As an Advertising Medium The Gold LeaJ stands at tbe head of q newspapers in this section, the Advertising Brings Success $ m pays to advertise in the Gold . Lea.f i v" ''" '" vvf'' "lied v a liMTtisiu.; '!unii!. A Sensible Business Men f 1 . iiif :-.:iiinM-to spend good ,,,, . y wii-rt fii appreciable j r.-' i; us an- mi-si. r laiuuua Bright Tobacco District. The moat wide-awake and soc ccseful men uw its columns m the highest f That is Proof That it Pays. i Satisfaction to Themselves. -I TRAD R. NANKING, Publisher. " OaKOLINA, OABOIilN-A, H3jB ATEJfS BlESSINOS -A.TTE2STD InLEI.." SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 Cash. NO. 24. VOL.iXXIII. HENDERSON, N. C;, THURSDAY, JUSTE 2, 1904. 1 Tfie Deadly Trail Of disease iz often the trail marked by a woman's ;?o i. A rz"vt investiga tion show. " ....i-nf rr.:rcbes, includ ing tlio&e of iul j., c ; ;i -.umption and a dozen other varieties, gathered in the trail of a woman's dress. ' The microbe is everywhere, but its prey are the weak and feeble people whose blood is "poor" and digestion " veak." Dr. Iierce Golden Medical Discov ery cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition and purifies the blood. It strengthens tne body by increased nutrition to resist or throw off dis ease. IMea.w accept my thanks for the good 1)t. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery lias done for me," writi-s Mrs. N. Ches lry, of Cleveland, Cuy phoga Co.. Ohio. "I was trouMcd for over a year with what the doctor pro indigestion. I had nervous headaches, au uti;lea:mt taste in tny liioulh in the morning, ami my blood was very poor. I tried different medicine l't to no avail. My i-aixuts insisted on my tnking Dr. 1'ierce's Golden Medical Discovery. I did so; am now on the fourth IxHtle. and feel stronger than I have for ten years. 1 cannot speak, too Highly in its favor." Dr. Pierce's pfeasant Pellets are easv and pleasant to take. A most eifective laxa- e. They not be get the pill habit. lit V:;, do HENRY PERRY. INSURANCE. A strong line ..f both LIFE AND FIRE COM I'ANIKS represented. Policies issued 1 1 it 1 rinks placed to l-st ndvnntiige. Office: : : : : In Court House. REPORT OF COMMITTEE Appointed to Investigate the Affairs of the Atlantic & North Carolina Railroad Brief Review of Some of the Matters Discussed. 1)11. E. B. TUCKER, DENTIST, II UNDER SON, N.C. News and Observer. The testimony' taken before the committee was largely from witnesses subpoenaed at the instance of the prosecutor. It was taken at private hearings and one witness aid not know what any other had said. Mr. W. W. Clark appeared before the com mittee as prosecutor of the present administration. He is easily one of the ablest lawyers in Eastern North Carolina. He "lives in New Berne and was familiar with all the charges against the administration and knew where to look for testimony to sus tain them, if it was to be had. He is not in sympathy, either personal or political, with the administration. We can therefore safely say that with his aid the committee went to the bottom of every charge. Now, what do these high minded men find? We cannot undertake to review t he whole report. We can only refer to some of the matters discussed. It will be seen they criticise, commend or condemn without fear, favor or affection. They condemn the increase of the Proxy Committee to or 40 per sons,when five is amply sufficient, and so do we. But it must le re membered that the administration of the road is in no way responsible for this. It was not the act of the Pres ident or Board of Directors. It was done by the stockholders themselves the o'wners of the property and it only remained for the officers of the company to carry out the order made by the stockholders. The stockhold ers own the property. Who will say they did not have the right to say how many should compose the Proxy Committee? We may agree they acted unwiselv as we are sure they did but we cannot say they acted illegally or that the officers are responsible for it or that it warrants putting the road in the hands of a receiver. The committee criticises and not without reason the method used by the management of the road to pro cure a supply of wood. The commit tee, however, tells that the wood sup- operation of the property." These are