THE HENDERSON GOLD LEAF THURSDAY, JANUARY 27. lfc!)S. The Gold Leaf. ESTABLISHED 1881. BY- THAD R. MANNING TERMS OK SUBSCRIPTION: One cony one year. ... mx month-. ... ' ' lour months. --- :,) ! Wede-.ire a live a,;eiit and corre- jioihI j ent :it evesy jtllicj i:i Vance aid ad- 1 joining ni'imi" Correspondence 011 all sub; ts of local ami gepei-al interest. Mini opinions upon matters of public concern arc invited. Th- editor will not be respon-ille for tie views or statements of cos respondents and ri'wrvi's the riL'hf at all times to revise or reject any article he may think proper. One .side, onlv, of Hie paper mu-t be written on ami the i'-al name of the writer accompany the contribution. No atten'ion will le paid to anonymous enin-iminicatio:-;s. TIIL'U.SDA V, .JAN. i7, 18U-S. Thk Charlotte Observer reports j two cases of small pox in Charlorte. The subjects are both negroes. The necessary pitcautions have been taken to prevent the spread of the disea-e and the field is not considered favora ble for its contagion. At last ac counts the two cases at Wilmington were doing well and the scare is sub siding. Tiik News titul Observer has made a bis stride forward in equipping its office with a 7,500 Cox Duplex per fecting press. A decided improve ment is shown in the appearance of the paper, rt which both readers and ad vertisers will be pleased. The press is capable of printing 5,000 papers an hour. Congratulations ami best wishes to our contemporary. Tiik JUliliial Recorder, organ of the Raplists in North Corolina, appears in a new dress of type and change of make-up. AH of wnioh make it more pleasing to the eye while as for merit and interest of subject matter it lacked nothing. Ably edited, indepedent and outspoken in its utterances on public questions the Recorder is a strong factor in the field it occupies and fills so well. I r has come at last. Claude Bernard the sawed-off statesman, has been ap pointed District Attorney for the Eastern District of North Carolina, to succeed ('has. B. Aycock. The place is bigger than the man but this is a common thing in these days ol filling political offices as mere matters of re ward or as a stroke of good politics. It is believed Gov. Russell will ap point Wheeler Martin, of Pitt, to suc ceed Bernard as Solicitor for this Judicial District. MR. ST. .JOHN HAS NOT RESIONED Another report was started last week to the effect that Mr. E. St. John, vice-president ami general manager of the Seaboard Air Line, would sever his connection with that roid at an early date. This lime it appeared in the form of a press dispatch sent out from St. Louis, and it was the Union Pacific that had captured him. In view of Mr. St. John's Western trip 1 1st summer and the apparent di rectness of the report it gained cre dence and many were the regrets ex pressed by the friends and admirers of Mr. St. John and the Seaboard. But in response to an inquiry Mr. St. John telegraphed the Raleigh Post last Saturday as follows: "I have not resigned my position as Vice-President of the Seaboard Air Line." Now if Mr. St. John had only added "nor have I any idea of doing so in the near future," that would lme been sullir. iently explicit and put the whole mat ter entirely at rest. However, we are pleased to hive it direct from Mr. St. John himself that he has not resigned and we hope there is no prospect of his doing so. He is a very able railroad man and has made the Seaboard a great system. Coming among us a stranger he has won the confidence and estr-em of his employ ees, the admiration and good will ot the public, and the fear and respect of his competitors. He his shown him self to be the right man in the right place and the Cot i Lk.u , in common with others hopes he will continue to fill it. Dr. T. B. Kingsbury, the editor of the Wilmington Messenger , ! 