A Good Advertisement In a live, progressive paper, that has age, character, circulation, influ ence and the respect of its readers, comes nearer producing remits than any other method. It is worth your while to consider the Gold Leaf o When You Want Results, A Clean, Attractive Paper That is rvad all over bocures bu.i netj for thoM'who us ita advertising column;,. Sin h a p.ijx r is t In-Ili-u-dersuu (ioi.n l.i y. Tiic proof .f the :hum is in the test thereof. Column own to both lxlivwr and .skeptic. Are You One of Them? THREE m DDP1ES IF TH BOLD LEAF ME FiMTEl THIS WEEK, k B.0PY fiJB TO liEfiTS OF MR ADVERTISES, -aa VOL. XIII. HENDERSON, N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1894. NO. 42. YOU WPA TIE OiiPL A Bad State of Affairs. The people of the South are beinj deceived in the purchase of imitation medicines. It's poor consolation to a sick man to he told that the medicine olVered him certainly won't do him any harm. Wrong; it will do great harm. It allows the disease to progress in stead of stopping it, and this is most because the disease will soon be beyond cure. This is the best reason why you should be sure to get the right medicine. Don't risk your health in trying any of the many Liver Medicines which have sprung up in the South to be sold in place of Simmons Liver Regulator, put up by J. 1 1. Zeilin& Co.. with the Red X on every package:. This was the medicine of your fathers, and they lived long. Have nothing to do with anything else, or any druggist or dealer who would persuade you that the many imitations under dif ferent names are just as good. It's not true. The people who Ihiv them heap ur their mis- enes. He ware mp 1 riTjrD VV'ANTKl in each county for I II null LI It specific work. Will pay JKiO a mouth. 1. VV. ZeigttT A Co., Box 17ti7, Philadelphia, I 'a. IN THE LEAD ! That is where we are con tinually striving to be, spur red on by the approbation and good will of our many customers. And you will find us " right there" when it comes to carrying a choice and iresh line of Staple ai Fancy Groceries, CANNED GOODS, Totacco, Ciprs, Sniff, k, k We have also a select stock of the purest and best LIQlOIiK. Pare N. C. Con WMstey a Specialty. s v m a" a " Uur Motto IJie nest is none too good for our cus tomers. Our Policy To sell at the Lowest Living Prices. Give us a call. JOS. T. JONES & CO., O'NEIL BLOCK, IIkndeuson, - N. Carolina v. w:parker DRUGGIST HHXni-KSON. - N. CAKOLIXA. Parker's Summer Cure s " I'.lulit In It" this time ( year. () Hair, Tooth and Nail Brashes, Perfumery.Soaps Cigars, c. A lull and complete line or lltl ;s AND IHtUUUISTK' suMitii:s, -o- l cany a beautit ul assortment of tou,i:t AND FANCYAKT1CLKS, IMl'KS AN1 SMOK Kits' OOIS. Presuription Wort a Specialty. Pricks to Siit the Timks. II1LVD1NE WILL CURE HK AD AC I IE AND NEURALGIA. GET THE BEST. o That's the Kind I Keep. o l would nuist respectfully inform the public that 1 ant at my same old stand, near Dorsev's drug store, where 1 have a complete assortment of WHISKIES, BRANDIES, TOEACCO, CICIARS, &c, k Nutliimr but l'UHE GOODS allowed to oo:ne in mv house. My PURE OLD CORN WHISKEY hxcels anything in Uenderson, the so called Cooper Corn not excepted. All I ask is a trial, and you will be convinced. My prices are LOWER than the lowest. 