THE HENDERSON GOLD LEAP THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1903. 3 Constipation Does your head ache ? Pain back of your eyes? Bad taste in your mouth? It's your liver ! Ayer's Pills are liverpills. They cure consti pation, headache, dyspepsia. 25c. AM druz2st5. Want your moustache or board a beautiful brown or rich Dark? 'i'lu-n iif.e BUCKINGHAM'S DYEwh&fers TO f THE TOWN V -'mwfrp VERY LOW PRICES. Lumber, Lime, Shingles, Doors, Windows, I'ramcs, O.ik Mantels, Tiles, Grates, &c. JOHN B. W ATKINS. DWELLING FOIR RENT. A nice il welling for rent. I'oxwhkioii jlivcn first of June. Apply to John B. Watkins. Mr. J. f. Thomas, of Wilson, is vis iting relatives liere this week. Mr. awl Mrs. (J. W. Kittivll, of Kit i rell, were quests of Mr. ami Mrs. .!.('. Kittrell Tuesday. A niee rl welling is offered fur rent i John U. Watkins. Posses sion given first of June. Mrs. James X. Lifehford, of Ital eili, eaine yesterday to spend awhile with Dr. and Mrs. 1'. A. Macon. The docket at this term of court is a small one and Jude Iirowu has wasted no time in disposing of it. .State Insuraii-e(-'ommissioner Jus. K. Young, of Italeigh, was here on business for a short while Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thorp, of Kocky Mount, have !een guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hunt since Tues day. The (Jraded Schools closed last Friday und the little folks are happy in the anticipations of pleasure to lie enjoyed during vacation time. Mr. and Mrs. I!. 1. Watson and little son Master IVnn Thomas, of Wilson, have been visiting friends and relatives in Henderson for sever al days. Mrs. Samuel Watkins has returned from a two weeks' slay at Chase City, where she went with her little son, Kdwin, hoping the water there would be beneficial to them. Mr. I). V.Cooper attended the meet ing or cotton mill men in Charlotte last week. There was a good attend ance and various mutters of interest to the trade were considered. In the meantime until we can get Main street paved could it not at least be sprinkled? In the interest if health, comfort' and economy the dust ought to be got rid of some way. Mr. J. A. Kelly left yesterday after noon to attend th" meet ing of t he : Southern Wholesale (irocers at lo Iixi, Miss. He was accompanied by his little daughter, Miss Mabel, anil they will visit New Orleans also. Judge A. W. (Jraham, of Oxford, was here between trains Monday af ternoon on Ids way to Kaleigh. He and (iovernor A .work were together and speiit a short while in the court room and were interested spectators. ('apt. W. II. (ireen left Monday for New Orleans to attend the great Confederate lteunion this week. He goes as a delegate from Henry L. Wyatt ('amp, Confederate Veterans. We do not know t hat any other per son went from Vance county. Mrs. J. II. McMullen and Mrs. J. X. Pruden and little daughter, Lina. of 1'Menton, came Fridav to visit Mrs. J. C. Kittrell and Mrs. C. H. Turner for a week or ten days. Mrs. Mc Mullen is an aunt of these ladies, and Mrs. Pruden, her daughter, is a cousin. Mr. James A. Thomas, editor of the Louisburg Timi's, spent Tuesday night in Henderson, coming over Monday ami ret urning on the after noon train yesterday. brother Thomas has many friends among our people and his presence always gives them pleasure. !ov. A work spent a few hours in Henderson Monday evening. He was returning to Kaleigh from Oxford, where he had been to deliver an ad dress at Hobgood's School. The Governor was looking well and in his usual fine spirits and his presence gave pleasure to his friends and ad mirers who met him. Mr. W. II. Mills, teacher of the bus iness course and higher English and mathematics in the- Henderson (haded School, left Tuesday for his home in Henry county, Va., to spend vacation. Mr. Mills' many friends hope to have him with us again next fall although a tempting offer has bivn made him in another field. Mrs. O. C. Hurt and children left . last week to join Mr. Hurt who has Ixvn in New York since the suspen sion of the Seaboard Knitting Mills here. They will make their home in Yonkers, on the Hudson river about :t miles above New York City. Dur ing their residence in Henderson they made many warm friends who much regret their leaving. Miss Maud Jones, teacher of the primary department in the (Jraded School, left Tuesday for her home at New Store, liuckingham count v, Va., Jto Speud the summer. This wms Miss ssion here but no one has rendered herserfiUPre