Advertising Brings Success. As an Advertising Medium ' i'h.-it it paysto advertise intheGoLix I .1.- 1 t iu ulinten Ktf -. 1 I The Gold stand? at the htad oi t H newspapers in thissection X tilled ad vertiHiiiKuoliimnH " SENSIBLE BUSINESS MEN Ionot continue to upend irood money whpre no of thefaroout. BRIGHT TOBACCO DISTRICT A Th iuoit wide-awake and i iatiic returns are sw;ii. use it oolumus witladhe highest T That is Proof that it pays Them. Satisfaction tod Profit to Themselits.1 9 THAD R. MNING, Pablisber. (C 0-Aoi-iisr,0-ROij:isr-A., JEDB-A.TE3sr's Blessings -A-TTEistid ZE3Le:r." SUBSCRIPTS $1.60 Cub. VOL. XIX. HENDERSON, N. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1900. NO. 40. If Ten Lost Years. i"i;;ur- it for yourself, 'r'uii the :ie of fifteen to of forty-five a woman ;vi-i one-thin I of her time . t?t- s'.iiferinx incident to :c recurring K-riodii Junc . iii. Ten years of suTferinj;! v 1 1 1 this condition of things acceptc'l as nat nl, ami eii'lureil a. a ft-mi- ::e disability for which .-re is no help! Is there . help? There is help for every :nnl for almost every woman . :-:- t healing in the use of Dr. r.'c's Favorite Prescription. It v iri-s regularity, dries the drains .'.i'. h weaken women, heals inflam . I'.i'.n and ulceration aiifl cures fe i i!e weakness. It is a temjerance . d;. itie non-alcoholic and non- 1 '.kas ho wc:iL I h'l not havr breath to ii, ;u russ my room " writ'-s Mis Isabel :-..r i,t New i'rovifi-inr. Cailowny Co., Ky. I . p'-no.Is iKcurrrd toootti-n ami the hem . :..,! w.jiil l be fro!oni(el and thf lass of . .1 v.-ry excessive. I also had bjk-IIs which i'- l.' tor saiil were fainting tits. X did not irvmjth from one monthly period to l -i tin r va vrrv wi-.ik. nd nervous .11 the Was confined to my bed for three .i .Mt lis iiid the d tr told me I would never .- .imv bett'-r. I lived in this way from sir ' c.irsold to tw.-nty three. I was at last , '.visd by a kind irirnd to try Dr. l'ierce's :-.c. '.rite I'rescnptinn. which I lid, and be 1 had taken two In.ttles of it I could v jtk all ilav. I t'xik in nil six bottles of the 1 .i.otiie l'rescrijtion ' and aUut five vials I :t 1'ieic-s lvllets. I us' d no other !!.' ic irie. I have never had a return of this 1 1 since." (,. A. Coggeshall, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, HENDERSON. X. C. i ir i . in ( '(. m -I- Uiit;i House I'.llildino'. - Phone No. 70. H. H. BASS, Physician and Surgeon, HEN PERSON, X. C. Mice over Porsey's Drug Store. j 11. iiiciix;i:i:M, ATTOKNKY AT LAW, 1 1 n; I ) KltS ) N, IN. O Ollioe: in Harris' law milldiiitf uea eoin t tou-e . j yt. r. s. ii.vitif is, DENTIST, IIKXDKKSON, N. C. ;-rT":lioe nvei E.G. Davis' store, Main stieit lan.l-a. FRANCIS A. MACON, Dental Surgeon, Office, Young &Tncker Building, Under Telephone Exchange. mice hours t A. M. to 1 1 M. 3 to f P. M. Vsidence Phone SH; otlice Phone 2."i. herniates furnished when deired. No charge for examination. Henry Perry, --Insurance. ?" ig;iineor both Life and t ire 'oii- lHi represented. Policies Issued and rUks placet' to oest advantage. irtice in Court House. "DAVE'S PLACE," t .. it- S A. I.. Station.) European Hotel, Restaurant and Lunch Counter. 1,.iU Sei.d at all Hons Paytr Night Furnished Rooms. Comfortable Beds. r-n flung -tiictlv first-class. An orderly, well kept place. SALOON 1 1 i;il t. an in the Mate, stocked with r.othing but the very 15est and Purest goods money can buy. IhK V'i'ini; the iliip "sea-on we have all kinds t inurodicHts for relieving same. riM: CIGARS AND TOBACCOS. Foul. IIOOMS IN CONM'.CTIUN. J. L. CURRIN, Ke.dl Estate Broker and Auctioneer, Henderson, N. C. KOK --u.K-lMPKOYFl) LOTS. - 1...HU hoiw, F.urwell ave and Chestnut t ,"' lciuii house. Gainett street. ." lf.iin hou-e, Southall avenue. 4 rnom house, Southall avenue, s ltMim house. Orange street. 4 s', ii y 1W iek Factory a splendid build ing l or Tol'.icco Factory or Knitting Mill, l.aiae lot ahd convenient tenant houses. 7 room dwelling on Church street large If. and splendid shade and fruit trees, lt iek tore house on Montgomery street. ." room cottage on Montgomery street :ib"Ut 10 acres and is offered very low. Factory building ou Wyche street. Well located for carriage factory. I N IMPROVED. .hi;oo Garnett street, 200x2.V Cor Mont gomery and Freckenridge street. .i'xJIo, cor Young, Chestnut and Church. 