THE HENDERSON GOLD JLEAF THURSDAY. JULY 10. 1890. TIIE PEOPLE'S PAPER." -NINTH YEAR OF PUBL1CATWN. THAD R- MANNING, Owner ami Editor. 0ET0TEC TO THE INDCSTBIAI., EDUCA TIONAL AND MATERIAL WlXTARK of Vance County and South Carolina. mblished at the live and growing town r Henderson, in the centre of the Famous Yellow Tobacco District. A weekly resume of the News, Hu mor an General Topics of the Day. PUELISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING TERMS OF SI; riSCHlPTION' : ni ennv one vear. - - - fl-0 ' l i months, - it - - .50 We desire a live ajrnt and correspondent at every postoftice in Vance and adjoining eounties. Write for terms. PUBLISHER'S ANNOUNCEMENT. We invite contributions on all subjects of local and general Interest ; views and state ments upon matters of public concern orig inal poems, essays, critiques, etc. On aide of the Daoer. only, must be wri- ten on and the real name of the writer ac company the contribution. o attention will be paid to anonymous letters. The editor disclaims all responsibility for the view3 or statements of correspond entsand reserves the right at all times to revise or reject any article lie may think proper. Address all communications to GOLD LEAF, Henderson, N. C. THURSDAY, JULY IO, 181K). With only two exceptions, as lar as we can ascertain, Ashevillc and Win ston, Henderson has made better prog ress in the last ten years than any other town in North Carolina. In 1880 she had 1,421 population. Now she has 4,151, with at least 1,000 more outside the corporate limits but who" work in the town and own prop erty and pay tax but have no part in municipal affairs. We have trebled our population in ten years and have more than doubled it in the last five. At the present rate of increase with the bright prospects ahead of us Hen-j derson will have 12,000 to 15,000 in habitants ten years from now. There is a growing popular senti ment in favor of the Nash county rail road, and we do not question the wis dom of our people in voting the bonds. It is the one road that Henderson needs and must have to put her be yond the pale or possibility of losing the key to the situation she now holds, and to promote her future growth and prosperity. We possess the advantages of location, of size and business im portance, of men of means and push, it is true, but we must seize upon and improve every opportunity that pre sents itself in order to retain these. Eternal vigilcnce is the life of towns and the preservation of trade no less than the price of liberty;. How is this : A prominent opponent oi the Nash county railroad, said a few days ago that Henderson needed this road and it would be of great ben efit to the town, but that we were pro posing to pay too much for i(. Ah, indeed! Have you, business men of Henderson, forgotten that this kind of feeling and such talk lostus the road direct from Clarksville and the road to Louisburg, a few years ago, when $30,000 would have got the former and $1,500 the latter? Can we af ford to act the same unwise part now as we did then? Has not our experi ence been dear-bought enough to teach us a valuable lesson on this point? It appears so to us. If Henderson is to continue to grow and prosper, then her business men must do their duty toward pushing her forward. They must seize the oppor tunity that now presents itself and grasp the key to the situation in North Carolina. This key is to have the three great railway systems of the , State centering at Henderson. The Nash county railroad will do this. Build that and you may well say Hur rah for Henderson. Winston votes $200,000 for inter nal improvements alone to grade and pave streets, build a city hall, &c. And not a single vote was cast against it. Here is public spirit for you, and the fact that it was unanimous shows the spirit of harmony and co-operation that animates her people. Some other towns would do well to study and fol low Winston's example. What is a small tax of $30,000 or $35ooo, the bonds to run thirty or