. - v v ... ,v I 5 Advertising Brings Success J I , , ,v., id ndvi-rtise iu the G Id I '-cf is -Iidaii by its well fl f i As an Advertising Medium Tbf Uold Leaf ataude at the Lead oi newspapers ia this taction, th X '3 , i i-. : j-i I r oluuiiis. I 1 1 ; f i Bright Tobacco District. The most wide-awake and nuc owful men us its columns it U !v Sensible Business Men I , , , , i-.. .limit' to ppeii'l jourj f , , ,. v wih i-' im iippieciable i the highest Satisfaction to Themselves ii is rruui nidi ii rays, f l e, -t?v 4 SUBSCRIPTIOI $1.50 Cash. MANNING, Publisher. CAROLnSTA, 0-AJROI-I2Sr-A.t SJB VEST'S BlJBSSI3SrGhS JLotextid Her." NO. 47 VOL. XXIII. HENDERSON. N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1904. Ti: ' : ONE Of DR. CUPID'S PRESCRIPTIONS. ar.'i n' ; t t:':'; ii'' ; r : h : t.r KT; K1' only t'":. M.mi-times cures disease is a , recently been called to the : 1 he public by a prominent . : ! c )lU s?e professor. In some --. a-es of women, such as liys . v-ician gives instances where ;. put in a pleasant frame of tu:i'!e happy by falling in love, !- fjucnce were cured of their ,i:M s the weak, nervous sys- .mhI stimulated by little Dr. ;,:nc stronjj and vigorous, al it their knowledge. Many a :vor. and irritable, feels draff -v.'frn out, for no reason that of. She may be ever so r but Or. Cupid fails to cure Iv - nine per cent, of these '.!:" womanly organism which ! utiou; the weak back, dizzy ,;.. k circles about the eyes, are ii:is. " to the source of the : ronect the irregularities, the womanly system and the :ns disappear. So sure of it . - I)iietisary Medical Associa- f Dr. I'ierce"s tavonte TIME TO CALL A HALT. The Newspapers Should Resent the Imposition Practiced Upon Them by the Politicians and Professional Office Seeker.?. roooooooooooooooooo v Wholesale and Retail Merchanfs. rvwwy ,000000 T v y ooooooooooooooooooQ Cotton Buyers and Gin ners. V V V Huliegh TiiucH. The iiewspjjer8 of the South are gradually awakening to the impo sition that has been practised upon them for so many weary years by the politicians anu professional omee seekers. The burden which they have borne because of it. here in North Carolina, if footed up at the end of a campaign at regular advertising rate, would apear almost incredible. The politicians do not presume to ask like "favors" of people engaged in any other business, but have come to the point where they take it for granted that a newspaper must print column after column of purely adver tising matter, proper, free and many of them no lonyrer ask it as a "favor," and do not even suy "thank you" in return. They do not even stop there some of them. For they are not only un- ' appreciative, but in many cases posi tively ungrateful. Their ingratitude, and worse, is not lnirenuentlv maniiesteu bv an The Qeorge Ao Rose Com paey, tl. it they offer a S5x "ward i ai,U8,, cf newspapers. io cannot be cured of leucor- I ,., . ' weakness, prolapsus, or fall- ! Lsi.eCiall. h IS th l 4 11 .1 .. ...1- ... C,tr- I lk4ll 1 1 1 I 1 i tYkW t til I 111 Ik -t:-.' V'ii :ib. All thev ask is a fair :..,b'e trial of their means of cure. Pleasant Pellets clear the ! and sweeten the breath, they gulate the stomach, liver and produce permanent benefit and : .'.el on the system. One is a i rive. i. !i'.i::on Sense Medical Adviser" i:tc. paiicr bour.d, for 21 one-cent t . pav expense of mailing only. ! ir.ip's for cloth-bound copy. World's Dispensary, Buffalo, N.Y. HENRY PERRY, INSURANCE. - - In," of both I.I I'M AND FIKK 1 1 1! !' 1 MS n-pieseiited. Polieit'H insuod .,- ! ' - Li'-i 'l to bent adv.-intitge. Off. In Court House. FRANCIS A. MACON, DENTAL SURGEON. mi..-. V Mine A 't ucker ItiiildliiK 1 . hIit -leplionc l-:xcliangr". : ,1 1 . 