THE HENDERSON GOLD LEAF THURSDAY, JUNE 23. 1898. The Gold Leaf. ESTABLISHED 1831. BY THAD R. MANNING. TERMS OF .SUBSCRIPTION: One copy one year. - " 6 months. - - - .75 4 - .50 We desire ft live agent and correspond ent fct every postoffice in V aiice and ad join counties. Correspondence on all subjects of local ana general interest. aini opinions upon matters or public concern, are invited. The editor will not be responsible for Mie views or statements of correspondents and reserves the right at all times to revise or reject any article lie may think proper. One side, only, of the paper must be written on and the real name or the writer accompany the contribution. No attention will be paid to anonymous com munications. THURSDAY, JUNK i:$, 1898. TnE recruiting station of the Demo cratic party is open. All males over twenty-one vears of are will be ac cepted and placed in active service. Winston Sentinel. LEASED TO THE SEABOARD? A Petersburg (Ya..) exchanire lias the following: . A report was in circulation to-lay that the Richmond, Petersburg and Carolina Railroad, for the completion of which to Ridgeway, N. C, con tracts have been awarded, has been leased by the Seaboard Air Line for a long period of years. This report could not be confirmed, no one in authority in the company being here to give any positive information. It has long been the impression in cer tain quarters, however, that the Sea board Air Line was interested in the construction of this road. n 1 . r. . . . . iuk vtinston sentinel says the in surgent Populists must unite with the Democratic regulars if they would obtain relief from the oppression of trusts and money grabbers. J UK I awtucket Sews savs the M's seem to be cutting considerable ice in this war Maine, Manila, Mcrriniac ...... I 41.,. 11 I .1 ra. ami 1 in.- uan iieiiMin ine cun. Jo which must Je added Matanzas and the Mule, suggests the Portland (Maine) Argus. Hagi.kv, Hobson, Hlue. Three he roes of the Spanish-American war- ami all North Carolinians. Leut. Ilobson was born in another State, but he is of Tar Heel stock, and every bone and fibre of his being is North Carolinian despite his birth place. I he proposition laid down by tho Winston Sentinel that all who think like the Democrats should vote with the Democrats for bi-metallism, white supremacy and good governoient is a good one and should be acted upon 1... 1 1 ...t. 1 , . 1 . . v an who uesire decent ana econom ical government. Wondek how much Hal Aver pays Col. Fred Olds to keep him so promi nently before the public in his news paper correspondence? It is a dull day when that hustling news gatherer does not lind occasion for lugginc the n n rt ti .t 4 I. iJ 4 n 4 A 1 ? a . ' . i ""uic "i me ma u; ivimiior into 111s letters in some shape or other. ISOUT1I Carolina is getting her snare 01 glory out of the war. Lieut 1 lie, who at the risk of his life lo cated the Spanish fleet in Santiago harbor, is a North Caroinian and was ijorn in Richmond county. He moved from Richmond county to South Carolina in W,f. Monroe En quirer. "All brings to the front many ob- o..1.r.... u : . Duicic luins. .jiisi now me norsc and the mule are laughing at the bicycle. Wilson Advance. If... 41... 1 : 1.1 . 1 uul oieycie nan us laugh when mule meat and horse steak were the savory dishes served up to the hard tressed Spaniards of Havana and Ma nila awhile back. 11 ik death of James Ldwin iwoore, hsii., of Wilmington, will be generally regretted bv the bar and Ins friends generally. He was doi- ular, a strong lawyer, a man of high character and influence, and his death will be a loss to his people and sect 10a. lie was about 50 years of age and a member of the Primitive Haptist church. Wilmington Mes senger. The prospects are the 90 odd white companies of the State who have volunteered under the second call for troops will not have an opportu nity to go to the front. It is said Gov. Russell has finally decided to form the two additional battalions from this State of colored troops and add them to the one already formed, thus making a regiment. The addi tional companies are to come, it is 1 stated, from Asheville, Charlotte, Statesville, Greensboro, Winston, Durham and Henderson. Attention is called to the letter of Mrs. Mattie Wortham in reward to