it r Lr.-vr, is shown by ita well liili J;i 1 v rt iiiiK:o!uiiinH SENSIBLE BUSINESS MEN The Gold Lcr stand at the head oi ucwspaiKrs in tuia section V BRIGHT TOBACCO DISTRICT: I)inot continue to.spend ood money where no returns Sire Hit'U . That is Proof that it pays Them, A The most wide-awake and successful business men n it columns with the highest J X Scttdios and Frolt to TtoaselTes.1 THAD R. MANNING, Publisher. 0-A-HOX.IlSJ-A.,OA.IlOX.I3SJ-A-,iEA.'VE3Sr's BLESSINQS ATTEND HER." ISOtSCMPTIOJ Jl.JCui VOL. XIX. HENDERSON, N. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 9, 1900. NO. 35. IfS Iv. itiirj: firings success. 1.,.; ,r ; ayrto advertise inthe Gold " i mk. for a woman i! "-i!n Jl the taint f(J i'j'xi it will CP jp :r- to show "A, ip t MfMi or Jk ( Kten its 7!" i fi-statiotis they are painful. lc hav- hc-i n cure d of scrof- i its must nriiiiiant forms by the Ir. Tierce's Goltlen Medical . iy. This remedy is remarkable piwi-r to purify the blood. It ;!e!y eliminates the corrupting ele It makes the bit od clean and It increases the action of the 1 link in- jjlands, and so increases j i .nMty it pure blood supplied to I : v. r thank you for advising mr to ,. i-. r. ,. s i..,l'lf-n Mcdu al Iriscovery," .!- f t- Murphy, of Fonda, I'm nhoutafc a.i " I! cured nit of chronic scrofula : :i-' Miiiulinif. I hal dfxtored for T:itil I was completely discouraged, t ! i hn.riic diarrhea for twelve year.. I ' i h' :'ti now- tw ttcr than I ever wa. o..v:iiK to Or. Pierce's Gulden Medi .vry I toolc several littles of the . v ' :.i'!.jic I stopped.1 I'ieree'.i Conimon Sense Medical i -:. a work for every woman, is sent u reeeipt of 2'. one-cent stamps (to t ,f mailing only), for paper :i Ijotli liound, 31 stamps. Ad Ir. K. V. l'ierce, ilullalo, ti. Y. H. H. BASS, Physician and Surgeon, iikniu.ksox, n. c. I ; '' Mice over Dorsey's Dnitf Store. J k. I". S. HAKIMS, DENTIST, IIKNDKRSON, N. C, tlici- over K. (1. Davis'store, Main Mi.-et. lati.l-a. FRANCIS A. MACON, Dental Surgeon, Offieo, Young &Tncker Building. Under Telephone Exchange. hours ! A. M. to 1 r. M. .! to r. I. M. J.'M.liMice l'lione KM; olliC l'lione K Tiui.ktes luriiislieil when deired. No charge ln examination. HUMPHREYS' 'SVETERIMARYSPECIFICS A . . I t-'KVKRi. 'iiKt'i4lloii-t. Inllaniina. i in-sk lioiiH. l.iiiiK Forr, Alilk Frier. 11. It. (M'K Lnnieiie.s. Injuri. .. 1 iitji S Ulu-iiliiiitiyni. i.f. JNOHK TIIHOAT, UuiiKv. Kpizoutie. 1 i:n ItUK-mpt-r. "jM OK.MS, Hu. (irulw. I . K. M OI (ills. I,N. Inflii. iia. liiflHiiiea 1 ilimS KiinttH. I'lfiiru-l'iit-unionia. 1. I' irm.lC. Il. llynche. ind-lllou 11. 1 iiu i Olurrlu-a. Itvx-iili-ry. ; .'. 1'reveiiu lS(-.tA(;K. " t'L i KI1KY IL AUOEK lISll LtKHS. I. I. ?hl IIISK VPKH, Manice. Kruptiuu. 1 utj I I rem. reaf. Farcy. J. K.HII t OMIIllllV. htnrina Coat. t itk.-. liitlliHtiiii. Hiumacli tatfKfrtf. i.n eni-h; Statlo Caso, Ten Spwlfles. Kook, &c, (1. At IrtiKKlHtst itr tint tr'i)uil on rtH'elpt of prloo. Ilinii.hri'yi' Mi'.lli lnc i., or. William John M... Svw York. Vktkkisakt SUSLil. hKNT 'RKIC. i:rvous dkbility, VITAL. WKAUXESS Mini Prostration from Over work or other causes. Humphreys' Homeopathic Specific Ni. in vise over 40 years, trie only fr-uecessfiil rrnecly. $ 1 rer rial. or special package with powder.for $3 l- lit iiKKtita. f'r sent ..Bt palj on rtretjit ot prii-. HI M'lllmiti-akU. CO.. lor. HUUu Juha Su.,Ka Turk ALWAYS KEEP ON HAND There is no kind of pain1 or acho, internal or exter nal, that Pain-Killor . will not relieve. CUr FOR IMiTATIONS AND SUB-, ,S' HTLS