ACT ee.-obiers. are now ,.,rr.in- in all ?'ols r, !ii;a:" " 1 J. 1 1 1 :4 ; 1 1 Goo tr'rh's ,:igi-.triit" reflect?' d t'ne entire old io:n rs i-s Mo;-.(!;y. 1 ,.f Count V (J.)!il':l! p, .a: ... .. f.,rJ..lla's conceit vonr i:,x.h...to;,:!iatIJanu uia Jr.-l' f the town now w.T.r , ... ! . 1 1 . 1 11, ere , in- lU'tt. llil-Oisoi"--' - ;,t. .j.---" i-'-'"-. 1 : !,. c Kt'ir's O i"o and tell leM 1 1 j i.ii" j.ality when n ;K5 til V(,U .... t . ! .v a . ,,ur -eai- i " ' . , 1 'U,;, j,v,!ni-es to he the mu-teal a .1 r i.i' .. ,v 4,.v....r f S:-..'.er-: fhoal-1 have a ; N'io-VL;. ..Id hy T. K. Man- ; v.s-.u. i'liec S'.o). -r 1 r v Uerrrof g.vtd niu-i' iCald a- tend t I; ;i wv U 11 1 1 on the ei a :i 1 culiCei t :w:il:ig of .Jan" l"".!i. . r ,rren li il I I k :n-r. a ijeirro 01 ... . , ...... w: f it i" 'i i' fi!.::i I'U i eli M..1 Vance counties. I K.--i ve.l -eat ti -l:ets tor tlte grand eon- j j-.-: i ll.ii '. i ri ii .Iinif i:.;h. ai e on sale : ---- j at li.u ii' dnitoie. l'rice T." cents. ( ,,1 our advertisers when in n-e i or their !.:: . '1 le-y can afford tos.dl r. , , , ,-li-ii 1 si.t:i men win d- not adver-hr'.m-r their palroiiae is greater. Mi A. C. Z diiei.IIer was eiecieu as a il. l.. -ate to the Democrat! National Coii- ve:.!imi at St. Inii f rout tiiisdh'iiet. lir. C. l;o'.ve:i, of orlliani;do:i was eief ctfd reto:ies and not hiiek blocks of stoio J, .i:i-e, are what we need to m-ihI Henderson , i mi-.i.i an era of prosj.e.-ily :n the town 1... n.-ver enjoyed. Let u, have iaor !, wim ies. !,- ladies of the . lh church will give an iee cieaia and sti he: l y festival at Ihii-.veM Hall this (Thm-day) t veiling, tor tie- benelil of tho chin'-h. The i'llbllC is iiivile I to i.tteleh. 'l'ii- Metho!i-t 1'nde-tant. Snuday-school will oli.eive liieir Chihii.n's Day with .iMMi.pi iate an 1 very interesting exercises ii. ! .Sunday at o'clock, p. m. All are ciidi.iUy in ited. The (ioo I JJook tells us the rain falleth aiiU on the jn-t and unjust. I'eihajis, but ii i- ,.'it tov.et tlo- ju-t liioK", bec.use the in: ju-l lias hot lowed his uinbieila and for "n'li'.i to n ta:n it. s adveiiiseineiit o,r valuable t.ov.n lot ia KittielMo W ! I by T'l.o. J?. Venal) le, :a.u i-ionor. July 2 ad is the date fixed l.ii th -ale nnd the couit house door ill Head ei oa i-, the place. I'm n a sweet liltlrt I-t ly friend, Miss I..i;e i:. ll xx'i--. of Oxford, th." C-olA) l.-::- h is liKvived a ticket of invitation to j 'iie ceil ..iei;..,caie:if. eeiCi ies oi. taiauville i i -t;t. il.-. Juae l- 'n and tilth. only v.a in which a business man ' i'i eieve.i hii-ine-s becoming d U 1 1 is to is . - it Uell poliliial by advei tising. Let liov of our business iaen wbu are scejdical i'- i. th : matter tiy it and s.-c. U'iiil s. A ('. Wat kins' advertisement in tlii is.tie . Tl'.eT gel in so many new goods t i. v uni-t make constant changes in the a .a -dag of their advertisement in order to l.e p pace even with theui-el ves. (iivp us more factories and shops that -ai;d.y labor. These are what we want to build up Ilenil.'ison. We are entirely too dependent upon the fainting interests "f this seciion to be truly prosperous. Only four deaths occui led in Henderson iia:iim the moiitb of May two white and two colored. One ot tie latter was a o'aild 12 months old. We get this from i)r. F. K. Harris, Superintendent of Health. Kvery houso-keener and merchant should luve a Novelty Force I'uinp". 'J'he best thing out for washing w indows, yprinkling in fienl of the door, etc.; also useful in ease nt tire lh ice It.OJ. S-j'.d only by T. II. Manning. , ee ad vei ti -a-tint of tinner,! .. r-, . 1 t-i."" .Titur Hi' ""1 . ..mi.l-.ifif us nun ; ctrover V! . r V:.era! intei.- potato bugs, etc., by Messrs. K. L. Dumber. '' 'ir iv-p-xtive i.,""- i (;,.(, A- Karris ariJ others who have 1 A.Oooi) i! " o-Uv r- ; tried it. bold by J. ECtarlt Co.;mhi j tariff? "i', ihVGoi.P LiiaJ-"- t3 in Henderson. . . r j pair, of ,pai t(,..r, 111 1- .aily oblige u,j Klliv fee house thw warm i nieneemesit' tr III. Jll-I iUl IU.IHV.-C' i at Urn-well Hall Tuesday evening. June! uitc a t-voro and destructive lail storm tV'.h. Fioai the array of talent as shown j swent tl"(;ll.!sh the country tunbracing M;i l y the cast ot chaiacteis, wo may look for i con last .'turday afternoon. (Jreat dain a ;", 1 Kiformauce. Let taere be a large , W ls -',J,,'-'ted to luve been done crops in Httendance. A ! portions of Warren and Halifax counties. r,..,,,. r , ! garuener, nonst, owners of Vehicles, i tC, twv Is one of smltl,' V......1,.. lY-tee 1' nn-.ps. l.i-ht and hnndv chnn.i - - lt1 v V I l.l it Ulialilc: n. if.-.s? ;., w.. , ' 1 "-""ii '.irm ein etive u case of fne. Slid only bv T. It M.ui 'ii g. lh ice 5:5.111. it'i nerever a cotter, f ir es- .1 ;"'.M and intvUntlv operated it ' ploy,.. I a i,.,!,,, i. hi -n wointctishsuch ;u, cntorpiis, ii, v 1.1..-1 50,1 U I, ,j e.'ouls have lwi- been ii'-uie in this direct oil Lrt us s;ir. 110 1 T f ... . i i. i u.i. ts t.ist'cure win .v.ir 1 ! I 1 1 L" t ..... . 1. , ;" loitli vour oiler- di'ver, TV"' faCt":i,,S' W -aut a ;; indus:,vtoI:i:ll;0 iI5 1 b,nsU'ssV,, s;nv eno,,,i, s( it ; 1 1 m,t - - ' - -eciue Sf.tl,. vs w .. hen tVv L ! "'" "i.iunc view to invest - - " I-' s.l , It,' Xoth 's is more hich'v I.