forty years, as compared with the ben efits that would be derived from the Nash county railroad? There is more than one way to look at a thing of this kind and the tax to be paid out is not always the principal one. How can any progressive man who desires to see his town grow and pros per be opposed to railroads and inter nal improvements? The fact is no live town can afford not to spend money for such things. Indeed, those places that do not never get to be live towns. The Staunton Virginian, the oldest and ablest Republican paper in Vir ginia, expresses the hope that the Lodge bill may, for the peace, order, prosperity and progress of the South," be defeated in the Senate. i Six hiindctd teachers attended the convention of the North Carolina j Teachers' Association at Morehead ! City. It u very successful meet-i ing in every way. Prof. Chas. D. . Mclvcr was elected President for the ensuing year. j Gov. Fowi.e has appointed the fol- lowing directors of the North Carolina , Railroad : J. L. Morehead, A. P.urwell, R. V,. Thomas, T. I. Kluttz, M. A. Angier, W. II. Pace, II. Cameron, I. MacRae. Armistead Jones, Esq., was appointed State's proxy. Miss H'inxik Davis, the "Daughter of the Confederacy," has returned from her travels in Europe, having been absent nearly a year. .She was met at the wharf by her cousin Mr. V. I.. Davis and Mr. Alfred Wilkinson, of Syracuse, the gentleman to whom she is soon to be married. . The death of Rev. Turner M. Jones, D. D., president of Greensboro Fe male College, removes one of the most prominent Methodist divines and fore most educators of the State. Many years ago Dr. Jones conducted a flour ishing female school at Warrenton, and was well known to a number of our readers. He was in his 71st year at the time oi his death. The Raleigh Evening Visi.'or says : We are glad to learn that the Hon. lulian S. Carr will commence to res'de in the city of Raleigh about the first of, the year 1 893. It is most too long off to begin to ; prom :.-ed he would have been nomi talk about the next Governor of North ! nated on the 417th ballot, he hav ing Carolina, but when the time comes we received 1 15 votes at . that time. On know of no man whose fitness and ;he 418th ballot, Vance in carrying claims for the position it would afford j oat a promise made previously gave us greater pleasure to proclaim than the sound, practical, safe, judicious, big hearted Julian S. Carr. The Judicial convention which met in Greensboro Tuesday nominated Robert W. Winston, Esq., ot Oxford, to be Judge of the Fifth District. He was chosen on the first ballot. Mr. Winston is a brilliant and talented young gentleman and an able lawyer in the enjoyment of a large and lu crative practice, and as Judge will no doubt make a reoutation for deen 1 .j . r. ! learning, accurate juuguiciu iuiu miu 1 discriminating powers that characterize the safe, sound, upright Judiciary. The many friends of the Oxford Orphan Asylum will regret to learn that Dr. 13. F. Dixon, the very efficient and greatly beloved Superintendent of that noble institution, has been elected President of Greensboro Fe male College, to succeed the lamented Dr. Jones. The position has been ac cepted and we suppose Dr. Dixon will enter upon his new duties with the opening of the fall term. His place at the head of the great State Orphan age will be difficult to fill. What will be Oxford's and the State's loss by the resignation of Dr. Dixon will be Greensboro's and her excellent female college's gain. The 4th Judicial district convention met in Smithfield on the first inst. and nominated Judge Spier Whitaker to succeed himself as Judge, and E. W. Pou, Esq., of Johnston county, for So licitor. The nomination of Mr. Whit aker was to have been expected. While we have no respect for the man per sonally we concede his ability and are frank to say the action of the conven tion was just and proper under the circumstances. Mr. Pou is a verv talented young gentleman, only about j I1"0? and V?e lovf s of