V . - - ' - v r unning 1i , r--.. r . ' j ' " 3.tL THE HENDERSON GOLD LEAF THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1891. The Gold Leaf. THE PEOPLE'S PAPER." -TENTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION. THAD R. MANNING, Owner and Editor. UKVOTED TO THE lNDCSTKIAL, EDUCA TIONAL and Material Welfak: of Vasce County and North r. Carolina. Published at tle live and growing town of Henderson, in the centre of the Famous Yellow Tobacco District. A weekly resume of the News, Humor an General Topics of the Day. Published every Thursday Morning TEKMS OF SUBSCRIPTION : no copy one year. - fl.50 " ft months, - 4 .50 We desire a live agent and correspondent at every postoffice in Vance and adjoining eountles. Write for terms. PUBLISHER'S ANNOUNCEMENT. We invite contrihutioiis on all subjects of ltcal and general Interest ; views and state ments upon matters of public concern orig inal pooT.s, essays, critiques, etc. 0.i side of the paper, only, must be wri te n on and the real name of the writer ac eomrjanv the contribution. No attention will be raid to anonymous letters. The editor disclaims all re ims all responsibility for the view.s or statements of correspont of correspond entsand reserves the right at all times to revise or reject any article he may tliinK proper. Address all communications to COLD LEAF. Henderson, N. C. THURSDAY, NOV. 12, 18SH. The New York Wot Id gives the I )emocrats 1 6 in the New York Senate, making a tie. In the Assembly the Democrats have 65 and the Republi cans 63. The U'otld believes that there is a determination upon the part of the Republicans to count out the Democrats and obtain by fraud what they could not honestly obtain. For the first time since the war there will not be a single colored man in cither branch of the next Legisla ture. There was one in the last Senate and two in the House. The two bodies will look cheerful without a badge of mourning, although Northern section- alists may regard this disregard of clara obscura as a great and unhappy event in an artistic, if not political, sense. Norfolk irgiman. FATKOMZK HOME MERCHANTS. Ihe last issue of the Asheville Democrat contains a timely editorial about the State Alliance in directing us executive to transfer the purchas r A . A. a. . C . All- mo ucpa.imciu oi me Alliance to a New York concern. It does not believe that any money can be saved i .. uy u.is arrangement ana reads the order a wholesome object lesson bv showing the advantages of keeping as much of their money in circulation in our State as possible by patronizing the home merchants. The Democrat asks, is it right to tranfer the purchas ing of all supplies needed by the mem bers of the Alliance to an agency to use his or its will in selecting supplies and all purchasing to be done out of the State? The merchants of North Carolina are all consumers, and con sume mostly the products of the farm ers, paying therefor the prevailing market price. Have the farmers of our State a right to expect them to do this when they, the farmers, organ ize a purchasing trust and transfer all their other purchasing to other mer chants in other States? And do these -agencies do better for the farmers than the home merchint would do under like conditions? We assert not, and proved it lately in Ashcville to the satisfaction and some surprise of some of our Alliance friends. The writer of the above commends co-operation among the farmers, but insists that North Carolina should have the preference of their trade, other things being equal, and submits to their sense of justice and self in 'terest whether to buy through one agency from outside dealers is either right or !est for themselves, when they expect their home merchants to buy their products, and can secure as honest and fair treatment from them as from any agency in or out of the State can secure for them. It well says that, if a purchasing agency is to be maintained, by all means have it located within our own Stale and managed by native Caro linans. Reidsville Review. AM NOW FOUCLEVELAXD.j The glorious victory won by the Democrats in New York is unquestion ably in great part due to the munifi cent manner in which ex-Presitlent ! Cleveland rallied their wavering forces at the most critical