THE GENUINE BOTTLE , BEAR-i THE NAME. PERRY DAVIS A. SON. VIRGINIA COLLEGE f OK YOUNG LADIES, ROANOKE, Vfl. Opens S tiitMiiher lsth. l:W. Onetiftlie leadint: --cliools tor Younu Ladies in the iitli. Mamiiliceiit ouildiiif;-1. all modern iiiii'tovt-ineut-i. I'tniiptis lt acres, (irand mountain sctMierv in Valley of Virginia, lamed lor health. Kuropean and Ameri ca:! teachers. Full course. Superior ad vantages in Ait. Music and hlocution students 1 10111 States. For catalogues a.l.'tess M A I'l l K 1. HAKKIS, Pres., Koanoke, a. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH P3LLS HAFK. Alrl:r : l adled Ji Uruf (Irt OrijrtMal and tttilv Onnli f.t CltirilK.STF.K'S I.NoLlaU iu an.l toltl luetkUtc bozu M&Id ithMnnMKa. Take ao other. Kafafta lMXvrvni Habvtltutiaa mmd Imita tions. Huy of your Druncist. or MB1 4a. la uinia t..t I'arUealara. Testlaisalais 1 " Ketlef for l.adlea."ns Uiur. ? ra. tara Mall. I o.lllltf TriliDOBislt. Sola I'riifgiu --- ' "r PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Clcftxise And beAut.fxtt th hail. Pruiuoi a laxtui-nf arowth. Never Falls to Bestor Qrmj nur 10 na xouvuiui voior. Cure .cup di-ktfur Jt hair tallutf. VV. and $ 1 to 1 PrugiKtt " v nave a DOOK I rrepar-d especially for you. which V TT- X . . " -icD. 11 ireHl.s 01 tho that M'Prr otiil.f 1 a n...i which " aoa lor r reys Vermifusre bas been successfully used ' ftir a halAKf.,.. - simi. lcuiui V, , t-otl hi it.: t..r - t. . S. t HE V. PUUoiore. Hi. i- r-i)'.ilsux' a lA M. " -i V XI FIRST IN WAR, Where the fighting is hottest tliere you may count on finding a North Carolinian, whether on his native heath or in the land of the almond eyed heathen thousands of miles away. The record made by the North Carolinians in the war between the States is known of all men. It has never been surpassed in the world's history, and what is more, it never will be surpassed. When the Spanish Amevicau war came on North Caro linians ijuickly went to the front, and it was a North Carolina boy who was lirs 1 among the officers to lose his life in that conflict. The clash of arms is heard in China and thence around the world, and among the first to be wounded is a North Csrolinian Capt. Lemley of the marine corps whose part iu the light at Tien Tsin was told in the Cittzcti's Associated Tress dis patches Monday. The Old North Stale "Heaven's blessings attend her!" is represented wherever the sun shines upon the white man, and her sons are ever ready to respond to the call of duty. Calm and conserva tive in peace, she is terrible in war, and her sons have the same qualities "bred in the bone." Asheville Citi zen. RHEUMATISM CATARRH, ARE BLOOD DISEASES CURED BY B. B. B. Bottle Free to Sufferers. It is the deep-seated, obstinate eases of Catarrh and Rheumatism that 13. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm) cures. It matters not what other treatments, doctors, sprays, liniments, medicated air, blood purifiers, have failed to do, B. B. B. always prompt lv reaches the real cause and roots out and drives from the bones, Joints, mueuous membrane, and entire system the specific poison in the blood that causes Rheumatism and Catarrh. B. B. B. is the only remedy strong enough to do this and cure so that there can never be a return to the svnip toms. Don't give up hope, but try B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm) or 3 Bs. For sale by druggists and Dorsey Drug Co., in Henderson at f 1 per large bottle, or 6 large bottles (full treatment) f3. To prove our faith in B. B. B. we