The Gold Leaf. ESTABLISHED 1881. BY R. MANNING. THAD TIinIAV.M(VEMKER 13, 1002. Thk ik-w Lord Mayor of Iondon. Sir Man-us Samuel, is a Hebrew, t ho fourth one to hoM that office. He is 4 -ars of nre. A(toiMi.v; to latest information the complexion of the newly elected legislature will be as follows: Senate Democrats, i: Republicans. 4; In-(l.-jK-n.l.nts, 1. Total. -',0. House Democrats. 00; Republicans, 20: In dependents. 1. Total, 120. Sim K President Roosevelt has made Booker Washington, the negro edu cator, one of his chief political advis ers touching Southern matters, why not invite him to Income a uiemler of his official family? Rooker woull grace a Cabinet position quite as ,iu t.lf.-.. fit tlie I'resn lent s dining board. Thk Richmond liin fristn test hat there is t be a great fight in Rich inoiid over the water nue.-tion lie- - - j tween ihe cit v oflii ial.s and a stronj loli'ov. A fiirlit in Riehmond over the water will doubtless result in consid erable mud slinging. Orange .serrer. It will if thev throw the water that Riehmond is drinking. A KoliltKIt out West heii I ui a tram. killed the engineer and rilled the mail and express ears. It will be con reded, we think, that this train roltlter deserves to lieliUlig. But if he is raught. he will doubtless have inanv admirers and sympathizers to iilead for his life. Richmond Evfuinii I.t'.nlti: llns t ram robln-r may deserve to ! hung, but if he will com' to North Carolina to l tried he will not 1 He may have killed t he engineer or conductor, but if delilierate. willful reineditat ion can not lie proven he will not be guilty of murder in the tnt i leiree. Mie i is the aw m tins State. IT has Iteeii claunetl I r Senator rnt. liard lhat he had nmre mtluence with t lie Administration than anv other Southern Republican. T " l i 1 - current reports in m t he White House an-at variant wit h t he truth, that distinction 1m-;. liLfs to leoUer Wash ington. The Alabama negro edur tor appears to have a stronger pull on the President than any other man South of the Potomac. No wonder Senator 1 ritchardis m tavor ot iiuil-liiiir un a w hite man s liemw- n i 1 lean party in the .south when his m- lluence at the White House is dis- rounttl bv a negro. Hon. I!. F. Li ni Judge of the T. Judge A. L. Coble.'. are both ville. This leads that town to cay: :. th nth th. newly elected district, and Ideated can- it izens of States the I.;iwhti;irk of It ismihea coincideiicethat Messrs. Long ainl Coble, both residents of the same town, were opposing candi dates for MijHrior t ourt nidge eight years ago and .ludge tome won. 1 his year t hey wen again opposing candidates and Mr. Long won. Roth are honored citizens of Statesville. nidge i oti- nas made a nvoni on the Sutwrior Court lteiich as an hon orable, upright, conscientious and just judge. Mr. Long will also make a reputation on the Vneh which will retltvt credit on himself ainl his jteo- ple. He is an able lawver of wit reputation and he has thecourage to enforce the law as well as the abilitv to administer it iustlv and fairlv. Asleep Amid Flames, Breaking into a bl.izinsr home, some tire tuen lately dracced the sleeping inmates from death, rancied securstv ana death near. It's lhat .iy when you neglect oousns an.i ctiis. lion t do it. IT. King s New Discovery for Consumption gives j-er- fect protection atraint all throat, chest and tuns; troubles Keep it neir aa.i avoid sutioriusr. death and dictor"s bills. A tea- sjoniai stew a late couii. rrsistent use the most stubborn. Harmless and nice tasting, it's guaranteed to satisfv bv Mel ville lKrsey, dnii:. Price -riV and Trial Kittles free. Items From Whitsett. Whitsktt. N. C. Nov. 11. "oj. 1'ditok Gilp Lkaf: Mi. Kthel Olive left vsterdav to teach nar -Sadalia. X. C Two new students from Western North Carolina arrived vesterdav. Dr. illiam Kdwin Hall, of New York, has given two splendid lectures to t he scliool t his fall. Mr. AHTt Watson, ran over to liurlingtou last week on business. .vir. 