the needy condition of the Orphan Home at Barium Springs. To our Presbyterian friends especially, under whose charge the institution is, this appf-al for aid should meet with prompt and hearty response. An we believe it will. The people of North Carolina are ever ready to re spond to any worthy and deserving object of charity and give succor to the fatherless ones. And so it will be in this case when the true condition of things is realized. Some of the political derelicts that are being foisted upon the public in the way of army appointments are enough to disgust true soldiers and cause volunteers to regret that they ever put themselves in position to be led" by these military nobotlies whose only claim to high position is that they have a"puir'or their politics happen to be of the right stripe to commend them. Think of Charles A. Cook or Spier Whitaker as being made a brigadier general. And vet their names have been amonar the mentionables1' for that very im portant and responsible position Have all the teamsters' places been filled? colonel Hurgwyn and General Kooerts are aspiring to the rank of brigadier general for North Carolina. Kit her one would ac.juit himself well we may not doubt. General W. K. Cox, General W. (J. Lewis, General W. II. Cheek all experienced sol- tuers ana decidedly brave fighters- would rellect credit on North Caro lina if in command of a brigade Wilmington Messenger. IUK Monroe Journal says the Mor-.....-. ..11 . 1. 111 , . . null inn-is who nau noun workni"- in Union county had succeeded in get ting about twenty names of persons who were ready and willing to form a church at a point in Hu ford town ship, lint when the elders got them together aud began preaching to them about giving one-tenth of their stuff to the church, it broke up the whole business. Another Southern man has sue cessfully accomplished a difficult un dertaking and added laurels to his fame and the prestige of American arms anil strategism. To set aside finally all doubts as to the position of Cevera's fleet in the bav at San tiago, Admiral Sampson dispatched Lieutenant Blue, a South Carolinian, (born in Richmond county, N. C.,) on a land trip around the harbor. He traveled 72 miles and came back with detinite information as to the posi tion of the Spanish vessels, lie saw them all. His feat was most daring and received the highest praise. You can count on a Southern man every time when it comes to the perform ance of a ditlicult and daring deed requiring pluck, perseverance, skill ana heroism, whether on land or water. The names of both Col. Hurgwyn and Lieut. -Col. Cowles, of the Second Regiment, having been mentioned in connection with the brigadier "en- eralship. Col. Cowles last week wrote to Senator Pritchard asking that his name be withdrawn in favor of Col. Burgwvn, saving: ' "I desire to endorse him heartily and to bespeak for him your earnest consideration and support. His appointment, I am sure, will be a line one and receive the endorse ment of the people of the State." That was the act of a gallant and unselfish man and a brave and pa triotic soldier one who has the wel fare of his country and the men under him more at heart than his own per sonal ends or position a thing too rare in these days of political prefer ment and official jugglery. LEARNING ABOUT THE NEGRO. The Danville Register says the war with Spain has bad the effect of learn ing the North a great many things about the negro that they didn't know before or at least they were slow to admit. He has shown him self to them in certain phases of his character which they now see for the first time. And seeing and under standing as they do they are not pre possessed as they were when the colored brother existed in sentiment as they beheld him at a distance. Continuing its observation the Regis ter says: When the war broke out (this war with Spain, we mean) no one imag ined that it would have anv special effect upon the political, social or re ligious status of the negro in this country, but there are already some developments which indicate "that it may work a very decided change in certain Northern sentiments regard ing the negro. As usual, the negro is bringing the trouble on himself, and is makincr trouble for his Northern friends! We, of the South, are not giving our selves much concern about it. We know how to handle and manage the negro, and Southern men in the army are going to handle him and treat him there just as they did at home, .. .1 4.1. l . , iu'i luaL ay is uie oesi ior tne negro. Our Northern friends, however, are in trouble about the patriotic soldft.