State Library .vr r A BUSINESS iBe Sure You Are Right ADYERIISI5G 13 Tilt Foundation if You Want to Read r The people of Hen-" Idon-on and the ur grounding enuntry jbd flioni know what .;inducenientsyou ioC tout to get their traiL t ;by. a well displayed .-advertisement in ' j The Gold Leaf. 2 H.V first writing aiJ advertisement sett in 2'j THAT IS Worth Having jio.ti. tho bargain,! von have to offer.' .mil insert it in tin 'iArtli I Annul trinit: lit ll Ti ! I ' 4 1,' 'I'l.n- I OK Success prepared for busi-1 EVERT DAY :iieH8, you can IX i IN THE YEAR. S Then Go Ahead. ANY BUSINESS. THAD R. MANNING, Publisher. it Garol-hsta, Carolhsta, Hjela.vein-'s Blessings Jtteistd IE3Le:r." ! SUBSCRIPTION $1.60 Cash. VOL. XI. HENDERSON, X. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1892. NO. 49. (J jLi 2j) fj 4 DYSPEPSIA la that misery experienced when suddenly made awaro that you possess a diabolical arrangement called stomach. No two dyspep tics have the same predominant symptoms, hut whatever form dyspepsia take3 The underlying cause is in the LIVES, and one thing 13 certain no one will remain a dyspeptic who will It will correct Acidity of tho Stomach, Expel foal gases, Allay Irritationt Assist Digestion and at the same time Start the TAvev working and (ill bodily ailments twill disappear, Tor mere than three years I suffered with Dyos.a in its vvurt form. 1 tried several d'icv.iri, but they afforded no relief. At last 1 tried .limraom Liver Regulator, which cured me in a iliort time. It is a good medicine. I would not be without it." James A. Roane, Philad'a, Pa. isee that you get the Genuine, with red on front of wrapper. . PREPARED ONLY BV J, II. ZEIXJ.N & CO., Philadelphia. I', '' .-.rl i It Si 1 s SI AVERILL PAINT (.'o-t-i less, in tin- end. than any v paint at n.ny price (liiuh or low) ."ei'ail-e '" it Oit1:ftttrx nil other." It ! ; tt il i ca s n t lie lumse of Mr. V. A. Il'ine, Athens, Ala. U"nld :i like l. M-i-yoiir hiiildinsis .shine iik.' polished i:ia rhle '.' Then yon h.ive onlj to paint thein with Averill Paint. It h;s a beautiful luMie. The '"AveiilT'lias been o:i the market vi r '." yea i s. It has been te-ti t by i'ii:i - t!i.- true test of the worth of la'mfs. Vim run no risk ; every ga 1- it;i of ' Avi-riU" is f'iii ri utiid. He raiHe the jiolit is larsiei some deal rs will try to sell you substitutes or .nutations ; bi:t in-it on bavins Averill Paint. soi.n i;y S. & C. WATKINS, I1KNDKHSON, N. C. ro-Sole Manufacturers SKKLKV HKO'I'IIKKS, X.. :' IJurlins Slip, New York City. S June Xl HUMPHREYS' This Trecious Ointment is the tri imph of Scientific Medicine. Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with it as a curative an 1 healing application. Ithasbeen r.s vl 40 years and always affords relief an I always gives satisfaction. Cures Pii.r.s or Hemorrhoids-External it T:itt rTial. l'.h'iul or Bleeding Itching and I 'lir :iin- ' ; Craeks or Fissures; Fistula LtAno; Worms of the Ivei turn. The relief is imrne - the cure certain. VJiTQH HAZEL OIL tires B; kns, Scalds and Veration and Ci Uractioii from lJnrns. The relief is instant. Cures lioii.s. Hot Tinners, Ulcers, Fis tal is. ( !d Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald Head. It is inullible. r.res iNFLAMEIinr C KFI BREASTS and S - e Nipples. It is invaluable. I'r.ce, 50 Cents. Trial size, 2 Cents. ? liy Prussist. or Brnt r-ndi-j.aM on receipt of price. iiirninETS'Mi n.o)., in ii3ni,isi.,SETf tork. HE PILE OINTMENT W. W. PARKER, DRUGGIST HI-.XPi-KSuX. -X. CAKOI JXA.i A full and complete line of lMUtiS ANJ IiilT'5(i!S rs Haii', Tooth asulFerfiimery.Soaps M Bfiis!i2s, g Cigars, to. Prescription Wort a Specialty. 1 cany a beautiful assortment of TOIi.F.s- AND va n c v v : itii'l i: s, II IC A DINE WII.I. CI HE iii:adaciih and neuralgia. Apply for testimonials and be convinced O PARKER'S GOTJO-HHTsTS Will cure that Cough of yours. Try it. IIENDERSOX, X. C. fian.22-lc.l ssse .jpp - -w ,-.