1.. l.. l Uu-k. ot 1'itt count r. vent Lome Mondav on acrount of his eves. The student IkhIv hop he will soon W in sclaol again. Prof. W. T. Whitsett, and a number ot the students went over to Raleigh me week ot the fair. lutbe geographical contest givtoi at tlte Institute Saturday uight, the th of November. W. T. Sneed. a Vanee lov. tok the second prize. x ne 1 . -M. 1 . a. is nrenaruijr a soe ial prognuu for Thanksgiving ser vices. Aliss Hiirhtill. of leiro, enteretl chool hen1 hist week. The Athenian Literary Sieiety will give an entertainment Saturdav uight, the 18th. Wilfredo Alcover. our nat ive Culuin. is progressing rapidly in English. ine turistmas concert will le on the night of Deoeniler 20th. VANCE BOY. Sick Headache ? tood doesnt digest well? Appetite poor? Bowels constipated? Tongue coated? It's your liver! Ayer's Pills are liver pills; they cure dys pepsia, biliousness. 25c. All dranicts. Want your mooxtaefce or beard a bCMtlfal rown or rich black? Then im brown JIAI UCKINGHAM'SDYErs ct. tMuasn. o a r. a Co.. hmh.ii. m m. NORTH CAROLINA'S DELEGATION IN CONGRESS. North Carolina's delegation in the next Congress will be unanimously Democratic. In the First, Second, Fourth and Seventh districts there was no opposition. In the Tenth the contest was close lietween (Judger and Moody, while Klutz defeated Blackburn in the Eighth district by a good majority. These were the closest districts. Following representatives were elected: First John H. Small, of Beaufort. Second Claude Kite-bin, of Hali fax. Third Charles R. Thomas, of Craven. Fourth Edward W. Pou. of John ston. Fifth William W. Kitchin, of Per son. Sixth (iHbert B. Patterson, of Robeson. Seventh Robert X Par , of Mont Kiutz. of gomery. ,irhth Theodore 1- Rowan. Ninth Edward Y. Webb, of Cleve land. Tenth James M. Gudger, of Bun- Cllllll'. Patterson. Page, Webb ami Gud- rri - . 1 . 1. ger are new men. ineoiners na sTved one or more terms. Thk Philadelphia Ilworri says: "North Carolina sends a solid Dem ocratic delegation to the next Con gress, and the election of a Demo cratic legislature insures a Demo cratic successor to Senator Pritch ard. The evolution of a white Re publican party in the South is evi dent lv to lie a movement of slow growth." The Tar Heel delegation will be 11 A 1 ' - ' 1 1 A. 1 .1. - solid to oeirm wim. out unless me Republican majority in the next House takes a departure from its usual rule oi conduct. Mr. mooov w ill soon le occupying the seat which Mr. (iudger will till when the session ojens. As to the evolution oi a wmie Republican part v hen lieing "a move ment of slow growth, it is hard at this time to see anv lite whatever m it." Charlotte (Jbservw. .Mother (;ra)'a Stveet t hildren, Powders fur ucvsfulty usJ bv Mother Gray, nui in the l-hiMion s llnnie in ew lork, Cuiv Ft-vei ishuess, liad Stomach, 'lVethinz DiMirileis. mov-' ainl regulate the Bovids ami Dcstiov Woims. Over 30.000 testimo nials. They npver fail. At all druggists l'.c. Saniole FREE AiMrs Allen S. Obliged, Ie Hov. N. Y. GOOD FOR JUDGE AVERY. It seems that the election of Judge Averv in the P.urke Senatorial dis trict depended upon the throwing out of votes of a certain box liecause of some inforinalitv, and that gentle- man refuses to accept the election on such terms. While nothing more than ought to U- exptH-ted under such circumstances such an act is so uncommon that Judge Avery's refusal is an exception and thereiore calls for sttecial com mendation. He has, besides follow ing his honorable impulse, set an ex ample that the people will demand diall oe followed by those who seek or aspire to positions ot trust here- alter. The election law is as fair as any party can ask. and the ballot box hereafter must declare the free man's w ill. without fraud. ubLf;rfuges. false reading of tickets, or technicali ties of anv sort. Judge Avery has not surprised his friends, and has placed all the people of all parties under obligations for his example. Luck in Thirteen. I'.v t.cnliii? 