THE HENDERSON GOLD LEAF THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1902. The Gold Leaf. ESTABLISHED 1831. 1JT THAD R. MANNING. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One eopy one vear. - - - $1.50 6 months. - .75 4 - 50 We desire a live agent and correspond ent at every postoffiee in Vanco and ad Joining counties. Correspondence on all subjects of local and general interest, and opinions upon matters of public concern, are invited. The editor will not be responsible for the views or statements of correspondents and reserves the right at all times to revise or reject any article he may think proper. One side, only, of the paper must be written on and the real name of the writer accompany the contribution. No attention will be paid to anonymous 'com munications. THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1902. THE CUBANOLA ADVERTISING. V notice tin- advertisement of t lit Cubanola eirar, sent out lv tin? American Cirar Company, it creature of t lie American Toliaeco ( 'ompany, in some of our exchanges. It voull lie iiitTf-st inr to know what this ad vert isiii"- was at etpteil at. The (ioi.ii Lkiik was offered the saiiic lnisiiicss(? ) oi-riijiyiiijr space of one-hall pajrc. :io7 square inches, at 1 ;.)( i for .-io-lit weeks-2. (to a week. W declined of course anl after ln'in informal that we did not know a rood t hin when sa w it . or words to 1 hat effect, tiro surest ion was made t hat possibly we hal not jriven thf subject tlic thorough and careful consideration it deserved; publishers generally were allowing lix oiints on t heir U'st yearly rales, besides allowing aent "s commission, as tin- American (ijrnr Company plaee nil their advert isinjr direct and a iv t h-rt'i'( )!' entitled to the lowest possible rat-s in the paper, etc. To I tin- work commenced at once, however. "a filial effort to oet to gether" was made and the offer was increased I o S2 1 .( ."'.. M a n issue. That was a little lietter and yet we eould not "see our way clear to ac cept." Therefore, t he Cuhanola ad vertising docs not nppenr in the loi.ii Li:.r. Tin: (iovi-rnor. the military, the (ioi.n Lkak editor and some thous ands of of her "ilist injiiiished person ages." are diHii the honors at the Charleston Kxposition this week. No poi.i. tax paid lx-fore i he first of May means no vote next fall. That is the Jaw and there is no -et- tinr around it. Keinemlier thai. And you will have to pay the tax onetime or another or lie put on the insolvent list, whether you vote or not. Then why not pay it within the time pre scribed to qualify you to vote? Tiik Toledo Journal makes the fol lowing truthful observation: En vious and jealous rivals have set out. times wit hout numler. to take away the business of some well established and successful enterprise, only to meet with failure. Especially is this true as to newspapers. After, with emjiyty pocket books and wasted ef forts as their sole capital, these have learned that a successful, earnest ly conducted, lonj established newspa per is the most difficult tiling to overthrow in modern life." Wi: are not sure of the nativity of r.x-tJoveriior Itauiel W. .Jones, of Ar kansas. He was either born in (Iran ville or in Washington, Ark. His fa ther. Dr. Isaac .Jones, was a native of (Jranville. as was his wife, nee Miss Lit tlejolm. of Oxford. He moved to Arkansas after his marriare. (Jov. Jones is a man ability and made a popular and efficient (lovernor. Vilminit n Messenger. . Ex-(!overnor .lones was born in Ar kansas. His father moved first to Tennossiv. and thence to Washinjr tonJArkansas. where Daniel W.Jones was born. He is a first-cousin of Col. Thomas L. Jones and Mr. John T. Jones, of Henderson, their mothers leinr sisters. Alt houuh of the same name and marryinr sisters Dr. Isaac Jones and Alexander S. Jones, father of the Messrs. Jones, of Henderson, were not related. Col. I.euson