popular m so short a time not only with her pupils but in society generally, and there is a sincere desire for her to return next fall- The Choicest and Best. John 1). StallinffB wishes to call atten tinn to a choice Block of freeh and sea sonable goods just received. Everything iu his line that's good to eat, of the best quality and greatest variety. He has his big refrigerator well stocked and is iu shape to serve his patrons to better ad vantage and more satisfactorily than ever before. The choicest brands of cof fees, teas, spices, extracts, flavorings, canned and bottled goods, cereal foods, etc. In fact everything to tempt the ap petite and gratify the hungry. And the prices are no less satisfying than the va rity and quality of the goods. Contract tcr Lighting the Town. There was a sjwcial meeting of the IJoard of Town Commissioners Tues day night to make a contract for lighting the town. The Henderson Electric Light and Power Company, who now do the lighting, were awarded the contract as expected. The terms and such other informa tion as may be of public interest will 1? given next week. Frenli lot of German Millet .Seed just received by II. Thomason. - Genuine Panama Hats onlv $G.."0, imi tation $2.00, $2.r0, 13.00. "Big line, all new Khapes. Straw hats $1.00, $1.50 and 2.00. Wide brims or low crowns, at Samuel Watkins'. . Ward off Sickness. Unslacked lime, 50 cents a barrel, by the Southern (irocery Company, is one of the lest and cheapest arti cles that can be used far sanitary purposes. Apply plentifully about your premises, in damp places and dark corners, especially, where dis ease breeding germs are liable to be produced. Proper precaution along this line may ward off a protracted spell of sickness and save you a big medical bill. When you want a pleasant phymc try ( haiiibcrlain'H Stomach anil L.ver Tablets. They arc eaHV to tukf ami pleasant in effeet. For Hale at Parker's Two Drug Stores. . ' Just Right Shoes," and Rijjht Shoes they are! nly $4..",0 and $5.00; light and stylish for Rummer wear for men, at Samuel Watkins'. Mr. Fleming Improving. The (ioi.n Lkaf is greatly gratified to learn that County Commissioner John A. Fleming is improving and his condition yesterday was as satis factory as could be expected, all things considered. He is free from fever, was cheerful and in good spiritsand hopeful of speedy recovery. Chairman Amos had promised to get him a pair of crutches and Mr. Flem ing told him 3'esterday to get them ready as he expected to have need of them soon. May his expectat ions be fully realized. -..-. I lamina's Pat View. Oxfords $."i.OO, high cut $'J.OO are the best shoes for gentlemen at Samuel Watkins'. - - . Diamond Coffees, the most deliciously blended coffees in the American market, at II. Thomason's. Received Marked Benefit. Mr. H. M. Moorehouse lias been suffering with inflammatory rheuma tism since last November. During that time lie has lost, four months from his work at the Corbitt Buggy factory. He has lieen treated by physicians and tried all sortsof rem edies but wit h litt le beneficial results. Since Dr. (Jill introduced his static electric machine Mr. Moorehouse is taking this treatment. He tells us that although he has been treated but three times he has received marked benefit .and his improvement has been such that he hopes for a permanent cure from it. Ak Your Dealer fur Alice's Fool rase. A powder for the feet. It cures Swollen, Sore, Hot. Callous, Aching, Sweating Feet, Corns and Bunions. At all druairists and shoe stores, '2v. Ask todav. - . . For Millet Seed call on II. Thomason. Fresh supply just received. . - Dedicatory Services at Methodist Pro testant Church, Sunday, June 7. The new Methodist Protestant church will be dedicated on the 7th of June (the first Sunday). 1 he dedicatory sermon will be preached at 11 a. m. by Rev. T. 0. ('rouse, of Baltimore, Md. Immedi ately after the sefmon the Building Committee will present the church for dedication. At night the 75th anniversarv of the founding of the Methodist Pro testant church will be celebrated. Iiev. C. E. Forlines. Creswell, N. C, and Bev. T, 0. Crouse will speak. 1 he public will be cordially welcome at these services. Big stock new Mattings 20, 22 and 27t cents per yard, best values ever offer ed, at Samuel Watwins'. YOU WANT SOME? 2 or -50 barrels of slacked lime, for sanitary purposes. 