t Stole b, ) Advertising Brings Success t $ i 1 1' it p.ivs to advertisn io the G Id t ' r : i..... I... : t, .-..II u II a at ) As an Advertising Medium $ Tb- Gold Leaf stands at the head of q ti.'o;iMpvrH la tin pcction, the r , idiuous , insibie Business Men i Bright Tobacco District. ' 1 1 - TiiPic to -perid fcoad f . wii.T.- no iipprwiiiblo J ! Tho most wide-awake uud ruo- at ivs-fui men ut itscolumuM itli tl Lights t . f i- ;;- ;!!- - II. v 4 7?at is Proof mat it Pays, j Satisfaction to Themselves. i 0 in r ?NING, Publisher. Carolina, Carolina , Heaven's Blessings Attend "EIee,. 7 SUBSrRITTION $1.50 Casb. ).. XXIII. HENDERSON. N. 0., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1904. NO. 51. WHAT CAME OF A LE&ER .If .' licit Aunt Kate : I must tell you the good news. Right aittr receiving your letter, the day before w W ar's I started in with new resoiu t! ,n- n the first of the year. I wrote to U- K. V. I'ierce, at Buffalo, N. Y., as you r qTi-' t' l me to do. I pave him all my wr:-tms which'were that I was tired v, ::if 'i all the time and did not care to P- tnyv.h'-re, depressed and sad, and all . n yow, backache and a draged-out f ( ')ij.(l not sleep, limbs feeling sore :,i-il ;irhiii. I followed the doctor's advice, v. ii' !i h'- went to considerable pains to :.. ib- plain to me to rest every day a nap , ;-r U:neh -complete relaxation cultivate : ;'-- i.f mind, try not to worry, pet as i: outdoor air as possible, and prac- l-.inr, deep breathing, expanding the i-.::;."- 'f li'n for a uterine tonic. Dr. Pierce's ! ivi-iti l'recription, coupled with a wash !. me of. 1 must say that after follow r his advice for four months I feel per r t!y cured and like a new woman. Yours affectionally, Jf.wel. I.-tters like the above are not unusuaL J I Thaxtou, Deputy Sheriff; Court i; iMirham, N. C, writes; ' i"h.-1- ;i certify that I have used Dr. Pierce's I i-..tite 1-ie-ciipti'in aud '(".olden Medical Dis i t :v. i:i my family fur two or three years, and I. . v ru t :vd a great deal of benefit from these : 'iicinev' Mr. lior.i Chilton (General Merchant), Pejrpv, writes: 1-or five years X suffered with w..m!, trouble, l)iit after using ten bottles of Dr. rre s I'avorite Prescription I have enjoyed -7.:!n:id health ami gained twentv pounds. I i.! -t heartily recommend your 'Favorite Pre- T'.T.tniii to all sufferers from similar troubles. Mai. thanks for the Woman's Friend." HENRY PERRY, !NSURANCE. -ti..inr line of l.ot.h l.lFi: AM) lilt I ; M '.. I KS ie.i'senteil. I'olirii'K insued ii I li-ks pl.-ie'-l ! licsf mlvillit.-l'tP. Office: : In Court House. Mi. H. I!, TUCKER, DENTIST, M!INinRSON, N.C. -'! I ICI:: Over Thomas' Drug Store. DR. F. S. HARRIS, DENTIST, Henderson, N. C. OFF ICI:: Over It. i Divis' Store. PARKER'S HA! ft BALSAM Clfns u:.U bi-autitica the hir. l'r.,n.jUt Imuriiil.t growth. Never Fails to EcBtoro Gray Hair to its Youthful Color. Curt-3 ernip dnrai.-t:8 Si hair lalliDg. fi-, an. I $1 "t imigitra CHICMaTEr. t . lit ;mm A n m rAh. c f i - - V-s, Original Rnfj O- nuint. ' NSAI'1'.. Alvarlia!''e laldle-. nsk llruejtut C-,i 'r flllCIIKt'Tiiti'S UNtiLlSII fr' V-'dVjx '" KKH nd Vou :-cl:.tl ban sraied Diactraun Nuballtm'vna and lralta- tlwua. Bujr of jour Druggist, or 4e. Id Blanipa Ibr PartlfulHra. Teatlmonlula and "Kellef for Latllea." in Ut:.r, by re- turi Mall. Kt.OOO T.atimonlaH. Sold bt all l'ruliii. 4'bleheater 'heanlel ('. Sill Madlaoa Mqaarc, rtllLi, r.v i - fKy SSBK This pr at etotk modicir.e is a money s:uit for stock raisers. It is ;l na'ili.;ii;t ni t A clioap food or 5 Coiitiitioti jiowdi-r. Thouph put up in coarsrr form than Thedford's t 5!;u-k-I'r;ii51it. rouowncd for the ' cure c.f tho di post ion troubles of I jv'rsors, it l.;ts tho sanio qualities of iu ifioriitinff dipestiou, stirring 1 up tho torpid liver and loosening 13 tho iii-t!p::t'd lorol.i for all stock and poultry. It ia carefully pre M pared and its action is so healthful that ttvk prow and thrive with an oii asiotial dose in their fool. It cures liotr cholera or.d makes hogs pr..v f;ii . Itcuves chicken cholera and roup ;m I n.akos hens lay. It f-1 cures coie-t ipatiou, distemwr and 1 Ct 1 t M at;. I I:;;;:.'