i -r- n cn A TP I 'THE PEOPLE'S PAPER." THAD R. MANNING, Owner and Editor. Devotee to az i::ucrr.:..L, Edcca- ok Vance Cocxir a:i Sowm Carolina. Published at the hv; a?id Mv.in town iX Henderson, In the centre of the r ation 1'ti.Lo Tobacco iJisti ict. A w'e-klv resume of tti News, Humor and (leneral TopiM of tin- D:iy. Pi.W 1-HFD KM KV Tm'KsOAV MklKi TKUMSOF SITlirSCfUPTlON : tjae copy one ye?' . - $'2.(o , v) i W ties sin; a live ar-iit and corre-ponde.it , rvM" i the in Vance mid adjoining j at f'Vrv p coiriiUs. Writfl for t-Mrts PUBLISHER'S ANNOUNCEMENT.- V invito erHtiU)ittioViH on all snbi.-cts of ivnl and ni'4nntMest ; vii wsand stnt TiMMits upon inlt-rs of public coiirei n oi i; ial porir.H, essays, critiques, eti'. Or.i side rf Ihe paper, only, lniit be wii tf n on and Hie real name of the vi iter nc--nrnp:niii!j the contribution. No attention wili lie paid to aiionviliOiH 4;1lei'4. The etlitor disclaims ti 1 1 tin; responsibility for tlie iew.s or MateinentH of correspond ents and reserves Hie lights :it all time to rvher ivject any artici;1 lie may tlunk pro per. Addrc1 all coni:iiiitiicatioiis in i(1l.D IA-: F, Henderson, . C riirUSDAV, .Jl'LY V2, 1SSS. Tin: PKESS Tt is to le hoped t hat the com in s I Meeting cf the North Carolina l'ress Assrrciation at Morehcad City will be largely attended. Tvcry newspaper jntbl'sher m the State ought to become a member, -each one woiking fur the "advancement and elevation of the pro-1 lessi-m. ln tmior tliere is strength," I and by united effort on the part of of! publi.-Fhers the standard of journalism annot only le raised, but regarding it from a business point of view it can be greatly -benefitted. We extract the following Irom the Lexington Dis patih, whose editor Mr. T. 13. Eld idge, is President of the Association: The approaching meeting of the North Carolina Press Association at Morehead City gives promise of being of more than ordinary interest. When it is considered how much the news paper business might be benefitted by vo-opcration, it is really surprising that t very editor and publisher in the State is not a member of the organization. The large number of persons engaged in the business, and the almost total absence of combination and mutual understanding have opened the wav lor numerous impositions to be prac ticed upon oublishers; and there is not a man who has conducted a newspaper Three months who has not realized the truth of this remark. In tfiis connec tion, it is entirely unnecessary to spec ity, as a supge-diou is sufficient for any person who has experience, however little. That the avenue to many im positions could lx closed by the pub lishers themselves by conceited action, is too plain a propositi m to need ar gument. Let us all come together and see what v.c can d . And again Mr. j. 11. Lindsay, Sec tetary and Treasurer, vws in his paper the Kernvriville .W.v-y an. In ;?i : The nt meeting of the North Car ed ina Press Association will be com posed wholly of men who have the in-U-rest oi the profession near their heart. If any one sue t eed s in getting to Morehcad City, up-m the representa tion that he is editing a paper, and it alterwards apjars that he is not, all! courtesies will be forthwith discontin- Is ned. It is the earnest desire of all who have watched the annual meet- j ing together of some of the editors of j the State, that the Association may be j "in a do iridisjiensablo to every newspa ! j-er man :n North Carolina, that it may j lie placed upon a high plane of useful- ( ness, and that in addition to the' pleasant recreation afforded by the I meetings, thev mav be the means of ' elevating the standard of journalism ! in the State. ' Those wlvi now hold themselves aWfrom the Press Association, when j they see that it is -com posed of news- I paper men only, wiil doubtless lend their aid in furthering the work, and v-ill no longer expect to reform what appear to le existing evils, by remain ing on the outside. Already the ma jority of tin? leading