- in Mack. Ine trouble is opening the eyes 01 the Northern people, and the papers of that section are speaking out in no uncertain terms. 'IM. . 1 -me comments aoove were sug gested by an editorial article of the Washington Post (reprinted in the Gold Leak the 9th) which our con temporary adds is a sample of several articles of like character it has re cently read in Northern T 1 1. . . i , in uiuei inai ine concluding com- ments of the Register may be better understood we reproduce here the closing part of the Post's article which reads as follows: "When they (the negro) finally suc- ccuuu in uiipiauung mat conviction in the nation's mind they will dis cover that this is the white man's country, which the white man in tends to govern in his own way and 1 11 ..... . 101- ins own oenooi. ihey can then stay here or go elsewhere as they pre- jci, uui in neitner event will they affect the destiny of the United States or change the fixed purpose of those wno rule it." In conclusion the Register says: ne closing paragraph in the above contains suggestive language, aim me same sentiment is beino- ex pressed all over the North. AN APPEAL FOR HELP. exchanges. Less than a year ago a negro youth I lolt .at ner I always feel li applied for admission to the naval 1 rai8e 00(1 Irom whom al academy at Annapolis, and one of f ow" ,and. a"0"1 UIJ own the most rabid Republican papers at me Atorm came out in an article in which it boldly declared that to force a negro oflicer into the naval service was against public policy, in that me presence of such an oflicer would be a constant menaee to diaoiniino and would make no end of trouble- a"d I shall leave no stone unturned to that the government was under no tu UP thef P60 a,nd arose them to a ...av,.a on..! iccwwllltluu WUU1U ue uei. 1 Rh nof, Ht nnv rumnT0T..,f;rtM 4. 1 it 1 t . I "J muutmuuii IUI ill J rimental in the public service. services. It is all I have so I cheerfully lue experiment of making soldiers ffive my time. 1 shall visit eni 4i. : . . 1 i . -.. . ' . Ul l"e negroes is naturally increasing s"on 111 me orate soliciting subscrip ting knowledge of the Northerners as tiona to tne paper and organizing or to the true position of Sambo and we phans' aid societies that will contribute The Presbyterian Orphan Home at Barium Springs in Urgent Need of Funds and Provisions the Church flust Arouse Itself In Behalf of 100 Fatherless Children Being Cared for There. The following letter was not in tended for publication but the Gold Leaf believes it ould" not do a greater service than by printing it. And we ask the favor that as many of our exchanges throughout the State give it publicity as can do so, or else call attention to the matter in con densed form as may suit them best. The writer is "Mrs. Mattie L. Wortham. Closing her engagement (as a milliner) in Tarboro, she took advantage of the cheap summer ex cursion rate tickets and went to Barium Springs to visit her three lit tle boys who are in the Orphans' Home there before returning to Hen derson. But her visit has changed ail pre vious plans for the present as her let ter explains. She writes to her sister here and says: It would make your heart uehe to see the pitiful condition of the Home, so beautiful in its structure, so charming in itHBurroundiugs, so exquisitely kept, and yet it seeing that a heart of stone would melt to see 100 children seated around tables nith their snow white cloths and napkins (all gifts) with a plate, glass of water, knife and fork and spoon before each little man and woman, a plate of bread, a dish of mush constituting the bill of fare, shared by Superintendent and teachers; and my heart was wrung with sorrow as the Scripture for the day was recited by each one: "Godlinens with con tentment is great gain." And they looked so bright and happy, eating with keen relish the simple food that the poorest in our land would almost turn from. And yet this is what the church is