will send a Trial Bottle We and prepaid to sufferers, so they may test the remedy at our expense. Ad dress BLOOD BALM CO.. Atlanta. Oa. REPEAL THE WAR TAX. Why Continue to Tax the People Mil lions of Dollars? March 10, 1900, the United States Treasury had on hand as shown by the official statement a net cash bal ance of over three hundred million dollars. The government receipts, excess of all expenses for 8 months prior to April 1st, were over sixty two and one-half million dollars per mouth. At this rate money is being taken out of circulation and concen trated iD the vaults of the United States Treasury in the enormous sums of ninety-six million dollars per year, aud for what purpose or usage? This concentration of the circulating medium cannot fail to result, very materially, detrimental to business at large. Iu his letter to congress. January 10, 1900, the Secretary of the Treasu ry said: "The revenues are now ex ceeding disbursements from month to month, and seem likelv to do so for an indefinite time. This condi tion would be-a menace to the busi ness world if assurances were not given that this surplus would be di verted from the treasury vaults to public depositories where, while secure to the government, it would remain available to business use." The existence of over three hundred million dollars in cash means that the government has not only the required gold reserve, as per the law just passed but also one hundred and lifty miliions of dollars over and above all expenses, and still the government is collecting taxes on checks, deeds, mortgages, medicines, perfumes, bills lading, telegrams, money orders, etc., leaving upon the people an unjust, harrassing, oppressive tax. What pos sible excuse can there now be for Con gress refusing to repeal this unjust stamp tax upon business documents, medicines, toilet articles, etc? Think about it! Since July 1st, 1899, there has gone into the public treasury an average daily surplus of two hundred and seventy thousand dollars, and it 19 increasing from dav to dav, and HON. ADLAI EWING STEVENSON, Democratic Nominee for Vice President. now that the government does not need the money, why continue it and tax the people? Mr. Hecp said to a drunken fellow, "If I were in your place I would go out to the woods and hang Diyself." The answer was, --If yooz in my plaish, you couldn't get there." Absolutely Pure Makes hot breakfast-breads wholesome no yeast germs, no alum. Makes cake, biscuit and pastry of superior fineness, flavor and deli cacy. Makes food that will keep moist and sweet. Is most economical, because it is the purest and greatest in leavening strength. In the easy, expeditious preparation of the liner cakes and pastries, Royal is indispensable. B0YAL BAKING POWDER CO.. Wiffwas; "There's a man who would have made a name for himself if it hadn't been for the saloon." Watson "I see. It presented a bar to his success, eh?" The poet appears to have no writes that the editor is bound to respect. Care tnun be taken to avoid bikm powders made from aturn. Such powders arc s.M cheap, because they cot tut a kw cms pvr iiur..;. N only wi'.! they sp'jil the cake. I- t ilara is a v. to sive acid, which taken iu ImS c:ca:tS i:.ju:y to hea':th. 100 WILLIAM ST.. NEW YORK. THE A. M. COLLEGE. Textile Equipment Which Will Make it One of the Best Furnished Insti tutions of the Kind In the Country. The Agricultural and Mechanical College is making the very best pos sible arrangements for increased use fulness during the fall