Jones, of Petersburg. Va.. also married one of the Lit tlejolm sisters. It is a sin gular coincidence that three sisters should have married three Jones and none of them related. ryny-Bals&m Relieve Right Away and makes a speedy end of coughs and colds. The Review of Reviews for April. The Review of Reviews for April is. as usual, full of interesting material on various subjects. Beside The Progress of the World," treating of the important topics of the month, there is an article on the Anglo Japanese Alliance from the Japanese point of view, a rapid review of our great "Captains of Industry," a de scription of the new Lying-la Hos pital in New York, and a character sketch of the late Col. Francis Way land Parker. Other articles arc 'Edu cating the Deaf-Blind," "A New Fac tor in Lake Shipping," '-Cau Rural Social Forces he Federated? A First Step." and a sketch of the late Charles Lewis Tiffany, the New York jeweler. The Leading Articles of the Month" Department gives a glimpse of much that is good in other magazines. Dr. Shaw discusses with some fullness the Cuban sugar question and the movement for railroad consolidation, with special reference to the Northern Securities case. The "Progress of the World' contains also some interest ing after-notes on Prince Henry's visit, and comments on many other topics of current interest, both foreign anil domestic. "A neighbor ran in with a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Piarrhoa? Remedy when my son was sutterinc with severe cramps and was given up as beyond hope by my regular physician who stands high in his profession. After administer ing three doses of it, my son regained con sciousness and recovered entirely within twenty-four hours," savs Mrs. Mary Haller, of Mt. Crawford, Va. 'This Remedy is for sale by Melville Horsey, druggist. "BEST MONEY EVER SPENT." What Air. Prancis K. Carey Says About the Charleston Exposition. Baltimore Sun. Mr. Francis K. Carey, a member of the Board of Director's of the South Carolina Inter-State and Wesr Indian Exposition Company, and president of the Charleston Consolidated Rail wav, Cas aud Electric Company, whose lines run to the fair grounds, stated yesterday that the Exposition was now in the full tide of its success ami that lie thought no one ought to loie any opportunity to visit it. The railroads have reduced the fare from Baltimore to Charluston to practi cally one-half of the average rate, round trip ticket9 being sold over the Atlantic Coast Line or Southern Rail wav, good on all trains, for $ 18.75. Speaking of the enterprise itself, Mr. Cary said: There has been a great ileal of misrepresentation about the small attendance at the Exposi tion. It is true that the Exposition was not fully completed as early as was hoped, and it was also true that Charleftot. has had a phenomenally cold winter, which has until recently seriously affacted the attendance, especially at night. But as many as 2J, people have been on the grounds in a single day, and on sev eral days, such as Philadelphia Day, between x.000 and 10,000 people have entered the gates Now that the balmy weather of the Charleston spring months has co:ne, and the great tide of Florida travel has set Northward, the attendance is daily increasinf and will, I am sure, con tin lie to increase untillhe Exposition closes n t he lirst of June. It is also true that the Exposition has already drawn to Charleston a gte:t number of distinguished men of affairs, who have had their lirst op portunity to look into the commercial advantages of Charleston, as well as a great number tf well known authors, newspaper editors and public men. whose visits mean much moie to the town than j;ate receipts. "From the standpoints of beauty and interest, I think it will lie ad mitted that no Southern expoMtion has ever approached the Charleston Exposition. either in buildings, grounds or exhibits. Thu Art