THE HENDERSON GOLD eye HBH OF PUBLICATION- . mf mp . w LAD R. MANN1NU, Owner and Editor. limnsTmAL. EDCCA AL WXA NOKTH live and growing town In the centre of the lstriet. "of the New, H roplcsiDf the Day, f e ry -Thursday Morning SOFSUBSCB1PTION - 11.50 r one year. itiw, .- 1 .75 6 mom 50 . . . mi enrresnondent sues. w nvo iui ftlBLtSHER'S ANNOUNCEMENT We taTlte eontrlhutlons - all we wTiie wu r---- a 8tate. local ana generiui.".,-ori IE PEOPLE'S PAPEU.' TO f m-its npon matters oi p"""" . ' - SffiPems, essays, critiques -ChiVslde of the paper, only, roust wn Mm real name oi vo i wntributlon. No attentio. 1 to anonymous letters. . Aiwrtafms all responsibility -liYvU nald to anonymous letters. Th dltor disclaims all wTbe or reject any article he may Pr2ddss all communications to A QOLDLEAF, Henderson. N. O THURSDAY, DEC. 18, 1800. SUBSTANTIAL APPRECIATION. rwo;nna11v a ray of sunshine falls into the editor's heart as weU jft&l people, and likewise a jco for vaiue his exchecmierrDUsiucss transac apprecrajiifllst, that has been the ex- plaintive appeals to make ioriiet patronage, and no pittumfSonaplaints of lack of appreciaJtfofnuNpay for Work done. we do not say this t . v.. .Unio 4iiatipe to I It is hut simple justice to ends and patrons, and by way of preface to the following little story: A few davs azo we received from an A 1 " J 6 ... admirer of the GOLP Leaf, residing on u t;A. -nffltt who wit on our com- the Pacific coast, who was on our com plimentary list, a registered package containing a little box in which was a cold coin minted at San Francisco this b .... .A ii '1890, which, he writes, is intended as a remittaflce- for subscription from the jciHiimuv,o r . beginning of the paper up to December oi ifion 1 novo- ' dl, loJU, anu says. "This is sent as a tribute for your Tilnrfc in crettinff ud a better paper than pluck in getting up a ueuet j i your section requires or deserves, in Other words, a paper far in advance ot the affe and size of your town and " o,,V nwcm nfthe r.nin Lrav county . -LrfcH!p of the GOLP i.EAF Ja-aa bflcht as ite naino implies, ami in rearlinor it T am fullv renaid for the sev- eral years I have been receiving it, whirh womnts me to remember the a - ; , u:a loto slate " prmusr vvcu b Our friend is a Tar Heel, who leit the State several years ago to seek his fortune in the far West. Learning his . , Whereabouts we sent him an occasional COW of the GOLD LEAF, thinking he i h,;. bear from wouia itu, mu wBJ , ;- " the Old North State, and being assurea that the paper Was received and read .. . . . i a tfltb interest, Deins; . weekiv letter ftom home, we put his name on our complimentary list anu u namo uu uw "'i' .... has been going regularly to his auaress since. It is needless w say ma c -nootm.thm manner in which he shows his appreciation, as well as uis words of praise in benan oi we pci. Thb proud banner of Democracy has been trailed in the dust in South Carolina. The defeat ot Wade Hampton is a disgrace to the intelli gence,' the citizenship, the manhood, the patriotism of that State. The Charleston News and Courier, able and conservative, the leading paper in the State, says: "The defeat of Wade Hampton yes terdav was worse than a crime it was AT' .... . a , -11 . a rmlitical blunaer wnicn wm mm Fr" ... , CM n1c Wwr-unon this devotea state, mtirh mistake the temper ot our peOTle.aflood of political evils the wreck whereoi no man can .Mr. J. S. Carr, who is as generous as'he is great, has taken a live miercsi in the Soldiers' ' Home, movement in North Carolina, and has finally fallen "'" ... great aid to that interprise. ne nas tent a letter to every town in the State allintr ubon the ladies to aid in raising Kcaiuugj . 4,ntrta;nm-nts 0i tunas, uy. Si"" m Ann klSdL 1 ne DIC Ul His w ftV" . , lrftjlBhly awake On the subject, anu . 5t' i l.Velv to make a f decided fcit. Danville Tobacco Jour- a n mm .u who IS no true vugim" the ... w ft. 3mm. Wlttt rZ T I ITU J 1 " TTnitrd States Senate Oil muiuiv un- w J ii uK5i"w o . i ? limorthatSciuthern people can give .1. tiM anri vaiuiu pill be nnwortniiy uiutu, i he live to enjoy tnemi gsatb Boston Record. tKSlx should be no question about tii re-election. He should be "J-A! and elected by acclamation, Cr37wni do itself credit by such I-r.Z. .r iii;- v22. KeiasTuic rrsv- C ? " , T-t;nal new . KTTr:.T )T'JJ Jttsi puousu . rZ .,i:,inn nf the "Tin- KTwfcltMiuy ,M.