-..1 i r.f.:.. ... 1 rn.i ..sr .1 . . ' si Hoi: Wii " vo:i ndrerfii . ,. y.u can always calculi rtn, Lcaf - into the iin,,,,., ,.f , , . !,a!H'r I1-'1 in i-ivrv ' . ot ,. bice to li-. i:'Z !i:e. s iii n i-rt i,: ' .Hen- Pru. ucrxin a', t .i . . r traa- 1. an.l l,..; coant-'naiiccho !. ""' sevcial years. lh3 Uit C'.:,,bi:u.., '., ; '. -. fouutains in :il. --oci. , drinks o nll,:in!-.nion June r:h brutu-r .r' ,'':' 01 J-iek?.n eonatr ' Y lut lu u ns-country-ana tnase Wowi Uie servant is d?scrvi:i- of special; Xotke is given thafon Sundays hereafter i - '.-u. i .1 ic ... . . iit-tt, r.... i. , a , . ... i v. - - w x - . & t. Y..nr -' l!V'v'ran, I)r. u . w - so invested their capital? The Gold ; mention:"" ' " ; ' .. ' : ? .persons can get ice at Ellis' ice house in co:-ve:ition and h'.; V"lt" " t!l ' ste Pensions.-We are requested bv Mr. J. i to another gocnl house and with almost as f aud from G to p. m. may-31 a. - see advertisement in another column of Peroxide of Silicates, the great insect de- " i.T fr It is highly recommended for, weather Perons wuo nave not mrctuj j 40nn .,' should fupply themselves with j tickets, good for one hundred pounds of ir-i', lor c 1 . (.1). iiouiior aii u.,iwi.av. j :u;i , five. punds np. ir-A.-i-. nuiu.'.u , Tickets punched ; no trouble about making change. Hep-ember tne benefit ciuerb.inm.ento. W tiiv.-n at liurwetl Hall Jane 1'Jtb. ti,u.,:. who are to take part in Hie- perform- j- voi ' ii'" hard to pertcct theui- si iiii'-tiii, atiu caieroiuy 10 nrs; ... ..., t..4 .t.A Class tiade. Ihev want no ofties kintl. c,.lvi-s in tie'ir iiii'i.i'.H'rs of the i..tii:iti ;r;a:ii-i and their fii-nh Ix'stir thein-:elve to recure a mil nouse. j The Mnittiviile, Ca., "'? has re-. i-ei , the UinaiMi tjzu i..-, i .I - ,,.,. . v.-v . j i . r:y,l r I IT. Ill Lll. i V ' If a d'liJi"-'et:t aivl a half Msonld come ' ;d (did p;-'v ;! i! i!;ir a:id a hnjf in a year ta A ;;V v ' " 1 half o..,-a-.o!.a... Th'Cu LKWhou-e.iold is indeoied to . l ..... Ml' 1'a-v-in Sfinlii'iis lei" Kliiu renieiii- 1 th-'wiiv of a liaket of nice ,( ui, wj .1 ... f.-of her own r:usiii. Cmimh , .tn.-e 1 v.i-i'tanl iioiil lie: o . 11 ;;.im.':.i " - -- - . ;t,.,v,. and no doubt the good j l;;;',. Sndsa sp.eiai source of prid, in the tame fact. n-l1.T.,.u.iii Hie T)rO'ramV:ie f.ll'i inacd i forthelvade'la (Jo-ieert at Harwell Hall '. I yn,i.lV ,.v.,rn" .Iin.e 1.1th, and it is a most ; conn-!.,Ur.',r 'live one In every reject. The. jier- . . , t (tf 1 -ii ni.'Ki : HI- '..., . I nil ' n.irahle and f:!i:siiea cnaraeu-i, ano vv I.,, c .n -hiil'l 1 orocnre their tickets in ad- i vance and not fail to attend. ,, . , , i,a'w.Voi M nri". ; lliirwell tells us he hns ho;kea the Hungarian Gypsy Quartette of Boston, for June ;rd. This eoni-iany is under the management, of Mr. O. W. I'ond, who was here with the. Host on Stars, and this is suf ficient guarantee th'dr excellence. Mr. Pond's liit-li reputation will not admit of his sending out an inferior company. Mr. J. L. C'm r'.n Ins been elected city tax co!Ie?tor in plnee of Mr. Geo. A. Ilar- ris. T he "Sonire" neide a good collector, ; and many then- are who will nnss his ac customed visits on money bent hereafter. Mr. Currin will no doubt discharge his duties with credit to himself and satisfac- J tiou to the people whom he will serve. J rc'ret to announce the serious illness of Miss I'I I o Clement, of Henderson. C. She is a daughter of Mr. Jim. 13. j Clements, l'ormerlv'of this place, and is i wirll known in Vil-o:i. Wilton AUruuc::' I he Goi.n Leak is gtaa to .e a.s;3 io sUie that the condition of the young lady is so much improved that she is able to be on the street ogaln." The. electric lamps -(arc lights) are good for destroying tobacco Hies. Mr. Lindsey who goes around every morning to replace the caihons, took If.J Hies from two lamp-- alone Friday n orning. The in sects lly against the ll-nne and singing their wings fail t the bottom of the glass globe where they remain until removed by the man who attends to the himps. Mr. E. L. Ciiavassf, a young English barrister, arrived here Saturday afternoon and is at present stopping with the family of Mr. X. IJ. ("uavasse, his uncle. The young gentleman is direct from England and came with a view to probably taking up 1 lis home in this country. A cordial welcome will be extended him should he determine upon locating in our town. The Charlotte Chronicle says, "the first man who essays a pun on Judge Fowle's name should be .-hot on the spot." Load up to the nuzzle and go for Whitehead of the Greensboro l',itriot. His offense is a double one. He was not content with com mitting one Fowl(e) net, but took a sec ond Holt and perpetrated the same outrage upon the nominee for Lieutenant-Governor. 1 It has been raining in Asheville as well : as elsewhere, and there is mud there. The' r ii!: Stn of that place gets off the follow- ing on the s-trength of it If the city authorities would have a foot ' and a half of mud scraped off a street and 1 a half every day and a half, it wouldn't take a lignt-diiiuglit vehicle an hour and a half to go a square and a half. We'll bet a dollar and a half on that. Money is not nearly so valuable as char- ' aeter. tor money can'm-l. buy the respect of llxuinhtful men aud wuiueti'. Wilmington, Delaware, Xinr. - . Then there are entirely too few thought ful men and women in this world. Our. observation has led us to believe that with , a great many peop.e money constitutes;.,,,., 0'.u.,w ,i,ini,.ir J K.