0 a. in. to 1 i. 111.. :i to ii p. i !,.... Phone H8; Office Phone 25. ,i:.u'i- furnisliiMl when (lesiied. : lor cx'.uuinatioti. IS UISPDSIMOII !mi manifested in our General As sembly, when u- little cross-roads I politician who has secured an elec i tiou to the Legislature through the aid of las county newspaper, arises iu the Houseand brays his "indigna tion" to the Speaker and the lobbies I 1 1 . . J. 1 1 A.. I oetause some newspaper nas 10m me truth about him. It is observed, however, that the light is breaking in the east, of course for New York and other newspapers and magazines are this year exacting pay of the political 'managers for thisc-haracterof ndverr , tising. The Knoxville f&ntmef says: ! "A recent issue of the Saturday hyeih s 1 hit; Post contains a full page advertine I which marks a new step in the progress . . 1 1 . - . -1 1 1- i , oi tne nuvenising luea 111 mis country. 1 1 is a page taken by the national Repub-, lican campaign committee and ia devoted I to Roosevelt. The Post ia a weekly j publication of wide circulation and the j advertising in its columns is the most expensive in the country. No doubt the appearance of this advertisement is a , signal for the beginning of extensive paid publicity on the part of the Repub- j ui . lican national cemmittee. h our or eight , years ago such purchase of space for po-. We announce our readiness for the Fall trade, and think we show the most Up-to-Date Stock of Goods ever brought to Henderson. Ever thing Carried in an Up-to-Date Department Store. Your every wish and want can be gratified here and the goods and prices will be to your liking. We provide for the wants of all. Our stock comprises about everything in the line of Dry Goods and Notions, Ladies' Wearing Apparel, Men's Furnishings, Millinery, Groceries, &c. our Gapiiu ot Doing Business is a Point in our Favor. Our business is large, giving us a greater purchasing power. We buy in large Quantities, enabling us to make a great saving in our buying, thus giving our customers the advantage of the BEST GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES. TREATING WORWOUT LAND. Practical and Ecoaomical Method of Soil Improvement How Mr. Black nail Built Up Some Poor Farms That Were Almost Worthless. Correspondence Progressive Farmer. Messrs. Editors: If having beeu the owner of poor land fits a man to write about poor land, and if he is competent in proportion to tne pov erty of the land, then 1 think 1 am the" most competent man in-North Carolina to discourse about poor land. Some rears aco I bought some I so poor that the ownership carried a ; distinct species of disgrace along with it. i For turn out oi- noma owners (and since the war successive tenants) had skinned that land, or tried to, for generally the land did the skin ning, the tenants being poorer at harvest than at seed time. The land lay convenient to me. It was free from rocks, hills and waste Dlaces. It was light and indeed somewhat given to sandiness and therefore pleasant to cultivate. I bousrht it. civinsr the owner consid- i .V mm t. 1 erably less tnan one-nan tne price ue paid for it a few years previously and set to worK to mase ic prouuciive. I did not intend for that land to Since opening business there has not been a month thatJias not shown a substantial growth in our trade, speaks for itself of the Character and Quality of Our Goods and the Reasonableness of our Prices. This I ACHE 75he GREATEST REUEDY On Earth. Sold by done, and iu UK, l.V, and 35c bottles. "The man who keeps himself use fully employed at that which lie does best is an intelligent ana sat wiaciory . A V break me as it was sam to nave itizen whetncr he gets rich incident served its former owners. Therefore or doegn.t. A u j Vet no man is x Bouguv iu i-rw1 reckonetl a success in this ace ol in tense commercialism who doesn't get rich. . , f No ). i:. r. TUCKER, DENTIST, MKNIHIUSON, N.C. OiJKJ : Over Iliornas Dru? S'ore. r L .MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. 1 J DR. F. S. HARRIS, DENTIST, !!.-r.(Jer.ont N. C. K ()! I ICIT: Over I:. U Davis' Store. 6sV?l Cuxcn .-alp dnrti ; hair.taUing. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM . Clflnsif ud Iwautiliel me nmir. l'roim.tcf iniuriaiit Nrer I'a l. toeByr PCHICHESTER'3 r i ' ISH EH HY ROYAL l'MS. V- v Oriein.il Biiil Only t.vituine. t V-w4 f r cillCilKSTiCK'S KNWLISII p"vj?Js;. in KK.u n.l Gold .ttaule bozr stilei : - tr ti iiii. rr I'artlpulars. Tc.tlmoiilula and " llellrr for l.ndlem" M.r. J rf turn Mull. I O.OOO T.atimoniaH. buldby l'niln. hlrhcatrr Chemical Cw., ; I It Hudlwn Huore, FMILA I' A. 11 ITT' KmIv rrets its life from 1 f.vl prorly digested. ll-.i':!.v ilifir.stion means pare t ! -..! f' r t! VhxIv, but stomach nii-c fr.na carelessness i' :. :vul ttomach disordera 1: t - iMiiiresvsteiu. Improp t rV jiuist i. atml fixnl sours on the t'.. V.uuh. .-uisinn distressing ..' :. l-(l-!iin "and nausea, v. :: : v.v.T-eatinc is persisted in , -vr.M.U lecur.ies weakened 1 v.-rn cut and dyspepsia I 1 - 1'. vi.-tini. 4 T'-..-.' t .ird's Black-Braugnt ' :-.- : ."v-yf i.-ia. It frees the ! .;. i; bowels ot congestea i' r ;:-., 1 gives the Ftomach 1. v i.i".-. The stomach is quickly 1 r.-.iod and the natural .'nion results in a good ; ' with the power to tlior-'-'' ! -t food. 'i i :.-. l.-.-.iild up your stomach ' ni!d " and natural . Trv Thedford's Clack- ! .1 1 -lay. You can buy a ..' iiv. your dealer for - v . 1 1 l .o ilcos not keep it, send to The Chattanooga ;'! ieine Co., Chattanooga, 'i' : and a package will tQ ,1 you. litict'il advertisements was unheard of. Since that time the New York papers have printed more and more political advertising during their municipal and State campaigns. The speeches of a Pemocratic candidate, for instance,' would be inserted as an advertisement in a Republican paper. This has become ; a feature of the campaigns, and inas much as advertising has come to be used for nearlv every purpose, the natural ! reKult has been the advertising of a na tional Presidential candidate. In our opinion the Republican national commit tee has shown excellent judgment." The ( Democratic committee should not fail to . enter on a similar campaign.'1 Recognising that this is the proper course to pursue, the Nashville.lmer-. iVij comments 011 the above extract as follows: i There is no valid reason why nation al and State committees should not ad vertise their candidates and their speak-: ers. These committees have no right to expect the newspapers to give over their . columns to them. Newspapers contrib-, ute their share toward the success of their party candidates. They often go j to great expense to further the interests of. their party, at the same time the party managers are spending money in ways that never heuefit the candidate or the party. In Tennessee, for example, the respective party managers seem to think the newspapers should give them space for their ivniicmnceinents free of charge, yet they never hesitate to pay for printing hand-bills, hiring brass ( bands, etc., in the interest of their eandi- dates ana speakers. ! Whei-eupon the Atlanta Journal adds this truthful criticism: 'lathe South our campaign commit-1 tees go to work and raise a campaign : fund. They spend this fund on stump ( speakers and in writing letters mainly. For the same amount of money they can reach double the number of voters, through the newspapers. But your , Southern politician argues that the newspapers will exploit the party nomi-' nees anvhow; that it is useless to 6pend j I nionov on them. They not oniy muse , to pay tue newspupvis nj mi"& , service, but very often they solicit cam- ...ihiitiAna rrr.ni rnpni r.m wen. : 1 1 11 riiuiiiuuiiuwo Is under the same skillful management. Miss Stewart, who gave so much satisfaction to the ladies the past season, is with us again this season, a fact which we are sure will be hailed with pleasure by her patrons. Our Grocery Department. lines. Aware that of the three ele ments of fertility, ammonia, potash and phosphoric acid, that ammonia is bo tli the most costly and the