. h It pi vi . kti its r.ev nves, murrain in cattle, a draught animal do f r the f.Kxl consumed, tittials and fowls of all - l lite should Every farmer and certainly give it a raiser trial. It costs 'Joe. a can and saves ten tilth's its price in profit. PirrsBi RG, Kas., March 25, 1901. I liny- boon using your Black-Draught t-toek :'n! Poultry Medicine oa my Rto.k f. .r wice time. I have used all kinds i t stock food but I have found I that yours is tho best for my purpose. I fe? J. 8. HASSOX. I Plea of the Three Governors. New York World. The Governors of three irreat West ern States which furnished ;K0.000 Republican plurality in the election and which will nend thirtv Republican representativea to the new Congress unite in seeking Presi dent Roosevelt's influence in favor of legislation empowering the Inter state Commerce Commission to hx railroad freight rates upon interstate commerce. There is throughout the country a growing sentiment in favor of such a course, as well-as in favor of State laws creating local ratecommissions. Rate regulation has been for years urgently sought by Western farmers, who nave Deen nelpless to-urevent railroads from chanrinir "all the traffic will bear," and the Eastern consumer should have quite as deep an interest in the matter as tliev. Special pleaders for tin railways have unmasked their batteries of abuse upon the proposition as "so cialistic " or "confiscatory." So much eloquence is unnecessary. That matter was threshed out in debate twenty or thirtv years ago and de cided in favor of rate regulation. It wtts the purpose of the Interstate Commerce law, as its framers have repeatedly testified, that the com mission should fix the rates, and it did in fact so fix them for ten vears: until the Supreme Court decided that the commission was in that respect exceeding its legal powers uuder the aw which rounded it. Tho passage of theCooper act or of some .similar measure would there fore be taking no step upon which the people had not long ago resolved and Congress acted. And there are now reasons for such legislation, which did not exist when the Inter state law was framed, in the recent alarming attempts at forming what would be, so far as the entire North west is concerned, the universal rail way trust. Gov. Van Sant, of Min nesota, who instigated the proceedr ings in that State against the North ern Securities merger, well expresses t he danger; There will never be any more open mergers, great holding companies to be the receptacle of the stock of the various systems. The Supreme Court settled that for all time. But it does not pre vent the heads of the various systems from agreeing upon plans and policies for their special benefit and the damage of the patrons of their roads, It is he cause of this that the law should be amended so as to give the government sujiervision of rates when found to be unreasonable. The merger was a mere incident in the great transportation bat tle that will be waged for years to come. Such meetings as Gov. Van Sant describes have for a generation con tinuously been held by railway man agers in spite of occasional quarrels over the "equitable division of the right to overcharge." The logical and final effect of such agreements : would be in fact, if not in form, the! universal transportation trust. Of; such a partial trust as the merger proposed, t he Circuit Court of the ' I'n i ted States said in language quoted with approval by a majority of the j Supreme Court : i It destroyed every motive for competi-1 tion between two roadsengaged in inter state traffic, which were natural com petitors for business, by pooling the earnings of the two roads for the com-1 inon benefit of the stockholders. What the effect of such pooling was, ; expected to be the makers of the ! merger showed when on a cash capi- i tal of $,'0,000 they issued $400,000,-! 000 of securities, more than covering the stock of the Great Northern and Northern Pacific "competitors,", water sind all, by the vast sum in excess of 122,000,000. There was iio way to give value to this mass of securities " save by " killing compe tition and capitalizing the corpse", at the expense of the shippers, save; by "equalizing" rates in an ascend-! ing scale. I The highest court in the land has .oibidden such mergers under the Sherman act of 1890. But when Gov. ! Van Sant says that other means will rie found by railroad managers to onipass the same ends lie but re-, peats in warning a prediction overj which Wall street gloats in exulta tion. It was, among other things, to prevent the rapacity of common , carriers conspiring "in restraint of I trade" that the Interstate Commerce ' Commission was formed. No prece-! dent will le overthrown, no injustice; will be wrought, no honest interest j endangered by furnishing the private : consumer and producer with such additional safeguards against vast aggregations of captital engaged in Monopolistic enterprises as the Triple Alliance of Govs. Van Sant, Cummins and La Follette demands. Wholesale and Retail Merchants. V V Cotton Buyers and Gin