-.o.Aiir th,. ' " '.-"; siiai uciei, morality, aim even cniistiaiHty itself sometimes. 1 he lands in ..v. ..u,.o .1. (i'11" ' 11. m aiit .iuy ueen ; washed and drowned out so badly as to J completely destroy all prospects of a crop. ; Tho situation in some localities is truly , deplorable. I .1 r..,.- 1. .. .1 - 1 .. . 1 x.ev. j.i). Arnold, f Henderson, has fur nislicd the Kiclutiond Ch n-Lin ,,ip,ts wn!i a well written and intere-tiiv article .loj). l-iniii fti'i S'.r A.ll..:,.. H , s ii.- i'usiui:, eiuerprisiug young b'lsT "1 .1 ...... . Il i ,,., ' . L iu uiiLrson are uie uentie- - .,.1..,,,,,- iliaiul i.o.Miina ec xOWOlI. i'hev rum- : I i r,r. carry a large stocic of , cveiythihg in the feed line, such as Hour,! h iy. shipstuff, cotton see t meal, corn, ' oat,' c-tc, beside a iine uf general mer- c"-dry ood boots, .shoes, hats, groceries, etc. Call on -Messrs. Rowland Powell when in want of anything iu their line. . The Goi.d Leaf may have mentioned it . ,-rA' ,u:i3 uatc n'eiiuoiie.t it H',ore. lt t would like to call attentjon . "'i.-Sf lor llenuersoa. W e do nor specially need a great many more More nouses. Suppose some of the - moneY - i : . . - iiivesu-u in tnese should be nut in t1'i:i l, I't'i.-itufin.T : -a a x . vu.....,i i-uivipiises, wuniu ii not, uo Ofctter fill- tll town nn.l I...M..I.... n ll.nca requested Iiv IL Vonnsr. the Clerk of nnrsrmr iVm.t i to say that Mrs. Silly Dickinson "and Mr.r s-.-s. i. lalkner can get their Pension cer- T. . . . . " locates for 1SS7 by calling at hi; etliee. I Call and r-..-..wi.v I erc-.t suits at Stailings & Crew's. Third lot just received. ' 1u:i2 r. - . - -. v -.'l ii i y . x iwtitr tutui'MU" r. i cnlf . xi s - - . 0, t . recent 1 1' 1 - 1- i " " , ' wmi aim voiui cit n nuiai-aH.-u m w"- , 1 ilbi's inS' 1 ? 1 ,ils of facts. Denunciatioa and vituperation, that institution, and sur citizens have cause , eiiterpi ise, and they jshottld not Itesltatt to VI a h''! Nv!rhi.odeV.nedkVdS Prt5 intolerance and campaign supple- , to feel proud that we have such a school in , UeM. Ue Gaardi out K, nerallyheldtubethe rnent make no converts. It is ii, this work . our midst, one that is destined to do ! se ldeveS; lc" ' . v . . A'A.x,.lA.lJ. till. -(, Ml. U III I El l . II. ill 11 Mi: l l.ll 11! ll.il J I III 111 u1III1l,L1u ((.till It" . Tllll.ll 111 UI I LULbU VHVi lllUl,-IV Wl I,M1 " ,l.:t . . . f 1 , . ... nM l1tAxx-Y11 T tlllJ - II 1 r..,i.. ii . "v iiiiuuiPMiiiiiiituiaicaiui uu-inuimjf i.t- su II 1 i.'vll HUIH U1 li-'u vioin iu i i.v,.jv, ; ii COmel Dam .i lie UliTCIieil lUtlUI xn ...... ii, (..ui.e near u'iiil' eiecu-d a ., .. ., . x . . . ... , . x. ... .1 ri i c i. x n.. i iMnii . iormaiion . sound ariruinents euiuieu iu re- : w no oDi.un instruction mere. xeiiiuiJ3-uii.ifiii-.il n iu'in-.r .iuhi.-ui? ui Sleep Comfohtable. Lanre lot of spring beds, hair matt rev-, cuts, feathers, and lidding ot all kin b, at may 04. S. & C Watkins.' eplt. A Chapel Hill boy received from a broiherat home, a italoons as a loan for Corn- season, acknowledges the . .- r The csfa some days a-one, XntniU yiy&.f' a S - .none i wm not leave em. And when I come to face the crowd .That listen tatiu seeches. I m ife iu point of breeche. ' .il K U . 1 . . Cheatham & Co.,havp a first- June 7tn. - A T.xci? Cor!rTY LAot Wm It,AljlIX ABitOAD. .Miss Jaila Jtester whose sweet ."" 1 , . - " . -v-v"j - attemieil toe C0;iin.net nient exercises at i'f MIS lir.l : ' ' ! I 1 M I f til f I !'. V i!ir Pi HMia (ireensboro Female College last week, arid , response to invitations sang a number of All the. music was choice, bat the sing, ing of Miss Hester deserves special uien- -MU n volume, compass, sweetness, A..tf....n ('..i.IIlIi... .. I. - tiuuir, t-n;i 1:1 i.j;ti ues 10 matte 11 P - rfect voice, her's is among the hrst that ?T-ve e-.cr ..:;u:;ied a Greensboro audience, Three years experience in charging soda x ni fountains, guarantees that, uue at J. M. x the. best dunk in ouug & Co s drug- May 21th. Wor.K For Home. The Warrengton Guzdte gives its readers and town people a on 01 goo;i auviee wuen n says: -x usn your county, your town, and your own iuik ii i.i viui v.mi iuiks, aiici iui, uliu o.if vmi clfn T KtrcxscoH cirri, i ,a fliiKa - . " l; V'"1" wun jou in jour nnsioi mnes aim xmry jou I when you uia. lioveinose mostwitn Whom 'you live and associate: stick to your own i j ...... ' . .. . . people. Tliis is the way and the only to build each other up. Strangers care noth ing for you and shed no teaj's at your burial. Tkce A3 Pkeachisg. The Columbus Ilecord utters a sentiment as true as preach ing when it says a county paper , is just what the people make it by strong endorse ment and liberal support. There ought to )e a wanii attachment between the people of a county and their paper, for its columns are devoted to their peace, prosperity and happiness, and week alter week something vvritten for the purpose of elevating the people and advancing their material . in- te rests.