easiest to escape the soil, I decided to buy as little ammonia as possible, especially as it costs about three times as much as the other properties per pound. Of course I had to have ammonia, but I knew that I could get it without buyiug it at so much per ton. In fact, get it free, as the process by which I got it, as will appear, did not enat. mo nnvt liinir to tnt the ft in m O- nia added, rotasu ana puospuonc m Rameriy pat NO UPe IS acid I also needed largely. These II J had to buy, because there was no j AfrQld TO Tdke, other way to get them into the soil. J The land was plowed and run OH, 1 Dr. Thacher'i Wvcr ana uiooa jyruF in rows three ieet apart, in inese has been used in tnousanus 01 nomcs iw rows I sowed a mixture of 150 fifty-two yean with perfect confidence pounds of kainit and 100 pounds of and the most remarkable result, acid phosphate per acre. Listing on 1 8UCcess o thi, remedy is due this furrow by a mrrow irom eacn - . f rfa (which side, 1 then split open the list and nn Mandrake. IDifl V - mm. j O first- etc. Our Grocery Department is up to the moment in every respect. We keep everything belonging in a rlaw Grocerv Store and handle Country Produce of all kinds Butter, Eggs, Country Hams, Bacon, e mMM w sto sasss'Ss Anv article bought at this store that is not as represented or satisfactory in every way will be taken back and the money refunded in all cases. This is the invariable rule at the Geo. A". Rose Company S store. We want your patronage and we want your perfect confidence and good will. THINGS THAT HAKE FOR OUR BUSINESS. We are doing more business than we have ever done in the history of our 20 years' business career and with Good Goods, Low Prices, Polite and Cheerful Attention, Prompt Service and Satisfied Customers we hope to merit the further favors of the trading public. Th George A Rose Compaey also threw open the furrow for the peas. In this furrow I sowed evenly I early in June cow peas at the rate of one bushel to the acre and covered them lightly with a small tooth cul tivator. Durincr the summer, as needed, they were given three plow- ings with a small tooth cultivator, no uoe work being required. The result was a fair crop 01 cow- rot 1 peas and pea vines, xne peas j. picked as soon as ripe and cut the vines lor forage. In September 1 plowed under tne stubble and applied broadcast the Yellow Dock, Dandelion, Sarsapanua, Gentian, Senna and Iodide of rotautn) has been freely published. Doctors and Druggist everywhere do not hesitate to recommend a preparation which they know contains the best known remedies for correcting all irreg ularities of the Liver, Kidneys or Blood. and the diseases caused by the failure of these functions to perform their proper work. Thousands of sick ones to whom life has been a burden have written grateful same quantity and the same kind of J letters that others might profit by their fertilizer used lor the peas. inis 1 harrowed in with a disc harrow, leaving a perfect seed bed. On this 1 sowed annual (crimson) clover at the rate of three gallons to tne acre and dragged it in with a brush. The following spring tha clover .;a.tvf1 a mrulamtii prnn ft trm fTP J1"":" " " r - ' " :..T,T,n.n condition for t- yr.. the land being yet too poor to raise 1 ;5 bid onTy reiTed tmpry rriir from ..I.wak with mnph BllPPMil I th.r tnnlirinea. But after n not quite two experience. lUWMisa Cov, Tx, Not. IS. 190i I was uffering terribly with fudr..tioii mni kidney tronble snd mb! to my drufgit for something' to relieve tne. . , As be iUt tne a pck.g. of Pr. Thshr's Lirer and Blood Syrup I concluded to try tt, and now I am deeply grateful to my drujfi.t as well as to you. . . . I bad been a sunercr irora o-c ."- : . . . I . r . I mnA RlrxKt SvrtlD I Irri In June I plowed Under the Crimson S?.ioitand nearly a. I everdid in my life.and GOODS OF QUALITY AND LOW PRICE. TrlEBFORD'S IBIACK-DKAUGHI H. In time this will bechangeil in the South, 1 as it is now changing in the East." j a 3 11 ; ah . , - .rl--v Knr rrf ra 5d their taxes due the town The Journal is correct ana me ... 