-V Ane "I. 'a imnnrtant Swl,5SSrSS T ra " rrr" ..v.. vi mfi& ina nave f 5?. ... t,a wnrV V.i been rli; fn; more than liS r one hundred ed have been employed -, : T . Indian yr: to Tta taitrlnsta Cnds use It to-day in prerer , and say that U aesuoys IT MEANS. 'lie Durham GWo which has Us own to business, so far ts Iwom- in" the South is concerned, sas . Almost everv town in Virginia 1S The nn a boora. Town lot sates aic -s ....-mc nrer the entire state the gratifying part of it an is tnai s. . .... i . are good. JNortnern aim -r ital is rushing to these towns to that State. And what does it mean? It symply means that the boom is coming southward that it will finally reach North Carolina. When the oia state to our north is full of these new men then it will be no trouble to interest tne same class in this State. They are not with a wild whoop, but they 0 - - aiw x-v 'o ' tJmislv but thev will be here, , and the time cannot be tar distant Vhen the Virginia boom is over, . -1 t- ,rnmr ti ml (rrPai when f,L( ctat, wh rh bargains in rMi .... , nave suuucmjr i-v.. .Vi;rVi towns, tnen piacc nwuu..-. k., cnlid Inundation, will ue and there will no longer be any doubt iiawl. u - about our future greatness. vvc w, tVw het State of all the aoumeru iw - . States. Durham stanas pre-ciuiuvuw, ahead of all other North Carolina w . and the G has no misgivings as iu what the future holds. All thatisrequiicu is for citizens to keep their shoulders to the wheel, to push on all enterprises which may be in sight or which are contemplated, and before we : are aware :. ..,ar;u Vinvp a citv builded here .u:-u ...:n the nride and boast oi WIIU.11 nui t i- a io,.,ai Morth tarouniun eve r'ery nuc n,w,..o,.iP,fHcn(i: .. i u ii.v, , V tne JNortn- The Executive.!iiome at uaieign. Carolina "Vnme" has been opened aif lished vwahled worthy Conf ederajp-sol-MonrS being provided for. - . . . . . Appkinu to be admitted. ThfommittoA. with an abiding faith hjTiove that the good people of NortsKfarolina cherisli for the old and djartJied Confcds." have risked the5rbli8ument of a "Home." f !y.infyVon the generosity of a synipa- ''Jmr miltl i to cnstnin it I (In nut ve that the Uomniittee have placed a false estimate upon the affections of the people of North Carolina respecting the Confederate soldiers. In the hour of our country's need, tliev left all to follow her n&- Now in their distress I believe the taHt those stricken and disabled in a cause we al loved but was lost. I feel that the ... f ..... cpmniend3 itself to every one, hut especially do 1 appeal to nome tne speCial object of their care. The 'Home has no certain fund to rely upon for support. We have laid the foun- dation stone of the "Home" upon the loy- alty of North Carolinians to the cause of the'noWe ai)d good and with faith in God that He will maintain the right. thif., $ tainment, and send the proceeds to Mr. W. O. Stronach, Treasurer, Kaleigh, N. c you will most agreeably surprised, I am sure, at the readiness you will find oh the part of the public to encourage and patronize you. The ladies of Raleisrh and Durham, and may God bless them, have already been of most substantial benefit in this direction and placed the management under lasting obligations. May I ask that the Jadeg of Henderson do likewlse? Be. lievinj? that the appeai win ot passun- heeded, and asking the blessing of a triune God upon any and all who manifest an interest in a cause that is dear to every aouthern heart. I beir to - wi..: m,.ir. j. s. CARR THE HOLIDAY NUMBEit Qf Frank Jjeslle,9 PoDular Monthlr fcr January 1891 u09 an pgant cover in colors and gold, while its contents, literary as well as artistic, are notably rich and varied. ..TheCen8U8 it8m08t significant and picturesque phases, is analyzed, with the accompaniment of many pictures, by Frederick, S. Daniel. "The Amateur photographer, and his Camera," by S. M. Gibson, is an illustrated paper full of information and entertainment. D. E. Hervev contributes an article, "American Music 'and Composers," with which are Kivu pun. U1 uc.u, composers belonging to our time and countrv- other illustrated articles are: uinourgiiiveviBiieu, jn,uuumu " 1 V;- '7 er8 in Ceylon," by F. Fits-Roy Dixon," Shark'R-teeth weapons."by J. Carter Keard;"The Feast of Jul-Afton," by