? vi'. i r i -i i -X lii intrs Success. , u.-to ;i ilvci ti.-i; i ii the Gold I i .l i wltnu 11 ft 17 i t i ,e..tl liilcd advert isiiic-f)lunin.s SENSIBLE BUSINESS MEN )iii)t cod i in u' to spend 2 jood money where no T Men-turns are seen. That is Proof that it pays Them.i .i.i As an Advertising Medium The Goi.i Lkaf stnds at th heal l q iieuspapert iu thissectn'ii l of tht'I.tlllOUS BRIGHT TOBACCO DISTRICT Tho imwt wideawake and rucccdu! business nu'U ! aw its columns with the highest Satislution and Profit to Tbemslyes. iHiD R. MANNING, Pabllsber. VOL. XIX. Garolin, Oolhsta., SZeveist's Blessings -Attzetstd He:r. 7 ISUBSGRIPTIOI $1.50 Cub HENDERSON, N. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1900. NO. 84. ess r ! It ej&V f& AMD si i "I li.n! female trouble for eiht it-,," riles Mrs. L. J. Ixnnis, of . - I.ii-.t Oilce St., Jacksonville, " V.'oi-li canuot express what I ; . lougkt uluf among the " '-' 'ciii.,H and found none. i t .. K ur-d int to t.y iJr. Pierce's t -.i'.i.iiu- l'r'-si-riiition. When I com ::.!:' '1 Liking- 111 is medicine I weigh "! linn ty-l. ve txuinds. Now I weigh bundled .mil lifty-six pounds t:;.ii th;ii: I ever weighed lefre. I v..r, '.i. had I would he from day to 'If. and l:i' for death to come and 'hrvi- iiiv suffering. I harl internal .immalioi:, a disagreeable drain, 'i uni down j Clin, and such distress i'. t-ry nioiiih hut now I never have a ..iiii !. .ill my own work and am .1 and lualthy woman." t-.' u n :ile invited tn consult Dr ' hi l i t fti-t. l'.rie-i)i)iif!fiHC f)H ' " tdr. .. I: k V. J-lelcc, lltlfTalo, N.Y. H. H. BASS, Physician and Surgeon, IIKNDKKSON, N. (,'. ; ( ilici' over Dorsey's Unit; .stun1, j y. r. s. ii a uiiis, ID E 1ST T 1ST, ii!.nii;rsont, N. C. I-ffOliioe ovr K. (i. Davis' store, MaiD Mii'ct. lau.l-a. J II. IIICI IKIMIW, ATTUIIN KY AT IjAW, ii h:m 1 I0I.M IN. 1. itiot: In Harris' law Duildinx nea oui 1 lmust. LETTERS - Ifc-T A ,. v-v o 38nne Hi (ii.v. T:i Inr's i.t' I .ve Letters, an1 considered tin- i .t v.. 1 1. ! ..in . fi -d ji.-r.. l'ull nf wit an. i It--.. i- i , i :! i . ii ;.!! t ; nd '.ii instruciif o air' :; run in-. It;-- . :'. ri. c 1 : r.-rli t.r a nd tt-ars. A . 1 . 1 1 . . - d I'pcJi- .Sj .i, J'. '.iticlnns, IJovit. t.it-i. i;ft.c!i.ts. Iriimni-r .. Hiddlers, Flsher-ni-n, .V.otii.-r-in-; ;w, i'and:J.ite4. Sweethearts, Sp.i.'1-.mcn, mat 'imiifi.;. Till-i liOOK also i.'iii. litis ?..-vit:.1 ii1. T.'vK.r'-: n.ite.l sjK.oches. Spec lr.1 lilk-t: i-.-:id 1 K i '. '.s :;t tuice to The Illustrated Youth and Age, NASMVII.l.i:. TKNN., f r ft month's trial sub'n, fi.-::i:t.ir jit u.- :ind it . :il v. t;d, fn-e, Hst-iaidv "i...v.T:ivl.'i".: i..i'., r N.-w Vi-bsu-r lictioi:a. n of i5i words, v.m i n -; or send $1 for years snl.'ii, (r.-iful.ir jr"u -Vi.-.d 1 'c extra fr postapo, ml ir.-t 1..tli lnks tree l'.iiH-r Is a liikrh-ffrado il In .'. r.u.-d r.i.mtlily niaaziiic, M to 5Z pafres, Ksi.il lisli.-.I 1S"H. S.-ii.il lirjiai tinents: Wom en :md I'lii'.dit-ii. Only lii-li-irrade illustrated lil.-r.irv maaine fit rati.'ii.il circulation pub-ll-.li.-d in ilie Sou t!i: stronclv endorsed by Stata an.! louuiv f.it'u"i.ils. Teachers and the Prcttaj l. v.itiinj In ch.ii.tc'.er and uiori tout CUrtE ALL YOUR PAINS WITH Pain-Killer. A Mpilicine Chest in Itself. SIMPLE. SAFE AND QUICK CUKE FOR Cramps, Diarrhoc-a, Colds, r. Coughs, Neuralgia, g Rheumatism. L'5 r.nj DO tent Buttles. fV9 i r !i r a: ..s l-UY ONLV THE GENUiNI. PERRY DAVIS VIRGINIA COLLEGE WK YOUNG LADIES. ROANOKE, Vfl. !.Mis S.