The Gold Leaf. ESTABLISHED 1881. BY THAD R. MANNING. TERMS OF M.-SJSCKIFTION: f i:e copy one y-ar, " ' C months, ?1. so 75 We l'sirn a live agent and correspondent at every postofliee in Vance and adjoining counties. Correspondence on all subject of local and general interest and opinioi s upon matters of public concern, are invited. The editor will not be responsible for the views or statements of correspondents and reserves the right at all times to revise or reject any article he may think proper. , . . One hide, only, of tn! pap'" ulust 1e written on and the real name of the writer accompany the contribution. No attention will be paid to anonymous let ters. TIIUKKIAY, MAY '2, lSD.I. liv the way, shaking of candidates, what's the matter with Henry Watter son fur President? Just think of this, ye consumers of kerosene: It is reported that the Standard Oil Trust made $50,000,000 out of the recent oil flurry. Says a financial exchange: "The increased demand lor small notes means an increased activity in trade. There is no surer indication than this of returning prosperity." Tiik Japanese government denies the reports that it has concluded an offensive anil defensive alliance with China, and declares that the commer cial advantages secured by Japan will also be equally enjoyed by the other powers. Knoi.aM) lays its strong hand upon Nicaragua, and the Tnited States looks on pa iely and says nothing, despite the much talked of Monroe doctrine. I. "nele Sam is not going to get any fight on his hands if he can help it. Tiik flagship San J'ranciscoh&s ar rived at Akwindrietto, Asia Minor, for the protection of American mis sionaries in danger from a local up rising. The cruiser Marblehead is at lleyroot, Syria, for the very same pur pose. News of a somewhat remarkable death comes from Massillon, Ohio k Kellv. a machinist, died at his - j 1 - - - home there one day last week, accoid ine to his own prediction made t-n o I days before when in perfect health Alter leaving the shop where he Z: employed for the last time, he si impressed with the leeling that Ik would never return to work again, that he went back and kissed tin- ! machine with which he perform' d labor, and. on it-aching home, vi to lx-d and died iust as he had f .: -ald. The Raleigh J'.vctiing Visitor last Thursday says: I he North Carolina car company has begun work on the main buildin ol the IJaptist woman's college. I will be a four storv build inir of brick with granite and brownstone and gal vhni.ed iron trimmings. It will fron 1 So leet on North l.Iount street, and will be 64 feet deep. It will have winir iooxso leet. three stones in height. The big building will be rov ored with slate. The design is ornate and at the same time imposing. " We would nrire every one to rend the advertisement of .Simmons Liver Regit la tor. We have never before said one' word in favor of any patent medicine advertise went in cur columns, but having given Sininions Liver Regulator a fair trial, we do not hesitate to say that for dyspepsia and general debility it can not be excelled.'" Fred. M. Vhilds, editor AWrs, Kenton, Ohio. DEATH OF II. I. KIM HALL. A press dispatch from Boston, Mass., announces the death of Mr. Hannibal I. Kimball, which will be deeply regretted throughout the South, anil especially in Atlanta, (la., his home. He died at the residence of his brother, K. N. Kimball, in Ilrookline, near lloston, late Sunday night. Mr. Kimball had been living in Atlanta twenty-five years subsequent to the war. He was one of the moving spirits in the development of several railroad enterprises of the South, not only in investing a large part of his own fortune, but bringing a large amount of Northern and foreign capital into the country. Almost the last enterprise with which he was identified was the open ing of a new railroad line in Oregon. He was a banker and dealer in high class securities, having offices in Atlanta, New York and London. He considered Atlanta as his home, although he has resided for the past few years in New York city. He was a close friend of the late Henry W. (Irady, of the Atlanta Constitution. Mr. Kimball gave munificently to the city of Atlanta and donated the capital building to the State of Georgia. He was the proprietor of the Kimball House, in Atlanta, and was the organizer of the Pullman Palace Car Company. Mr. Kimball was the director general of the Atlanta Cotton Exposi tion last year, and during the World's Fair he was president of the board of judges and took an active part in promoting the welfare of the exposition. There is more catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put togother, aiid until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. Fo'r a great many years doctors pronouueed it a local disease, and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. iScience has proven catarrh to be a consti tutional disease, and, therefore, requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitu