X , f As an Advertising Medium J Advertising Brings Success J i ,, ,v r .i'h" -in the G Id ' 1 '' f is -ll VII ! it Wfll tt led f i . X f !.- i i - Sensible Business Men j $ :,tirj!H' t) tperilj iMI(l f fi ,. , wii! :i' n appreciable i That is Proof That it Pays, f The Gofd Lexf stands at the hand, of H- newspapers In this section, the Bright Tobacco District. The most wideawake and uc- r... : . 1 tlmhiirhewt F o i Satisfaction to Themselves. j I . i t T.n nr,, Pibiisira. Vol.. X-XIV. ATP "" "Oabolina, Cabolina:HeaW's.Bles3pq3 Attend Her" BB5CB 'TIP j CO Cut iiKXDEHSoy, y7c, Thursday, December , 1004. no. 1. nn POTATOES '""Mk : FANCY PRICES . 1 " crop of Rood potatoes, the 'plenty of 1'otasli. :, !dni, cabbage, turnips, lettuce I veu files remove Urge quanu , Hum the soil. Supply the ae of fertilizers crmtarnint iU.i-i l ) P-t cent, actual roiaan. . j-.-i more profitable yields are sure to 1 .l.-ts are not advertising circulars .-i 1 il fertiliser, but contain valu . .',, m t-i farmers. Sent free for the i-.-t,. V, r;;e now. firRMAN KALI WORKS -..v Y'.rk "3 Nassau Street, or Atlanta, Ca. 22i ijouth liroad at. ;. i UCKER, l N T I S T, e- ;...m-' Druz Store D OR. F. S. HARRIS, 3"NTIST, ,, , )i : : Ov.r fi. i Davis Store. FRANCI S A. MACON, DS-4TAL SURGEON. ili..; V .i V iH-kw IXnldl.f 1 ..ili- ! li Ilifhann. ., i !l . III. 1 -. m.. 3 t " I; - c- V 11 KH;Olli Phmi23. I.... ,:, - 11 n -li--l wlif 11 ilfslie-t. No r .,. . iin.iiai ion. HENRY PERRY, insurance:. . ., liii.. of Loth I.IFB AXD.F1BK iM r Wll' i pr ( MPtitiMl. Polii ii-H issuiil ,n 1 ii-b .l:ti--.I to ln'st ulvantag.- Office: : : : : In Court House. K I 1 V V Ik II ID Tobacco Planters U, i iv.- for salt- i" the adjoining conn-t;.- iii.-my farina which are adapted to r.tiiiiir 1 tinest bright tobaceo. All that is iini.-d m persons familiar with the rul ing proress. I'lii- h;is been jiroven by sdveral parties frmi . .rt h Carolina who have purehased tln-i.' i-henp lands and made a signal sue c i,, both color ami quality. Wood for i:t it! is aivessible. ahiindant and cheap. ..,,7i f..,- ..iir Tt.vil Fstate Herald, giv- hs .l.-scription of these properties, sent j tiv to iinv ail'iress. PYLE (El CO., Petersburg, Va. Now Ready. Dorey's Pcvint Store. 1 h.ivt: "ii han 1 ami am re cfiviujr dai'v, th mo-t c m j)',. u- litv o! Yarnisht'S. Stains. EiKun- ls. White Ivads an Mixtnl I'aints, ever carried n 1 l-tivlrri)n t i inu" to n fi-.if if ni 1 ) Lusii,. ss tiv se .;'!s an i:i .i n w i.-icK -tort- f ontini.' W w' -Ml v. i" n a? t ! . i r- I- M orsey 5 If c . . - ... J h"a.l;u-hes and fevers. Colds attack Y i ti:e 1 Lines and contagious diseases i M w say tnat it tne liver were aiv. ajo &i at m proper wuiikiuj; wu". rl li.'