ners. V v The Qeoree A, Ro e Comnipaey, We announce our readiness for the Fall tr, de, and think we show the most Up-to-Daie Stock of Goods ever brought to Henderson. Everything Carried in an Dp-to-Date Department Store. Your every wish and want can be gratified here and the goods and prices will be to your liking. We provide for the wants of all. Our stock comprises about everything in the line of Dry Goods and Notions, Ladies' Wearing Apparel, Men's Furnishings, Millinery. Groceries, &c. our capability of Doing Business is a Point in our Favor. Our business is large, giving us a greater purchasing power. We buy in large Quantities, enabling us to make a great saving m our buying, thus giving our customers the advantage- of the BEST GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES, Since opening business there ha not been a month that has not shown a substantial growth in our trade. speaUs for itself of the Character and Quality of Our Goods and the Reasonableness of our Prices. Th is r i MILLINERY DEPARTHENT. 1 J Is under the same skillful management. Miss Stewart, who gave so much satisfaction to the ladies the past season, is with us again this season, a fact which we are sure will be hailed with pleasure by her patrons. Our Grocery Department. Our Grocery Department is up to the moment in every respect. We keep everything belonging in a first class Grocery Store and handle Country Produce of all kinds Butter, Eggs, Country Hams, Bacon, etc. THINGS THAT HAKE FOR 'OUR 'BUSINESS. We are doing-more business than we have ever done in the history of our 20 years' business career and witlr Good Goods, Low Prices, Polite and Cheerful Attention, Prompt Service and Satisfied Customers we hope to merit the further favors of the trading public. 0$S!t SAC t& ?QV AHS HOT STiSFSBD Any article bought at this store that is not as represented or satisfactory in every way will be taken back and the money refunded in all cases. This is the invariable rule at the Geo. A. Rose Company's store. We want your patronage and we want your perfect confidence and good will. Newspapers Make Success. The Merchants' Journal. Some people may say advertising does not pay. They are either preju diced or misinformed. There is no factor in the growth of trado so pow erful as newspaper advertising. Here is a little evidence: A few years ago there was started J on a capital of f 100 in an interior town in the West a Baking Powder Company. The proprietors adver tised it and the company today is worth over $15,000,000 and pays more than 1,000,000 in annual dividends. Newspaper advertising did it. A mineral water was discovered in one of the Eastern States. Tho pro prietors advertised it and today the mineral water has alargesaleallover the North American continent and will pay sis per cent, on $2,000,000. Newspaper advertising did it. Five years ago a Cereal Food was plaml on the market. At first little money was put into it, but that little was put into newspaper advertising. Today there is scarcely a home in this country upon whose table this cereal is not served. The company is wonli over a million dollars. Newspaper advertising did it. A few years ago a mail order Iiousm began business on less than $100. It prospered and now employs over 10,000 people, and sells its goods throughout the civilized world. Newspaper advertising did it. The largest retail dry goods house in the United States began business on a small capital. It has Itecoine justly famous and favorably known by the people generally. Newspaper advertising did it. A prominent brand of soap is now being advertised. A short time ago it was unknown. No one used it. Today almost every home in the United States is using it. Newspaper advertising did it. Every man has a like opportunity. The question is, will he use it? A Pleasant Pill. No pill in uh pleanant and omtivc an Do- Witt's Littl.- Knrly Hiser. HeWltt'i Litth Early Risers are ho mild nud 'ff4H'tive that children, dclicute ladies und weak Kotle en joy tlH'ir cleaumiig effect, wuile strong ooiio say they are the lieBt liveriilln oold. Sold at Parker's Two Drug: Stores. I I ACHE M 15he GREATEST REMEDY On Earth. Sold by dose, .'l-'c bottles. and in 10c. 1.V, and Tho great lava lake in the craterof Kilanea is said to have mnk five hundred feet in one night. The only parallel instanee in history was the sinking of the iViiiooratic majority in.Missouri. (iennantown l:hjf)n1-ent-Hnzt'tte. I The George Ao Rose Compaeyo J GOODS OF QUALITY AND LOW PRICE. S 12 Greatest Invention Yet to Come. ..for-- The Big Gampaign is Opened. Indigestion. That's Mil s&Sold by all Druggists NSURflNGE! A STITGH IN TIME SAVES N.INE. J. L GURRIN, Insurance and Real Estate. I or biliousness, headache, dyspepsia t ike Dr.Thacher's Liwrand Blood Syrup. A Costly nistakc . Blunders are sometimes very expensive. - J Occasionally life itself is the price of mis- take, but you'll never be wrong if you take w" Dr King's New Life Tills for dyspepsia, diz- ziness. headache, liver or bowel troubles. J They are gentle yet thorough. 