period of the campaign. Democratic success in Massachu setts and New Jersey is also due in no small measure to the general be lief that Cleveland is to be the Demo cratic candidate for the Presidency, and the remembrance of his successful and conservative administration. The defeat of the Democrats in Ohio and in every State where free silver was allowed to form a prominent iue in the campaign settles the late of any Western or free silver candidate for the Democratic nomination of the Presidency. With Cleveland and a sound money platform the success for the Democracy in 1S92 is assured Charleston Aews and Courier. Rucklen's Arnica Salve. Tiit best salve in the world for Cuts I.rnse, Sores, Ulcers. Salt Rheum, Fever Sores. Tetter, ChajjHd Hand, Chilblains, orns, and all Skin Kniptiou mid posi tively cures Piles, or no par required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction i.ioney refunded. Pnce 35 cenU per box 1 or gala by W. T. Cheatham. A car load of Liverpool Dairv Salt just 1- t II.ThomaroxV The November Cosmopolitan. In it November number the Gttawpot-f iinn nublitdies a ;rien of letters written ! by C-n. W. T. Sherman to on of Ins yoiinj? daughters, between the years 18."! and 3805, and covering most of the important events of the war of seces pion. Thf-se I.'tterH jirenent graphic pict ures of a great soldier amid HomeBtirring wenes in which he was a giant figure, and in them th- patriotic spirit of the Federal general wen t ohave Ix-enmoht attra;tively tempered by a Btrong affec tion for the Southern people. The fra ternal filing which glows in these let tern is in refreshing contrast to the .sectional bitternH which characterized the period, and they will constitute an interesting and important contribution to the liter ature of the war. SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE! KlTTKKLL, N. C, NOV. 11, uJl. The Davises have returned from their .summer sojourn hi Boston. The hotel is open and guests begin ning to arrive. The three families of Northerners who occupy private residences here, but take their meals at the hotel, are expected soon. One of them, the Stur tevants, of South Framingham, Mass., will, it is said, soon sever their connec tion with the piace. They have spent it, e Inst five winters nast with us. Mr. Sturtevant has the reputation of being and inventive genius. He is, it 1 mis take not, the inventor of the Sturte vant brass shell, so generally used by wKiriMiien before the introduction of i ... the present paper shell. The Misses Alien have continued the school so auspiciously opened by their father, the late D. S. Allen. They are highly educated and accomplished young ladies and have not only the sympathy but the confidence 01 tne en tire community and cannot do ouier than well. '-Mark' Allen was too staunch and tireless a friend of the cause of education for his daughters to lack support in their brave efforts to earn a livelihood. Nor will they lack it. Kev. Mr. Turner's mother-in-law. Mrs. Johnson, of Richmond, is visiting at the rectory. Mrs. Watson, of New York, is visit ing her father. Mr. J. C. Reid. JJavid Dode. Wilson, X. C, Nov. 0, "91 . Emtor Goli Leaf: We are having fine weather, but rather cool and dry, but pleasant for this season of the year. Court convened here last Monday, Judge IL G. Connor presiding, with Mr. J. E. Woodard as Solicitor. They are a terror to evil doers. His honor's charge was a plain, direct talk and said to have been the finest delivered here in a lomr time. Much business has been transacted here in the past week ...i , i.?D ,oi- Tl,n I most important cases of this term were the cases of Ciesar Wooteu for the murder of Millie Strickland, about four or live years ago, and that of Millie Sutton for the murder of Lucy Smith. Ciesar Wooten was sent to the peniten tiary for twenty (20) years. Millie Strickland was prouounced insane and ordered to the asylum at Goklsboro, and after being sent there was sent back to Wilson and is now in jail, said not to be insane. Hastily 3'ours, A. G. Finch. Okkice of J. N. McElroy. Druggist. ) Orlando, Ela., April 20, 1891. 