1,1 order that their cost could be de wrote of the excellent work which is j termined with a view of reducing being done by the press of North Carolina. What he said was true we think. The average newspaper in the State is worth many times the price paid for it: but the people are slow to realize this. As to running a paper on the snot cash ulan. there is some differ- ' ence of opinion; but we have it impracticable. Manv newspapers in 1 this State, weeklies and d.'ilies, take chances with a goodly number of their readers, frequently sending the paper a year or more beyond the time paid for. And while in many instances it seems to be the best plan for some particular reader, we believe that no class of creditors is more imposed upon than the newspaper that indulges its readers. The newspapers, of North Corolina have done more since the war to develop the State and show its re sources than any other influence at all. And they deserve to be paid handsome ly for their work. Scothnd Neck Co-'i in on we I tJi . On the morning: of February L'O. 1 '..". 1 was sick with rheumatism ari l lay in bed until May '1 st, when I used Chain, berlain's Pain Balm. The first applica tion of it relieved me almost entirely from the pain and the second afforded complete relief. In a short time I was able to be up and about again. A. T. Moreanx, Luverne, Miuu. Sold by the Dorsey Drug Co. NATHANIEL MACON. Caj.t. O. R. Smith, of Henderson, who is interesting himself in the mat ter of having statues of the two most eminent North Carolinians placed in the capital at Washington in the spaces set apart for that purpose according to j j act of Congress of 1858, thinks that j of all others Nat Macon and Zeb in thi-, he fu.'i ; plenty others t' agree i with him. j Desiring to learn something of the i personal appearance of Mr. M icon as : he looked to one who knew him, j j Cap. Smith wrote to the venerable j ; Mr. Junes A. Egerton, late of War- j I ren county, but now living in Raleigh, : i and asked him to give his recollections j j ofthat very remarkable man. To this I request Mr. Kdgerton promptly re- plied and from his letter we are per mitted to make the following ex tract: My memory of Mr. -Maron to day is as indelibly fixed in my mind as though I had seen him last week or last year, but I may fail to give you of hirn j ist w'n:it you desire. Could we meet so as for me to answer all ques tions you might ask of Mr. Macon, no doubt but you could be better satis fied than from any thing I may here say. However, I will do for you the best I can. Mr. Macon in statue was just about that of myself say 5 feel 10 inches; shoulders and breast a little more full than mine but by no means showing corpulency. He stood perfectly erect countenance always well gathered and under his perfect control never given to loose lan guage or anecdotes. I h ive no recol lection of ever hearing him give way to loud laughing or story telling. Al- j ways, very particular inquiring after the health, etc., of his friends and neighbors when entering company. He was the fullest bald-head man of all my acquaintances, having only a patch of hair about as wide as your two fingers, passing along from ear to ear. His face was neither long nor contracted and cramped. Forehead full, nose neither small nor unusually large, (rooked or Roman. Mouth about that ol common men, neither small nor large; face full and well de veloped, always fronting you well when in conversation. Now as to features here I fad to convey as they are this day in my mind and can give you no better guide than refer you to the late Rev. Junius p. Moore, w ho I always thought had the most striking favor of Mr. Macon of all my acquaintances; and Major Alfred Alston came next in my mind. 1 guess you could find a photograph of Mr. Moore with Mr. A. S. Webb or 1!. I. PoAell, of Henderson, each of whom married a daughter of Mr. Moore. If you could get a picture of him you would co.-ie nearer having Mr. Macon's lace anj feature than any or all I can convey with my pen. Yours very truly, J.VS. A. KGKRTON'. THE NEWSPAPERS OF TODAY. Are the people of today so much more depraved, in their tastes, than was the case twenty years ago? or are the editors of today entirely to blame for the character of papers published? Within the memory of every man in this community there was a time when the HeraL! was the only paper, of any importance, in New York, which would publish questionable mat ter, and it was frowned upon and, out side that city's limits, almost univer sally tabooed. How different from the "yellow" sheets today in their mad race to outdo their competitors in the pro duction of obscene literature and' il lustrations. Nor is the evil confined to the larger cities gradually