.u ss would be almost unknown. kH H Thedford'B Black-Draught 13 so i puccesstul in curing sucn sicuiia 1 : i ..4- wtml oo vtiUM; 1L 13llllOUL d ii'l " liver regulator. This great family r-",lii'ini. w nnf a Ktrono" and 1 - ratic dru", but a mild and i i- uitr.nu U-T;itive mat cures cun- 1 f in-it inn and uav be taken by a X iJitre child without nossiblc k3 Hie healthful action on the liver El c-.ra biliousness. It has an in- f vjfforating effect on the kidneys. tj'xauso the liver and tiancya ao M T!M t. . v n-ltt, TViorl t ford's Black-Draught removes the liver and kidney troubles, and will Positivflv fnr.tnll th inroads of "right's disease, for which dis ease in advanced stages there is no rnro Aulr irnnr dealer for & SDraufjlit. - Becaufs the liver is A n r J iKit work regularly, the poisonous ra K ai'ids along with the warte from O the BP xZzstf ir' fin Tr I ft 1 1 x.'v. . 1 rt j 1 in vwvfc 1 j if rt WffMirnu. 1H W. T. Whitten & Go's Is thephiret'obuv vour CHRISTMAS GOOPS. We liavc a fufl line of BOOKS. TOYS, &c, at the lowest ' riees. (:ive us a call before pur chasino; elsewliere. W, T. Whitten & Go. CHRISTMAS COMES BUT j ONCE A YEAR. i' But tlie year round we sell Clen era I n rchand'se. Staple and Fancy Groceries, Farm ers' Supplies, &c. We buy in large, quantities and sell at lowest prices. Will make it to your interest to trade with us. BEACOM BROS. As Heretofore We Show The biggest and prettiest line oi Holiday Goods Of every description in Henderson. And the price's are lower, too. Come and see fc,r yourself. Toys and Wheel Goods of all kinds, Fancy China, Glass amj Pot tery, Silver, Aluminum and Leatlur Goods. Books. Pictures, Gold Pens and novelties of all sorts. HendersohlBook Store. Hi VOI CAN SAVE MONEY Ry Ruymg or l s Dress Goods, Hats,Caps, . I. nes. &Cm i - ' Biir Stock to Select From. Staple and Fancy Groceries, uanneu wu,, Evaporated Fruits and Oen- 'XmA eral Merchandise oi "Jsi kinds at lowest prices. Xm M. Thomason Daniel & Co., Agency- Genuine Trilby ildHieKeaters HARDWARE t m.h and Aii.munitiou- i mm WA rCTlrvn (m 0 I i rT lie Bovs' Suits 9 fflm jtwittm! THOMAS BROTHERS ! OU Attention tr a Nice Lhe of HoU.lay NovelHes Fancy China, Celluloid and Allu nimnmGool8,Toy, Fine Candies, and DrugKists' Sundries. Cigars and Smokers' Goods of all kinds. Hot and Cold Drinks at Our Handsome Soda Fountain. 1 TIT POWELL'S nCRY as EVER UNEXCELLm. PHONE 98. I Onrl Ol a. m "M Sim M" ""j on. j 8yfe. 'n nil' .';"" and lif rtr 2 , -f lit i-.fieu. .m-t CO "Evcryth Hi fl tfiim ill San ta ll is Q urce O'.Vel -TT MnlflT Ynll A TAII IIK-mliUr SUII run InL nULIUWlo. UUlbll ULi.ivi.ni and Overcoats, a Specialty. NoveltiesJn Strictly Update DO YOU WEAR THE "AROSON SHOEr J21 e reason's Greeting We take this occasion to extend the season's greetings to our friends and cus tomers and-to thank them for the very liberal patronage given us in the past, and solicit a continuance of same in the future. Our business this year has been doub!e what it was last year and we are in better position than ever to serve our patrons. It is impossible to enumerate, but we would, however, call attention to our line of cooking and heating stoves, repre ing the best makes in their respective classes. We sell the celebrated Majestic Steel Range, Isaac A. Sheppard & Co's. Excelsior Stoves, Garland Stoves and Ranges. Oil Stoves for bath room and parlor, and the best heaters that are made both coal and wood burners. Also kitchen utensils, table cutlery, Rochester Silver Nickeled Ware, blue