5 Messrs. Liitman' Bros., Savannah, Ga.: Dear Sir I sold three bottles of P. P, P., large size yesterday, and one bottle sniiill size to-day. The P. P. P. cured my wife of rheuma tism winter before last." It came back on her the past winter and a half bottle, $1.00 size, relieved her again, and she lias not had a symptom since. I sole a bottle of P. P. P., to a friend of mine, one of his turkeys, a small one took sick, and his wife gave it a tcaspoonful, that was in the evening, and the little fel low tin ned over like he was dead, but next morning was up hollooing and well. Yours respectfully. j. n. Mcelroy. For sale by W. W. Parker, druggist. I'serviiifr Praise. We d e?.i re to say b our citizens, that for years we h.ive been selling Dr. King;s New Discovers for Consumption, Dr. King's - ew Life I'ilis, Buckhn's Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, and have never h:.ndled remedies that sell as weM, or that have given such universal satisfaction We do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satisfactory results do not follow their use. These remedies have won their great popularity purely on their merits. V. T. i HEATH AM, Druggist. Notice. The copartnership heretofore existing between Swain & Southerland in the Liv ery Stoble business, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Any persons indebted to the firm are requested to settle at once with either partner. Unadjusted claims against the old firm should be presented at once. R. J. SOUTHERLAND, . W. SWAIN. Hendersoi JK. C, Nov. 12, 1S91. Thanking tilr public for the patn onage bestowed upon the old firm, I respectfully ask a contiiiu ition of the same to me at the old stand near Conner's warehouse. K. J. SOUTH EKLAND. 100 LOTS 100 FOR SALE -RYTHK ! WINSTON-SALEM ; Land anS Investment Company, : NOV. 24, 1891. Alt of these lots lie within 100 yards of Electric Street Cnr Line and Macadam ized Street, and ft) of them lie immediately on said line and street. This Company has actually spent $80,000 in developing its lands. Main Street, the chief business and residence thoroughfare of the city of Witwton-Salem, has been ex tended by a straight Una through the property. , Mile and a half of Electric Street Kail way (bprague System), running through the property (Extension of Citv System). Fare any part of the citv, five cents. Property supplied with Electric Light, ater Works and Telephone Service. Main streets through the property Macad amized. Iron liridge across Wachovia Brook 108 feet long and 55 feet wide, at a cost of SH.ox. SOO.O00 worth of lots sold at private sale U, residents of H'iiistoii-Salem. Mam- ! haudsovue residences in course of construc tion. Sunny Side Social Club, composed largely of business m.n of Winston-Salem, now building a handsome club-house on the propvrtv. t 1 lare Tot""" Factories and oc. leaf House to be built on the property iu the next few months. Terms of sale: One-fourth cash and the balance in 12, 18 and 24 months, six percent interest. Remember date of sale Reduced Fare on Railroads. Correspondence invited. Address WINSTON-SALEM LAND AND INVESTMENT CO. (HUSKS FOR SALE BY V. W. PARKER, DRUGGIST. SHINGLES, LATHS, DOORS, Windows and Sash Weights. I have sold for eight years the above articles, and will still make it to the in terest of Builders to buy from me. Doors and Windows of the best North Carolina Pine as well as the cheap White Pine wood. JOHN U. V ATKINS, July :x G i Henderson, N. G. Trustee's Sale. By virtue of a Deed of Trust, executed by II. II. Burwell and wife, and duly reg istered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Vance county, in Book 15, page 133, 1 will sell bv public auction, for cash, at the court house door, in Henderson, on FRI DAY, NOVEMBER 20 1 11, 1891, the town lots therein conveyed, not heretofore sold, to-wit: Two lots on Orange street, and three lots on Horner street, in the town of lleiulerson, more fully descr Deed ot Trust. Ihis October described in said 20, 18!U. T. 51. PITTMAN, Trustee. IMttman & Shaw, Attorneys. NOTE Arrangements can be made, if desired, for time on a portion of the purchase money. Mortgage Sale. By virtue of a mortgage executed April 15th, 1S91, by T. A. Noell and wife, and duly registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Vance county, in Book 15 of Deeds, page I will sell by public auc tion, for cash, at the court house door in Henderson, on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20TII, 1891, the land therein conveyed, viz: One lot &olA feet front on Orange street, in the town of Henderson, and 175 feet deep, being a portion of the late res idence property of II. II. Burwell, and more full v described in said mortgage. This October 20, 1891. T. M. PITT MAN, Trustee. Pittman & Shaw, Attorneys. RACKET STORE -:o: Sharp Chances Downward -IN PRICE !