wilf. I. Pond; and "Theatrical Masks and Make-up," by Alice Beard. There are short Btories by W. O. Stoddard, Lucy H. Hoopfrr, David Ker, John Macmullen, and others; and poems by Joaquin Miller, Madison Cawein and Cosmo Monkhonse. Demorest's Family Magazine. . "Go 8now8hoeing?"Yes, my dear mad a me why not? provided the heavens be propi tious and furnish the snow, and there is everv prospect of plenty this winter. Snow shoeing is as easy as sliding down hill, after vou know how. and you will know you I now, and how to fprm a club, and what to I .11 -X 1 !t.n..u..l!h.lU K.. w,-n I article on "Snowshoeing" in Demorest a Family Magazine fot January; and if you don't become enthusiastic about the subject, we are mistaken. Or if vour tastes are arfisic rather than athletic, you will he deligted with the excellent Paper on "Modeling for o i. I lw,.;rl .j.,, incllldinKa snperb fui,.nage portrait of the eminent Anmrican sculptor hartley; and if you have never modeled in clay, the suggestions for amateurs and KcuFinnora will lis tT o-rvit nNlslnnpe "Saire r is another handsomely illustrateil article written by one of them, telling of some of the trials and many of the pleasures of the life of a "co-ed" at that noted seat of learning; the y . . . Chinese storv is particularly itpril nof thp nlhpr stiiriM are all frond- I ( e f I the "Sanitarian" has seasonable articles about the "EffecU of Cold." aud how to sitz foot and other baths, -for remedial pnxposes. "Chat" and "The Worlds frogress" are especially attractive ; and all tit other departments are brimful of good things. Indeed, for beautv, varietv, and completeness, DemorrsC FUmily Magazine must be awarded the palm of superiority as I .1 . ir :i if i ij i . - ai! i i i . ttr r i every nousenoiu. ruuiisneii uy . Jennings I 15 Hth slreet? ewYork. i Advertismg is like a patent medicine. If a patient gets hold of a humbug and fails to receive benefits from the first j bottle he immediately adopts the theory that all patent medicines are worthless though he may liave been doctoring for tte pip when he had pneumonia. So it i is witn tne aavertiser; it nis tirst ex- periment is in an uu worthy medium he 1 becomes an enemy of all advertising mediums. Poor papers, , . circulation generally succeed in cutting "c " t, ucsiuc cuucaim,? men who would like to advertise into; not advertising because their experience has been unprotitahle.-La sSle (111, I Journal. Confirmed - .The favorable impression produced on the first apDearance of the aeretfable liquid fruit remedy Syrnp of Figs a few I jeara ago nns neeu more tnan connrmea . . a r by the pleasant experience of all . who , - ... . , have used it, and the success of the pro - nnetore ana manufacturers the CAlrtornia I The J. P. TAYLOR & CO. ! M. A COMPLETE ESTABLISHMENT. Mammoth Tobaeco Stemming and Prize Factory of the Above Firm. The Thprp. are manv large and well ap pointed houses in this town for the handling of leaf tobacco, but none, wc i dare sav, that are more coiupiciu . . .. N .nnitAinonf tVlAfl c,tij " that of which we now propose to write Having occasion a few days ago to visit the mammoth stemming and prize factory of Messrs. J. P. Taylor. & Co we were shown through the establish ment by that prince of clever and cour teous gentlemen Col. E. Taylor, mana ger in charge. While he was as busy i na he rnnld be receivins and checking off tobacco as it came direct from the warehouse floor, and classifying and 2 it in its proper place, he volun- frpita-ssa: the building and lv. - - . . . . . C explain the manner tVioir rxrat.ion. and mfctUOa OI LUbil J t? wo were taken into the boiler trere a 25 horse power nouer supplies the steam for heating the " - i,a tobacco in building anu puiuK - ?fhpr hv drvins it out J pre UiU"' . : ",,." a' Common narin" it for shipment y pariu0 rfUly one south of Sense Dryer, and it is certainly Kich,55t perfect things the kind we roare seen. Nothjag could do the work i . n - 4"ir netter. space win not reqmrea oi Abetter. Space will admitjfa detailed account of its con duction and operation. It must be seen to be understood and appreciated. Next we went into the prizing de partment where tobacco was being prepared for shipment. It is put in order, that is made soft and easy to handle, by hot air. There is not a particle of dampness about it and leaf so treated will keep