THE HENDERSON GOLD XJEAF THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1904. ROYAL Baking Menkes CI With Royal Baking Powder there is no mixing with the hands, no sweat of the brow. Perfect cleanliness, greatest facility, sweet, clean, healthful food. Full instructions in the Royal Baker and Pastry Cook" book tor making aI kinds of bread, biscuit and cake with Koyal Baking Powder. Gratis to any address! V fiAr-G P- C- 0O WILUAM ST k,ew YORK. 2 TALK 1 OF THE T OWN VERY LOW PRICES. I.i'MilMT, Litru', Shingles, poors. ri ndows. Frarnrs. ();k Mantclii. Tiles, Grates. Sec. JOHN P. W ATKINS. S.ituoiay ui-'l! have t ho circus mid tin' en i U'i I. Position w.Hitfd by ytmur lady t !iu-i;iil 'T ami typewriter, (iood il l', lvi i-.'s Address Uox 10(5, Hcii- ll.T-H!,. N. I'. Th" Wi'l'ion fair last week was I success CV IV Way. 1 lie win- la i"e and the exhibits I'i'u.n;- inii' ii i Veil i-' Sti'ill. ' illlii a ; i-i i t than in recent years. )aves, Tmvncsville, X. (!., ad- ;i milk cow for sale. IIol- v, ith rilii yoiinr calf, (ientle mim! milker. If interested call rit i- as uliovo. nil ' Mi. l!"'se, of Newport News, V'a., w sih- at Cooper Opera House Tin-ilav iiiulit, when the entertain ment will hejriven under the auspices of tin- K in's Daughters for the bene fit ii the hospital fund. Kialiy a wonderful circus an ex traordinarily fjfood performance that is hiuli-class in every respect, is what tln'V all say of the oTeat Forejaui;h A Si lls Bros. Show. Of course you an- L:tiiiir to see it Saturday. Tin' elect it n ret urns will be received and Liiven out at Cooper Opera House TiiimImv niizht, when the Kind's Pan-iiiirs will have an entertain-iim-1 j t for the benelit of the hospital fun !. Admission 2 cents. Reserved s.'ats .'!." rents, (iallery cents. Ke frt'sliineiits will be served during in termission ami at the close of the i'-ifoniianee. Tin-re is no doubt -that every man on the liemoi ratic ticket in Vancf county will be elected by a larpe majority, but no democrat should fail to vote because he may feel that his vote- will not be needed. Let us make the majority as lar;'e as pos sible. Ami then, too, it is the duty of every citizen to take an interest in tin' election of public servants. A reward is offered for information lending to the recovery of two itches. lady's and gentleman's size, nud one diamond stick pin, stolen from premises of the owner on Wed nesday, Xov. 2nd. See advertise ment elsewhere for further particu lars and inform K. A. Crockett, chief of police, Henderson, if such property is offered for sale or its whereabouts known. The King' Daughters will give two j't'i innaancesat Cooper Opera House, Tuesday and Wednesday nights, Xov. stlinmi !Mh. Friday the play will he a very funny comedy, entitled "Boston liip." Wednesday night the 'ver popular "Box of .Monkeys" will he presented. The election returns will he iva,j from the stage Tuesday tiiulit. (ieneral admission ! cents, giving one the privilege of witnessing tlie performance and hearing the election returns read. . -4 - l' o tin i, Ohio. Mrs. Mnry Simpson " Every- Uinii: disagreed with me ami hnbv until I lined II'il'iM. lucky Mountain Ten. Now baby "I't ji- :i 10 1 "tows like a weed."' .'lor. Tea or Eagle Pharmacy. - POSITION WANTED. by Stenographer and Typewriter. imii lailv. (iood references furnished. A-l dress l',,st Office Box lOti. Mr. Lassiter Operated Upon Mr. dames II. I .assiter underwent a serious surgical operation last "e.U but is getting along very well i the indications of his recovery are very encouraging. It is a re markable , ase and one that lias sur prise,! iijs physeians and friends con Mderitig all the circumstances. Mr. '- issiter is in his S'Hh year and was intii h enfeebled on account of his age and previous sickness. II as Stood the Test 35 Years. id. original (i ROVE'S Tasteless Chill m know w hat you are taking. It :u: i uinine in a tasteless form. No ' pay. OOc. Cow and Calf for SeJe. I i.avc for sale a fine Holsteiu cow. ' ;ui Week old. Parties w ishing to u!1.v wiii please call on or write ALEX. DAVES, Tow nes ville, X. C. , - - it will pay you to buy your furniture carpets from us. The qualities are rict and the prices low. SAMUEL WATKIXS. SOUTH FLORIDA FAIR And .Mid. Winter Exposition, Tampa, Fla., Nov. i4th-26th, 1904. Acctmnt Jlhrtra rufi.;i.-iii S2a nn fil . - v n . v ......... V. II aell rnnnrl trin tickets on .Nov. l.ith. limited l. davs ironi date of sale, at one fare plus 50 M-nts for the ronnJ trip ,$23.1)5 from 'lendi-rfion ti : nr privileges South of Jacksonville. 