-A V r . v . V I 2 l TV C- . :: ; C i -w It- a, - 1 li ..- -2 i (JurC'3 J;!i I irr"glikr!? v. Backer.-" '. ur tk.l X. 1 . i. Mid Will v!.. EU.niT) f. r 1 Mi.' J. 1'. I" Vfj&.ntJily i'ain in '', builda : i.l '.'.sftnda 1 A LAW THAT SHOULD BE ENFORCED. rChaiiotte Pvening What's the use of laws unless they are enforced? If 'hat Staten Island gamekeeper had been a sleepy-headed individual, car- ng nothing for his vesponsi b i 1 i t i e s, Parson Dixon, by this time, might have slaughtered every bird on the Island, for the re- ord of his first 'lay's hunt showed that he is a deadly man with a gun, 'hooting at every- hing with feathers on that came with- n range. The peo . le of this State vho want to see he game preserved, night to import the Staten Island game .eeper lor a sea- on. There is a aw on the statute ooks of this State vhich, in the plain -st sort of terms, rohibits the ship ping of birds from his State, and yet t is violated every lay. The law was massed for the pro ection of the part idges, but so far as The News knows, was never en orced. It is to be und in section :S5 of t he Code, .nd says that no erson shall export r transport from : ie State any quail ?T )artridges, dead r alive, the pen . Ity for each of ten se being a fine f 50 or 30 days imprisonment. At ' lie rate game is i;ow being ship ped out of North Carolina, the fields v-ill soon be bar ren jf birds. At lirecnsb o r o and Ciiarlotte the con s'ables can make a little pocket 111011 tv by looking out for violations of this law. For loss of ap-p'-tite try a little ac-orcise at the wood-pile. A good many jokes published in a paper are shear ti.efts. The latest bon r et a fall leaf and a bird's wing. AN ENGLISHMAN'S TURKEY. T:ie Thrilling: Tale of a Fatal Thanks giving Error. Copyright, 1892. n.USniiley? You're looking for Smiley? WelL panlncr, that strikes me as strange. S..y, where do you live that you didn't know Smiley's gone over the range? H departed this life last November, on the evening of Thanksgiving day, A id his farm is a range for the rattlers, hie dvtgont is gone to decay. P. or Smiley! You see, ho was British: a not right from London, I s'pose; II used to go round wearing glasses and loud and excitable clothes; A id that land that he owned he pre-empted and farmed it in glittering style. The mern'ry of which sort o' makes me dis solve in a vast, shoreless smile. O" e day all the boys were a-sitting and talk ing in Iliggins' store, Alid somehow the argument drifted to Thanks giving dinners of yore. "WE GAVE HIM A VERBAL DESCBIPTIOX." e each told our lies about turkeys as largt as the site of a town. And Smiley, he sat there and listened, and swallowed the anecdotes down. It seems that in England the turkey is scarc ashe horns on a dog The bird wasn't built for a country that't made up of rainfall and fog So Smiley was overly anxious to know how turkey might look. And we gave him a verbal description as cleat as you'd find in a book. Then what did ho do but invite us to dinner or Thanksgiving day; "The turkey I'll have," he assured us, "and cooked in tho old fashioned way. You tell me wild turkeys are met with some times in tho woods about here? All right; I'm a prince with the rifle. Remem ber, don't fail to appear." Time passed, anil It was soon November; tho morning of Thanksgiving came; We hadn't forgotten the turkey, and startel to tackle the same; We soon reached the Englishman's dugout. and Smiley was there with bis feast; His face was all lighted with plcasuro and rosy as dawn in the east; "I killed it a beautiful turkey," he cried, "and as plump as a grouse; I cooked it, and warrant the cooking; I was chef in a nobleman's house; Sit down to the feast, though it's early; give thanks for tho luck I have had; This Thanksgiving day is a feature that Eng land should