the poisoned virus has been inoculated into the pure country press until they too, like hungry vultures, are ever scenting for carrion. That there is sin in the world is to be deplored but because it is ever present is no reason why the newspa pers should sear the minds ami hearts of those readers who until then had been pure. Familiarity breeds con tempt and so may it well be added that less people know of evil the more is their abhorence of it. Wilson . vance. lr. Pierce's Coldest Medical Discovery cures Consumption (which is Scrofula of the Eungssi by its wonderful blood purify ing invigorating and nutritive properties. For weak laiugs. Spitting of Blond, Short ness of liieath, Nasal Catarrh, Bronchitis, Severe Coughs, Asthma, and kindred affections, it is a sovereign remedy. While it promptly cures the severest Coughs, it strengthens the sjstesn; purifies the blood. Whkn Col. Henry Miller of the Southern, was on the stand, he was asked it he wore underclothes, and if so, to show the stub cf his check book, rates. Colonel Miller, riot wanting to appear in contempt, roluctantlv ad mitted thai his nether garments were buckskin, but that he caught the deer himself and thuO;ho Wilson tanned it in the JLiysccJer. Now they are tr;ng to find out it O.hodid not get 1 . . . . j half raits on ins ink for compensation, i He alleges th it h s papers were sent by mail instead freight, and it may t e mat the g. -vernment will yet be come involved l'iirlr diier s Far. Thk latest report of the Railroad Commission shows the following tax valuation or railroads in this State: Atlaniu: Coast La., 725 miles, value value of rolling stock jsS-.coo, other property iov , , , , 1 . ' , coo. S.aooanl Air .me, 670 m.les, value ;5,O70.ccc; r.dlmg stock J44$,- 000. other property 5i 10.000. Mis- ceSl.tniois ivAis, i,::o miles, value 55.038. 407, rolling stock ?66).ooo, . other property 163.000. Southern j iailwdy, j,ioo miles; value, $,091,- ' ceo; rolling stock ? 1,097, 000, other ' property, $164,000. ' ' The report also sh nvs that the .V-- ! lantic Oust Line lias in this State j 2,961 employees, uie Southern 2,674, i the Seaboard Air Line 2,40s, and miscellaneous roads 2,201. I THK LOU) HILL. Its Passage Would be Ruination to the Country Press. Perhaps a more unjust and unreason able measure, as affecting the interests of the newspapers of the co'intry, was flev.r r0RCeiv or attempted to be enacttd mtl Uw ihan the notorious Loud Bill. This bill having been : reported from the committee (of the House of Representatives) and placed on the calendar is liable to be called i up and pat-ed at any time unless there j is sir'.i g oppos.tijfi on the pari of j publishers whose business it would mos, !r,juri,,uy affect. j if the Loud Bill should become a j v.v publishers can not send a sample j copy of their publications to obtain ne-.v subscribers, or new advertisers, or marked copies containing advertise ments or other matter, or to exchanges or for any other purpose unless it bears a cent postage stamp for each copy so sent. According to the provisions of the bill the only ones entitled to receive newspapers at pound rates are "sub scribers who voluntarily order and pay for the same." After the time paid for, good lawyers say 'the pound rate would stop, and publishers would have to put a cent postage stamp on each copy sent thereafter. Such a law would fail with crushing effect upon all country newspapers. Indeed, it is believed thit it would break up half of them, and so the public would be affected in consequence as well as the publishers. Hon. Perry Heath, Assistant Post master General, in a letter to Mr. Loud the author of the bill, says: "Nearly every newspaper published or circulated in a small city or town in this country would, in my opinion, be greatly injured and I believe a mod ification of your bill would obviate se vere censure from country newspa pers." Nevertheless, Mr. Loud re fuses to consent to any amendment, or to allow the opponents of the bill a hearing before his committee, as we are informed by the Washington Ara tional Intelligencer. To quote the language of that pa per, "that there have been abuses of the sample copy privilege on the part of half a dozen, or a dozen publishers in the East, we admit, but that is no reason