tional cure on the market. It is taken in ternally in doss from 10 drops to a tea spoonful. It acts directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and tes timonials. Address, F. J. Chesey S Co., Toledo, O. rjf" Sold by druggists. TV. JOLLY OLD UNCLE JOSH. HIS GPEAT GENEROSITY TOWARDS HIS NEWLY-MARRIED NIECE. A Realistic Romance of Henderson, in Which a Number of Prominent Business Men Take a Very Conspicu ous Part. Written for the Gold Leak. " Miss Summers Polly I I er dare I" Uut the speaker took a header over hashfulness, only to hear a sweet : "Yes, Charley." " Can I aspire to er to that is" Again a lapse into silence, followed by an encouraging : Yes, Charley." " Oh, if I might only hope to er to " Another failure of language. It was feemingly a hopeless case, and might have been, only for a demure : " Charley, I have said ' yes' twice, and if you mean it, I mean it, too, and " And to this day that young man win . . . 1 , 1 1 . 1 ...... : 1 I IlSist tliai lie noppeu uie iiueeuou. All this happened away "down ast," and it wasirt long ueiore mere , , -V- i u 1 .... was a weaning. -oi mueii luugei before there came a letter from Polly's 'nele Johh. down here in the Old North State, who wrote ellueivelv ot his delight at her exhibition of what ie called "grit," aud he proposed that F the voung people would come to Iender.son and leeate, he would start them un in life as a weddiug gift, and nt the same time trive them a lot of good practical advice. Of course they accented, and were soon bidding their friends adiea. i - A few weeks &ub e(;uent to the above conversation a tn vel-stamed party arrived at Henderson. Our friend, Uncle Josh, was in charge and he led them straightway to Massenburg's Hotel. Depositing their baggage aud .t 11 il securing rooms, me oiu genuemau began to grow talkative. "This," said he, " is a typical Southern hotel of the best class. 1 have known Jim Masseuburg, the proprietor, for years mil he is mine host after mine own heart. A thorough business man, endowed with that delightful intuition that makes a guest feel at home, com fortable, contented, and in mighty good luck. Why, he treats his guests so friendly that you'd be sure he was a candidate for constable, or something. There is only one Jim Massenburg, uid he runs the best hotel in North Carolina. The house is one of con venience; the apartments are well furnished; and the cuisiue Well, if any body thinks they can feed better than friend Masseuburg they'll have to .ret out of this market. You can make yourselves at home here till the house I have deeded to you is m readiness." After breakfast they were ready to make the rounds of the town to get the outfit for house keepiug. ' As I have already provided you with a cage for your bird," said Uncle Josh, the first thing we'll look after furnishings for it." Hereupon Polly energetically declared that she had heard so much about Alex. T. Barnes' fin 11 i lure establishment that she had decided to go there. The result was that they were ushered into such a bewildering display that the girl was at first at a loss how to select. But she soon yielded to the seductiveness of a magnificent parlor suite, a bed room set in oak, antique finish, fiat would have done credit to old Antiquity herself. To this she added a diuing- rinmi set with all accessories, together with carpets, mattings, &c, and didn't forget a most convenient and orna mental writing desk for "Hubby" Charles. " A pretty good start," said the old man, " and now we'll go to Daniel & Co's hardware store for something in his line." Here Polly's hojsewifely instincts had full play in marvels of kitchen apparatus. There is not an establishment in the country that carries a more comprehensive stock of household furnishings. Every possible piece of kitchen furniture, from a. tin dipper to a cooking stove is here in all 6tyles and variety. If Polly fads to accomplish wonders in the culinary art, it will not be for want of superior cooking utensils, for she purchased a " Parmer Girl"' cook stove with all equipments needed in a well regulated kitchen, and oue of the celebrated " King Heaters," of which she declared Mie had heard so much. Let's see I promised you a gold watch, didn't I ?" queried Uncle Josh of Polly, "and E. E. Hight & Co's is the very place to get one cheap." Thereupon the old man gallantly acquitted himself of the promise and then directed Polly's attention to the superior stock of silverware carried by this firm. " There is no other such house in town," said he, " and I wil guarantee tue quality to be me very best. Pick out your family clock while here, he added. " Hight & Co. carry a magmncent line, as you will see jou t iorgei another tact," he con tinued, "if ever you unfortunately need optical goods, this is the place to come. They have everything required to improve affected eyes, and say. Charley, when that old ' turnip' of yours breaks down, remember Mr Hight can fix