13 milts Win. Spirey, of Wal- tcu Furnace. Yt., gut h In,x cf r.ieklrn's Arnica Salve, I hat wholly cured :i hrrilile fever sore on his le;. No hill'' ele could IWiiively cures bruise, fel.ills, ulcer. ernptii lis, ourns. corns ntil ifiies. Unlv J.V. li'.iaraiitred l.v Melville IVrev, dr;i'L;i-t. LET US GIVE THANKS. Gov. Aycock Issues His Thanksgiving Proclamation. The following proclamation has been issued bv the Governor: The State has great lv prospered during thejiast year. In the main our tanners have made good crops and reeeived fair nrices for them Manufacturers have reasonably suc ceeded. labor has received a just re ward for service, the State has had peace. '?uiet and good order. For all these bh-ssings we owe acknowl edgment to the Lord. Things do not happen, but the band of God is in every happiness that comes to the people. It is appropriate that a Christian State should acknowledge its obligation to God for the bless ings whkh it has enjoyed. 1. Charles I?. Ayeock. Governor of the State of North Carolina, there fore, issue this my pnx-lamation. setting apart Thursday. NovemUr 27th inst.. as a day of Thanksgiving and prayer, upon whk h day I urge all ieople to meet in tlieir renjWt ive pla.-es of worship, and thereto thank God for the manifold mercies which he has shown to us individually and as a people, and to ask for His pro tection and guidance in the future. I earnestly recommend that on this day all our vopie sljajl give as God has prospered us. unto those who are needy. particularly to the widows and orphans. Done at our City of Raleigh, this, the seventh day of November, in the year of our Lord, one thousand nfne hundred and two. and in the one hundrvd and twenty-seventh vear of our American independence. By the Governor: CHARLES H. AYCOCK. 1 M. Tearsali.. Private tfeervtarv. JrrHU:fAvery does himself cre,bt in refusing the certificate of eleit ion as one of the Senators from the thirty fourth district. He had a mnmritv of eight votes on the face of there turns but they were awarded him hr error and he properly refused the eertineate uu.ier the circumstances. Not all men in politics have so nice a regard for the proprieties of a sit uation, aud this fact makes Judge Avery's action all the more conspic uous. Charlotte 0wrw. CASTOR I A For Infants and ChiUxfa, The Rind Yon Urn Always E::jfet Bears the Sigaatmrtef THE HENDERSON GOLD LEAP THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 13, l!K)2. THANKSGIVING PROCLAMA TION. Thursday, November 27th, Set Apart as a Day of Thanksgiving and Prayer. The following proclamation has been issued by President Roosevelt, designating Thursday, November 27th. as a dav of Thanksgiving: Bv the President of the United States of America: According to the vearlv custom of ... ' . 1 Tl our people, it laus upon me x res ident at this season to appoint a day of festival and thanksgiving to God. Over a cent urv and a quarter has passed since this country took its place among the nations of the earth, and during that time we have had on the whole more to be thank ful for than lias fallen to the lot of any other people. Generation after generation has grown to manhood and passed away. Lach lias had to bear its eeuliar burdens, each toiace its special crisis, and each has known vears of grim trial, when the country was menaced by malice, domestic or foreign levy, when the hand of the Lord was heavy upon it in death or flood or jiestileiice, when in bodily distress and anguish of soul it paid the jenalty of the folly and forward heart. Nevertheless, decade by de cade, we have struggled onward and upward, we now abundantly enjoy material well-being, and under the favor of the Most High we are striv ing earnestly to achieve moral and spiritual uplifting. The year that has just closed has leeii one of peace and overflowing plenty. Rarely has any eople enjoyed greater prosper ity than we are now enjoying. For this we render heartfelt and solemn thanks to the