words of wisdom, uttered by men who have spent days and weeks in a full and thorough investi gation of its affairs. Gradually and by degrees a valuable property has been developed and built up between Goldsboro and Morehead City and it would be worse than folly, just as it is ready to yield income to its owners to take fright at the false charges made against it and be driven into an ill-advised disposition of it. It only needs for the State and the stockholders to stand together and be firm in a united purpose to make a wise disposition 01 tne vaiuaoie property. If a good proposition to iease it, whicii is well saie-guaraea and backed by ample security is made it should be accepted. Until then the errors which have been pointed out should be corrected and corrected at once and the road run with care and economy. As to the fitness and character of the men who made this investigation and report: It. T. Gray, Esq., an able lawyer; Mr. Henrv A. Page, a practi cal railroad man; and Mr. W. T. Lee, a successful merchant all men of ability and of the very highest char acter. Surely no honest man will say that these men did not report all things truly as the facts appeared to them. OFFICE: Over Thomas Drug Store. Dr. H. H. BASS, Physician & Surgeon, Henderson, N. C. OFFICE: In Younz Block. DR F. S. HARRIS, DENTIST, Henderson, N. C. OFFICE: fcirOver E. (i. Davis' Store. FRANCIS A. MACON, DENTAL SURGEON. Office: Young A Tucker lluildlng. I ndrr 'I ! t- 1'xclia.Hge. Oflice hours: i : n. Residence Phone Estimates furniv charge tor exainin: p. m. 3 to t p. .Vice Phone 25. :!;on desired. in. No ply is gettingto uea serious question withthecompany. Theconsuraption of timber by the large number of mills and other enterprises along the hue of the road and the scarcity and uncertainty of labor forced the man agement to adopt some method that would insure the needed supply of wood, for without wood the trains cannot move. The method adopted is open to criticism nay to con demnation. A management m6re mindful of the true idea of public ser vice and of appearances would have adopted a different method, at least in me of its details, but there are some thinrs about this matter which must impress the fair-minded reader as oxtenuatins the improper method adopted. What was done was done openly and without any secrecy or metense at secrecy. It has resulted in securing a supply of wood at the market price. There has been no loss to the company and tnere was no - . i . i 1 i corrupt motive in nieuiemuu uuupL- ed or m its execution. The purchase of the Atlantic Hotel . . 1 . . 1 - 1 1 4- is a matter auout which iioiiesi men may differ. In this matter, too, the management was confronted with a serious problem. To close that hotel meant a serious loss to ueauiort and Morehead Citv and to the revenues of the road in passenger tramc. It was believed that if the property was put in good condition and run in con nection with the road it could oe made profitable in itsell and to tne road. There is nothing wrong in a railroad owning or running a hotel Many railroads whose terminals are ... -i nt watenntr - Places own and run hotels, not for the profit in the hotel business, but to secure travel lor tne road that it would not otherwise re- ceive. uucriib tne Atlantic cc orm Carolina Railroad to have bought the Atlantic Hotel and conducted it! We say these are questions about which honest men may differ and did differ. It is unfortunatethat the first year's venture did not have a, fair trial. As it turned out a serious mistake was made in the selection of a manager, but we submit that it is not fair to condemn the venture upon one year's experience with a manager who, arer making amaavits renect insr upon the management of the oad, hides so that nobody can probe him. The hotel property lias Deen Teatlv improved and with its fine i . l: 1 i. 1 j. 1 .,11 electric llgut piailtunu mi luijimie- ments stands charged tot tie railroad company at less than half its original cost. It may be that the ownership of this property by the company has j something to do with the increasing hitls that have been offered for a lease of the road. The committee criticises some of I the expenditures made in permanent improvements, l hey say tne expendi tures were larger atsome points than