4oox5iri, chavasse ave, 7 acres near college I lots near Fair Grouud. li you want a good Farm see what I have before you purchase. I erms Fiasv. Rents Collected. J. L. CURRIN. PENNYROYAL PILLS CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH P V wnini ann vniy ucaulnr. VnM i niiiityitu s j..s o 1.1.S11 in utu ui uom iaim.iic Dow ral wuh biu. nt n Take aa other. KeraM Daaffcroo SabMltatloa ui laiUa tloDft. Huy of Tour Llruuut or .rod 4. IB iuidpi for Particular. Testimonials and "Kt-llrr for Lad lea." m Uicr. br ra tara Mall. I'l.OliU TwiinotiUi. Sold all brucms Colchester Chess loal Ce Equal To The Occasion. DIPLOMATIC GENERAL PASSENGER AGENT ALLEN, OF THE SEABOARD AIR LINE. A Good Story Told at the Expense of Billy" Christ fan-Something in a Name Whether Shakespeare Thought j so or Not How a Party of Religious- ly Inclined Females Were Cleverly 1 Disposed of. (Nowitzky's Monthly Magazine.) The heads of departments of great railroads often lind it necessary to j use considerable diplomacy to keep j their ollice from beinj; invaded durinw ! business hours. It is strange that well-meaning people cannot realize that the ollice of a transportation company is :t work shop, instead of a conversation room, to relieve the tedium of wailing pas sengers. A good story iu this connection is told in which Mr. Allen, General Pas senger Agent of the Seaboard, Mr. Christian of the anie department, ; and a number of vcrv relii'iouslv in clined young ladies, chaperoned bv an elderly evangelical enthusiast, who had come down on a Northern steamer several hours too late to take the Southbo.und train, were the leading lignres. It apjicnrs that the. young ladies had got tired of the long wait and concluded to look about to find where they could relieve the tedium and make men better. They enquired of a railroad man if there were not olliccs up stairs in whicn a larire num ber of men were employed. The iretitlenian. observing at once that they were travelers and thinking that they miirht have some business ' with the passenger department - rected them to that ollice. As soon as they arrived they asked for the gentleman in charge, and in a moment later Mr. Allen approached, arid when he saw the bevy of beauty and culture that surrounded him he came near losing his heart, but not his head. With a smile that showed his appreciation of the visit he asked them in most pleasing accetits if he I could be of any service to them, par- i ,, ticularlv in connection with the rail . . ' . ! road he had the honor to represent. The' informed him that they had no particular business to transact: that they were waiting for the next train, which would leave in about six hours, and would like to take up a part of it in discussing religious topics with any sinners that might be in his ollice, with the hope of improv ing their spiritual welfare. Mr. Allen immediately squared him self to make a formal but courteous address, and these, as near as I can gather, were the words he spoke: "Ladies, I know you will be sur-j prised when I tell you that this is one j of the most remarkable otlice-build-, ings in America. II ttiere is a con tinued sinner iti it, I do not know it. There is a moral atmosphere that prevails here that is astonishing," and then, dramatically pointing into his ollice. he continued, "do you see that studious and melancholy gentleman who looks as if he had just left the stage, after speaking the lines of the Dane iu Hamlet?" The ladies assured him by their looks and gentle nods of the head that they were paying strict attention. "Well," he continued, "he is one of the best Christians I have ever seen. T say best," he added enthusias tically, "from the fact that he has always been a Christian, not a Pagan one day and a saint the next, but always the same man. As a child, he was gladly proclaimed a Christian he grew to manhood a Christian, and now in full maturity nothing gives him greater pleasure than the knowl edge that he is to-dav what he has always been, a Christian: and no mat ter what may occur in the future, when the tinal summons conies he will die a Christian.' Has he always been h railroad man?" asked the chaperon of the party. "No, madame," was the reply. "He fore he joined our road he was one of the brightest of newspaper men. and in gathering the news he would often find himself in some exceedingly bad places and at other times surrounded bv many temptations, but it made no difference whether in the slums, with the air blue with profanity, or at the banquet of a millionaire, where cham pagne flowed like water, he never forgot that he was a Christian, and the beauty of it is that all the other men in my department are just like him. moral, conscientious and indus trious." The ladies, greatly impressed with the relijrious air that dominated everv desk of the passenger department of the Seaboard Air Line Kailway, drew memorandum books from their pockets and made notes of what they had just heard, to assist in future literary work, and then bade their genial and descriptive new found friend good-bye. As to Mr. Allen, when he reached his ollice. where a dozen busy men were pushing pens and tapping type writers with all the energy that thev could command in order to get through in reasonable time the great amount of