Palace is built of brick and is designed as a permanent liucture. The city of Charleston has purchased a large pait of the Exposition grounds, and after the Exposition closes it will be maintained as a public park, so that the money expended on gardens, lake., etc.. will prove a constant source of pleasure to the ppoplv of tlio city. The State buildings, es pecially those of Maryland. Philadel phia. Pennsylvania and New York, are graceful structures and far be yond the average State building at similar expositions. From the standpoint of the stock holders of the Exposition then; has never been any expectation that the Exposition would pay, hut if it closed tomorrow and every dollar expended in it was lost, il rould he the best money that Charleston and the State of South Carolina ever spent. The Exposition has advertised tin com mercial advantages of the town and the ability, good taste and enterprise of her people from one ocean to the other and the Exposition, moreover, is only a milestone in the splendid progress Charleston is now making." A Doctor's Bad Plight. '"Two years ago, as a result of a severe evil J, I lot my voice." writes Dr. M. L. Scarlrouj;Ji, of Hebron, Ohio. "'Then began an ohstinate coujrli. Every reined v known to me as a pract icing physician for "io years failed and I grew worse. Being urged to try Dr. King's New Discovery fur con sumption, coughs and colds, I found quick relief, and for the last ten days have felt hetter than for two years.' Positively gnai auteed for t liroat and lung troubles by Melville Dorsev, druggist. Trial l-ottle free "ie and $1.00. Via Southern Railway. United Confederate Veterans Re union Dallas, Texas. April y-2nd, 25th, 1902. For this occasion the Southern Railway will sell round trip tickets to Dallas at rate of $20 05 from Hender son, N. C, plus 50 cents validation fee to be paid at Dallas. Tickets to be sold April ISth, 19th and 20th, with final limit May 2nd, 1902. By depositing ticket with Joint Agent at Dallas on or before April 30th and upon payment of 50 cents an exten sion of ticket to May 15th, 1802, may he secured. Sleeping car rate from Greensboro to Dallas, Texas, is $8.50 for standard car ami ft. 00 for tourist car. Wants to Help Others "I had stomach trouble all my life,'" says Edward Mehler, proprietor of the Union Bottling Works, Erie, I'a , "and tried all kinds of remedies, went to several doctors and spent considerable money trying to get a moment's peace. Finally I read ofKodol Dyspepsia Cure and have been taking it to my great satisfaction. I never found its equal for stomach trouble and gladly recom mend it in hope that I may help other sufferers." Kodol Dysepsia Cue cures all stomach troubles. You don't have to diet. KckIjI Dvspepsia Cure digests what von eat. W. "W.Parker. Tut: (ierinantown Independent-Ga-zette is responsible for the following: There is a man in Tennessee who is experimenting with the milkweed and strawberry plant. He has an idea that by ingrafting- one tothootherhe can produce st rawberries mid cream from the same plant. Rut that will not le well enough to let alone until he sweetens the result by ingrafting it to the sugar Ixvt. Some one ought to grive him a pointer. CURES ECZEMA AND ITCH ING HUMORS THROUGH THE BLOOD-COSTS NOTH ING TO TRY IT. P.. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm) is now recognized as a certain and sure cure for Eczema. Itching Skin, Humors. Scab?, Scales. Watery Blisters. Pimples, Aching Bones or Joints, Boils, Carbuncles, piick ling Pain in the Skin, Oid Eating Sores, Ulcers, etc. Botanic Blood Balm taken internally, cures the worst and most deep seated cases by enriching, purifying and vitalizing the blood, thereby giving a healthy blood supply to the skin. Botanic Blood Balm is the only cure, to stay cured, for these awful, annoying skin troubles. Other remedies may relieve, but B. B. B. actually cures, heals