were needed, and less at others, liut this fact stands out all the way AnihrnitA an A Srlint Coal, through the report, to-wit: That in Uw.i -i . . .. . , . i j j i all things cnticiseu or conuemueu uy Beautify Yovir Home by Paper ing Your WaJls. AT THE GRAVE OF LORENE. For Best Results use Alfred Peats . Pne Wall Paper j Mr. Alfred Peats m the originator of the ojatem of selling Wall Paper from sample books through agents. With bis many years of unexcelled experience he plaees this Reason the most complete set of Wall Paper books ever issued with his agents for your inspection, from the cheap grades to the bemt quality, ffiwt e4oring, Hchmwt rf lam. JThese books repre sent the leading patterns of some of the best mills, and as every pattern will be carried the entire season, Room MouMlngm, flmh&9 Wfrw llnM Wac. vom get fast trhat yon buy from me. If yea intend doing any papering drop me a posfafcard saving Do and I will come. Costs you nothing to examine and nee the books; the best plan to boy Wall Paper. JOHN W. OVERTON, P. O. BOX 21. KITTRELL. N. C. Frank L. Stanton in Atlanta Constitution. I. The twilight ia wonderful sweet and serene Where a woman bends low at the grave of Lorene! Of Lorene with the lovely and light-giving hair Who is dreaming of God 'neath the green grasses there! How little they know that this daisy -strewn sod Is a grave 'twixt the heart of a woman and God! II. graves in this bright them HBJfc CHICHESTEB'S E"CI ;5H Pennyroyal hll8 -ONftAFE. AlTrli.' l.nU-. lrurrta it rXT vA . rf-i i i wr ,- ? ' v- r icU iii KFU mnl iol! -t;.;ic ty. e;J with l-tnf ricboD. Tftfc n other. K(rfo OuMtcroa t,nbsiUtt'ooi uxtd Iwlin tion. Buj of jour l)r;?Kif. or -"d lt. i. stamp, tor PartiruU-u Twtbwuiil ad 12ellef for life,w r r 1rt.OOT iUmouil'. SfMM 9114 UadUun K.jumc, i 'ULA., P.W PARKER'S . HAIR BALSAM Clcaiura and bratific the hur. Promutc a JaKursan KrowUl. Never Falls to Hestore Gray Hair to ita Youthful Color. Curei tb1p il bair falling. lr.andl.wat Druggitaji INSURANCE! A STITGH IN TIME SAVES NINE. J. L GURRIN, Insurance and Rea1 Folate. CHEAP An Untimely Death. An untimely death so often follows neglect of slight cough or cold. If Taylor's Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gnin and Mullein is taken in time it will prevent any evil results. It cures coughs, colds and consumption. At druggist, 25c, 50c, and $1.00 a bottle. For sale p.t Tarker's Two Drug Stores. The Color Line in Religion. Atlanta Constitution. The refusal of the general confer ence of the Methodist episcopal church, at Los Angeles, Cal., to have one of the eight new bishops elected by that body a negro, after special agitation to that end and a plea for such recognition by the negro dele gates present, has peculiar signfi cane in pointing a moral as to cer tain federal appointments in the South. The northern wing of the Methodist church, be it remembered, was the pioneer of abolition and contributed its full share of the spirituality that inspired the Harper s t erry raid. Al ter the emancipation the colored man and brother" who emigrated to the North was pretty generally welcomed to comunion and full fel lowship in this denomination, with out discrimination as to race, color : or previous condition of servitude, i He was permitted to worship in the ; "mixed" fashion so dear to his heart, . with none to molest or make him afraid. I For a generation the negro has : been a factor in the membership of j the Norther Methodist church, and it is not, therefore, surprising that he has grown in grace and boldness to the point of asking race represen tation on the episcopal board. The Los Angeles conference had bishop rics to burn, so to speak, and natur ally the "man and brother" felt that the time was opportune to advance his claims, home 200 negro dele- j gates, representing thousands of ne- gro members of the church, modest j lv asked for ope of the eight new ! bishops. Did they get himv iot much! Here was one place where the con ference felt constrained to draw the color line, and it was drawn without reference to how the man and broth er might feel about it. There is no room in the northern Methodist church lor a bishop ot color, new matter what the claims of the race for such recognition or the attain ments of one of its member for