eir Part'' r , , . . . and they nobly and grandly and pa- 27 years of age and his nomination triotieally buried the microcosm ofsel over such a competitor as Capt. Swift fish aspirations into the grander, nobler Galloway is an achievement he may i well feel proud of. It is especially gratifying to be able to announce that our friend, Capt. A. II. A. Williams, of Oxford, wa? the choice of the nominating convention which met in Greensboro yesterday, for Congressional honors from the Filth District. A better selection couui not nave been made. A morei worthy man and one who is better fit-: Party is our candidate now, as he is ted t make a brilliant and effective! Mr Henrv's- While the friends and .mvasi and represent his consti!uency i suPPorters of Mr. Henry are dis in an able and faithful manner, could ! aPPointed at his defeat they are not not have been chosen as the gallant standard bearer of the Democracy of the Fifth District. That he will be elected by an overwhelming majority we have not the least bit of doubt. Ul k enterprising and thoroughl y j wide awake neighbor Oxford may not ! be greedy, but it looks a little that j way to an outsider. She is not only j covering herself with glory in a com-1 mercial and business sense but is win ning high jxjlitical and civil honors as well. Mondiy the trustees of Greens boro Female college elected Dr. B. F. Dixon President of that institution, Tuesday the Judicial convention there nominated R. W. Winston, Esq., for Judge, and Wednesday Capt. A. H. A. Williams was the choice of the Con gressional convention, held at the same place. Greensboro appears to be a lucky place for Oxford men this year. Well, the Gold Leaf rejoices at the good fortune ol our neighbor and the three excellent gentlemen above named. All are most worthy men and admirably fitted lor their resjiective offices. . . ooilard. Esu., of Wilson, Nominated for Solicitor. The Judicial cosventiom which met at Rocky Mount last Thursd made a record for endurance the like of which ve have no knowledge. l'lie lxxlv was in session awnu 30 nou.- ui.u 4 . i . . j . . v 1 i,aiots wcre taken before a choice was made. The candidates for Solicitor were Col. D. Worthington, (the pres ent incumbent) of Martin, Col. I. A. Sugg and A. L. Blow, of Pitt, John K. Wolard, of Wilson. Jacob Bar le. of Nash, and W. R. Henry, of Vane?. F. S. Spruit!. ( Franklin, was elecied nermanet chairman and the members ! of the press were made secretaries. On the first ballot the vo'.c stood: Bar ;'e 5 Woodard 55, Worthingiovj 40J, Sugg 40 j, Henry 40, Blow 304.. And so ballot af"er ba'lot was tak with but little change. Each delegation stood firmly, :f not solidly, by its man, and Tor two days and nights the conte-r went on the vote varying at limes but no choice could be made. On the 263rd ba'lot A. L. Blow withdrew and his strength wen, to his fellow-co'intyman Col. Sugg. On 'lie 367th ballot Co!. Vor:h.'n,on withdrew, and his coun'v then scat- 1 j tered her votes between the aspriiants I still in field. Thus matters stood and at one time it looked as if Henry would be the man If one of the delegations ailed to deliver its vote as had not Woodard 27 of her 28 vote;; and Mar tin and Franklin jo lrng forces with Wilson nominated Woodard, he re ceiving 147 votes. Nccssary to a choice 132. Mr. Henry in re.-ponding to calls for a speech after the result of the vote was announced, spoke most hap pily and eloquently. He showed no wounded feelings if any spirit of bitter disappointment found lodgment in his manly bosom. He rose above the clouds of selfishness and soared in the clear blue sky of party alleeiance and ! - - " j pledged his support then as ever to the standard bearer ot Democracy and to Mr. Woodard.his successful competitor, especially. The speech of Mr. Henry was pronounced one of his finest efforts. It was able and eloquent, interspersed with sallies of wit and good humor that provoked laughter and applause at every period. A prominent member of one of the delegations