's is an opportunity to make the trip Al very lw rates. C.H.GATTIS.T. P. A., E.B.BRADY, Agent, RALEIGH. . C. HHOERSOII. . C. Powder Bre.d ,' Rstail Merchants' Association Formed Mr. Norman H. Johnson. General of tlie lietail Merchants' As sociation of North Carolina, spoke in the court house here Friday night to a goodly number of the businessmen at which time an association of the retail merchants was formed. Mr. Johnson made a good speech and said ninny things calculated to inter est ami enthuse those who heard him. H. (j. Davis was elected president; B. S. Aronson secretary; Geo. E. Perrv j treasurer. W.E. Moss. N. B. Thomas i and W.T. Watkins together with the other officers, were elected a commit tee on by-laws and constitution, and B. S. Aronson and W. T. Watkins a committee on membership. 'Taint no use to Hit down and whine, When no fish yet tangled in your line Unit your hook with a bumble bee, And keep on taking Kocky Mountain Tea. Eagle Pharmacy. Candies always fresh. S44s7if "T contract tney - S -V can t be otherwise. R. B. Powell, livery pair of Hannan's men's shoes reduced from $0.00 to $4.7." for the next 5i0 days. Xo better shoes made for style and service. SAMUEL WATKINS. - How Are Your Eyes? Do you suffer with your eyes? Per haps you need glasses. Properly ad justed, easy fitting glasses might cor rect the trouble, relieve the eye strain and save your sight fronf further weakening. Better attend to the matter before it is too late. Consult an eye specialist. As will be seen by advertisement in another column, Dr. Rev will be at Mrs. Clements' on Saturday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Nov. 5th, 8th and Oth, for the pur pose of examining eyes and adjust ing glasses. . To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take LAXATIVE BROMO OFIXIXK Tablets. All drujrfristH refund the monev if it, fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 2c. . Let Us Bake Your Fruit Cakes. Why run the rish of burninjr and spoil ing your fruit cakes when we will bake them for you for 2. cents? We bake every Saturday. J. K. CARTER & CO. Have you tried Torto Rican Cocoanut Soap? Its purity attracts the rich, its economy attracts the poor. For toilet and laundry use. At II. THOMASON'S. Cream Flour guaranteed, to be crood, to please, or your money back. K. li. POWELL. Speaking Friday Night. Every Republican in Henderson Township, and every voter therein who would be a Republican if con vinced that it is to Ins interest to vote that ticket, is earnestly request ed to attend the Republican speaking at the court bouse Friday night, Nov. 4, at 8 p. m. Addresses will be made by County Candidates: For Sheriff J. L. Currin. For Legislature W. H. Jenkins. For Treasurer J. P Satterwhite. For Register of Deeds C. E. Fuller. For Roosevelt and Fairbanks elec tor T. T. Hicks. "I was troubled with constipation and stoma eh troubles, lost flesh, my complexion wan mined; Hoilister's Kooky Mountain Tea brought back my health and complexion." Mary Allen, St. Louis. 33 cents. The Eagle Pharmacy. - . - . Hannan's men's shoes reduced from G.OO to $ 4.7o for the next 30 days. Xo better shoes made for the money. SAMUEL WATKIXS. Try Poi-to Uicau cocoanut soap. For toilet and laundry use. Rich in quality and low in price. There is no better combination. For sale Jat II. THOM ASON'S. -4 Genuine High-Flyers. Really star aerial performances possess the most thrilling: interest for everybody-, and in this branch of arenie art the combined jrreat Fore pauffh and Sells Brothers circuses are pre-eminently strong. 1 uey pre sent an unparalleled number of the greatest and most venturesome and original male and female mid-air trapeze, horizontal bar, floating ring, invisible wire and funambulistie ex perts, in the strangest and most starting and stupendous nights, dives, evolutions catches and combi nations. They give the town plenty to talk about as will be shown here on next Saturday. Thou, my friend, would like to know Why fair twin roses blush and blow Iu baby's cheeks? I'll tell thee, They're nourished by "TEETHINA." See! "TEETHIXA" (Teething Powders) Over comes and Counteracts the Effects of the Summer's Heat. Aids Digestion, Kegulatea the Bowels and relieves much suffering and dread. . No other store in the city shows such a large variety of snappy up-to-date fall