setting before this helpless band of little ones that she hus promised to provide for. Oh! how little do we appreciate the bless iugs of good wholesome food and how much is wasted in riotous living, while these little ones are in want. None of the children are sick, but I notice that so many look pale and thin and show the need of nourishing food. The teachers show the effects of insuffi cient nourishment more than the chil dren. They all look wretchedly, and they will not eat anythingthat they can not share with their flock. They pay as much attention to the table manners as if they expected them to fill important places in high life. I haveneverseen any thing to equal their life of self-denial and devotion to these fatherless children. Miss Blanche, the eldest daughter of Mr. Boyd, is the loveliest character I ever knew. For more than a year she has labored without any remuneration, cheer fully giving her time that the institution might not run aground. She sleeps in the boys' building and is literally a mother in every sense to her boys. You have never known any mother more uu tiring in her devotion and labor of love. No foot is too dirty for her toiling hands to wash and bind up the stumped toes each little one is petted and kissed till the bruises are forgotten in the love and tenderness lavished upon them. When I ke smginir all blessings vu dear hnvn have less in the way of food than I ever dreamed they could have, I would rather have them here with the Godly and re fining influences which they enjoy, than have them elsewhere surrounded by plenty. 1 expect to take the aurencv for the paper .Our Fatherleat Onet, published here, fM- ANNOUNCEMENT ! THE KCEL1ENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California Fig Sybup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California. Fig Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CaL bOUISYILLE. Kj. NEW YORK, N. T. o o o o o o o t o o WE DESIRE TO INFORM OUR PATRONS that we shall continue to serve them as here tofore with everything in our line. We will call on our friends every morning to take then orders and the goods will be promptly deliv ered by wagon, thus saving yon the time and trouble of having to go to the store. Or, orders given by 'Phone any time during the day will receive prompt attention. It shall be our earnest endeavor to serve our patrons faithfully and acceptably in a way not only to retain the trade we now have but to gain new customers. Bicycles and Bicycle Repairing. We shall continue to carry on our Bicycle business and do not hesitate to say no dealer can sell you a better machine than we can for the money. Bicycle repairing in all branches. Agency for CRESCENT and others. See us before you buy. Will make it pay you. W. E. MOSS & CO. CCOKKCCOOm000hCCOCCO nnnnrtTA . hi ir ii n . ("Tucker's Store.') i33&i25Fayettevie str Kaieign, N. c. Immense Summer Sale of DRESS GOODS! TV 11 OUR DRESS (iOODs DKI'au is havinp- an evt. seasonable Dress dovis maku,, a special table some o.o,, many were formerly j.ri, . , j," 11.25 and l.,rx yVr yard, a,'' your choice for 44 Cents per Yard Just what's leftover from 1 ''list -some nave onh .) 1 ' Don't they interest you? jf(l at once for Samples, and wd,. ordering make a second ,-llt-Wf ' Dobbin & Ferrall. season- length heme the DELIGHTFUL SUMMER RESORT. florzanton, in the Mountains Cot tage "Mountain View-on-the Hill" Now Open to Quests. Situated in the suburbs of Morganton, three-fourths of a mile from depot and within six blocks of the postoffice. It is beautifully located on a high hill overlooking the Valley of the Catawba, and commanding a magnificent view of the grand old peaks which surround this lovely mountain town as a pano rama. It is especially suited to persons desir ing a cool, high location, with plenty of room, green grass and mountain breeze. With large airy rooms, bath tub, electric lights, telephone, and as excellent fare as the market affords, guests may rest as sured of comfort, ease and pleasure in the home which is now open to them. Carriage horse and buggy on place, furnished at reasonable rates. Terms: $6.00 per week; $25.00 per month. MRS. ISAAC AVERY, Morganton, N. C. When you go to buy n Stove or Range, look for this trade-mark You will make no mistake if you