her up in ship shape." "Oh!" ejaculated Polly, as they halted before a window, what a perfect ly lovely slipper." "les,"said Uncle Josh, "Davis & Rose's stock cau't be equalled in style and extent in this section. Go iu, look it over aud get acquainted." It might have been pol icy not to have extended that iuvita tiou, had not L nele Josh known what wise economy it is to trade with Davis & Hose, for Polly found goods and prices so seductive that she purchased an outfit from a comfortable house slipper to a handsome walking boot Charley invested iu gents' hue shoes winie L nele Josh indulged m a stout pair tor his own use. No one needing footwear cau resist the styles and prices offered by Davis & Rose. "Now I must have an album, Uncle Josh, exclaimed Polly, "aud "les, and a Bible with a bis family register,' religiously observed the old man, "so now we'll go to Edwin Ste phens book store. You'll find many articles iudispensable for the parlor as well as the library there, and as for variety Mr. Stephens has an uuequalled biock. 5.0 nere roily s purchases in Liuueu miscellaneous books, fancy ta tiouery, all the latest agonies, brica brac of all manner for the centre-table, heuse decorations, wall paper, pictures, picture frames, hammocks aud such. Polly remarked to the generous old uncle, "Why, I don't know when to quit buying. Mr. Stephens sells such nice goods and so cheap, too." " While I think ofit," remarked Uncle Josh, as they reached the street, "I must run over to the Citizens Bank and get another check book. Come with me and get acquainted with Mr. J. IL' Owen, the President, and Mr. W. A. Hunt, the Casnier, tor, 01 course, you will do business with them and it is always mort pleasant to be personally acquainted with the people vou have dealings of this kind with. The bank is as solid as the base of the universe, and has a strong working capital. You will find the officials clever and courteous gentleman, ever ready to extend any accommodations compatible with business principles." "I would like tomakeyouacquainieu with Dr. Francis A. Macon, my den tist friend, also," said theoldman. "If yon ever nave 10 Hupuiemeui jwm natural teeth" "Ugn: uon i you mention false teeth to me," cried Polly. "I'll never carry 'pearly lies' in my mouth if I go toothless," "Oh, as for that." laughed Uncle Josh, "if you'll only consult a good dentist in time you can save the catastrophe. Dr. Macon, for instance, is wonderfully expert in saving natural teeth, and he has the skill and every mechanical appliance neceesary to do his work with the least discomfort to his patrons." " Halt !" commanded Uncle Josh as the party came in front of Melville Dorsey's handsome drugstore. " Walk ri"ht in." " Why, Uncle, we're not sick, and" " Guess I know that, but I suspect it won't be long before this young man begins to take an interest in matters ot paregoric aua " U-n-c-l-o !" " Well go in anyway, Pollv mav find some toilet articles she wants." Sun enouzh before leaving she was loaded down with combs, hrushes. face powders, and ounces unon ounces of due imported perfumes " Don't forget," added Uncle Josh, " to come here with your prescriptions as Mr. Dorsey and his clerks are com petent pharmacists and use only pure and wholesome drugs." The old man then invited his wards to take a treat nt. Dorsev'9 soda fount and ordered it to " sizz" till thev had all they could drink. " You may want something m the ine of fine printing," said Uncle Josh to Charles, " aud likely as not roily must have some nice visiting cards. Right across the street there is th place to get such as that. Mr. Pryce T. Jones conducts a first-class job printing establishment and you will be pleased with both his work ana prices Every merchant and business man should use good, neat stationery something that will 'catch the eye,' so to speak, of his customers. It is nec essary. in order to get good printing, to co to those who are prepared to do it in the best manner, with a touch of beauty and in a style that is up-to-date in every particular. It requires mate rial and experience to do thes things, aud Mr. Jones has both." At this lioint. somewhat to the con fusion of Charles, the old man indulged in a half serious criticism of his per sonal appearance. " Now, young man, let me give you a pointer," remarked the ireuerous old uncle. "Do not understand me to say that clothes make the man, but I do affirm that they make the nice appearing man. You are decidedly oil' style for a townsman," said he, " and we'd better so to Barnes' Clothins Store." After Charles had fitted himself in a neat late style suit, from the piles of garments that cover the tables of this extensively stocked establishment, Uncle Josh declared " Now vou look like a newly married man and city chap sure enough Before leaving, having found goods and prices irresistible, Charles also invested in a complete outfit of gents' furnishings, from the latest style hat to a dozen