an indefinite time. For this purpose special steam boxes are provided into which the leaf is put and stirred about for a few minutes when it is ready for handling. For stripping tobaccothere is an adjacent box into which a steam vapor is turned. From here it is taken direct to the stemming department where we found 87 hands busily engaged preparing the leaf for export. The second floor is used for general purposes, bulking, etc. Interchange able racks, which can be taken down Ik or put up in a short while, makes it possible to use this floor for hanging tobacco or anything else. The third and fourth floors are used for hanging leaf, and the fifth is for storing scrap, stems, etc. The immense establish ment was nearly full of tobacco at the time we went through it. The buildin? is 50x130 feet, 5 sto ries and a basement. Up to the first floor is brick, the balance being of the very best timber that could be pro cured. The building was erected last year, and is the largest of its kind in town. It has a capacity of 3,000,000 pounds annually. There is the most perfect system iu every department. We saw large quantities of tobacco be ing prized for export. This consisted of both strips and leaf. Messrs. Taylor & Co., buy only on order, and it speaks well for them that they have about all the business they can do. great as their facilities are. They ship tobacco all over this country, to Can ada and Europe, and wherever they are known they stand high as gentlemen of fine business capacity and sound integ rity. The firm is composed of Pemberton & Penn, among the largest and wealth iest leaf tobacco dealers of Danville, Va., and Mr. J. P. Taylor, who is the resident partner and general manager of the concern. He is a young gentle man of superior business tact and judgment, as his success fully demon strates. Mr. Taylor has been in the tobacco business 14 years and is thor oughly conversant with its eyery detail. His first engagement was with Alex. Cameron & Co., of Richmond, with whom he remained five years, when he moved to Danville and entered into the manufacture of tobacco. At the end of one year he went into the leaf busi ness and continued up to the time he came to Henderson in the fall of 1886. Since that time his business has had a steady and healthy growth, and to-day he occupies one of the largest estab lishments in this or any other market in the State, and does an immense business extending over two Continents. Mr. Taylor is one of the progressive young men of Henderson. He has been an active spirit in many important en terprises in the town, his judgment and co-operation being very highly valued by our business men generally. He is President of the Henderson Stor age Company, President of the Tobacco Board of Trade, Secretary of the Elec tric Light Company, and is a promi nent member of the Mansonic lodge of Henderson. Our town gained a useful and valued citizen when Mr.-J. T. Taylor cast his ' lot in with us, and more just like him. we want many Specimen Cases. S. H. Clifford, N. Cassel. Wis., was tronlw led with Neuralgia and Rheumatism, his Stomach was disordered his Liver was af fected to an alarming degree, appetite fell away, and be was terribl v reduced in fied and strength. Three bottles of Electric ,mn,u;m r Bitters Edward Shepherd, HarrUlmrg. IH had a running sore on bis leg of eieht Tears' standing. Used three Dottles of Electric , ence in purchasing for others qunalifim Bitters and seven boxes, of Bncklen's Ar-, me I think to satisfactorily attend, to nica Sal ve. and hU leg is sound and welL John ! all business entrusted to me. Orders so Speaker, Cstawba, it., had five large Fever j licited. No eoramissions barged. . . sores on his leg, doctor i said he was incur- j tRwBxpress chargea paid on all pack bb One bottle Electric Rlttr aiwl m .mnniitmr, aft nn i ; , - 1 box Bucklen's Arnica Salve enred him m. tirely. Sold by W. T. Cheatham, drug- ittlcd. Tlift Vance county debt du Grau- Vance Conoty Del ville. has been paid. Messrs. lomas Pittman and R. W. n lost n; rep- resentins their countie res trvely. havinff settled the matter this week. amount paid was $5,539.80. This case, as many of our readers knof v,lias ' . . toot ll been in the courts since ioox, wi just been decided by the SuAreme Court. The case is expiaiueu n Al lows : Upon the erection oi iance county