THE HENDERSON GOLD LEAF THURSDAY, MAY 2, 1893. iif unnr -., The Gold Leaf. HENDERSON, N. C. THE POULTRY YARD. Go MM ti!i;ksjay, may 12, is::. IN BEAUTIFUL DREAMS. TFor the Gold Leaf. While oft in bf-autiful dream retracing Familiar walks in woodland bowers Grf:tiiiK memories, memories chrisiiiii, Memories of by .'one happy hours, ilethinks. does memory play me fair? When a brown-eyed lass, Ions since no more, Js wearing wtill in her golden hair. The wreath that in early youth she wore The same a youthful lover placed upon the snowy brow, Of one so young, so fair, so bright ; As there was seen, we see it now, In beautiful dreams by night. When she was a child, and he was a child , And never was a child more fair, Nor daintier wreath of jessamines wild. Worn upon beautiful golden hair. Alas ! for the heart when the memory lingers Uy the cold, cold urn with the ashes of bliss. Recalling the pressure of delicate fingers, The lust good-bje, ami the farewell kiss. Vance county, N. C. X. X. X. Home, Sweet Home. Georgia Farmer. "lie it ever so humble there's no place like home." When the end of the day draws near the busy men, women and chil dren of the universe say "now for home." Some with smiling, radiant faces because of the loving welcome awaiting them, the warm kiss and merry "just in time dear, the tea is steaming hot" and like kindnesses. Such a welcome makes all forget the tired, aching limbs, the troubled, per plexed brain. All business cares are replaced by happiness and content. The influence of a happy home is asserting its power. The power is felt. Some one has wisely said, "When one feels much one thinks lit tle." How peculiarly adapted that quotation is in this instance. While the happiness is felt no thought ;;f the morrow is taken, whether "good or evil" fortune or misfortune proves its harvest. The blissful present is all, let the morrow if there be a morrow pro vide for itself. Some with tired, ach ing limbs and stiil more tired, aching hearts wearily plodding tneir way homeward. Homeward, is that right? To a place called by that sacred word home, would be more suitable. No bright smile of anticipation is seen upon the countenances of these poor unfortunates. Alas! what a home they enter. Discord and strife reign supreme, disorder and chaos every where, half cooked supper, a slovenly, scoldinir wife meet their gaze. No wonder many a poor man is tempted to stop and loiter at the brilliant s.i loon, trying to find forgetfulnos io the depths of the flowing bowl, usui! his hard earned wages are swallowed up, and then go staggering home with curses for her whom he has pledged to love and protect. Bitter reproaches she heaps upon him whom site Iks pledged to honor and obey. ).: miserable man once heard the tpioi:; tion "there's no place like hotiw," and he exclaimed; "I thank God f r it, it every place were like my home, cvrth r would be a torment." I once heard a lady give a defini tion ot a perfect home, which exactly suits my idea. Let the whole struc ture be love for God, the rooms peace and love towards one another, the doors self-denial and charity. I; not that a beautiful idea? Is your home constructed in like man ner? How many of us can say, "He it ever so humble there's no place like honu ? Itolicfin Siv Honrs. Distressing Kidney and dadder diseases relieved in six hours by the "New Great Nmth American Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a great surprise on account ot its exceeding promptness in lelieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back anil every part of the urinary passages in male or female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy. NId by Mellville Dorsey, Drug gist, Henderson . N. C. An Essay On Man. New Orleans Picayune. Man is an omnivorous animal. Some smart people call him a biped, but this is zoological error. lie's just a plain every day two legged animal. Man is found in most parts of the world. He roams at will, feeds in the day time and sleeps at night. Some nights. You can put your hand on him anywhere, so long