work that the rapidly in creasing passenger business of the load compelled, he walked up to the gentleman he had just pictured as the ideal for the rest of the world to model after, and said: Mr. Christian. I believe it was Shakespeare who wrote: 'That a rose bv anv other name would smell as sweet." " "It was," replied the man ad dressed "Well, Shakesphere is, generally, ambition and a good dinner, justly considered good authority, but j A sick man may not lose his sense he was way off when he tried to con- of touch, but he does not feel well, vince the public that there was noth- I A bald headed man says his hair inr in a name, for your name has reminds him of a fool and his money, saved this office from an invasion, j Outward bound books are constant which as far as we are concerned, j ly being launched on the sea of litera with the work accumulating ahead of ' ture. us taken into consideration, would be j -. fully as disastrous as the capture of Everything that glitters is not a Pekin to China." gold brick- "Yes," replied Mr. Christian, "and if the United States requires a dip lomat to cope with Li Hung Chang in formulating the treaty, I think they wouia meet an requirements by press- 1D!T into sci iut; iiie vjr. i . a. oi me S. A. L. GEO. I. NOWJTZKY. WEDDED. BY FRANK L. BTANTON. 1. Well, you are wedded, and around your life Twine two great joys; for some one calls you wife. And the child lips murmur "Mother," and you smile After long years of sorrow and heart-strife. II. ; Smile up into the eyes that meet your own i Feel the strong, sheltering arms around I you thrown. j Ami say, "My husband:" and with love words while Away the hours, no longer dark aud lone. ' III. ! You feel the clinging of your child: you feel ; His arms about your neck; his kisses steal Away the sigh which trembles to your lirw When faithful Memory doth some face re veal IV. fading past! From out the or sighs but tears Are not for your sweet lips fur such sweet eyes ! What earthly Joy can now your Joy eclipse? For, choosing well, your love could be but wise! V. And yet, 1 fancy that upon your brow There is a faint-formed shadow resting now, The bended head drops lower, till at last Your weeping face in your pale hands you bow VI. Andgive yourself togiiet! Is it not so? A y.,ce calls to you from the long ago ! lit, ri 1 r. ..a I . -ff A hand is stretched toward you from the past And Joy is lot in bitterness nnd woe! VII. You wonder w hy the tears your eyes should fill; You whisper to jour breaking heart: "Be still!" But the heart moans with yearnings un sutticed Vague yearnings which the world can never fill! VIII. r or women love but once: and if denied I'hat fust, sweet love, they live unsatisfied, . .i ! . , . . vim ciing hi u us iu tne cross oi unrisr, Whereon their bleeding hearts are crucified IX. Aud this is life! . us, sweet! Heaven's meroy on Be it that you and I no more shall meet Until the grass is green above the breast And God's white daisies grow at head and feet! "Why don't you eat your chowder, Mr. Hallrfrom?" asked the boar ling house mistress; "is it cold?" "Yes," replied Mr. Hallroom: "cold, but not clammy." North Carolina Tobacco at Paris position. Ex. The Greensboro correspondent of the Charlotte Observer says Mr. J. F. Jordan, the well known tobacco deal er of that city, has been notified that an exhibit of leaf tobacco prepared by him for the Paris Exposition had re ceived honorable mention. The ex hibit was composed of all grades, special attention being paid the cigar ette goods and strips, which are the grades most sought after by the European trade. At the World's Fair Mr. Jordan made an exhibit of leaf tobacco that was conceded '.o be the finest ever made anywhere. The exhibit was made at an expense of 1300. GENERAL CARR FOR SENATOR. A Voice From Out of the West Calls for His Election. The 1'rcss, of Franklin, Macon count", noting the fact that Gen. Carr had announced himself a can didate for United States Senator, pays that gentleman the following handsome and merited tribute: As a private citizen Gen. Carr has done more than any other man in North Carolina to promote the State's most material interests. He has given liberally to help the cause of education, and has done more for Confederate veterans of the State than any one else. It was only last week at Raleigh that he proposed to fur nish the new buildiug at the Soldiers' Home, as soon as it is completed, at his own expense. "At the recent Kansas City Na tional Democratic convention, (Jen. Julian S. Carr was not only a con spicuous and prominent member, but ! received the unanimous vote of the North Carolina delegation and votes from other States for the vice-presidency. "Of all the men who have w rought well for our State it is but simple justice to say that Gen. Carr has ex celled all