why thousands of publishers should be deprived of the privilege they have not abused. The innocent should not be made to suffer for the acts of the guilty. But they will be made to suffer if publishers do not arise at once as one man and protest against the passage of the Loud bill unless properly amended. Not an hour is to be lost! Members of Cong ress don't understand publishers' in terests, or they would vote right. They want to be commended when they re turn to their districts instead of be ing censured. All tint is needed is that publishers should write at once to their members of Congress apprising them of their wishes." Consumption Positively Cured. Mr. K. I!. Oreever, merchant, of Chil liowie. Va., certifies that lie had consump tion, was yiveii up to die, sought all medi cal treatment that money could procure, tried all eoiieh remedies he could hear of, nt got no relief: spent many nights silting up in a chair; was induced totrv Dr. King's New Discovery, and was cured lv use of tw. hoi ties. For past lliree year's lias heen intending to business, and says Dr. King's New I .M'overv is the grandest remelv ever imid , as it has dune so in ucli fur him and also others in his community'. Dr. King's New Discovery is guaranteed for Coughs, Colds and Consumption. It don't fail. Trial bottles free of Dorsev Drug Co. Kittrell Letter. Krnur.Mi. N. C Jan. 20, '08. Editor Gor.o Lkaf: Miss Ellen Cruilup has gone to Edeuton to visit Mrs. ,1. C. Kittrell. If Mr. Pittman will write to Mr. J. B. Cruilup at this place he can obtain the desired information about Rev. Josiah Crudup. Mrs. W. W. Green, of Eranklinton, and Miss Grace Biaeknall of Chicago, are the guests of Mrs. (J. W. Black uall. The family of Rev. K. D. Holmes went t Fianklintoir last Friday, where they will spend some weeks with the parents of Mrs. Holmes. Mr.-. C. W. R.rney went to Louis burg last Friday to visit her daughter. Mr. Clifton Cheatham. We ar e glad t krrow that Mrs. II. J. Gill, who has been quite sick since Christmas, is improving'. Mrs. Joe Person left Satunliy for Chapel Hill. Miss Aliie Ellis went to Oxford Saturday to visit relatives. Mrs. Wilson Whitakcr who has been spending some time with Rev. and Mrs. C. L. Whitaker. returned to her home yesterday. P. w omans ork Is never done, and it is especially wearing and wearisome to those whose blood is impure and unSt properly to tone, sus tain, and renew the wasting of nerve, muscle and tissue. It is re - (ecause of this condition of the bio women ere run down, Tired, Weak, Nervous, Than because of the work itself. Every physician says so, and that the only rem- ! edy is in bui:dinS u? b-v takin a ood : nerve tonic, blood purifier and vitalizer like Hood's Sarsaparilta. For the troubles j Pectdiar to Women at change ot season, I -'bmate or life, or resulting from hard work, nervousness, and impure blood, thousands have found relief and cure in Sarsaparilla The One i rue LI.k J Turner. Jl per bottle. Prepared only by i I. Hkm & C.Q.. Lo-.u-H, Mass. 1 1 iy r1l are the only pills to taka rlOOU S PlllS with Hood's SarsiUHirilla. 15 There is no word so full of meaning and about which such tender and holy recollections cluster as that of " Mother " she who watched over our helpless infancy and guid ed our first tottering step. Yet the life of every Expectant Moth er is beset with danger and all ef fort should be made to avoid it. so assists nature in the change tak ing place that 1 T"? A. &. Mother's a . me r-xpei-iaru LVI ANA Mother is ena r i 1 K II II bled to look for 1 B !UIIM ward without dread, suffering or gloomy fore bodings, to the hour when she experiences the joy of Motherhood. Its use insures safety to the lives of both Mother and Child, and she is found stronger after than before confinement in short, it "makes Childbirth natural and easy," as so many have said. Don't be persuaded to use anything but MOTHEfTSJRIEND " My wife suffered more in ten min utes with either of her other two chil dren than she did altogether with her last, havrnjf previously used four bot tles of 'Mother's Friend.' It is a blessing to any one expecting to be come a MOTHER," says a customer. Uenderson Dale, Carmi, Illinois. Of nru"ist9 at $1.00, or sent by mail on receipt of iri'e'.0V'rito for book containing testimonials and valuable information for all Mothers, free. Tbo Bradfleld Begnlator Co., Atlanta, Ga. Notice. Bvvnrii E of rowKK confek iI : poii ii.h by an order issuing Iroru the Super ior court of Varies county, in a ca us . herein i.vrnliinr entitled John L. (,'uniii, iiniuiiiistrator, vs MsD. Clarke amlotiiers, I shall on MONDAY, M AKC11 -THE 7 1 11, 18D8. sell at public auction to the highest bidder at, the court house door in Ilender.