the Legislature provided! that the citizens and taxable property wn from the county of Granville shlmld not be released trom their proportion of the outstanding public debt ot umn ville, and the matter has been in ne gation until the final decision of the Supreme Court, by which howevir, the Vance county proportion of Grai mriii' Aaht with interest is only abJit 1 A S W - half as much as originally claimed. ?a o matter of ratification that t Commissioners were prepared to set as soon as the status of the case w finally determined by the courts. Bucklen's Arnica Salve Tl. lxt K:ilve in tlie world for Cut: Rrnise. Sor. liki-r. Salt Klieam, fever Sores. Tetter, Cnaipe.i, Chilblains, i u ' . . . . u..ilkiuiniia tnn iuisi lively cures Tiles, or no pay requrea. is guarantee! to give perieci b-'L'rygattle, Hors, Farming Implerueiits. House- moner reiunnea. rrice -j ixuvb wj. For sal by W. T. Cheatham Tlio nee of 19 i ad corner fo- a wo man to turn, BT3o in still harder. She feels that s& V fast leaving her youth be hind Ivr; But there is no reason why a prciuaCT should be faded ar.d paato5 or even at 45. The chief cause of the early fading of American women is found in 'he fact that many ot them suffer from some form of female weakness or disease which r hs the face of its bloom draws dark circles about the eyes, brings early wrinkles and sallowness, and stamps the face and figure with signs of ill-health. Dr Pierce's Fa vorite Prescription will cure all these troul les, will bring back the lost bloom, and re move the pains und ailments which make women grow old before their time. Guar anteed to giva satisfaction in every case, or price ($1.00) refunded. Lebanon, KY.. April 2, 1890. Radam's Microbe Killer Co., Nashville, Tenn., Gentlemen 1 have been trying the Mi corob Killor for indigestion for one week only, and 1 feel very much benefitted. Very respectfully, Mrs. R. W. Clark. For sale by M. Doi&ey, Henderson, N. C. OBITUARY. Mrs. Agnes Governlock. Death, the Reaper, still is reaping. De parted this life December 1st, at the resi dence of Mr. Chas. H. Buchan, in Vance county, Agnes Governlock, wife of the late John Governlock, both natives of Scot land. They came to this country many years ago, residing for a while in Canada, from whence they removed to North Caro lina, where they remained until God saw fit to take them to dwell with Him in Heaven, This excellent lady has been a ! member of the Presbyterian church for fifty years, during which time she faith fully served her Master's will. Never was Christianity more beautifully exemplified than inthis one of God's children who has gone to live where all is peace and love, where storms do not come, where no bil lows roll across her peaceful breast. She's gone to join the companion of her life, who reached that happy shore Just ten years before, and there in union with each other they will spend the ceaseless ages of eternity in happiness unalloyed. Peceased had been in feeble health for ma- y years, and for the past three years she had been confined to her bed, her sufferings having Vrv, Tvrj llllriia. iimi. Hut 1 11 VI 11 f liet worst agon v she seldom ever complained. Her patience was astonishing. Her exam- le or industry will long be remembered y all who knew her. She was never idle unless she was not able to be up and about. She was the last of her family. Having no children, she made her home in the family ot tier adopted daughter, who loved ner as fondly as she could have loved her own mother. Her last days upon eartn were spent in peaceful comfort. Her wishes were scarcely expressed ere they were gratified. Every thine that could add to her comfort was readily procured. Her pastor, Rev. Alex. Sprunt, preached her funeral Tuesday morning, December 2nd. at her home. The remains were taken to Henderson for interment, and at 2 o'clock p. m. she was laid at rest by the side of her beloved companion, to await the great and final resurrection. "There sweet be their rest, Till He bid them arise And behold Him in triumph Descending the skies." Kakb J. Parham. Prices low, goods pure, profits small at Davis & Hose a. People wishing to buy Flour for Holiday purposes, snoutd not iait to call on ll inoniason as ne nas lust received a nice lot wnicn will be sold at reasonable Drices Think you will do well to see his stock be- iore