papers in North Carolina belong to the Association and "it is sincerely hoped that every paier will be represented at Tne next meet ing. Let the editors come together 1or conference, for the discussion of-j "those qaestiolis which are conr.ectcl v ith the profession, and when this is ; I tlone, and the idea no Umger exists that it is merely a pleasure -jaunt, the : annual gather ul' of the wb"frr;. will ! be fruitful of much good. The Kayo! tex tile iw ; shows de cided improvement since being merged into a daily, it has been enlarged and the general get-up of the paper enhanced in appearance-, while the subject matter is better in every way. In his new undertaking Mr. D. McD. rady, th.e edr:or and proprieter, dis plays commendable enterprise togeth irvvith tact and ability, and Favette V1,has cause to be proud of being the"-ome "f such a creditable little Hlaily. The Gold Leaf wislies it all tossible success. FOit Vv ILTuIlVOTON'S BUSI The Wilson Miner throws out ?ome timely suggestions to the business men of Wilmington when it says : Why should not our city by the sea" command the trades of all North Carolina, and do its shipping? It could do a great deal more if it were muted ; especially from all along the lines of railroad leading into Wilming ton. How may we be invited? By 1 fleeted much, but we did not look for they lormerly traded, for. getting cheap fares on railroads, and j anything like so creditable and mag--pjj ry- y t DAUPr) PT t T np A C0 XT convenient schedules.. The Wilming- , nificent a publication as he gave us. ALL"1 U V Lllvi U L lYIAoUiN" ton & Weldon Railroad has a most convenient train starting'from Weldon early in the morning, returning same i day. giving several hours in Wilming- j ! ton even if return by that train were de,ir U. Willi the delights of the sea- side resorts, near at hand, the State Guard encampment, and a display of 1 1 the it v's resources bv attractive ad- I I vcrtisements, Wilmington might at- tract many hundreds of visitors during J the present summer, who getting the j run of things might be induced to : make shopping, and more general ! trade too, a matter of mutual advan ! tage. Much of North Carolina money ; which now goes to Norfolk, Richmond i I and IJaltimore and other places might J find investment in Wilmington waicx j j There is nothing equal to the emer-j prise snown in me judicious use oi printers' ink. This is very true. The Colo Leak has been impressed with, the apparent! lack of effort on the part of the ness men of Wilmington to secure at least a part of the North Carolina trade that goes to Noriolk and Rich mond and Baltimore. Why is this? We see no good reason why the whole sale men of Wilmington may 'not be able to compete with those of Norfolk. Wi,. afl,.,ntflfW flf h nr fin nrt why does Wilmington not furnish much of the supplies that this section of the State now looks beyond our borders for ? And has it not as much right to this trade as any other market?- The Gold Leak thinks so, and it desires to see our seaport city flourish ing and growing great and prosperous upon the abundance of our wealth giving products that now go from the State to build up other markets and enrich other towns. Much of this trade can be diverted and turned into Wilmington's com mercial channels if her -business men so will It. This paper is ever ready to do all in its power toward futhering this cherished end. AN lOHAL. SUANIDE ItKSOitT The Southetn llume-Srckrs' Guide has the following to say of Morehead City, the chief attraction of which is the great Atlantic Hotel, where the North Carolina Press Association will hold its annual convention July i3ihs It says : Morehead City, as a 7r, is yet a prophesy, but one built on a slire foun dation and freighted with -many charming possibilities. It is, even now, for its brief summer season, a city in all that modem comfort, lux ury, gaiety, good company, refine ment, beauty, youth and fashion . sug gest. Its present success and future magnitude was a vision to Governor Morehead over thirty years ago, and it washis far-seeing faith, sui.nlemented j ,- 1 1 by his resistless energy and boundless influence, that has given to the world ! this ideal watering place. Although this is essentially a Southern resting place, the climate is by means warm, and offer.