shirts, collars, cuffs, hosiery, handkerchiefs, ties, &c. Barnes' Cloth ing Store is not to be undersold by any similar house in the State. Just here Uncle Josh suggested a resort to some place of refreshment. At the refreshment table the old man waxed philosophical. "Never neglect your larder, that important adjunct to housekeeping control mas culine temper. To that end you must patronize a grocer on whom you can depend tor honest goods. Through a long term of dealing I have found Covington & Stewart perfectly relia ble. You will find them careful deal ers, always full stocked with every possible thing in the line of staple aud fancy groceries, fresh and first-class, no shelf-worn goods there while the prices are down to brass tacks" "I declare, Uncle," exclaimed Char ley, "there goes a handsome phseton; I must have one like it for the girl "Jiaiougli said, you shall nave one just like that if you wish," remarked the old man. "You see my friends Hams, Gooch X Co. conduct a car riage repository that for variety and excellence of stock can not be beaten They carry surreys, carriages, buggies and pluetons of leading makes and styles, besides single and two-horse wagons of the best make and are satisfied with a moderate profit. Polly was soon the possessor of a handsome carriage. "And if you ever take a notion logo to farming and make bright tobacco for the sale of which this market stands in the front, Harris' Warehouse is the place to sell it. There you will always get highest prices tor your product aud be assured of fair dealing and clever treatment," said Uncle Josh by way of a little side remark to nephew Charley "As you are going to keep a horse," remarked Uncle Josh, "you'll need harness. The boss horse milliner in this town is L. T. Howard. He uses only first-class material and gives per sonal supervision to the minutest detail of manufacture. There is nothing in this hue that cau not be had of him heavy and light, single and double, plain and fancy, work and buggy bar ness. He has them all in stock, be sides every other kind of turf goods imaginable." After a visit to the har ness establishment of Mr. Howard, Charley said he thought "if a man couian 1 get sausnea it was nis own fault," and he expressed himself pleased with Mr. Howard's candor and fairness. "Oh, say, Uncle," exclaimed Polly, "where can I go for some dry g-ds? inn uress is hardly suitable, I must admit." "Well, my girl, if you want to select from oue of the most exten sively stocked establishments in the city, we will go back to Davis & Rose's where we went this morning to buy shoes. They carry a stock of dress goods that for variety and real value is seldom seen outside the large metro politan cities. They have all the la test weaves in fashionable dress goods and you are sure to be guided right in your selections. You have already tound Davis ac Rose pleasant to deal with and their employees polite and expert, while the prices cannot be du plicated. "Law, Sakes!" suddenly exclaimed Uncle Josh, "all this trading and shop ping round town has caused me to for get one of the greatest essentials to fu ture existence. I have heard it said that newly married folks could live on love and scenery, but au old man of experience knows better . Your table would look slim without bread, it's the staff of life, you know. Polly, you THE HENDERSON GOLD LEAF must come with me to Whitmore's bakery. His bread, pies, cakes and nick-nacks are couceded by all to be the finest on earth. Remember, Charley, there is no use of your 'ootsy tootsy' bothering herself much about cooking, so long as there is a good baker in town like Mr. Whitmore." At the bakery Polly satisfied her sweet tooth by get ting several pounds of fine confections, of which Whitmore keeps the largest and choicest stock in town. While the old gentleman was pon dering where to go next, Polly suddenly asked: "Uncle, where cau I find a millinery establishment?" "Goodness me," exclaimed Uncle Josh, "I had almost forgot that women wore hats aud bonuets with flower gardens and birds' wings on them. Why, right across there iu that big building of S. & C. Watkins' you'll find everything you are looking for in millienry. Miss Thomas will take pleasure iu waiting on you and she has ou haud this season one of the nicest stocks to be lounu in the city. You can get what you want there, the latest styles aud lowest prices being her motto. She has the ex perience which guarantees your work will be done by a competent artist. And by the way she will show you a choice lot of summer goods, sailors. new shapes in white and colors, &c." "Those house fixings remind me," said the old man, "that you haven't got your dishes yet. The most famous stock in extent, quality and complete ness can be found right here at Y at- kins' and while we are about it we might as well make a complete job and save time and trouble. No use to go elsewhere to do better." But the av erage reader need not be told what an array