styles, no other store sells such good clothing, 6hoes and hats for so little. SAMUEL WATKIXS. As winter approaches the danger of fire increases. Have yon enough insurance on your dwelling and household goods? If not, see the Citizens Bank, General In surance Agents, and have them write yon a policy. Farming Lands for Sale. Attent ion is called to tlie advertise ment of Pyie & Co., real estate agents, Petersburg, Ya., which ap pears elsewhere in this paper. They have for sale a number of farms which are adapted to the growth of the finest bright tobacco. AH that is needed is persons familiar with the cultivation and curing process. This baa been demonstrated by practical tests, several parties having pur chased these cheap lands and made signal successes in both color and quality of the tobacco raised. Wood for curing is accessible, abundant and cheap. Write Messrs. Pyle&Co. for further particulars. A Guaranteed Cure for Piles. Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles. Druggists refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case, no matter of how long standing, in 6 to 14 days. First application gives ease and rest. 50c. If your drnggist hasn't it send 50c in stamps and it will be forwarded post-paid by Paris Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo. . . - The newest and most up-to-date effects in fall suits foremen and youths. SAMUEL WATKIXS. Shoes for men and women. Extra large size, at II. THOMASON'S. -4 A Vetran of Three Wars. Col. Olds in his Raleigh corres pondence says this of our esteemed townsman, Capt. O. R. Smith, a vet eran of three wars and who would enlist in the fourth if necessity re quired: The venerable hut sprightly Urnn K. Smith, of Henleivon, was seen here to day, wearing b.iiges of three wars, one the Mexican war, the other the campaign against the Mormons in Utah, the ex pedition havinjr been commanded by Albert Sidney Johnson; and third the Civil war. He is the only man in the United States who can wear all three baderes it is said. He attended the re union of Mexican veterans at the World's Fair this summer and says that of the 100 present three fourths were either from North Carolina or descend ants of North Carolinians. Bargains in Clothing. Suits reduced to half price. See them. SAMULL A 1 K IAS. Two Good Investments A trip to the World s Fair and an Accident Insur ance ticket issued by the Citizens Bank, General Insurance A cents. o,000 ticket costs you only 25 cents per day. PRINTER WANTED. Single young nian preferred. No one who drinks or smokes cigarettes need apply. Address this othce stating expcnience, qualifications and compensation wanted. . - . . .4 -. Wood's Seeds Win Grand Prize. T. W. Wood & Sons, the well known seedsmen, of Richmond, va., have been awarded the Grand Prize the ugliest award that is made by the St. Louis World's Fair. This will be iiratifving news, but no surprise, to the friends of this progressive firm. Messrs. W ood & Sons are the largest seed growers and merchants in the South, and the products of no con cern anvwhere stand higher. It is worthv to note in this connection that they took the Gjld Medal at the Paris Exposition in 1000. Both of these honors are convincing evi dences of the superiority and high grade of the seeds supplied by them. Shoes for little men and women. Cor rect in shape, made well and the price is right. SAMUEL WATKINS. . . - With milk, so it is with Flour. Cream the top. It. B. POWELL. HOUSE FOR R.ENT. J. ponm pnttjKTAfl wpllincron FaireTOUild m. rr' r- ci street. Kitchen, good well of water and garden. For terms, apply to MliS. KVA ALiljJliiN. . . 17AXTED Lady or gentleman of fair VV education to travel for a firm of 8250,- 000 ca pital. Salary f 1,072 jer year and ex penses; paid weekly Address M. Percival, Henderson, N . 