30 cents a barrel. Southern Grocery Co. . Beautiful Operatta to be Presented. Another treat is in store for Hen derson amusement lovers. Miss Emma Averett's music class will give an entertainment at Cooper Opera House Tuesday evening, June 2nd. "The Ueneral's Daughter a Story of America and Spain," is the title of the operatta to be presented and we are sure an entertainment of rare merit may be anticipated. The ab duction of Arline by a tribe of Span ish Bohemians her accidental meet ing, twelve years later, with her father who recognizes her by a mark upon her arm Carmen's attempted revenge Arline's ultimate triumph the flower festival in which the Rose is crowned Queen these are the main points in a story of unusual interest. -.- -- . . . -. Those Ladies' and Misses' Zeigler Shoes are beauties so comfortable and last so well. Samuel Watkins sells them. . . I am now receiving big line new styles in Mahogany and Quartered Oak Furni ture. They are beauties. Brass and White Enameled lied Steads at Samuel Watkins'. Heard Him Gladly. Mm' .Tnninj V Millard, nnstor of t V. I . " ' " -------- 7 I ' - Eutaw Place Baptist church in Bal timore, preached to his old congre gation in the Baptist cnurcn nere last night as had been announced. He had a larsre and appreciative con- eresration and the people heard him gladly. As a special mark of courte sy toMr. Millard and knowing that his friends and admirers of other con gregations would desire to hear him nraver meetinir services were post untied at the other churches and pas tor and people availed themselves of the opportunity to hear him. Mr. .Millard preacneo a nne sermon pre facing it by some tuneiy remarss ex pressive of the pleasure it grave him to be among his Henderson friends and the warm and tender feelings he has for the place and people. Owing to pressure of time Mr. Millard had to leave on the 3 o'clock train for his home. PURE BRED POULTRY. Eggs for Hatching from Thorough bred S. C. Brown Leghorns, the everlast ing layers. $1.00 per 15. J. D. Bo.rdin. Wilson, N. C. VANCE SUPERIOR COURT. Cases on the State Docket Disposed of at This Term. Vance Superior Court was convened by Judge Brown Monday afternoon. His Honor was delayed in getting here and court was not opened until after dinner. The grand jury was drawn and business was proceeded with. The following named persons constituted this body: W. H. Parrish, foreman; James T. Blanks, T. C. Hicks, Rufus H. Duke, J. L. Stone, C. T. Edwards, 0. 0. Young, R. G. Clark, 0. M. Ellis, John B. Fox, A. R. Mingia, T. T. Marrow, Z. R. Clark, W. F. Roberson, Ed Ellington, Ira T. Hart, J. L. Rowland, JoeWortham. Last named colored. J udge Brown said he was not feel ing well and the usual charge to the grand jury was dispensed with. Sit ting in the same place only a few months ago he had defined the duties of the grand jury and called atten tion to the various crimes and mis demeanors of which they were to take cognizance and he did not think it was necessary to do so again at this time. He spoke toan intelligent body of men who knew their duty and knowing it he was willing to trust them to do it. Solicitor Daniels was present as State's prosecutor. The following cases have been disposed of so far, the docket being about clear either by trial or continuance: Willie Bailey and W. C. Ross, af fray. Guilty as to Bailey, 4 months in jail. Not guilty as to Ross. Charlie Lowry "and John Burton, negro, affray. Guilty as to Burton, judgment suspended upon his taking the insolvent debtor's oath. Not guilty as to Lowry. Tom Wyche, Charlie Smith and Joe Crudup, negroes, assault and battery with deadly weapon. Guilty as to Wyche, judgment suspended upon payment of costs. Not guilty as to Smith and Crudup. Alex Hunt, negro, larcency and re ceiving. Judgment suspended upon payment of costs. Alex Hunt, negro, house breaking, guilty. Three and one-half years on the Granville county roads. John Scotin, negro, carrying con cealed weapon. Judgment suspended upon payment of costs. Geo. Burwell, negro, and J. D. Hud son, affray. Guilty as to Burwell, fined $10.00 and" costs. Not guilty as to Hudson. Robert Person, Dick Cheatham and Fred Smith, negroes, affray. Guilty as to Person, judgment suspended on payment of costs. Not guilty as to Cheatham and Smith. Charlie Lowry, carrying concealed weapon. Fined $15.00 and costs. Tillett Vaughau, nuisance. Judg ment suspended on pajment of costs in consideration of his having been in jail two months and promise to leave the Sta te. Eugene Longmire and Gibbons Longmire, larcency. Guilty. This