1 LKMS t'ASll . Give me a call. S. S. WHITTEN. HENDERSON, N. (J. O D I i A I weakness easily cured by OrillMLDr. Miles' Ner e Plasters. All druggists guarantee Dr. Miles' Pais tills to stop Headache. "One cent a dose." THE STATE FAIR. A GREAT EVENT PROMISED. The Programs Arranged List of Mar shals Appointed--Many Interesting Attractions and Exhibits Secured A Few of These Named. The greatest success ever attained by the North Carolina State Fair is assured for 1894 (October 23, 24, 25, 26th) if weather conditions prove favorable. There is a genuine and wide spread State interest in it. Each succeeding flay adds something. The agricultural, stock and poultry exhibits will surpass anything ever seen in North Carolina and perhaps in the South. Among the prominent exhibitors will be the widely known Glencoe farm of Onslow county ; the Alamance farm of Alamance ; the Vanderbilt estate of Buncombe ; the Hege poultry yardsof Forsythe ; the Osceola poultry yards of Craven ; the floral Gardens of H. Steinmetz ; the Occonneeche farm of Orange ; the Sedgcfield stock farms of Forsythe, and other prominent farms almost without end. The race purses are larger than ever before, aggregating $2,600. Already the entries show horses of note, speed and reputation from Maryland, Ken tucky, Virginia, Pennsylvania, District of Columbia, North and South Caro lina. All classes are filled, and the racing will be the most enthusiastic and exciting ever seen in North Caro lina. Varied and amusing side attractions are already booked in great profusion. Among them are : Chase's great Cyclorama of the Battle of Gettysburg ; the famous dancing girls, from the World's Fair and " Paris by Gaslight ;" Kurd's World's Museum ; Mille La Mar, the mysterious Mind Reader, and Francis Morrisey, the King of Occultism ; Sherry's wonderful " Working World ;" Prof. De Cooper and his wonderful dog " Fitzsimmons," both of whom will make wonder exciting balloon ascensions every day, both descending to the earth by parachute. Besides the specialties there will be numerous other features of interest. Each succeeding week adds in creased proofs that the coming Fair will be one which will delight every North Carolinian. In addition to the large volume of correspondence which brings advices of extensive and elegant exhibits, letters are being received from all parts of the State in which people express appreciation of the work btin done to promote the success of the Fair and their intention to attend it. The list of attractions is rapidly growing, and already include such novelties as the Bohemian Glass Blowers; noted mind readers and mesmerist; European Novelty and Trained animal show, besides novelty jewelry workers, aviaries and the like. Entries and announcements of entries received to date already exceed the list of any previous fair held. The intellectual and practical pro gram will be replete with interest and valuable information. The racing will far surpass anything ever seen in North Carolina, and will perhaps equal any speed contest ever held in the South. Mr. V. T. Carter, the turf editor of the Richmond limes, has been en gaged to act as Starting Judge in all races. The time for testing milch cows for the first prem. of 40, second preni. $25, and third prem. of 15 under conditions named in the premium list is extended to October the 151I1. This is an unusual and very valuable feature of the fair, and parlies interested in the value of milch kine should take special notice of the provisions of the test. A vigorous and interesting program has been arranged for Education Day. Col. J. H. Holt, Chief Marshal of the State rair, has appointed a corps of 160 assistants from every section of the State, all of whom have accepted the appointment and have notified him that they will be present at the fair. More than 300 prominent farmers in the State have expressed by kite their intention of making exhibits at the fair in all the departments. The poultry exhibit this year will be a special feature. The society has over 300 new and improved wire covered exhibition coops, all of which have