-pti'iiilicr lstli, T.hmi. One of the leadii'ir schools tor Yoinii: l.adics in the on:!i. Magnificent buildings all inodern iniMoVi'iiiciits. ('aininis h acres. ivaiui mountain spenerv in Valley of Virginia tamed tor health. Kumpean and A uteri can leaclu't-s. Full cotirse. Superior ad v i. t..r.T. ;,, , .,;. in,! Vlopiation Mudi-i.ts li.mi States. For catalogues a.l.ltess M.VTT1K V. 11 AKU1S. l'res., tkOanoKe, v a uirur,Trn'? PNRLIIM ENNYROYAL PILLS yT-s. Urlstnal and Only Craaln tor CHU HMTr. r.iati i In KE1 n-t Hold nietaille boiaa mid 1 itti Mn, rttibcn. l ake .thftr. Kefka. vj llaiirnii Sub.UluUoma Bad lmlfa- rrr floaia. l.uy oi jour I'tuuin. 9w mhj iiur. t,.t Pairtlcailarm. TalM.ilmU L oJ Krll.-f for l.adleav'M Utur.tj r ' Lf lum Mall. 1 0.OUO TeatUMiiiaJa. Said J ail lriu(i,i I hlcknMrl'kealMl Ca, MaJUu I'au-k. i'llli-A fi. P I PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM (GJP'frj Cl(ni"- jJ U-ni.fla tha hair. fl frojiu!. laiur.anl growth. iPJSHP- J (ievrr Fails to Restore Gray ja X Hair to it. Touthful Color. ?sy.ia I Cum P y hir taUmj. S5t c.am1 1 mat PniTt . ' . . . a aresuDjeciiu i peculiar Ills. The right remedy for babies' ills especially worms ami itoaiach flisorders is Frevs Vermifuge has cu-rd children for 50 years. Send for i.lus. book about the Ills and the L. IS, I'litY, Baltimore, HtU PAN-AMERICAN EXPOSITION, Buffalo, New York, flay i to Nov. i, 1901 NORTH AND WEST SIDES OF PLAZA. PAN-AMERICAN EXPOSITION. V7 COLOSSAL STADIUM AT THE PAN-AMERICAN EXPOSITION. J I, .... .. . - - - ...-... tut i:.'m, I.y ,,,. rail-American Exposition Co. .-laiidlng at the great Eleetrie Tower and looking north, the visitor to the Pan-American Exposition, to be held In Jbifr.-ilo from .May 1 to Nov. 1, 11)01, will have before hint the Plaza, or square, a beautiful open space 330 by 500 feet. On the opposite, or north, side of the Plaza will be the Propyhea, or monumental, entrances, connected by a etuxed .oleiimid,. oS0 fl...t lonf, A large building at the left. 311 feet long and 52 feet wide, with towers 1CA feet high, will he used for restaurant purposes. This forms also the eastern entrance to the Midway, or pleasure ground, when- the visitor mny find a collection of novel entertainments that will astonish the most cosmopolitan traveler. Directly a. is the Plaza from the Restaurant building is a companion structure, forming the entrance to the Sta dium, or .T.:d. tie tit Id. where 25,000 people may be seated to enjoy the high class athletic sports. HORTICULTURAL, GRAPHIC ARTS, FORESTRY AND MINES BUILDINGS AT BUFFALO. Copyright, liOO, by the Pan-American Exposition Co. The completed Stadium for the Pan-American Exposition, to be held In Buffalo from May 1 to Nov. 1, 1901, will offer to the lovers of sports the most spacious and splendid arena ever erected In America. The athletic carnival to t held during the great Expos-it ion will be the most notable in the hiBtory of American sport. The co-operation of many of the host promoters of athletic games has been secured. Visitor to the Exposition may therefore expect to witness the meeting of the most famous athletes of the world in competition for prizes worthy of their K8t feats. It is caid that the great Colosseum at Koine could accommodate 87,000 spectators. The Pan-American Stadium will be 120 feet longer and but 10 feet narrower than the historic amphitheater of Rome. The Stadium, however, will have a larger arena, and the seatiug capacity is estimated for 25,000 people. THE ELECTRICITY BUILDING AT THE PAN-AMERICAN EXPOSITION. Copyright, loJ. by the Pan-American Exposition Co. At the Pan-Aiuerieau Exposition, which is to be held in Buffalo from May 1 to Nov. 1, l'.01, the Horticultural building. 