others. Now that he has made known his aspirations, we are frank to say it will only be showing proper gratitude for the good people of our Commonwealth to give him the political position he wants. There is no honor that the Democratic party could bestow upon him that would not be worthily bestowed." Pointed Paragraphs. (Chicago News. I The end of a maiden's prayer A-nien. The biggest man on earth began life in a small way. Tears are the brine in which misery is sometimes cured. Persons who are locked in slumber are contented prisoners. The powers that be love, monev. a Curing Peavine Hay. PRACTICAL METHOD OF SECURING RESULTS AT SMALL COST. BEST Bulletin Issued by the Arkansas Ex periment Station Which is of Value to Farmers No Difficulty in Curing the Vines When Directions Here Given are Followed Of Especial Value In Rainy Weather. The following is from a recent pub lication of the Arkansas Experiment Station, and is of value to fv t iers generally: Formerly farmers complained cf the difficulty in curing the pea vines for hay, but now the manner of cur ing is better understood and that complaint is seldom heard. There is no difficulty in curing the vines in the field when the weather is dry, at the mowing, but frequent rains" at that time make curing very difficult. I printed in Bulletin 27 a description of a stock frame which I had tested with iii, cured vines and it was entirely suc cessful. Every farmer should have such a frame to save his hay when rains occur at mowing time. Follow ing is a description of the frame as it appeared in Bulletin 27. The cost of the frame is practically nothing, and lasts several years: Construction: The struction is a series of made of rails or poles plan of con open shelves placed about twelve inches apart with their ends resting on horizontal supports. The supports are nailed two feel apart to upright posts with one end securely in the ground. Strips 1x4 with ends resting on the ground are nailed diag onally to the horizontal supports for braces. They are to prevent the frame inclining and for supporting and holding iu place the ends 0f the horizontal pieces. The length of the stock frame can be increased indefinitely by erecting fiames distant from each other the length of a fence rail, or whatever is used. These cross frames can be made on the ground and then set in place. The sides of the stack must be perpendicular, since pea vines will not turn water. To give the top a proper pitch to turn water, the top shelf is made narrower than the shelf Fact Not Disputed By the Well Informed. ft "The local weekly paper, Kinall as it some times is, wields an influence which is not equalled by anythingelse on eart h. Laugh at it if you like, but you can not open the pocket-books uf the count rv people except bv its use. So says a prominent advertiser one who knows what he is talking about. The owners of thousands of pocket-books read each week the advertisements in the Heedersomi Gold Leal It goes regularty into the homes of many of the most thrifty and intelligent people in Vance and adjacent counties through out the Famous Bright Tobacco Belt a class whose trade is valuable and whose pat ronage is worth catering for. Your Binsieess AeeoMiniceinnient Would be read by them and the result would show in the increased volume of your trade. If you want the patronage of these people, put an advertisement in The Paper That Reaches The People. occocsotocooego below by leaving out the side rails. Sufficient straw or grass hav is used for covering, and it must be made to project over the edges of the first wide shelf so as to turn all water off the sides of the frame. The dimen sions are as follows: Width, 10 feet. Length, three fence rails, ll feet each. Shelves, 2 feet apart. Kails, 12 inches apart on the hori zontal support. Capacity, about four tons dry hay. The height can be increased until inconvenient to put hay on the top shelf. It would doubtless be cheaper and better to use stout, dry poles of greater length than rails, the frame would be sufficiently strong, and a less number of cross frames would be required. Small rails or poles would be better to use than large ones, as thev would occupy less space, but the frame material must not be green. It should be observed that free venti lation is allowed in all directions. The cost is very small, two ordinary farm hands can get the material in the woods and erect it. A permanent roof of boards could be used to cover the frame, and in that case, instead of using the diagonal braces, posts could be used and the ends of the horizontal supports nailed to them. The middle line of posts could be dispensed with i or made taller than those on side to support the comb of the roof, while ! the eaves would be supported by the ' lower outside posts. I Stacking Hay To put green cow