of table-ware Polly had to select from, for there isn't positively, a thin in the line of China, crockery, glass or porcelain needed for use or ornament in any part of the house that cannot be found at S. & C. Wtkins' in indefinite variety and at wonderfully low prices Thev also have a splendid stock of lamps ot every description, and cutlery in abundance. Polly's order suggested her thorough appreciation. LBy the way," exclaimed Uncle Josh, with a parental air, "the next thing to look after is the material tor those improvements which are abso lutely necessary. Come with me and I'll introduce you to D. W. Hardee, who is the principal dealer in that line here. He carries the most complete stock of building materials iu the coun trv everything from the sills for the foundation to the 6hingles for the roof, including doors, windows, sash, blinds, mouldings, etc., also lime and cement. It is a pleasure to deal with Mr. Har dee, for his greatest aim is to give sat isfaction to every customer. Charley found what he wanted and remarked to Uncle Josh that he was convinced that Hardee is a pretty good man to tie to." " Now," cried the old gentleman, the next thing we must have a picture of this crowd, in good old fashioned style. We'll go to the photograph gallery, and Ilouff Bros, have a first class one. Their pictures are wonder ful in fidelity and finish. I want oue full-sized photo for my study and some small ones for my friends. Ilouff Bros. are famous for successful enlarging, and I want to give you a life-size rep resentation of ' yours truly.' They have the souls of true artists, and their work is a labor of love in which they will not stop short of perfection." At last the day's work was finished ; so they repaired to the hotel, some what wearied, but a bottle of wine Uncle Josh had ordered up from S. S. Whitten's soou revived them into a cheery mood. While enjoying the sparkling beverage, Uncle Josh warned the young folks against the evils of over-indulgence in drink of any kiud, but vouchsafed this information, how ever, that on certain occasions, wines would doubtless be necessary also to have something strictly pure about the house for medicinal purposes; that Mr. Whitten was the proper person to apply to for these extras, aud he con tinued, in addition to keeping a full stock of the best in his line, Mr. Whitten also bottles all kinds of soft drinks and can supply the trade with ginger ale, soda, sarsaparilla, and the like. Upon summing up the wonderful events of the day, Polly begau to volubly express her thanks. "You have bought us everything," she exclaimed. " Only one thing," replied Uncle Josh, reflectively, " but I can remedy that. Alex T. Barnes, the furniture man, always has a nice line of them and you can get one whenever you want it; I'll pay for the best." " W-h-y," exclaimed Polly with great surprise, "Uncle, what can it be?" " Yes, Barnes has a large stock, all styles and prices, beautifully uphol stered, with canopy top, open and " But Polly had fainted. Johnson's Magnetic Oil cures all pains, internal or external, cramps, colic, neu ralgia, rheumatism, sprains, bruises, lame back, pleurisy, instantly. 51.00 size, 50 cts.; 50 cent size, 25 cts. Melville Dorsey, druggist, Uenderson, N. C. WHY MR. BUNN TOOK TIIE PLACE. The Washington correspondent of the Charlotte Observer says the expla nation of ex-Congressman Bunn's being appointed post master at Rocky Mount is that finding opposition to his nomi nation of Mr. Wilcox, who resides in the Nash county portion of the town, he resolved, after discovering that the opposition would not be withdrawn, to take the appointment himself and let Mr. Wilcox be assistant. Of course Mr. Bunn will not abandon his impor tant law practice to be post master of a small town. He simply retains the post mastership for Nash county and the fourth district and keeps it in the family. A Strong: Fortification. Fortify the body against disease by Tutt's Liver Pills, an abso lute euro lor sick headache, dys pepsia, sour stomach, malaria, constipation, jaundice, bilious ness ana nil kindred troubles. "The Fiy-Wheel of Life" Dr.Tutt; Y Liver Pills are the fiy-wheel of life. I shall ever be grateful for the accident that brought them to my notice. I feel as if I had a new lease of life. J. Fair,!eigh, Platte Cannon, Col Tutt's Liver Pills POOR DIGESTION leads to nervousness, chronic dygpepsiaand great misery. The best remedy is HOOD'S SARSAPARILLA. THURSDAY, HAY Save time, money and doctors' bills. Go where you please, wnen you please, as last as you please. Find pleasure, health and economy all in one. Rambler Bicycles are the acme of mechanical perfection. Strong, du rable and reliable, with not an ounce of useless material. The Rambler is the wheel for record breakers and for pleasure seekers. Various models, all the same price $100 catalog tells all about them free, of course. GORMULLY & JEFFERY MFG. CO.. WASHINGTON. O. C. ifTi'H"111 Edward