- AND AVERY LOW ONE AT THAT! :o: The place of all others to secure GEN UINE BARGAINS in General Merchan dise this season, is the people's popular RACKET STORE. BIG BARGAINS IN SHOES. WetiOAin over $5,000 worth of the CARROLL & ADAMS SHOES in lob and sample hAs, which we CAN and WILL SELL at LESS Til AN COST to the man ufacturer. Compare our prices. A good , all leather inner and outer sole woman's shoe at 70 cents. Men's good all solid leather brogans, full stock, Si. 00. Bovs' tine shoes, Nos. 2 to 5, $1.00 and up. A big lot ot Misses Kirt and ooat shoes, JSos. from 12 to 2, worth $1.50 ; our price ?1 .00. Baby shoes 25 cents. A nice lot of ladies' fine shoes at 50 per cent, under regular goods. : Otter Goois Very tap-, i Paper .needles I cent ; paper pins 1 cent ;'' , sewjng nuvvhine spool cotton. 3 spools for! 10 cents. A' good tooth brush f cents: a' good ladies' solid black hose worth IP cents, our price 5 cents ; gents' half hose 5 cents ; gent's lialbi igan socks 2 pairs for' '2o cents ; boys' good wool hat 25 cents ,! caps 15 cents. A big lot of gents' heavy pants goods bought at a very low price in. a job lot from auction house, sold less than wholesale prices--500 ladies' shawls A splendid all wool good size shawl,. worth 51.50. our price $1.00. A splendid J cHsnmere aim suk snawi worm 52.50, ana 3.00, our price $1.99. OUR TERMS CASH PosUively NO GOODS SOLD EXCEPT FOU CASJj, therefore if vou do not like to be refused credit; do not ask for it t.r THE RACKET STORE". Our terms arc CASH ON DELIVERY. We sell goods on VERY CLOSE MARGIN and do bus iness purely on a cash basis. We O.VM AND WILL MAKE IT TO YOUlt IN TEREST TO TRADE WITH VS AND Ul'Y FOR THE CASH. Call and see our stock and be ionvinced that what we tell you is true. PURCELL & ARTHUR, Yoimcr Block. . HENDERSON, N. C. rTSIgo KK1 FLAlt. andWlilBkeyHKWta cured at home wi5& out pain. Book of par ticulars snt FKtEL- RM.WOOLLEY.M r. Office YYlutebaU s& doGb! thHr monav fintabed corrugktad Can h scM in OTerr family. Givoc mu!!isiit than threeOrdimryluaM 'truti till rty-ilTe raia Car eaa "ST i.tM3: large us of 7 'CSC3-'"5''1'-"1 tnitKS p srncics. eua lor iras r to MfMAKJN.Clscuuiaim. "ASirESIS " jrives lnstaot relief and is an iofailible Car for Files. Price SL Br Druggists or mail. Samples free Address" AH AEESIS, fioz Mlfl, Nerw Itork City. CJ Cj cj tf2PuS ll I Atiaajiijffjsuf I II mm WAUu 1J 11 11 11 11 11 in ItUIIII IL WINTER IS HERE ! Weather prophets tell us we are going to have a hard winter. The signs are rutin they say. The bark is thickest on the out side of the tree and moss ehngeth to the backs of old fogie sand fossils. To keep out thecold of winter you must gei m jour COAL nr TrvriiTT"ss l can suddIv you witli any grade wanted in any quantity desired, from a flour barrel full to a car load. A full supply of all kinds Hard and Soft Egg, Nut, Grate and Lump, on hand. Mr. JOHN D. GARDEN is with nie and can be found in the office at the yard ready to give his prompt attention to all orders. J. S. POYTHRESS. I have used the within remedy (Pokine) with greatsuccess. James 11. Lassiter. 1 have used the Pokine Remedy (pre pared by W. T. Cheatham, Jr.) in case of Sciatica with the result of positive relief in a few hours, and believe if used as di rected it will effect a permanent cure. J. L. II. MlSSILLIER. March fi, 1891. For the benefit of the public 1 unhesi tatingly recommend Cheatham's worder ful remedy, " Pokine," to all sufferers of rheumatism. It has produced marvelous results in my case. 1 was a sufferer of the malady for five years, and after taking a few bottles was entirely cured. Very respectfully, W. V. Downs. Hendeksos, N. C March ,, 01. Mr. W. T. Cheatham : , Dear 6'r. My wife was down in bed with rheumatism and the Fokine I bought of you gave her relief after taking four doses. She lias not been