and enameled ware, (the most durable goods of the kind made) tin and woodenware, harness, wire, rope, guns, pistols, rifles, and sportings goods of all kinds; building materials, nails, mechanics' tools, paints, oils, glass, farming implements andjabor saving machinery, the celebrated Cyclone Feed Cutters, corn shelters, pea hullers, fan mills, the famous Pittsburgh well fixture, etc. Soliciting the further favors of our 97 friends, with best wishes to one and all ' for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year- j We are, very truly, i WHTKLVS HARDWARE CO .-ft, i. IN ORDER TO DO Two hundred and fifty million dollars worth of business we offer our entire stock of Clothing. Shoes, Ladies' and Gents Furnishings, At twenty-five per cent, less than manu facturers' cost. Beehive Department Store. ftAK F ill IV m Til at'' v v nU,w V,n Wbere ft '5f 1 fl V is , nr m mammmkm MAPtyPN hi. ! n. II P 'Ml.- Ml '111 "'UCAn jMMM.MaMBmaaawaaas Back lf You Want lt' ...,v .Ari nir HA! in.vr n.iifMf nci menv vt zwUMa .1: a. Mk jfgmhmz NOVELTIES FOR CHRISTMAS. I I We nave them in endless variety-for old and young. . Serviceable and suitable for holiday gifts are Rues, Art Squares, Carpet, Screens. Mattings. Victnres. &c. Rig line of Dolls, Toys and Fancy Goods of all kinds. Old Santa laus cannot fail t find many things here to please good lit tle boys and girls. HENDERSON NOVELTY SlOKti. Might &. Co., Vp-to-Oate uewBiera, Offer a Superior Collection of Choice Articles S sitabli for Xothino- but Reliable Goods Handled. P This Will Interest You. We call attention to n ciioice line of Staple and Fancy Groceries Canned and BottledGood Cereal I oods. Confectioneries, Fruits, Nuts, r.intrv Produce, &c. Prices and Quality RJgnt Lipton's famous Teas and hite House Coffee a specialty. C. A. HARRIS. W-S. hrkcr & Cn ?.reH,Penn, A "K Hon.. " 1". .all e 1,01". C1)S 1 K 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 rfc Y.I I I I I I I Lb". IS m wKmm ma:. in t 1 ii 1 1 1 ' . LT. HOWARD rv 17 rUnufactuw aad tValer la If Harness. Saddles, Col- I lars, Bridles, wmps, 1 And all kinds of Horse and Mole Fixings. Work Mand-riade and Guaranteed. Full stock at lowest price I" 1 """""""ifl ilOL,IDAV TRADE SOME RAi E BARGAINS IN C5 OAKS, SKIRTS. FURS, GLOVES, Special Prices next week. Thomas & Newcomb. N.W'IN' NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING Is a good thing and we believe if you will call at om DISPENSARY BARGAIN STORE Tje Low Prices of Goods Will Talk for Themselves. For Bargains in Clothing, Overcoats, Furnishings, &c, BARNES CLOTHING STORE Is the Place to Co.. IARGE3T STOCK REST . V A fcUES-TX) WES r PRICES. OUR INTEREST IS OURS. 4, CW" k.V Am tot ieanu .1 nre - re ve WU" "V i:-oI assort" Glass, fttaer Of SeriUf&, Ca; (ooa. - . (jooas,:- vebelore" ...What More Suitable... CWma- prjt lor TsU or the boy than a Suit of Clothes. Overcoat. Hat. Shoes. Underwear. We have a good stack to 1n. pri-ea ure low enou?h to Special indo.ment for holiday traJe. c Akrm Lfu(fhlta Buildiug- S. ADrams. Un th cmer. i4. 'Vv, 1. 1 . -f Of Ar OfetlmtUm CawaaW . rmrct r. jmrnim. 