4 lStM Library As an Advertising Medium I " t Advertising Brings Success f I h.it it pays to advertise in the Gold f Th Gold Leal stitudaat the head of A a newspapers in this section, the Jl Br'ght Tobacco Dist"ct. i Lesvf is shown liy i ts well n ld A 1 Sensible Business Men 1m miti'ont inue ti 8MuI tood Ihe most wide-awnke aiid sue- w honey where no appreciable eeseful men use it columns with returns are seen. the highest I That is Proof That it Pays, f Satisfaction to Themselves. A r A j it THAD R. MANNING, Pnbiislier. OROLiisr, ORoi-nsr., Heaten's Blessings Attend Her." SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 Cash. VOL. XXIII. HENDERSON, N. C., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1904. NO. 40. THE NOBILITY OF LEE. BOYS ON THE FARM. 1 1 1. I 1. J i. Jt. . B,. M, M 1. J t ax. MX. e. J I itipa-that What The Earth Produces. The earth has nourished us through un inowti atfts of human existence. Is it not tn;- that the earth supplies us with every thing that we really require for existence? If v you ever thought that it is probable t!i ;'. the earth supplies us with the means t , i: -;) our bodily vigor, our health, if we iiiy 1-new it? The animals know by in- iM i what is good for them and will search until they hiitl in some plant what they need !r correcting indigestion or consli t;o:i. tc Is it, therefore, not possible . - r tm re are roots ana neros supplied by nature .vliieh will cure the diseases that afflict human kind? That is why Dr. Pierce, of i.uff.Uo, N. Y., has such faith in his"Med i .! Discovery." Years ago, when he was in general and active practice, he found that a combination of certain herbs and rixit made into an alterative extract, with out the use of alcohol, would always put the stomach into a healthy condition, nour ish th tissues, feed the blood and nerves ami put healthy tone into the whole sy.tem. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery restores the lost flesh by curing diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition and enabling the perfect di gestion and assimilation of food from which fic-li and strength are made. I. Royalty, Ksq.," Justice of the Peace, Isling ton. Kv . for f.) years, writes: "I am satisfied lii i! Dr fierce s '.oKlvn Medical Discovery will Ki-.e permanent relief, and cure any one who m.iv Ik- MufTci iii from stomach and liver Iroi'iMe. which as a rule are tke result of bowel iit:u-u!ties. My experience with the above n.mit'd iiiediciue was most satisfactory. It soon h.i l my system well regulated and toned up, ami 1 have felt in splendid health and spirit ever since." Ti gain knowledge of your own body in sickness anil health send for the People's Common Sense Medical Adviser. A book of iou,H pages. Send 21 cents in stamps for paper - covered, or, 31 stamps for cloth bound copy. Address Dr. K. V. Pierce, 663 Mam Street, 'Juffalo, N. Y. Thai Watch Of Yours Why He Did Not Deliver the One Last Battle Which Was Left In the Army of Northern Virginia-Would Have Been a Useless Sacrifice of Life and a Crime Against Humanity and the Science of War Refused to Prolong the Struggle by Guerrilla Methods of Warfare. in .iii'I tixin" ui sk dot's your watch. tin- proposition lias needs just as you ha vi'. 1 011 need clean- 011c' in a wliilt About once of cleaning e;ll- 1 oilinjr that watch conies up. It's then that von want to think of us. 1 lie treatment acconleil a watch is t the same whether it is the hest the poorest make that is. the 1m-s1 attention isuiven ir. We are .Hi II! Experts at Oociorlny Sick Watches That is what our customers say. Let 11- lix up your time-pieee. Might & Co., Un-to-Date Jewelers and Opticians HENRY PERRY. INSURANCE. .-iron- line of both LIFK AM FIHE 1 oMl'ANIF.S represented. Policies issued :.u.! risks phu-ed to best ml viuit iitfe. : : : : In Court House. Offi FRANCIS A. MACON DENTAL SURGEON. Olfit-v: Vuiing: .V Tucker Huildliifr l ittler Telephone I'xclianjre. Ol!iiN hours: ) a. ill. tl 1 V. 111.. 