buy a f Buck's Stove or Range,. They are the best in the world the best made, the best cook ers, the best lasters. And the best is none too good for you. Buck's Stoves and Ranges lead all others in every respect. Let us show you our line of these goods. All sizes and prices. Prices always the Lowest Either Wholesale or Retail. DANIEL & CO. THE EASY RINMVj "HOIISFHOI h ! Sewing Macliine. The most modern Sewing Machine of the aj;e. Km bracing all the latcs; im prmcments. When you want Shoes don't fail to see the beautiful line just received, at H. THOMASOX'S. Special mt During the Summer Months, At "Munich Studio," Baltimore, Md. BEST ADVANTAGES lN-- Art and Music. Piano and Voice Culture. 1 The War is On! I would not be surprised if one of the elleets of this war will be the disfran chisement of the ne;ro by the edict inai, una is a wnite man s srovern- meni, anu mat none but white men shall have a hand in its conduct and management -DRAWING IN Pencil, Charcoal Crayon, Pastel. J8-Portraiture - 1 PAINTING IN Water Colors, Oil, China, Tapestry. a Specialty. fr The Misses Hemstreet, $ THE WORK OF THE VESUVIUS. Ihe most important development ..r 4 1 - t . . 1 . . ui iim ;ifi weeK in eonrmptinn ivitK montli.y whatever they can, so there will be some reeularitv in donntinnu &o The society will he required to send a delegate each year to an anuual confer ence to be held at the Home, and tlms keep in touch with theinstitution and its X No- " w- Lelngton St., 1. i 1 1 1. 1 ... .. uiiw. dir. iuyu was aeiigntea with the Rat.ttmohr . . M.nvr.iNn ""toft""-'"" oiiu auxpieu my oner very gratefully. So for the next two months 1 belong to the Home, aud you will see ine in Henderson in its interest before very long. Do try and see if you can't iret un an entertainment and go around among the wujuis ui me ueauiy mereuanis ana see u you can t get dona- work accomplished by the pneu- tions of any kind. You cannot realize niatic runs of the Vesuvius in demol- the destitution of the Home, and it seems lsmng with only three charges the principal fortification on the western side of .Santiago harbor. I ntif the success of the Vesuvius in experimenting with these improved instruments of death, naval officers were disposed to feel that thev were more or less uncertain. Thi a crying shame to let it go down as it has. U t Chinese Laundry. SING F00, Next to flight's Jewelnj Store, Main Street HENDERSON, N. C. $19.00 per month and the teachers from $8.00 to $12.50. So you see how ex penses have been cut aud one or more of Mr. Boyd's daughters alwavs work gratis. Oh! if the people could only feel that some of their children mav ho'hnrp plains why it is that the Vesuvius son,e dair sur'y they would go to work has not been much in evidence nntn aud "2 80,,1H act elf denial send help. In the proiectiles td ZlilU . ...Y V??d apP1 (Mntlioa rf OVOrv tocnrintiAn naolln rlnriA Tl I 4 . I. r -'J OW.Wt. Mt., xnc uuuugei umjf receives a salary 01 up in nist Class manner, l respectfully Eatronage, ana guarantee my etter and quicker than anv the present time. used bv the Vpnv.,. ;n ifo .iini. I 3.. pnipir, anu get the children to work. work there .re h nf'H 0,1 t stop t.I. you can send help and as - t,uvvtuuu 1 Ml If I II JLH lllHa m u TUI ranging from 100 to 500 pounds; and the fear which naval officers have felt that these proiectiles mio-ht 4 4 . " O piooe before fearing the guns. But there is no longer anv cause for an- 1 II 4 . . i-iti 1. iioiisoN aim tne seven men who went with him on the Merrimac into the mouth of Santiago, though still in a Spanish prison, have been I'"-"""11"- wiiu n iueuai ana other honors will be showered upon them. Captain General Hlanoo has been offi cially instructed by theSpauish home government to exchange the men and it probable that in a short time they will soon boat liberty with their countrymen aiTain. the Uex. K. F. Hoke declined 14.4 .n .1 t a. I' .11' 4 4 vieueraisnip winch was offered him by President McKinlev. The Wilmington Messenger thinks he did right as a man of his experience ana ability was worthy of a Major lieneral s commission or nothing, when so many military tvros and small fry fellows are bein"- 'recov r 1 , 4 .4 . uizeu oy tne administration with appointment to high aud responsible xsitions. Tllrui- 