as you do not put it on his pocketbook. He has, under such conditions been known to kick. He is like the dog ; howls a good deal and runs aiound at night. Like the elephant he has a trunk, but he doesn't always take it with him. The elephant does. As to what man is really good for, anthropology is still in the dark. Being strong, he is used to draw pictures, carry nwws and pull revolvers. He is also fast and often goes in the human race. Properly trained man can jump higher than any other known animal. He has even been known to jump mountain resort board bills. Although in many ways man is like other animals, in this respect he is dif ferent from them all; he lies standing up. Ilucklen' Arnica Salve. The best Salve in the world for Cuts, Rruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guarantee' to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by M . Dorsey, druggist. II. Thomasou is offering big bargains in groceries, and you are invited to help yourself to any extent. There is no ex cuse for living poorly when you can get all the necessaries of life at such low prices. Quality is the first consideration with Tkoinason. Only the best is good enough for his trade. Huvim as he does, in enormous quantities, he gets the advantage of large discounts and is thus enabled to sell as cheap as he does. Twentv barrels nice brineeucumbersfor sale. W. E. MOSS & CO. Practical Hints on Feeding Fowls. I Mrs. M. H. Rice in Patron and Gleaner. Proper feeding is the most impor tant subject connected with poultry keeping and egg production; and to a lack of this knowledge many failures may be attributed. To feed for good results one must consider the charac teristics of the breed he keeps. IJrahinas, Cochins, and other Asiatic breeds, easily become overfat, and hence, will lay but few eggs and those will be soft shelled and generally un fertile. The medmm sized breeds are less liable to this trouble and the Leg horn and other active breeds are almost free from it. A quart of solid feed to twenty average fowls at night, and three quarts ot cooked tood thickened with wheat bran in the morning, is suf- ficieut duriug spring, summer aud autumn where the fowls can ruu free. The .solid food should consist of sev eral kinds of grain, with no corn in hot weather: and other seasons, but little to the Asiatics uuless wishing to fatten for market. After the vegetables have matured and been gathered, it is a good time to turn the garden patch into a ruu for fowls. They will destroy innumer able worms and insects injurious to vegetation, especially if the grouud be first spaded or plowed to bring all the insects to the surface. They will de light too, in the remains of vegetables. if any. When the fowls have full range of the farm and can pick up green food at will, it is not necessary to cultivate L'reen food for them except in the shape of root crop3 of silage for winter use; but when the llock is necessarily confined, it is very necessary to culti vate a variety of green food in the gar den. Tender young green oats, rye, lettuce, beets, tomatoes, cabbage, kale and clover, cultivated in odd spots will make capital food, aud increase the supply of eggs from a confined llock very much, besides adding gloss to their plumage. If this he supple mented with a good supply of animal food in the shape of green cut bone or meat scraps, hens will, even in con finement, be found the most profitable of the farm stock, considering the cap ital invested. Turnips are a cheap crop, and an abundant supply of them should be stored in the fall. Fowls will eat them, top aud all, in winter when the more tender green food is gone. All the greens from the cellar vegetables can be utilized iu the win ter, by the morning's mash. Knights of the 3Iaccabees. The State Commander writes us from Lincoln, Neb., as follows: "After trying other medicines for what seemed to lie a very obstinate (rough in our two children we tried Or. King's New Discovery and at the end of two days t lie cough entirely left them. We will not he without it here after, as our experience proves that it cures whore all other remedies fail."