pea vines in the frame all the rails or j shelves are taken out and only the cross frames are left standing. The : first floor of the rails at the ground ' are put about twelve inches apart on ! the horizontal supports. The wagon ! of hay is then driven alongside and ' one man onloads the hay on the floor, while another even it until slightly above the place for the next shelf; then the rails or poles for it are placed. The hay is then put on that floor in the same way as on the first, and so on with each floor, until the top is reached, when the cover of straw or boards is put on. In removing the hay for feeding it is taken first from the lower floors and then from those above. The cover being the last removed, pro tects the hay until all of it has been fed out. Beginning on one side of one section, the hay can be drawn out of the sides of the two first floors and the rails or poles removed from these floors as theT become in the way; the same is done with the remaining ones. To remove all the hay at once, work should begin at the top of the stack. The vines cure entirely in the shade and retain the flavor, aroma and a bright green color, all very desirable qualities. When hay of any kind is cured by being spread to the hot sun these desirable qualities are almost entirely lost. The vines can be stacked as soon as wilted; if cut in the morning and ex posed to the sun they can be stacked that evening. By stacking the vines when wilted no loss of leaves occur and the very best hay is made. A very important advantage is gained by the use of the frame iu that hay can be made independently of the weather. Cow pea hay is bulky and much barn room can be saved by cur ing and storing in the frame than baling. By having the pea crop ready to cut at different times, and by the use of the stack frame in the event of rain, pea hay could be grown exten sively and baled for the market. To properly cure cow pea hay in the sun or open air the mowing must be done after the dew has evaporated from the vines; then as soon as the leaves appear to be dying the vines must be raked in windows, then into cocks and finally into cover. The best stage to cut cow peas for the most and best hay with least trouble in curing and loss of leaves is when the oldest pods have turned yellow. A girl never thinks that she is a belle until she has several rings. When it comes to breathing, every country has the same national air. SOUTHERN A PRIZE WINNER. The Enterprise of the Company warded at Paris. Re. The enterprise of the Southern Railway is shown in the enormous ex Knse the system has gone to iu order to advertise the South at the Paris Exposition. In connection with this. it is cratifvinsr to know that the Southern's enterprise has beeu recog nized and rewarded, the grand prizes having been awarded the Southern That the exhibits of Southern prod ucts which the Southern Railway is now making at the Paris Exposition are attractive and tvpical of the en terprise of that progressive system is fullv shown by the awards given These include two grand prizes, the highest award given at the Exposi tion, and two silver medals. The grand prizes were given to the Southern Railway, one for its exhibit of Southern products in the United States Agricultural Department, and one for the Forestry Annex, probably the most unique structure in the Paris Exposition. The building is of the log-cabin style, made of long, straight, symmetrical y&llow pine lors from along: the Southern Rail wav. All of its material is an adver tisement of Southern timbers. In side is the office of the Southern Rail way, the front and sides of which consist of eight doric columns of hard, finely-poliabed Southern woods: the flooring of Southern pine, and as tine as there is in the Exposition; the ceiling and sides of more than seventy varieties of Southern woods, and the walls hung with many line photo graphs of mining, manufacturing, lumbering and landscape scenes. For this photographic display a silver medal was given, as well as another for a similar display in the Depart ment of Social Economv. Strength in Organization. ADDRESS TO THE NORTH CAROLINA BACCO GROWERS' ASSOCIATION. T0- Secretary T. B. Walker Urges Organi- ; Tat Inn ITnin h TtHarrn (Intevstrc 1 The Cause of the Low Price of North Carolina Bright Leaf, and the Rem edyThe Farmers Must Organize for Self-Protection. The following circular letter, ad of lressed to the tobacco North Carolina, has been sent to the Gulp Leaf for publication: At a meeting of the executive com mittee in the city of Raleigh, May 24th, the Secretary of the North Caro lina Tobacco Growers' Association was requested to issue an address to the tobacco growers in the bright tobacco belt calling their attention to the Association, its scoimj and pur poses. The necessity of an organization