15 to ti p. IT) r..ci, I. .!!.-. iMwmu s- niHflP! Phone 25. K-tiinati's furnished when desired. No c!-.;i 1 tor examination. I) I!. R 11. TUCKER DENTIST, I1KNDERSON, N.C. 01 I Over Thomas Drug Store DR. F. S. HARRIS, DENTIST, Henderson, N. C. ire" OFFICE: Over E. Q- Davis Store; I i0 5 ,1 3, S. R. HARRIS. President. L. R. GQOCH. Vice-President. W W tm X 8 I G. B. HARRIS. Sec'y (EL Treas. 'A. i I ;ifi PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Clrwiirl and bautifie the hair. Prumute a luiuniiiit grcth. Mover Faila to Beatoro Gray H,r to it. youthful Color. Clues KalP nairl.iing. lot, and I l.wat Dmyj;iu Itiebmond Times-DiBpatch. Some time ago, in contrast ing Gen. Lee with military heroes of the fight t o-the-last-ditch variety, we said that he had always seemed to us grander at Appomattox than tipon ajij' oc casion of his triumphs. That he knew hat he could prolong the war; he new that his men would stand by lim until the last one had fallen; he new that he could by retrea ting mto the mountains keep up desultory fighting for a Ions: tftne to come and so annoy and distress the enemy in definitely. I5ut that he saw that fur ther struggle was useless; that the lme for honorable surrender had come, ana he was unwilling tor his own military fame to sacrifice another rop of blood uselessly. Our esteemed contemporary, the Petersburg Index-A ppenl, takes us up on t lie statement that leneral lA'e could have retreated into the moun tains and kept up desultory warfare. 'We were there, says our contem porary, "and we know-that his esti mate of the possibilities of either reaching the mountains or prolong ing the struggle has no foundation in reason or in fact." Our statement was undoubtedly too broad ami was in a measure mis- eading, and we thank our contem porary for its reminder. President Davis in his book points out that it was den. Lees purpose, as is well known, to march to Danville, but that he was intercepted by draiit, and being prevented from carrying nit his original purpose, he directed j is inarch toward Lynchburg. "On the evening of the Nth." continues Mr. Davis, ''d'en. Lee divided that he would advance the next morning be yond Appomattox Court house, and. it the force reported to bet here shonlil prove to be only Sheridan's cavalry, to disperse them and continue the march toward Lynchburg; but if in- antry should Ik; found in large force the attempt to break through it was not to oe made, and the correspond- ence n.cn lien, tirant nau inuiaieu on the previous day should be opened by a nag, with propositions tor an interview to arrange the terms 01 capitulation. Gordon, whose corps ormed the rear guard trom Peters burg, and who had fought daily for the protection of the trains, had now been tranferred to the ironr. uii me next morning before daylight Lee sent Col. Venable to Gordon to learn his opinion as to the chances of a successful attack, to which Gordon replied: 'My old corps is reduced to a frazzle, and unless 1 am supported by Longstreet heavily I do not think we can uo unyuuug moo-. m uco Col. Venable returned with this an swer to Gen. Lee he said: 'Then there is nothing left me but to go and see Gen. Grant.'" Gen. Gordon in his book confirms f this report, adding that the "utmost , m0 that could be nopeu ior was man e , micht reach the mountains 01 n rinia and Tennessee with a remnant H0 of the armv and ultimately join den. Johnston." Of course it would not 1.,. ln nrwuihlo lllldpr t. lft CirClltll- Mil V L V - - - stances for Gen. Iee to inarch his . entire armv to the mountains of Vir ginia. Du't it is theopinion of one of 1 the most intelligent followers of Gen. Lee. now living in this city, that M if he had disbanded his army and To u niucere. told his men to scatter and reunite, as many of them as should be able, at some designated point in the mountains, thousands of them would have found their way to the place of rendezvous, and