from another county declared that if Mr. Henry had made that speech before any nomina tion had been made it would have greatly strengthened his chances of being the next Solicitor. The Wilson Mirror says : Harmony and good feeling prevailed throughout, notwithstanding the most strenuous, persistent, untiring, unre mitting efforts were made by friends for their special favorites. The con test was an earnest, zealous, determined struggle for conquest and supremacy, and the hardest work indeed was done on every hand. But the sound of bat tle is at last over ; the long, bitter struggle has been ended ; the shout of victory has leaped from enthusiastic lips; the fortunate brow has been decked with the fragrant garland of triumph ; and many an aching heart is now inhaling the distressing exhala tions of those rank and bitter weeds that grow in the low grounds of disap jwintment and defeat. But the de feated candidates are gentlemen and macrocosm of party, and laid their own personal dreams as an oblation upon the shrine of Democratic success. And so, blessed Alcyone brooded o'er the deeps of. recent agitation and drop ped from her soothing wings a calm of acquiesence as sweet as that which sleeps upon the bosom of the blue -Egean sea, when yEolus hath gone and left its waters free. The man of our choice was not nominated, but the nominee of the sore, nor is he. No man will give his support to and lift up his voice in behalf Mr. Woodard more readily and cheerfully than will Mr. Henry. No man will be more zealous or enthusias tic for Democratic success and su- premacy aurmg tne next campaign whoever the choice of that party may be and whatever the office to be filled, tnari he. While Mr. Henry did not receive the nomination for Solicitor he has not lost anything. . His candidacy has not been without benefit to him and the county and the future will bring his reward. A man of his fine learning, eminent abilities, laudable ambition and readinessjto respond to i every call of duty, will most assuredly go forward and upward. The Wilson Minor speaking of the different candidates, after paying a passing tribute to each of the other gentlemen, says this of Mr. Henry: And last, but not least, the gifted and impassioned and eloquent and wondrous Walter Henry, whose Tully like lips have so often been the chan nel of that burning oratory, whose ! grand and thrilling and irresistible ! :x"-ers of eloquence hath swept the senses with that convicting brush of feeling, that only genuine dramatic passion handle, and which, when handled by the skilled and plastic fingers of the gifted Henry, doth start " the senses in wildest phrensy rolling," and stirs with the thrill of its own i,uul,c powers me deepest emouous of i.i- .i j . . - the nuinan heart, even as the withered leavrs ,,iT.e, hv . whirKvinJ l1(.n un0j-,dled and in furv yea to win the trophy from such a brilliant genius as Wal'er Henry, and these other con tes ants, is indeed a triumph which would gem with, the jewel ot richest j radiance the coronet of any effort. ! j We notice that some ot our ex changes reporting the proceedings of the Sudicial convention at Rocky Mount last week in giving the final vote record only 1 as being cast for Mr. Henry. That is accounted for by reason of the fact that his whole strength with the exception of the one vote was given complimentary to Mr. Woodard on the last ballot in return for the 44 votes given Mr. Henry by Wil on county on the ballot just previous. The Federal Elections Bill is de signed to perpetuate that party in ex istence, and not in the interest of fair elections in the South or anywhere else. For example, it would give the party in power between 250,000 and 300,000 additional places to fill with its heelers. It would cost the Gov ernment about $12,000,000 annually, 'and the expenditure will be in effett so much added to the Republican campaign fund. W. H. Kifchln for Congress. KniTon (Joi.n Leak : A candidate for CongreHsiona! honor is soon to be se lected