copy, egad'" Well, stranger, we ato and we wondered; tha bird had a taste that was strange; We'd eaten tame turkeys so often a wild one went queer as a change. The dinner was lengthy, I reckon; it took us two hours to get done. And then we went out of the dugout to loaf for awhile in the sun. And what should we see but the feathers that bird we had eaten had worn Ah, well had it been for the Briton were his mother and father ne'er born! "JIM 6MITHERS EXPLAINED IT TO SMILET." Jim Smithers explained it to Smiley, that while it was painful to do. We felt it our duty to hang him, and that when the swinging was through We'd see that his body was planted; he'd cov ered os all with disgrace. And unless he was hung we could never again look a man in the face. He acted the man that we thought him and lent us his clothesline, and said He hoped that we all would forgive him and epeak of him kindly when dead. The crime he committed? Well, stranger, I guess I may tell it to you The turkey he fed us was buzzard! We hun;; him; what c' je could we do? Walt Mason. Simmons Liver Regulator has never been known to fail to cure sick headache. Mr. Oldboarder Mrs. Grinder, haven't I seen that turkey before? Mrs. Grinder (the landlady) Why, no, sir. What put that idea into your head? Mr. Oldboardtr I thought I recognized it as the same one ve had hist year. THANKSGIVING DAY. Once more the serene spirit of Thanks giving fills the air and gives the yearning poet an appetite for roast turkey that can not be appeased with baked beans, and freights him with a gilt edged joy that sings itself into pleasant dreams in hi weary soul and shows in his countenance like the mourning band on a white hig!. hat. When we forth to commune jvith na tare at thi .ielightful season of the year, when the petulant quail chants his intermittent ''bob whites" that bore holes in the sweet empur pled dusk, we are pleased be yond measure. And this sub &3 tle pleasure that possesses -i0!d& us and wins our soul with -its ineffable sweetness is the anticipation of the large plateful of roast turkey that bursts into blossoms in our large soulful visions. No small boy ever looked for ward to the circus with profounder feel ings of blissful anticipation than we look forward to Thanksgiving day, with its blooming golcondas of turkey, plum pud ding and pumpkin pie. The gobbler struts about full of the gentle spirit of the season, little divining the reason why his owner tosses him corn and bits of meat with so generous a hand. Could he know the real motive of this generosity he would probably sigh for an antifat remedy or seek to re duce his avoirdupois by dietr ing. But as it is, he struts proudly forth and dances a jig and waltzes about .to the II CLETELAMI sad, sweet music cf the crisp curled leaves in tho ripples of the vagrant zephyr. The man who has no appetite on Thanks giving day is only fortunate if he has r.o money with which to garnish his inferic.r with the bird apart for the celebration of this ividely popular holiday. Yet thciv are men with souls . so dead to the poete sentiment of this day that when they me. so to speak, all money and appetite, the" will slip into a restaurant and make a di:: ner on corned !xef and cabbage or mutton pie, and try to persuade themselves tha: they have hail ;i Thanksgivim; dinner lint how could i.e have a f t:;u!v Thanksgiving dinner in a restaurant nr." how? You mudit as ".veil try to have ; masquerade bail in a hall bedroom or . game of billiards on a yacht in a choppy w: The only kind of Thanks- giving dinner t h: worthy of the r.i one thiit is enj country in ;l:e steai' in which great on; fir.-pi. tt 13 lt-a.iy . ..Jf--:tie is the1; S ''. ' ;ed in the y o!d iiome-'ii, there is a ' '; : : nee wii :i a 1 ' , blazimr lire ii:diu;' forth sparks upon the rag carpet that is cons-riteted of the clothing of the last three or fourgineration3. In such a hon-e.stend y cannot help dreaming of TL.inks.;,;'. in : i upon any gray tiy in autumn wii.