- -Signed F. W. Stevens, State Com. Why not give this great medicine a trial, as it is guaranteed and trial bottles are free at Melville rst-v's drug store. Regular size 50c. and $1.00. BABY WAS WELL BAPTIZED. Btulaa for the Purpose by Flow Bat PH. ferlnjr Guatemala Domestics. A San Franciscan, traveling through Central America with his wifo and young1 babe, rented furnished apart ments in Guatemala and engaged a serv ant to act as nurse and g-eneral house maid, says the San Francisco Argonaut. She had been in their service less than a week when sho inquired of the father If the babe was baptized. He replied in the negative, whereupon she insisted that the child, a girl, would be forever lost. Within six weeks he had tried four consecutive servants, but found that each one would pilfer small arti cles, and finally determined to get along without any help. One after noon, while sauntering lazily through the plaza, he was accosted by servant No. 1, who asked if the babe was yet baptized. "No," replied the father. "Still unbaptized." "Well," she an swered, "it is all right, as I stole her away one Sunday, and the good paaro baptized her, calling her Maria, so her soul will bo saved." "As it cannot hurt her, and may help her, I am satis fied," thought the parent, and so dis missed the subject from his mind. The next day servant No. 2, with a new charge bundled in the linen swath on her back, approached him at the mar ket placo with the- oft-repeated query: "Did you have the baby baptized?" and to his reply of "No" she consoled him by explaining that she had taken the little one to the cathedrd and had it named Catarina, so her soul was saved a second time. Somewhat amused, the father hunted up and in terviewed the succeeding servants, and discovered that the babe had been stolen to the church by each of them and quietly baptized. Consequently the name ran Maria Catarina Margarita Cruz Eloisa Refugio, besides that of Emily given by the parents. LONG MATRIMONIAL CAREER. A Couple la Hungary Celebrat Their Hundredth Anniversary. We have all heard of tin weddings, celebrated after ten. years of marriage; of crystal weddings, after fifteen years; of china weddings, after twenty; of sil ver weddings, after twenty-five; of gold, after fifty, and of diamond, after seventy-five, or, as some folks celebrate it, after sixty years, says tho Philadel phia Press. But the scale of celebra tion does not seem to extend any fur ther, and one wonders what precious thing would be selected to give its name to a wedding recently celebrated in Hungary the one hundredth anni versary of the marriage of Szarthmary and his wife. This appears to be a circumstance which is entirely impossible. But the marriage of this aged pair is duly and officially recorded as having taken place in May, 1704, at which time, ac cording to the record, the- were of mar riageable age. As in Hungary, at that time, a bridegToom must have reached the age of twenty and the bride that of fifteen, the pair must now be at least one hundred and twenty and one hun dred and fifteen years respectively. The one hundredth anniversary was celebrated at the town of Zsombolyi in the town of Banat, which has for a long- time allowed the venerable couple a pension in recognition of their great age and fidelity to each other. Even the oldest residents of Zsorn bolyi have no other recollection of Jean Szarthmary and his wifo than as old people. No one. relation of either survives. Their century of wedded life is so well and officially attested that many notables and Hungarian of ficials attended the anniversary cele bration and gave them many presents. For Liver and Kidney eomplants of all kinds try Ball's Blood Purifier and Tonic. It invigorates the digestive organs, in creases the appetite aud gives tone and strength to the whole system . For sale by Melville Dorsey, druggist. mehJi The Lang-snail Fowls. A Southern Cultivator correspon dent writes as follows in relation to the