once in the moun tains they could have carried on-a guerrilla warfare indefinitely. That, of course, is a matter of con jecture and need not be discussed. The main question under discussion in the original article was lien. Lee s nobilitv as a man and the triumph of the man's nobility over the sol- ier's ambition. (Jen. le was not the man to engage in guerrilla war fare when the cause for whicli lie was fighting was lost, when the time tor surrender had come. Ha hnd the manlv courage ana tne righteousness to quit fighting when furt her struggle was useless and could only result in the unnecessary sacri- fW of human hie. uur reiersuurg HARRIS WAREHOUSE COMPANY, Proprietors of the HARRIS WAREHOUSE. HENDERSON, North Carolina. For tKe Sale of Leaf, Tobacco They Should be Eacouraged and Con sulted With and Made to Feel an la. tcret and Pride la the Work They Do It Is Worth the Father's While to Talk With the Boys and Consult Them About Matters Pertaining to the Farm How Farm Life May be "lade Attractive to Them. . r i 4 M 0? VniBSS ir mm Dr. H. F. Fiwman in Progrei"ir Farmer. , I wish to say a word altout the boys on the farm, for from my own experience! think it far-reachingVind of much importance. When I was a boy my father did many things which 1 thought 1 could have suggested some improvement. This, I think, is general with boys on the farm, and they feel like tbey'bave been ignored when not consulted about tlie work thej' are doing. I think it worth the father's while to talk to the boys about the work in which they are engaged. Get the boys' ideas ahout the work, ask them how they think such work should le done to the best advantage and talk it over witn them, and when it is possible, take the suggestions of the boys and show them that you have regard for their opinions. This is one good way to get them interested in the work and make them feci and realize their worth to the phico. Always exnlain to the bovs whv i a - - v - - - - -r you do things, and why you think vour way is the best, and always con sider their suggestions and give your reasons for not adopting them if you think best not to do so. All this goes a long way toward satisfying and contenting the boys as they go about their work. Don't fail to introduce the boys to all comers, high or low. Do t his in a very polite manner, just as if all were strangers and all were on a visit to your house. Nothing makes a boy feel better than when, in a very polite manner, you introduce them to your visitor out in the field where he is at work. A word of commendation in the boy's hearing does much good. To fail on any occasion to intro duce the members of the family, from 1 I Ache I T5he GREATEST REMEDY On Earth. Sold by dose, and in loo, l."4, and .'lac bottles. The fellow who stabs the good name of another, would use a knife in the dark if it were not for peniten tiaries and streaked clothes. WE GUARANTEE: Proper Handling, Polite Service, Personal Attention, Positively Top Prices. f 1 Bone Pains, Itching, Scabby Skin oiseases. Swelling, Carbuncles, L'iuiilcs,Rrrofuli ParmantuUj cuivd I y taking IioUutlo Mood lltUia. B ieitroyt tlia artlre Toi a In tn blood. It o kmr ache and palm in uonra back and Joint a, lii-blug Scabby Skin, Mood tcela bot or tbin, SwuJKn tilaada, tUalnga and Eunipa on tbe Skin, liarua I'atrbca In Month, Sure Tliror.t, I'lmi'lra, or ofTnialni rtuiKiona, Copper-Colored tota or raali on Skin, all run-down, or facrrona, Vlocra on any part ot tbo body. Hair or Eya- the Riunllest, mi ti nil viwitnra ninlps trowi falling ont, Carbunckt or DoUa. Uka .,ii.,,.