to lead the Democracy of the ex-black-belt dintrict. Thetreiiiendoua exo oiis of the negroes last winter and spring l enders it easy for the Democracy to win if it is properly marshalled in the coming contest. A man of experience, ability, a good speaker and an unsullied Democrat is wanted. The Hon. W. H. Kitchin fills all these requirements. He has served al ready in the Congress, is an able law yer.a powerful debater and his Democracy is guilt-edge. Now is the time to redeem the old black-belt district and Capt. Kitchin is the man that can do it. Rise to his sup port, ye men of Yan; Citizen. E Female LOUISBURG, X. c. o Fall session begins September 3rd, 1890. Full and strong faculty. Special advan tages offered in vocal and instrumental music, art and elocution. Due prominence given to study of English and the Bible. Charges to suit the times. Apply for cat alogue to S. 1). BAGLEY, A. M., July 10-2 J. President. MIDDLEBURG HIGH SCHOOL, MIDDLEBURG, X. C. O Is a school established for the purpose of preparing boys for college, or the business pursuits of life. Fine location. Iteligious influence good. No liquors sold in the place. Tuition $1.50 to 2.50 per month in English. Languages 75 cents per month, extra. For further information, address H. S. PICKETT, PRINCIPAL. DniTersity ofjor tl Carolina. The Fall Term Opens Sept. 4th. Tuition $30. lour regular courses of study. Classical, Philosophical, Literary, Scientific. Special courses in Chemistry, Civil and Electrical Engineering, Pharmacy and other studies. Separate schools of Law and Medieine, whose students may attend the University lectures. Address Hon. KEMP P. BATTLE, LL. D., President, Chapel Hill, N. C. hardware! We keep adding to our almost complete stock of hardware both Gasoline and Wood Coot Stoves, Busies, Road Carts AND EUILDE11Q QUPPLIECI UILDER0 UTJPPLIEU. AY e mean what we say, and say we can save you money on anything in our line. In addition to our large stock of above, we have the agency for the NEW NO. 9 Wheeler anfl Wilson Sewing Machine and ask all to come and see them . Best in the world. Jno. W. Anderson & Co., Opposite The Bank of Henderson, HENDERSON, N. J. , ProDerly Owners! Insure Your Property Against Cyclones and Tornadoes. I am prepared to issue policies against Tornadoes, Cyclones and Wind Storms, at the following low rats, viz : On dwellings 3.00 per ?1.000 for 1 year. C.00 3 years. Claude Hunter, INSURANCE AGENT, HENDERSON. N. U. SPRING S SDfflffiR STYLES. I take pleasure in announcing that I have just received a beautiful line of Spring and Snuer Samples, Comprising the choicest patterns of the finest IMPORTED AID DOMESTIC WOOLEKS, To which I would cordially iuvite the at tention or my friends and customers. Satisfied that I can give entire satisfac tion as to quality of goods, style, fit and workmanship, I solicit your patronage. Very Respectfully, VV.E. SMTm, Mercbaut Tailor, Henderson. X. ( G01M6 Mrs. JOE PERSON'S REMEDY. THE GREAT BLOOD :-: PURIFIER. :-: Dr. .1. H. McAden's Opinion. 1 consider Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy the finest blood purifier that is 011 the market to-dav. .1. II. McAdex. Charlotte, N. C, Aug. 15th, 189. Mrs. Jo Person's Kennedy will Cure Ivheiiiuatisni and Skin Krnptions. Oxford, X. C, July 13, 1K88. Tit io Tf PcoaAv in Ac T 1 w va been very much benefitted by the use of your Remedy, I think it my duty to testify to the same. I have for some time past been troubled with Rheumatism, and also an eruption of the skin on the chest and shoulders which was very annoying. 1 used your Remedy, and have leen entirely cured' of the skin disease, mid very much relieved of the Rheumatism. I take ereat pleasure in recommending it to the public. Respectfully. GEO. IS. ItEAVIS. fudge Shepherd's Opinion. I Washington. N. C. Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy lias leen used ; oy a member or my lanuiy, ana tne result has been very beneficial. I believe it to be a good medicine. James E. Shepherd. Mrs. Brown, the case alluded to in Judg? Shepherd's testimonial, says : It is with pleasure 1 add my grateful tes timony to the hosts of witnesses who have attested the viitnes of Mrs. Joe Person's great Remedy. After years of debility and suffering, it has proven to rne the best of tonics and blood purifiers. An obstinate, irritable ulcer on my ankle, from which 1 suffered agony for years, seems to have healed entirely and healthfully under its purifying effects, and my general health has greatly improved. Mrs. S. T. Brown. IS You Eta COHSUMPTIOHICOUBH on COLO DRoncniTia areawAiwwyu SCROFULA I Wasting of Flesh Or any ZHmom where the Throat and Lung are Inflamed, Zacic of Strength or Xeroe frnwer, you can be relieved and Cured ftjr OTT PURE COD LIVER OIL With Hypophosphltes. PALATABLE AS MILK. ' Jjk for Seott'e Emultlon. and le no ftanation or eoHcltatlan induce you to accept a eubeUtute. Sold by all DruggUtB. 800TT & BOWNE.Chemlste, N.Y. Valuable Real Estate in the Town of Henderson. One House and Lot On Itowland street ; good neighborhood ; six rooms ; all necessary out-houses ; good well of water ; now occupied bv Mr. II. A. Jiullock. One Vacant Lot adjoining same, upon which is a good stables. An elegant building lot. One House and Lot ; four rooms ; good kitchen ; good well water ; on Rowland street ; occupied by E. D. Mitchell. This lot has stables. Four-room House & Lot and all necessary out-house : situated on Kowland street, adjoining t!i t now occu pied by E. D. Mitchell. Has good well water. One Lot upon which is a good tenant house adjoin ing the above, together with five other va cant lots in the same neighborhood. One Brick House Orange street ; four rooms ; now oc dby W. S. Walden. One House and Lot Orange street ; six rooms : now oc d by J. B.Tucker. One Brick House on Orange street ; four rooms ; now occu pied by Job Pierce. One House and Lot on Orange street ; six rooms ; occupied bv Tom Taylor. Two Lots in rear of the last three mentioned, on each of which is a good tenement house. Two Houses and Lots on Cemetery street, with four rooms eaclL. Also a Good Farm in a high state of cultivation ; only two miles from Henderson. Has an excellent Iwuse of seven rooms, in large crove. on public roads. Is a very fine tobacco faini; lias four good barns for flue curing; con taining about 200 acres ; good water and out-houses. All the above property will be sold for division among the heirs of Mrs. M. W. Tnwlflnr1 rlpAaacatl TarmQ 011 It- rttiv- chasers. For further information aDDlv to Mr. Ishain C. Rowland, of Henderson, N. C, or the undersigned, Wilson, N. C. A. W. ROWLAND,. A try for Mrs. M. W. Rowland, dee'd. Paint Your House The best is always the cheapest. Use Benj. Moore & Co.'s .'.PAINTS! The best goods on the market. We keep a nice line of this paint in stock, and guar antee every gallon we sell to give satisfac tion or will re-paint ywir house free of cost to you. We carry a complete line of Pore Colors Ground in Oil; also Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, &c, &c. Call and get our prices before buying. Very Respectfully, Jno. W. Anderson & Co., Opposite The Bank of Henderson, HENDERSON, X. C. W. AV. PARKER, Druiist, " HENDERSON, X. C, Dealer In PerfniDcry.Soaps' flair, Tooth and Cigars, 4c. nan Brnsnes, FRESH LOT OF CAXDIES JUST IN . . n , n m MU cw , At all hours, day or night. ' dec. 19-31.1 THIS P APEK SpJSLS?1? 4 5?e ! sJSSl!?Sl Littleton High School - BOYS AND YOUNG MEN ! We claim the following jMdnts of excellence ; 1. The iK-st of locations ; in the midst of abundance of mineral waters. 2. The cheapest of its grade in F.astern Carolina ; expenses from 53 to 75 dollars for term of 20 weeks. :;. Business, Penmanship. Telegraphy and Tyiw-wiiting taught by a gentleman of ex cellent qualifications. 4. We are well supplied with apparatus for illustrating Anatomy, Physiology. As tronomy and Geography. 