Langshans: We like the Langshans. The more experience we have with them. The Black Langshans, we mean. We never had any experience with the while va riety. We believe that the hen that lays best is the hen that pays best. That is our motto, and we measure the value of our poultry by the egg test. Now the Langshan hea is a good layer and that is why we like her. She pays her board and more too. We may be mistaken, but it is our belief, based on experience, that the Langshan is the best layer of all the feather-legged breeds. The Cochins and the Brahmas do not lay for us like the Langshans do. Our friends say the same thing. Ev erybody who has them says the Lang shan hens are good winter layers. Such is our experience. They are goo.l spring, summer and fall layers too. Kept side by side in small yards aud treated and fed just alike, seven Lang shan heus have laid for us twice as many eggs as seven Light Brahma Ileus duriug the last six months. Ou the farm, wdiere they have plenty of range and foraging grouud alike, we find the Langshans laying more eggs than the Brahmas or Cochins. Lang shans are large, but active. Their black plumags is beautiful, but it goes against them as market fowls. It doesn't hurt their laying qualities any, however. In the South the Langshan is popu lar aud thrives. Likewise the Game fowl. To tone up a farm flock that is composed largely ot Game heus a Langshan cock would work wonders. The Langshan, large, fierce and active; the spirited Game hen, tough aud hardy, would produce a progeny hard to beat for practical purposes good layers, good table fowls of large size and weight. We advocate pure breeds straight, but times are hard, aud money is scarce. A Langshan cross, as suggested, would improve the farm flock greatly. Dry Food For Chicks. Dough is objectionable as food for chicks for two reasons: First, it con- ! tains too much water, and the chicks are thus forced to swallow more water in the food than they otherwise would. Second, there will be a portion left over, which is liable to ferment, thus leading to disease, the gape worm be ing one of the ills to consider. Dry food is more suitable, says the --lHtcri-can Agriculturist. It is not necessary to feed chicks until they are thirty-six hours old aud then rolled oats or oat meal may be given every two hours, only a small quantity being required. Stale bread or mashed potatoes may bo added by way of variety. When a week old, screenings may be allowed, and as soon as they can eat it, whole wheat or cracked corn may be given. At this stage three times a day will he often enough to feed, and no food should remain over. It is better for the chicks to be underlet! than over fed. If they have a grass plot upon which to exercise, they will find many subslauces for use, and will grow rap idly if kept dry and free from lice. CATARRH OF THE KIDNEYS. Sometimes Called Bright's Disease Dr. Hartman's Latest Lecture. In the course of a recent lecture at the Surgical Hotel Dr. Hartman said : " Catarrh of the Kidneys is a very common disease, growing wore com mon each year. The syptoms are pain in the back ; scanty, high colored urine, containing albumen hnd various sediments ; nausea, and sometimes vomiting; puffiness of the face and feet; dropsy of the legs ; shortness of breath and general weeakness; pallor and dryness of the skin ; chilly feeling, alternating with fever and sleeplessness. " A tablespoonful of Pe-ru-na should be taken before each meal, between meals, and at bed-time, and enough Man-a-lin at night to produce one natural action of the bowels each day. When the disease is of long standing heated Pe-ru-na should be applied to the back in addition to the above treatment, and the diet pally of milk and dry consist prmci toast. Avoid liquors and tobacco." MEDICAL IJOOK.S FRET-!.. The Pe-ru-na Drug Manufacturing Co., of Columbus, Ohio, are offering free, post-paid, two medical books, one on catarrh and catarrhal diseases, the other on spring medicines and spring diseases. These books contain the very latest and most