Stephens, Agt, Henderson, N. C. MR. HUSKY'S OtES LETTER. The North Carolinian Says the Con striictiou Pat Upon It Is Unfair. f Washington Post, April 27th. I Kditok Post: I noticed the following paragraph in a recent Lssue of your paper : Mr. W. K. Henry, of North Carolina, has written a five-column letter m which he lays bare tiie inconsistency incapacity of the Democratic party Henrv failed to capture the cousulate Rio. but all along stood ready to take "something equally as good." Said oarasrranh a not a full ami fair construction of the open letter which I recently rjublished throughout North Carolina, addressed to ex-Senator M. W Ransom, and which has been heartily indorsed hv at least three-fourths the people of the State. I have been a Democrat thirty-seven vears. and have labored for the party fifteen. I have repeatedly canvassed the State. I was indorsed by three btates, at the beginning of this administration, for a consul treueralship. home cowardly Democratic journals in North Carolina have attempted to shield Ransom from my letter, being unable to deny the facts and conclusions stated therein. I demand fair treatment. Your naoer is one of the Greatest of the country. I do not think you would intentionally misconstrue my letter addressed to ex-Senator Ransom, but the above construction is not fair. While I incidentally touched upon the trlarine: inconsistencies of this adminis tration and the last Congress, and shall condemn them unqualifiedly, it must be patent to every one that the main object of my letter was to expose and denounce Minister M. V . Kansom : and 1 hope you will not do me the injustice of letting your statement stand, to the effect that the only object of my letter was to either directly or indirectly attack the adminis tratioii, and the Democratic party I have said nothhig whatever against the Democratic party. My remarks have been in regard to incompetent, treacher ous, aud corrupt aaeucies at the head ot the party. I regard an attempt to shield them as a blow at the party. 1 stand lor Demo cratic principles, but I despise and shall denounce those who disguise their laise hearts in the robes of Democracy. W. R. HENRY Henderson, N. C, April 20, 1895. A Kciiiarkable Cure of Rhcnmatism. From the Groton, Connecticut, Review. David Lewis, who has been afllicted all winter by rheumatism, is out again and all due to one of the medicines advertised in our columns. After trying everything possible, he used Chamberlain's 1'ain Balm, which has relieved him of all pain, from which he was a constant sufierer, and promises to make him ht lor daty soon. We know David has been a great sufferer and are glad to see him around again. For sale by Melville Dorsey, druggist. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and oains of all kinds are sneedilv cured bv Dr. A. D. Ball's great specific. For sale by Melv ille Dorsey, druggist. Chronic Nervousness Could Not Sleep, Nervous Headaches. Gentlemen: I have been taking your Restorative Nervine for the past three months and I cannot say enougn in us praise, it nas Saved fly Life, for I had almost given up hope of ever being well again. I was a chronic sufferer from nervousness and could not sleep. I was also troubled with nervous headache, and had tried aoctors m vain, until 1 used your liervine. Yours truly, - " MRS. M. VfOOD. Rlntnrrvul TllJ Dr. Miles'i Nervine Cures.1 Dr. Miles Nervine U sold on a positlTe fu arm tee that the first bottle will benefit. All druggists sell it at SI, 0 bottle, for K. or It will bo sent, prepaid, on receipt of price bj the Dr. Miles' Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. Engle & Lund, FOTOGRflFERS, Have Opened their Atelier Over Mr. Dorseu's Drug Store. w e are now reaay to maKe pictures in Uenderson again, after 14 years absence. Thrt art has been progressing since then, and we have been following. In these da s of tin pan gloss and fading prints wo claim to do work equal to any in the State in workmanship and permanency. Wo finish no pictures uuless approved of, and if you are in need of photographs call on us; we will give you courteous treatment and the value or your money. ENGLE & LUND. JXr,!E!Aflent3.$75 ft we fc iri Li.i"- '.prritorT. Th. lUi.f for familr ilM V rmiri .. i ami tftm viUlont wtttiftg tb hftDdi. Tfe ph ibe bntitto. tbemichinedoeft the rrtt Briifct. ituld dUbtm, ftod cbrfui wis. M KVM fibirT.tio.ffi!chfturtreioibt&(. dari'Me. wmrrsuii!. Circa lftrifre. W. P. HAKKISOS CO., Uerm . K, CoUmbM, O. r sax ivx rsi 3 2, 1895. Cotton Blight. Tests made by the Alabama Experiment Station and elsewhere prove conclusively that Kainit Prevents cotton blight. Planters can pre annualh' by this disease. Send Tbv are sent free. It will eo t Gi-.RMAX dollars. DRY GOODS AT COST ! Having decided to confine our stock in future strictiu lo snoes, Hats and Gents' Furnishing Goods, We offer our entire line of new Spring and Summer Dry Goods at Priitje Cost to Close Oftt This is no