5. Morals strictly guarded. t;. Perfect sanitary regulations. Opens August 25th, lsM. For catalogue or other information, apply to L. INSURANCE AGENCY OFFICE; CLAUDE (Storage Warehouse Building.) HENDERSON, : : STRONG, LIBERAL AND PROMPT. - " When 'tis fair, be sure and take your great-coat with you." Reoresentino: ::: the :: Following ::: First-Class Companies: ;2Etna Fire, of Hartford, ! Guardian, of London, Insurance Co. oi worm r 11 rr-r ,-( I iirprnnrtl :SmwSiof San l rancisco. paui, 0t Minneapolis, Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Co., of Hartford, JEtna Life, of Hartford, Travelers Accident Insurance Co., of Hartford, Losses Paid Without BOURKE & ZlMMER'S sasKSrc?. zz- ESTIMATES FURNISHED FREE WORK AS GOOD AND PRIES AS LOW AS ANY DEALERS "WATCHES WYCKOFF'S SOLID and HEAVY PLATED SILVERWARE of MANY KINDS and NOVELT1E You will be surprised to see how cheap yon ran purchase in the jewelry line, in face, I endeavor to aril all goods in my line AT RKDUCKD RATES. Le Mare'n ltock and Crystal Spectacles and Eve Glasses wliu-h I carry in tto k ar the best for the eyes and very, very eh-ap. With an experience of fortv (40) years ' in uv I ohm suit you WATCHES AND JEWET RY REPAIRED A'.' DOLLAR '.'SAVED IS A DOLLAR MADE ! It requires no fine mathematica calculation to prove this, nor does it require any oft-told tale to impress upon the minds of those who trade at Thomson's -:- Store how it iS done. They know that tney mane money ty tuying tneir goods there, because they save money by so doinc. Buying in large quanti- ' c JO e l ties (some lines of goods in car load lots) and paying the cash down, gives i J . -i J ? , ., . , uic a ucliucu duvinidgc auu ijciug mi- isfied with a small margin of profit I can and will sell oods at i carl ana win sen gooas at a SAVING IN COST ,r . . , ' I o the purchaser. I carry a large and , r .. c . ,, complete line of everything usually found in a 1S6 v . rr . , Ana can olter greater inducements to the public than ever before. Two : store rooms full of a nice, iresh and seasonable stock, embracing ; DRY rjOODS, pKOCEKIKS, RY UOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS, SHOES, Hats, Clottim, Macco, Ciiars, ' SUM U Jr'Jb ASI ALL KINDS OF- Farmers' Supplies j Sugar, offec, Molasses, Syrups, i n ' CateSi'Craclers! ' ' ' . "If eat, If eal, "Blour, T ard, Uleat, ltleal, flour, Hard, ' ' H. THOMASON, and Business Institute, FOR - W. BAGLEY, Principal, HITJNTEE, N. C !M0,0p,000 22,91 1,716 10,000,000 v ..569o52 1.713.904 America, S ,000,000 1 1,528,050 Discount or Delay. Henderson, N. C, Near Postoffice. LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments, Statuary, Toilstones, fin vT J rtr TT nnn a4a turning, vases, ciu. zrsriD J"E"Wri3I.K,'y -AT- Old Established Jewelry Store, HENDERSON, X. C. Remember you can cat as good work, at as reasonable prices, at Crow & Marston's Carriage J Wagon Works, HENDERSON, N. C, tXS ll-Slli, . . . wlllM"r ',u want a vehicle mane, lint ami int tr want repairing done, we are oreuared to accoui- od,a you on short notice and in the most workmanlike and satisfactory manner. Having thoroughly fitted up our shops with H necessary tcnils and implements, ami employing ouly the best workmen, we are better prepared than ever to supply Car riages, liugies. Wagons, Carts, .vc, at lowest prices. We make a specialty of manufacturing the celebrated I Alliance Wagon, . .. , . ., ,. , , one of the Iiest wagons sold. It cannot le excelled. We are prepared to do all kinds ,r work with neatness and dispatch, and make a specialty of carriage painting. REPAIRING AKD HORSESHOEING. Thankful for past uationage, we hope, by good work and strict attention to husine to merit a continuance f the same. Very Respectfully. CROW & MAlttlUS, Jan. 24-1 C. Henderson, N. C. afH i thrknnwledr4 leaflnit remedy for mil the unnatural discharge and nriva.tj1f(iaJMftff men. A certain cure for the deblll 1 tating weakness peculiar to mmrn. . . THttUsCwEW"'ll P.Q in r.--'-mmeDdlDg It to anirb t t mu r tioitand teeiaaie JB ail r'iriTm. ... ?T? !"