reliable in formation on these important subjects. For free book on cancer address Dr. Hartman, Columbus, Ohio. Hlrhet Cross hi America. The Two Republics (Mexico) notes the erection on the summit of Mount Orizaba, or, as tho Mexicans call it, Citlaltepetl (Star Mountain), of an iron cross seven yards high in place of the wooden one erected there a long time ago. The Two Republics asserts that this cross is .the highest one in Amer ica. It has been supposed, it says, that the volcano Mistes, in Guatemala, was higher than Orizaba, but recent meas urements make it appear that the lat ter mountain is the highest one north of the isthmus of Panama, and it is the highest one on tho western continent on which a cross has been erected. Probably it is the highest one in the world. Taking Oath In IHndoostan. The Hindoos have a curious way of empnasizmg what they say. In most villages is a sacred tree, a pipal tree, and the gods are supposed to delight to sit among its leaves and listen to t Via music of their rustling. The deponent takes one of these leaves in his hands and invokes the gods who sit about him to crush him and those dear to him as he crushes the leaf in his hand if he speaks anything but the truth. He then plucks and creshes the leaf end states what he has to say. It May Do as Much for You. Mr. Fred Miller, of Irving, 111., writes that he had a severe kidney trouble for many years, with severe pains in his back and also that his bladder was afiected. He tried many so-called kidney cures but with out any good result. About a year ;u lie began use of Electric Bitters and found relief at once. Electric Bitters is especially adapted to cure of all kidney and liver troubles and often given almost instant relief. One trial will prove our statement. Price only 50c. for large bottle. At Melville Dorsey s dm? stoie. Monthly Pains cured by Dr.Miles' Pain Pills. What is Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless sabstituto for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Castoria is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Archer, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, X. Y. " The use of ' Castoria ' is so universal and its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Caatoria within easy reach." CaHLOB 3IAUTYN, D. D., New York City. Tiik Centacr rDIMrY(HJK OWN VJ?, RUN ! Henderson is k There is no Market that will pay you as much for your tobacco as Henderson. And there is no House that will get you as Big Prices as ours Our Motto: FAIR DEALING, HIGHEST PRICES, BEST AVERAGES, PROMPT RETURNS. We practice the above as fully as we promise it. Its observance has been the golden chain of enduring and unfailing confidence which has made success ours and satisfaction yours. COOPErS Ml D. Y. COOPE Henderson Sell your ToUacco at i House ai Met wlicH Pays yen ttie Most Clear Money. Ours is the largest and best equipped warehouse in this or any other bright leaf mar ket. Wc have every facility for conducting our extensive business. Ample capital, larg-e and well lighted floor, experienced help and polite service, comfortable camp rooms, plenty of good dry stalls. The past record of Cooper's Warehouse is the best guarantee of what its'future conduct will be Strict personal attention given to all tobacco put on our floor. Highest Market Prices Guaranteed the Seller, Whether shipped or brought in person. In our hands y. ;r interest shall be protected as fully as if you were here to look out for yourself. We work alike for the welfare of all our patrons, Without regard to class or distinction, no matter where they are or who they may be.. A trial will convince you if you are not already counted among our patrons. Old customers are convinced. Come and see us. We promise to send you home satisfied. lNew tobacco is selling remarkably well. It would be to your interest to bring us a load now. Will get you top notch prices for it. D. Y. COOPER, Proprietor. mt l- The Equity Life Association, Staunton, Virginia. W. E. MANOR, General Agent, Raleigh, N. C. GEN. FITZHUGH LEE, President. M. P. FUXKHOUSER, E. M. FUXHOUSER, Vice-President and Manager. Secretarv. P. H. TROUT, H. H. HEXKEL, Treasurer. Medical Director. JAMFS EUMGARDNER, J. R. LUPTON, Counsel. Supevisor of Agencies. E. G. FINCH, Agent, Hkxdersox, X. C. Castoria. Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Dinrrhuua, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di gestion, Without injurious medication. "For several years I have recommended your ' Castoria, and shall always continue to do so as it has invariably produced beneficial results." Edwin F. Pardee, M. P., 125th Street and 7th Ave., Kew York City. Company, 77 Murray Street, New York Cm W'-'iT"!" 1 lioxi:, mi:al. OYSTEK sin: i.i.,-, 'jours, in the .;elolratel cc on HAND MILL, Fra$oii.r ' s UU.UU lOO per cent, more made in keep ing poultry. Also l0Vi:i MII..L.S ANI FA I EM Fi:i:i MILiJLS. Circulars sent on application. WILSON BKOS.,i:aston, Pa. (Frank Wilson's Marie R, Proprietor, North Carolina. 1 v t r The lacMiielPar Excellence for Poulterers. WEBSTER i HAXNTM'S Inipvei BBKEN EDNE Cutter. Medal and Diploma awarded at World's Fair Cheap, Durable, Practical and Varranted. Fowls fed GREEN CUT BONE will double their eps: yield. Young chicks t:rw fast on it Get our circulars of (irern Hone inters. Hand C'rufcliers for making Grit for Poul- uy, prepared rnre i.ime mnc .rn, i.uue Ciant Clover Culler. &c, &C. WEBSTER & HANXUM, GAZENOVIA N. Y. O Think well . before yea bay. The best is always cheapest. We sell the best and cheapest c i Henderson Supply Co. Office at Cooper's Warehouse. We have on hand the prettiest lot of Open and Top Bug "ies ever offered in Henderson. Prices lower than ever before. See them before you buy. S. & C. WATKINS, mm Em Cooif s is tie mm. Mtr. -"N. Analyzed by Dr. II. 1J. Battle Dii- . and State Chemist of North Cu-dimi cto? J. JV Mai leu, Professor of Ge!r, Industrial Chemistry of the Univ.. 1 a"d Virginia. " sity of A wonderful combination ct int the cure of all diseases of uiw 1t.llr,e for Liver, Constipation and Dyspty A"eys, For catalogue containing .w ,'sla inonials.&c, address. .lyes, testi- J- F. HAEIJls, rroprietor Her derson, N. C. wire risb B RASf jit AND POULTRY JT JETTING. J . -i 1? b F5 lKTHKIt IXFOEiATIOX :(:.Ei!cn WoYeii Wire Fence Co. woven P"fP II t U kI o A large stock of Buggies, PMons, Yagons, always on hand from which to select. o SHIPYARD'S MADE FROM PURE PIG IRON. Not one pound of Scrap Iron is ever used in these goods. DURABLE, CONVENIENT and ECONOMICAL. All Modern Improvements to Lighten Housekeeping Cares. Twenty different sizes and Kinds. Every Stove Warranted Against Defects. Prices not much .higher at this time than on commoner kinds ot Stoves. CaU on or address. HENDERSON, N. C. GET THE BEST. o That's the Kind I Keep. o 1 would most respectfully inform the public that I am at my same old stand, near Dorsey 's drug store, where 1 have a complete assortment tf WHISKIES BRANDIES, "WI1TES, TOBACCO, CI&ARUck Notliiiie but PUKE GOODS allowed to come n my house. Mv PURE OLD CORN WHISKEY Excels anything in Henderson, the so called Cooper Coi n not excepted. All I ask is a trial, iind vou will be convinced. My prices are LOWER than the lowest. TEKMS CASH. Give me a call. S. S. WHITTEN. IIENDEKSON. N. U. TnThelead'i o That is where we are con tinually cti !ving to be, spur red 01; by the approbation and good will of our many customers. And you will find us " right there" when it comes to carrying a choice and iresh line of Staple anil Fancy Groceries, CANNED GOODS, Tokci), Ciprs, Snuff, k, k We have also a select stock of the purest and best LIQUORS. Pure N. G. Com Whiskey a Specialty. Our Motto The Best is none too good for our cus tomers. Our Policy To sell at the Lowest Living Prices. Give us a call. JOS. T. JONES & CO., O'NEIL BLOCK, l Henderson, - N. Carolina. THE SEWING MACHINE IS THE BEST. JlaiiiUuuic.i Cover Kver 3Iade. Xew Style Skeleton Ce. v'I.,nly Mac,li'" that will Sew BACK liAri ! asJv?!1 ars FOKWAIID witliout htoppiiiR . Ouiet. Light Itunning, adjust able in all us parti. wi; m:iA. tme a i.kks on i.y CorrcspoiMlenco Solicetcd. UNI0X MANUFACTURING CO., WII.MAJI PI'li:iC, Owner Toledo, - - . Ohio. OSCAR OUTLAW, Tonsorial Artist, UKNDEKSON, NORTH CAROLINA .."loved to new quarters formprfv vatKins. In on the ground floor ' No more ciiming up stairs. The coolest most. convenient and m mm up mmg Parlor in Town. J KrwWiw" More a inTCHElf: A Certain Safe and El.?: SORE, WEAK and INFUg! Cores Tear Rrons, ;rSnBi . AND PROnrcixr, oncl?1 AND PERMAsS?J&i Plies, or wtu-rver li,H,, Milt Iiri.lS SALtE SOLD BY AU. DRUGGISTS WE OR OV,n DCAlrrr. jres elsewhere. 