- ; Botanic Blood Balm, guaranteed u ; toeareerenthewomiaidiuoAdcaudcaarawbcr. iaJUliy ailU aiSO to Tlie Visitor. lien I doetora, patent uu-dicinea,and but apriiijsaUiU Heala I gO HltO a home and the man Of aUaorea,loiMiaaacUaiandpiana,reduccaaHwelllma, the home fails to introduce me to ,n?, p"rt Td Tl'!:l:,2aft . , . I BDlinavUT IIIIU m I'llWIt liriui vwwiuvii, his Wlte and Ot tiers Ot tlie lamilV a haacaredthonaandaofcaataotliloodrotaoncTcaartac they stand about, I feel badly and caching the iat aM. rrenernl v ni-esned to ask wlio he ia. Via iUK,uuatiam,.airrn. hcuma n k L , and thus try to make it as pleasant for myself and the family as possible. Give the bovs an interest in the farm so they will get some money out of it each yearns their own. A are earned by an awiul potaotu-d conditloa or tha Blood. B. B. B. atop Hawking and Spitting. Itching and Scratching, Acuca and Talna; curca Khgumallam. Catarrh; heata all Scab. Scalia. Eruptiona, Watery Bliatere, foul fcatertng Soroa of Ecxauia; by giving B pure, bealtby blood supply to affected parta, Cancer Cured Botanic Blood Jialm Cures Caurers of all Kinds, maw ' 0 TRY US AND FOLLOW WHERE YOUR INTEREST LEADS. Harris Warehouse (Tin, I I vrnuicr follow fwlj badlv wit limit, n Suppurating Swelling!, Eating Sorra, Tumors, Bfly 1...4- 1. ...1 V... fleers. It kills the Cancer Foiaon and beaU th. son-s evenings he goes sporting his lest girl. Help the bo.ys and girls in all their trials and little troubles and suggest the best ways for them to succeed and you will make light and jolly many heavy hearts. or -worst cancer perfectly. If you liaro a pereuteut Pimple, Wart, Swellings, Shooting, Stinging rains. take Blood Italia and they will diaappear befura they develop into Cancer. Many apparently bopeleaa I of cancer cored by taking Botanic Blood Balm. jgVQb af ii ii 0? mm n v" uk 'm "iis MONEY SAVED IS MONEY MADE. Dr. William Self, of AWbuU r, X. ('., an nl.l praotitionrr of inediuiiie, tells ub that uftr many years oxrH-riencc in mediirine lie findH it money navel to Lin patieutH to tine Taylor's Cherokee Uemeily of Swe?t Gum ami Mullein for oourIih, coMh ami consumption. At. dmg- gmta, 25e, TiOe, ami f 1.00 a bottle. For wile at Parker's Two Drug Stores. Is the "Yellow Peril" Real? ttUABANTEU. Bay lavrar bottle for 1. r svay Btixxi Hilaa ( it.lS. 11. ) s wanetn whea the right ajwaaitltr lasM, r asl cared yottr anaey wilt Botanic Blood Italm fn.Tl.Tl.) fa rieaaantandaafetotake. Tbnronrlilytcatrd forWrra. Uompoaca or t ure iviamo inBreaienia. wmiiiirinn weak Sidiwv and nk stnmarhs, nira dvitU. Complela fllrectluni go witn cacn noma, naepia of lt.lt. Is. anal I'ampMrt Ment "rol by writing lilood Balm (o.. Atlanta, tin, iMamiw T'l trouble, atxi p.'-ll f rre iiIicaI aUrk. in suit Juuf also sent iu scaii teller. For nnle at Parker's Two Drug Sto;" . t 1 1 1 : SINCERITY. Early Risers The famous little pills. Da Witt's Limo : peace at -home and abroad President Never to j Roosevelt for turmoil at home and Wayne Journal-( iazeite. CHICHESTER'S I .I.!SH EH NY ROYAL viLLS Urlclnal ami nl '.rnulMr. SAf K. Al it'reliaMe. I.tlie. t-'i lirujcin for CIIlCIICsTK 1 in KKI ana Uol! ttJ.;te Sow with blur riobon. Take no otber. Keruw Oaacervaa fubxtltmi'i and liulu tioM. Bay ot your lrucit. or --O'l tt- uuapa for Partlcalnrs, TcotllMonleU and " Relief for l.adlea." y r- ton Mall. 1 0.OOO TtimoniaU. SulJ bt all Drug (tits. t'blcheater f'hcaiUul 8144 Hadlaaa Kaarc, r-ta, i-a. Tobacco Flues Parrish (Si FutrelFs Is the place to get your Tobacco l ines. Tin Kooflng, Guttering and ill kinds of sheet iron and tinvrork 'h.ne. Hoof Painting a specialtj. Tlie best (.un Smith in town. Iti i yrles repaired, locks mended and keys lilted to same, sewing raa- liines put hi good condition. In fai t, any and all kinds of work i" ourline atlive and let liveprieee. Parrish & Futrell, Montgomery St., Henderson, N. C. DeWltt's Salvo for Pilen, Durntf Sores .i t t. in. aurii'H riiiuiey in iesne jnuirc wi To look in the eyes With ealm, undroopinR gaze. mean Tim liiirh and truthful thinir. snreen . i entanfflina: alliances abroad. Fort Behind the. unmeant wonl,tne snarp surjirisf i Of eunninK; never tell the little lies ( f look or thought. Always to choose be- Tlie true and small, the true and large, serene And high above Life's cheap dishonesties. The