!. D.,OeSTUII,IU. Sol i ' nnnnn. W. W. PARKER, Druggist, HENDERSON, N. C. It. GREEN, CARPENTER AND BUILDER, HENDEKSON.N.C, i Offers bis services to the public. Plans j and estimates furnished, and good work f .cures ln I baaraatxa aot w Lav-1 I- ' guaranteed . Befe SlSS nereis uy permission u Mr. ;rson, ana Mr. .lames I. ,tV"Ty To cure Biliousness, Sick Headache con.K pation. Malaria, Liver Complaint..'. tat, the safe and certain remedy, oinritt'S Tn the SM A IX Size 401itUe BMnitolh. bottle). The v auk tub most costkvVI '? Suitable tor nil v tvr Prlee of fllhfr meg5 p" ,;lt KISS!MG5H"olw?srs i.r.SMITMfcCD.Mtor-BiLtB8.TT?uJit'.lk aMa mmm ITfil j HIGHT'S HOSPITAL -FOR- SICK WATCHES! (Sign of the. biggest watch.) Cares Guarantee! or So Coarse. BRING VOUR EYES along if troubled will, bad vision. .n ,-1. emit line of Specs and Eye Glasses always on band. We pay special Mb-iiti,,, to the jnoiK-r fitting or Classes to the eye,, as a neat and stylish spectacle is as neces sary to personal ate:nanee as a neat ami tasty hat or bonnet. Dr. J. H. McLean's STRENGTHENING CORDIAL AND BLOOD PURIFIER. For many years thU well kuown remedy liu liocu tli luainstay of tliousumU now advanced in life anil en- oviu a"irreeii old ut?e." who owe their robust health to the strt'n?th-n-nnd sustaining rop- trues ot tins groat medicine. JI.01 per bottle at drumrists. Send 2 cent stamp, for Almanac con taining storm cburt and weather forecast bv Irl XX. nicks, the "Storm lropliet,"tothe DR. J. H. McLEW MEDICINE CO.. St. I.i.nis, Mo. RUNS EASY. CINS FAST. Cleans SEED PERFECTLY. .'JakeTFINE SAMPLE. NEVER CHOKES r BREAKS THE ROLL THE CELEBRATED COTTON ON BLOO Has All LATEST IMPROVEMENTS including Balanre Whorl on Braata which la urea even speed. This feature la peculiar to this make of Oln and la used on no other, ale ri'LLY UI'AKAlVTEEDand Are IH-llTcrca I'KEK Or t'KEIOItX at any R. R. 8 tattoo or the landing- of any Regular Steamboat Lino la the .-'uuth. ir we have no Agent near fom, addrees the General Southern Agent. HAV.HUBBARDVS- 3 TonT OSGOOD U.S. STANDARD $35. .SENT 01 I DIAL SCALES relcht pals, fall wairmate.. IHUrniM nreporlintiMely low. blw, Ballen fcrilaaua. U.W.UUbBABD.Ueal.South'a atm,Uaau,U.rlJii.I. JUST:-:RECEIVED AT ANG-LEA'S SHOE AND HAT EMPOBIDH, The Largest, 1-rettiest and Cheapest line of Fine Shoes and Hats For Sprinj' ami Siunnier wear, in town. Call anil see for yoursHf ami you 'H agree in saying these: goods have !eeii se lected -a it It m e t care. They are j ietty and stylir-b and diva per than ever beiire- Children's anil Misses' Shoes A secialtv. A large stock of Kl"SsET SsIIOESi in sill sizes. Very fashionable. A large assortment of Straw and Other Hats, In all styles and sizes. Very cheap. A beautiful line of NECKWEAR, To which the attention of gentlemen i es pecially invited. Do not fail to call on when you want anything In the way of Seasonable Underwear. We liuve a large stock ami everything cheap this season. A. R. AXGLEA, Iieading Shoe and Hat House, HENDEKSOX, X. C. THAT FIGHT' The Original Wins. C. V. Simmons, St. Louis, I'rup lf . A. Simmons Liver Medicine, kt'4 1S40, in the U. S. Court siriAVS H. Zeilin.r'rop'r A. Q. Simmons Lif er HcL'uiator, trt'd by Zcilia JS6S. M. A. S. L. M. has for 47 jcu cored Indigestion, Uilioi'snos 1V5P PSIA-SICK HEAtACH.-C'r APfTiT, Souk Stomach, t. Kt. T B. Rums, Pastor M. Church, Adams, Tenn., wnti -" win 1 snout a have been uc y for your Genuine M. A. s-'-"-mons Liver Medicine. I sometimes had to ubiti!''-c 'Zeilin'a stuff" for Tour MtJ Fopixi Dr. J. R. Graves, Edit'-' " Memphis, I can. -.- Medicine, and have used ht " It works like a charm. I w-' u" bctUr Liver Regulator atd tawly no more of Zcilin s tu:tf"e onerai sua jhiw r . Ti J ffHsew of Bsdy ass S.' .i . tM!!II tllT Urrxmrr. ;al Errarser ussascs us v v, 4 BILE U sa -a r - KaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmBBBBBBBBisV' lrrfifl rii .Hilda .l4XK HOI. siai - JVfc U. mlaaata aaS arwh mtfM . to k . all. lf f"- ance conntv. kiftlE fKEDtCAl CO., BUrWUW."-

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