5 L tn r , i rf- hinig, SHioes niftnnnTccrn Jl uuhhhh.luu, New Neckwear. fi HEAD 1 1 I ACHE wU T5he GREATEST REMEDY On Earth. Sold b? doe, nrnl in 1(V, 15o, nnd 3-V lKttl8. j EXCURSION RATES TO JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA. The Seaboard announced a rate of one fare plus 25 rents from all points to Jacksonville, Fla., and return, account of the annual meeting Southern durational Association, December '.Hh-.llBt. Rats from Raleigh f 16.0.1. Tickets will be sold December 29th, with final limit of Jan- nnrv Vml liill.'i New shipment of clothing and over coats juat received at S. A brains'. Rig values offered in these goods while they mat. NOTICE. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS DAY qualified rk Exmntnre ol the lnt will and rtament ol Jhiim II. Liter. derraaed, and hereby notify tbnwIiaviiiKclaininaBainat otid dpreaiHHl to imtMnt tbeni to fit tier ol as luiy venneii, auu u uot rpw-nti wunin u months from Dec. 1st. r.04, this notice will he pleaded in har of their recovery. All tbone indebted to fui.l rut ate are reiiuttited to make tmrneiliate payment. Heudereou. N. V., Nov. '2H. 15H14. . V E. TCRNEU, ROBERT LASS1TER. Executors of the will of Jaiuen 11. Laiwiiter, . I'll hb d. . A. G. DANIEL, Wholesale and Retail Denier in Shingles, Laths, Lumber. Full Stock at Lowest Prices. Opposite Sou thern Grocery Company. Henderson, - N. C. NOTICE. f HAVE THIS DAY QUALIFIED AS AD miiiitrittor of the estate of Richard J. turn ton, deceawd. and hereby notify all per on bavlnjr claim u(riot aaid eetate to rment them tit mednlyltrniied. Atlduoleaa '.rewtited before Nov. 3rd, 1005, ibis uotice vill lie pleadel in bar of their reroTury. 'boae indebted to alI eetnie win pienwr nake payment to roe. MAGGIE A. MARSTON, AdmiuiHtratrix of Richard J ManOon Hendernon, N.C, Nov. 1, I04. Finest Thing 0 the Kind Out. af QIM-rVOO Pmlluh. tba fluent abor polieb made, la told nnder imartntef to g.iv erfert natinfaction or money refunded. It Mitten and preserve tha leather and roakea old hoea look like new ouea. iive a beautifnl kIom aud out lata any other beH polioh made. Hold in Hendern oaly !T taa COI'PEDOEHHOEfO. Try a bottle aad if yon ere not per fectly natifled altera areek'auae all you have to do la to return the bottle and fret your money back. SPECIAL LOW RATES err ru . To Points in Oklahoma ans" loaTUs Territory. ii.., i :ni, ni.l -JTili the Friw Kyatatn J " . . ...... - - . will fell otie-wav ei-tirion tiekef from At lanta U all pointu in Indian Territory and Oklahoma at the extremely low rate ol f 11 Oneame date ooe-way redii.-ed r"lrk'? will be MiM to tMiintit iu r.aewn onu i to. Texan. Write for fnll anietilnr. h. .. FAHKOT I . U. A.. 6 North I'rjor Mt., Atlnlta ia. Correct Silverware rrre-t in character, design and workmanship is as necessary ss nr fine linen if TOO would have eTerythtng m good taste and harmony. f "lMr.ofitns bros. psrchaMd from Iradtat dealer erf CslalipaiT 1 " tell about ta seaalaa. itotaacne. dyspepsia tskeDr.Tharber's IJrersnd Blood Symp. . I: I n n 1 1 : i ... .;

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