220 feet square, is flanked on the south by the Forestry and Mines and on the north by the Graphic Arts buildings, each 150 feet square. The whole group is connected by arcades, forming a semicircular court, in which will stand the "Fountain of the Seasons." The Horticultural building will be about 2lu feet high. The Graphic Arts ami Forestry and Mines buildings are companion structures of the same size and style, having four corner tow ers. Two colored compositions above the eastern entrance of the Horticultural building will represent Ceres, god dess of the harvest, iu a chariot drawn by three lions, led by Flora and Primavera. Copyright, 1000, by the Pan-American Exposition Co. Elaborate designs have recently been completed for the Electricity building for the Pau-Auierlcan Exposition, to be held in Buffalo May 1 to Nov. 1, 1901. Displays of all kinds in the practical and artistic uses of electricity, togeth er with complete exhibits of electrical machinery and appliances, arc to be conspicuous features of the great Exposi tion. The designs contemplate a very handsome and commodious building. The structure Is to be 500 feet from eaat to west aud 150 feet wide, giving an exhibition space of 75,000 square feet. The South Facade fronts the Mall, and the north fronts the Midway. The east end is toward the massive Electric Tower, while the west faces ths Oraod Canal. The general ornamentation of the structure is to be frescoes io a mixture of reds, greens and yellows. SERVICE BUILDING AT THE PAN-AMERICAN EXPOSITION. ELECTRIC TOWER AT THE PAN-AMERICAN EXPOSITION. . I'Milit, ! :'., by the l'an-American Kxpositlon Co. 1 ho large Service building at the Tan-American Exposition, to be held In BuiTalo from May 1 to -Nov. 1. 1901, was completed In 32 working days and was the first building erected on the grounds. It is the present home of a large corps of officers and employees having immediate charge of the con structive work of the Exposition. This handsome building is 95 by 145 feet, two .stories high. In it are the offices of the director of works, the landscape architect, superintendent of building construction, purchasing agent, chief engineer, mechanical and electrical engineer, with their numerous assistants. ETHNOLOGY BUILDING. PAN-AMERICAN EXPOSITION. Copyright, 1900, by the W&u-American Exposition Co. The dignified and stately beauty of the great Electric Tower, which will form the conspicuous centerpiece of the Pan-American Exposition at Buffalo Ma 1 to Nov. 1, 1901, will command the rapt admiration of every visitor. The entire exterior of the 350 foot high tower will be studded with electric lights. Copyright, I'M), by the 1'an American Exposition Co. One of the handsome structures at the great Pao-Amerlcau Exposition, which is to be held In Buffalo from May 1 to Nov. 1, 1901. will b the Ethnol ogy building, it