fake to run off old stock as every Soring o-oods in our store was bought this season. Now is your chance to iet iirh Ca ioos. Scotch Lawns, India Linens, nam, u nite and Fancy Dotted Muslins, Goods, All Wool Dress Goods fnmp nnrl pvninine nur sent out. V rLK Y w t -w i t t rr Tlje Staiuback CoiDpaijy. Elmwood Poultry and Stock Farm. FOR 5 nnrl Plvmnnth Rniis. " ' " Leghorns and B. for 26. Bronze Turkey Eeirs Duck Ees $1.00 for 1 1. Egg Poland-China, Chester White and Berkshire 1 is eligible to record, $6.5o to $8.00 each. Sheep. Stamp for catalogue. E. T. ROBINSON, Jr., mm mm ciL unci Special 1: : . sortment t friiV greater flVV." department than ever before. The roods lizP speak for Good Things to Eat Under this heading you will find everything vou arc look ing for all tresh and reliable goods. Coffee, Teas, Sugar, Syrups, Molasses, Flour, Meal, Meat, Lard, Butter, Cheese, Crackers, Cakes, Rice, Hominy Grits, Canned Goods, Break fast, Strips, Fish, &c. Feedstuffs, Hay, Corn and Salt whole sale or retail. 1 wo points quality ana low prices. HATS AND SHOES Your attention is invited of Hats, Shoes and Boots. qualities and prices. Sh( Men, Women, Youths am aren. ror aress ana evt 1 1 1 wear. Lowest prices. Come and let us con- v;::ce you oi tne extent, variety, excellence and' cheapness of our stock. HENRY THOMASON, Lassiter's Old Stand Main Street, Notice. BY VIHTUE OF POWER CONFEK red upon me bv Deed of Trust executed bv E. T. Mahone on the 3lst October, 18'Jl, Which is recorded in Vance county. Book 15, page 492, I shall; ON MONDAY. THE 20TII DAY OF MAY', 1!I5, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, on the premises in Henderson, N. C, the follow ing real estate, to-wit : One certain lot or parcel of land situate in Henderson. Vance county, adjoining the lands of John E. Clarke, Dr. Judd, and others, and bounded as follows : Begin at a stone on Dr. Judd's corner on Andrews avenue (Rowland mill road) and ran thence along Andrews avenue N. 23, W. 104 feet VA inches to a stone Stainback's corner, thence S. 72, W. 2:jl feet to a stone Stainback's corner in John E. Clarke's line, thence S. 22, E. 147 feet 4 inches to a stone Dr. Judd's corner in Clarke's line, thence N. C2, E 244 feet 4 inches to place of beginning. Terms of sale : Cash in sufficient amount to pay costs and expenses of sale, together with $400 with interest at 6 per cent, from August 25th, 1894. This 18th day of April. 1S93. A. C. ZOLLICOFFEIi, Trustee. VERMIFUGE ic old-fashioned and al- ways reliable remedy for Btoniach disorders. One bottle has killed 614 worms. Thousands of people living to-day owe their life to this medicine. The same good medicine FOR CHILDREN that it was fifty years ago. I f Tour drnretst or storekeeper does not Ukef-p It, send for one bottle to E A S. FREY, Baltimore, Mtf. REYS I BftVftftBl tb immense loss caused immense our pamphlets. n.,.Vn - t rend them, and they vi and .11 save you K VT.l WORKS, 93 Nas-iH Street, e piece serviceable goods AT COST, Dotted Swiss, Demitys, Organ ent Ducks. Satmes. Percales. White &c. stock as DO samples Will be IKULi , t TIT T HATCHING, cruaranteed pure frf;li from Rn rrprl nnrl White. -- - Silver WvnnrlntrpR nnd S. C. B. R. Games, $i.5o for i5; $2.5o $2.00 for 11. Mammoth Pekin Southdown and Shropshire Correspondence solicited. FANCY HILL, VA. Rookbridjrc Co. Hffoijey Talks Here. -o- We invite your attention to the larg- 4. 11 1 . 1 r , uesi. selected siock 01 joocls we have ever carried. A beautiful line of ladies' Dress Goods, Ifotioijs, Wlite Goods, And everything- in the dry goods line. attention is cnlled to a. nice as- 01 prints anci ciotiis ol every description. In fact, we have exercised care and taste in stocking this themselves. Call and see. are our specialties, namely, good little proht satisfies us. our EGGS FOR HATCHING t0AUUr , All styles, aes ior fjzmi i chii- erv aav fin r i ki. - ' from Ine following FINE- THOROUGHBRED FOWLS, 3 " 53 ftjj For Hle Mammoth Bronze Turkeys. Imperial Pekin IMicks. jsarreu I'lymoutli Itock and Single Comb Iirown Leghorn JlllCKe!IH. The Baned Plymouth Kocks are Hawk ins strain very r-ne birds. Try them. Uraha Poultry Farm Co , inch 21 2 i RICH SQUARE, N. C Notice. TT NDER AND BY VIRTUE OF THE J power of sale conferred UDon me in Deed of Trust executed on the Gth day tjctoner, w. oy w uiiam Breedlove Ann E. lireedlove, and registered in Mort gage uooK m, page 404, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Vane county, default having been made in payment of the debt secured thereby, I shall sell for cash by public auction to the highest bidder, at the wuii utmse uwr in uenaerson. Vance county, ;n. u.. UJM TUE 20TII DAY MA , 1805, the real estate described conveyea in saia Deed of Trust, uue tract or 119 acres, beinj? the land formerly owned by Emanuel lireedlove. adjoining the lands of Jame- Davis, the Harrison Davis tract, John Mangum, and oiuers. ror iuii particulars see Deed 1 rust as recoraea above. Time of sale: 12 o'clock m. ANDREW J. HARRIS, Trustee. nyi 11 1 1 ill, NOTICE! Trustee's Sale of Vaktile Propert 1 VTDTl'P f I. X- red upon me by a D.