case occupied most of the court's time yesterday. It was past the usual time for adjournment when the speeches concluded and the jury re tired to make up their verdict. Just before the jury tookhe case Eugene Longmire, the older of the two, who was under bond and not in the cus tody of the sheriff, walked out of the court house telling one of his lawyers that lie would be back in a few min utes. But he has not returned yet and the presumption is that he will not, voluntarily, since the verdict of the jury is against him. . . - - You Know What You Are Taking When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle showing: that it is Bimply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. No Cure, No Pay. uOo. - . - ' Strictly in it" the clothing business. Can fit everybody. All shapes and ages. V e have a magmheent stock and prices are right at Samuel Watkins'. . - -. Sentenced to 30 Years in the Peniten tiary. Joe Cole, Sr., the murderer of Roadmaster Fred Stevers, saves his neck. Convicted of murder in the first degree and sentenced to be huni the Supreme Court granted him a new trial. The higher court has been a long time in passingupon the case and it was not until Sunday that the decision was certified down. Monday afternoon Joe Cole was brought into court and through his counsel, T. M. Pitt man, submitted to a plea of murder m the second de gree. The question of sentence was then raised and his counsel endeav ored to get him off with a lighter sentence than thirtyyears (the terms given Joe Cole, Jr., and Charlie Fer guson, convicted at the same time of murder m the second degree as acces sories) but this was opposed. Alter a brief consultation with Ins client Mr. Pittman said he was will ing to take a sentence of 30 years and this was imposed. Cole was taken to Raleigh on the evening train and has entered upon his time which he said he did not expect to live long enough to serve out. He is now 45 years old he said. -ja- fcg?Fewer gallons; Wears longer.! Stetson's Men's Hats are the correct thing, at Samuel Watkins'. Election of Town Officers. The newly elected Board of Town Commissioners met Monday night to elect officers for the ensuing year. The following named were elected: Chief of Police J. H. Mahone. First Assistant R. A. Crockett Second and Third Geo. W. Powell and B. F. Brame. Town Attorney- Thos.M. Pittman. Health Officer Dr. J. H. Tucker. Tax Collec tor Thad R. Manning. Treasurer W. D. Burwell. Street Commissioner C. J. Smith. Chief of Fire Department B. S. Aronson. Mavor pro tern L. W Barnes. Clerk H. T. Powell. These will qualify the first of June. In the cases of Chief of Police. Town Attorney and Clerk it was a re-elec tion. One Commissioner was elected from each ward to serve with the commission of four (Messrs. D. Y. Cooper. J. P. Tavlor, Robert Bunn and J. H. Brodie) as provided for in the sewerage act. as follows: First Ward J. A. Gill. Second Ward W A. Hunt. Third Ward Melville Dor 6ev. Fourth Ward L. W. Barnes The Mayor is made chairman ex of ficio of said Board. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c. GRADED SCHOOL BOARD. Acnual Meeting Monday for the Pur pose of Electing Teacher, Filling Vacancies in the Board and the Transaction of Other Business. The Board of Trustees of the Hen derson Graded Schools met in regu lar annual session Monday for the purpose of electing teachers for the ensuing year, filling vacancies.on the Board and the transaction of such other business as should come up for consideration. After paying the su perintendent, teachers and others it was found that there was money enough left to pay off the debt on the school building, $1,838,72. This was ordered done, the money was paid over Tuesday and the school is free from debt. After receiving the Superintendent's report the terms of C. A. Lewis, J. L. Currin and G. A. Rose expiring by limitation (they having been elected members of the Board for t wo years) the old Board adjourned. As then constituted by the other six mem bers the Board met again and re elected C. A. Lewis and J. L. Currin and elected J. D. Cooper to succeed G. A. Rose, each for a term of six years. The newly elected members were notified and accepted. An or ganization was then effected by the election of D. Y. Cooper, president, (Dr. Hufham being away) A. C. Zol licoffer, vice-president; J. L. Currin, secretary. The Board asked the County Com missioners to make a levy of 15 cents on the one hundred dollarsval uation