-, a mod invigorating and healthful change to dwellers in the in terior and along the beautiful but en ervating Gulf-coast. Morehead City is rapidly becoming one tne ,nost popular seaside resorts j on the Atlantic coast. The Vtlmr'c ' Hotel, one of l,r, m.i w I ' . Y c. b ' ' ",C SoUlh' was cnbrgcd and ; ,ral)roved l'efore the beginning of the tne present season, and if there was! anything lacking to make it strictly j first-cla-s is every respect, that require- j acteristic, possessed by too few men. ment has been fully met by the pres- ! There is a lack of it right here in Hen ent proprietors, Messrs. Beerman & ' derson. For individual enterprise, Cooke. Mr. Charles JJeertnann, one ! the Colo Leaf will "pit" the average of the proprietors of the Kimball ' Henderson business man against those House, Atlanta, Ga., and Mr. A. J. j Cooke, ol Raleigh, who has had sev- i eral years' experience as a hotel man- ager, and one of the proprietors of the ! Atlantic Hotel the past two seasons, j i have leased it for a term of years, and - --ij vujh iu make i it- watering place of the South. Enlarged -and improved as it now is ; the Atlantic 4ias amnl nrmmn,!,.iamlertakcs an' 1 ......vv.. tion ior one thousand guests, and we are told that at one time during the : i nose editorial fraternity u.wu au auucpation 01 rare , ... - ... , . ... -(.v.v it.vtit. ,.st iuuii uiuc cie uetween ei-lU : u' Muiuaen max lie mistakes lor pub-In that valuable tract of land near and nine hundred iersons there, and ' lic sPirit if u is not. The man who is ! .Henuer"?n conuinin? 220 acres adjoin .... I willmrr in dr cnmPiKin , , ; ing ti.e lands o! L. K. Goocb, Jas. W. as well pleased a crowd as one could , , b ?. 0 someth,n? towards up-f Hrome and etfa.rs. known as John G. , - : ; bunding his town cr countv, towards J-es' land, j-aid land Ii- on the . . - . . . . , L . 1 . . 1 . . . - -. - t "n w uunsic 111. KM t ;fv r,ta,. iw ivcic ai .-worencaa summer Delore ' pcusaicu ior so uoing uv tne pnue he looaceo. Tim f.f sale YZ o clock , l.i;t 1ml- f.iru-ir.l in iKP ! takes in the improved condemn ' . GhORUE H. IIAltKis, ing there next week with nlMnf i lb!nSs has what is ffn as public Reu'deraoo. N. C.. June 12th. 1S89. 1 riMMUTTn nf?TH f! ARO- LIXA JOUXALISII. ; From mere oversight alone the. Golt Leaf has failed to mention the j tXS2&x that vou so good a thing is deserving o. notice : bar V . as thousands of even a, .hh time. For some .nomte this rpec:al edition had been promised bv the publisher; and knowing Mr. Bon itz as we- did, of course we ex- One of the most enterprising and in-, defatigable newspaper men in South, whose past achievements in the field of journalism have been remarka ble, this last feat eclipses all former efforts and places him at once in tne forefront or scceS5fU.newrroa.;IT $ k MISTAKE TO BUY ELSEWHERE agers. The trade edition of the Messenger is an honor to the publisher and the'our entire slock of able corps of writers who assisted in AND 01 Hh.lv, its get up. Indeed, North Carolina,! and Wilmington and the Cape Fear j section especially, haye cause to be j proud of the splendid "'manner in I which the business and attractions and ! advantages of our chief seaport town are set forth. The paper is 36 pages in size, with pink covers, handsomely illustrated, and got up in good style typographically. It is replete with interesting matter descriptive of the 1,1 11.1 nesQ nnd inliitrifc nf Wilm inert nil , . , times ior tne enterprise anu puuiic and spirit of her citizens. Would that the old North State had more such cities as Wilmington and they such wide awake newspapers as the Messenger. R. G. Dt nn & Co., in their trade review tor the