0. - . - . For Men and Boys. In an advertisement in this paper 1). Abrams who but recently opened in the Loughlin building, invites an inspection 01 Ins goods ana a com parison of his prices. His line in cludes a wide ransre of materials in solid colors and fancies, and all tastes as well as all sizes can be suited. Clothing of high quality, properly cut, correct in design, well made ana mat win noiu us simpe and give satisfaction in wear at prices that will surprise and please the most economical nuyers. jur. Abrams has a good line of boys' clothing and invites the attention 01 parents especially to this feature. Bi? values in shoes, hats, underwear, etc. Go and examine Mr. Abrams' stock and see if he can't save you money. Disastrous Wrecks. Carelessness is responsible for many a rail way wreck and the same causes are making human wrecks of sufferers from Throat and Lunjr troubles. But since the advent of Dr Kind's New Discovery for Conturaption, Coughs and Colds, even the worst case can be cured, and hopeless resignation is uo longer necessary. Mrs. Lois Cragg of Dor chester, Mass., is one of many whose life was saved by Dr. King's New Discovery. This great remedy is guaranteed for all Throat and Lung diseases by Melville Dorsey, Drug gist. Price 50c, and $1.00. Trial bottles free. Xew fall goods just received at II THOMASON'S. Death of Mrs. Dunn. Mrs. Junius II. Dunn died at her home in this nlace at twenty minutes after eleven o'clock Wednesday of last week. She had been sick a long time and her death was not unex pected. Deceased was a daughter of the late Solon Southerland, of Vance county and was G2 years old. She was a sister of Mrs. Willie Harris and Mayor R. J. Southerland. of Hender son, and leaves four children all daughters and grown and a hus band. Besides these she left four step-children nephews and nieces to whom she was a mother in the truest sense. These are Mrs. H. Beacom and Miss Willie Dunn, of Henderson, Mr. J. S. Dunn, of Win ston, and Capt. Joe Dunn, of the Norfolk & Western Railroad. The funeral was held from the home at 3:30 o'clock Thursday, interment at the cemetery. -mm- fVOLLI STE R S Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A But Medide for Bur People Bdaff Golden Health tad Reaeired Vigor. Blood. Bad Breath. Siureish Bowels. and Backache. It's Rocky Mountain Tea in tab let form, 85 cents a box. Genuine made Holubteb Dace Compact, Madison, Wis. GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPIF ENTERTAINMENT TUESDAY NIGHT. Election Returns to be Read. For the purpose of raising funds to build a hospital in Henderson the f- i it.. I- iiuaisuever I'ircie 01 me ivmg s Daughters will give an entertainment in Cooper Opera House Tuesday and Wednesday nights of next week. Tuesday night the laughable farce A liox of Monkeys," win be present ed by some of the best local talent iu Henderson. Mrs. Reese, of New port News, Va., will assist and render some nue vocal music. The election returns will also be re ceived and read from the platform the ladies having secured the exclu sive privilege. Refreshments will also be served during the intermission and at the close of the performance. Oysters, salads, candy and fancy work will be on sale at reasonoble prices. This will afford a rare treat to the young people and those who wish to get tlie election news besides being a gracious opportunity to to all to help in a good cause. Wednesday night the celebrated two act comedy of "The Boston Dip" will be presented. Admission 25 cents. Reserved seats 3." cents. Gallery 15 cents. For 28 years Samuel Watkins' cloth ing has been the standard of merit. It is better this fall than ever before. -4 - REWARD OFFERED. Stolen from the premises of the owner, on Wednesday. Nov. 2nd. one ladv' small gold watch, hunting case, engrav ed top and bottom, Elgin movement, 15 jewels. Gentleman's 11 carat solid gold watch 1G size, E. T. hunting case, American Waltham movement. luteals "B. S. B." on outside in centre, case number be lieved to be 231,156. Also one 3 carat diamond stick pin. Suitable reward will be paid for any information leading to the recovery of any of the above named property to R. A. Crocket, Chief of Police, Hendrson. EVERYTHING James Little Stronger From Water to Milk." Thi is the wordinsr on a little folder sent out by the J. W. Barber . . -v v . -ft m Advertising Agency, ot isostou, mass. It, is to finnnnnce the removal of the firm into new and much better equipped offices for the transaction of their extensive and ever increasing business. The significance of the lan guage employed is that the J. . Barber Advertising Agency have moved from No. 7, Water street, to the Penn Mutual building, No. 24, Milk street. This is their third move in the thirty-eight years of their bus iness career and it is believed that they have gone to the best office building in Boston today. To auote the language of the Brook lyn Standard Union: " Mr. Barber's success can be explained best, perhaps, by the one word, "Reli ability," and he exacts from his clients the same token. There are few adver