44-.ll - 1 44 m wagranu celebration at the Guilford Battle Ground the ilk .if TL. ... " - -me oration this vear will be delivered bv Hon. Robert M. Douglass, of the Supreme Court oencu. ins subject will be the - Life and Times of Gov. Alexander Martin." Short addresses will be made bv other distinguished speakers. This is the twelfth annual celebration of the historic battle ground. The High Point Cornet band will furnish the music and there will be many other attractive features. The 1 jouisville Vourier-Jaurnal re marks: "Not satisfied with nalminc corn starch on innocent purch asers for wheat flour, thus lowering the price of wheat to the farmer and cripplin-r the legitimate millimr l " o J- industry, the flour adulterators are said to be using a substance known as nnneraline. this is a kind of clay, dried and powdered, and shipped f ....... ,1 X H '4.4 iiwui uici-usuiuu, . . anis is a mistake. Greensboro has no clay to spare for such purposes, all of her available supply being worked up into brick, tiling and piping. That town is too busily engaged in turuino' out the material for buildino- nn itself and other portions of the country, to devote any part of its attention, even should "it desire to do so. to the work of providing terra cotta interiors for an unsuspecting but hungry public. Greensboro's clav industry is wholly of a Witi- mate character. Charlotte Observer. Trojan." writing in the Char lotte Observer, says: "We note with pride and pleasure the interest Col. J- S. Carr has been taking in the 6oldier bovs. Just like hi ni. Tbfire is no doubt as to the heart of this public spirited citizen being in the right place. God has been good to him, and he is daily showing his ap preciation of the name. I see that Corporal Cilley writes that the bovs of the North Carolina part of the army have already said he must be the next Governor. WoM fK. d. But let me sav right here. that while it is true. Col. Carr would make a Governor who would exercise the duties with wisdom and judg ment, yet, he could not be greater in that office than he has been as a pri vate citizen. I do not see how I could pay him a higher compliment. CAPTAIN QRIDLEY, OF THE OLYM- PIA. There is something more than or- prehension on this score since the Warily pathetic in the recent d Vesuvius has acouitted herself -;th of Captain Charles V. Gridlev. 1 " , .4 . .' death the captain of the flagship Olympia which opened the Manila light one month atro. When Captain Gridlev, in obedi ence to the commands of his superior officer, began the famous battle which was destined to confer such honor on the flag, he was far from jn vigorous physicial con- being: such credit To illustrate the difference in de structive forces between the guns of the V esuvius and the guns of any or uinary battleship, the guns of the latter might carry on their work for some time without demolishing the objects at which their projectiles were aimed, while the "tins of th former produce almost instant death cution; V"1 realizing the importance anu obstruction, leaving nothing be hind "but pulp and ashes. This is the tragic story written in the three shots fired bv the Vesuvius last week. If one single Spaniard escaped it was uv some marvelous intervention. ihus it is that the Vesuvius takes its place not only as one of the dead liest members of our American fleet, out as one of the most destructive engines of modern warfare Atlanta Lonstitulion. solicit your work none other Laundry. Shirts, - - 10 cents Collars, - - 2 " Cuffs, per pair, 4 " t6r"VashIng Returned Every Daygl Remember you cau have (roods deliver ed any where in town absolutely free of charge, from H. THOMPSON'S. !SO CURE NO PAY. This is the way all druggists sell roves 'Faatelens Chill Tonic for (Jhu is and fevers and all forms of Ma laria. It is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form . Children love it. Adults refer it to bitter nauseating tonics. Price 50 cents. 