Giver of good; and we seek to praise Him not by words only but by deeds, by the way in which we do our duty to ourselves and to our fellownien. Now. therefore. I. Theodore Roose velt, President of the United States, do hereby designate as a day of gen eral thanksgiving, Thursday, the twenty-seventh day of the coming November, and do recommend that throughout the land the people cease from theirordinarv occupations, and in their several homes and places of worship render thanks unto AI might v God for the manifold bless ings of the past vear. In witness whereof I have hereunto set inv hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the Citv of Washington, this 21th day of October, in the year of our Lord, one thousand nine hun dred and two. and of the independ ence ot the Lnited .states the one hundred and twenty-seventh. (Signed) THKODORE ROOSEVELT. By the President: John Hay. Secretarv of State. Cured of Piles After 40 Years. Mr. (. H alley, of Geneva, )., hml the piles fir frty yerus. Doct"rs and d-dlurs in1...! do him no lasting -'hkI. i'e'iu's Witou Hazel Salve ctireJ h.iu ermanemly lovainai'le lor cuta, ourns, t.n;ie s, sj.Tauis, lacerations, tczma, tetter, sail rltetnu, an l all "ther skin diseases. Lo:k for the name I'eWilt on t lie iiackaae ail others a-e chea, worthies, counterfeit-!. W. V Parker. Letter From Kittrell. Kittrell. N. C.Nov. 12, 1002. Editor Gold Leaf: Congratula tions are hereuv extended to our former townsman. Mr. J. W. Moore. of Kaetovd. who will le one of the representatives of Cumberland rouiity In the next legislature naving oeen eiectea last week bv a handsome majority. We are ex peeling to hear from him in the future. Mr. . II. lilaeknall. of Raleigh. was here last week to visit his mother. Mrs. Virginia Blacknall. Miss Nannie "White, from the vicin ity of Manson. arrived Sunday to take charge of the school near Bob bitt, Mis Ellen Crudup returned Sun day lrom a visit to friends in Heu derson. Miss Nettie Allen returned vester- lay to Greensboro to resume her studies at the State Normal College .Mt nnuing nerseu so wen. sue came home a short time ago. preferring the ounce of prevention to the pound ot cure. e are glad to note that Mr. C. H Williams. Sr., is so much improved as to Le able to walk aown town oc casionally. The delightful weather 11 1 we nae oeen naving recently is enough to make the sick well. The following item from the edi- -. : . 1 . .1 .r .1. . 11 1 1 Ti 101 lai comma 01 ine luiieign limes will be read with interest bv some of your readers. The creek mentioned is about three miles East of this plare: "The Charlotte Observer has dis covered the origin of the term "Iviieh law, "and it originated in this State lien me iorv. .viaior liearu. was raptured during the Revolution th Patriots heard that a band of Toriei were coming to his reseue. so they hangel him on the spot, whieh haj) pened to le on the banks of Lynch 's CreeK in f rai'klin count v. When the Tories failevl to appear the Patriots reanzeti tnat tnev liad executed a man before lie had leen cinvictel The bovly was cut down. Col. Sea well held court martial and after the sen tence was jassed the corpse was re hanged at Lynch Creek; hence after wards when a crime was committed t Iw ptV) o4e itfjd be ought to be tried cli law, or lyniibed." P. bv Ivne -Let the GOLD DL'ST tw Doct use soap for jrour deanav. GOLD OUST ts morf caver!ent- cheaper snd better than Sot Made aniy by THE N K. FA1RBAKK CCPA5 uucago. new lore, ftqwnn. tou'S U&icers 0! OVAL FAIRY SOAP. FOR SALE. line youns BARRED PLYMOUTH ttuLA cajcko. btock from one of the best and most reliable breeders in the country. W. T. CHEATHAM Henderson, X. C Official Vote Sberiu PRECINCT. North Henderson.... South Henderson.... Eajst Henderson West Henderson Dabney Middleburg North Sandv Creek- South Sandy Creek.. Williamsboro TownesvilL.e Nut bush Kittrell Totals Majorities.'.. 