-M--- HOLIDAY NUMR-8 PAGES. tH WAY AN OUNCE Of - th- 'transgressor is hard, bat "the way to ! reach the IIx.vacle of j SCCCK33. IX BLplJP88,oh, , , ye merchant "of little faith, in to advertise. -, Of PraxTEW' Ijtc, Judi ' riously used, will be the ineansof i-elliag-tomrcf " groceries dry 1 good, and other necessaries ot Me. 4 Try, it keep, at it f and jractiea will ure)y come. The bee adver- Advertises persistently, advertisely liberally, ad- . vertise lathe tkuur medium is the "- GOLD LEAR GOLD LEAF -itiCni. .j j r "- - "rv-" ,rr- It 3THID B.WHIIIG, PabUstier. "Oaboijna, Oabot.ttta, Keavekt's Blessings Attend TTT-.it." SDESCB1PTI0I $ W j Cei. j-- ' - ' - - ' - - VOL. X. HENDERSON, INi C., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1890. HO. 2T , , : : - - i : CHRIS I'M H ODE. Peace, peace on earth! . Good-will to men? . And tbtlp this holy day found heavenly birth. On earth ieace, good-will to men! OiIefled Child O Habe of Itethlehem. - ie children dear, draw near, draw near. And list the tiding doubly dear; Greet, greet with gladness this glad morn, For the Babe- of Itethlehem is born! The Christ, your Chriat, is living near. Good news, good news, let 4111 the earth - rejoice, , - I.t all that breathe shcat with a merry TOice, -Let all joioinmr Chrurtmas lay; Tit Klng.of fPory liven to-day, . Christ is tha Iflng of Glory; He Ifath made immortal our mortality Good news, 1goo4 news! 0 children weet Draw near and bow before His feet. He guards you with a brother's care So gentle He, ao fond, so fair; ' I Gi ve t b an lu, pri ve t hanks, ye children dear, That' Christ, your brother-friend, i near; Rejoice, rejoice; be glad and iriug , Make airthe Christmas welkin ring Oh this qear day when Christ was born Moke wild with joy the blessed morn. O, children dear, draw near, draw near, ' And lift yonr eye on high, Your beaming eyes and bright! Behold the raptured eight! Draw near with mournful cry Behold the awful sight! Behold Him on the cross of pain, Dying that ye might live again! Your Hing He bore, H9 freely died, BIeding.and broken, cruifi!! He died that ye might live again! . He bore your sins, lie boreyour abame, ' In utter agony and pain, - ' He died that ye might live again; He died for you, for me, for men, This Star of Bethlehem. But from. the tomb He rose to savef He conquered Death, defied the Grave!' Hp bade adieu to clayey portals, And gave immortal lffe to mortals! A ud now, within 11 in home above. He usks each child to share His love; For He is risen He is risen Ascended from the rocky prison; No reel is broke, no bolt is riven; Death could not have Him for its own; And now, upon the great white throne, He reigns in majesty in Heaven. . Bow low, ye children, at His feet; Your friend He is, and oh, how sweet! Two thousand years ago this morn The Babe-of Bethlehem was born. He lived, He suffered, and he died He cruelly was crucified; Before the croHS your sins he bore ..The bloody sweat stained every pore; fjlutsideethey pierced; Hisigsthey break . He suffered all for your dear sake! .O, children, let your hearts aswnd This Xmas morn, to ('lirint. your fri'iid; He ia your very help indeed; He is your friend lie is indeed! - Your friend, your savior, and yourguide Tour sinless brother deified! 'About Christmas. Said Christ to doubting Thomas: 'Blessed are they who having not seen, yet have believed." For over eighteen centuries this benediction on faith in the unseen has fallen on the world; and the few hundreds-, whose eyes be held the founder of Christianity, have grown to as many millions of those of every nation, kindred and clime on the earth who have found in the vision of faith as strong a solace as the dis ciples found in the vision of fact. I:cember 25th is the time agreed on among men to attend and celebrate the birth of Him who raised this prin ciple of trust to the keystone position in the arch of His spiritual system. The spectacle that the globe furnishes to-day is proof of the power of that principle So let the bells ring out; let the chimes 'resound; let the organ lead and answer the melody of pious hearts. From the altar of church