first half year of 18SS, sums m the situation as follows: The half year closes with a volume of business at this date about ten per cent smaller than that of last year, but larger than that of previous years. The general complaint that business is dull means that the reaction from the greater activity of a year ago, and Irom the confident expectations of last winter, is keenly felt. To many traders who bought largely in their over-confidence the shrinkage firings serious losses and actual embarrass ment, and to this cause is mainly due the increase noted during recent months in the number of failures. I low does this sound for a North! Carolina industry? The Wadesboro j Messenger of the 4th inst.. says : j The Wadesboro Silk Mills yesterday shipped 450 pounds unmanufactured j silk to Russell &: Murray, New York. ! It is something out of the usual line ; for a North Carolina enterprise to Le ! shinning manufactured silk abroad. but this onlv goes to show the extent i and variety of our resources and ca pabilities. No State offers greater ad vantages for manufactures of all kinds. Our soil and climate are unsurpassed, and our timbered forests, mines and water powers are rich in natural wealth. Commenting on what the Coi.o Leaf said last week about the Press Association going to Wilmington after the adjournment of its regular meet- j. ' in2 at Morehead on the 18th, the Messenger says : The invitation tendered through the Messenger to the North Carolina Press Association, which is to assemble at Aioreneau City on the iSth, to visit; Wilmington and our several Summer resorts, meets with general favor. We j hope the invitation will be accepted. Our people will be delighted to have! tne editors visit this city, and a trip to the Hammocks, as also the excursion iio.wn lhe.rivcr on the Qucen of St- Johns, w,U be immensely enjoyed by ! our contemporaries. Come down,! brethren. PfBi.ic sriKir is a quality, or char- of any town in the State, but when it comes to true public spirit, we are a trifle wanting This is not a pleasant' admission but it. is true never the less. So much by way of preface to the to!- 1 . " ,,- .r c. 1 1 . . -1 .-1 1 . - i r . , J- i .xmik juuj : Public spirit is essential to all sue-' cess as -t people. The man w ho never enterprise unless ' he 1 I sees an opportunity of realizing two1 j.n.- . " mav have iodine in b; l.rcf ' streets, ings or grounds, and hopes to lie com-! ! smnr I lie littPTi-lic- r, 1 k -'i -u tutu licin io upbuild any city, county or State that la ivi iunaic CUOU2U to Ue-tneir norne GOOPER & , THEY CAME ON OUR PROMISE ; ' To show them the most desirable Drv Goods Offerings, and iounu mem. i ney are now n . , , , .best argument, and beyond which no merchant need bflor any inducement. We ask your careful perusal of our this week's -,prices, and you'll agree than at our store. We are coincj to sell this week for Cash H A Is D - -AT Henderson, 1ST. C. HERE'S A FACT. Davis has the largest and most varied stock in the city. ' HERB'S AN OPINION. Davis doesn't believe he can be de rsold. un- :o:- HERE'S A PROMISE. Davis will meet any honorable com petition. -:o:- Here's an Admission. Davis wants your trade very much. Here's a Statement'. Davi will PROVE it pays with him. to deal ;o: Meres an Explanation, Davis saves for you in price and gains in quality. :o: Here's a Grand Idea. Try Davis JUST ONCE when you need clothing. :o: Here's a Memoranda. E. G. Davis' bargains are found at 149 Main street. JE. Gh DAVIS, HENDERSON, N. C. uSTotice. Tlaving qualified as administratrix of the estate ol'S D. Y-nnp, ri seated, all persons bavins? cl li.iis against said de cedent are' hereby notified to present them to me for payment witkin 12 months from date hereof, or this notify w ill be pleaded in bar of their recovery ; all perscii indebted to said deccde'nf must make immediate payment. TLis 20ih dar- of yiny, )8.h8. KLLTK AV. YOUVG, Adminisliatrii: of S. I). Yocno, de ceased. june 7 G o. PAKKER'S Kir' HASR BALSAM ZCleaiises and Ijcautifiesi the hair ! llTosiotefl a luxurijint m ih. JNever Fails o Restore Gravi 9 u:.. : 1. a r 1 , J I Y&- lure ixai! p diea.ses and hair failici; PARKER'S CSKGERTOK1C luTaluable to. Corahs, Colds, In-d Pales. Exhanstkm. 