session. The Agricultural Department has received valuable additions. New and improved machinery, increase of acreage, fencing in land for grazing purposes of cattle, all will give greater facilities for good work. The department of Physics will be very much enlarged. This embraces electrical engineering, for which a suitable brick building is now being erected from the appropriation to this deparment for the next year. New lathes and machinery are bc ih'r secured for the mechanical de partment. The school of textile fabrics will re ceive remarkable development over last year. A very competent man, Mr. Wilson, has been engaged, in connection with Mr. Tompkins of Charlotte, and iuite an amount of new machinery has ben donated by cotton mill manufacturers. For the present the old chapel of the main building will be used for in struction purposes in this depart ment. This room is 4n60 feet in size, and will be equipped with auto- matie sprinklers. No lappers for the present will be used until a separate building shall be erected, but the re maining machinery will afford good, practical training for the present. It is almost certain that the Insti tution will be overcrowded. More dormitory room is absolutely needed, which it "is believed the next Legisla ture will supply. The other departments Chemical, Civil Engineering, etc. are well equipped and manned. The College has an acknowledged position amone the institutions of the State, and is sure to become the lead ing factor in the development of the splendid resources of North Carolina for the splendidly equipped faculty is even more admirable than tbo physical equipment and the Improve ments juat noted, from Prtsideat Winston down, and it cannot result otherwise. Throurh No 111 WW to the Nofro. (Wilmington Messenger.) The Democratic party is too wise, too just, too far-seeing to take steps to curtail schooling facilities for those who may vote. It will rather uplift and educate those who shall be wil ling to strive for the proper qualifica tions as electors. Do not enter upon any doubtful scheme. Fulfill all promises in good faith. Let the ne groes have sufficient advantages to improve their minds and their morals. If they are ever to become desirable citizens they must have a sound moral basis and sufficient opportunity lor acquiring a good primary education. It's a poor thermometer that won't work both ways. The peopl of North Carolina are a tolerant folk; bnt when it is sought to bully them, or when one goes about among them arousing the worst pas sions of the ignorant and vicious, they are apt to call a halt peremptor ily. This Is not a threat hut a word of friendly advice which needs to be read, marked and inwardly digested. Charlotte Observer. DOES IT PAT TO BUY CSB4P? A cheap remedy for coogha and cold" is all right, bnt von want aomethiBK that will relieve and cure the mom severe and dangerous reaulU of throat and long troubles. What -hail you do? Go to a warmer and more regular dictate ? Yea, if possible; if notpoeeible for 70a, than in either case take the oily remedy that has been introduced ia all avilued coan triea with soceesa in sever throat and lung' troubles, "Boaches's German Syrup." It not only heals and stimulates the tisanes to destroy the germ diesaae, but allays inflaarmatioo, easees easy ex pectoration, giva ft good ainht'e rest, and cures theji2Bt Try o& bottle. Becomnseartag tutor 7 ears by an drug gists in the world. For rale by The T or sey Prngfo. Kit 1 is hard enough aa it is. It is to her that we