of tobacco growers of the State was dis cussed at some of the agricultural meetings during the State Fair in Raleigh, October, 189'J. From this a call was issued by Mr. J. Bryan (irimes, who had been chosen presi dent of the temporary association, for a tobacco growers convention to meet in the city of Raleigh. December 6th, lH'J'j. and another convention was held at Raleigh, January 7th, 1900. The convention in January was well attended by growers, warehouse men and others interested in tobacco from this State and Virginia. At this meeting a permanent organization j was effected, and the North Carolina Tobacco Growers' Association sprang into existence, with well defined pur-j poses; not a rival, but an ally to the other farmers' organizations in the State. The tobacco growers were ably rep resented and the personnel of the convention was strong. The griev ances of the tobacco growers were set before the convention, and with sing ularly unanimity it was agreed that they could be remedied. The concen sus of opinion was: "That there are no influences set in motion by man that cannot be met and remedied by men." The present low prices of tobacco and their causes were dis cussed. It was shown that while the acreage had materially increased dur ing the last decade that the consump tion also of tobacco had kept apace with the increase, and, in fact, if such a thing were possible, that the next few years would see the consumption outstrip the increase in yield. New territory has been invaded and manu factured North Carolina bright to bacco is no longer a stranger in the Orient, nor in the islands of the Pacific ocean, while South Africa and other new territory are asking for our golden leaf. With the increased demand and the limited area that grows bright tobacco, the growers could see no just cause for the low prices. In fact, could see no cause at all except such as has been brought about by the American Tobacco Com pany. It is alleged that this company gets as much per pound, or 1,000, for its products now as it did ten years ago, when they paid two or three times as much for the raw material as thev now pay. This has been made pos sible with them by organization and controlling the situation. They saw the necessity of controlling the out put of manufactured tobacco, as well as the raw material. To this effect they have purchased or otherwise silenced nearly all strong competi tion. By this means they have taken buyeis off the warehouse floors, as well as the sellers of manufactured tobacco from out of the markets. In this way they have shown us the power and effectiveness of organiza tion. They have given the growers an object lesson that they should not be slow to profit by. The interest that was evinced at the January meeting of the tobacco growers show ed their zeal and determination in the matter. They have been working for the enrichment of the trusts, and to the impoverishment of their own farms and families, until they have decided to make a change to find a remedy for the low prices or make one, as President Grimes so well said in his address before that body. Some! insist that if the remedy lies iu or- gauization, we will never get it, as the organization of the famern is an mi possibility. Old army officers laughed iu scorn at the idea of Napoleon crossing the Alps with his army, something that had never been done, ami was con sidered by them impossible. Not so ; with Napoleon. He said: "Impos-! sible is the word to be found in thej d I1ti nf rf r. f f Artla 1 Ta i ll O TfTCi t Vwa I mi-htv peaks and crags, where armies ? 1 l.j " c;.k; a few days the "impossible" had been accomplished, and he and his army of sixtv thousand had crossed the Alps and'were marching through the plains of Italy. The possibilities of deter- .. v mo 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A i i li r ii ii a n. ii i ' u iu..- ured. The organization of .he farm ers the tobacco growers is n pos sibilitv born of necessity. Have the farmers less at stake, less to aceom- plish. than other classes? The ver- diet of the public is that no class can t v....V v- a.. creet. compact organization. The motives that impellhem, the neces- sit y that drives them, are factors that will give them strength. The Amer ican Tobacco Company is organized for the added accumulation of wealth. The farmers need to organize for self- preservation. Which will outweigb the love of the dollar or a desire to perpetuate the freedom and liberties that fathers crarp lit for an inher - ;i.n) U"hi(h cVinnl.i mate the stronger appeal to man, the enriching of the few at the expense of the many, or the giving to our families the com- by Eureka Lumber Company, of ras forts of home, educational and other saic, N. J.. from Dr. J. H. McAden. of titir rirrhtfnitr thinner tn Charlotte, and the