'I' 1 " T " ''t-.,,.-. . . . . . lLolLLo iALl OF LAND. by adSSo miflnm i! hf; ? J" anf wi e, Nfary H. Jones, executed Die 4t!' da,r 14," nd duly records the rtecisifi.' r(f?nf v.n,.. P...,nr" ?i r- -... . i Ju- to the bit-heat bidder for ca.sh at Ihe Court House door in (lender Waters of Crnokf d Run and" has a fine j body of LOAV GROUND, and is also adapted to the growth of tine yellow noou Trustee. rHIS PAPU tw tau.amiO Spruee wbwsdTfniici MITCHELL. 1,0UM koW tliebost place to intelligent pwple have done. our customer?, no matter where . . . , HE WED S 11 0 ES B U Y D E X COST New Arrivals! AVa have just rfturned frrm New Yoik and are now opening a complete line of Dry Goods, nsroT.LOisrs, Hats, Caps. Boots, shoes, &c. AM bought for the evei Istini e-h. AVb do not claim to undersell orw mui pnlitors; but," one ttiinf; we do claim we will not be undersold. AVe call especial attmion to our celebrated P. COX'S Shoes For l tdies, cbillien and Mis-s. Every pair warranted. Thy are equal, if ixd superior, to any on the mxrket. Call and see t'lem. AVe cai ry a lul: l'ne of Bran, hip-tufi". Hay anri other kinds of feed. In fict we carry a double line ot fcvery thinjf kept in a' first-class country store and will be certain to give yon the worth f our money. Call and see us at AV. W. Kowlaud's" old stand, Walkins" old store rooms. Respect! u-Iy, ROWLAND & POWELL apr 5, : I. Hendkrson, N. C. I desire to ;ive notice that 1 am still in the Undertaking Business, And am fully prepared to fill anv funer al orders that may come to ma. 'What 1 cannot supply w ill not be found in town as 1 shall cany a comi'i.f.tf. stock of everything in my line and devote my spe cial attkxtiox to the undci tak i ng busi ness in future. A lone practical experi ence extending ever thirty years qualifies me I think for a thorough uiiderstaiidiup: of what I am about. I am now prepared to do M WI ' 1 iVJ when needed something that has never before been undertaken, in Henderson. Prompt personal attention to all calls. My Charges will always be found reason able. Very Respectful y, JOIIX M. BARXES, HENDERSON, - - - N. C. june 14 a. J THE LEADING Spring stfick of Kii e S!i-ie., Hoot, Uats, Gents' Furnishing Goods, V.c, Eclips;ng all others in Quantity, Quality, Style and i'rici, is to hi found at A. R. AWGLEA'S. :o: My stcck is I.-.rger 'h-.ui ever this seas sou, an i in every depattinent is oeileut neyomt criticism and comparison. I i nave an innnense stock ot FINE FOOTGEAR For Ladies, Mioses, Gentlein'n and Ch.l ireu, and can give wii any style dsirt d. at pi ;e-s which ufy cmiptis tion. All tne tieit mikts and leading styles in stock. HATS, HATS, HATS. I frhow the largest assortment of Hats in town. Alt ih nobbiest styles and shads. S.-ift and Still Hals, Sttaw Good. Mackinuws, Jt-., in great variety A beauti ul line of Gents' Furnishing Goods, To wideh special attention is invited. In tins department our stock is com plete, en bracing every article of gen tle uifii'.s wear. Cuff, "o!Jars, .Sea rf-, Yc. A large stok of Umbreilas. Trunks Valises, Ac,, all of which will be soli at very LOW FIGURES Extending thanks to my many frien in and patrons for the very liberal patron age triveo me in the pt. and hoping to mri; a c mtinuance of aarne. I have taker the precaution to provide liber ally for the needs and want of every body, and will sII them a- good goodn ' on as close margins a-j any re iable dealer. A. R. AIMCLEA, HENDERSON, N. C. auS26. a. Of Interest to Ladies UNDERTAKING. EMBALMING . . s FREE SAMPLEef oor inndnfa! pacific for f-m, oniu to uj ldT who wt.feqa . tottieScmc7tilorpurehuinf. t-ad rtwor fv poeias. BAKI RlM EDT C0..BxIO4, Btt&lo.2t.xT PBOTECT YOUR PBOPERTY j W'wOk Your Fruit. Your. Flowers' Evmth, . that make, home pleasant ani prolitable. by n.l C- PATENT V.' NOVELTY TRICE ONLY $2.50. 