1017 : G02 In explanation of the above with out so designating each one after his name those having a majority, or no opposition, are Democrats. Messrs. I'errv. Edwards. Bobbitt, Hood and Dean, of the count v ticket. 1 had no opposition, and as the result shows thev received votes from both ;ides. In the cases of Solicitor and Con gressman, Messrs. Daniels ami l ou got a generous support from the other side although there were op posing candidates. No out seemed to know Mr. Bailey and there was no desire to swap off Solicitor Daniels for an unknown quant it v. And as LAST WEEK'S ELECTIONS. Elections were held last week in 42 of the 45 States. In 21 of the.e a Governor and other State officers were cnosen. in otners 1 ongress- men and certciin of the State officers were voted lor. ine states wmc-ii elected a full tk-ket were as fol lows: Massachusetts Republicans elected full State ticket. Democrats carried Boston. Rhode Island Democrats elected Governor and Lieutenant-Governor, and the Republicans elected theother three State officers, also the two Con gressmen. Con nect icu t Republ i -a 1 1 . New York Gov. Odell re-elected bv about 11. 000 maioritv. Two years ago elected by 114.000 major ity. Democrat elected for the Su preme Court bench. New York City Democratic by over llo,000 major ity. The Democrats elect 13 and the Republicans 22 Congressmen. South C arohna Democratic. Alabama Democratic. Texas Democratic, including an amendment to the Constitution. making payment of poll tax qualifi- eation for voting by a large major ity. Michigan Republican. Kansas Republican. Minnesota Republican. South Dakota Republican. Nebraska Claimed by Democrats. W isconsin Republ ica n . North Dakota Republican. Colorado In doubt. Wyoming and Idaho Republi can. Nevada Fusion wins. California In doubt. New Hampshire Republican. Tennessee Democratic. Pen n sy 1 y a n ia Repul 1 ica u . Indiana Republican. Florida Democratic. Illinois Republican. Dela wa re Dem ocrat ic. Iowa Republican. M issouri Democrat ic. Ohio Republic-tin . Utah Republican. Washington Republican. Montana Returns not complete. Arkansas Demoera t ic. Mississippi Democratic. Georgia Democratic. Louisiana Democratic. Virginia Democratic; one Republi can Congressman. W. Virginia Republican. Maryland Two Democratic and four Republican Congressmen. Kentucky Democratic. New Jersey Republican. A Startling Surprise. Vtrv few could believe in looking at A.T. Hoadlev, a healihr, robust blacksmith of Tilden, InJ., that for ten vears he suffered such tortures from rheumatism as few could endure and live. lint a wonderful change followed his taking Electric Bitters. "Two bottles wholly cured me." he writes, 'and I have not lelt a twinge in over a vear. They regulate the kidney?, purify the blood ami cure rueumatisni, neuralgia, nervous ness, improve digestion and give ierieci health. Trv them. Onlv "jOc at Doisev's driiiT store. Every I'oitou lias its Antidote. For Malarial Poison it 13 H0bn' ionic. 25c No cure, no pay. W.W.Parker. The St. Louis & Ssn Francisco RsiJroad Offers to the colonist one-half fare plus 2.00 to points in Arkansas. Missouri; Kansas. Nebraska. Texas, Coloradj, " OKhiiionia in) Indian Territories, on the following dates: November 4th and lGth. Dumber 2ndand lGtb. January Gth ami 20th. February 3rd and 17th. March 3rd and 17th. Aril 7th and 21st. Write i'or advertising matter, rates and Information to W T. iiund -rs, G. A. P. D., Atlanta, tia. " VOTirP HP 4 Hf I VICTD tiiV AUllLtUi" ADMlMblKATlON I 11AE lllVz HAY QUALIFIED AS AdmmistrfeT of the late Mrs Flir. betli L. Sted, of Vauce County, and liere- by notify all persons having ela'iros against deeasd to r resent them to me before Oct There will be a saje c the perso" aj. effects cf said deceased at her lat rsi - Brookston, on Nov. lflt 190?. This 29th October. 1903. T. T. HICKS, Administrator of Mrs. Elizabeth L Steed. Or auSt I cuta U C I kTe Dr. o(!-, TETTH1SA Splcsdi4 Z'ljzrzL irr, fwwdm turn T r For sale at Parker's DR. M0PFETT3 T 1 of Vance CountyEIection November 4,. 