-ed ,',f t,, cuted on the !Ui day of n.c tnlHr ,1 the Henderson Uisilit ami lw..r(:. v-W wiucn neea i amy reconW 1 : -1- .,.,...1 S. .1..,.. ' V ' ' 1 1 : Ti . " county, 1MH1K ix, pace xv, request of the hoblers ot tW .in " in saM deed, I shall. n Moi,. vilrN GTH DAY OF MAY. ls.1- s,.n ,,'T'lE . and 1 t 1 , : nd lot on which it is loeat,.,i .' Ball engine; 60 II. P. lmiur. :u P. arc lamps, incandescent Iau',' . . wire, tools. &e. Also the i..;...' I? :,s. franchise of said Company, dMaiiv.i the town of Henderson f",.r ii,.i,t' town, on the 22nd dav of v.... r S The lot upon which the Station IU,!? locaien is ruiiy aescrunM m a d,.ii f wderson tlectnc l.k-t.j " Works and Power ('nmnanv ..." t .! 1 :nffA .1.4.1 41... ... .J . ijlllllvuiLVTl , imitru im- ,IM .July t. m. ...... .... m;..: ..T. . mis of ; costs and expenses of sale mid u, am nf matured indebted iipr i ln5 deed, (about S3.400) the ' bl.lw? J4 credit of twelve mouths. Parties desiring to examine sai.l nr.,..- can see same on application to ir , BndRers, Uenderson, N. C. This 2oth day or March, H;c. 1). Y.COOl'KK.TnKt... A. C. ZOL1.I COFFER, Attorney. NOTICE ! Sale For Taxes. I shall sell lv puhlie highest bidder. THV.FIUst Moinr IN MAV, 1813. BEING MAY'.rvn ,.- several uncus hi mint uu-iiuuift lvlu usiea ior taxation in me year lsv4 j,v parties nauieo. ih-iiw, hi nuimv t lie l i . . .t... . . i i ,. lir uue to wie omit; nun comuv u a.,c . Lilt; ruti uaiiir u -i jur iht . i jei !-:. oii m uw i'i.ih .u iu. 1. . . . . I ...... . . . I I L 1 liuusr- limn hi iitrimcinuii. o.iui i:i!!U!i s, siuiatcu in v ance couniy. MKNnERSON TOWKHUV Taxe. ("list. Tit ! lyiieauiaui, r.. i.., acres land. J'l ss Dav it, 1. A., 7 acres land. 2 town lots, 2S.H 1 t.s ,,, Harris. Mrs. J. K., 1 town lot, ::2: .sr, i liaw Kins, Hainan, i acre land. 2.2T .s.i ; , iiennerson r,. ii. v Fower Co., 1 lot. .1.4.'. llodee, Caswell, Jr 2; acres land, 2.11 .t Hughes. W. II.. 1 acre land. I.:..-. 2.2H'.l 2i:. .Cm .SI 2 :Ui "St 144 Jones. Macon. 1 t'n hit. Jones. Kowl'd. 1 t'n lot, Jones. David, lfn lot, B. I Mann.' Henrietta, loo I liiwU .lanp I r. n lor. acres land. : .x s; i,r. Rogers, Jas.. 2 t'n l'ts, .V, Howlanu, John 1., l town lot, 3.20 .vi 6.i: Vaughan, E. J., 1 town lot. ..., .4 7.44 14.- Young, Com., 1 t'n lot, l.ti! .sj Walker. W.U.,aK'tfr It L. Walker 1 t'n lot, 2.M M :m Davis, Bu'kn r.lMi acres land, 3 t'n lots. 17..V. 1.71 Uijt K1TTREM. TOWNSHll' Overton, John W.t c town lots, 4.21 i.m i; MIDDLE 11C IU. TJWSSHir Earls, J. D.f 20 acres land, . SANDY CIIEEK TOW'SSHIr ! 44 Davis, Dick, 40 acres land, .i2 Gordon, J. F., 1 acre land. l.'.'i .to Short, Theo, 54 acres land, l.'.n .J Short. Theo, for !.'?, 2 20 .2n 2.4-i This April 2nd, IK'.t... K. A. l'OWKI.I.. Sheriff of Vance cuinitv. Sale For Taxes. Under and hv virtue of the Tax li-t U the town of Henderson, N. C, for tliejw lK'.t4 which is in inv hands for collection. I shall. ON MONDAY, TIIK CI II l OF MAY, 18'J.", offer for sale, at tli- eoiir: house door in Henderson, N. -'.. tlw following lots or pa reels of land U uwz to and listed by the parties htnaiw named, to-wit: Name. laxes. t,o-r. loiai. Eliza Dlacktiall, 1 lot Andrews avenue. 51.20 ? .70 Moses Cheatham, 1 lot Chestnut street. .:vt 1 .so .70 l,rt H. J. Daniel, 1 lot Andrews avenue. T. A. Davis, : lots Cha- vasse and Davis sts.. 2."..0 1. 'Jti. 11 .i :: Aaron Eaton, 1 lot Tan Yard street. 1.20 Ahiani Foster, 1 lot Kock Spring st.. M0 Henry Foster, 1 lot near cemetery. .10 Mrs. J. II. Harris. 1 Jot Chestnut street. 4. HO .HO ' 3.00 l.oo 4" Monroe .J. Harris. 2 lots l'earl street. Henderson K. L. & r. Co.. 1 lot I'ettigrew street. lil.HIt 1,20 Alfred Jeffreys. 1 lot Fair Ground street. 1.20 2.27 2.10 2.: H.W 4..VI 2.40 2.;r. 2.40 .70 1 ' David Jones. 1 lot near Colleire. Nathan lewis. 1 lot. Alexander Keavis, 1 lot Andrews ave.. John I. Rowland, 1 lot Kowland street. Lai kin Smith, 1 lot Pearl street. 1 P. J. Ttmibull, 1 lot Poplar street. li. L. Walker. 1 lot Hock Spring street. Hilliard Wxche.l lot Milliard street. John Young, 1 lot. Parties whose names ana j.m.i-"' appear in the atwive notici can ihemsMl vps areorditiL'l v thereto. 'I I property will lie sold for payni:ir. t t a:- as above set forth. Thi- April 1st, lir,. .1. Ia. CUKIUN. Tax for Town of lien.!. '"1 W. W. PARKER, DRUGGIST, HhNDl.RSON, JUST KK:E1VK! LARGE STOCK NEW CliOl FltLll'anl fiAKl'lN SEEDS! Land ret h '5, Ferry's, Ely's, AND OTHERS. in a. of and NICE LOX I'AI IiK 10 cents for 96 pases, With 25 Envelopes. Better for more money. ! i 1;" OF and 1 to-wit : Also Ledgers, Day anrl rstinnfrv Good s of v 5 cent of kinds. Falcon IVns a dozen. Gregory's "U or iiemierii, in ance comity, that v 7 in ti... . " i I Die pnHTi Miuiwe 111 sai.t town v as " The Henderson Electric 1 i...?.n,n said property consisting of: Mti, 1, 11 t" M 14 4