already been engaged. Besides these a number of exhibitors will supply their own coops. The exhibition of game fowls will be superb, and the display of pet stock will be something that will please and delight everybody. Numerous additions and improve ments are being made at the fair rounds to supply accommodations and space applied for by exhibitors. A new feature of the fair this year will be practical lectures and essays on economic subjects by competent speakers in Commons Hall at night. Dr. H. B. Battle, Director of the State Experiment Station, will lecture on "Fertilisers;" R. H. Lewis, Dairy ing ;" J. W. Sanders, Green Manur ing ;" Prof. W.F.Massey, "Grasses;" Baron d' Allinges, Green & Forage Plants;" W. S. Barnes, "Poultry Industry ;" Gov. Elias Carr, " Silos & Ensilage;" E. B. C. Hambley, "Stock Raising;" Col. J- S. Cunningham, " Farm Economy." Aarrangements are being perfected for good theatrical attractions during the week. Social features will be lively and exhilarating, including germans and balls every night, elegant receptions, &c. &:c. Pain baa no show with Dr. Miles' Pain Pills (I Perfect FittM Sljirtl What Every wen Dressed Man Wants Invented and Manufacture! by G. D. Eighmie Tie Finest ani Cheapest Dress Shirt in tie Known World. This wonderful invention gives a Bosom handsome shape and latest sty'e ; and is so placed upon-the shirt that it can be worn a week without a break or wrinkle. Made from 2100 Linen, Wamsutta Muslin and Bosom lined with heavy Butcher Linen. EVERY BOSOM GUARANTEED TO OUTWEAR THE SHIRT, it fits perfectly and gives constant comfort. The set. of the bosom and neck-band prevents any disagreeable feeling. In every point it is the BEST OF ALL SHIRTS MADE. Try one and you will never wear any other. Beware of imitations. None genuine without the EIGHMIE TRADE MARK. New stock just in. The Stainback Company, Hole A?en(s for "Vance County For the Greatest Improvement in a Shirt ever Produced by Man. LARGE STOCK OF Hats, Shoes, Underwear, Dry Goods, &c, AT LOWEST PRICES. Mllll UU 100 The Best House in the Best Market in SISB I j w II 11 11 1 1 M11Vy V,IK,1U Corps vrff . 1 We are in the field in full force, and having the most flattering successes from the past years to stimulate us, we have no eye to turn backward but every energy shall be turned to the future prosperity of our friends and ourselves. We shall depend for our prosperity on And not on any past record, while OURS IS THE VERY BEST, Every man who patronizes our House shall be THE BEST MAN AND GET THE BEST POSSIBLE PRICES, and no condition or trick shall hinder us in this resolve. If you wmt to sell a load of Tobacco our advice shall be honest and freely given, and OUR PRICES THE BEST. If you want a WAGON OR BUGGY we defy competition. " Old Hickory" Wagons and Tyson & CToues' Buggies speak for themselves. If you want the Best Accommodations for Man and Beast, the very Best Attention for Your selves and the Heartiest Welcome while here, together with the FATTEST POCKET BOOK when you go home, OUR HOUSE IS THE PLACE. Come ji&id See ! Yotjb Efheistos, Harris, Gooch & Company.. Hard Times To meet the praceat Ilartt 'iinM nat Knraiera. WO will sell to termers direct, for Fertilizers, rrr" far Own, Cotton &nd Peanata, at ? 1 3 M) a Truckm; Crops and Potatoes 1 4 ..0 Oats. Tobacco and Fraita - 15.UO Also Muriate of Ptih. Kainit. Sulphate Potash. Bool. Black, Nitrate Soda in large and small quantities, bend two 'ie stamp ff lire's PltWKL.1. 