tising agencies probably not another one which can say as he does: "For li02 and 1903 business not a dollar contracted for remains unpaid, and not a dollar there was seventy-nin cents in the year 1903 has been charged to loss." Such conduct of business, where mil lions of dollars are involved, is remark able enough in these- piping days of etrenuousness to comment upon. - A Heavy Load. To lift that load off of the stomach take Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It digests what you eat. Sourstomach,belching,gas onstomach and all disorders of the stomach that are curable, are iustantly relieved and perma nently cured by the use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. S. P. Storrs. a druggist at 297 Main street, New Britain, Conn., says: "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is giving such universal satis faction and is so surely becoming the posi tive relief and subsequent cure for this dis tressing ailment, I feel that I am always sure to satisfy and gratify my customers by recommending it to them. I write this to show how well the remedy is spoken of here." Kodol Dyspepsia Cure was discovered after years of scientific experiments and will posi tively cure all stomach trouble. Sold at Parker's Two Drug Store. Let Okey Goodrich at Samuel Watkins' take your order for a tailor-made suit. Prettv line of BAinnlea to select from. All the newest fall styles. Fit and satisfac tion guaranteed. Want you to try Cream Flour; if not pleased we want to refund yonr money. It. B. POWELL. Shoes lor boys, sturdy in build, right in shape, moderate in price. SAMUEL WATKINS. THE HELLO GIRL Some Things for Patrons of the Tele phone Exchange to Reflect Upon. Few persons understand the work ings of a telephone" exchange and therefore are not in position to np- jivviuvv tllC 11 Id?, KIl LU7 111- ILKJ 111 and sympathize with her in her work. The following from the Statesville Landmark may give them a clearer understandms: of her duties and make them more patient and reason able in dealing with her: Considered rightly, the "hello" girl treads no primrose path. Did you ever stop to think that you are not the only one who turns in a call to Central during the day? Bless your life, no! Here in Statesville between 8 o'clock in the morning and 6 in the evening an average of about 3,500 calls are made. That means that during the 8 hours that each of the girls is on duty she answers about G calls a minute or one every ten seconds, or, when both are on duty at the same time, you can split those figures in two. That's an average, but when everybody gets in the notion to use the 'phone at the same time, as often happens, it's worse than that much worse. If you were in the "hello" girl's place then, sitting before the board with the receiver clamped to your head, you'd wish you were away and away where there aren't any telephones. You Bee, it's like this: When you ring, a little number drops down and stays until you are given the connection you want, and it does no sort of good for you to keep ringing in fact it causes de lay, for you can't be connected while you are are ringing and so the operator goes ahead and answers some other call. She's the "hello" girl. If you are close by and listen when she is answering calls during a rush it sounds like this: "hello heHoelloelloellelloelloello hell ! Indeed it does. So be patient. If you don't get con nection immediately don't allow your self to think that the "hello" girl is, per chance, asleep, or gone on a journey, or that ehe cannot hear. Just consider that she is dreadfully busy and is doing her level best. It is more than likely 'steen dozen other calls are being turned in at the same time. NOTICE! AT COST TO CLOSE BUSINEl It has been brought to our attention that some of our sometirpe friends and competi tors have started a rumor to the effect that OUR CLOSINQ OUT SALE 15 MERELY A RUSE TO GET BUSINESS. We wish to assure our friends and the public generally that This Sale is for tlie Pur pose That We Advertised It, and that WE ARE POSITIVELY GOING TO CLOSE BUSINESS BY JANUARY THE FIRST. We also beg to state that in the course of a business career extending over a period of 40 years in Henderson that this firm has not yet made any statement that has not been lived up to. H. Lassiter & Co SHARP-GRAVES. Marriage of Miss Nannie Sharp and fir. Charles C. Graves at Home of the Bride in Vance Connty, Wednes day, Sept. 26th. The marriage of Mr. Charles Carroll Graves to Miss Nancy Forney Sharp was solemnized at the home of the bride's parents, Capt. and Mrs. John H. Sharp, at ''Pool's Rock," Wednesday evening, Oct. 2th. The Rev. Beverly Eggleston, pastor of the Third Presbyterian church of Richmond, Va., performed the cere mony. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Howard Sharp. The groom is the eon of Mr. and Mrs. C. Lynn Graves, of Somerset, Va. Miss Winnifred Washington Watts, of Portsmouth, V a., was the maul of honor, and Mr. Alan W. Graves, of Philadelphia, Pa., acted as best man. Among the guests in attendance were Miss Crisey GUI, of Norfolk, Va., and Miss Lois Wright, and Mrs. Clifford Wayne, of Portsmouth, Va., girlhood friends of the bride, and Mr. Victor T. Boatwright and Mr. T. Walter Matthews, of the same city. The old manor house at Pool's Rock was garlanded and festooned with ferns, pines aud cedar, trellised with bamboo, while here and there was entwined foliage to which Nature in its breath of autumn had lent its glorious shades and tints. Following the wedding through which echoed the dulcet strains of Mendelssohn's wedding march and recessional on the piano with violin accompaniment, came the dance, and in the merry glide and whirl, happy greetings were exchanged and joyful benediction and best wishes were heaped upon the newly married couple. After the reception the bride and groom left on a tour of several Southern cities and will bring their honeymoon to a close at the home of the groom's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Graves will make their home in Portsmouth, Va., where Mr. Graves is identified with the Seaboard Air Line. They will be at home to their friends in November. ATTENDANT. flothers Praise It. Mothers everywhere praise One Minute Cough Core for the suffering it ha relieved and the lives of their little ones it has saved A certain cure for coughs, croup and whoop ing rongh. A. L. Spafford, Postmaster, of Cheater, Mich., says: "Our little girl was unconscious from strangulation during a sudden and terrible attack of croup. One Minute Cough Cure quickly relieved and cured her and I cannot praise it too highly." One Minute Cough Cure relieves coughs, makes breathing easy, cuts out phlegm, draws out inflammation, and removes every cause of a cough and strain ou lungs. Hold at Parker's Two Drag Stores. THE WONDER OF WONDERS AWHEEL. Prodigious Porthos and His Flying Bike. Among the altogether new and etartiius feature loadstones announced by the irreat Adam Forepaugh and Sella Brothers United Shows to signalize their daT'e visit to Hen derson on Saturday, November 5th, Pro digious Porthos, the Parisian Cycling won der, Tvhose phenomenal feat of leaping on his bii-yele across a chasm fifty feet wide has already electrified Europe, is attracting the lion's share of attention and discussion. None of our readers having as yet seen this heroically phenomenal performance, the fol lowing summary thereof, taken from a de tailed description, accompanied bv a half page illustration, pnblished in the New York Evening Journal of March 6th last, will be found of general interest: The bicycle used is of the ordinary safety pattern, except that two stationary pockf't stirrups to hold the rider's feet are substi tuted in place of pedals, which, as it will be apparent, would be worse than useless. Thus mounted and grasping the handle-liars with a grip of steel, Porthos starts from a platform forty-five feet from the ground. Before him lies, at an incline of forty-five degrees, a board path, less than three feet wide and a hundred feet in length, which at the bottom ends in a eharp upward curve, directly in line with and separated by a break of some fifty feet from another plat form ten feet above the ground. A gentle shove from an attendant aud Porthos is off on a brief but fearsome journey, the ending of wh.ich no man, not even himself can fore tell. Should his wheel swerve a single inch from the required direc tion, or he, for the fraction of a second lose unflinching coolness, absolute perfection of control, concentration of instantaneous observation and supreme self-possession.deadly disaster rides with him. So rapidly does he gather speed in his furi ously fleetdesnt that he flashes like a misty streak across the sight, and almost in the t winkling of an eye has reached the summit of the curve referred to, and he and his wheel soar upward and