-u t'., pumpkins lie n round the field in whie'i t i, corn is standing in ru.-tling ins. -el t;-.c--There Vi si t'reat deal iii an ordi:i:iry ' gold pumpkin to im'.ke a man with a ; sitive inteih et n new Lis happy yo'.'t and to i'eel his decayed h or :r.:d I lost teeth h:tve b en restored, v. in-: ' dreams of the great thie': p:.- hU mo; ; used to construct at that prri d of : year when serious thoughts of Thanks.-' ing were iirst entertained. Ant I :.s he e those pies over again in memory they t -sweeter than ever and revive the in.;;:y games of shinney i hat made the aura:.... cf bis early life so full of joy as they v; . . of pixt ry. In renewing his acquaintance with t : pumpkin pie which was always the le - ' upon Thanksgiving day, he feels that it ; Thanksgiving day. Ami as he sits at t : j table and watches the tall glass of ce'ery glistening before him, and the old china fruit dish on the sideboard overflowing , ,-" with grapes and apples and. ,--'t5TisrH oranges, and the great pmu- rf-V;T.v glowing with cranberry ku&gfeSfl' sauce, he thinks Thanksgiv mg is as far ahead cf the Fourth of July as a Roman hyacinth is ahead of a Bermuda onion in point of fragrance. And why shouldn't it be? There is certainly no other holiday that brims more beautifully with cheery sunshine.. Because while it is a holiday npon which we receive no presents, it is likewise a holiday upon which we are not taxed to offer any. And this certainly must be a great re! ief to the women who commence constructing tidies for poor relatives about the 1st of May to make their Christmas happy. Suppose they had to make pincushions and teacloths and clerical slippers to be presented on Thanks giving day! Then indeed would women's work never be half done. There is a long headed rich man down at Siaseonset, Mass., who selects his Thanks giving turkey about the 1st of May. He then places it in a barrel for u short time. and every day plays the banjo in the presence of the divine bird. lie has learned that a turkey treated inthis'-sgW -ti wav will become so fond of iw4t7T its owner that it will follow him around. After the bird becomes fa miliar with a solo it will never fail to run to the itcrson who plays it. This old fellow often sits on his piazza and plays for the purpose of entering into social relations with the selected bird, and when the latter conies up he ieeds it upon Knglish walnuts and other dainties that have a tendency to add to the rotundity of the turkey and 1! out its various dimples r.nd hollows. This is much cheaper than scattering walnuts to the flock which lie intends to sell. The turkey selected for the Thanksgiv ing feast seems like a prime minister in a ininuet while strutting about to the melo dies of the banjo. And so he grows fat on music and walnuts until a day or two be-t,-.;- fore Thanksgiving, when he Nv y (l hears the banjo so!o for t he -.V last time, for while its owner IS play ;n; the ! turkey ven tio near, at it is gently v. 'tures a bit which time tapped upon the head and knocked off its drumsticks. And then the eld Siascon- cettcr prepares it for the feast oi leasts, and after it has been duly disposed of the family falls into a gentle postprandial vis ion, in which they hear weird and tender melodies and at the same time see several pairs of turkey wishbones waltzing grace fully about on the Persian rug in a ghostly fitshion to the mellow plunketty plunk of the banjo. And on the following day the tenderest souvenir of Thanksgiving the wishbone is hung on the library door, to be a constant reminder of the mellow rap tares of the day. Ii. K. McxKiTTiiiCK. Is it not worth the small price of 73c. to free yourself of every symptom of these distressing complaints, if you think so call at our store and