the office. The moral is simple enough. The Caucasian will rule, whether in church or State, and there are dead-lines of public opinion and race pride, even in religious organizations, beyond which the children of Ham would better not venture. The same principle and spirit ap ply to the appointment of negroes to political othce in the feouth, the difference, being that in this instance our white brethren at the Aorth are too quick to favor the foisting of a negro official upon southern citizen ship against the protests of our peo ple. They either have not the abili ty to put themselves in another s place, or are destitute of the breadth of mind and heart that would scorn to impose an indignity of the kind l upon the people unable lawfully to prevent such humiliation by the ap pointive power. Terhaps the action of the Los An geles conference will have a whole some influence upon the color ques tion as applied to politics as well as rehgon. Comfo rt Swing Chair Made entirely of metal and fancy colored canvas. The material is light and firmly braced, fiaiahed in black enamel. Folds compactly, occupy- Is set up or folded by removing only &Ary. IT'S To be inir suace of 4'.X3I inches. four stove bolts. Perfavtly timple. Comfortable ia the Comfort You learn the secret cf it all wnn'fd ir. th rhair. You Can sit iiie:mV s iii the." chair j-.;st as ia any ordinary ifiP3-V cb?.ir ?.nd Ihe if you like, stretch your- lijgry The Chair just follows every movement -siStiB - ot the body, without any enrt on your part; you can sv,-ii:g or not as you please. Call and sit in it and satisfy yourself. This costs you nothing. The Chair itself costs you $5.00. f A. T. Barnes' Big Furniture House. There are millions of world below. And God in white winters He hides ' with snow, And ever, when spring takee her roseate . .bowers.. , :v . He shelters those graves with the splendorot flowers: But what do the snow and tbe red roses mean To the woman who weeps o'er the grave of Liorene: III. Oh, Lorene! she was fairer than all I can say And I am but Winter where she made the May! But, knowing her loving her ever I seem To see the gold hair where my lift loved to dream! But over it all where we sow where we dean Stands a woman who weeps o'er the grave of .Lorene! IV. Oh, masters! I know, ere life's beauty be fled. Theie's many a woman shall weep o'er her dead! And many a snow, where life's winters fall drear. Hide the violet-eyes, and the star-litten hair. Yet go with this woman who, loveless, shall lean O'er the grave that still keeps her 'twixt God and Lorene! ARE YOUR LUN0S WEAK? Does the cough left by the grip or thecold contracted during the winter, still hang on? RYDALE'S ELIXIR will cure your cough and heal your weak lungs. It kills the germs that cause chronic throat and lung disease and helps nature restore the weakened organs to health. Trial size 23c. Family size 50c. EAGLE PHARMACY. THE NOBILITY OF LIFE. Subject of Hon. R. B. Glenn's Address At Robeson Institute A Speech Tbat for Character-Building Effect Is Seldom Equalled. Sam Jones on the Dispensary. UBQDQ SPRING. A CAR LOAD OF UP-TO-DATE Coat - Wood We have stock of the nicest and largest Also PINE AND OAK WOOD, Any length. -:- Satisfaction and prompt service guaranteed. Poythress' Coal & Wood Yard, -Phone, No. 88. OSCAR OUTLAW'S up-to-date BARBER. SHOP U the place to get a satisfactory Shave, Stylish Hair Cut, bham poo, or Shoe Shine. First-clabs barbers, prompt atten tion, satisfactory service.. Same prices you've always paid. t he committee it was matters of judir- I nient. NOWHERE DOES THE COM MITTEE FIND THAT AN 1 TlilNli CRITICISED OR CONDEMNED WAS THE RESULT OF COKKLFTIU-N. Nowhere does the committee find that the management did not believe it was acting for the best interest of the company. There is another thing which the committee find that we wish to em phasize: They say at the end of their report that the Atlantic & North Car olina Railroad "is a very valuable nrnnertv and that its condition and earning capacity have been GREAT- FOUR YEARS. Thev further sav they "see nothing in the situation to call for great haste on the one hand or extreme action on the other in reference to any pro posed change in the control and That Throbbing Headache Would quickly leave you if you