-oa, Vance county, North Carolina, upon the terms oi.e-thinl cash, balance on ft credit of twelve months, with option to purchaser to pay all cash, the following real estate, to-wit: One certain tract or parcel of land tituate in Vance county, N. C, hounded oir the Nor th by the lands of (Jr. W. Hughes ana 1. E. Wilkeison, on the East by the lands of T. II. Hight, oir South by the lands of Mrs. J. L. lirarrre, on West by the lands of Sam'l W. Clarke and t. E. Wilkersou, containing about one hundred and ninety-three (1U3) acres. The defer red payment to bear six per cent, interest and title retained until lull purchase price is paid. This itlr January. 18SW. JOHN h. CUllllIN, Administrator of Jno. D. Clarke, dee'd. A. C. ZollicolTer', Attorney. WHITE. VTIM.OW. l&UUU'A liUUiiU I C RIMSON. Will nutko :i mairnitii'pnt licdp, bountiful shade for the piaz.u, .r a cliariniriir !cl. 'nnstaut bloomers, per-t'L-c:iy hanly. mc plant protluies thousands ol' (lowers. 0M,I FOKTV CKXTS, DKLI YF.ISKD. VIPIT! Garden PJIITiF F,' r,on UUIDEj ...Ailifiition and Floral Tlli: IIVSY MAN'S CATALOGUE and tho Ladies' Gardener and Adviser The only one containing full Pescriptiotis and Direxv tlons for planting ami euliur ; so comprehensive, con-(h-nsed. classiiU'd ami inth-vfjii that He Who K ii ns May itrail. Many illustrations from nature, t'olnred platen of Sweet Peas, Nastur tiums, Tuberous Begonias, Golden Day Lily, Cactua P;.lil:as, Daybreak Asters. Tleautifully embossed cover; I-t law paitesconipletelv filled with honest illustrations JAMES VICKS SONS, Rochester, N. Y. (fortheposbtf-e) ICK S Monthly.. :D. Magazine, The Famous Gardening Authority. Is a veritable mine of information about Flowers, Ves elables and Fruits, and how to jriow and care for them successfully. '1 he price of Vick's Illustrated Monthly Maitazine is Fifty Cents )ier year, but if you will re turn III is coupon with Nix Inn-rent stump the magazine will he mailed to you regularlv for six months for trial. Write at once to VICK PUB. CO.. ROCHESTER, N. Y Notice. BY AUTHOIUTYOF THE POAEK of sale conferred in a deed in trust ex ecuted on the 21th day of February, 189.', by Anthony Teaoe and" Lizzie Peace his wrfe, ar.d registerud in book 19, paee 33t in the office of the Register of Deeds of Vance county, I shall sell for cash, by public auction to the highest bidder, at the Court House door in Vance county, N. C, on the 21ST DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1808, f Ire property described In said deed of trust, as follows: A tract of land onTabbs ( reek, in Kittrell Township, Vance county, adjoining the lands of Thos Peace on the North. Miss Margaret Peace on the South and West, and Junius Peace on the North-West and Tabbs Creek on the North and East, containing 25 acres. The same conveyed by Miss Margaret Peace to Lizzie Peace. This li)th Jan., 198. T. T. HICKS, Trustee for The Parharn Bros. Co. The "Munich Studio," Baltimore, Md., Furnishes the best advantages in Art and Music. Teachers educated in Europe. Orders filled in nil branches of ART. Lebert touch and method of expression taught in Piano. Voice culture a specialty. Send for Catalogue Address, The Misses Hemstreet, No. it W. Lexington St., Baltimore, - - Maryland Executor's Notice. HAVING OLA1FIED AS EXECU tor of the last will and testament of Mrs. Isabella M. Harris, deceased, late of Vance county, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims aeaiiist the estate of the saiil deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned or his attorney, on or before the 1 It Ii day of January." A. D., lm or this notice will be pleaded in bar of tlieir recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make prompt settle ment. C. 1,. WII1TAKEK. Exector of Isabella M. Harris, dee'd. Henderson, X. (J , Jan. nth, 1S9S. Andrew J. Harris, Attorney. Notice. BY