treat a bottle of Shiloh.s Vitalizer, every bottle has a written guarantee on it, use accordingly and if it does you no good it will cost you nothing. Sold by W. W. Parker, druggist, Henderson. rn BE CHEERFUL , Give us the man or woman who is prone to look on the bright side. The croaker, the whiner, whose voice never sound-. a joyful cadence, is the one individ ual whose life should be a short ' one. The dcsxnd- , ent man, the down- hearted woman who cu 1 t i v a t e rs j gloem'and a mouth dravn"dovnat the corners as fine art is. the person to sicei clear of. The) cast no shadow athwart your path way in life ami the person who cannot occasionally forget his or hei , sorrows lone enough to extend a word of comfort or good cheer to some one in stii ' J deeper trouble is a miserable farce of humanity. Dm ham Sun. had enough ISaelby Review. The good wife of a bad Gideonite in this vicinity war reading of the rav ages of a terrible storm in China the other night. She. read aloud: "A cyclone in China ""Great Lord," groaned her hus band, "has that blamed country gone Democratic too?" j Save every thing ! you can on your j farm utilize all the j products of your fields, orchards and , gardens. "Wise men never ist and wail their K ss, but cheerily , seek how to redress their ha i ins." Republicans who bet on the election . will no better next time. The market price 1 is generally the j merchant's own mark it. The nearest of t kin nap kin. Our , bosom friend, as it were. You can't sue- j ceed without hard work, is a truth that ' can't be gainsaid. ; A Born Diplomat. I 9 f k. V Little Bobbie Bingler Mrs. Hwayb ick. do you know what I would do if you should ask me to have another piece of that miner pie? Mrs. Swayback Why, no, Bobbie. Wha? would you do? Little Bobbie I would w.y r.o, as my mamma toid me to. and then I would weakly smile. "Dearest." fisH. "do ;.o i '. tt we have been engage.! j ot aie year thi Thanksgiving? Only think, dear, sg; pose we were married now1' "But we are not," he replied, "and my own darling, between you and me. we have a great deal to be thankful for " Talk's chenp. but when it's Lucked up by a pledge ot tlm baid rash of a lina-e-ially responsible firm, or c mipany, ot v.orld wide reputation for fair and l..::oratde dealing, it means bu-ines! Sow, there are scoi of sni: paiiilns and other blood puiifn-rs, all cia'ke l up to be the best, purest, ieo-1 peiu n-- and wonderful, but bear in mind (fo. . ;'ir own sake), there's only one jruarant.-ee i Kl puririer and remedy for torpid l:vr and all diseases that cmiw from ioi :.lo'i. That one standing solitary and alone sold on trial. i- Ir. Fleice's Golden Medical Discovery. If it doesn't do good in skin, scalp and scrofulous diseases and pulmonary con sumption is only Jung-cudulM jte-t let its makers knowand get jour money ! Talk's cheap, but to back a poor medicine, or a common one, by selling it on trial, as "Golden Medical I:scveiy" is sold, would bankrupt Hk; l.ugest for tune. Talk's cheap, but only "1)1 covery" i guaranteed Simmons Liver Regulator has never been known to fail to cure dyspepsia. ilbflf a ii ii 3 1 jo -rain i jLiitajm Clifford Slackman A Boston Boy's Eyesight Savod-Porhaps His Life By Hood's SarsaparilU-Illood Poi soned by Canker. Head the following front a grateful mother: "My little boy liad StarJet Fever when 4 year old, and it luli tiiia very weak an t with bloo.l poltourd wi.h mnUir. liii eyes becarne so inflaaicd thai bU salfei-:ns were intense, and for seven weeks ho Could Not Qpon His Eyes. I to-.ik him twice tluilng that time to Uio Ey and Ear Infi.-icary e:i Charles street, but tlieii remedies failed t. do liha the f.ikitt-st shadow of good. I 'contmeneed givU'.g hi'.a Hood' Sarsapai ilia a: it soon cured 1dm. I liav never !en! ted tli:t it n.