used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless merit for feick and Nervous Headaches. They make pure blood and build up your health. Only 25c, money back if not cured. Sold by M. Dorsey, druggist. The appointment of Bishop Candler as the president of the next North Carolina Conference pleases all our people who know anything of Bishop Candler. He will receive a warm wel come from the ministry and laity. The Western North Carolina is equally fortunate in having for pres ident sueu a jiisnop as imam n ai lace Duncan. Raleigh Cliristian Ad vocate. SOMETHING FOIt EVERYBODY. Do you take them? Hancock's Liquid Sulphur baths are as delightful as they are beneficial. The medicinal and tonic effect of sulphur baths by absorption of sulphur through the pores of the skin acts directly on the blood, purifying it, and removes all un heal thv secretions from the body. 'r sale at The Eagle Pharmacy. lS?"Fewer Gallons; Wears Longer.1 Raleigh Post. A Methodist minister sends to the Morning Post, with a request t o pub lish, the following item clipped from the Epworth Era: Rev. Sam r. Jones has been in South Carolina investigating the dis pensary system. His judgment is that it fails in every one of the par ticulars in which it was. believed that it would be an improvement over the saloon. It is a worse entanglement of the liquor question with politics; it is a greater, and therefore more danrrerous, source of revenue than license; it does not diminish, out probablv increases the amount of liquor consumed." It is far from this paper to feel bound to endorse any expression of opinion from Rev. Sam Jones; but in copying the foregoing extract it is impelled to sav that many good peo pie ol Kaieign, wno are sincere tem perance men, have serious doubts of the value of the dispensary as a means of promoting sobriety. It is well within the limits of truth to say that many who gave their votes in favor of the dispensary did so with grave misgivings. It is no secret that some who were strongly antag onistic to the saloon regarded the dispensary as a doubtful compromise but thev voted for it as a choice be tween two evils as they understood it. Six months after the opening of the disDensarv is too soon to de nounce the experiment as a failure, but it is interesting to take note of the fact that the public is not sat isfied that it is an unmixed blessing. We started out with the idea that only the best men in the community should be entrusted with the control and management, but it was not lonjr before one who was employed in the dispensary resigned under pres sure of appeals to his conscience as a Christian man. About the same time strong ground was taken open ly in one of our city churches against its members having anything to do with the dispensary. If this view o! the matter should be taken general ly in the community it would place those who were originally the sup porters of the dispensary in an atti tude of opposition to it, and the nat ural consequence would be to leave it friendless in its infancy. From an observation of the results of the dispensary in Raleigh it can not be affirmed that ft is an entangle ment with politics or that it has in creased the consumption of liquor. It may be asserted positively, how ever, that the experiment has not been altogether satisfactory to its Success. v ineuus, iuu.u uiyw nu upuocu m , , , . have not Deen converted, ana mat Most unhappv people have become , :i. i ..-o 1,0 .so by gradually forming n habit of tM.n an r,noTrwtl rnnlnpss to- labor and know where they are ex- unhappiness, comphiintng about the w . ir. tmtafter au it remains to be pended and what result they pro- j weather, finding fa It with their ooi, sui(1 tne increa8e(i revenue to duce. He must learn to think of the , with crowded cars and with disagree- ., t : reo-arded n n favorable able companions or work. A habit nmnt while t,.e MrIy tiosing or complaining, oicrmcisin-,oi lauic f tur(? Js coll8ijerej a reder-min (S H CD W DOORS US JUST ARRIVEDAnd is now being Opened at ssss Lumbert on Argus. Hon. Robert B. Glenn delivered the address at the closing exercises of Robeson Institute. His subject was "The Nobility of Life." He declared the noble life not the self-centered life, but that life is the noble life that is devoted to the uplifting