headlong high in air. The momentum decreases until they seem to hover in space, then the bicycle dives down ward and, directed by an instantaneous deli- cateness of manipulation, imperceptable to tne dazed and dumfounded onlookers, lands on the receiving platform, which its two wheels must strike at practically the same moment, as otherwise there would be a dreadful finish, right then aud there. But seemingly superhuman nerve and skill have triumphed, and Porthos rides placidly down a gentle incline, after what might not inap propriately be termed a race with death. New lot of shoes for men a nd women just received at II. THOMASON'S. Country Butter. Win pay 2i ta a pound for nice country butter. All we can get. Robt. B. Powell. To the Memory of Richard J. Marston. The following resolution was adopted by the Henderson Methodist Protestant Sundavs-chool, October 30, 1904: The Sunday-school of the Henderson Methodist Protestant church deplore the untimely death on Oct. 10th, 11)04., of Mr. Richard J. Marston who was for a long time one of its loyal members. We will cherish his memory and recol lect that be was a kind and generous man, faithful to his family and friends, considerate of the feelings of others, nnd not lacking in the qualities necessary to make a good neighbor and a good cit izen. We extend our sympathy to hla 1k reaved father, sisters, wife and children, and will do what we can to help them bear the burden caused by his death. T. T. HICKS. W. I). HARDEE, (I. U. HARRIS. Committee. Letter to W. ATHuntT Ifrnderson. X. i'. Dear Sir: Mr. N. Avery, Delhi. N. V.. had twobousesexactly alike.and painted' them: one Devoe lead-and-zinc; the other He paid same price for both paints. He used six gallons of lead-and-zinc, 1 gallons barytes-and-zinc. He paid $18 for painting lead-and-zinc. f 30 for painting barytes-and-zinc. The total cost of the lead-and-zinc job was f27; the total coet of the barytes-and-zinc job was f 54. He didn't know he wa buying barytes: the dealer told him that paint was as good aa Devoe. A fair example of how it generally comes out, when you buy "something just as good." Better go by the name: and the name is Devoe. Yours truly, F. W. DEVOE & CO., New York. P. S. Parham Bros. Supply Company sell our paint. Agency For Candies. ROBT. B. POWELL. Vnrtn P.icAn cocoanat goat) an old ! nrtielA hut somethinir new in this market 3 fit H. THOMASO'NS. ni n a if i w,f. mss"' 7iM Thomas (El Newcomb. 1; Careless People Pay their bills and accounts in cash. Urcvipts often lost, and then there is no record. This bank furnishes nice check books free. Why not deposit with us to meet your monthly expenses, then give checks for what you pay out? We Pre serve a Record and furnish it to vou in a neat book FREE. 2 Citizens Bank of Henderson, VV. A. Hunt, Cashier. Resources: - - $500,000. Representatives of Mississippi planters are employing whole families of Mexico for work in that State. There is a general movement in Mis sissippi, it is said, to get rid of the negro laborer as far as possible. Negro labor is becoming harder to employ and more unreliable every year. $100 Reward, $100. Tin? readers of this paptr will be pleated to learu that there in at least one dreaded disease that seience has been uble to cure in all its stages and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive eure uow known to the medieal fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires u constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, noting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curat ive powers, that they offer one. Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by druggists, l25e. Hall's Family Pills are the liest. Prices to Please You On cooking and heating stoves and ranges. A car load just received. An good goods as you can get anywhere and prices lower than you can buy else where. Parham Bros. Supply Co. Pigs for Sale. Thoroughbred Poland China and Eng lish Berkshire. From choice brood sows. 1. M. GREEN, Epsom, N. C. HOW ARE YOUR EVES? SIGHT IS PRICELESS. Properly Adjusted Glasses Will Relieve Many Eye Defects. I will be at Mrs. Clements' Saturday Tuenday.nnd Wednesday, Nov. nth.Mth and tlth, for the purpose of examining eyes and adjusting glasses. DR. REV, EYE SPECIALIST. THE POPULAR VOTE Is of interest to every man. : : : : THE POPULAR SHOE Is of interest to all who wenrtheui. Examine our stock lief ore buying. We have shoes for the baby, and for men No. 1 2. 