every sore, and gives the rich glow of health to the skin. B. B. B. builds up the broken-down bodv and makes the blood red and nourishing. Over 3.000 voluntary testimonials of cures bv Botanic Blood' Balm (B. P.. Drug gists, Jfl- Trial treatment free and prepaid by writiug 1 cod Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble, and free medical advice given until cured. For sale by M. Dorsey. Take a look at Watkins new dress goods. The latest things in the market are shown. OUR RALEIGH LETTER WHAT OUR CORRESPONDENT HAS TO SAY CONCERNING MEN AND MEASURES. North Carolina at the South Carolina Inter-State and West Indian Exposi tion This Week The Rich and Gor geous Paraphernalia of the Gov ernor's Staff Our Great State Fair Various Matters of Interest. From Our Regular Correspondent. Kalkigh. X. C. April 7. '02. North Carolina will be largely and well represented at the South Caro lina Interstate and West Indian Ex position at Charleston this week. The South Carolina "wool hats"' and "one g;allus'' (Tillmanite) fellers will shake hands with the Tar Heel 'Reubens,'' while the Governor of South Carolina will repeat the famous remark to the Chief Executive of North Carolina as they disport them selves in a bath of Palmetto disjien sary spirits fermenti. The nobles of the Mystic Shrine will vault into the saddles and cushions and pads 'sported by the native and imported memlers of the caravan of asses and elephants and camels and other carry-alls, the gaits of which are alone worth going; miles to set.' ilus the admission price. And, then, just to think of the rich and gorgeous paraphernalia of the aidesand attaches of the "Governor's Staff" and the magnificent physique (to say nothing of the "strenuous'' life exemplification of modern sol diery)! My! this of itself would alone tempt any "patriot"' panting for gore (or other red goods) to keep up with the procession and see what our brave warriors would do had they the chance, the opportunity; only to make history and knightly and sol dierly fame for themselves. Selah! All of you must see a full-fledged ami accurately uniformed "Gov ernor's Staff' man to appreciate the beautiful and gaudy in life. There is no companion piece in artistic por traiture its portrayal, on canvas or in actual life, comes "one only in a package." A vision of it is the sight of a life time. Don't miss it, please, if you go no further than the Union depot at Raleigh, or at way stations, en route. President Roosevelt and Governor Aycock will be the two "big men" present at the Exposition this week. The sword presentation by Presidsnt Roosevelt will be quite an event and the sword a much handsomer and costlier one (raised by popular sub scription) than the cheap affair that caused so much comment by Nephew Tillman's conduct last month. Ol'lt OH EAT STATE FAIR. But we don't want to lose sight of t he greatest of Southern annual State fairs that are held yearly in Raleigh. If you can't afford to attend but one show lie sure to put your sheckles in your savings bank for the latter. No State has ever attained such at tractive exhibitsand all-round enjoy able fairs as has the North Carolina Agricultural Society for a numlier of years past. At a meeting of the Executive Committee held here last Friday the reports of the various committees showed that the outlook promisesthis year thefinest ami most suciH'ssful exhibition that has ever been given by this Society. Great improvements are already mapped 1 out, concerning which more will lie said later. The Society's successful career of late vears is largely due to the remarkable ability and judgment exhibited by Secretary J. E. Pogue and his assistant, Treasurer C. B. Denson. With so excellent a co adjutor as President Long, this year we may rely upon a record breaker. The Society never had as good a Sec retary (all things considered) and his assistant and Treasurer