DtiyinK. ' i. E. N. Jackson sells the best (tobacco and the finest 5 cent cigars in t, j,. "Looking Backward" is the titlfr of book deahnc: with events of the future. If you looking to the future for any thing in the line of drugs, patent ippdi- cines, DTOsues, toiiet ana iancy artteS", i perfumery, &c, go to Cheatham's dhjg Btore where you will find a large and fresh stock; and one of the most compe tent pharmacists in the State to fill your prescriptions. nov 13 Chattanooga, Tenk March 21, 1890. Radam's Microbe Killer Co., Nashville, Tenn., Gentlemen I . have been handling the Microbe Killer for five months, and 1 can say that during my twelve years' ex perience In the drug business I have never s )ld a prepartion that gives such universal satisfaction. I do not know a single case that has not been greatly benefited i.vhen taken according to the directions. Very troly yohrs,' R. J. sLnx.tR. For sale by M. Dorsey, Henderson, N.C For rhenmatie and neuralgic pains, nib in ur. J. U . McLean's Sarsaparilla. You win not suner long, but will be gratified with a speedy and effective cure. Sew Goods. Just received a nice lot of Piece Goods. To be sold cheap. Call and see me before buying elsewhere. decll- H. Thomasox. The blood must be pure for the lody to a. . m a-v ue in periect conaiuon. ur. 4. u. Mc Me Leans barsaparilia makes pure blood snd imparts the rich bloom of health and vigor 10 ine wooie ooay To The Ladies. The undersigned wishes to inform the ladies of Henderson and surrounding country who may wish to do shonninir in Baltimore (where they will have the advantage of the greatest variety from ; whchto select, and the very low prices at which the goods can be purchased in ! this market), that she will be pleased to fill orders ia dry goods, notions, furni- tore, carpets, etc., and will attend to all bnsi" promptly. Send money and i describe aa near aa pOwihle what you i der bv. An extensive acquaintance with t tho retail tnulx of TtAltimnm nnA niwrl wwvuu viuk v vu.w iwiu upn CU Ufl. ls t r nnvinpr 1 19, Harlera Avenue, Baltimore, Md, tr. 1 " : nffliiiawD Boi co:::u::.pTio:rcoi;::ioRCCLD DRONCHITI8 Tkrcst A&ctSsa SCROFULA I Wasting of 2lah Or my JHaenm chere th Thrmmt and Lmnf mrm Inflamed, Zaett of Strength mr Xen Fewrr, yon cam bo relieooi and Cured hp PURE COD LIVER OIL With Hypophosphites. PALATABLE AS MILK. JUk for Seott't Emirion, and let no em plaiurtlon or oolicUatioii induce you to moorpt m dftitute. . Sold by SU Druggist. SCOTT it BOWME.Chemlats, N.Y. Notice. Will be sold at public auction on TUES DAY, 23rd DAY OF DEC I'MBEU, 1890, at ear Mi.ldlebure. all the Horses, Mules. hold and Kitchen Furniture, several Wagons and Gear, &c. A lso over 100 barrels ,orn, touuer, Niucks, &c, &c, being tne property of Mrs. J. F. Harris. 3tdec4 J.F.HARRIS.- Notice is hereby given that an applica tio 1 will be made to the General Assembly at its next session to amend the charter of the Atlantic, - Henderson and Virginia Railroad Company. December, 10th. 1890. decll.4o Notice. By virtue of the power conferred upon me by a mortgage duly executed on the 6th dav of November, 1889, bv James A. Bullock and wife Melissa A. Bullock, which is registered in Vance county, book 14, page Sfiit, I shall, or. MONDAY, THE 5111 DAY OF JANUARY, 1891. sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door in Henderson, N. C, a tract of land in Nutbush town ship, Vance county, adjoining the lands of Hannah Milliard, on the east, estate of John M. Paschall on the west, on the north by lands of W. II. Burwell and es tate of "John 11. Bullock on the south, containing fifty acres. The same being the land described in said mortgage. This, 2nd day of December, 1890. T. P. ROWLAND. Day & Zollicoffer, Attorneys. dec 4 Wm. H. S. Burgwyn, President. , B. Daingerfield, Cashier. -O- Established in 1882. The Bank of Henderson. o -Transacts a General Banking Easiness. SAFETY "GUARANTEED BY PAID UP CAPITAL AND LARGE SURPLUS FUND. i-3?SDecial inducements offered tocountrv MERCHANTS and FARMERS to open accounts. SAVINSS DEPARTMENT. ONE DOLLAR and U i tvo ri a l anal T.i on deposit and 5 per cent, interest paia- .n sunt! remaining a specified time. Certifi cates or deposit lssuea with internet cou pons attached, payable .senii-a-i i. Lilly for interest earned. yw. h. s. bukgwy:;,"' Attorney and Connsellor-at- I!iw