V1KTUE OF FOAVEH CONTA1N ed in a Tiust I)ted executed by Amy lluehes on the -Jlst day ot Sept., 1(48,1 shall , on the TTH DAY OF FEBRUARY. ISys, sell at public auction to the highest bidder fur cash at the court !u-e door in Hen derson, N. C. , the following tiactof land t -v it : That tiact of lin.l lying on the East side of tli road leading from Row land s mill to ('lunch's store and being the land on which the late Amy Uuuhes re sided in Vance county, containing 2J acies, more or less. This 0th day of January, 1S98. W. T. CUE ATI! AM, JR.. Trustee. MOTHER! U Uill MARKIS' W. H.Jenkins will now we have The Best Lights! the Most Room! the Politest Help! and the Largest Orders in Our History Will be bound to tell to the interest of our patrons.. More men sold with us last season and more pounds than in any other of our history, notwithstanding the short crop. The market is active on new tobacco and we are determined to please all old customers and keep every new one Better Light thae We Have Is ae Impossibility. Better Accommodations Cannot be Found Anywhere. If your Tobacco is here in a storm it is dry no leaks to disturb. Our buyers have ample capital and are anxious to fill orders that are crowding them. The HARRIS WAREHOUSE shall be the best place to sell your Tobacco regardless of bombast and fine talk of other men or markets. Our Business is to Please, Our Past Record is Our Guarantee. Don't be deceived but SELL YOUR TOBACCO WHERE YOU CAN GET THE MOST MONEY. We know no man can surpass us for any facility to handle, to display or to dispose of your To bacco, and we pledge our best efforts and personal attention to every pile put on the floor and to every man present or absent, without regard to race or color or any other condition. We Guarantee Prompt Returns tor ail ToDacco snipped Us and Me Best Prices tne Market Can Afford. aThanking our friends for the very liberal patronage given us in the past, we respectfully solicit a contin ua no- of the same in future, promising our best endeavors to always merit the confidence extended our bouse. Harris, - Goocii & Company, O 9 There's Clothing and Clothing! Some bad; some good; some better; but only one kind of BEST That's the kind you'll always find at BARNES' CLOTHING STORE. We won't have any other kind; and when you get a thing here we guarantee it to be vforth every cent you pay, or you get the money back. Men's and Boys' CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS, &c, At prices heretofore unheard of in Henderson Our stock was never larger, the quality better. OVERCOATS At pretty much YOUR OWN PRICE. We do not intend to carrv over a single one of these garments to next season. All the latest styles and nobbiest effects. Great variety to select from. And cheap as well. L. W. RAPNF. Manager. Headquarters, -FOR ALL KIXDS- goal and wood Eqq, Stove and Nut tszes of Anthracite, Kanawha. Virginia, Tennessee and Jellico Splints, Toms Creek Domestic and Steam, rocahontas Steam, and best grade of Coke. Will save you money on every lot vou buy if you w ill pet my prices. apr 1 J. S. POYTHRESS, Henderson, N. C. HINDIPO BEST8BES VITALITY Irum lift 1 e Made a Well Man of Me. the iVrc. -Sr GREAT FRENCH REMEDY produces the above resell in 30 dlS. Curt lit -nous Debility hnf utency. Varicocele, Failing Memory. Sto ah drains aii losses caused by errcrs of vouth. It wauls off In sanity and Consumption. VounR Men repain Man hood and OJd Men recover Youthful Vigor. I: gives vigor and sire to shrunken organs, and fits a man for business or marriage. Easilv earned in the vest pocket. Price PO PTP o'Eoxws 2 c bv mail, in plain pack- Qy j O. "' k hp written guarantee. DR. JEAN O'HARP.A. Pant Phil H. Thomas, Henderson, K. C. if Is W HARRIS, GOOCH & CO., Owners and Proprietors, Henderson, North Carolina. SAME OLD r lllM W ITU A iNJS do our auctioneering everything calculated bee our Notice. HAVING OCALIFIED AS AD.MIN istrator .f th- estate of John 1) Clarke. d-c'd. before the Clerk of the Su peiior Court of Vance county, thw U to in -t if y all persons liollin claims airain-t said e-tate Tr present them to me on or be fore the Uth day of December, is;is. or this notice will be pleaded in tiiir of the recovery of the same. Persons indebted to said estate must make immediate pay ment. This nth December. lfc7. JOHN L CI UR1N. Administrator of estate of John I). Clarke, deceased. A. C. ijollicoffei , Attorney. Notice. ;alc of Valuable KuiMinir Lot; " Y VIRTUE OF A DECREE OF THE JDlsupei i.r cmist of Vance county, filed in the case of .;aiid Dicker-on and others vs J. W. Mioit and' thei, I shall sell for cash before the com t lioitse d(xr in Hen derson. N". C, on tiie TTH DAY OF FEBRUARY. Isys. thJiteen building lots "hi x l.V) feet each, know n as lots Xos. 1, 3. . 