of property. It is now 1G, and this produced enough to run the school and pay off the debt on the building. It is believed therefore that 15 cents will be sufficient to run the school well, and it is not the pur pose of the Board to make the tax any higher than is necessary. The election of a, superintendent and teachers was then gone into and practically the same persons as the school corps was constituted last session were re-elected, as follows: Superintendent Prof. J. T. Alder man. First Grade Miss Maud Jones. Second Grade Miss Birdie Watson. Third Grade Miss Leona Currin. Fourth Grade Miss Jessie Page. Fifth Grade Miss Amv Butler. Sixth Grade Not filled.' Seventh Grade Miss Nettie El more. Eighth Grade Not filled. Business Course Prof. W. R. Mills. Mrs. Garden, teacher of the Sixth Grade being sick she did not file an application and the place was left open for the present. Miss 'Lila Tucker formerly taught the Eighth Grade but gave up the work on account of her health. After resting awhile she has been teaching part of the time the balance of the time being filled out between Mr. R. H. Hood and Prof. Mills. Mrs. W. D. Horner was re-elected teacher of the South Henderson school and Misses Lucy Ihivis and Mary Bell Gary North Henderson. All the colored teachers were re elected to their several respective po sitions. The law requires that every teach er in a public school shall attend some summer school. To that end the Board will allow $15.00 to each white teacher and $10.00 to each colored teacher who wishes to avail himself or herself of this, said sum to be added to their first month's sal- try. The finance committee was in structed to get up a report to be made to the County Board of Edu cation, said report to be also pub- ished in some newspaper. The Superintendent was instructed to prepare a report on the condition of the schools and the work done the past year and publish same. Too Great a Risk. In almost every neighborhood someone has died from an attack of colic or cholera mor bus, often before medicine could be procured or a physician summoned. A reliable remedy for these diseases should be kept at hand. The risk is too great for anyone to take. Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhooea Remedy has undoubtedly saved the lives of more people and relieved more pain and suf fering than any other medicine in use. It can always be depended upon. For sale at Par ker's Two Drug Stores. For SaJe act a. Werner edition of Encyclopedia Brit- tanica. Complete and in perfect order. Bound in half morocco. F. C. ToepIena.n. Never was more clothing sold at this time of the year than they are selling at Barnes Clothing More. Why, do you ask' Uh, tney nave tne stock to sell from and the prices that make them go. Letter From Kittrell. Kittrell, N. C, May 20, 1903. Editor Gold Leak: Miss Emma Blacknall has gone to Oxford to be with her sister Mrs. W. A. Adams, who is quite sick. Miss Minnie Ulackwell, oi 1 ownesville, is the guest of Mrs. Ruth Morton. Mr. Is. (J. Allen arrived Monday from New York, where he has been attending Columbia University. Miss Josie Person, who has been spend ing some time with Mr. and Mrs. It. M. i'erson, left Monday for Hickory. Mr. I. T. Hunt went to Dexter Sunday to see his brother, Mr. D. N. Hunt, three of whose children are extremely ill with pneumonia . Some of oar sportsmen will nave an alligator hunt Monday at Ellis' pond, one mile east of Kittrell. The alligator was put in the pond about fifteen years ago and has attained quite a prodigious size. Ile-an be seen any afternoon from lour to six. 1 . DOES IT PAY TO DUY CHEAP? A cheap-remedy for coughs and cohis is all riKlit, but you want something tnai win relieve and cure the more severe and dan eerous results of throat and lung troubles What shall tou do? (Jo to a warmer and more regular climate? Yes, if possible; if not possible for you, then in either case take the only remedy that has been introduced in all civilized countries with success in severe throat and lung troubles, "Boschee's German Syrup." It not only heals and stimulates the tissues to destroy the germ disease, but allays inflammation, causes easy expectoration, gives a good night's rest, and cures the patient. Try one bottle. Recommended many years by all druseists in the world. You can get this reliable remedy at Dorsey's drug store. Price 25c 75c. ' Only one Lady's Silver Belt Watch to be given away, at W.T.WHITTEN & CO'S Up-to-date Soda Fountain. -4 