- And while this is true, but few realize what it .co-ts to entertain the pub lics and furnish news andatems fresh and spicy. ' - Florida Orange Sherbet, our.latest and most delicious drink. Try it only 5 cents a glass, at VV. A. Farkiss' Vienna. JJakery and Confectionery Store. may 21 GI. ... A Vaecakle PitnscniPTiox. Some years ngo the New York ittun published what is ; said to be an ehleient remedy for diarrhoea, dysentery, cholera - morbus and summer j complaints, etc., and as it'may be of value at this season we publish -it. (hit this out ! and put it in a couvedieat 'place f tV futrirq j reference. : Eptal parts of tincture rhubarb, tincture 5 opium, tincture, cayenne '-pepper, essence j peppermint and spirits camphor. Dose for adult IS to 3) drops in about :two tabie- spoonsful of water every twenty or thirty I minutes according to age and violence ! until reltived. Cue or two doses are su'h-j-cient to rede ve any mild case of diarrhoea 1 or dysentei y. I .r.-. ! Frui-Miz, the new Mexican beverage, i non-alc-obolic, is a ilelicious, cooling and i vita lizing nerve tonic. Dispensed by W. ; T. Chealliani & Co., druggists. June tth. j .40 Xo Moue Grazixg Cows. Th.1! Town ! Commissioners have iassed an ordinance prohibiting cows from grazing oa the , streets. The Gold Leaf does not favor al- lowing cows to run at. large, inside the Corporation it did not before th, no-fence Liw went Into effect at when they are properly tethered or attended by some one, ;t is quite a different thing.; aud then if they coamiit depredations let thfj owner be id responsible. It is all well enough for those w ho have clover lots and pastures for their cows to run in to have such a law passed, but for those who are not so fortu nate, it is quite a different thing. Such action will work hardship to many poor persons whose cow is their main depend enceand it is fur this' class that the Gold Leaf speaks. TT- ml,rtf i' IPtns !f o'.ii-fl..Ttr n-oti rf "linest beveruge iu the Avwld. Dispensed by V. T. Cheatham & Co., druggists. - June Tth. Ca:.:patc.n Beaduvu. The Kew York i Wcekb; World will be sent with the Gold Leaf to new subscribers .Irom uow until November 13 during tfco campaign for 1.00. Persons who arc subscribers to the Gold Leaf can get the W eekly World by 1 paying us 40 cents additional. .Subscribe ? t . atoa3?- i The campaign this year will be fought ; ou different lines from l.si4 ; but the strug- j R - e v,i- e no less bitter than it was then mo! i i-ito . " " " I - T" and tacts that may not be contra- ' die ed, that the World wilt chietly engage. Every reading, thinking person ou-ht to ,,,,,, it Two Good Per.fokma-ce3'. The Cora Van Tassel Dramatic Company gave two good performances at Harwell Hall last Thursday and Friday evenings. The Hid- dea Hand was readored tbe Cist night, and a very pleasant and satisfactory entertain- nient is was all turouglf. -Miss an assei is a cliarmin-2 little aeteress ,-tts biiglit and riracious as can.be, and thoroughly capti- nca la the dual role of Archie the street- en.ca. .im5ll n,,,f i'dtola the heiress sh.- aiv' . - .. - 7-t-ef- Arti , - Wr i'-,l"-i i" i -. ............ v,.. constant andhcaitv applause. Ihe support i . . 1 ls vei COod while Mr. Ldwiuionn; ' - . . . . . Sood eff .t as the performance of toe pre- ; vious evening. We have not seen a better l I l Prn'al1 11.11 lOnl,- i i.piiuu.c.i "'UJl c" . " a:1li u0 higher compmuent.can ue paid tr.e players thai: this is. .diss an iasssei ami her excellent company will meet with a.; as-was in reception at any time they may viiit cur town ngiin in the future. IlENDERSOX FE3IALE COLLEGE. Commencement Exercise from June 3rd to ota. No institution Las the Gold Hhaf worked harder to gee established in Hen derson than the Female College, and no institution has talteii preatai interest in since it jrwafeitablfelied. And when we -witnessed fhe very creditable perform aaces Jt'ttlie,ioa2i; ladies of jtbftvschidl on the ocfnflTTt 'of the-anrraal 'commencement exercises Which w ere celebratel in due form at Harwell Hall Tuesday evening. that, feelin"gavefM-ay toyfrennlne pridoH daiutay morning the annual sermon was preached at the Metholist 'Protestant church by ucv.J. II. Cordon, of Wilson. This is the largest church ediSce in town, but it was-full to its utmost capacity Sun- 1 clay,nioring wjth o,ne of the largest, most !ntellent 1 respectful Congregations we have seen assembled here to listen to any sermon in ac long time. Doubtless many persons had gone then: expecting to hear a fine sermon, nor were they disappointed. ! Mr. Cordon took his text from the 11th j ways cramped financially. i and. his credits chapter and 12th verse of Johnt and for one j ors perhaps could rfoj hive reaih.d it, buV hour he held the undivided attention of his ' it had been paid or with n oney male. oeS hearers. The sermon throughout was a of goods taught from some of tho.se people most admirable one the speaker for most J and he did not think it right to hold on to part traversing new fields of thought, ' this property because perhaps ;ly law he and section by section did he reveal to his might be able to do so.