will eoatalu an exhibit of unusual interest to all Americans. Ethnology is the science which treats of the division of mankind Into races, their origin, distribution and relations and the peculiarities which character ize them. At Buffalo the Ethnology building will be a veritable mjne of Infor mation concerning the countries of North and South America. This will be peculiarly apiuopriate for the reason that the Exposition Is a Pan-American, or All American, event, aud everything of Interest concerning the various na tions inhabiting the new world discovered by Columbus will be represented by an Interesting exhibit in Buffalo when the Exposition's gates open on May 1, l'jol. Strange to relate, the most Interesting exhibits concerning several countries in South America are already In this country. Peru, for example, will bend many Interesting exhibits to the Pan-American Exttosltioo aid will use Ler influence to have exhibited in her section the remarkable collection cf Peruvian antiquities now owned by various American museums. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT BUILDING, PAN-AMERICAN EXPOSITION MACHINERY AND TRANSPORTATION BUILDING. PAN-AMERICAN EXPOSITION. . 1 i I ' 1 ' " CfpvrLKht, limO. bv the Pan-American Exposition Co. "So vast is the number of valuable and inteieMuig oi-jict nr exhibition in the possession of tte government that uone but a building of great proportions could possibly contain them. Instead of one building, however, at the Paa meriean Exposition, which is to be held in Buffalo from May 1 to Nov. 1. 1901. the Federal group will consist of three massive structures connected by colonnades. The main building will be 130 feet wide and 600 feet long. The others will each be 150 feet square. The government work is under the direction of James Knox Taylor, superrialag architect of the treasury department. The group will ne treated architecturally In a modified Spanish renaissance, and the color scheme, jp marked contraBt to that used at q bjcago, wll be rlfolgfl br j. A Dcby'o Dlrih is very much like the blossom ing of a flower. Its beauty and perfection depends entirely upon the care bestowed upon its parent. Expectant inothcis should have the tenderest care. They should be snared all worry aud anxiety. They should cat plenty of good nourishing food and take gentle exercises. This will go a long way toward preserv ing their health ami their beauty as well as that of the little one to conic. Hut to be absolutely sure of a short and painless labor they should use rJJother'o Friend! reprularly during the months of g-rita-tion. Thin is m aimide liniment, which is to be Mpplled fraternally. It Kivea strength and vieor to the muscle and prev.nl. all of ill. diacomlorta of preg nancy, which women used to think were absolutely necessary. When Mother's friend is used there is no danger whatever. Get Mother's Friend at the drug store, 91 iter bottle. THE BRADfltLD RECUt ATOR CO. ATLANTA, . VrlUlMHt traabavk,Uala r I, sar" Henry Perry, Insurance.