SUBSCRIPTS $1.50 Ci&. fgi) ?:. MANNING, Publisher. Onoxjasr, Oaroi-ina, Heaven's DBiBssiasras jttest: . - NO. 39. XXIV. HENDERSON, N. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, VOL. Correct Dress The " Moit in Method" system of higH-?ratJc tp.ilr-iiny ir.troduced by L E. !U' & Co., of Cincinnati, O., satisf:'"" ,"d drpyser.? everywhere. All Garments Made Strictly to Your Measure at nioJ -r-t1'- price. 500 styles of foreign Represented by The Davis & Watkins Co, il KNDKItSoN, X. t'. t !.. i r.illi'i fi.rtiii f ; in - r. i r tllii- . iiiiinv women Hih tiu.e v.. if before the mirror be . i wiiv :i nerioil ot supreme li.'tlior lon or short this . t in peering into her glass i-.-iiing there for signs oi age. v.on v in her face, is not only .tf.l. hut nut to the worst S.I I V r- ilii v of knowledge if? i teres- , I f siinet ior. in special knowl U.-i.him Ih Stud. NDUSTRIAL NORTH CAROLINA Items of Interest to Tar Heel Readers Showing Some Things Our People are Doing Along the Line of riaterlal Progress and Development. Culled from the Baltimore Manfaettirers' Record. TKAINLOAD OF SOUTHERN FURNITURE. What la said to have been the first solid trainload of furniture of one order ever shipped by a Southern actorv was sent this month from Mebane, N. C, the first installment of furniture for bachelors' quarters on the Panama canal, contracted for by the government with t lie W hite b urmture to. This tram of 1-i cars, carrying more than 10,000 parts of dressers, washstands and tables, was handsomely placarded, each car bearing a 20-foot banner worded "From the White Furniture Co., Mebane, N. C, for United States Government, Panama Canal," and in addition the trade-mark of the shipper, "The White Line Guarantees Satisfaction." Mr. Hallam of the firm of Hildreth & Co., of New York, consulting engineers and inspectors to the government, accepted the en tire lot. An additional order was also placed with the company, and the White Furniture Co., has just been advised of an additional award bv the Isthmian Canal Commission Cleveland Furniture Factory. Cleveland Manufacturing Co., has been incorporated with capital stock of f20,000 by J. J. Kincaid, B. A. Knox and W. F. Thompson for man ufacturing furniture. Concord Cotton Mill. Cabarrus Cotton Mills contemplates building a large addition; present installation 8500 spindles and 542 looms. Greensboro Concrete-block Works Earl & Kelley will form the Key stone Hollow Block Co., to establish plant for manufacturing hollow con crete blocks for building purposes. About $3,000 will be invested at the start. Site has been purchased. Are you lacking in strength and vigor? Are you weak? Are you in pain? Do you feel all run down? The blessing of health and strength come to all who nee Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents. Parker's Two Drug Stores. TYTFWYTrTTTTTTTTTWTTTTTTTfmTTTrmmmmm 11111U ESesIt Goods .-k'f rrrrrrrr rn rt f 3 3 THE PEACE TREATY SIGNED. The End of the Conference at Ports mouthEvent Signalized by Boom ing Canon and Ringing Bells Sum mary of the Historical Document. Portsmouth. X. H., 8it. 5th. The Treatv of Portsmouth was signed I ILowest Priceso I H Largest Stock to Select From. Great Against the Small. Charity and Children. The State ought to be kinder and more considerate to its weakest chil dren. However true this may be in other respects, North Carolina in the matter of education, is kinder to her strong than to her weak sons and daughters. The per capita tax she levies for the benefit of the young men and women able to play baseball and of a finer grade of furniture for quar- I manage card parties is out of all pro- cers oi tne uuin ieu tjuipiujcen. a mo portion iu me uiuiic.r oucoppiupn concern has grown since 1881 from a ates to give the little children of pov-saw-mill to one among the leading erty a chance, and year by year sen furniture factories of the South. timent seems to be growing in favor wood-fiber plaster. of providing better things for those An enterprise of considerable im- abundantly able to help ,t hei nselves. UllU CO I In I lUUliUll jincicoio 3 2 NEW This "Lillls Tot" Suffered terribly from Eczema Father says 0. D. D. Prescription Worth its weight in gold i. r r i-rrv.wlw la wnrth Its Wdieht in ITOld. Owf' iK.tile cured my little boy Francis, three ..i.i ..f ii h:idi-.aseof Eczema. Ihaatrieaaii s,ns .r r.mcdies without effect. When I got .1.. ,.r r i n of vou I had no faith in it ar.t i iK i tcd tiie result would le as in the past - . . . ; . ... Kit- t mv :iC S WHO Oilier Ciucuica, v bottle made a. complete cure, auu i h:iti cut tnem auu l naa ri 'i'l r .rin is' iiiit' . ... n i niv li:mds when ... i . ),m w.