and the shrine of home, and the holies in every soul, let the laising influrnce of reverence and rap ture proceed. Let the children make holiday and sing roundelays. Let the rich and the poor meet together to hail the Lord who is the Maker of them all. On earth good will, to men peace, was the song of the angels to the shep herds. That song is the music of the spheres. It was started when the morn ihg stars sang together and when all the sons of God shouted for joy, as the earth sprang from nothing into beauty. It is now the song-of the Christmas time, and its strains should fiud echo alike. in the love and in the of us all.- laughter THE WORK OF THE ALLIANCE. The Chronicle has never believed the organization of the Farmers' Alli ance would ' do other than promote the best interests of the people of the State. It is composed of the most conservative class of our citizens men of patriotism and devotion to the edu cation of the people. Early in the campaign fears were expressed on ev ery side that there would be conflict between the Alliancemen and those out side the Alliance which would rend the-party in pieces. Extreme and radical men in the Alliance and out side the order acted in such way as to endanger Democratic success but as the Chronicle predicted, the sober judg ment the second thought of the peo-hV-' asserted itself and all differ ences of ' opinions were harmonized, of all shades of thought came .iKr ami fbuVct side by side for Ugbkin-' " , ntnnrratic success. J The fear that the Alliance would in iure the Democratic, party was ground less. 4 So far from tioing so, the ac- h Alliance has largely ena- SXZi : rUnocratic party in North atolina to poll the largest vote known in its history in an ou HV.V r, At information goes wacw-- - maioritv. and in oas roe ' : the mem- almost .WW to increase maiorit vzrarc - - 1 w r ill 1 -y" -r k 1 1 r 1 - 1 - iiuini ,. m w mi m v mm . v r mm m . 1 1 mmxA iwiir ' jfijtf Spate for enristmas. We all try to make the the happiest of .the year, we have a nice line of Christmas season For the Holidays CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, Canned goods, syrups, cheese, butter, cakes, ! cracKcis, teas, conees, spices, &c, which we are selling very low just now. Try a barrel of our FLOUK; none better for making up yonr Christmas cakes and breads. We have also a large stock of General Mer chandise, felioes. Hats, Dress Goods, &c., 011 w hich we offer special bargains Just now. HOW LAN i- & POWELL. BUY NOW. We have two car loads of fancy White and Yellow WINTER - OATS For Spring sowing on hand. Buy now or you may not be able to find good seed stock when you want it. I M .Q Farrar's is HRaflnnaTters for Holiday Goods i i - - IVOl We 1,ave tl,e pb-'asui e of announcing that Old iAN oama (Jlaus nas inane ins neauquimcia FARRAR'S BOOKSTORE, Oibama (jlaus has made ins neaaquaneia i 1 f) Where can be found the biggest stock of toys here can n AJand confection goods, games, yy tiling to pleast confectioneries m tlie Henaerson. tuim dolls, horns, wlnstles, ana every- se the little folks, as well as the prettiest line of Flush Goods and Fancy Articles Ever seen in this section of the State. All new shapes and novel designs. Everytliing mr,ke(i at reasonable prices. ASA FARKAK. ; Special Loi Prices for Xmas. We have made extra provision for the Holiday trade, and lespectfullj in vite j our attention to our stock oi V - FAMILY :-: GROCEKlhb- l I I 11111 a A HP 24' fnprai Merchandise, on all of which !. we can save you money. Let o : pena V7 . hnrrei of our Best Hour lor ChrWmas. As an inducement to secure nT.K."B.' ,tintrnr ces very low "r.u"Vc "c "'fUOMASON. FAMILIES Can be supplied with fine fancy groceries, coffee, tea, spices, Hour, chtse. ciim, crackers, etc., etc., for the Holidays at Harare's Store. 