and com forting of humanity. He would see the bovs and cirls develop their bodies, out that is not enough mind development is evtmmoreimpdVtapt. He appealed fTo his .hearers to read not only history and science, but even good poetry and good novels. It never hurts any . man to fill hismind with rich thoughts and high aspira tions; and he would not scorn the good old love story. Yet the im pure, the filthv. the vile, must be sluiuned. Reading such stuff is ruin ous. But beyond the body and mind, is the 'soul, and ho who would be truly ereat must be truly good. The true Christian makes the worthiest achievements. The greatest hero, David, the man after hods own heart; the great orator, Paul, whose eloquence made Felix tremble; the m-eat statesman, Gladstone, the humble Christian; the soldiers of the Confederacy, JLee and Jackson, who praved before they fought. Now, boys and girls, I have you educated body, mind and soul, now view th outlook for usefulness. See the mar vels of the present, then cast your eves to the future, when time ana space will be virtually annihilated. Within a few decades the earth will hold communications with other worlds. Then, in view of the vast opportunities before you, prepare vourselves to fill a man's place amid such environments. The vision of Nebuchadnezzar and its interpreta tion are reviewed; aud the "stone cut rom the mountains without hand, which crushed the image, is the Thirteen Colonies, aud this Nation is the end of that prophecy, and it is destined to "fill the whole earth." This is his view, though it is held generally that the "stone" kiugdom is the spiritual Kingdom ol Christ. The glorious career ol America is reviewed, and an appeal is made to the bovs and cirls to love the nation and to serve it. But Dixie is the special land of his love, and Carolina is the dearest spot of Dixie. No man loves the nation better than he, but he accounts it no treason to love the South and revere the cause for which his father died. Southern men ex celled before the war, and the South dominated. The South's struggle was never equalled, and the heroism of its sons an everlasting and glon ous heritage. Grander in defeat than in victory, the South has outgrown the blicrht of war. North Carolina s no longer the Kip Van Winkle Jof States, and within a hundred years it will hardly be rec osrnized as Ithe Isame land. Buckle on your armor, young men. Work Work and character are the true in sicmia of nobility. Women can com pete with men. Be women, not but terflies. But the greatest position in the reach of women is to be queens of homes and the hearts of men. Kea lize your mission and your power for good, mother, wife and daughter. The speaker crave some sound ad vice to young women. They are ad vised to marry no man to reform hira. Be as pretty as you can and do your best to win a good man, but strive to keep the love of the good husband by the same wiles with which it was won. And, men, don't break your wives' hearts by careless ness and neglect. Practical men and women are demanded. Don't force Johnny into the 'la rued' professions to eke out a living. Mr. Glenn s address should be an epoch-makingevent in the life of many a person, old or young, lhat speech indeed, was a notable one, and for character-buildins: effect is seldom equalled. Borw Pains, Itching, Scabby SKin Diseases. BweUlnr. Carbuncle. IMmxilei, Scrotal fciMimU; caml by UUng Betmnle LIuo4 lialia. B astrort Ota aetlr Polar la tism blood. It yoa a mctM and ftim to pooca, bck and Jolnta. Iwblac Soabby SUa. Blood focU hot or this, Bmlk Slaada. Klataca r.aurr" aa Uw SUttSIavai lsthoi M Month, Son, rtstpUt, or eCeaaiTa rapUaaa, Copper-Cctorod poU or iah on Stla, all rn-&ra. or fettTMM, Clccis on aarlwrt ot too body. Uatf or C.J broirt tailing oat, CvbanclF or Colli, UX Botanic Blood Balm, guaranteed locrOTe UwirorttMidnwtdw p nd wmwhef dodoes. patent BoUac,aad hot tprtncaUU. Haata all area, at opa all acbo aad paini. roduota all twMunaV tnakea blood pnra and rich. complHolr ebaactnc to oota-a body In lot clean, healthy coodltlon. fi. R. H. baacwedthouaandaof caaeaot ttlood 1'olaoneTta altar teaching tbe laat ataca. Old Bhoumatlam, Catarrh, Tra ara earned by aa avtul polauord eoaduum ot tba Blood. B. B. B. atopa Hawkins aud Sputing, Itchinc and