4 ..Jfc r A hnnsre is comine: more speedily tnan Henrlprson for the vear IQ04, are requested iu wmc .ui the language of that paper suggests , ,n,mCp1VPS trouble and cost. The taxes The politicians will soon nna u aim uu su unu x necessary, 111 me couiii m .' musf f.e naitM ana it 1. easier 10 iast, to exploit tl.eir own pians, 1 - . CIimrrt(ir: Tt will be n- auul pay for the newspaper advercis- money man 11 wiii uc iicai. epiMt, - ing that i.s indispensiWe. ! rprpst:nr to know that the taes are less this year than they were last year. Come and see how much lower. THAD R. MANNING. - Town Tax Collector. AGENTS I tIrriIoey ! AGENTS "IE l:(EATEST BOOK OF TUE DAY "CHRIST IN THE CAMP" Va." r-v I)r. j. Wilxjam Jones AGESTS HEFORTSl 'rkeil one day, received 10 orders.' Al, . .. ' ' in IO U. II T T C 1 kVi.v-Lr.l . J , n t uuc uay, got i- oruera. THPui PPLY ONCE TO E MARTIN a HO YT CO., Atlanta, Ca. FQR THE YEAR 1 904 Are Due and Payable at the Office of the Town Tax Collector. The Bio campaign is Opened. We take pleasure in firing the opening it T7i 1 1 i vtr i. , . r gun ior tne ran anu unur ua.iupu.igu. We do not want to talk politics, though. Thp iiewsoaDers that Kve away their advertising space cannot live, much less grow to the proportions amniiflml liowadavs to keep up with v-..m.. . , .,1 I the procession. For, as tne Asneviue Aeivs-o.jzeffe sayu, it"? mueuimoi umlerstanding of 'support' upon which the average cellared party ( or"-an deiends is often not very fill- j in"-. Political publicity tnrougn newspapers is a commodity very like soap puoncuy or un guuu y-licity." Disastrous Wrecks. Carelessness is responsible for many a rail way wreck and the same causes are making human wrecks of sufferers from Throat and Lunc troubles. But since the advent of Dr, King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, even the woite can k ,,r1. and hoix-less resignation is no longer necessary. Mrs. Lois Cragg ofjor rhester. Mass.. is one of many whose life was ,v.l bv Dr. King's New Discovery. Tt great remedy is guaranteed for all Throat and Lung diseases by Melville Dorsey, Drug- t-; r,(V. and fl.OO. Trial bottles gioi. v v ' y free. stamps set their color from the merchants who use them. Merchants' jonmm. $25,000 h Vear Spent by the Operatives of the Among the Merchants, Doctors, Real Estate Owners and Others of Henderson. Why Not Patronize Home Industries? we flre selling Giotning. And what we want is customers. We have the goods at prices that will suit you. And thfl haaiitv m bnvinff irom us is Vo Can Fit You and Also Fit Your Pocket Book. We don't care how long or short you may be, or how fat or thin you are, WE WILL FIT YOU. We are He.dquarters for Clothing, Shoes, Hafs, Gents' Furnishings. All lien and Up-to-Date. BARNES 6L0TrllNG STORE PHONE 165. HENDERSON, N. G. clover stubble again and drilled in peaa, using the same fertilizer ana the same mode oi culture as tue pre ceding year. The autumn showed how mv land was improTing. ine crop of both peas and pea vines was good,! might almost say exceuem. In seDtemoer tne pea stuDDie was plowed under and crimson clover again sown,. tne treatment Deing uie same as that of the fall before. The next spring gave a very good crop of clover hay, indeed. This I again followed with peas, the cultivation and manuring being the same as for the two former crops. The crop of peas and forage that came that sum mer was a wonder. Its equal bad never been 6een in this neighborhood. 