is admirably fitted to perform the-duties assigned to him. Let everybody get ready to come to the State Fair in October. Keep that suggestion well to the front in your "thinker." VAHIOL'H MATTERS OF INTEREST. Gov. Aycock and Superintendent Joyner will attend the annual con vention of the Southern Educational Association at Athens. Ga., April 24 27. We are promised a "surprise" in the personality of the nominee for BUY OR YOD WILL Continental Oil Stock, ioc Per Share, Fully Paid and NonAssessable. Our 6 Inch Guaranteed Gusher on Block 32, Spindle Top Heights, Was Down 500 Feet on March 25. 3 Gushers Witbin 25 Feet of Us. We Are Ready to Sell 'Jil for My Delivery. Prices on Application. Why Continental Stock is a Safe, You may Iniy 25o shares or more and deposit the money in your bank, to remain until our gusher is in. or to be re turned to vou should we fail. We will furnish Free Transportation to Beaumont and Galveston ani Return to investors depositing $5oo in their local bank to be paid us for stock after one of their number has visited the field and finds our proposition as represented, otherwise the $5oo is returned. Our officers and directors are capable and successful business men in other lines, have devoted much time and study to the Texas field, and, being of the best reputation, will wisely direct the Company's affairs. AGENTS WANTED. Continental Oil Company, Galveston, Texas. Incorporated Under Texas Laws For $250,000, Par 10 Cents. Chief Justice to be nominated by the Republicans this yeir. The appeal in the famous Gattis Kilgo case was argued in the Su preme Court a few days ago. The opinion of the Court will probably le rendered in a few days. Senator Pritchard has introduced a bill authorizing the Secretary of War to review the military record of George H. Rrown. The Senator is also busily engaged with work on the minority report of the Committee on Isthmian Canals. Senators Prit chard and Hanna, met niters of this Committee, favor the Panama route and they will present the advantages offered bv this route in as strong a light as possible. State Senator George L. Morton, of Wilmington, will represent (Jov. Aycock at the meeting of the commit tee on changing the date for the in auguration of the President, which meets in Washington April 7th. The Governors' of the various States have been invited to participate in this meeting. Nearly all the Governors have written urging a change in the date of inauguration. A bill is now pending before Congress providing for the inauguration in April. It has already passed the Senate and will receive the sanction of the House. Tom Early, the negro who assailed and attempted to criminally assault a 10 year old white girl in Chowan county last week, and who wjis shot (but not dangerously wounded) after his sentence, is now safely confined in the State Prison here sentenced to fifteen years la bor and imprisonment. The Educational Conference at Greensboro is exciting much interest all over the State. The answer of the State of North Carolina to the State of South Da kota in the 1". S. Supreme Court case is published. Rut it is too lengthy to attempt a revision of it in this letter. The meeting of negro political "leaders" who. it has been stated, in tended to "divide the black vote and hand a goodly slice of it over to the Democrats, will notamount to much, from present indications. The "event' according to present calcu lations, is scheduled to be pulled off April l.'ith at Raleigh. LLEWXAM. Wields a Sharp Ax. Millions marvel at the multitude of mala dies cut otl hy I)r. King's New Life Pills the most distressing, too. Stoma- Is, liver, jtnd bowel lroi;b!es dyppejisia, loss of appe tile, jinndi'-e, biliousness, fever, malaria, all fall before these wonder workers. 