RcT&lchtng, Xohea and Tain; enn-a KhnmiaUna, Catarrh; beau all Beat, Scalea, Eruption, Watery BUttera, foul foatcrlnc Bores ot Eesemai by gltof ft pure, bealtby blood aapptf to affected pari a. Cancer Cured Botanio Blood Balm Cnrra Caacrrs ot att alnda. Suppurating SwelUnga, Eating Bom, Timmn, atfy L'lcera. It kllla the Cancer Totaca and heala the eona or wont cancer perrortly. If yea haro a prtment PUnpto, Wart, Swellinca, Snooting SUactnc Pataa, (.v- uiood JUlia and they will dUapoear Vet ore they develop Into Cancer. Many apparently bopeieaa i of cancer eared by taking Botanic Blood Balat. UUAKAItTKU.. I m tmlii mm- of eur lac eta tflfwl. uj.a. nitrajre nerve) it ejeMtatUy to tatavea. A yamr aaemwy rtl& ova lam mSi ltlMnJI.Ui) awaaj I whea tb rlghj ajawatUy to taaavM. ir aaireol yamr aaeny will fai aid e l wltlw a leuaaeua.t EARNED IBUdS (S UdD 1 'BL WRJdS S IT (WIRE. PHONE 165. HENDERSON, N. C. Botanio Blood Palm (It-TUTS.) Ia flMMrt ami aifnta Into. TunronrMrtcuot for Coniiweed of Pure IVitnnlo Inrmlnuita. blmiirthl lufiiplete oirecuone en inu earn "". r unit Iumililrt Mriil Vrre tf wrltln ltlood Malm ro Atlmiia, n. win ynr trouble, ami apeniU fn inmliuU ailYtoe, to aua youf bmc, alau scut ui ktu.r. For sale at Parker'n.Two Dmijr Store. That Watch Of ffjp afl nm8 iUHt nsyou have, lou need clean ing and fixing up once in a while, and so does your watch. About once year the proposition of cleaning and oiling that watch comes up. It's then that you want to think of us. The treatment accorded a watch is just tho same whether it is the bent or the poorest make that is, the best attention is given it. Wm are ExpcHm at Doctoring Sick Watchem That is what .our customers say. Ixt us fix up your t ime-piece. Might & Co., Up-to-Date Uewelera and Optician CALIFORNIA What the Farmer Should Learn. Portland Oregonian. The farmer must learn to place a cash value upon his own time and The Habit of Unhappiness. dairv cow as a machine for manufac turing clover, etc., into milk a ma chine that will do its best work when kindlv treated, sheltered from storms and fed a balanced ration. The most unfortunate habit to contract, small nlots of idle frround should be ; esoeciallv in early life, for after rr i a made to produce something inac awnne The Effect of Sleeping In Cars, la the contructitiK of -oltl, whic-li ofUri re ult neriounly to the lunp. Never tu-jflect H eold. but take in time Taylor's Cberokne llem ny of Swwt (lum and Mullein nature's gTfat cough medkine. At dru(r(rit(tH, 25., 50c., and $1.00 a bottle. For nale at Par ker's Two Pnis Store. - I finding, of grumbling over trifles, a ' habit of looking for shadows, is a feature. will sell in the market or supply the family table. The products of or chard, garden or grain field should be turned into pork, mutton or poul try, while everything that can serve no lietter purpose should if possible, add fertility to the soil. Rotation of crops should make summer fallowing unnecessary and ?10 worth of apples should not be lost for the want of f 1 worth of spray. the qood old"summer TIME I In the good old summer time, when bicycles throng the thoroughfares, and farm animals and roadsters are all kept buty, accident to man and beast are of frequent occurrence. ELLIOTT S EMULSIFIED OIL LIXIlfEXT is the most serviceable accident and emer gency liniment in use. It relieves quickly and heals speedily cats, contusions, bruises, the victim becomes a slave. All of the impulse becomes perverted until the tendency to pessimism, to cynicism, is chronic. A GREAT RULER. One of the greatest of rulers is the lirer. It governs the human organism. Wben theliver is out of order the whole system becomes diseased. Keep your lirer healthy by using RYDALE'S LITER TABLETS. They core all liver trouble. They cure constipation. Your money back if they do not give satis faction. EAGLE PHARMACY. He is a skilled navigator who can steer between Scylia and Charybdis; but theinvestigatingcommittee may claim to rank among the highest ex amples of the art, for it has framed a report that pleases everybody. All a a Nervous Dyspepsia Cared by Rydale's Stomach Tablets. Mr, R. E- Jones, buyer for Parker Brid get, whose large department stores are located at 9th and Penn. Ave., Washington, D. C, writes, under date of April 14,1 