- This shows a hearers the immortal truths of th text s-pirit on Mr. Goodiich's part to do what is from which he preached. Mr. Cordon's right and we are sure such conduct will be manner was impassioned ami impressive, commended and sympathy freely accorded and at times he rose to the height of true j him in his present embarrassed situation, eloquence, if not the sublime in oratory. But he will "come again." He is too It was a splendid effort, full of force and , young a man and too full of energy and logic, yet softened with sentiment and activity to be cast down by a single misfor pathos enough to make it tender and sweet ; tune of this kind. He says he will be able -and lasting in the hearts of those who heard : to pay every dollar he owes, and this he him. At night H Cordon preached an- assures us he is determined to do. His as other excellent sermon at the Presbyterian ! sets are good for it and more, church. Tuesday the art exhibit was made ,at are yoc made nuseraoie iiy indigestion, v, aw n e i n i Constipation, Dizziness, Loss ot Appetite, Xewells gallery. Some very handsome Yellow Skin ? Shiloh's Vitalizer is a po.il woik was shown, and the verdict of those j tive cure. For sale at W. T. Cheatham & who saw it was that under the superior in- t'o's drag store. Feb 9. struction of Miss Whitfield, the art teacher, ' the young ladies have attained remarkable THE REPUBLICANS SPLIT, proficiency in the line of drawing .and Two Candidate's In the Field fox Con painting. Some, very creditable work was gress. t ' shown but as we can not meutioa each in The liopublican convention of this dis detail wo will notnarticularize. trict convened here yesterday at eleven Tuesday evening the annual concert took ! '-clo,ck,- c!,ealha,;1 f!f XaVPe blouht . . TT fl , -his delegation and otlisr followers on a Place, m Lurwell Hall. Ihe young ladies . special c.ATi and tll8y aU WOH! iwaaes f and Misses, almost one hundred in num-jblue and gold, but in a short time after ber, arrayed in beautiful costumes of pure they made their appearance a circular .be- wbite and eobes eiide a IovpIv nintm-H is i San to Hoat a"-Ml,ld Charsling hilll-wiih white ana coio., liaa(? a lonely pictuie as , otl)ein, a true i,iue Republican, and some they were, grouped npon the stagei while t0f the badges disappeared, those who took part4 in the prograinnie as r. This nomination is the great Republican published below acquitted themselves in a ; ' ctlSnTuSi manner that was. not only eieditAblo-to 0wi,lK to spiit-s aud bolts in the tlpuhli themselves but must have been a source of : can ranks it is soiaetimes niven to the, special pride to their teachers (Miss Young ! Democrats A salary of five thoirsnnd dol . . , v , ., . , ,, lars is wortii fighting for at any tune, and and Miss Hester) and the President of the , t,,e U(,pUblicairs usaaiiy show their apure- school and our citizens generally. Where i ciation of the lucre. . all did well we must be content with pub-1 When the committee on credentials re-i- i -i ,.mm i ,!-. ported there was great confusion in -the lrshu.g the programme entire and giving j Ha,, am, the djn deafening. One of to each young Tady the credit of having : the contesting delegates from Edgecombe perf armed her part well : PA TIT I. 2- Quartette Overture to Fidatio, . ; B. Rteliards. 1. Chorus The Ocean Spray, rieeinoven. Miss Youii'-t, Minnie Bryan ' l);ii Stephens Lucy Beau. 3. TUania - ' ' - VTely. Nctti? -Owen, i Consolation. Op. :W. No. 9 Memlelsson - cc.ufl'J-uce ,Op. 19. No. 4. Aieuueissou. Sallie Wyebe. 5. Quartette. Haunting Eyes Galop. - Dressier. NcttlOwen, . y'Hie Phelps Lucy Jenk in1-. . Minnie Hester. - 7. Voe-l Solo, Scena'and Prayer, " Der Frel schutz, " ... - Weber Mis& Hester. 8. Quartrtte. Wild Flower March, S ti lie wvehe, Gertrude f'oniiill, Majiie Hicks, Annie Erow n. a. Bohemian Fo!k Song, - . Ppindler. Minnie Jryan. I'illT 11. t Quartette. Marcli from Tannhauser, - wagner Kate Dean, Daisy Stephens, ' - ;.liss Young, Helen Oorham. . 2-Impromptu. Op.9 No. 2. Willie Phelps. ; 3. Valse. -- J " ' ' Katie L'can- . Nocturne in G Min Op. r No. n, Mazuka in ii Fiat, Cp. 7, No- I. Schubert Durand . . Chcpin v Jessie Alien. , . 5. Quartette," MiiitarTGafop s Lickncr Katie Dean, Viola Fleming, - Maggie ltenn, Li ly i-'iejuiiic, 0. Voit;al Solo, - - ' jiuss nesier ' 7. Last Hop?, Lucy Deaii S Polo'iatfe Brlltante, Waltz iu A Flat, Op. 31, No. 1, GoLtschalk. Merkel. Chopin. Daisy -stei)lic:i.s. 9. Chorus. Last Day of School, - Bordese. The singing of Miss Hester y.is greatly enjoyed. She .has a pure, sweet voice, fitrons. clear and flexible, which shows marked improvement since her . recent studies in New York The hall was full even to uncomfertabie crowding, and the vast audience seemed to be deeply impressed and entertained all through towtlse end of the programme which marked him as a most graceful ana felicitous speaker. Mr. NorrJeefs speech . , , llc i.:.,,i tisj cu,-,op will1 wis a gem of its ki.ul. II is senses will; he in further demand. j Altogether the annual , commencement i exercises of Henderson remaia wui's . t,.,. .c,in, thu i,; .sio-t tou v.oMjx --- ''-"'J . impressed itself upon lis with greater force than ever before. Such an institution, pour- j ing its