16septlo Linen Hats, Straw Hats, Underwear andrmbrellasut W ATKINS'. And we are in the thickest of the fight; Not amid the crash of shot and shell, Nor where Spanish bullets fly like well, As would-be competitors are put to flight: WHEN CONFRONTED WITH ""p Matchless Low Prices! We are selling Ready-made Clothing that has the Good Style, Enduring State and Wearing Quali ties of the best made-to-order clothing1, at prices that are absolutely astonishing. See us on Crash Suits and Summer Cloth ing. Latest Styles and Novelties in Gents' Fur nishings. Trunks, Valises and Umbrellas cheap. f 3 3 -UNKQUALED Hk- Durability, Range of Work and Simplicity. Old Sewing Machines A 1, in rxchange. Dealers wanted in uimxcu pied territory. Correspondence solicited. Address, J. H. DERBYSHIRE, Cieneral Agent, Ebel Building:, Richmond, Va. 3 3 ol remaining at his post of duty, he endavored to eoneeal his ill-health. War is not only what Gen. Sher man said it was but it is expensive as well. Here is a small item which will give some idea perhaps. The Raleigh Post says: "The expense ac count incurred in mobilizing the North Carolina troops here and at Fort the transportation of the First Regi ment to Jacksonville, Florida, and amounts to $35,000." And this does not include equipment either, which must reach an enormous sum. And all this before the troops can placed on a war footing. So fak as we have observed the high schools of North Carolina were never better than now. They are very important in the educational system of our State, aud it would be at the peril of a decided decav in the breadth and perpetuity of education if they were to disappear or to lower the standard .at which thev aim. They stand between the primary schools and the best possible eollco-i-ate system, and are indeed the main feeders and sustjiiners of those in stitutions that seek to impart the highest attainable education. It would be indeed a sad time for North Carolina if the really successful hio-h schools distributed so wisely in the different sections wore to discontinue. It would be equivalent to strikino down a most important factor in an ruuiauonai pian that is beino- well This he did successfully unMl the Macon has been passed. It includes the batteries of the enemy from his exposed position in the connina tower, little thinking of himself in that supreme hour of the nation's peril. But, when the fight ended with victory for the Stars and Strine Captain Gridley found himself un able to discharge his duties longer. Medical investigation soon disclosed the fact that his condition was ex tremely critical, and Admiral Dpv endorsed his immediate return home. On reaching Tokio, Japan, the malady from which the brave captain suffered at once developed fatal symptoms, and under foreign skies death at last to his relief. What adds to the sorrow of the sad affair is that his faithful wife, who had so fer vently rejoiced over his esoan fr, death in the perilous conflict of Manila was in the act of leaving home for San Francisco to meet her nusoanu at tnat port, when she ceiveu ine news of h death. While Captain Gridlev received no outward wound in the hattlo t Manila, he is none the les th victim of his heroism in that glorious struggle, and the American ruio BARNES' CLOTHING STORE, Henderson, N. C. The Pleasure Of doing business chiefly con sists in giving satisfaction to every customer it is the key to success in all lines of trade. A pleased customer is one secured. We strive to merit the patronage of the public by making it both pleasant and profitable to deal with us hence mutually satisfactory. Therefore, We Cordially Invite Your careful inspection of our Splendid Stock and Varied Assortment of STRICTLY SEASONARU? be has been judiciously selected under a determination to fullv Ciriotv otmn 1-4 n.- - 1 1 . J v.v.i, we inosi sv,i upuious ana exacting tastt-s. t 4 , AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY COUNT V TO SLPP1 V 1 Mr cjreat popular dema.m row America's War for Told in Picture and Storu. Compiled and Written by 3 SENATOR JOHN J. INfiAl I S Of Kangas. 1 he most bill llantly wi itt.-u. .wA rusely and artistically llliistrat.-.l. m,l most intense v Iw-.l- n... .t.i..,.t of the war with Spain. Nearly 200 Superb Illustrations from PMog'p's taken especially for this Kiwit work. Agents are making S.W to Sl(x a wrek it. A veritable liiaiiza for live cav vassers. Apply for description, t- nd territory at once to flout N.D.Thompson Publishing ;o. ST. LOUIS. MO., or NEW YORK C'l V. For Sale. r At a bargain and on liberal t. rms, I ani now offering tor sale the Kor.l Factmy liuildmg and lot on lin ckem iiif.