904, aa follows: "Last February, while in New York on business for my house, I caught a-severe eold, which laid me up for several weeks and left me weak and nervous appetite and my digestion was very poor. My physicians could not get at the cause of my trouble, as my digestion seemed so much impaired. I decided to try RYDALE'S STOMACH TABLET'S, being assured by a Judge Robinson in the Wrong Camp. Charlotte News. Judge Robinson, with his Irish straightforwardness and the O'B. in the middle of his name, is evidently in the wrong camp. He refused with somepicturesquenessof language not long ago to eat dinner with a negro even though it was the Republican National Committee that was having the dinner, the special remark being 1 that the Judge considered himself a r J gentleman. A little later he refused to give any color to the slanders oi Aycock which W. H. Day fathered in his appeal for his conspirator-clients. He remarked then that he and Ay cock both came from Goldsboro where they raised honorable men. And yesterday in the Republican con vention he dared to defend the integ rity of Governor Aycock against the mouthings of the partisan slanderer in that bod v and was roundly hissed. IV o -nntliH filan tlmtJtia name was left I had little or no j cff the list of delegates at large to the National convention and the reiort is that he ia to be punished for that unseemlv conduct in refusing to eat dinner with a neoro bv beinir Ht off the National Committee. All rijrht Judge, come over. While the lamp fi-Mnd. thev were a cood dyspepsia medicine. After using them for a few days, I began to holds Oil to burn, any irishman m .V realize that I was getting better. 1 gave up tbe doctor's prescription and have gained 20 pounds while using two boxes of these tab lets. I never felt better in my life, and accredit RYDALE'S STOMACH TABLETS with hav ing cured reel I can recommend them, most sorts of contentions and preconceived sprains, etc. You get one-hall pint for 25c, . notions are Busuuueu uy it,, nuu uuu - jranuj, i r.. - and you get your money back if not satisfied. 1 a single soul has got mad, SO far as i lion and general run-down conditions ot the EAGLE pharmacy. 1 can be learned. Raleigh Post, system. EAGLE PHARMACY. return. Evidently jou do not i-ion in that aggregation. Hyouwantto be good and not be lonesome come over to the Democratic Camp. As the Durham Herald says, adver tising does not pay some people and there are others who could not keep money if it was given to them. "After the Bath" You alwaya l-l U-Urr. " Fpwially if yon have taken it nt BohttngeiB Br her Shop Only 15 tU. Hot ir cold wntr-r. Light ticket for tl.OO. Shaving, . Halr-Cuttlng, Shampooing. OmpHm Mail Knight Templars and Odd Fellows . Last Opportunity of tbe Year. Iloginning Au(pit 1." and continuing daily toHeptemlier l, frund trip tickets will be sold account of the above conventions from all point in the Southeast to either Ios Angetea or San Francisco at extremely low rates," with final retirra limit October 23. Tirketi will iermit of ten days slop-over at St. Louis and allow holder privilege if go ing one route aud returning another without additional cost, except that tirkets returning via Portland un additional charge of 1 l.O , will be made. The Frisco Rock Inland System offer ex cellent routes in either direction. Write for rates, descriptive literature and full information and let us plan your trip S. L. PARUOTT. D. I A., Atlanta, tia. HYDA1ES TGNEC - A fcev Scientific Waeovery for the BLOOD and NrE YES. , ' It purifies the blood by -!iminattnj; tht waste maltf r and otut-r inijmriti.-s and lV destroying the grrm or ii.u;roln fba -infest Ums M'kL It "! th" !! by recotistriK tiii and iiMi!:i!vin: rt Jorpust lt-i, making the Moixl rk hsul r- d It restorers atd stiimiiat s th i r' s rausing a fuil trc flow l rv ! throughout the cot irr n-r i m. 1 peedily cur-9 untrutirj tier' !n r-j- . ncss, rt'TVoiis rostr.-ijoti. atnl u'.l K e -aisease of the liervon sy;.t-rfS. RY DALES TfIC it w'-l tinder a ct. live guarantee;. Trial aJe SO cents- rir3y alie $ MASUFACTCREI !iY The Radical Rem' dy Comp3ny HICKORY H- C For sale at the Eagle Pharmaay. BAKX DtFOSn $5,000 Raroad Far Paid. 500 PBIB Come OSaradL Board at Coat. WrtaaOaadl f tfl M MI ftff1F'rnl ' pffT IWaavas, -4 -