blessings upon the community Is u, i,iiT mmii the commuuitv Is worth more than any calculation of mere dollars and cents cau arrive at ani should have the hearty and liberal support of all J. our people. j The President K t r ii 0 ia v. J. - as - the upouildmg of a labored earnestly for female, school of high grade, and has drawn to Ins sunport in this wor,c an ampie and able faculty of instructors in its sever- a 1 departments of learning, and it is graVi - crowned with such flattering success as the ntr.i tnst e.!..t h , witnessed. - t 4. IUT-J VUU, - , - . I . . i. . p rv - Shilom f cat Arab EEKEET piiuve cure m Catarrh. Diphtheria and Canke,- ,m,ath. For sale at W. T. Chtathani Go'sj arug -store. . . -- leii "J." . ! Tnnre raitr Hft: iasnre your nronertv. with " J. II. Yoo'G, Agent. Miss IjIicy uean was awaratu ni i niai.i ii i.v aim nartt- aintr"f m" 1 uour. m ti,;.. -snf.i i.-ir -vrr ii.s' Norflpet. fresliments were served in abiindonfle. and I promote a l.eaitliy and v x.w. ,r...v. - T , t1iesi.le.mlid liand niftdo nierrV the occasion fof vei-etatlon. producing a in a neat aiul appropriate nte auttress ; K..;.i!,arsin some, of .-the.lri?Kiat iiL.r Pand assist r.attiro in brina , . I .w AssiGjrjrexT. The Gouy Ixur, regrets that Mr. J. Hiram Goodrich hai found It necessary to make an assignment for the? benefit of his creditors. Some of thein who had been very kind to him in fact started Lim in busiaessshowe4 a disposi tion to grant him stiU f urther time, while certain otliers -were disposed to press him, and to sure his ftiend he' thought proper tomaKe an assignmetit and prefer such as had show n a dii-position to help him "bridge over his presei.t financ.nl "embarrassment. Mr. Goodrich's lialnliMe? are only about $4,000, while; his assets are . abov? . .5-3.003. The trouble with hiui! he says is dull trade, inability to sell the g.xJs, and with a' little more tiaie he would la've been able; to meet alt hiiobligaUoHS. This a i above stated some of his creditors were disposed to grant him while others were not, and rather than see these come in and take precedent over others, Mr. Goodrich took the step he did. y - ? i , -' ; Mr. Goixirich's hone and lot had" been deeded to liis wife at tlnj time of the ior chase some time ago, before he was any pimped upon the stage and took the chair Others attempted to remove him and there was a row for ten minutes. Everybody was shouting, no one was listening. The tables and chairs on the stage were moved about and men closed in on each other in dead earnest to have their way. During this scene, a delegate moved that George A. Mebnne, of Bertie, . be declared tho nominee for Congress by acclamation.'and the motion was carried with a-siiowt. The majority report of the committee was adopted seating delegations, favoring Cheatham from three counties. A permanent organization was then ef fected with Claiborne Fa ison, of Northamp ton, as chairman. C. A. Cook, of Wanen, aud II. P. Cheatham, of Vance were tlieu. put iu nomination for Congress. ' When the roll was called the counties of Bertie, Lenior, Jones and Greene refused to vote. The other counties " gave Cheatham li and Cook 2. Warren changed from Cook to Cheatham which gajvc the latter 18 votes and afterwards he got one vote each from Jones and Lanior, making his vote 20 and he was deciaied the nominee of the convention. Both Jtfebane and Cheatham claim to be the nominee and friends of eacli say they will stay in the field till election day. Both factions put out full tickets, but nominated the same men for other offices, to wit : Elector. J. J. Mai tin. Edkeeombe." Delegates. L. G. E-;tes, Edgecombe ; R. L. Parrott, Lenior The split cannot be healed. lUUlofcJyetfs, May 31st. -f- Just received at Stallings & Crews' t SGi'a yardsof Swiss Embroidery by express. All the latest slyles. Iney have sold an immense quantify of these gids this season, and in order to" supply their customers found it Jiecessary to order another lot by express. . May 31st. Letter froai Wnrrentou. Wauuexgton, N., C. May 5th., 1S37. Editou GoL7 Leaf Exwpt the con tinuous rains, which have greatly delayed farriiiug in the county, there is not much to chronicle. We lea in that a ' gentleman livintr near town has abandoned the idea : of making a crop this vear, owing to the I lact mat tne one lie ur.i aireauy seeneu is j fly , WPts" were unanimously successful, the votft beincr 10 to in their favor. The full registered vote was not polled. . . . Mrs. E.S. Allen s school closed Friday ajr;5 Taken all together a most enjoyable time was had by both young an l old. Politics are above freezing point here, rojce of th(, stunip gpaker " will be heard in the land, The coming County Fair promises to.be -Ul--r-" -"r'J ' " ' ' eiieigy i'.nu jiisfii Bin niac it, ih. i and after a half an hour's drilling marched ,,,. ,,.,. . , ... . i them back to the armory . .i t . . r . . i : i . . I : .. : and mav they both live Ion? and prosier. r-ucccss w me oolij i,t.r iiuu iisruiiui. Ji Bark lea's Artika Salve. The fiest Snlve in Ihe T-crld for Cut, Iiruisi'S. Sores .JL'Scejs, Salt "liheum, Fevei S'Te, TeUer, ( li.ippcl Hands, Chilblain, , Corns R!1(J 3n Skin Erupticns.and positively rurw pj- ()r no p!,v . rtuireJ. t j, , guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or ; money relundeu. 