Fair heirs, of Mnr- them? Shall the lore of money makej phy. Saw mill machinery will be. a stronger appeal to the trust than placed on the grounds soon and the! the love of home and all that the j roads will be laid out and graded and nam carrie? with it doe to u? As the mateh fsetory built. men we should spurn the thought. We can master the situation. We can cross the "Alps." It is not im possible. Nothing thai is possible is impossible to determined men. We do not lack the strength, but the will; for we are as strong as we are deter mined. The impossible belongs to the weak and vacillating. By organization, such as the To bacco Growers' Association is working for, the tobacco growers can maintain their position, their respect, their manhood. Without it, in a few years with present tendencies, they will have lost much that our forefathers held dear independence. The pic ture is not bright to be sure, but it would be folly for us to spread a veil over its hideousness, thereby hiding j the truth and deceiving ourselves. The Association asks the support of j tobacco growers of the bright tobacco j belt. It wauts your support. Can it) have it? The strongest appeal that I : could possibly make to you would : pale beside the appeal that comes to you from your own home, from those ' who are dependent on you for the comforts and advantages that an iu-! dustrious life in a civilized country ' entitles them to. Neither would it ! strike you with the force your disa pointed hopes do, when on the ware- ' house floor your tobacco is knocked 1 off to the only bidder for that grade , of tobacco at a price that barely , covers the cost of cultivation, and ; often fails to do that well. You are askeu to t ne your innuence to me Association and help restore the to bacco growers to the same prosper ous condition that they occupied ten years ago when they were reckoned among the most fortunate farmers iu the State. Will not this appeal from the farmers, for the restoration of the prosperity that marked the tobacco grower, lind a responsive chord in your heart? To say that nothing can be accomplished is to surrender with out effort, au unconditional surren der. The "plan" is to orgauize every township and couuty in the bright tobacco district, and to get every to bacco grower in the territory an active, enthusiastic member. In ter ritory that has been partially organ ized, we ask that thorough organiza tion be pushed to completion. In counties where there has been no or ganization, we ask that the tobacco growers call a convention and or ganize under the plan adopted by the State Association. Put organizers iu the field and cease not until every township is thoroughly organized. Is the task stupendous? Not as large as some may think, for there will be willing helpers to encourage the or ganizers. But there must be leaders in this, as iu all successful move ments. Now is the time to do effec tive work. As soon as an organiza tion is effected, notify the State sec retary, giving names and post-oflice addresses of the president and secre tary. It has been said that tobaceo can go lower, which is true and may be verified unless the growers say: It shall not go lower. In their deter mination lies the secret of theiruc cess. The reports coming into this office show that there has been a decrease in the acreage of tobacco planted this year of not less than 25 per cent., possibly more. That should mean better prices for the crop. Will you help to make it bring the in creased price that a short crop should bring? Organize, co-operate. Sue cess depends on these coupled with determination. T. B. PARKER, Secretary North Carolina Tobacco Growers1 Association. COULD HAVE SUNK THE NEW YORK. A Successful Night Attack Upon the Cruiser by the Holland Submarine Boat. Newpokt, R. I.. August 31. The big cruiser New York, the flagship of the North Atlantic squadron, could have been sunk to-night as she lay at anchor in the waters of Narragansett Bay, from a torpedo fired at her by the submarine boat Holland. Not only would the New York have feuffer cd but the tug Leyden would have gone tu the bottom also. j But it was all practice, anight at-! tack, and it was most successful, proving that the Holland boat i a valuable part of the United States . navy After dark the torpedo boats Mor ris, Rogers and the Holland were sent outside the break water, noon to be "': " na,ned tali?5 "P Iw"u"? atbe followed bv the Levden. the last i entrance of the harbor. As the other t made tb attack an attempt was made by the Leyden to pick them out with search lights. - So far as the torjedo boats were concerned it win siieces"- '' found t will, but with I the Holland it was u ditTereut matter. ! nd aftef had Pud '."kr 1 ' j be'"" not -eo again uo ,1 e tounl at U" ,,K:k hfc" lhe I'.deD weDt . ,. , , J lb; v