-.- Mii. for further information applv to . .jas. k. Yorv;, Insurance and keal Ktate Agt., Hendeison, N. ' ft ALKALINE WATER, Case of Poisoning" Special Inducements Are Offer'd IleiMlci-Hon, N. V.. Below is the analjKisof tlie Mai AU line Water, which is confidently mended to those suffering from lnrS. indigestion. Constipation, Torpid Ijvh iut. KheumatiKm, or Uright's Di'.ea-"'' the Kidnej-8. ANALYSIS. Kaleigh, N. C Oct ., K'.. Solids 37.620 grains to one L'nit' l Ma!" K"on containing of Silica Deoxide, Iron and Alumina, Potassium Sulphate, Potassium Chloride, .Sodium Chloride, Sodium Carbonate, Calcium Carbonate, Magnesia Caibonate, 1.07.'! graiiif 4.:'.7 " l.)0 " m. wa " 3.0M " 4.K.1.1 " re- i unhappy in spite of pessimistic carping and an active spirit of de traction. Let the high schools be pushed and let them broaden and strengthen until thev meet every demand. Wilmington" Messenger. Hood's 8arsaparll!a Drives the Pol son from the System, Quiets the Nerves, Relieves Dyspepsia and Catarrh. " While In the army I was poisoned in wardly with poison oak, and I did not get well for 15 years. My blood became sq affected that I was taken with a hacking cough, and I was thought to be going into consumption. I took many different medicines without arril, and finally re solved to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. When I had finished taking the first bottle the pimples began to disappear from my body, and after I had taken three bottles I was well. I have also suffered with ca tarrh In the head and have been taking Hood's Sarsaparilla for this trouble, and it selpa me. In fact I take it for all ail American nennle worked now; and that is re.,11v S. V. lSluUy bestow upon him the S!"ue7 " " complying no little for the coming 1? "th of martyrdom.- giT VSnT It h In our Superb Lines of Drv Goods Goods, Trimmings, Shoes, Hats, Furnishings, &c.,' all of which are most complete. Our goods always have the Quality and the Style, and then too the Prices flre Always Right, i hese essentials are tho to give you, and past succes rr persistent enort. uur consta A ta 1 1 t" nr I -1 r- - U I . i , ... inai uruigs you Dack to our store STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES. In addition to the above we enrrv at oil : . r n I- -nA ro. , . "1C5 a IU1I .i. "7- TcK OI 3taPie and hancv Groceri Fl,r 2.4.13 ' 1J. 15. IJATT1.K. , , State Ch.-im-t or the Water or further narticular address J. K. 11AKH1S, Proprietor. Henderson. C. OKKICIAI. By Congressman .lames Kankin Your. All about War with Snain. the Navy, all defense, battleships, etc t'ortrnita ai:l 3e lor which w ctri J oiourapuies of Jjewey and all prow'""';' a- ivji wlut we strive and stud v officers. waHv u, m., oj ses fully warrant continued and !K &::Z..iWJ"n. nt aim 14. CIV fair -TkrA I rtfriennc nrl IluKaliarir' A 4.lw!r4 .. oari !! 41 1 II I I I I I IT!. I --. .. . J 1 1 4 i is i . v " - , me of dyspe HOLXJDAY rffVTM Salt, Shipstufls, Hay, Corn, &c. These we buy in SSJ IotS d ean SeU wholesale or retail at Bottom Fi ia and illiamstoD, South Are you en 1o vine Trfat ,.1 I III not the troubl may be due to iEnnS S OarSapaMlia OILMHI. laRe Iril. JAM Patan.'. L I Ta that Kat In fsitKa Ana Trna HW! P..r(a. aJes. 'yidV KSlSt ".?i9?..dte- BoldbyaHdruggtsts. l;aixforas. Drug Co.. Fhil 11. Thomas. W. W. Parke? I Hood PUIS ffiVVa y wiicu in want oi anything in our I ne and see if we can t make ,t to your advantage to trade with us. HENRY THOMASON. it. Ladies as succsful at jr-ritl--n'f.- We are the lareest subcriDtioii book tirm in America. Write u. Fifty persinf,r employed in our coirpondVnce d i-:' ment alon, to serve you. Our bo.k Just out. Get agency now arid Im fir-t in the field, large 50c. War Map in colon fiee witli book or outfit. Other valuable premiums. 1'remendous seller. li'W1 inonev maker ever known Mnvt hlral Car load iern'9 puaranteert. Aeents inaKirt: -"M iio w per nay. lwenty uays cr-gu given. Freight paid. Full book wnt paidtoaeents.1.45. fenlendid kauii-lf uul- at and full instructions free fur nine J Cfi t stamps to, pay postage. Mention ttii' paper. MONROE BOOK CO.. Dep't.M, ChlcaQQjn. A FRICANA will core KheumatlrTi im Scrofala to 5tay Cra4.

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