souU that steer by this unfading stnr Needs never other compass. All the far Wide waate shall blaze and mock' its strain ing gaze. Secure from storms nud all Life's battle nil ockfi It shall not veer from any righteous ways. contemporary concurs entirely in this view when it'savs of (Jen. Lee's atti tude at Appomattox: ' He did not deliver that one last firht which was left in the Army of Northern Virginia. It would have been what he said it would be a use- ess sacrifice of life. It would nave been more than that. It would have been a crime against humanity and the science of war, and Gen. Lee was too great a soldier and too humane a man to do such a thing. He had done all that was humanly possible for success and the fanish was nc Appomattox Courthouse. It is that picture precisely of den. Lee that we have tried to present to the world, in contrast with the mili tary man of selfish ambition, who . i ,-.;V-v!,-v wI r It O Till would tase every jju&siuiu uoa u... sacrifice every soldier in his command when further resistance were vam, iu order to add something to his mili tary fame. It was General Lee's sac rifice of self for the sake 01 nis nieu which we desired to emphasize. Fearful Odds Against Him. Bedridlen, alone and destitute, feueh. in brief, was the condition of an old soldier by name of J. J- Havens, Versailles, Ohio. F or years he was troubled with Kidney disease and neither doctors nor medicines gare him relief. At length he tried Electric Bitters. It ont him on his feet in short order and nerw he testifies: "I'm on the road to complete recovery. " Best on earth for Liver acl Kid ney troubles and all form" of Stomach and Rnul Pomnlaints. Only "0c. Guaranteed bv Melville Dorsey, druggist. A Power 'or Good. The pills that are putent iu their action and pleasant iu effect are DeWitt's Little Early Risers. W. S. Philpot. of Albany, (la., says: "During a billions attack I took one. Small as it was it did me more good than calomel, blue mass or any other pill I ever took and at the same time the effect was pleasant. Little Early Risers are certainly the ideal pill." Sold at Fai ker's Two Dmg Stores. An Enemy to Both. Th. man with the muscle cannot do much without the man with the dollars, and the man with the dol lars can t do much witnouc me iuuu with the muscle. , It takes muscle and dollars to hunu factories and railroads and to carry on all the great business of the earth. Capital and labor are twin brothers and the man who tries to stir up strife between them is an enemy to both. What' in a Name? Everything is in the name when it comes to Which Hazel Salve. E- V. Delft ltt 4 Lo ot Chicago, discovered some years ago how to inaka a salve from. Witch Hazel that is a BDecific for Piles. For blind, bleeding, iching and protruding Piles, ecienia, cut, dutob. Hrniscs and all ekin diseases, DeWitt's Salve has no eaual. This has given rise to numer ous worthless counterfeits. Ask for DeWitt's the genuine. Sold at Parker ' Two Drug Stores. Crumpacker is nmking a howling anti-Southern campaign iu Indiana. He's the intelligent Hoosier M. C. who knows so much about the South but who betrayed the most astound ing ignorance on the floor of Con gress'as to the governmental organ ization of his own State. I 4M - i iniijijw-ii One Minute Cough Cure For Coughs. Colds and Croun All the President's admirers insist that he dearly loves a fight, but there are indications that tlie Demo crats are trying to please him too well iu that line. Washington Post. i DR. THACHER'S CURES BY REoVIn CAUSE A THREE-FOLD REMEDY tar all Ills 4ca to fuse tktoml troubles. Arts ta th Ltrercd Kidutys aa Purifies ihe Stood . . .... . Thousands have used thia reliable remedy wiin pertect commence ana success for tV2 vcirs, because they know just whel it contains. The formula consists of liucbu, Hydrangea, Mandrake. Yellow Dock, Dandelion, Sarsap.