1 now found that this pauper farm had been transformed into a very good one, indeed, worth many times what I paid for it. That fall 1 turned under the pea Btubble and put the land in strawberries, my staple crop. I Since then I have grown as fine ber J ries and as fine crops of all kinds on I that land as anybody has grown in the county; Every two or three purs I have rotated in cowpeas or crimson clover, using potash in the form suiptiate oi potasu ana acia phosphate on the berry crop, and my and grows Detter ana oetter. i i Tit f Vance Co., N. C- Not a Sick Day Since. "I was taken nerer!? dick with kidney trouble. I tried all sorts of medicines, none o( which reliered me One day I saw an ad. of your Elettric Bitters and detriniped to try that. After taking a few dow I lelt re lieved, and aoon thereafter waa entirely eured, and have not seen a kk day aince. Neighbors of mine hate been rnred f Rheu matism, Neuralgia, Liver and kidney troubles and Genera! Debility." Thia is what B. F. Baas, of Fremont. N. C. writea. Only 50e, at MeWilla Doraey'a Drug Htore. ------j i I am aatUfied thai 1 am eny : no yraptom whatever of kidney trouble, and my ditfeUioo U a good a any living man a. I can now rt whaUver I choe. . ... I never hd anv remedy Rive me men qulcK j rrKrf nd 1 can not tut a cor. rect estimate on the value your medicine h. been to me. I would not take any amount ol money for it. v.r. rrmi!ullv vour J. C. BROWS. If nerd U-i u-yif -' fl. mampt. fcaa al "Or. ThkrV, Health Hook." (lire mitmptmma far nrtr. Wm 0impl " V - mow. W km if w' . Vnr mmU -II itrwjq t -t Uea BO WHll and 01.00. THACHKK Mr.Oirjyr The armored cruiser West Virginia, nn lipr trial trio over the Cape Ann course, developed a PUBtaiiird njeed for four hours of 22.U knots an hour. imi 5one Pains, Itching, Scabby Skin Disease. Swclllaca. Carbuelea, rimplr. Rerof ol Parawacotlr carol If taUa Botaaie I-lood talm. It aatro7 U artlra YoImi la tla Urol. It , Mbca and paint aoeea, back and vr ftaswr Etoo toeta ,hln- fw"4'" olmnd KWaga and Cuiupa on tba 8kia, Karcm I'atrtMW la Just read the events of the passing days through which you are living as they are record ea m tne aauy pa pers and vou will have no neeu to turn the dime or tlie dollar novels in quest of the romantic, the tragic or the patnetic. Tboasands Cured. DaWitt'a Witcfc Hazel 8aJve haa rurrd thouaanda of (Taaea ol Pilea. "I bought a box of DeWitt'a Witch Hazel Salve on the recommendation ol our drnggiat," ao writea C. H. LaCroix, of ZaTalla, Tex, Marid uaed it for a stubborn eaae oi Pilea. It cured me permanently." Sold at Parker", Two Drug Htorea. The Philadelphia Record asks, with some show of impatience, why the price of cattle is declining white the r j . t :. pnee qi meat is uuruuuu. " . verv likelr. because the prices are fixed by men instead of by cattle.1 WRflhington roar. Moota, Bora Tim. PlaipW. or eropUooa, . .-i...4 r-. v nib an Ill rvo. 1Vivp jr" hcmMtt.Uxn oa wyputttCa boty. IU or U ferawt faUicg ont, Caraoacka or Coil. Uta Botanic Blood Balm, guaranteed to earaevea tba wo-u nad tamtOartntta m wkcra aoetora. pstrat lowlicw-i. at! bot yru- f Baala ail aorai, atopa aa acbw aad paloa. rJa all tweUtoaa. uood pwa and rVcX eoon'if rMi-.at tba aatba bedr Iota a eWaa, beaUif Mdaioa. C. B. B. ka, eared ttoonaaaoaof caatacf Idoodftrtawaevvaanaa trMbiaft- tba laat atacea. Old Bhoumatlam, Catarrh, Ecama M caaaad by aa awtel aolaoatd eondiuoj of tba Stood. D.B.B. aopa nawxmj aaa bp"h. ad acmctuafeAca aad rain t cur, BlamaHam. Catarrh; taa aa Kmba. SeJa. ZraAK TaUry BUatcra, fool foarte Sote of Eani ty prjis a aara, Uatthy Mood aapply ta affected aarta. Cancer Cured ajmanln JOoeA Balaa Catca Caaecra of aa aJa&t. iasoanUB SwalUnaa, Eatlag aowa, af.f Ciena. UaaiataaCanoe,osaofca4bBaitaBoa ar wont caaear partoctly. If T bro baala, Wart. SwwiUaaa, Sbootiai Euct rataa. Ma Stood Balnt aad tbey wtU Auapoaa' ntioratbey MdovtntoCaaeec ataayapoawaUy bopeieai aaaia eared by uamg notanwi ww STarwrarrrr l Boaa! Blood Ealm CT-. fnaaaaat Cwnaow bant, aad hhh21 time mrAuml advtoa, u au yoas Por aale at Parker'a Two Pnir Ptom. : r.j i t ::. i l '-, ?! Ii "ti " & I - C f i ! i i : 1f ' : i -i i Sr t f,l ?1; Is: . si; CI Si- & 2 - i H i 5 MM 1

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