HENDERSON, N. C. Office: In The Bank of Henderson building. Trustee's Sale. By virtue of the provisions of a deed of trust duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Vance county, in book 15, page 153, I will sell at public auction for cash, at the court house door in Hen derson, on FRIDAY, JANUARY 2d, 1891, those lots of land in tlie town of Hender son bounded by Chestnut, Orange and Horner streets, and the property of J. A. Kelly and others, fronting 380 8-10 feet on Orange street; it being the property now- occupied as a residence bv U. H. Burwell, Esq. This is one of the most valuable properties in Henderson, and is well improved. At same time and place I will sell one tract of land situate in Wil liamsboro township, Vance county, adjoin ing the lands or Drury S. Marrow, Sirs. Susan C. Burwell and others, being a por tion of the "Almond Hill" tract, and con tains one hundred and ninety eight acres more or less. November 26, 1890. T. M. PITTMAN. nov :474-o Trustee Bnrpyn Bros. M Co., MANUFACTURERS OF TOBACCOS, HENDERSON, N. C. SOME OF OUR BRANDS : NEVER FAIL, LOST CHOKD, OLD CONFED, OLE DINAH, PRAIRIE BELLE. The following merchants in Hen derson sell our goods : W. S. Parker & Co., Wholesale Agents. LASSITER, STAINBACK & CO., J. W. PUREFOYr J. J. LOUGH LIN, W. W. REAVIS, DAVIS & ROSE, D. C. LOUGHLIN, W. H. WESTER, ASA FARRAR, MELVILLE DORSEY, COOPER & MITCHELL. NICE CLEAN CHEW. QUALITY GUARANTEED. nov 6 .. ., P I nlT9 OF KY. UNIVERSITY, UltiJ Wl LEXINGTON, KY! mt MM MHMU. ttta mttw U Wuatlfai mM ' " fill I mi mmtmrn ESTIMATES FURNISHED FREE. ' WORK AS GOOD AND PBIES WE ARE HERE YET. , Same Stand, -:- Main Street, -:- Alley Building, Henderson, N. C. meet all com petition and cive our patrons the also a full line of Rubber Goods, Oil, Varnish, Castorine for buggy axles, &c. y:erAll kinds ot rpnninnr nronmtlv and well done at reasonable rates. Thankful for past favors, we hope to merit aga. Come to see us. We promise our best efforts to please you. LEE HOWARD, WATCHES and CTEWELBY -AT- P. WYCKQFF'S SOLID and HEAVY PLATED SILVERWARE of MANY KINDS and NOVELT1E You wil 1 be surprised to see how - h - in fact, I endeavor to AT rHDJOICr 11ATE8.- Le Mare's Rock and t rv-stal Spectaclc nd Eye Glasses which I carry iu tto : k art tijo beet for the eyes and very, very cheap. "With an experience of firt.y (40) years 1 m suie I can suit you WA1CHE8 AND JEWELRY REPAIRED now" ready. OUR NEW STOCK OF FALL & WINTER GOODS IS NOW READY, nd we invite the buying public to call and inspect the same. You will find a superior line of FINE SHOES, For Men, Women and Children, repre senting the makes of tlie most celebrated manufacturers of the country. An elegant line of Latest Style Hats In all the newest shapes, surpassing iu extent and variety anything we have ever shown before. . We have a large and varied stock in our line embracing all the LATEST STYLES AND PATTERNS, And you will find every article Just as represented and tlie price as low as the same class of goods can be sold Tor. Give me a call when in need of any thing in my line. -4ERY TRULY YOURS, Shoer, Hatter and Gents' Furnisher, HENDERSON, N. C. INSURANCE AGENCY OFFICE CLAUDE (Storage Warehouse Building.) HENDERSON, : : STRONG, LIBERAL AND PROMPT. When 'tis fair, be sure and Representing: ::: the Following: ::: First-Class JEtna Fire, of Hartford, Guardian, of London, Insurance Co. of North Queen, of Liverpool, Anglo-Nevada, of San Francisco. St. Paul, of Minneapolis, Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Co., of Hartford. JEtna Life, of Hartford, Travelers Accident Insurance Co., of Hartford. , : Losses Faitt witnont V. S. BOYD, uivttin. BCKOCRaoy,!, ; VP Satisfaction guaranteed aa to work and . . m- i-r I'ttiKtr A 1'iof-f' more t. I) 14 -X Henderson, U. C, Kear Pct:Zc3. LATEST DE8IGIT8 Uf MooeedIs, Statuary, Tonkoies, nrhioE, Tases, etc. ' AS LOW AS ANY DEALER. With a larger stock of Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Collars Collar Pads, HALTEKS,-:-VrHIPS, Lap Robes and Dusters, Horse Blankets, Curry Comlis & Brashes, and h fact everything In the liamoss line than we have ever kept before, we are bet ter than ever prepared to very best bargains obtainable We earry a continuance of the same liberal patron- Old Established JeelryStore, HENDERSON, N. C. ap you an pun-has sdl all goods in my in the jewtlry