6c 1'04 Feryliter Maoufn t iriin". Mulllatiore Mi. r5RINinYODR OWN .BONE, MEAL VamiNU OYSTER SHELLS, CORN, (JltAHAM FLOUR. &c. iu the Celebrated PP Ml TTAIVrn MITT (Frank Wilson's ' -LU.J..UJU, patent.) per cent, more made in keen injiT poultry. Also POWER 3IILLS ANI FARM FEED MILLS. Circulars sent on application. WILSON BROS.,Easton, Pa. HARRIS, GOOCH & CO., Owners and Proprietors, Henderson, North Carolina. " .BtTroat atn.If. ,Mml. HaTLtr, fTV,of BaDrrilla, rQb"' -wi 1 bqna yoar r v tMUMBt 2 am 1 was aa SThinrTia by ailments ibat I eoai4 Koti Before. After. Ira. o ar.T o-k The acnciiipsiiTtat; fie-! Weifat lei :ba m Urn S ila Tt ibow latreeuli ol smoalaa- treai-isam, ... wj m. m. m. aaect. 1 ao M tfu a tww twinr. lilt! Welet 0 ta. S is. II and Dual are ail mae. XT maaaa are nie. a. m. aa. a aa muiliaa. WOI caaertaliy rrpfj ts isqatrMS wna stassp aaciaeecu - PATIENTS TREATED BT MAIL. CONf lUfeNUAL. t ceaoa la paain far aaKirsisn is t. i . r. tirui. rncurt mutt uiuu. ia a KWiv pi : v '''A Li f-:; department than ever before. The goods -sz speak for themselves. Call and see. Good Things to Eat Under this heading you will find everything you are look ing for all fresh and reliable goods. Coffee, Teas, Sugar, Syrups, Molasses, Flour, Meal, Meat, Lard, Butter, Cheese, Crackers, Cakes, Rice, Hominy Grits, Canned Goods, Break fast, Strips, Fish, &c. Feedstufts, Hay, Corn and Salt whole sale or retail. Two points are our specialties, namely, good quality and low prices. A little profit satisfies us. HATS AND SHOES Your attention is inv of Hats, Shoes and Boots. dualities and prices. Shoe X 1 Men, Women, Youths ant dren. For dress and ev wear. Lowest prices. Come and let us con vince you of the extent,. variety, excellence and cheapness of our stock. HENRY THOMASON, Lassiter's Old Stand Main Street, nri JL nnnn n i!'!-J i-vm Record lOO per cent. IfS Cliicts otit of lt9 ferine Pe?v. tuaraat-d absolutely Beif-reeij'.atin'; and to batch fully b percf-nt. f lr tiieess. or monea refunded. Reaion- able in price. Retf-regulating Broodera. bend 4 cu. : brcatalogue, h-stimonials. etc ( yi. M. sheer a. sro., Quincy, in. Ifloiiey Talks Here. o- We invite your attention to the larg est and best selected stock of goods we have ever carried. A beautiful line of Ladies' Dress Goods, Notions, Wljite Goods, And everything1 in the dry goods line Special attention is called to a nice as sortment of prints and cloths of every description. In fact, we have exercised ited to our stock I lifer our the State! Ample Capital at Their Command o- tSELVS Agents. $75 s wrrk rtcii urrrurr. Tks BaeMBUWaakver. Waafaeaall'ba diaa tar a tamit j ta ae Waekel, naaea lai ia ernbaat oatual taa baaoa. Tua wo Uw aatu. the amaeoio Aera ite rt. UrisM, etlab4 Sua, ana rtarrfel ia. fa aeaiSta oirr.aaaoilaaaeartawaios. 'Jfaknkra aia.aaBiaa.Cat. darabie,wafTaate4. Clrealarefraa. .BASRIM-N Cwn Cw. . C-Itu-fc-s. All styles, & . 3 1UI ilWa 1 ml THE BUSY SOUTH. BIG TOM REED IS REFUTED. The People of the South are Full of Business -Some Evidence of the Truth of This A Future Most Promising. Tom Reed, the sneering statesman from Maine, has recently given it as his opinion that the South has no business sense." Like most critics of the South, Mr. Reed speaks from prejudice instead of knowledge. Mr. Henry Watterson, in the Ixmis ville Courier-Journal, makes the fol lowing crushing reply to Reed's as persion : " Mr. Reed remarked the other day in his usual reckless fashion that the trouble with the South was that it had no business sense. " The South has within a few years practically monopolized the trade in certain lines of cotton goods, and is annually increasing the volume and variety of its textile products. It is underselling New England on coarse goods, and in time will undersell it on fine goods. It is putting its own capital freely into new cotton mills. From 1880 to 1890 it trebled the number of its