1903 : Clerk j R'gV iTrs'r j S'v'r : C'n'r j House : C y : : : : : : Z : o t : S : c : z ' 5 : : P : 3 : : Sh- : W : : S : - j : : X 102 :. 22 : 122 :. 123 : 121 : 122 : 121 : 104 :. 20 l. M :. 25 102 : 43 j 13 : 130 : 130 140 j 130 j 103j 41 105 40 133 5 37 : 171 : 173 I 173 : 172 : 171 -: Ht "." : 118 : " 71 : 24 ': 100 : 00 : 0G : 00 : OS : 70 : 20 : GO : 31 87 j 28 101 : 103 j 80 ! 02 0G 82 33 82 31 100 : 17 : 113 :. 114 : 114 : 113 : 113 : 100 14 : 100 : 14 33 : 40 j G7 : 68 : 48 4G : 44 j 38 : 3G : 37 j 38 80 18 i 110 i 108 108 : 108 108 : 62 : 40 GO : 41 70 i 33 : 101 : 103 : 05 : 100 :. 0 ' 35 I 45 : 64 : 38 80 j 32 i 112 112 112 111 I 07 102 7 I 102 10 17 i 1 : 18 : 18 :. 18 : 18 : 18 :. 15 3 17 i 1 133 : 120 : 243 : 244 : 220 ': 223 : 220 : 17G : 71 : 180 : 60 415 1397 11404 .1333 1344 :1330 for Congressman Pou many outside of his own party associates had positive pleasure in voting for him against Mr. At water, The vote of tlie latter shows how well he didn't run in Vance. Only 8 votes in the whole county and but 4precincts out of the 12 casting a vote for him. Without giving the vote by pre cincts the vote for the State ticket was as follows: Superintendent of Public Instruction- James Y. Jovner, 083; Daniel A. Long, 322. Majority, 661. Corporation Commissioner Eu gene C. Beddingfield, 1000; Delon H. Abbott, 319. Maioritv, 771. Chief Justice Walter Clark. 1056; Coldi 44 1 had a terrible cold snd could hardly breaihe. I then tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and it gave me im mediate relief." W. C. l.syton, Sidell, 111. How will your cough be tonight? Worse, prob ably. For it's first a cold, then a cough, then bron chitis or pneumonia, and at last consumption. Coughs always tend downward. Stop this downward tendency by taking Ayer's Cherry Pec toral. Three sizes: 25c, 59c." J1. AH dntftistt. (Vmmilt tout doctor. If he iti tko it. than do as ha says. If he teli you not to take it. then don't take it. He knowa. Leave it with him. We are willing. J. C. AYEB CO.. Lowell. Mass. IT'S ME," "IT IS I." Baltimore Sun. "It is I'! is the expression now gen erally accepted as the correct one. Five hundred years ago the English said "1 am it," as the (lermans ex press the same thought by 'Ich bines.7" Thus the passage in Matthew xiv., 27, which in the King James verson reads: "It is I, be not afraid' is rendered in the Wyclif version, "1 am it. fear not.' Today's collo- ?quial phrase "It is me," while not j. j? 1 - consistent witu grammatical usage, is a sort of unconscious preference for an older, homelier idiom, against one due to foreijrn influences and made in Germany." In the French parallel, "("est moi,' the moi("me," or rather "to me") is not the sub jective, but a dative, or objective with to. More obiectionable than 'It is me" are the phrases "It is her" and "it is him," which should be ''It is she." "It is he Sl Cures Blood and Skin Diseases, Itching Humors, Eczema and Scrofula, etc. Senl nn money simplj write and try Botanic Blood Balm at our expense. A trial oi Blood Balm i bet er than a thousand printed t- stimoniale, so don't hesitate to write for a sample ot this remedy. If you sufier from ulcers, eczema, cancer, scrofula, Mood poison, eating sores, itching skin, pimples, Utils, bone pains, swellings, rheumatism, catarrh, or any blood or skin diase. we advise you to take Botanic Blood Balm (t. B. B. ) Especially recommended for old, obstinate, deep-seated cases' of nia lienant blood or skin diseases, because Bo tanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) kills the poison in the Mood, cures where all else fails, heals every mre, makes the blood pure and rich, gives the skin the rich glow of health. B B B , the most perfect Moid purifier nide. Thoroughly tested for 30 years. Csts per large itile at drug stores. To prove it cures, sample of Blood Balm sent free by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. Pe-trihe trouble and free medical ad vie sent in sea'ed letter. fca?This is sn hoiie-t olfr met! icine sent at once. So'd in H. ridel.