2) cents :it Melville I) irsey's drug store. CONFEDERATE VETERANS' REUNION. Dallas, Texas, April 22nd-25th, 1902. For the above occasion the Southern Railway will sell tickets to Dallas, Texas, and return at rates named be low. Goldsboro, $27.55; Raleigh, $26. 05; Durham, $26.05; Greensboro, $24.95; Winston-Salem, $25 55; Salis bury, $24.00; Statesville, $23.90; Hickory. $23.25; Charlotte. $23.10. Approximately low rales from other points. Tickets sold April 18th, 19th ami 20th, with iinal limit May 2nd, and if deposited with Joint Agent at Dallas, Texas, on or before April 30th, can be extended until May 15th, 1902. A fee of 50 cents is charged by ter minal lines at Dallas for validating each ticket whether extended or not. These rates apply via Atlanta, Bir mingham, and Memphis; Atlanta and Shreveport; Atlanta and New Orleans; Atlanta, Chattanooga and Memphis; or Asheville and Memphis. Stop overs allowed within transit limit of ticket in territory West of and in cluding Atlanta and Chattanooga. General J. S. Carr has selected the Southern Railway, via Atlanta, Mont gomeT', New Orleans, and Houston as the ofiicial route for his "Veteran Special Train'" which will consist of tirst-class coaches, standard Pullman and Pullman Tourist Sleepers to be handled through to Dallas without change. This train will leave Raleigh at 3:50 p. va., Friday, April 18, 1902. Berth rate from Raleigh and Greens boro in Standard Pullman, $8.50; Tourist, $4.00. From Charlotte, $7.50, and $3.50. Two persons. can occupy a berth without additional cost. Ex cellent service on regular trains in both directions. Rare chance to visit your friends in Texas at small cost. Ask your agent rate from your sta tion. For further information and Sleeping Car reservations write K. L. VERNON, T. P. A., . Charlotte. N. C. NOW BE TOO LATE. Desirable aid Profitable Investment I pi vill do the work twice as well, in half the time, at half the cost. It's the modern cleaning- substitute for soap. A household without GOLD DUST is almost as badly off as a ship without a rudder. For your own sake try GOLD DUST in cleaning. You'll never again be without it. Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK G0MPANY, Chicagc New York, Boston, St Louis Makers of OVAL FAIRY SOAP. OOO 0OKXKKOO X00000000m0KX0 lliii III W 1 i f il S in . lii ifei 1 1 4YASIAM HOPS n-Tci A. PA1 flEflLTflNOTIGE To Owners and Occu pants of Premises. A LL, PERSONS LIVING WITHIN XI ihe corporate limits of the town are hereby notified to clean up their premises and put them in good sanitary condition if the same has not already ben done. A plentiful use of lime, copperas and other deodorizers and di-infectants is also ad vised. This matter should be attended to at once, bpfore hot weather, as a safe cuard to public health. An officer will viMt and inspect all premises to see that this order is enforsed. F. Ii HARRIS, M. D., Health Officer of Town of Henderson. NOTICE. Sale For Taxes. ITNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF THE J tax list for Henderson, N. U., for the year 1901. hich is in my hands for col lection. 1 shall, on MONDAY. MAY THE FIFTH, 1902 offer for sale at the Court House door in Henderson, N. C, the following lots or parcels of land belonging to and listed by the parties hereafter named, to-wit: Name Taxes Cost Total N N Artis 1 lot liiecken- ridge st 2 25 80 f 3 03 RBBiodiel lor.Vaughan street 4 05 85 4 90 Bunce Brown 1 lot, Tan "yard st 4 05 83 4 90 Agnes Burwell 1 lot, Horner st 3 tiO 80 4 40 Moses Cheatham 1 lot, Chestnut st 1 35 75 2 10 Allen Clark 1 lot 315 80 3 95 Frank Davis 1 l t, in ;ir College 3 50 80 4 30 W S Davis 1 lot, Tanvaid t:eet " 4 51 83 3 30 Peter Uanis 1 lot, Vaughan st 70 73 1 31 R D Harris 2 lots, Yaughan & Rowland sis 7 W 1 10 8 76 Isaac Harris 1 lot 4 05 80 4 85 Daniel J Harris 1 lot 4 04 80 4 84 John Henderson 1 lot 1 33 75 2 10 M C U ight 3 lots, John st 1900-1901 7 8'.' 1 30 9 19 Caleb Uunt 3 lots, Youi.g avenue 1 14 1 1". 