looms. From 1890 to 1893 it has increased them over 50 per cent. " Perhaps that isn't business sense." " In the year ending with June last the exports of the United States in creased $44,478, 35 3. Fifteen South ern ports, at which within a few years there have been opened direct lines of trade with foreign ports, lurnished $31,751,306 or 71 per cent, of this increase. In 1891 and 1892 the in crease of direct trade from Southern ports was still larger, amounting to $89,000,000 out of a total increase for the whole United States of $146,000, 000. Four years ago the South had direct lines of trade only from Balti more, New Orleans and Norfolk. It now loads ships for foreign ports at Savannah, Brunswick, Pensacola, Galveston, Mobile, Newport News and Port Royal. " Perhaps that isn't business sense." " A few years ago the Southern cotton planters seemed hopelessly in debt to the cotton factors. It was getting worse every year. Ever since the war they had been so poor that they had to borrow money in advance on their crops, and, what with raising nothing but cotton, raising it waste fully, paying big interest, buying on credit, sending more than their profits for food stuffs brought from the North and West, they seemed fairly on the way to bankruptcy. But this year's crop of cotton has been raised more cheaply than last year's, and last year's was the cheapest ever known up to that time. Debts have been scaled down amazingly, crops have been di versified, money kept at home and many mortgages lifted. " Perhaps that isn't business sense." " The development of the iron and coal interests of the South has been the wonder oi this generation, and Birmingham is setting the price for Pittsburg on pig iron. The business failures in the South during the panic were relatively fewer than in the West, and the southern financial institutions came through the trial in better shape. In ten years the wealth of the South, reduced almost to nothing by war and reconstruction, has more than doubled. In ten years the South has increased its expenditures for schools 96.53 per cent. In ten years it has paid off over twenty millions of public debt. And to cap the evidence of its business sense it votes the Democratic ticket right along. And that last is what sours it all for the modern man from Maine." KEEP A-GOIN'I If you strike a thorn or rose. Keep a-Roiu"! If it hails, or if it snows. Keep ft-Roiii"! "Tain't no use to sit an" whine Whn the fish ain't on your line ; litit your hook an' keep on try in'! Keep a-goin': When the weather kills your crop. Keep a-poiii'.' When you tumble from the top, Keep a-Koin'I S'pose you're out o every dime ; (iittin' broke ain't any crime. Tell the world you're feelin' prime! Keep a-Koin'! When it looks like all is up. Keep a-jioiif ! Drain the sweetness from the cup, Keep a-oin"! See the wild birds on the wing ; Hear the bell that sweetly ring. When you feel like sijrhin' sing ! Keep a-jroin'! frank L. SlaiUon in AWmta Coiuititvtwn. The hotter Europe becomes lor anarchists the more of them we .will have here. They ought to be kept out, or if in they should be fired out. We think by the time the country has just a little more experience with this Democratic party it will be satis fied to let it alone. Marysville (Ohio) Tribune. We think so, too. The wisdom of the maxim, " let well enough alone," is always demonstrated by a " little experience." Bellefontaine (Ohio) Ex aminer. i Cure For ileadache. As a remedy for all forms of headache, i Electric Bitten has proved to be the very best. It eflects a immanent cure and the I roost dreailed habitual sick headaches yield to its influence. We urge all who are afflicted to procure a bottle, and give this i remedy a fair trial' In cases of habitual . constipation Electric Bitters cores by giving ; the needed tonic to the bowels, and few cases long resist the use of this medicine, Try it once. Large bottles only fifty cents , at Melville JJorsey s drug store. 