-vt'iM. fruin mv little boy. t:V.'-d:i ui' iit many salves and washes with no 1 cheerfully recommend to all troubled !;..ckhiu.l. Mass.. Sept. 2. 1903. u-iv. von .-ichild withanvskin affliction l: ,o v.iu are criminally negligent if you do i ! immi'diatelv cure it with D. U. i- 1 rescription. Think of the suffering as the and the horror of the un t hi child. I?e merciful and invest $1.00 I nl.iv in n littl of D. D. D. Prescription i his will insure a safe, certain aad rapia :u: Go now to your druggist. And re ne:nier we w ill refund every ceat if a cure i not affected. to Medical Department, 1 !.. i- ChicaKO. for ctmsul trttion ami m tne Oastonia (N.C.) territory will be es tablished in that city by Messrs. J. Deal, J. L. Beal and S. B. Barn well. They will organize the Oaston Master Co.. and establish a plant for manufacturing 15 tons of wood-fiber plaster everv day, investing from G,000 to 8.0)0 in the industry. A two-storv building auxu ieet win ue erected to accommodate the mechan ical equipment, none of which has een purchased. The machinery will nclude the plaster-making apparatus elt conveyors, elevators lor nana inglpaper and jute bags, belting, elevators, etc. Manufacturers are invited to correspond relative to sup plying the machinery. AXOTHEK MEBANE ENTERPRISE. It is announced that Messrs. B. Frank Mebane, Arthur J. JJraper, Jporo-P w. Franker, all of Spray, IN. C, and their associates will organize the American-Japanese iuuij.nj, with capital stock of 1,000,000. While no details have been made public, it is understood thatthecom- pany s plans are to uunu u ihhwh factory at Spray, where Mr. Mebane and hi's associates already operate a number of mills. Their established nln nts have a total of approximate ly r0,000 spindles and 1900 looms, and another mill company which they organized several months ago is building a mill of 12,000 spindles and m0 looms at Spray. THE IMPERIAL YARN MILLS. Another cotton-yam mill will be built at Belmont, N.C, by the officers of the Chronicle Mills of that city. Tii timv romnauv will be known as involves more than all the temper ance crusades or other questions that deffect the moral welfare to the State. And yet in this day and time and knowledge no man stands forth as a champion for the child! The reason for it is that men are afraid to go up against the educational combine that wields so ereat nower in the State and nation. It is a tremendous prop osition to encounter, but somebody will yet arise with power enough to beat back the tide that threatens to overwhelm us. The college is now the king, the common school is again falling back into the obscurity from which J.B.Holman helped to lift it. It were better for a politician to die fighting for a child than to live a fawning sycophant at the feet of the college cormorants. GOODS I Coming in Every Day. Come and Sec Them-Will Please You. Samuel WJtkino Coming on Its Own Train. How to Keep Young. THE GREAT Dr. Finn's Testimonial Interesting. Dr. Thomas Finn, of Boonsboro, Mo., who has practiced medicine for 32 years, nays he him niioil pverv oreserintion known to the profession for treatment of kidney and blad der diseases, and oays he has never found auvthing e effective in both chronic and bladder trouble as Foley's Kidney Cure. It stops irregularities and builds up the whole sjstem. MeHville Dor uey, Druggist. A Bright Young Business Woman. Raleigh Enterprise. The business woman in the South is not unknown, but they are some what scarce. The career of Miss Ef fie Bond, of Angier, is worthy of note. Two years ago her father gave her Aam fnr n. store-iiouse. siock oi 1 ill IU1 CIRCUS, MUSEUM AND MENAGERIE, Will Positively Exhibit at Henderson, Saturday, September 23rd .1 -r:u ,1 ,ai -vi. I n dppd for a si the iinW"A"'L nine dwelling houses, all !Td llze Wltu u tauaui diiuv w t I P 7 i i , B"""'v . ... 1 , . Ml k. UAotail in AllO-M be Write "npany. i V Ire. uniHn hnild n. nlant which will equipiwd with 10,000 spindles and accompanying apparatus. A site io slpftpd and arrangements for beginning construction work will be completed soon. ios. (0 yarns will De niaue. wvei 000 has been subscribed by Messrs. A. C. Lineberger, K. Li. Sstowe, m. . Hall and their associates. S20.000 IMPROVEMENT. Melville Dorsey, HKXDKRSON, X. V. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM ClcaiiK and beatitilie the hir. 1'rouiotel a luimimnt frowtli. Never Tail to BeBtore Gray Hair to It. Touthful Co or. Curti icalp dnret hair tailing. gOa.andtl Wat DrupuU HENRY PERRY. INSURANE. -II..11- line of both LIFE AND FIRE ''MPAXIES represented. Policies issued ii'l risks jilaced to liest advantage. Office: In Court House. Wntpd in Anirier. Miss liond was then but eighteen years old. being! twenty now. At that time the stock wo a wnrth about 900. A recent in- torv shows that it is worth $ 3,- 070.46. The stock consists of dry n-nnds. notions. hoes, furniture, heavy aud fancy groceries, etc. Miss Bond has conducted the busi idpd all the time. She col- w.b t.hft rents for nine houses and Mima n do ipphnainpHs that nets about The Nokomis Cotton Mills of Lex- 35 per month in addition to every- in"-ton, N. C, has awarded contract thing elge Recently she took her for new additional machinery, to Drotner jnto the store to assist with cost about $21)0,000, which is now tbe DOOks etc, as it has grown until being installed, its new equipuieu gne cannot do all the woru includes 1920 producing spiuuiea, 26 40-inch looms from the Draper Company of Hopedale, Mass., and cards, lappers, speeders, etc., from the Howard & Bullough Machine Co. of Pawtucket, R. I. This en- liuirenient gives the Nokomis Cotton Tranch Township. Wake county. r-? 4 .vj-WStS-t - I lyvn I ' Mills a total of about lo.uuo spiuuiw producing SENSATiONW. AERIAL ACTS BY WORLD'S MALE"' FEMALE CHAMPIONS Rev. Frank Talmage is not the word painter and philosophizing sermonizer that his father was. but he is giving to the reading public from week to week some interesting and instructive sermons. Front a recent one we make the following ex tract. Oil the subject of how to keep young, or how not to grow old, Dr. Talmage said. "The best way to see the sumleams dance is to watch them through the dancing eyes of a little child. The best way to smooth out all the wrinkles of old age is to bury them in the dimpled cheek of a smiling baby girl. The best way to send the blood coursing through the withered arteries of threescore yearu is to play 'blind man's bluff or 'hide and seek' with the boys and girls after the supper tablets cleared and the school les sons have been learned. The best way to grow young is to associate with the young. God -jity you if you cannot find any employment in making the snow of December melt before the life-giving rays of May or June. "Aged friend, the reason you are grow ing old and withered up is because you have stopped branching out. You have taken in wail and are drifting; simply drifting toward the rocks of death, and drifting fast. Take a new lease of life by taking a new interest in things. Study, study, study. Work, work, work. (Jo and hear every finesingerand every good speaker and read every new book that you can. The most foolish law the United States government ever made was when it established old soldiers' homes, where the old veterans of the civil warcould go and live and do nothing. If uu old sol dier is physicall helplest. then of course, he should be cared for.'' ' ' There is a world of good sense in these suggestions. Keep in touch with the young, keep at work and instead of growing old you will grow young. shortly before 4 o clock this afternoon in the conference room of tlie navy general store at the navy yard. The firing of a national salute of 19 guns was the signal which told the people of Portsmouth, Kittery and 'Newcastle that the peace of Portsmouth was an accomplished fact, and the church bells in the three towns were soon pealing forth a joy ful refrain. TTp to the moment of signing the treaty, no word had broken the sil ence of the conference room. Throw ing his pen aside. Mr. Witte, without a word, reached across the table and grasped Baron Komura's hand. His confrerees followed and the Russian and Japanese delegates remained for a moment in silence, their right hands tightly clasped across the con ference table. The war was over Russia and Japan were once more friends. Mr. Witte, the chief of the Russian plenipotentiaries, was the first to sign his name to the treaty. After the ceremonies of the signing of the treaty Baron de Rosen delivered a short speech, pointing out the impor tance of the present event and the in fluence it will have in the relations between the two countries. He end ed by expressing the satisfaction he felt at the good relations which have