troubled since. It is the best medicine she ever took for rheumatism. Resnectf ullv. Zack Davis. Mr. W. T. Cheatham, Jr.: Dear Sir. I have been afflicted w ith rheumatism, time and again, for the past thirteen years. I have received more relief from " Pokine" than any medicine I ever took, and therefore take great pleasure in recommending it to all suffer ers of rheumatism. Very respectfully, F. O. Mitchell. . Jan. 19, 1891. W. T. Cheatham, Jr.: Dear Sir. I desire to say that in Jan uary last I was down with rheumatism ; my suffering was great, and I was com pletely prostrated. One bottle of your Pokine completely relieved me, and I have not had any rheumatism since. My son also was reiieved of rheumatism by Pokine. Yours truly, Charles (i. Burroughs. Henderson, N. C, Sept. 10, '91. Mr. W. T. Cheatham, Jr; Your rheu matic cure, "Pokine," has completely cured me. I. M. Green. Mr. W. T. Cheatham, Jr., Henderson, N C " Dear Sir: Being asked my opinion of your rheumatic remedy, Pokine, will gladly state I deem it the only medicine of its kind on the market that will accom plish that which is exclusively claimed for it. Being a sufferer of rheumatism, I con sequently tried many remedies, until final ly relieved by Pokine. Very respectfully, J. A. Kelly. 0 0 Mad the Desired Efleetl li CabboliTO.v, Green Co., 111., Not., '88. I highly recommend Pastor Koenig's Nerve Touic to anybody that has suffered from head ache as my son did for 5 years, because two bot tles of the medicine cured him. M. McTIGUE. Washington, D. C, March 6, 1891. For 8 years I had f eelingB that I oan hardly describe. I would ft el at times that I v. as sure ly dying, or havo presoutiments that something dreadful tvaa about to happon; since taking Pastor Jvoenig's Nerve Tonic I have felt like a different person. It is a wonderful medicine. MRS. AGNES 6HKA. Lobetto, Ky., March 2, 1891. I have taken Pastor Koenig's Tonic for epi lepsy of 3 yearB' standing, and it worked like a charm on me, after several doctors did me no good. Your mediciae is perfection. L. O. VAN CLEAVE. FREE A Valuable Book en Neirow Diseases sent 'ree to any address, and poor patients can also obtain this medicine free of charge. Tli in mmedvhas been oreDared by the Reverend Pastor Koenift. of Fort Wayne, Ind since 1874 and la now prepared under his direction by the KOENIC MED. CO.. Chicago, III. Sold by Druggists at SI per Bottle. 6 for 83. .arse Size. 91.75. S Bottles for S9. Pinlston's Planing Mill. o The public should not lose sight of the fact that I am still doing business at the same place, (Pinkston & Shearin's old stand), where I am prepared to do all kinds of work in mv line, such as TURN ING, SCOLL WORK, &c, on short notice and in the best possible manner. I also kcp a supply of all kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL", which will be sold at lowest prices, dressed 01 undressed. CEILING and FLOORING a specially. PP-1 also do CONTRACTING and BUILDING at reasonable prices. Terms CASH. R. It. Pinkston, sep 24 3; HENDERSON, N. U. W. W. PARKER, Druggist. -Dealek Ix- Hair, Tooth and Rail Brushes, Perfumery.Soaps cigars, fie. FULL LINE OF PATENT MEDICINES. All Standard Proprietary Remedies. PARKER'S HEALING SALVE Will cure Old Sores, Cuts, Burns, &c. PrescriDtioas and Family Recipes Specialty. U Neil Block, HENDERSON, X. ftn.22-lc.l C. Bank' Counters, Tyler System, Port able, Unequaled In Styles. . Cost and Finish. 1M P tll 1 Cwm. Bnk Ma., Outmtod U Also Tywr'a OScc lek.a and Type writer Caklaeta, SO Style. Best and cheap st on aann, wtia great Mdoctfon In prices. IM -Mas edaia Tim, Vaataaa If ceu r.ll ik -r Mf, .Chain. al .! Saadat rk - a. . TTLXS SKSKCO. Sc.Iciia. M. V.S.A. 0 0 k & for Infants and "CMteriatatoweD adapted to cfcDdrea that I recommend it aa superior to any preacriptioa known to me." H. A. Aiam, II. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T. " The use of ' Castoria ' is so universal and its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." Ca&los Matt, D.D., New York City. Late Pastor Bloomincdale Reformed Church. The Csst.c S. & C. W ATKINS ARE THE LEADING CUTLERY AND Tin, Iron, Coupenvare, Lamps, Glass and -ft- JL. J X Queensware, &c. GDNS, RIFLES, -i HUNTING COATS, BIRD BAGS, CARTRIDGE BELTS, SPOBTSMEFS GOODS. The Largest and Best in the town of NOT FAIL to see our It is superior to any ever price is Very. Low. We have thing in the way oi HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, And can save our customers money on all such articles T ii I 1 1 I k "fcTTr ill. ik n "rTmr A nri" wv- Tm , look nere: j? UJK.JN LJL UXLCj UJCiJri.rs,XJiLJjiJN X is crowded with New and Handsome NOVELTIES, to which we invite special attention. Beautiful CARPETS, RUGS We have the largest display of COOKIXff AND HEATING STOVES, Banps ant Urates LOCKS, NAILS, HINGES, GLASS, kc. &c If you are going to build a house or barn, call and get our figures on BUILDERS' money in your pocket to do so. We want your trade, and if honest dealing and low prices will make a customer of you we are going to get it. S. & C. W I am not in any Ring, but have many rings for sale. I do not claim to carry everything, but what I have in stock is as good for the money as can be found anywhere. I make specialties of Fine Watch Repair ing and Fitting of Spectacles. ZE3. B. JEXvjJEDXt, Lock Box 221. "feSign of the IJG WATCH, Main St.. HHNDFkSOX, N. C. CHARLES F. PETRI E, CIVIL ENGINEER Surveyor and Sanitary Expert, HENDERSON, N. C, Offers bis services to the public, and is prepar.it to do all work In his line. Sur vev made aii'd plain ui niai furnishetl on short notice. Ssatlsf action guaranteed. Term raonble. Jly 1f Children. Caatoriaenras OoHe, Ooostrpation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea. Eructation, Kills Worms, fires sleep, and promotes a- ration, thons iajunoi us medication. For BCTcrsl years I hare recommended your Castoria, ' and shall always continue to do so as it baa invariably produced beneficial reeulu." Eowin F. Pardss. M. P., m xhe Winthrop," 12Sth Street and 7th Ave., KewTorkCity. Compact, 77 MuaaaT Etrxit, Naw York. DEALERS IN TABLEWARE, AMMUNITION, KINDS, IN FACT EV'RYTHING IN THE LINE OF Assortment ever seen Henderson. Neyer-Break STEEL STOVE -:- WARE. SOMETHING NEW. ISlillE "mm seen and the a splendid stock of every line of AND CURTAINS. Ever shown to the people o Henderson. If you need some thing of the kind, see our stock before you buy. All the BEST and Latest Improv'd HARDWARE. It will be ATM INS. IS M E. E. HIGrHT, Jeweller and Optician Notice. 1 have this day qualified in the Superior Court of Vance county, as the Adminis trator of D. is. Alien, dee'd. All persons having claims against said estate will pro duce them to me within one year from this date or tbi notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persoas indebted to said estate are notified to make imme diate payment . D. II. GILL Adra'r of D. S. Allen, dee'd Henderrn N.'., Novembers, j. . . FOR SALE BY W. W. PARKER, DRUGGIST. SAYE YOUR MONEY! Money Saved is Money Earned. You can save money by trading at H. THOMSON'S STORE. He has a lame stock from which to se lect and the prices are always low for the class of goods offered. We have a better line this season than usual and are fully prepared to meet the demands of our large and growing trade. We keep everything In tne way or General Merchandise, And handle only the Best and Most lie- liable goods. Do you want Hrv Gnnfls Mm M Ul UUUUUj llUUUUU, uu We can supply you with anything in this line. This is the season when you want the best thing to be had in the way of BOOTS AND SHOES You can find a good stock to select from here. Special bargains in these goods for farmers, who have to provide for the 41 whole family." How about STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, SUCH AS Sugar-Cured Hams and Shoulders, Breakfast Bacon, Fresh Country Butter, Cheese, Cakes, Crackers, Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Syrups and Molasses, Meat, Meal, Flour. Salt, Fish, Hay, Bran, Shipstuffs, &c, &c? We keep one of the very largest stocks in town and allow no one to undersell us and deal honestly by his customer. Do you need anything in the line of CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE? You can find it heia a large assortment. We buy in car load lots F L O TJ II , HAY, SHIPSTUFF, &c, &c, and can furnish same at prices too low to be cut under, in any quantity to suit purchaser, either WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, We