1 Monthly Pata cured bj Dr.MlW Pain Pills. Mr. George W. Tuley Benjamin, Missouri. Good Advice Quickly Followed Cured of Rheumatism by Hood's Sarsaparllla. "C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. : " I was taken down with rhouiimUsm over a yc:ir ago. I was sl-k for over six months. Often I would liavo such pains that I could hardly endure them. A friend raiim to me unit advised me to try HoikI's Sarsnparllla. I took him at his word and not a bottle of it, and slue have taken e'.nht bottles of it. It Has Cured Mo When the doctors could do mo no good what ever. AfUr beln;; benefited so much from tills medicine I i'u'seii'ne Hood's SHrsajiarllla as a wonderful medlei'ie. 1 iilso ndvise every on who is troubled w.h rheumatism Hot to be with- fiood'ssp"Cures out Hood's Snrs-iparilla. I am a farmer, anil llio medicine has clveu me much energy and strength to perform my work." Ckouuk W. TlTLtY, Henjamiu, Missouri. Hood's Pills are hand made, and perfect In proportion and appeal auce. 25e. a box. ..COLD IN HEAD. ELY'S CREAM BALM. Quickly absorbed, Cleanses the Nasal Passages, Allays Tain and Inflammation, llealathe Sores, Protect the Membrane from additional Cold, Kestoies the N-nses of Taste ami .Smell. DIHECTION8 KOH USING CIIKAM KAI.M. Apply a particle of tho Italm well up into the nostrils. After a moment draw a strong breath through the nose. Use three times a day, alter meals preferred, and 1m--fore retiridg. Price 50 cents at druggists or by mail. ELY UKOT1I Kits, 5i Warren St., New York. CATARRH 5V I PARKER'S ' 3i HAIR BALSAM J Cleuur and bnuitifiea the hilr f lrirtiMH a luxuriant rn'wlH. -ifSS- J Never Falla to Bntore Or lAlfkk 'f Hir to its Youthful Color. AfP'Ete Curt srmlp ttiwiM & hair talluu. jjM,l V. and 1 1 i M Oniyyin ILJA ,J.lt Him-U IT1 -J 1 ' Parker'i Ginger Tonm, Ji curv tin oni . ,ugti. 'Vcttk lAint, Debility, Iniligcstion, J'aiiL,Tkeiu liti. JMn ta HINDERCORNS. The onlvmrr cure for Corn Stop ail jaitt. lJc ftt DrugiMU, or 11 1 M OX v CO.. H. V. FOR THIN' n-Oi'LK. 1 1. limit Pa tllin f a litutnu aiiil li.mi.lu out the figure. It is the .STANI)AK1 KEMKDV for leanness, containing no arsenic and (.Haranteed Abkolulely II arm !. Price, prepaid, ?l per box, 0 for Pamphlet. " HOW TO UET FAT," free. The TIIIXACUICA CO., Oil) If roadway, New York. J ii. iutnx;i:Ks, ATTOKNkY AT LAW, HKNIiKHHON. - - JM. Office: In Harris' law building neai court house. dec31-6i B SHAW, Attorney and Counselor at Law, NOTARY PU1JLIC and HEAL ESTATE AGENT, HENDKRSON', - N. CAROLINA. Practices in Mate ami Federal Courts. Settlement of Estates and Collection a specialty. Loans Negotiated. jit. r. s. itAitms. DENTIST, IENDERSON, - - N. C. tifOfriee over K. Divi.'.n. m .. Street. lan.'l-n JJR. W. J. JUDD, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Offers his professional -ervic:'s to the citizens of Henderson and vicinity. JJIi. C. H. BOYD, SAtUfaotion guaranteed as to work an prices. Notice o To Consumers of Coul I am now prepared to de liver COAL AND WOOD. Will keep on hand a ok1 supply suitable for all pur poses. I have been selling COAL here for 16 years' and can instruct you as to the best kinds for stoves, grates and steam purposes. All orders received at the store will have prompt attention. Yard be tween the depots. Prices as low as the quality of Coal I handle can be sold for. J.W.GREGORY, Henderson, N. C. THNACDRA -1 i I i' i 1" 1 I I ii f ii i "'j I