as- Coolest and Cheapest Refrigerators, Best Ice Cream Freezers. Watkins Hardware Co WRECK NEAR RALEIGH. Passengers in Overturned Coaches A wreck occurred on the Southern Railway a short distance outside of Raleigh Tuesday afternoon when four passenger coaches of the train for Goldsboro jumped the track and rolled down an embankment, com plete! turning over. Strangetosay no one was killed, although several persons outof the fifty or more passen gers aboard were more or less hurt. Those most seriously injured were: .civ in li. t lemmg, oi nson, tobacco uuyer, (formerly of Henderson) in ternal injuries; thought to be serious at first. Ivan Proctor, of Raleiah, bridge of nose split and bone of nose broken where it joins the skull; cut just below nee ot lelt leg; right thigh bruised. II. B. Parker. Jr.. of Goldsboro. Representative from Wavne.back in jured; cuts and bruises on head and ace. Mrs. J. C. Ellington, of Ralehrh. liiD dislocated and shoulder blade frac tured. Mrs. Mary Hobby, of Garner, frac ure of left collar bone. Miss Addie Hobby, little daughter of Mrs. Hobby, right arm hurt. J. 1. Land, of Laurinbursr. Neck jarred and slight bruise on right cheek; knocked senseless. W. T. Dortch, of Goldsboro. Finirer mashed and slight bruise on back. W. V. 1'. Sharp, Sheriff of W ilson. Scalp wound on back of head. Stun ned and dazed. H. A. Bynum, of Bynum. Left hand cut by glass, and arm and shoulder bruised and sprained. It. It. Burwell, colored postal clerk. Right shoulder sprained and bruise on left leg. J. W. O. Garrett, a colored teacher of Henderson. Scalp cut and shoulder sprained. H. Cr. Gnfhn, the baggage master. !ar torn and bruised; many bruises rom head to foot. J. W. Coble, the conductor, cut on back of neck; bruise on chest and lands cut. . Letter to Dr. H. H. Bass. Henderson, X. C. Dear Sir: You can put $100 in your pocket if you can put us in the wrong. Devoe Lead and Zinc is all paint. It takes fewer gallons to paint a house than with mixed paints. It wears longer than lead and oil mixed paints, too. The State chemists of Maine, New Hamp shire, Vermont, Massachusetts, New l ork and Pennsylvania have analyzed it and say it is pure. If you can prove that any of these things aren't so, we've a hundred dollars waiting for you. if these things are true, what paint will you use next time you paint your house? What will you say to the people that ask you? for doctors get asked queer questions. if you know of an honest young painter who isn't getting the grip on life that he outht to have, give him this hint: Devoe lead and zinc that'll do it, if he does his work as wrell as the paint does its. Yours truly, F. W. DEVOE & CO., New York. P. S. Parham Bros. Supply Co. sell our paints. Where a new American duchess. marchioness, countess or baroness is. 7 there are her lord's cheerful creditors gathered together. New York Even ing I'OSt. ANY CHURCH or parsonage or institu tion supported by voluntary contribu tion will be given a liberal quantity of the Longman & Martinez Pure Paints whenever they paint. Aote: Have done so for twenty-seven years. Sales: tens of millions of gallons; painted nearly two million houses under guarantee to repaint if not satisfactory. lhe paint wears for periods up to eigh teen years. Linseed Oil must be added to the paint (done in two minutes.) Actual cost then about $1.25 a gallon. Sam ples free. Sold by Melville Dorsey. FRESH COUNTRY BUTTER.. brought in direct every morning from clean and careful hands, 20 cents a pound. Kegular customers supplied on standing orders any quantity desired, from one pound up, daily or as wanted. J. C. THOMPSON. Opposite Southern Grocery Co. r. rTpinkston. DeeJer in Lumber, Etc. At the same old reliable 6tand, Pink- ston's Planing Mills, near the Oxford Depot, you will find plenty of Flooring. Ceiling and Weather boarding and Building Materla.1 of all kinds. I urn work and scroll work of every descrip tion. General contracting work at short notice. Terms reasonable. Thanking my friends for past patron age I respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. K. K. PINKS 1 ON. Henderson, N. C. J. C. THOMPSON, (Owen Davis Building, Opposite Southern Grocery Company.) Staple & Fancy Groceries, Cauiied Goods. Confectioneries. &c. Fresh Stock, Choice Quality, Low Price. Country produce of all kinds, eggs, chickens, vegetables. Fresh Conntry Butter a Specialty All orders promptly attended to and quick delivery made. Mr. J. M. Hughes, the