the deck of the wonderful eraft was ii.i. , j ary ll iuc Lime me ncic uhuci . ' water. I be HoUaau approacned nex enough to the Leyden to fere a tor- 1"- . V . T . W "V'e v' ',V fnl ,iT I J New ork ,lh"ul jt; The boat was operated by a fall naval ! w "VV 1 B .7 i well. Naval officer .re more than ' pl"d her performance. New Industry for North Carolina. Match manufacturing is to be added j to North Carolina industries. Thej ; Asbeville papers tell of a large timber , i land transaction consummated in (ira- l and Cherokee counties. The - 1 tract contains 16.600 acres and is j wooded with poplar, oak. ash. cnerr.j i maple and hemlock. It was purchased j Every woir.un iu the country ought to know alx.ut Movers Friend Th'-se u ho do kno-, .iboi:t it wtHMior now thev ever V."t HlOHlJ vtlhuut it. It ha., roblicd ihiM- bi-fu ot its for m.ttiv u youis; 'iv. !: I..ts pri-.i i t .1 ht-r jjirlis'.j fi-.-.jiv and - ui.-i her much s-.sknn-. It is an cWri.ul bui-r.u-nt and can u s wi:'i k liu -vfoic, absolutely no d.mcr of" i:p ttiiu; the systor.1 as lrn;s t.ikeii int. rn ;;!!v aie apt to i'.... !t i; t l. rublK-d into llu- u'm!o:-kmi to sot'U u and 4iv::v;llu-i the n.UstU s which arc to the strnin. Thinuu-ans ni:a 'l less p;.i:i. It also prevents inov;:;:ivj sickness ai:d n'l of the other liscoiiitoi is .f pregnancy. A dru'ist of Macon, ",.i.. say's: " I h.ive sold a larye tj.iautit y of Mother's and hac nevrr know n an instance when it has failed to produce the j;ood results claimed for it." A prominent ladv of Lain iKiton, Ark. writes: "With uiv List six ckild'eu 1 was iu lalM.'r from 24 to jo l.oi;r. After u.siiij; Mother's Fiiciid, my sei nth wjs born in 4 hours." rt-t MiHIk r" I'rirttil at aim if It. us l.K .T l.iil.-. TIIC BRADNLID RIGI 1AI0R CO. AIUNIA. O. Writ- for aar fr- lllort.1 tank, "BEFOHE BaBT 18 boBN." SHIIMMHWhYS m m m m m m aaa, a a aaa aaa M Bk a w VETERINARY SPECIF1 CS A. A. IFF.VERK Contention., Inflaiuuia. cuusiiiotu, l.un Frtrr, Milk Fr.rr. B. H.M'HAI. I.amrnr... Injuries. Hhrumailam. '. I'.fMlKK THROAT. Ouln.t . KitUuullr. CVRKa DUlnuprr. II 2;W0HMH. Hot.. ;rnl... CUBaa K. K. "OrJIIS, Cold.. Infliirnu. Inflamt-d ci'iuca 1 Lunaa. I'iruru-I'iirumoiila Y. V. I COLIC. Hrllyarhr. Ind-lll.. n. rvKaa J IMarrhra. Iltaealrrv. U.U. Prevent MIM'AHKI Via.. t'uRKa KIDNEY A III.AIUIKIl llOHIICIIM. I. I. ?KI DIKE tKK Mange, r.rui.llou.. ;uKaa( llcera. Ureaae. Fare). J. H.lllin COMIITIOV Marine Coal. 1 1' ana i Indlgeatlon, Motnarh Mauttera. 0c each; Btanla Caan, Ten Sixs-inc. Hook. Ac, $7. At drufhrlKia or arm pretiald on rsHit of rUi. Humphrey!' Me.l:i ln Co.. Cor. William A John Sta., New York. Vetkhimamt Hiiri'ii, hrT KKC NERVOUS DEBILITY, VITAL WIMKXi: and Prostration from Over work or other causes. Humphreys' Homeopathic Specific No. SH, in ua over yenni, tha only aiucceaaTul remedy. S 1 per rial,or special package with powder.for S3 Hold br lrurff!tB, r at atd "I I n.!il ol i 1.-. IMPUHKTrBKU. CO.. Car.WIIUaa A Joaa NU., lark i Sheldon's-- i aa m. Foot Rest and Toilet Powder. : : Tin: thing you need for Tired Feet and Prickly Heat. 25 cents rost raid. -aw Z -T. It. NIIKLDON. Bo 1 70J, Omaha, Nebraska. POSITIONS rcaJLr Our facilities lt hccariiiff oltiona ami ilio proficiency l our jfiailuat. a ai ti-rt lime mot 1 troimly emiorKcd hy bankera and ni.-rr!i;MH. tlian thoscof uthrrcolleifra. 5c nj forcaUtotfc. DRAUGIION'S J?0 PRACTICAL FZssT04 business yfXyoj Little Rock. Pythian Bid. stb ft Main Shreveport. La f Ft. Worth, Te St. Louis, Mo., lalveton, Te . Naahville. Tenn., r Savannah. i. Cheap board. Cop fare paid. .n v.ici.ii. . Enter any time. Heat patronized in the itou'! BookkccplngiStMHTthand, l ie, t.t uu lit 1 -j mi : Write for price lUt Ifottir Slnd. Vholar'lu, Free by doiuy a little riling at Tour borne. HENDERSON KLEPHOHE COMPANY. HENDERSON, N. C, MARCH ISTH, 1900. 1 bc to an noimci that th. ful lowing towns arc now con 1 1 (1 i .v Ioiil; i.-tancc phones -taticr p anil h re I t w rate with pult- ,.! will Ki- iii dt'N -ii at 1 alt. r March I y0. FROM Axt.-n. Airley. llrMkton. I'.rinkk'.v vill-. IVlit'TVllle. riiunliill. I'rovvelU. IlllblieV. Enfield. KTuiiklifiton. DiRtttOll. aiillburtc. Halifax. KittrHI Ianivl. LittOton. HENDERSON: 10 2.1 1. . 2. IT,. l.V lo. LY 1. V 2. Y 10. 40. 11. 20 2Y Mii-on. M;moii. M-d.H . Middleltillw. Oakvill.-. Oxford, kidifwui 20 LY 2.Y IO 2Y l.V l.Y 4Y ltiiiif wi od. K'i;iiiike :,iieU ;$.Y Tillerv. 4o. VhiirIiaii. W arren Plain. Warren ton. WeMon. Youiijrnvilb, 2.Y 20. 20. 20. ftiiturir, 20. F. C. Toepleman, Caeaerml rlajl4at. I Subject tO 'jpacallar Ills. Tb rlrht remedy "r "Wiles' uu-pecuny Iworml and suiucb 'disorders is rey's Vermifuge m -wn,4.. inr ta Toara. bods mToort tb. iu- remedT. Oa watte eea vet fn I "aaa-" '.r mm CJ'K7aS II AY a aw i m As)

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