Hue, line A beautiful line of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Which must be seen to be admired. If you want to get something nice and at the same time save money, wnen vou purchase your WINTER UNDERWEAR call and see us. Attention is called also to our stock of TRUNKS & VALISES, Which cannot be discounted as to price- HUNTER, N. C take your great-coat with you." Companies: $10,071,000 America, 22.91 1,716 873 L35 10,000,000 2.569552 1,713,904 1 -343.905 $35,000,000 n.28.6?o Discount or Delay. Notice. Having lliiday qualified a Executor of the estate wf En-b iowell, deceased . ... Mm oui-iiur vourt of ..v,....,,..,,,,, in'ltllllK ClalDlS rr y (fiinM8i(i rwwar notioed to urnent them Unie. duly autlietiticated. hi nr b. fore the 21t DAV Olf NOVEMBER 18B1 r this notice will be pleaded In oar if tlrtr recovenr. Vioi tudet.trtt to said estate must inakf immediate paymeat. Tbla 21st NrtvemWr, 1H90. ENOCH TOW ELL. Executor of Eboch Powell, dea'd. Daj ZollleoffeT, Attorner, ' u.o. rK or d C. EvUS; v Courts Vanor, Oraovlli mu tu r menu vuon 1 1 ramphf MpecliU tUeailoa l it ' .nerotlattl ' i loans. Mtyemeni 4 MtatonrftMt HUcsU lt.HKNUY roit.s KV AT; IIRVnVRiUttf v ' OFF1C IM BUBWKU. . ' V ...tall.. ' A..B vtlle. Unite! 8iHte louit at U1IkU. M .supreme court ol Nt rih ttruiinii. K-k.HKx-icxCt.l'r Jutt W. K. U. Hinltu, on. Aiiaiua i. Mcrrlnion, Oct. Dsitlel O. Fowlr, Hon. T. . fuller, Hon. T M. Arctk Dr W. T. i bvnUixm. Dr. J. 11 Tucker, Mr. M. Horo-y, U. IJ. liurwell, S. uon. JtoiM ivUWUi Mu"re, U-x' uiioii rm ofU.ts. tMimui-l K. FhllllpaT Offlc hi.ur9 iu. tu i p m: meto. HI , . ; " r AI. tlTT.uA ATTOHNKV ATT 1 AW, HENDERSON, N. C. Prompt attention to nil profes&loual L.l- neas. Prmcueea In the Htt anj htsleral court". Olllce Kooni No. 2. nuiwell Eul.dlns. nov 5 I o. IIAItltl, ATTORNEY A'l L. W HENDERSON, N. CT Practices in lurmHrUot Vnneo. On, n villa Warren and Krai tk tin ..uDtira. nd lath Supreme und Ktleral courts of Hit-folat. umce: in iiarrm t l.tiluiuiK, uvxl Court Iiouae. W. B. DAT. 4. C. KOLXICOrrBK. A Y ZOI.LH OFFKif, - ATTO KNKYS A 'I I.A.W, HENDERSON, N. C Practice In the court h uf Vance, OranvllU, Warren. Halifax aud Northampton, muJ in tlieHupreme and KtHleral o.uruof il.Mtot. Office: In Zolllcorer'a law tull.lls Oar. nett street. tv,. 9- i. YOD MUST EAT re Need Not Argne With you that you must to live, or live to eat. eat And since this is a delf-evident fat, h. thomason; -THE rOl'ULAK- Henflerson Grocer & Prorision Dealer, Wishes to present to your attention a few of tin many good things lie keeps in stock at all times' Sugar-Cured Hams and Shoulders, Iireakfast Bacon, 'Fresh Country Butter, Cheese, Sweet and Irish Potatoes, Cakes, Crackers, Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Syrups and Molasses, Meat, Meal, Flour, Salt, Fish, Hay, Bran, Shipstuffs, &c, &c. We buy such iroods in ear lnt int. .. can m;11 you WHOLESALE OR RETAIL As cheao as anvbodv. Wa . 1... large and well nelected (.tock of Dry Goods and Notions, Ladies' Dress Goods. Pant - w mt mm, a a j Cloth, Boots, Shoes, Hats, &c &x. We ell low for cash and win ii. u your interest to deal with us. Thankful for past patronage we solicit a continuance of the same. Very Respectfully, H. THOMASON, Opposite Cooper's Warehaos. HENDERSON, N. C. Maria, CMlls aid Fever ! Are yon a victim of any of thewe? VEHDE'SlRB JUICE hjaturecure afe and permanent in Its ffT" 1 l I remedy consisting most- stimulant, will not only eure. but will destroy alj germ of Malaria, Chills and Fever, and put the whole system In a per feet and healthy condition. Quinine will stop Uie chills by Uklne enough of it. but th7TlU ome aaiB fu,r es: or two. and Uin yon have to take quinine asala and again until chronic rheumatism. P ralvsts or etmsomptlon sets in, and all the maladies called nervous diseases, and thU is what onr medicine prevents. This tonio Rrpt re,,?f H 'orms of !mpepl. Bladder and Kldnev Diseases.-and Con sumption. UatimalatM Uie function of fiver, regulates Klito-tloii and purines the Mood, bras 11 bottle 50 cents. Large bot-. tie $1j0O. Manufactured only bv the INDIAN BEMEOIEBCO., 36 N. Seventh Street. ... J'hUadalpbia. Ps, . wild in Henderson by M. DOKSiET. DBCCOlsT,' I net 3-61 J .w 1 I 1 iiriiPMi.-.iffscs: l ' Ji'mm'm Ssf , I B.M.wQoixrrjs.ft.

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