well known and popular young- salesman, is with me and will be pleased to see and serve his friends. Very Respectfully, J. C. THOMPSON. ROUGH ON LICE INSTANT DEATH To fll Kinds ot Lice on Poultry, Cattle and ttoQS, and Ticks on Sheet). Sold under guarantee. None genuine without picture of Lncle iam. MASUFACTTRED BY AMERICA! STOCK FOOD CO., Fremont, 0 FO SALE BY Tl8 Watkins Harftware Coipy DeWltt's M Salvo For Piles, Burns, Sores PLEASANT AND SUCCESSFUL Entertainment Given Friday Night for Benefit of the Oreded School Library. "One of the best things of the kind ever given by home folks." This was the verdict of those who witnessed the entertainment at Cooper Opera House Friday night. The "talent" was composed of boys and girls from the Henderson Graded School, and they were drilled by their teachers. This had been done without inter fering with their regular studies and as it was in the inidst of reviewing and standing examinations for pro motion it was all the more difficult of accomplishment. But how well they did their work was shown in the really creditable and enjoyable enter tainment presented. Nor was it any the less successful financially than artistically. They realized about $62.00 for the library fund afterpay ing all expenses. The program was as follows: peo'iy's pkeam Cantata. I'effgy Fairy Grandmother. ....Mildred Lewis ..Maria Watkins .Arthur Aronson Sir Thomas Grimalk in Lady Bunny Bopeep Boy Blue Mother Hubbard.... King Gole... Miss Muffet Brownie Jack Jill Lady Moore ....Pearl Robertson Alvin Barnes Lottie Keller ..William Manning ....Madeline Harper William Cheatham Richard Jones Aileen Lewis FAIRIES. Philetus Linnell, Hattie Cooper, Vir ginia Alderman, Julia Thomas, Christine Thomas, Gertrude Meta Swain, Blanch Gregory, Hattie rarrish, Janie Linnell, Mary Louise Carpenter, Mabel Jones, Elizabeth Watkins, Virgie Harris, Katie Bunn, Jeanie Gary, Ruth Roth, Mary Lamb, Sue Lamb, Margaret Betts, Helen Harris, Mary Butler, Mabel Kelly. CHOHUS. Fairies and Ethel Amos, Lena Aycock, Leila Canuady, Beula Edwards, Wort-ley Hayes, Oleine McLennan, Bessie Norvell, Clara Amos, Clara Beck, Annie Beider, Christine Davis, Hyla Dempsey, Soda Hatem, Ethel Hunt, Rhoda Holland, Polly Moscovitz, Harriet Parrish, Fannie Smolansky, Lizzie Southerland. TOPSY TCKW WORLIh Harry Bryan, Arthur Bnnn, Joel Cheat ham, Fred Ilight, Joe Elmore, George Renn, Earl Watkins, Turner Jones, Ruth Hunt, Olive Shell, Florence Butler, Effie Keller, Margeurite Brady, Julia Howard, Kathleen Mustian, Annie Lee Beck. posing. Second Grade Girls. - STATUARY. UECOXCILIATIOX. Rebecca Butler. Magdaline Landis. Leona Currin. PYCMALIOX AND GALATEA. Leona Currin and Magdaline Landis. STATUE OF LIBERTY. Miss Rebecca Butler. VESTAL VIIKUX. (Two Poses.) Miss Rebecca Butler. chorister girl Helen Harris. tableau His Wedding Eve. (Dreaming of Old Sweetheart j.) Mr. Gus Moore, Misses Page, Leila Shan non. Emma Linnell, Maria Tucker, Christine Thomas. BELLAMY LANCERS. Misses Page, Jones, Watson, Butler, Lillian Edwards, Ethel Thorne, Clara Finch. Luuan vvhitneld, l lorenc iseck, Lora Helen Barnes, Georgia Powell, Janie Harris, Mary Ellis Shepherd, Maud Renn, Lottie Wortham, Liizzie Watkins. BREAD Is the Staff of Life! Therefore Have It Good! 52 Times a Year We make a Special Price on Somethingl Fit is Week on thet wo brand of our fa mow Flour, "OUEE.IRK." and " I KIPIXri 'S BESr." We are going to soli this week and this week only at these prieen: (nvi;-ir'i A! rn ii..i 'Triplett's Best". . . 4.50 per barrel Remember that we are irivinir you our "OBEI.I.K" Flour fresh out of the ri.h blue grans section of Kentucky whieh adds that sweet, ncli and nutty flavor to its tawte IKIPLETT's BEST" is ground of 'Longberry" Wheat, grown and milled in the valley of Virginia, and is the lest Virginia flour on the market. V e have just a limited amount of flour in stock and would advise that you buy what you want at once. These prices are good from May 18th to May 2-ird, inclusive. Si?