-ie.l bia isbl, we., ir net liia v ry life. You in.iy use tins tL timonial in nny way veu ehoose. lamalway i ready to somut the iraisc of Hoos SarsapariHa because of the wonderful good it did my son." Acme F. 1i u kman, 2389 Washington St, Boston. Ma. Get l!KI f HOOD'S PlLLS are hand msilc, and are pe foct In com;,'.;.i.)n. proj.ortlun aud apparanc. j ii. f;ciiKniis, ATTOIiXRY AT :iI0.Mlt.l--O. - - ,-S. Oilice: In Man is law building nea court house. dec31-;i t. m. rrrr.M an. w. ii. shaw. piTT.UAJi & SI I AW. ATTt)JiNKYN V'l' 1..VW, HENDERSON, X. C. Prom it t it. niion to el' ir.!eMiional I u ess. Praeilee in tiie '-iate ku.I lYotr ourls. Olliei-: lo.oni :(.. 2, iiiowei: I ; o i , . . i i: . T ie, sn:xiiv. tVnoitNU'.V A'l' . IIKNDKKSON. N. :., OKt'M K iN lU. llVEI.r. UL tl-tJlNO. i'H!Ts: Vi.nee Franklin, Wat let: Gi. i. ille, I'r.i'ei sinles Com! -tl I 'i.teit; I; , I . upreii;.- ..,; .if Ni.rili :iro!! i.n. 1 . l!iiv ii'.ui ii iu.i.iii in. null. 7;; .. c i.bWARnn, a. u. woktham, Oxford. A . C. lleinieison, S. C. nVAICIH & WOKTHAM, ATTOK.NKYS .VJ' LA W, HENDERSON, N. C. Jll'el- their s i viees t the pecple il Viiih . .jinity. !. KdwurdH will all. ml nil ouitsof ':. nee eon n I y, n lid u! 1 1 -on.- : I'loleison j.' :m ,i n.i ml I inos u lien i: ' s-ilslnnee no.y be needed by bis partner. DENTIST IIKMIF.KMIX, N. ?. 1- PSm-Y Purn N!lrous (as admliiislereil lor the painlesH extrac tion of teeth. iSTOllice over E. C. Davis' store, Main street. Jan. l-a. MipKoaice tlent :triiiely ill .a ttiia woiM faya Hotij. rr, of f-yiueu' N. Y., il l'io,o,r KociiIefc Jivr) Ti:i- I,, f ,ti .ay lion who .ii. If-.rtia'ly pnraly -.1 i ,r. iara r.o . Liack. a ly U.i. leu. i;..: lii.l ar. in loiiiH of I .' ni Biiicu Im t'Xik ia-liultiu c reuic-l". i ino. t licartily than it lor it. St. Louis, Mo , March 2, fji. l-u!L:;:.); oi,. (iiaount of good gtr Koctiig o:ve T.tnlc t. v done mo, I foil It a duty' ;r.ify t, .-.ol (lualiti.ja. :,Iy n rvouaiifi .tit e.iicl .' l;ijU! r tialiit and H-niu i i'"i. !. in lifli a ku fur i.en rnl ynm. 1 1 f.-ct c! yovr , "!.c.!rm I fult In uie lia;. yt t, t'ore I f.v.:.: c -i a whole bottl fcll triMUhll... -1 uni asii,. .,- a.1 dinijiiioaied. atjU I . ;t we!'. "'1' '- '"'"i 1 a'a full of o;a ,itiuu uiea it;- ..uii.;, I li t. not bneu for a iiuu lli.ei r.i .-Trti rs-..inuud it at an exca'iurl uori ,1C- L. K. tranep A ValnaM Hook an Ncrvot, rJfZ S il' nt 'reo to any add rot, f. i ff i HMr ii.tif rjtn ran alw olilil ittifcn 'In iiiOt5i-i;io frco f cliarxe. ; ii j f L t 1 -tt iirpparfd bytltt I:rrri . "rv !Om ..(. - J ort Wayii", Ind, i tie? 1 at' o- l'i'..: ! i.i'j. rii 'UrtcUtm by tlio 13ZV:'C r -s-cco., ChlcagC, III, -;:.- tr-taxr-ei-ij'tio. ufavrsi')Hi:r: ."'.". CTUiUlTrur(.V. V,ELECT?,ICITY IS LIFE"" I'erfeeti. ii ; - 1. .-ii : 1 1 t no--1 in b.- pro ..iCticm o Il.Ci n'lv Ii:,p;ove,l LECTHG -GALVANIC BODY BATTERY ELECTfiiC DELT'tiadAPFLIAllCES. They n re - 'pe! to a try t l:i n i of lb- .lid M - L't 11.11- Ins yet il i-ere ! ' boii-it :i I i ; ei ve:- who iei v ioei f I " 1 1 :!d:; ; i::'; i;h!i sand A ITLI A NCI":, .lily :', will eit;iinly cute RUF.l'M i ISM. NKi:!. AI.GI V, 1)VM'KJ'I , LIY hit AMI KIUNKV )!!i SL. 1 K ' A I K V- 1 1 A K 1 iSS AM) f.f-i' vm:s ok womkn f'.VTA Kl.ll "n e l with Kb-dicf.'j trih.'il i ';. ;i '); e-.--o! men pel leaiu-nt- cnre.i h i ! CTti-l.. ;.t rut mm. I of Kb r i'-.r.- I !:o ' ii--.! t.v on: lHHtY BA'J - . KUY I. - - :...- wanted. s,.;i.t ' pi iC'- !;-' v.l.d t t fuedill-. JOHN A. CRISP ELECTRIC BELT CO., JKF'i'KbSOS'.OiiK). J JftJ .,-'. 1 .dfT t ":45 i . t '. I f-cl f m-. Utur tSfc! I d act t ..OCi -- t- i w. k I iAh mrrVd nd 4 I: -rt.r.r' I 't-:- .t , -ir twaurft v il .nfftfr. fl.v xxS'. V. ..i ,:l ii-jK'i it vy tf lti-l'.ii tr fwyly." -;';kt t.:':"T2 p.t tv:u cciiFisEKTiAU MifiW-, jc p . irrrnr? v, cr ted 4V'SC4M. t. e. o. r. ttita. atiiCKis teutJ. CBiticiuL s. II A Kit is, "J.O-IV.- JSJ Ml ifi rrvr

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