2 'J9 Macon .Jones 1 lot, Hor ner st 2 24 81 3 05 Ai derson Jon s 1 lot 3 00 85 4 45 Sa ur.el Peace 1 lot, Gor man alley 1 81 80 2 61 J A Radford 1 lot, Beck Kreet 2 00 80 2 61 VYm Reed 1 lot 91 73 1 10 Jeff Roberson 1 lot, Beck street 3 15 85 4 00 John I Rowland 1 lot Rowland st 7 37 93 8 30 James Smith, Sr. 1 lot, William st 90 73 1 03 Matilda Sueed 1 lot, Beck st 1 12 75 1 87 Mrs IS 11 fctark 1 lot, Bar well ave 1900-1K)1 19 04 1 20 20 21 Cornel ious Terry 1 lot Poplar st 1 80 75 2 55 Y Hence Wortham 2 lots Beck st 1 93 :G8 Parties whose name and property appear in the above notice can govern themselves accordingly thereto. The above property will be sold for payment of taxes as above set forth. This April 2nd, 1902. J. L CURRIN. 'lax Collector for Town of Henderson. HUMORS, Wils, pimples and all eruptions arc due to impure blood, and by purifying the blood -with Hood's Sareapat-iila they ere CURED. ..: If A. Let tho COLD DUCT tvJlno do Why break your back to keep your floors clean ? HENDERSON DEPOT Robert Portner TIVOLI BREWERY LAGER. BEER. -MANUFACTURERS AND Ginger Ale, Sarsaparilla, and all the. Favorite Brands of Soda and Mineral Waters. Nothing" is more cooling and refreshing" than a cold, fresh bottle of beer, and no beer is better than Hofbrau. For sale by all dealers. Orders Promptly Attended to and Deliveries Made at Your Door Whenever You Want It. Out of town orders will receive the same prompt attention as given the home trade. Correspondence solicited. 'Phone No. 106.- O JOSEPH T. HART, Agent,! Henderson, N. C. CONFEDERATE VETERANS AND THEIR FRIENDS. $3. GO. Side trip to Hot Springs and return, $1.25. Special trains and f i c chair cars. Stop-overs at all points going and returning. Tickets on sale April 18th to 20th, inclusive. Final return limit Slav 15th. For further information address, W. T. Saunders Gen A'g't Pass. Dept., FRISCO SYSTEM, ATLANTA, GA. Barnes Clothing Store . WE SHOW THE BIGGEST LINE - Spring Clothing! Ever brought to Henderson. ;md nt pn-es th;it will le;it y?T the world. Kvei vtliing of t h :::::::::: y Very Latest Styles-All Sizes and Shapes. We ciin lit you if you only we;tr n one-Ur,r,.,i r,.,;r ,,f ,...,. . don't are anything; about your siz or hIkijm. We will fit every thing from your pocket book up. Our line of ."(( SHIRTS are the prettiest you ever saw. We can o;ivc you most anv kind of shirt vou mav want HATS We carry all kinds from '2 cents up. SHOES Just the pair you are looking for you will find at our store. Anything you ma v want in GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. Our stock is large and complete. If yon want to dress nu-elv on a little cash, the place for you to go is ................................................ (Clothing Store 0000000X000 your vtcrtz." si Brewing Co's BOTTLERS OF- We offer you the shortest route through the Memphis Gateway traversing the points from which the cheapest side trips can be made to Hot Springs and points iu Oklahoma and Indian Territories. Side trip to Oklahoma Citv and return. 4 1 xkoxxooox 7r U Wf r r OLD NICK Y TRADE I WILLIAM 1 BEST 131 vrars in same family on oamr plantation, tiouds 1 to voars old, 1 1 W t" .0U'prr (rallnti. Kve, Corn, tfourbon and Wheat WhiskUs; ApdI and lilac ktH-rrv Rramllrs. So purr not a minute- headache In a tiarrel. We will pay freight or express Will slap one or car load lota No marks on packages. YW.n opes used. Write for prices. THE OI,D NICK WILLIAMS Or Address Lork Ux No. 1 1, William. V tull-ia ., . itesponslble Firm write awl menUon tbli r;., rja NOTICE. Sale of Land for Taxes. BY AUTHORITY OK LAW 1 Ml Al l. sHl by public auction t tin- ', i, i Iloue iloor in Ilemlcison, N. ('., V.u County, on MONDAY. MAY Til E FIFTH, l n- the lands mentioned below or n.t.eli thereof as may be neccsaiy t MitMv taxes t hereon for the er ItHU. the ";i:i. beine duly levied on by inc. Tie inn ., of ttie parlies listing arid the lands and the. amount of taxes tue com ctly s. i