-We would like to emphasize that the special inducements that we are offering to the trade each week consist of strictly fn-su, nrst-class and up-to-date goods in every re spect, and carries our full guarantee. Tins means that, should goods not prove just as we say, you may have your money back for the goods. We have our Mammoth R.efrigera.tor in now, which the factory has been sometime building for ns. lou are invited to come in and see it. It is a cold storage plant iu itself, Blacknall's Brrrica 'rcIi IUI,Y. R. B. POWELL. JUST RECEIVED. A lot of nice Palms, Ferns, etc. Come out and inspect Miss Jennie Chea.tha.rn, Rock Hill Farm. NOTICE OF SUMMONS NORTH CAROLINA, Vance County. uicrior Co-art. McRae Perry, et a!., vs. Caroline .Simmons, Sidney Sim mons, Eddie Simmons, Julia Simmons, and Jimmie child of Sally Simmons, who Notice of summons married person unknown to plaintiff and is now dead. The above named defendants will take notice that the above entitled special pro ceeding is pending m the Superior Court oi Vance County, before the Clerk, returnable on June o, 1903, for the partition of certain land held in common by plaintiff and defen dants, situate in said county and State. Said defendants are hereby notified to appear be fore the Clerk of the said Superior Court of Vance County on June 11MJ.J, and plead to the petition filed in said proceeding, or judgment wifl be granted according to the praver of the petition. Tnis April loth, 1903. HENRY PERRY. Clerk Superior Court Vance County. T. T. Hk-es, Thomas M. Pittman, Plaintiffs' Attorneys. 7TA 4 FLEGINA OXFOR.DS and 4 SANDALS ARE S BEST. The Styles are right, The Fit is perfect. The Service is satisfactory. f Try a pair. You'll Agree with THOMAS & NEWCOMB. ccooooooooooo:oooooooooocco 4 Per Cent. Merest Cofflponniei Twice a Year On Mm Small savings grow rapidly if placed in the Citiiena Bank of Henderson, where they earn Four Per Cent., compounded twice a year. The following table illus trates this growth and shows how easy it is for the eople of even very modest incomes to build up a com fortable surnlus. Week,U Rati" nf Interest fr fr For Savinrjs Kate o! Inlerest & ycafS ,oycars 20yVs 4Q ? ( r Four Per Cent, per f 7.1 $ 1V2 $ 40:1 $1,211-1 00 nuuuui, compound- 146 .24 NOG tf.SNH 1 U0 inK twice n year, 1st '29: ."() 1 ,01 4 .1.177 2 00 January, and 1st "HH 1,301 H.a-JK 10 3.15 " 00 July. 1,462 3.252 8,070 25.888 CITIZENS BANK OF Capital and Surplus J. B. OWEN, President. To The Man Who's Expert On Dress: Yhy are the best-dressed men in Henderson our patrons? Why do Experts-on-Dress invariably buy from us? The they a 1 LRi if 1 I Ao MAKERS Clothing. I fa 1 II Or NOTE Schloss Bros. (SL Co.. are considered the most expert, careful makers f clothing in America. We sell their products known as the "Best - Clothing - in - the All their garments bear this label: Hats, Shoes, Neckwear, Furnishings. Samuel CLOTHIER. FURNISHER. OUTFITTER. r Oxford Orphan Asylum j! I Wood-Working Shops, 0xf0!J:- 3 :.! j j'C Sash, Doors, Blinds. Frames. Moulding. Brackets. 5S f Porch and Stair Work, Door and Window Screens ) mJ r . tj All kinds of inside finish in pine made t to order. We solicit a. portion I r of yoir Good Work manship and Materials Guar re Screens and Doors the summer time.. They arc not expensive. Let Ym us quote you prices. Costs Oily 25 uil ti cbU t ft. .n (i r.mim tm FLomuczTB. C frith oar bur when 1 wu kutarr y iatou M efal ia tanHis troablaa. ed IUet aaa Utallntutm taatii Iu trouble, asd It tetct kll j-m r H Dw.raOrrETPrfV , . M A h,:.. mmmn ft M 1VAM COfflA U Rf W IU K -W W VMS I VZZSr1" ""hart we jlIt e V2r t j VZ5Zi. It Full Weight. Full Measure. That's the way we do business. We have plenty to select from, la weighing the scales balance. In measuring the measure is full. Did you ever find fault with a grocer in this particular? We never guarantee that we do everything exactly right, but we treat all customers as well as we know how. Try us with your next order for Groceries and be con vinced. JOHN D. STALLINGS. PHONE 22. HENDERSON, N.C : : $115,000. W. A. HUNT. C&shier. Something Of An answer is obvious know what they want in Clothing and their dis crimination tells them we have it. We'll venture to sa.y tha.1 if the question were put to cJl the criticoJly - careful dressers in Henderson, individually or col lectively. 8ls to who sold the best Clothing, the inst&.nt&.neous answer would be: "Why Sam uel Watkins. of course." 11 This ubli Cn Garmeits to fame - World. ;r?rts.l Siijtrioritj. Watkins, i'ldiiuiatiui cu. ij . are almost essential to comfort JK ceres cggri-BTtiica, DirrhecJ)yKnUry.Ml the Bowl Troubles of ChSMn0AnrAgt. Aidt Digestion. Krguliies the Bowels. Strenfthcaa the Child and Makes TEETHING EASY. cents at Drtfffcts, C. J. MOPFETT. C J. IIOfFETT. M. D ST. LOUIS, MO. ?"i Wa fosaa Mttwrn) I ta warm tad man laaaloiafh. Ma sou wmT' 7" . .z iWfyo!ts&le Dr&ptrs l!

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