1'rive so. cents lcr ixix s r or sale tv M. lAj-sev. pn 1 c. I . ' " 'X77 X ' i bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer. It never failV I to cure. For sale at V. T. Cheatham S Co a drug store. feu y. T'.. CT ,1. .1 I'.r r Txnr. . ui oAir v m p uu s, ix -m j w . Two 'Eliase" Grain Sewratorswliieb liave been used but little and are in good jorder. :" ' F. II. Tatlor, - - --- - wooawonn, may 17 4 o Vance County, N. C. Why will toc cough when Slaloh'a I Cure will cive immediate relief?, rnc p fctsM 5f cts. and ?U Foe sale at vt.-J Cheatham & Co's druz store. fri , ,- A XaH AL INJECTOR free with each bo tie of Shiloh's CaUrrh Keiedy. Prie i twit Tnr sale r.t W. T. ft?nlhanv Jfc Co'S ! cents. ror saiejit jv. lr. vaeaiaa?tvj vo s drugstore. ' Jel'-3. l.v tl. Wm-roiitoii w.vnot h.i-ul Up. : GfKtroylilK lUH JUSCC", 1116 HUH CONSOfPTION SURELY CURED. To the Editor. Please inform your readers that i have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases hare been 1ermanently cured. I shall be glad to send wo bottles of my remedy free to any of your readers who have consumption if they will send me their express and post o&ce address. . T. A. Jsloccm. M. !., dec 22 6 I. 131 Pearl St.. New York. Acenry for Hackney Dros Carriages, Ac. Having th gucvfr-lUcknev liros' baggies, earriasea, wigon, rwadcattt, Ac, I , .all o..f c'rl.i. l,.U ,U.4.i. 1 i x l n ii .. ii fiui -ii ic iruiviv iicsii;u itv torr prices. "This work is ail oC the best material- and fully warranted. Reposi tory ill u .Neil building. A good suppi of vehicles of all kinds always ou han Mr. Jas. A. O'Xeil will show th work anj wait on customeis. March 8, 31. II. H.3cawELX. When you wast a rtnl gomi refreshing diuU of sk1 or mineral water, go to J 11, Young & Co's .Up Town Drugstore. May 2itn. Fon Kext. Store -rooni in briclc building Is for rent. Immediate possession. Term reasonable. Apply to' f J. A.Kellv, May 31. Henderson, 2. O. I Call and see those nice embroidered Marsailes suits at Stalling & Crews. They have the largest assortment of ladies dress goods in town. - may 31 a. Stalling & (hews are constantly receiv ing new white goods, and ladies dress goods an trimmings of every description. They cany a nice line from which towlect. . - ilav 31st. Tee Rev. Gro. II. Thatkr, of Bourbon, Ind., says:' " Both-myself and wife ow:i our lives to Sihloh's Oosscmption ccre. For sale at W. T. Cheatham &. Co's drug store. Feb . 'BENEFIT PERFORMANCE - BURWELL HALL, Tuesday liveniu'; Juno lOtli. - Presentation of - Boucicault's FIVE-ACT -COMEDY. London Assurance ';s I FOlt B FXEFfT O f vance' guards. caste cf characters : ' Sir Harc icrt Gourti.v, Mr. WayreWyche. Max IIarkawav, " capt. Thos. II. (havatise. Cuas. Courtly, w Jlr. Jas. Norfleet. Dolly Spakkep, Mr. C. A. Lewia. Dazzle. . " ': . ' . . 'J. ' Mr. Claud Johnson. Meddle, Attorney, llrt H. M. Cinnon. Cool, ServasttoSiu tl. Mr. J. R. Estes. Isaacs, Mr.Z C. Greca. Mautik, Servant, II r. C. S. Clarke. Lady Gay Spanker, Miss S. J. E. Young. Grace IIarkawav, Jibs Lizzie Clarke. Pert, Mrs. Thos. Chav is-ie. Under the niauageiueut of Mrs. Wadd-ll, Missei Bailie Claike aud Sallia Young. RELIEF AT LAST. -:o:- Peroxide of Silicates. THE FARMERS' AND GAR P:iDEERS' BEST ERIEXi). " --- .' :o: . - , A SURE PROTECTION AG f N"ST THE RAVAGES, ALL JN?ECr PK-S is that de.-troy the grow ing cropf. When mixed with the FertUljr it "aiiI iletrov hU ; Grub and vWoruiH iu the soil. Dustpd on6, th, plant it, kill." the Colorado Heetle pr Potato Jiuar. the Ck bage Worm, and all kind" of-Bng and t lrectS'ttat attack tke Tomato Flam, Kale, Egir-Plf n, Caul flow r, Cucum ber, Me oati f-.q jitsli, aud Cut!oupe iufK," Currant uab,';lloba'. PiUthe4. Fruit tree.', and all .ln utibt-rv, etc. etc. It is ABSOLUTELY' SAFE No davifer of poirvoning your Uck, . bhoiild, miy happen to -at of the vegetation, trebled i 1 , . !. . t. .i I . ... i i:i ! ; oy mo -siii04in iiuiniazu iy ucj uigu i aurh -rity as Wm. II. Alword,. Agut o.nciuii ui i-iuw.uit,j, :ujuw. Mot J nnnvi Peroxide of Silicates! . n. - ' ''-y-yyi i.).l 1 1 Ia 1 ates : will igorotis growth rich fjliaire. :ii'K the crojto a full and ItM-jthy mtturity. Get a ' few i.ouuds nd.trv it. ! J. E.CLARKE A CO, Sole AaenL. lleudertion, 2i. C June 7 lo.J J e ha'e ju-t returned frrm New ",JU lv line of Dry Goods, , ISTOTlO iSIS, ; . :J I II A t-q p A rjO- RnnTQ ii A I o, V AirO' DUUl SHOES, &C. ' All iOMjrlti for tho ovetUHtins; ebl We do not claim to undersell our :om - j piiirr!; I'm nuff . mix we ui f,iui i we w ill .pot be rttnderitoldWeofcll especial attention to out celebrated- ,.P. COX'S Shoes For Udie, children and Mt-aea. - Kvery pair warranted. .They aracqnali If tw-t auperWr. to any n -iie .'mt's Call and nee them. - We eairv a I uls l'na of Bran, hlvstaffl'ftay. anVf other felujla off leed. In fset we -rry alut)ie line oi every thing k-pt:lo ft fit-jClais eoontry store and will t oerulu-to triva.J'! tbf wnrth of vour numev. Call and aea u at W. W."p.owlanda"old stand, WaLkins old store rooms. Respectfully, ... r ROWLAND & POWELL. 