owe our world. and everything should be made as easy as possible for her at the time of childbirth. This is Just what OTHER'S Friend will do. It will make ir. iti ir u c . aud painless, and that without taV inj; dangerous druRs into the sys tem. It is simply to lie applied to the muscle of the abdomen. It penetrates through the skin carry ing strength ami elasticity with it. It strengthens the whole system and prevents all of the discomforts of pregnancy. The mother of a plumb babe in Panana, Mo., says: " I have used Mother's Friend and can praise it highly." Get Mother's friend at the Drug Store, SI per bottle. The Bradficld Regulator Co., ATLANTA, GA. Write for our free illustrated book. " Beforo Baby is Born." Henry Perry, Insurance.- A stroDKline of both Llf svad t ire ! amalea represented. Policies i-stifd nni risks plaaed to best advantage. Offiee in Court House. "DAVE'S PLACE," (OpMisii S. A. L. Sttition.) European Hotel, Restaurant and Lunch Counter. Meats Served at all Ilo.irs Day r Mlit Fnrnisbed Rooms. Comfortable Beds. Kverythlnn strictly first-el ass. An urdeily, well kept place. 0 SALOON Koual to anv in the htate. stocked with I nothing but the very Best and I'm est goods money esu buy. This helni; the Ki'ip Measoii we have all kinds if iiiKredieitLs for relieving MOne. FINE CIGARS AND TOBACCOS. 11)01. K(M)MS IN CONNKCI KN. ALKALINE WATER. HmIow U Iia al.alvftis of the. Star Alka line Water, which Is confidently recom mended to those suffering from Dyspepsia, i-.ll . I . 1 L.4i.... '!'...-. I . t I . . u . iiiuikcbuuu, AnnuHitiui siii.i lout, Rheumatism, or Bright' Disease .f the Kidneys. Raleigh, N. C, October. imi. Solids 37.620 grains to one United state- gallon containing of nuiea ueoxiae, i.u. ginn Iron and Alumina, 4-373 Potassium Sulphate, 4.507 " Potassium Chloride, 1.H00 " Sodium Chloride, 13.542 " Sodium Carbonate, 5.09.1 " Calcium Carbonate, 4.KI3 -Magnesia Carbonate. 2 .43.-) " II. B. BATTLE. State Chemist. For the Water and further particular", address, J. F. HARRIS, Proprietor, Henderson, N. C. Or.CITir.NI4 OmummtmaVmOtr Vrm- r SSa a IV1 Jiaif T KHaaiUona. Out facilities tot acrinf wait ion and tlio proficiency of our gradaatira ara tea timra tin Me st roar lr endocMd by banker and nu rrliani- tban thus of other colleges. Scad lor catalogue. DRAUGHON-S PKACTKAL BUSINESS UtHa Rack. Pythian fUdg-. 8th & M.ln lawnairt. Law t Ft. Worth. t. Loola, Mo J Oalvealon. Naahvltte. Toaat.. r Savannah. l-t. worth, it. , In. ia. Cheap board. Caw far paid. No vauu... Eater any time. Best patronized in th.- Souii:. Bl hhMnC,SIOrthiad, Etc, tang lit ly in...' Write for price IUt Iloma Study. Scholarsh . Fran by doing a little writing- at your home. HEKDERSOM TELEPHONE COMPANY. HENDERSON. If. C.MARCH ISTH. 1900. I bfjr to an nownc t hat tin i -1! wiiij4 towns arc now on m-cH'l y lon;. litance phon s and t h- herewith jul lislted will in effect on an I after March i5, 1900. I'M U FROM HENDERSON: Axtell, 10. Matron. -' Airley, 2". Maunon, Brttokntoii. lo. Nb-dM. J" UriiiklewihV. :,. MiddM.tiur. 1 fVutcrvilb. 20. OakvilU-. Churchill. Oxford. ' " Crowdl. IV HidKwa.v. 1 " Itobnev. 10. KiiirwtMl. ". KnOeld. 4-V lmnoU- Fmiikbiiton. IV TilU-iy, K' Cuatoii, 2-V VitiUfhan - (iillbtirg. IO. Warren l'lain Jh Halifax, Wiirrenton. -'. Kittrvll, 10. Weld. .11. "t". Laurel. 'JO. Wie. -' Littleton. kC. YuiurvilU-. '-' . Lountburg, 20. F. C. Toepleman. Cittfml awrleio. Everything to eat, fr.b aud up o date, at H. TIIOM 4 SON S.

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