2."c at Mel- 1 ville Dorsev's drug store. & A Sign of Prosperous Times. '. : Mooroe Journal. 1 Have j'ou noticed how beautifully scarce mortgage sales are? That is one of the best signs of the good con- ( dition of the country. It is anything; 1 but a good indication of the pros- tr perity of the people to seethe bulle- tin board at the court house covered 1 1 with notices of personal property for sale under mortsraire and to see news-1 paper columns filled with notices of mortcaired land for sale. We are more than glad to say that the cry of the auctioneer crying mortgaged property for sale is a rare sound now, and an advertisement of mortgagee's sale is a rare piece of print. This is certainly a cause for thanksgiving. Has Stood the Test 25 Years. The old, original GROVE'S Tasteless Chill Tonic. You know what jou are taking. It is iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No. cure, no pay. 50c. LET US SHOW YOU BUCKS' 11EATER How it is possible to ob tain absolute heater sat isfaction, v We sell the celebrated Beck's Stoves And we'd like to place one in every home in this vicinity because we know it w 11 please y ou. . Full line of Sportsmen's Goods Guns, Am munition, Game Bags and Hunting Jackets, Leggins, &c. Dainiiell Company We take pleasure in firing the opening gun for the Fall and Winter campaign. We do not want to talk nolitios. ti lfllio 1 We Are Stilling Clothing, j Charlotte .News. Among all the innumerable Thanks giving editorials, speeches and senti ments which have flooded the coun try during the past week, this from Thos. Edison is deserving of special consideration: "I am thankful for the work I have beeu able to do in the past, and for the work which 1 hope to do in the future. I am thankful for the power which has been civen ine in the pnst to see and do, and for the which 1 feel in myself for future achievements. Iam thankful most of all for the inspiration that I still feel and for the knowledge within myself that, while I am no longer younc, 1 tdial! yet give to the world the preatest of iny inventions. Ours is an age of skill and enthusi astic workmen in thedifferent lines of human activity, and these are the words of a man who is in love with his work. Every young man partic ularly should learn them by heart since the memory of work well per formed gives the most lasting satis faction, and the hope of twing able todostill greater things in thefuture affords the highest kind of pleasure. Mr. Edison is one of the greatest inventors,of theage. The politician, t he lawyer,the editor and the preacher spend their lives to a large extent in threshing over old straw; the paths along which they advance to renown are well beaten and oftimes monoto nous. With Edison it is different; he has won fame by being pioneer and explorer in that most marvelous of aJI sciences, electricity. He has in all probability contributed more to the comfort and pleasure of civilized life than any other person now living. Therefore we are glad that lie is nappy ami tlKinkluiin tins good year of grace, and as this is written we hel a strange premonition that perhaps the old man is right in say ing, "I shall yt give to the world the greatest of my inventions." No rtorc Suffering. If yon are troulded with indigestion get u ltt!eof Kodol PywpepMH t'nre and nw how qniekly it will eure you. (i. A. Thomson. if S-iner, la., says: "Have had dyspepsia for twenty years. My caw wan almoat lmn'Ie Kodol Iyn'pMa Cu iv wait recommended and I used a lew bottle of it and it in the only thing that h.'tH relieved ine. Would not Ije without it. Have doefore.1 with local phy fieiat.H and nln at Chieugo, and even Tent to Norway with liojieH of getting onie re!ief, hut Kodol DynpeptiiaCure in the only remedy that lian done me any good, and 1 heartily rvommend it. Every person "offering w'ih indigent ion or dyejiepnia ishonld uiw it." Hold at V. W. Parker ' Two Drug Storm. mpson, of Lillydale, N.Y., Grand Worthy Wise Templar, and Member cf W.C.T.U., tells how she recov ered by the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. " Dean Mus. Pinkuam: I ira ows of the many of your pratefnl friend who lmve lcenctired through the vt-o of Lydia 12. Pinkham's VegctaMo Compound, and wlio can to-d.ny thank you for the flno health T enjoy. When I was thirty-five years old, I suffered severe backache und fre'utent bearing-down pains ; in fact, 1 had womb trouhlo I was very rnxious to pet well, and reading of tlicetin s yonr Compound had made, I decided try it. J took only BixbottlcB.lmt it built mo up andcured me entirely of my troubles. 