-, n b YV. VT. Parker. STOVESAND PIPES. I Mill have Mr, Hurh Futrell with me to put up stoves, fit pipes, etc. Mr. Futi-ell is an exjtert in his lineand all work is guaranteed. The small job receives the same painstaking- care and does. thorough work the large one J. E. McCRAW indigestion! Roxboro, X. C, March l:t, 'Ml. Jlaaam; J Ueem it my duty to ' tate t,iat 1 lmve XX9& -TOU" KemedV in mv family for indict ion a ml fln 1 its worK incalculable. I heartily recommend MR TOT PTC CAMc L 1 r LrvUIM 2 i ' n nil nrl.n nfi r-., :r .i::., luTXZCi Very respectfully. MRS. S. P. SATTERFIELD. Ccts Gtn-bta, tiw Bowel Treabka f QuldreaeMffjIffa. Aids OisestkM, RcsnUc llltiHreTOUaU-J the Bowels. Sbtho. i. MOrFETT,' M. l. SY: sia, BTKwv - - . nwdr'i AtaTwa mtiim WhTmwmLU tZ2Zl?2 Two Drug Stores. Senate :ChiT 1033 630 403 1051 658 393 1056 613 Thomas N. Hill, 443. Majority, 013. Associate Justices Henry (i. Con nor, 1391; Piatt D. Walker. 1303. There was no opposing candidate and the names of these gentlemen appeared oif both tickets. Judre Second District Robert B. Peebles. 1302. No opposition. Fourth District Charles M.Cooke, 1104; Edward W. Timberlake, 31G. Majority. 788. Sixth District William R. Allen, 1084; William 8.0'B. Robinson. 31o. Majority, GG0. Eighth District Walter H. Neal, 1084; Herbert L. Son well. 318. Ma jority. 6GG. C hFRIENDSMP ! 6rop-MaKing TOOLS FOR FARMERS FOR HOUSE J WIVES. v "5 3 3 cDaoIel c& (Co! THE ROYAL FELT MATTRESS. GuarantGBfl to :: NEVER PACKS. LUMPS 2s ot a Mattress in Superior to Hundreds of Henderson people are usintc terr. below what a few of them say: : : : Mk. a. T. BAKki: It gives me pleasure to testify to the excellence of the Felt Mattress I bought of vou soruetime ago. Every one who has ever slept on It savn, "This is the most delightful bed I ever was on." I don't think I shall ever again boy any other kind. Very truly, MRS. FLETCHER HARRIS. August lljtb, fj2. Mb. A. T. Babmas The elegant Flt Mattresses bought of jou several years ago were so comfortable and satisfactory in every way, have purchased more of same kind, take pleasure in recommending same to our friends. August 19th, 1902. A. f. BAfiNE: r I like tbe Jrelt Waitress boqght of yop betUr than any mattress I bare ever used. Respectfully, a . THOS. G. HORNER. Angnut 11. 1902. i GET IN THE ROYAL WAY TO COMFORT BY USING ONE YOURSELF. SOLD AT A? T. BeLi-i-ves'' Big Firniture House. Justice : Solicitor Congress s j 5 j j 00 : 24 : 120 07 : 44 j 138 121 : "3 : 102 70 : 30 : 95 88 j 17 : 03 1O0 : 14 : 114 36 : 3( j 38 77 I 31 : lt8 66 : 27 : 00 88 j 12 111 17 i li 18 185 j 54 : 117 1 o o o 0 o 1 0 5 1 o 0 4 S (t 5 21 10 36 3 2 1 O 20 107 106 135 80 90 111 96 86 66 96 17 182 443 1253 1134 119 :1H8 1110 Tenth District Benjamin F.Long, 1O0O; Albert L. Coble. 137. Majority, G73. Eleventh District Erast us B. Jones, 1083; Henry R. Starbuck, 319. Majority, GG4. Thirteenth District William B. Council. 1084; Robert H. McXenl, 317. Majority, GG7. Fourteenth District Michael H. Justice, 1082; Olney V. F. Blythe, 318. Majority. GG4. Fifteenth District Frederick Moore, 1084; Charles B. Mashbuni. 317. Majority, GG7. Sixteenth District Garland B. Ferguson, 1084; Bayhus Cade, 317. Majority, GG7. Is necessary to happiness. bur it is not mere friend s h i p that brings the people for miles around ller.derson to 1 his store, It is knowledge of the fact that we can save them money on seed saving, implements Stai tin Test OR- GETS OUT OP SHAPE. :: the Whole World Made the Royal Felt. Rend " ' Respectfully, GEO. B. HARRIS. NOTICE OF SUMMONS North Carole; 1, . In the Suix-nor i , , . VakcrCOCRTT. October Term 1 CALIFORNIA II AYS. Publican, ,, vs. LUTHER T. 11 AYS siaininw. The State of North Carolina t.i Liitt Hays Greeting: You are hereby summoned t. 1. appear at Uie next ensuing n-i m perlor Court at a Court to 1 "f "Mrs... H.I t.., lh. County ot vanee, at tne i.ouit 11. 