-.rilla, Gentian. Senna arid Iodide of Potassiu::!. uy doctor or drug.ist v. ill UU you that this is a scientific :vA reliable combination of great iner it Icr ail diseases having their origin in the L'.vt-r, Kidnevs or lilood. After years of cxjx-rier.ee and patient csjjenn;cnt, I)r. TluiCher so perfected the process t f manufacture, thai it never fails lo hrnijf the eXfX.-ted rdiil when taken i-.ccur.Hiig lo dire tior.s. Thousands of sic, ours to whom life h-ts beer, a burden have wntttji j-rate-ful letters of thanks. Spici n M-;:s:ssn-ri, txt. 17. v. i. - i have sufi crtd k rtsUv v.-;H i:;d:ritiwii. oouT.:ipiion. alo a srwic l.ver xn.ufrle. with loss of ftpfi-.i'-e. Con id a .i rc.-t wt-il at H&iu : I:. fuct. had so energy tu -w or"f" w.lisroui.4. 'ikU !:Ulw..5p:ck!v0' leawl-:. . ma. wa ruM.y cxhauaUd. until I toot Dr. I haclier s l.ivtr iuu MooJ Srap. .. cn .-.t-i-r--4 iKea::noat fru tl,? fcrst r.osr. 7..L. - . l.. i . . i .ir ..,.,!. t.,:. i,-. , . l . 'TV -. m taaa. an.! I itrr-ar that vv n-. a i imu v. .c i v. ... -1 - - " " -' - - . . :. .1..- . ti: t.. vor -.nt-di inr. 1 up ! s:t a'.l ;:i-re l.ottlrs, and coTissOer rrf-ir pe.f.--tly cured ' t this time r.iy aj-r lite U i i aii-ej well, and Ut l strocs and it-tresh-d ia anting in t!ie ciornuiii." T SrEiiu. I . ... T If vou e--i a m-dlri,, irrit So-aaj fur a trt satnpte ooti THnrhrr's Health Hank.- i. irr v,nptmM Ji-r a..ncr. aimpty Chattanooga, Tonn. at our t-jrtnttt:, Thachar Medicitte Co. TATE SPRING WATER. Shipped Any Time Anywhere. Tate Spring Water ie a positive cure for Dyspepsia, Chronic Constipation, functional disorders of the nervous system, etc., and is highly beneficial in diseases of the howehs. kidnevs, liver and in all cases of blood poisoning and female diseases. It is the only water known having such a combination of magnesium and iron and is a wonderfully effective tonic. rrices, V. O. B. Tate Si'iing, Tenn. -gallon Eoekerjoho, f J.75; 10-gallon j'sn brsJ, n .? 777 rfraiinn rratfl Itenmoiin. fz.L'.j: 3:j-railon tsami. f.j.uo: ne gation half barrel. $3.50; ease of 12 half gallon Lotties, foJUh Allowance for the empties retvnml. ft'rite for Q-page Booklet. Address: THOMAS TOMLINSON, Tate Springs, Tenn. TATE SPRING HOTEL. OPEN ALL THE YEAR. Strong Addition to Teaching Corps. The Department of Dentistry of the university College of Medicine,' Richmond, Va., announces of verv welcome addition to tlie ranks of its teaching corps in the person of Dr. Richard L. Simpson, of Fincnstle, a., who leeomesIjecturer on Dental Surgery and will have charge of the Dental infirmary. Dr. Simpson is well known as a skillful dentist and, nlthouurh still quite a young man, has achieved prominence in his profession, being at this time the President of the Vir ginia State Dental Association, and i member of the viririnia Stnto Board of Dental Examiners. Dr. Simpson will be associated in practice with Dr. 1j. M. Cowardin. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, Huh world wide fame for marvduuH inn. It surpasses any other nulv, lotion, ointnn-:it or linlm for Cut, Corrm, IlnrtiK, Itoils, Sorrs, F-Ions, Ulcers, Tetter, Salt llheuui, f'bap il Hands, Fever Sores, Skin Eruption; infallible for Piles. Cure firnrant-ed. Onlv 2.1 renin at Melville Doiwv's drujr utore. Frequent Accidents. From A Chinaiiian on tlie 'Yellow Peril,'" ly t'liani; Yow Tour, ir Americnn Monthly Ileview ol Ueviews lor fepteinl'r. Why is it that England anil Amer- fteu do not see The "lellow I'eril? Because they know that the invasion of Europe and America will never come. Because England and Amer ica have so sharied their courses in their Asiatic possessions that the na tives cannot and will not le driven to think of revolt, much less inva sion. The liberty, freedom, fair play, and priviliges granted by England and America to their colonies insuie contentment and stability amo the natives. Any one who compan-s the condition of the Straits Settle ments and Annani will be immediate ly convinced of their respective con ditions and