4 pr5; Jt: New Arrivals! ONTotice. Having 'HlIfled 'dminlitrtrl? tha esute -f a.J)..Yott jff, jace!Wl..alC persons hv'nK cUima a4int aaid de cadent are tiereby mHiliKi tv present I ' i them to- me rr-uvaawa--wllkia -12 montbs from date hereof, of ihl- notice will be pleaded In ltr or their moTaiy; ! all persons indlt-il to aid decedent mmt make imnirrlUte pr,ncnt. TbW 20th day of Mar. IS. , EULIEW. YOUNO. " Admlnistiatrix of a. D. Yco, de ceased. fjuner 6. OOMMISIOXKR'.nSAl.SOF VAL UABLE RlliL ESTATE. . Ai coftimialoner appointed hr th Superior C nut rr Vance onatv. al t 6 February te'in, 133. In th action in s iul court wberein Jno. M. Lnwreoo aatiiifitrator oi Ttirner Lnrence, i flaitniir, nd John C. Heur ad Lucr iPHter hU wife, are drwdots. I abalt -ll on Mooda?, llm 2-d da of Johr, 1S. at tha rart llua dinr. In th own of ileorlerw'.i,, a 1 t or. parcel nf lnd klfUHte In tt town of Kittrell, Vrcecunfyj adjoin! iijr the lota f P. I. K-y, J. II. iledpth md olbera. and b"undfd follows: riegioaing on lt street. K- y'a Houtb-eaat eoTier, Ihence XoiUi. feet to 2nd !ret, tbene Est 2$ hfit tot ifedtirpnth oorner. thence South, parallel with Una to lt sfre'. 2.yJ ft thnce VTut -alocrf lt street, 'J8 feet to.tbe begin fuE, conuinloi 53s tq lare.fect mora or torn Tertnacikli. -.,., Mny i;8tb, 1853. TIIOS. B.TETTABT.E, may 31 4 o. , CommiM.Iobtr, Notice of Adiniuistration. This ia to give notice that I hare tim day talcen out letters uf a.i ministration -upon the estat of the late Mr. Ann U. Harrisou, of Vance county, -2. C ami all persons having cUitna against Ua decedent, to present the tatn- to me for payment on or before the 2Gth day 6t May, 18!-nt or eUa tbia notice will V plead in bar of tbelr recovery. AH ptf' sons owing raid estate will come for ward nd nuke prompt payment. Th:. MMv 22d. ISO. J. II. PARI! AM, AdmV. of Mr. Ann K. Harrison. Edivakds it Wokiuam, Attorneya. may 24-6 o. KEEP COOL. :o: rialn Sola Water, 2 glasses for 3 cents; Milk Shakes 5 cents; Limenda 5 cents-; Chocolate Shakes 5 ccuts ; Ice Cream -Soda Water 5 cents ; Chocolate Cream scents, at- W. A. Farkisb' , Vieuna Bakery and Confectionery Store. ' , XainyM 3 I.J ; . Sasli, 'Blinds, DOORS, SHINGLES and LATH'S, SOLD VERY CHEAP BV -1' JOHN Ii. AV ATKINS, april 12-6 I. Henderson, X. C. STALKS & CRBV7S. We. have a complete i-lock of Dry Goods Drevs Goods. Noilona, White Goods and GenU Fnrniahlufc Gooda lOinbroideriea, Laces, Ac. and every thing kepi in a Dry Good atore, and we are anx'oua to -lL tuera, and will aive you prices that 1 I aurprie you.. We havn HOina xtra hwriealiiawe bnt-sht in Whito Goods, V mbroi leriea, Drtaa Gool. silki and Trimming that wa w li ir-r special i v to unr ctiKiomt-ra and f.iendnin thorn xi 61 darn. . tf We olTer row Whit plj-in and Rtrlped India Lawn Irom 8 to 4P epnt. WbitA Check Nr.liinook from 8 to St ' centa, P q les from 5. 8. 10, 125 and 13 cent, nice Sheer Persian Lawns. 15 t 85 nenta. A nice line of plain and Fedora Mull-, a beautiful line of Lawn. 5. f, 7, 8, 10, 125 "nd 15 cent, in solid black and other colors, best Calicoes nd P'rcaien, vary variety of atvle. Henrietta cloth iuebfcH wide all wool fl0 a yari. Our 2)ies Good-i df-partiueut Is complete. We have a full line In all the new sondes, prices ranging from 10 cents to $160. We carry a iu i line of Surak Moire, Faille, Francai?, Regatta and hbadame Silka in d e-a patiern or by tbe yard. Jttaod other triiiimins to match all Ihe above. Illicit fc'lfcii and trimming a ficc!alty. Ldbrs' Iw Neck and sleevelesV VtfRt In ianse, ' I.ial thread, Uaibrlgan and Mllr. - Gents' - Lnar wear nt nil pi ices and SUUSnes JKWKL, SHIKT U still a magnet that draw , Daw customers tvry day. . . : V Very Kespoclfully, U ; ' STALLINGS & CREWS, HENDERSON, N. C,, THE : LEADING Spring Stoi k of Fiie4:b-e, Hoot Hats, GouU' Furnihlnic, Goods. Ac,, i Ecl'piinjr all other In QoaiiUl.altt, my.e aou i'rio, 1 v w iouu.4 at ft 1 JftR H PA;U aa& BBBiBk. Jai aaa ai skk. aa asa sm aa aav m in niuvia.a.n v )Iy atoelc is lrger tb?n ever Ibis aea sou, an 1 in every department la oaifaet beyond criticiem and onoparitton. ! bare an immeune etock of FINE FOOTGEAR F -r" Iad5e, WUaes, Genthmen and' Children, and. ,cu .cve yn any atyU d-airtd, el yrU'tm .which defy einipetS Con. All tbe bent mk&4 od laadlng tyles in atclc. HATS, HATS, HATS. s I how '.be largest worfmout of Hats io town. All Hie nobidet atyte and abado. Hoft and Miff llata. Straw Q-kx!", Mackinaw. Ave., iu great variety. A beautiful line of r Gents. Furnishing dobds, j T which aprcial attention ia inrlted. In th.i ifepartment oar mock la eom n'et. e'uhra'inar cverY art led e of araa- I il.in.i,'. urnor f i fT frHrm. Kivff J0 A Ur.'e f-t-vk of Umbrellas. Trtraka. Va Uea. de all of which will ba sold at very T (T TTTinTTDtC LiU YY rlJUXllit. I'xtendiog thanks to my many friaola and rmtronn f..r the very liberal patroo aK(fiven me lo the pt and boplDt t merit a oo tin nance of th aame. I bar uker the precaution to provide- liber ally for the need and waota of every,, body, and will aeii tbere st good piods on ni clone marius aa any r labia dealer, ! 's A. R. AIM CLE A - HENDERSON, N. C. ' lauga PMHifEscHnaBmra . b.u Aijooy s- li .sftto. J YitJi jfi Hp" aVna h x a. kIm. jo .rv vit&S.x. ff-tiCRS4AM BLOOM. ? Caaelesita atam 9 1