1 1 Alarcn 1 m tlia f ... ... : l the first Monday in Maich, y ,t swer the Complaint which lia I--,, tk Ited In the office f the Cleik .t t JC perlor Court of said County, the an action for divorce alxolutp, an t l. said Defendant take notice ibat if w'.i to answer the said coinplaim, ifi,i term, the Plaintiff will apply t-. ,1 for the relief demanded in tl O'uipi.j,,. Given under my hand an. 1 :hr ,..i0. said Court this 20th dav .f OctiHr i HENKY rKKUV Countv. T. T. Hicks. Plaintiff s Alt 1 n-v NOTICE. Sale of Valuable Town Pr-.i't- :v BY VIRTUE OF t'OWKi: rov fened upon us by trust deni-'-x.-cut-.i by Nathan Lehman ami iff, s. Uu. M Lehman, on the 28th dav .f Ani j',,' and the 9th day of September. vij u.ti reaistered in Vance Countx. N i(i Book 20, page 135; ana uook r,. uv 2ti we shall, ou ma4jr, reaiber 17th, iw Sell at publie auction to the Mein st bi,!,er fur cash at the Court Huse iTm.i itl rtu rtrisii, N. C. the fillwii u t wit: Onceitain lt or iairt l aij ituate on Garnet street in lUi,.,s.. Hoith Carolina. adinins tht l.u,.N ( estate of J. A.Uarrell and tl;-i, .,) bounded as follows: Bee in at the v 1,. west corner of Harrell s stoir-limi- on Gamut street and run thenc in Nmtli. westerly direction alone said Mir.-t L'f.vt and 8 indie, uiore or less, U HivU1 line; then Southeasterly direct!, n rvt Uavis line 100 teer, more or les, to uh of Seaboard Air Line Hs.ilwa: th.n i Noitherlv direction alonz lin .t ait Railway 22 feet and 8 inche to Uarrell'.li-e;then alone iliifU 100 feet, mote or lens, to bfL'ii:nii 11 it beine that lot on which is eiertrii tlie three story biick store-house, known 'LehmanT8 Stc re." Also one certain lot or parci l Und situate in Vance Cunl, X C , aij..ii.i. lands of K. Stephen-, E. V. Elh. iw.iKf W. P- well, N. 11. Chavasse. lavi Mr.-t and Mple rtret. containiie mt nti, more or less. It bring the land l. . it:ht from N. H. Chavasse ami witviv '1 -d rpBistered in Vance Count), 3 1 : , n ,1. .page 32J. 1-ss that part bol.i to , . Powell and E. W. Kills. This 13th Octotier. 1902. EDWARD K1GEXBKI N, A. C. ZOLL1COFKKU. Ttuti t-s. While terms of above sale are eash. ar rangements can be made wIiti-Iv time will be given the purchaser on part tmr- cliase money. A. V. UL.L.ICi tr rr.K, v. CffrTrtMrj", The King f Medicines and th Quein of Perfumei isoffeml brusut exctjtIonlly luw price. Ami the quality of -itli-r i not les desirable becaus4 th' ji if lens than theaveragedrujnjrit V j ri These poods like all othT i:i our stock of Drugs. Medicines. Toilet Articles. Etc.. are sold at the lowest price -nsist-ent with fair dealing. Parker's Two Drug S(ores: Sterlouiist Tickets NOW ON KALK VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY To all the Principal Winter K.--rt. AT : Very Low Kates THE RESORTS OF Till: South, Southeast, ancl Southwest, Guba, Cali fornia and Mexico Offer Many Inducements : :::::::: to th- T.i':ri-t. Some Prominent Resort Ate S. Auiru-iif.. P u IWidi Jaekiiill. Ta Biuu lek. avallal, 1 1 ' f-4 1 t I at ltmi. (iluiulna. ik-;. August. PlartiUi-t, l.'a:n 1 11, SunitxiTvilJ(. A!i--vllle. Hot piln-, "THE LAND OF THE SKY" AND -SAPPIilRE COtNTRV." TICKETS OV SA.E Up to and ineladlnc April ). 11 1 1-iV'i to return until May 3!. j 0 ' ATOP-OVEKS Allowed at Important F-it-t- Through Sleeping Cars Of the Uilest SUBlard tv J'- ,-:t I- pal Cln and Pf'M; ftioias ear scnicc uncj.iiel Ask nearest Ticket Af nt tor .f ter Uootes in a Sanmrr Lan 1. W. A. TURK. S.U. IIAKDWRK. Pan Trajtc Jfgr. .WASHP5OT05, D V Cxecutor's Kotiee, HAVING QUALIFIED A? EXW-l tor. with will nnKl. of l?lfPtv Barker, deerased, late of Yanc- ty. N. C . this is to notify all r-c hn eUlBS ajralnt the esUte of the eased to exhibit them to me on or Um 16th daj of Oetober. or tt'1. will be pleaded to tar of tl.-ir ",11 Peraoo Indebted to ile said f-"3' please mak tsassediafe tayiu-.i-- tbs Qpber iWi. lj ul.asz. f Kieaator of the will of UatM T- ,Jarkt,r' deceased. . - co BoAy niscro fe? (Urn IRON 111 I WjNf, 1 uniw p"

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