out below. This April 2nd, 1902. K. A. l'OWF.I.l,. Mieriff of Vmice i oicm . HESPEltSOV TOWNSHIP. Name Taxes C'o-t 'l;,il N N Artird 1 town lot. Bieckeniidge st Bunch Brown one town lot. Tanyaid st Moses Cheatham 1 town lot. Chestnut st V Sheiniaii Davis 1 town lot, Tanya rd at Walter (iiegory 3'.4 ucies land, Huin Cieek George Henderson I town lot IX I) II an is 2 town lots, Rowland & Chestnut sts Daniel Hauls 1 town lot, Vauuhan st 11 Clay Hendi ix 2i acres land, Garrett Road M C 11 ight 3 town lots. Young and John bts Caleb Hunt 1 town lot, Young ave Macon Jones 1 town ltd, Hol i er st Mrs N lehman 1 towu'lot, Garnett st N liChman 2 town lots. Turner ave fc Davie st Aaron Marrow 2Z acres land June Meriituon K acie land, Kit loll mad Samuel I' 1 town lot, Gorman alley JffT Roberson 1 town lot, Brckst J.tnies Smith l town lot William st Matil'-a Sneed 1 town lut Hpiivv Woitliam l town lot Teinpie Williams 1 town lot, Rock Spring st R Ii Younng acres land, Btichan Road J J 47 J 7t ?i; : .' 70 4 " ,V. 70 4 4 02 7o 4 7." : :ij 70 4 tv, SO 70 1 i st o : ;ii ;i .7.1 7o 4 :;i 4 0i 70 4 7. 4 2.. 1 lo r. 1 00 7o 1 T 1 oo 70 - r.;t 10 '.'J 7ii j.i i,j 21 :iH '.hi .". 3 7't i ii". 3 7.0 7o 4 v. 2 00 70 .' 7 ' (K 70 7i K0 7n 1 ."ji 1 00 7n 1 7i 2 00 .o 71 1 S4 7" - M K .'17 7i v n7 KITTKEI.l. TOWNSHIP. Daniel Eaton 2?4' acies land l 2i ."o l '. Any Overby 25acies lan l TH 70 14 ' Harry l'eace 25 acres land 7 7o l 4: TOWNESMLI K TOWNSHIP. Richard Pruitt o acres land l .17 7u MIDDI.Eltl' Ii TOWNSHIP. Collins M Hawkins 40 acres land ; .i;t 7" 7 ; SANDY CREEK TOWNSHIP. W Harvey Reavis H7 acres land, near Cokes 8!:; 7o ss: THE VEGETABLE GARDEN dojieiids for its success upon tliejn;il of the seeds used, Vo. Old st ls iii- ! afc any price. Our stock is fresh each season on Jarpe variety from plants of! merit. They are certain to ji-rinin; and produce lai ire. sound and satisfot -t crops. A larpe variety of ('ahlmye. !.,! ;n... Onions, etc.. w ill lie found in th meat, at W. W. PARKER S TWO (a) DRUG STORES. NOTICE. TY VIRTUE OF I'OWKR CKK1: JL ictl upon me by an order issuing t'om the Sopeiior (Jouit i.t Vance County, in : special proceeding therein pentlin. -n titled "Lizzie T. Cooke, et al, cx-pait'-.' I shall, on .loudnr, April Hi, iwii. sell at public auction to the higln -t I n! der. at the Coui t Ilou-e door in tin town of Henderson, N. C, upon the t rtns om--lnlf cab, balmict: on a cietlit t -months, with the option to puicha-ci pay all cash, the following real e-t;U-, ' wit: One certain lot or paict-1 of land situate, ling and !cing in the County ! Vance, State of North Carolina, ad j. ci' the lands tf J li. Evans and othci-, and bounded a- follows: Begin at the Southeast coi tier of l.-t N" 1, in the divi-i'in of the teal estate li lug to R A'. Evan-, deceased, an.I inn thence 23 chains and i0 links to a Coiner of lot No 1; thence South 1- chains and 20 links to a stone, cotnei ! 1 ' No. o; thence crossing the Hcuitcrm i' 1 E 30 chains and 27 linkssto a -to:.' m Wyche's line; thenc-- N. 4 rhs-in and ' links to a !-t'ne, Wjche and Fain con-' thence W. t chains and til links to a oak on the Henderson load; al' " -pai l road 2 chains and 50 links t le-1 ginning. Containing 20 acies, more or 1 -It eing lot No 1 in the division o! 'n--real estate belonging to the l-tc K A Evans. See the proceedings in tin- .:! ?. f the Clerk of the Superior Couitol V;s:c County, entitled ''J. B. Evans and o!!,--:-. ex parte " This the 15th day of March, l'oj A. C. ZOLL1COFFKK. Commission.-! J.A.Duvall&Son, Contractors. Will make you plans, specification and estimates on bills of materials f-T buildings We are prepared to furnish material r ' i'W" and contract to complete turnkey jots- BRICK AND STONE WORK A SPECIALTY. Correspondence solicited. "te3 J. A. DUVALL & SON, Lock Box 48. HENDERSON, N. C. -V6, .it .ii -d

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