- A 6trongllne of both Life avast t Ire Com psuiles represented. Policies issued ami risks placed to best advantage. Office In Court House. "DAVE'S PLACE," (Opposite S. A. I.. Station.) European Hotel, Restaurant and Lunch Counter. Meals Served at all lio ns Day i I Nic.li' Fur oisbed Rooms. Comfortable Beds. Everything strictly fust class. An orderly . well kept place. SALOON Equal to any in the State, stocked with nothing but the very Best and i'titcM goods money can buy. This lielng the grip season we have all sinus r ingreincHisior relieving same. FINE CIGARS AND TOBACCOS. POOL BOOMS IN CONNECTION. POSITIONS aLlZdc,!:" Our facilities tor uecarluif positions and tlid proficiency of our graduate arc ten times moot strotiirly endorsed by bankers and merchant i than those of other college. 5end lor catalogue. DRAUGHON'S PRACTICAL BUSINESS Little Rock. Pythian Bids:, stb fc Main Shreveport. Lav. Ft. Worth. Te St. Louis. Mo., 3 (lalveaton. T.sa , Nashville, Teaa., K Savannah. Ua. Cheap board. Car tars paid. Ko vacation. Later any time. Best patronized in the South. Beokkeeptlas-.SIiOfthaMsd. EtCtauirlit ty mail. Write for price list Home Study. Scholarship rree iy aoing- a little writing- at your home. HENDERSON TELEPHONE COMPANY. HENDERSON, N. C , MARCH 15TII, 1900. I hrg to an nounce t hat ill- following towns are now ton net ted hy lon distance phones and the r.tt herewith jmiI lislicd will I"' in effect on and a.ur March 5. 1 9 o. FROM HENDERSON: Axtell. 1. Mm..!.. Airlev, MiitiMiti. BnM.Lstoii. io. M.-d.H. -J'-. BrinU-vville. Middl.-buiu. I". (Viitervillf-. 2". Oiikvill.-. -..-.. Churchill. -'" 0f..id. ! Crowell. LY l.idgow ;i.'. . 1 Y Bithliov. 1"- Uilig v-oo.!. l " Kufield. 4-i. IbuiiM.U l'riiiikluitoii. 1.".. 'Iill.rv. ! iuton. "J. Viiiigli.'in. fiillburg. H. W'ainii 1'l.iiiin. Halifax-. J Wart. lit. m L'u Kittnll. 1 Weldon. laurel. -J". Wt. Littlitf.il. Vollllg-Vllle. J". Ixmipbiirg. J". F. C. Toepleman lienrratl hnperlastrsiste Ml HUMPHREYS' YFJERIIlAriYSKCiriCS A. A.IPBTERH. -Mcesioe. IsOaJBSM. CCBJBt ( ctoaa. Leas fever. Milk Fever. B. .PflA-f. Laaseaeo.. InjerV. cvaaa Itheeesatiaas. '. MiKK THROAT, itelaay. fctduMHte. cases OuMessBcr, "jJ j-A OKMH. Ilou. VreU. E. K. COtOHi, t eles. InBswaaa. Iaaiur4 1 1 L.eass. inere-lBeaaaete. Cotvri;;!.t. 1700, by the Pan-American Exposition Co. This big structure is GOO by 350 feet, with a central court 10O by 175 feet. Its type of architecture la the Span ish renaissance, modified to suit the conditions of the Exposition. The roofs are laid with red tile and the cemented walls are brilliant with color. The colors are to be rd and yellows in light tints. The facades will present an ar caded effect, with broad, overhanging eaves, in Imitation of the old mission buildings in California and Mexico. The Central Court will be a veritable tropical garden, with a long, narrow pool, containing loXerestlng speclmsaa of aquatic life, and will have seats, where the weary-visitor may rest a moment. Hie Exposition .is to be held la BnOalo In 1901 from May 1 to Nov. L. ( P. P. I COLIC Brllyerhe. M lae-Hlwwa. cms LHarrb-a. Ut sealery. ti.V. Prevent. MIMCARHIAUK. jy; SJDXEY ek BLADDER DIMORDICHrt. I. I. (HRIX DIiE 4SE. M.ese. Erapsiwas. ccaasi I' leers. Urease. Farcy. 1. R.tBAR sTO-JDITIO.. Marias Coal, cpmaejlastsrslisa. si.aserh sstaecera. Haaspssreyr atedsHae' t.'wTl'lilm fj7n Sta- lw York. Vsraanaar MaxvaL aaar turn. 5EBV0US DEBILITY, VITAL WEAKNESS and Prostration from Over work or other causes. HumphMyt' Homwir1" Speiflo No- a. ir ci over years, t otily acxccee.fiU remsdj. SI par vtaLor special aaMskato with powdeMor 1 5 SM4 ST Brass-, m mmX lU4 a rliH sf s.lrt. acsrajaaryajav. co.. oav.wisiaa a js. ssv. ii A