coriesponding prosper ity. Tlie troubles in German Africa are the outcome of cruelty; the flour-1 ishiiig condition of the Sandwich Islands is tlie fruit of impartiality. The "Yellow Peril"' of the Mongols j undt-r (ienghisKahn is a thing of the IE -.A TRIP -of'tiie OLD DOMINION LINE Makes n most nttwtive mule to New York and Northern and Eastern Summer Resorts. Kxiin-HM M iiuiKliipa I'-nw Noifork. Vn. daily, ext-ejit Sumlny, nt 7:0 i. m., for New York ihrwi, nnoDlinir iifK.rlnuiiy r through HHt-Hiwr from the South. rUtoth mitt ami Wi-ht to vixit Iti-IjuhmhI, Hl I'oiut (Tttinfort, thvnn View anl Viriri'ta IVat-h eu route. JfTFor ti-ketn nn-l Ki-tierl inf.rmli apply to railrotul tii ket jipril. r to M. 15. t ' ROW .Aj. ilivrn Agent, Norfolk, Va.; J. K. Km li PhiladelpLia Public Iedger. "In England," said the British rail road president, "we depend largely upon the passenger traffic. Your railroads here, I suppose, have a more varied scope." "Yes," replied the plain citizen, "sort of a collide-ascope." What is Life? V;re 1're. k Tr.iflir M'n. J. J. IJIIOWX, tieneral IiM'riK,r Arut. New York City, N. V. past dead six centuries ago. Asia then suffered far more than Europe, only the Eastern border of w hich wns visited by tlie Tartars. Nearly every MAYKU. Ap-nt, ijiu F.nt Main si., nation on the Asiatic mainland was m"" ' .jj ,. vf.KKIt conquered, una me v.iiunse suuereu most terribly from their invasion The "Yellow Peril"' will never come again. If it comes at all, it will be at the time when Luropeau civilization has retrograded and Europeans re turn to a condition of savagery far below that of their ancestors before the days of Caesar. The "Yellow Peril"' is only possible when the Asiatics are superior to the Euro peans in culture, science, art, and general civilization, just as the Euro peans, superior to the Asiatics in these respects, now dominate Asia. It will come when Europe and Amer ica, weakened by incessant wars, are In the last annlygui nobody known, Lut we do know that it in under atrk-tlaw. Abutw that law even slightly, pain remits. Irregu lar living means derangement of the organ, resulting in Constipation, Head a he or Liver trouble. Dr. Kite's Sew life Pilla quickly SO helpless that not OIlIv the Asiatics re-adjusts this, it's gentle, yet thorough. I but even the Eskimos and Lapland- Only 23centi at Melville Dorsey's drusr store, ers Will be able to dictate terms. hen the Asiatics are able to over- There is a general belief that not run Europe and America it -will jiot only will the Democrats capture a be the day of a "Yellow Peril," but majority of the electoral votes but the day of a "crolden era." If that they will also hare a maiority in the dav ever eomes.it will mean that the National House of Representatives. Asiatics are bo superior that they de- jnoxvnie oeauufi. -r l serve the conquest oi the world. - I KNOWLEDGE FRO1 EXPERIENCE Is what we understand when TeJtalring, an eminent Baptist divine, of Galveston, Texa, write: "Send me two bottle ot Taj' Congressman Pou to Speak Here. Hon. Edward V. Pou, member of Congress from thisidistrict, will 6peak lor "a Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and j in Henderson on Saturday, Septem ber 24th. Speaking will be at 11 o'clock at the court bouse. Let all voters bear this appointment in mind and near this able and eloquent standard hearer of Democracy. Mullein. It ia for a friend ufferinfr from con sumption. It is a preparation I know from experenc to be good." At druggista, 25c, 50c, and f 1.00 a bottle. For sale at Parker's Two Prog Store. ; O. 0. WHITE, Merchant Tailor, To the Public! I have just received a well e leftd liflU of woolen f'r Full nnl Winter unit aud will le inure than filc-iaed for yoti t come if nd w tbeni before j'ou hny. I alOJ ban .imilii of woolen enitingH inabunilanee. You can not fail to find what you want in the way of a fall suit iTyoti will call on me. O. O. WHITE, Merchant Tailor. - 1