'My family and relatives were naturally as ratified as I was. ?Iy niece had heart trouble and nervous prostration, and was considered incur able. She took your Vegetable Com pound and it cured her in a short tini, end bho became well and fttmn?r, nnI her home to her preat joy or d her hus band's del ifht was blessed with a baby. I know of a number of othra who have been cured of different kinds of female trouble, and am satisfied that V3ur Compouud is the tx-Kt medicine for tick women.' Mrs. Kijzakktii II. Tirotrsov, I5ox 105, Lillydale, N'.Y. $5000 forfeit if criminal tif aftcu latUr proving f$nuinineit cannot be procfyecd. And now a learned physician has decided that a man should not rist? Iiefore nine in the morning. Thr medical fraternity is becoming more ami more of a In-iH-fit to mankind. (iennantown lwlrji-iihiit-uix'tt. And what we want is the goods at prices And the beauty in customers. We havej that will suit you-! buying fiom us is About Ogdenism. in We Can Fit You and Also Fit Your Pocket Book. Baltimore Manufacturers' Iterord. The Ileconl. of Columbia, S. C announcing that the Conference for Education in the South, one of the promotive agencies of the Ogden Movement, is to !e held in that city next spring, and referring especially to "Mr. Ogden ami other Northern millionaire philrtiithropiats," savs: Some newspapers are fearful that there -XT , t in "a nkrger in the woodpile" in connec- We don t Care HOW Ion? Or short you may be, or how fat tion with their interent in the conference, . ttuii ait; icauui luui 1 1. lucaun cijui.uiivu or thin you are, WE WILL FIT YOU. We are 'or the ntro principally, and that the promoters oi uie scneme are nor. oppoeu to equality of the race. ThiM ban been specifically denied. When, where and bv whom? It must be recalled that the opologies for the movement on this point have been embarrassed by the words and acts of some prominent participants in it, and that the specific statements of some of its promoters made at different times hardly harmonize with each other. Headquarters for Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Gents' Furnishings. All Hew and Up-to-Date. BARNES 6L0THING STORE PHONE 165. HENDERSON, N. G. A Remedy That No One Is Afrcid To Take. Ir. Thachf-r' Liver and Uloxxl Syrup has !ccn uw.-d in thousands of homes for fifty-two years with perfect confidence t and the most remarkable rc.ult. The great success of this rctmrdy i due to the fact that its formula (whirh con sists of B-.ich.ti, Hydrangea. Mandrake, Yellow Dock, Dandelion, Sarsaparilla, Gentian. Senna and Iodide of PoUafcium) has Wen freely published. Doctors and Irii' ' everywhere do not hesitate to recommend a prcpiratkm which they know contain the hest known remedies fr correcting all irreg ularities of tlie Liver, Kidneys r B'.ood. and the d.isea.i cau.tl by the failure of these functions to perform their proper work. Thousands of kick one to whom life has been a burden have written letters that others night profit by their experience. Blt-'.M!' Cbov. T'X , Nor. 11. 1W2. I wufrri3gtrTTib'.vwith ia(ltraUon n4 kidncr tronWe and -it to ray d:ngicit lor something to ttiitft As he writ me a f cer i. Tfeafher'S Lier and Bl-jod Syup 1 concluded to try it, and now I am deeply grateful to my druugttt a well aa to you 1 had Ix.-en a sunnier itoth i.-.e- i. . -.A otl:er medieinea. t after na-nj not juit two Women find quick relief in Dr.Thacher's Liver and Blood Syrnp. I nau IH.TD a u il . 1 1 1 . I eaerl ron-lown eoa'Jition for un vrars, md'bad only recenea temporary relief from stl er medieinea. t after na-nj not juit two pack re of your Lier and Klv Syrup i reel it at jut an-1 fcearty a I ever rfid iu my life, and I ji aattaned that I am ertire!y cured. I feel no .vprnptoma whatever cf ki.'ney trouble, and my digestion ia a. ood n any living man a- I nerer had any remedy Jfive me uro quick nd permanent relief, and I can not put a or- beea to ,. I would not take any amount of money for it. Very ullyn, If VOa a mrdiein vrrif ta -"1 (T frJe 0mpU hottf and "lr. 7 harhrr'm ilmltH Hook." Oir wnavtoma for udritr. W imply V ,a at our ' MUM. VteimB e hat it trill do. Tor 0alo hw all Or90it-txr imSO eentimnd $i.iXt. TBAcnen x Etnas k co., thnttn$ttft, TrHM.