'Xlie act" our best, but wcmnkechMt ueJj. m the CLIMAX, juitcuiiiri lor si ; r r . - . "'vt i ou our a cent or xsr;. .1:11 j uur imui ana pri;f. aaJ sqaare dealing vl!l win " have it. Wc challenge X!i V roe nee tx EiKTTEU ?50.0? s. iiscaine lor tf4U.uu,orat-(;; Srvfinj ITIaclilnefor C'2O.O0i ..ji bay froTii us, or enr r TiiS MEW HOME SEWIHGEiC: ?:ars. Hostok , M . at Vis' v.sjiaqo, lit. Ft. ix)ns, Ki". l:-, tjASl liiKCISCO, t il. ATUj. , FOR SALE DT E. G. DAVIS, lk-nk-r. BE SUREt TURNE! n n 1 U. Ill ANNUAL.. STATE Rt:J Abcr)tr!6J i the only Slid C 1 A I . A. IV DuhiltshecJ. CaroluUv rain!-.- year for NOKTH CAROLINA, c Aud Kid s:,iil 1, t there b- lihis in tin.- firni tmeiit ol lsi-:ivi ti , U divide the day tioni j the niiriit. mid '.i t j fie lor 6 1 G N S !,,r SEASONS and lr ! DAYS Hid YCARS. 1 (.tn ('hap. 1. verse 14. FtPM. HOfSDfCU STATE mi ccn;j!leiu: Sent Postpaid for tOcemi Ad dress JAS. H.ENMSS.I RALEIGH, N.C. For Jiy liierclmnrs, I .Kik !!. erlfit.s, unl postmasters throuhuc.t COPYRIGHTS. PAN I OI1TAIN A PA TENT f H prompt answer ani an llonet t,tnim.&l MUSJi & .. who have ba1 iieurlrMrJ experienf In ttio iat"it bunnies. Otic! lions smelly eoniKieiiiini. a iianoiiMt, formation concerniiur I'ntenl. and b tain them sent free. Aim) a ratal iguetfBeJ leal and sclentitlo Iwwiks oeut tnv. Fatenta taken tbroueh Mutm & fo.H special notice In tne felentilir .nirnrii thus are brought widely hefor-Ihe puto' out cost to tho Inventor. Tlv hiWkK m lasned weekly, eleifaiitly lliuntn tH. Lo'i largest circulation of any u-iit .r.r "rt: world. a Tear. SAiuiile coineH fpiiI fm Building Bd'iUuo. monthly, '-'..' yew. copies, cents, r.very muiiix r inm; i tlfiil nlarp. in cnlorM. ami ihitrmii' biiniiM wit h tilana. enahlnuc liuiKl, r to rf latent deslimn and secure contrai'tt. AMr TTTT'nir'nrrTinrf Nothins has ever been rroducrJ equal or compare with SuajW Witcll Hazel Oilasacrmmi HEALING APPLICATION. It hli bl used 40 years and always affords' and alwavs irives satisfaction. It Cures Pii-ks or IlFMoRRHuinsEc or Internal, lUind vr V.Mmg-hA'-Burning; Cracks or Figures and Fiw Kehef immediate cure certain. It Cures Burns, Scalds an I llcenfc Contraction from ISurns. Ktlief iusS It Cures Torn, Cut and Uj Wounds and Jlruibcs. It Cures Boils, Hot Tumors, Ulr,-. Sores, Itching Kruntioni, Suryai Head. It is Infallible. It Cures or Caked and bore Iipplcs. It r ;nvalua!.fc It Cures hAi.T W Trttcrs, M r-rupuons, v.napp' (j jjan(ls livers irC Li?Vtf .osnnls Owns an! BJ Sore and O jfcd rcet, Stin.; ,A ' 'Z 'WITCH HAZEL 0 A SOUTHERN ' , FARME CAN'T AFFORD To do without The Atlanta stitution. The Farm Question Ikx .... ......i,nr, ttf Answers tUousani 01 -i" ' olij.l out th year ao-oMiim t" ,h'' ,,'4 J 1 keen i)er:tit:on of exi"-"1" (arm work The Constitution Prize Acre Crops For 1W5 are attractinc 'M" r-r ouJnthecont ? H. '"? , '.'.VH et ? Hlanks for rfp r ' .. y. 1 you yet ? rn .nnliration r:i-. T all' " .. ,.i,i.,.r of enllKhw-nt-a iuftho-1 in - Is not hook farrmiis:1 s f' contest op!n t" hi " " fee required. St"l "r " I Jl l4 HVUIll . . til'. VERY FAMIU- School, Library, ancJ O""-S-H-O-U-L-D Have a Dictionary. Care ehcuid bo taken l.T T'K'c ll'- THE "iNTERNATiONA- I.'ijw Iran Cow to ''''". IS THE OHZ TO B'Jlf hit alitor) -iii:'!. 'fl. fr'oW i.y All V-itAau ;iT.". WEB-- JNTEIiN-'-' IMI.Ih-r. Sr,rir.2!i-'..t.V-i..,I' lK.Wri.iM. )- ZZ. r MtlENTS TREATED of Hf re! MONEY fMlii . 1

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