1'ru-en right. Our sign is the big hoe. Opposite Dorsey' lrug store. COPPEDGE SHOE CO. Powell's THE BEST OF EVERYTHING TO EAT. HUYLERS CANDY, ChasH Sl Sauboru's Teas and Cofft, Cream Flour, money buck if not good; Overby'n To inntoea and Snaps in cans, (use then' orn-e is oil I ak) ltc-h Nut Sli-ed Bef aud Karon, (in gla) Washington Bread, daily. Notij, ISaisins, I)ats, Figs. Citron, Currants and the likf.and th un-est erer bad. Now for baking yonr fruit cake. tr we hav th-tn Bitd can furnish them to you rady bak-d. We consider it a favor for you to compare our goods, pri", and service with that of anyone. Lgt yuaneH be the indg aiid gir cs vour trade if ? merit it. H VYL til' 8 CANDIES, chocolate, cocoa. Try a box ol their r-ady-to-erre Chololate l'o'wder. Only hav to add waK-r. That' easy. No Sugar or Cream necewary. We appreciate your trad &ud try to prove to you that do. Our position to rv von surpa" all other. TWO TOP WAUOXS. Robt. B. Powell NOTICE. I HAVE THIS DAY QUALIFIED AH AD minUtrator of the tat of Iticbard J. Marston, deceased, and hereby notify all per sons having claims against said tfctat to ppfserit thera to inedcly itemized. Andunlemt presented before Nov- 3rd, lt05, thi uotkw will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Those indebted to said estate will please make pavment to me. MAGGIE A. MARSTON, Administratrix of Richard J. MawtoD. Henderson. X. C, Not. 1 . 1 WH. A New Idea in Collars. EDGELESS RATENT SPRING Permits one to insert tie after collar is pnt on. Come around and sh them at D. S. AronsorTs. Trustee's Sale. BY AUTHORITY GRANTED ME IN A IWd of Trust, from Simon Fain, Jr., and w -if, of Vance County. N. C, dated Jan. Uril, l'.Ml.'l, default having Is-cn made, I will sell on Monday, Nov. 7th, 1904, to the highest bidder for cash, at the Court House door in Henderson, N.C.. said County, the tract of land named and fully drscrils) in said Deed of Trust, recorded on pane O.l, book at. in said Count v. This Oct. 0. I'.MU. Henderson. N.C. W. II. SHAW, Trustee. Tobacco Planters We have for sale in the adjoining coun ties many farms which are adaphnl to raising the litiest bright tobacco. All that in needed is jhtsohh familiar with the curing process. This ban Ikh'H proven by several parties from NoTth Carolina who have purchased these cheap lands and made a signal suc cess in both color and quality. Wood for curing is accessible, abundant and cheap. Send for our Heal Estate I lerald, giv ing description of these projicrticg, cnt free to any address. PYLE CO., Petersburg, Va. T5he Heart of the House, The part that has to do largely with the blood and its condition is surely its plumbing. Poor coupling, leaky joints, escaping gawH and clogged pijics bring typhoid, dyptheria, malaria, etc., in their wake. If we attend to your plumbing it will be wmitary and safe. Iiok out for the house'tt heart. Richardson & Hunter, PLUMBERS, Henderson, - North Carolina. Notice of Sale. A T THE COURT HOUSE D00R IX HEN XI demon, N. C. VanceCouiiIy. at !oclo k M., 011 Monday, November 21 si, 1904, will lw sold to the highest bidder for cash, n Kit of land Piortgitgii! by IV. O. Outlaw to ?hi? undersigned April 1. It'Ol. This sale is to sat isfy said mortpne. For port inilars se diiil of utiden-igiie.i to said W. it. Outlaw April 1 . 1 !!. I(t refemd to is No. 2 of said deed, lot No. II of the ol I Clark plot, both duly recorded. T. J. OGRURX. Greensboro, N. C, O.-t . 2, 1I'M. Administrator's Notice. HAVING QUALIFIED AS THE ADMIN istratorof tli estate of Mrs. Ann Eliza Grissom. deceased, late of Vance County, thin is to notify all iierso!holditig lainmagaiiist the estate of said deceased to preset, t. Ilu in to me ou or U-fore the 27th day of October. 1!0.', or this notice id Is plead in bar of their recovery. Henderson. N. ('., Oct. 22nd. lift I. GEORGE R. GRJSSoM, Administrator of Mrs. Ann Eliza GHotji, deceased. Amoo.w J. Hai;iii. At toniey. C1IEAI Coal Wood We have the nicest and largest stock of Anthracite and Splint Coal, Also PINE AND OAK WOOD. Any length. -:- Satisfaction nud prompt service guaranteed. Poythress' Coal & Wood Yard, Phone, No. 8K. $5,000 BANK OEPOSfl R!Irac Faro PU. 500 PUEK Course Cfferad. i i" "' T JTT beard it Cot- Write Oaldt E0B61VAU3AIU BUSINESS C0UC&Mackea. . : i IT i Hi ?! r f -1 St -I it , I? n f - ( A ill 4'- t A.- S -J i . is i', Hi 21 1; HI it, "r r Kit t ! i if t

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