111 11 W Ii Is ihe most perfect and efPotive Land pparf u evrr invented tor it water. Will savey ur Iiu;.iiih in ease of tire Will nave vour Fniif , 'J-n. your Plant lies. ItValnabe in everv liouhoUl for w..,i,, , a r sprinkling the lawn, the street. Ac. In variety of service. slmnli.Pv .5 ? ,H"- tion ami ease of opt-ra ion, IT HAS NO EQUAL. Tt is always ready for use. not liable to pet out of order, and so light and vement lht it can be used easily and eliciiv-lr bv a lady or chi d It con,li all the features necessary f ir a lirsi-class forte i.irinp, whieh is a very esht . , Icaiure to I e conM.Kre.. A peUoialeil bolt mi pi". v-nts"ail substances from cwiin .! can alloiii to do without. 1 be otertion . I. - - ....... the many purposes for w hich it can be u-ed. Many ol the i.umerous tir.s'i! . c ceu-, attended with a greet h-ss orpropeity and ir quently of life, might easily L prevented were there some etli-innt means of applying water at baud which i t once supplied by the use of this pump. It Throws a Strong Stream Sixty Feet or Mors. With the Sprinkler attached it spreads the water in a gentle shower or sfrav For washing windows cr tMrriagev, mid sboweiinir lawns, gardens at ! trmi k .use, it has no equal. It is adapted t throwing liquid f-oloiions of all k t., destroy n xi .us in.srcts Ht.d bugs of e ery nature, on plant, vine rtree. hi.(UI,. i, , be kept in every hou-e. store and factory in the country as a protMlion mf.m s fires. In fact, in a diminished desrree, it is eapab e of every ue of nn tutniarv Joicj pump, and fnr more convenieut. For sa e by Hendei'son, N". C. E. F. WYATT H A 11 N E 8 DEALERS IN g3 r&fcJts (f n ' tor 5 siltf S 33v-idles ATe are slid soiling everything in (h nne-st oving ; while the ipia ity of ( heir listctsss material used in the maiiiiia'tui .. 1 . . 1 , I A LUDINGTON. LUDINGTON PRACTICAL BOOK 1 iiimiui ior fnsi (lairfinagH hihi nopin" in merit a roni i n uamv ! same, vii p'edge ourselves, to the best interests of our custotners in the future as we hate done in the past. LEE IrXOAVAIRD, Mannrror, HENDERSON, N. C. -AND STATIONERS. HIEXNTHDElSOlNr, 2ST. G. v e are now ir-tter nrenared thun rver TKKrrLr"jNH.KUKDSY I'r1"11"" ' ' m "in irti.-i .-Mvie. STATION ERY! We have just added to our stock of Stationery, ail now avj ii st?k. Writing Paper of all G-ades, Papteries for the Ladies aid Gento, a Large. Assortment and Very Cheap- TercPs Fens, and Holders, Mucilage, Blank Ho- kt of si nyles ; Rubber BanJ'. f'o!ored I issue I'np-r for the Ladies, Ac, Our Low Prices Will Surprise You. Opposite Cooper's Warehouse-Up Stairs- LUDiNGTON & AYC03K GO TO THE 7 -I 111 7 i tt a n r.n t ni L 111 ! illLiUVY Aili IIENDEKSON, N. C, (MISSILLIER'S OLD STAND,) FOR HARDWARE OF H'FRY DliSCRIPTIOX. House Furni.hmg Goods, Wagon and Buggy Materials, &c liar Irca and Steel, Cntlery, Guns, Pistols, Paints, (;!ass, Putty, Varnishes, Y-'i l ackle, Lamp and Lamp Goods, Rope and Gill Netting, PJacksmith Kcllows, liiacksmith Tools. A FULL LINE OF COOKING STOVES. The Gauze Door Stovesomething new. Saves health, money, fuel and time- A NICE LINE OF SUMMER GOODS. ! p F1? Fas' F1' Traps, Ice Cream Freezers, Oil Stoves, Fluting Machines, , 1 reserving Kettles, Iwn Mowers, Grass Blades' and Swaths, Grain Cradles, -otton and 'lobacco Hoes, the Celebrated Hollo way Harrow. LOW PRICES Iiy EVERYTHING. I have a thoroughly equipped Tin Shop and employ experienced workman and am prepared to contract for tin roofing. Leave orders now for ToUcc Fines. . - WAS, C ' I SPRINKLE! ) FOECE PU.MP. PRICE ONLY $2.50. I lll.l 19 ail ilHICIH WI I1 Til oi the iumt readilv neut ior iri. . lainii v SON, S A I). I) L S - ir tine dies, as -t' bYy ci1 ink p km Nrlh-nv but irooils cannot b kuiikm'iI. .f fnir stock. Itcji-ii inir a hi. !. i a v . .. .. . I). E. AV( OCK & AYC00K. AND JOB 7 PRINTERS Cr tb """ - 'It'U.I I Y OF WulIK AN I) JU Willi nrnn:iiiis(.Mc uni t l -: W it 1 1 1 i I Vv I I 11 I I I I J. VJLll