1 would also announce that I have put an im- l i l'nn in proven r iuhuiuu ' --- mv mill and will be pre pared in future to give my natrons a better grade of 11 meal and Hour than ever. -VjC W. S. PABKEK & CO. jr- i . -' "111 ni "I in i i li IS) "The Old Reliable" ONLY THE BEST. We keep a large and well selected 5 Htock of FINK H AMiw CERIES, Canned Goods, etc., and are mating special price lor. I ' - Tie Holiday Season. - You will find this department etockedwith only the best and choicest goods. A barrel of our nonrwiU certainly please you. "COOPER & MITCHELL. MERRY XM AS ! Old Santa Claus has again made arrangements with us to supply the people of this section with HOLIDAY GIFTS. We have a Targe stock of Plush Goods, Albums, Toilet and Manicure Sets in Oxidized Silver, Celluloid, etc.; fancy China and Glassware.Toys.Pictureand Storv Books, Standard Authors, etc. MELVILLE DORSEY. LML, M.V,UVVVVV 1 ', XMAS DiAi;ir"cae, da?'J?o08;.,l, b ,7. cand;: " U. iv a t. .D' Winn X 03 atic on care- OB . ,rceBtau- town- ade Ucited Ibe bo' 8ottt intty An ft.... "Oer ... and 'D I M Mil 1 Still maintains its enviable position as THE LEADER in sold, and amount of money . New, Year, 1891, one of still vvitn tne season s compliments, ; very nwiy x our Ynu want somethim? useful as well as orna- mental for Christmas Presents. We have all V. l.t rtt.li In P.f.n o ml W!olrr (MmlM Parlor and Chamber Suits, Writing Desks, Bookcases, Wardrobes, Sideboards, Marble and fancy wood top Tables, Bugs, Druggits, Moquets, Velvet, Brussels, Tapestry and In grain Carpets, &. Special bargains in tbese goods for the next 15 days. - ; ' Clothing ani Overcoats. If you want a good SUIT OF CLOTHING or 1 a SPLENDID. OVERCOAT for little money, come to see us. For the Holidays we are offer ing special bargains in Clothing, Hats,- Shoes, and Gents' Furnishings. The largest and best line of these goods in town. THE TOADIES 0 Will find something to interest and 'please"" them during the Holiday seasou in our DRESS GOODS and MILLINERY department. We have a large and varied assortment of, goods suitable to their wants Wraps, Cloaks, Hats, Ribbons, Shoes, &c. See our line of table li en, towels, blankets, &c. We are offering Special Bargains in these goods now. , -0 Hardware Department. Here you will find a large variety of articles suitable for CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, or something for use in your own home, s. Pocket and Table Cutlery, Carving Knives and Forks, i Fancy Decorated China, Crockery and Glassware, Cooking and Heating Stoves and Ranges. S. & C. W ATKINS. ., TEISER 1 V- rV Ah. Vn.JMfl 15 7 for rGerf . 0. e.V- alio" t"UdV e md j ;atcn rings ea .rrngi Al beai cocs diood. biay- loteyw n (. Vv;i.S.llliMftfeilii-..',-,.,ili: paid for same, - Proud Qf our past recoixj'we sh greater prosperity to those W"Q sell Toilet ani fancy Moustache Cups, . ;V Shaving Mugs, (li-f -x Toilet Articles Generally PARKER'S DRUG STORE, ' - O'Neil Block. YOU WILL FIND i . ' An Immense stock of Holiday goods of all kinds at the HENDERSON BOOKSTORE Everything in the line of fancy China ware, bisque ware, dolls, rocking horses, sleds; bicycles, toys of all kinds, lamps, story and picture books, poems, novels, wri- V tine materials, rancv gi ooos or every aesori y Wests,, and one nun red other articles suitab young. EUWIN STEPHENS. r0 otV ftO-' oV tot )r-' r; ocu be etc W AN APFPOPBtATB AND HEXaiBLK ChnliaTTresent FOB YOUR FAMILY WOULD BE Life Iasoraace X Polici . 4-,l In a responsible company reprwsia v I 1. YOUKG, Insurance tymL For the ies' In. T' Hat. Sftoe. cy Good. ""we?, c at ttoAi- ior id kiver - ,,.. cn"- er etc at :bartnn' Store cW aver arc .ut'il W un re tne tbem V 0 the choi number ofi their tc mow Arucles. WBWr I will remove my stock of goods to the store one door North of J. W Anderson's hardware store, formerlv occupied by J. A. Stalling I On January 1, 1891, where I will carry a good stock of gen'l raerchandim 'MJB.i,... for sale at bottom prices. Old and new customers cor dially welcomed. John W. Pithefov. IH ORDER TO CONTRIBUTE OUR PART Toward making this glad Holiday season one of great rejoicing to our numerous cus tomers, we are now making Sl'LCIAL LOW riucttH on Clothing and Overcoats, SHOES, HATS, NECKWEAR, &c. Do not fail to pay us a visit. BARNES, STAIN RACK & CO. Ene Lipors for HoMay Use. I have the choicest foreign aud domestic wines for family and cooking purposes. Also pure brandies, whiskies, porter, ale, Inter, etc. Brandy for mince meat. Pure Hol , land gin and Irish whiskey for eggnog. Quality the best and prices the lowest. Pn Norh Carolinacorn whiskey a specialty. Also choice cigars, tobacco, etc. Call and see me. E. X. J ACKSON . 