7, y, 11, 13, 1". 17, 2 4, Oand 8 on the jdot of survey tiled in said proceedings, said lots being sold for balas:ce of puicl a-e money due on same. O nrs of said lot will Imv until the day of sale t- pas th balance with Costs of notice. A plot sh'A'.itig b;t..ii: of these lots can be een in my office. Jan. U, l.ts. W. i. MI AW, Couiinisaiouer. AEEHOUSB, the present season to please and give enure sausiacuon. The PI easu re. Of doing business chiefly con sists in giving satisfaction to every customer it is the key to success in all lines of trade. A pleased customer is one secured. We strive to merit the making it both pleasant and hence mutually satisfactory. We Cordially Your careful inspection of our Splendid Stock and I Varied Assortment of STRICTLY SEASONABLE Merchandise, which has been judiciously selected under a determination to fully ; satisfy even the most scrupulous and exacting tastes. Special Inducements Are Offer'd In our Superb Lines of Dry Goods and Notions Dress 1c T . a . . i , . , ,., - .t. ..ijui.D, which are most complete. Quality and the Style, and Prices fire ftiways Rigiit. 1 r.ese essentials are those to givt you. and past successes fully warrant continued ar.: persistent effort. Our constant aim is for fair and square dealing the kind brings STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES. In addition and complete si the above 1 r Tronic Salt, Shipstufls, .,: lots and can sell same .rolesale or retail at Bottom Figures. Give us a call when in want of anything in our line aii'i see ii we can't make it to your advantage to trade with us. HENRY THOMASON. Execution Sale. Y VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION --'issued in the case of O F. Biesse & ison, vs. .J. W. I'laike, placed in inv hands December, 13, I!, I shall at I'M.. on the 7T1I DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1H;.k, sell orca-h. befoie the uit Hoij-e door, in Henderson, the undivided fourth inter est of .L W. Clarke, in the tract of land wheieol his mother Winnie Clarke, lately died, seized ard po-sessed. containing one hundred and four acre-, more or less, and bound by the lands of Edward Allen M. T. Buclianuaii. R. W. Kearney, D. H. Reavis and others, in sandy Creek to i"- sfop. 10 sali-fy the judgment i said Ci'.-e. Dec. 1'J7. W. U.MITI!. 'heiift of Vance county. Land to Rent. I have some fine tob o-eo lauds I want t' lent. Col T'-.-pond'-nee suljeiteil. J. i. L.XYTON, Jr., Hoxll. Dunn, N.C. so that 'we feel sure patronage of the public !y profitable to deal with us Therefore, Invite I lillS, 1 UI llllll H14. t.V..., Our goods always have tne then too the t- for which we strive and study you back to our store. we carry at all times a f i-l and Fancv Groceries. Hot.r, t j 'i i i i .. i ivl. i v uuv jii Lai i.i - . Trustee's Sale I Of a Very Desirable Farm- Y VIRTUE OF THE POWER y sale confessed in a Deed of Tiu-t exe cuted osi the loth day of !)ecetnler, by Daniel Fisich and wife, asid regi-b-ieu in lUxik 20. Page l.'JS, in the office -f Register of Deeds of Vance county. I shall, sell for cash by public auction So th-l'1- r est bidder, at the court house door in pf county, X. C , osi tho f 7TII DAY OF FEBRUARY. f the property described in said D 1 0 s, Tiust as follows.: The tract 011 Daniel Finch lately lived, lying on t ild road leading from Bovven's store Fox's mill, beginning at an iron sU ' Mrs. Crozier's line ami running N !j" . 41. W) chains to a stone at Crozier's corS on the road : ttien with her line and Wil t liasns line h. 81o E. 1975 chains to ii stone in WilliatiiV line: thence 11- V i ve. rs. ii- " r e West 13 7 1 chains b a stone; thence chains to the beginning. (Jontaini tnty acres. Jan 3, ltfjH. W . B. SHAW, Truster 3 ii ft

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