do the cutting ourself first in buy ing and then in being content with a small margin of profit. The system of square dealing giving honest goods for reasona ble prices which lias ever characterized our business policy, is seen in the hundreds 01 customers we nave and the large quan tities of tur goods scattered all over this and adjoining counties by people who know that THOMASON'S IS TIIK l'LACE TO (JET THE BEST GOODS FOR THEIR MONEY. We sell low for cash and will make it t your interest to deal with us. Ve . y Respectfull y , H, THOIV1ASON, Opposite Cooper's Warehouse, HENDERSON, N. C. 4t FOOTIIS,', For the Feet and Akmi'i is. A few applications destroys the odor and Cities the diitetme, without closing the pores. It toughens the skin and prevents (raiding of the feet or chafing of the body, l'rice .10 cents. Sold bv dnitfuists. Manu factured by II. V. Ll'OLlM CO., June 4-t; i Swanton, Ohio. NOTICE. Having tlm day qualified in the Supe rior Court of Vance county a Administra tor of Margaret Falkuer. dee'd, this Is to notify all permits having claims against said deceased to present them to me for payment on or before Octolier 17, lxy2, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recover-. T.T. HICKS, ?07 "Adm'r of Margaret Falkner. PARA&BAPHICALIY SPEAKING WE HAVE to Say Id it USINESS with us is ai ways good because ue keep in stock the class 0f goods the people Want anu are content to sell reasonable prices. at A 1 our store lntendm pur- ..1 - , . cnasers can nnu pist ujlat they want in CLTOII ING, HATS, shops GENTS' FURXISHIXG GOODS, &c. TJEAL1ZING the wants f n the people our aim times is to supply at all iluni. lo this end we carrv tin. largest and best sto:k and defy honest competition. EVER before in the course of our career as mer chants have we laid in a more varied and exten sive assortment than we have this season. N E VERY article is sold on its merits. If you want a high price suit we have it Clothing good enough for anybody, and the price within reason and reach. S O, ALSO, with the cheaper grade and lower priced goods. We tell you plain ly what it is and you know precisely what you are get ting. But it does not mat ter how cheap the goods are they are worth the money asked. STYLE, Quality, Cut. 1 it and Fin;sh are the points of merit in our HKdl ART CLOTHING. We buy of the largest and best manufacturers on! v. f)HERE are no better g ( X X I 1 made and we know exact ly what we are doing when we offer them to our cus tomers, 'lhev onlv need be seen to be appreciated. A S IN THE past, we pro- pose to continue to deal with our friends in the future. The Best Goods and Joest values s:ia t " T 1 U he our watch-words still. I N FINITELY greater is the patronage given us this season, and immeasurably larger and more compre hensive is our stock to meet the demands upon us. N O MERE descrintion in cold type can bei.i to convey to the public mi'i ! anything like what it '-. It must be seen to take m its full extent and beauty. B EAUTY of Finish. Cor rectness of Style, I'e; lec tion of Fit, Excellence ol Quality and General Sup -riority are all combined in our Hiidi-class Clothh.j. A ND WE can suit all class es and conditions of pur chasers, as well as all ages and sizes. Clot hi; e.; for children, youths, stout, s!m and medium sized. C A RE F LJL attrition and particu la i h?.s been pa."l to thu cu I and st ll our C'oth irg wilh ;m ee to huinur all Mia'-es am 1 pecurar ties ol people. K NOWING the charaeter and variety of our goods as we do makes us confi dent inoii-ability to please our cir-lom ':rK. All we ask is an op'run;iy pr'viag the faith that's in m solid values, low prices C &c. If we can not SUIT or OVERCOAT you by under quoting prices of other dealers, no harm will be done. W want you to see our goods at any rate. c ALL OfS u when in want of anything in our line and we will demonstrate to you in practice the full force and effect of what we here print in words. OF COURSE we could a great deal more on subject but enough been saifj to inake meaning e'ear, We have the iroods ; sav this has Oil! VOU have to buy. We can make it to your interest to buy of us. Barnes, Staioback & Go, ONLY EXCLUSIVE Clothiers. Hatters and Gents' PtfDislwr .. ..... .. :,- ... ' : - - - ... . Li in