1 WE DO NOT CLAIM To have the biggest stock of holiday goods in town, but you will find many pretty and useful articles for Christinas presents at CHEATHAM'S :-: DRUG:-: STORE, A beatiful line of fancy decorated China and Glass- . ware, Bisque Figures, Vases, Plush Goods, . Dressing Cases, Photograph Albums, Etc. W. T Cheatham, Jr. ret- W natnen to been ty. ra Cbm attnas f9lf. denvrau' At! as the ciaUon- coura reives ppre the big best Mi ,,reecb" Ktrl table,c utlcry, aud ftue iyott guns pis ioadi;are,sv etc- etc- ocVtery cr .uil( FARMERS I It you would get highest prices and best averages for your -TOIB-A.OOO- During the coming year. 1891, sell at HARRIS' WAREHOUSE. We shall spare neither efforts nor money to mate it to your lutertuh 7-PG 7A He reigns the round world o'er i his good and Jolly King, 'Neath austral sun's downpour They give him welcoming." And in the frozen north The seeker of the whale Brims cup and sendeth forth To Santa Clans ahail. The dusky cotter, too, The man who plenty hae All share the common view, KJod bless St. Nicholas." History ofitonUCUtu. The bistorr of Santa CUus a cn. rious mixture of truth and table goes far back into the ancient time. Cen turies ago a child was bom -in Asia Minor wbo received the name of Nich olas. His parents were wealthy and of high rank, and desiring to express their gratitude to God for the birth oi their little son, they resolved to edu cate him for the Christian priesthood. The child was sober and thoughtful, and while yet young both his parents died and he inherited their great wealth. He considered the riches a sacred trmt. he fed the hungry, he clothed the des titute, ami pertorrned all kinds olgood deeds as secretly as nnstihV. As a priest he was greatly beloved; as a bishop he continued his benevolence. Alter his death the church canonised hiin and he became one ot the greatest patron saints, bein? revered tw foln of the poor, the protector of the weak. ana as the especial patron saint of. lit tle children, who were taught tc be- icve that their good gifts came from him. bt. Nicholas was the name erven him by the monks and this was famil iarly changed to Saint Nic'Iatts, and finally clipped down to , Santa Claus, who is still represented as . reiainia? his old habits of secret benevolence and coruim? down the chimner at nicht la(rWvN Christmas rjresenta li for childrl 1ilcasant fiction it is to them, uv Yover of wnih that charming secreV Wcrning the do- eyes and ears and minds are keen, incTV oania emus is usually very well known to them as 'a much more modern ber- sonage than old St. Nicholas. But the children enjoy the harmless pretence, the mysterious filling of stockings and the heavily laden Christmas tree. , Just Aa I Am. . f Durham Olobe.l The Globe, as an earnest and enthu siastic advocate of all that is pious and moral, urges its readers to go to church to-morrow. There are six days in which to work, and a day of rest is a physical and righteous necessity. It was many and many a year ago, in a kingdom by the ; sea, that there lived a youth who had a penchant .for fishing cxcursionson the Sabbath. He would organize himself into an excur sion for piscatorial luxuries rather than attend divine services. But he was very young. The minister was old and wheezing, and droning, and his ser V I mons were intolerably long,- and the boy would go to sleep. And there were old ladies who sat behind him, aDd they nudged .punched and lectured him until his soul grew weary, and he never returned to the church, but from fishing went from bad to worse.' But last Sunday that same traantJiow. alas! in manhood's years, roamed aim lessly to the vestibule of aeh this citv and V-arrt th The hymn opened "Just as I Am." And the pilgrim leaned upon the wj "Just as I Am." And be said:" are furrows on my has lost its quicka and heavy; th tered; the for one h for the for th -1 1 WK the jueujwv"f