characterized the work of the pleni potentiaries. Raron Komura replied, paraphrasing Baron de Rosen's speech, and expressing his thanks for the kind words addressed to himself and to the members of his mission. The entire Russian mission, headed by Mr. Witte, attended a thanksgiv ing service celebrated in Christ Epis copal church by both American and Russian clercrvmen. The treaty opens with a preamble reciting that his majesty, the Empe ror and autocrat of all the Russias, and his majesty, the Fmperor of Ja pan, desiring to close the war now subsisting between them and having appointed their respective plenipo tentiaries and furnished them with full powers, which were found to be in fprm, have come to an agreement on a treaty of peace and arranged as follows: Article 1 stimulates for the re-establishment of peace and friendship between the sovereigns of the two empires and between the subjects of Russia and Japan, respectively. Article 2. His majesty, the Empe ror of Russia, recognizes the prepon derent interest from political, mili tary and economical points of view of Japan in the empire of Korea and stipulates that Russia will not op pose any measures for its govern ment, protection or control that Ja- Ean will deem necessary to take in j orea in conjunction with the Ko- rpnn crvernmeni. out iusiuh nun-. I ACHE f wU T5he GREATEST REMEDY On EaLi-th. . Sold by dose, and in 10c, Kc, and 35c bottles. In the Beginning. Adam hung his hat on th nail. "Oh, Adam," cried his frightened spouse, "there was such a queer look ing man came and insisted on kinsing little Cain." With bitter tears they realized the office-seeker was abroad in the land. "That girl she doesn't like is in love with him too." "I she going to marry him to Hpite her?" ".No: she's going to let her marry him to spi te her." Houston I'ost. Wood's Seed. Crimson Clover. Our Southern Farmers can gave far. tllixer bills and increaso their revenues MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, I by aowin Crimaon tlover at the last working of their Corn ai:d Cotton crojm. It Ib the Ik t time to bow and you savean extra prrj aration of the land. Crimson Clover make land rich in lamina or vegetable matter and puts it in excellent condition for the crops which follow it. It also makes I fine winter cover crop, ' An excellent grazing crop, I good eirl ionge crop, A splendid jcil-improfing crop. Plowed under early in the spring, it increases the yield of corn, to bacco, cotton or other crops which follow it, to a wonderful extenL Our Mile of CrlniF.iu (1wr sed re IncreaMni? enrmuxly every year, w we are l .)' the Urceat ielr lo tbti seed in the l iilte.t States. Write for price and circ ular idvlng Information about Ibis valuable ciop. T.W. Wood & Sons, Seedsmen, RICHMOND, - VII8IIIA. Weed's Deserlptlve Fall Catalogue, Issued In AuguHt, telln about all Farm and Garden Seed a fur Fall Plant- Int. Mailea rree on reuei. There is But One Best i rr. 4-0 il tl enjoy the same status as the sub-1 SEWING MACHINE. ; nnil ontornriapR of othpr 001111- jrir. - ,( tries. Article :J. It is mutually agreed that tbe territory of Manchuria be simultaneously evacuated by both Russian nnd Japanese troops. Both countries are concerned in this evac uation, their situations being abso lutely identical. All rights acquired by private persons ana companies shall remain intact. Article 4. The rights possessed by conformity with the lease by Russia of Port Arthur and l)alny, together with the lands and waters adjacent, 1 shall pass over in their entirety to Japan, but the properties and rights i oi.itussian suujecii ixyk h uc oa,- .... .. nuMiltv -nnKnW(L thun any otuer. Article H. Thegovernments of Uus-, sia and Japan engage themselves re-; THAT IS THE SINGER. For more than fifty years the SINGER has been recog nized as maintaining the Highest Standard of Excellence Among Family Sewing Meohines, and ia now sold at Ixiwer rnces, Whether you propose the purchase f iao ttnnd knows how to buy and ha. to hnv. She recently arranged to buy 1,000 bushels of North Caro i;Q nnm to rw delivered October 1st. si., ia hrirht. enenretic. pretty, hi- dependent, and was raised in Panther j Combined on a scale of Magnitude never attempted before. Coming in DR. F. S. HARRIS, DENTIST, Henderson, N. C. to?" OFFICE: Over E. G. Davis Store. FRANCIS A. MACON, DENTAL SURGEON. Office in oung Block. and ariG looms, producing gray for rovprino- Durooses exclu- MONAZITJ2 IX NORTH CAROUXA. Cleveland and Rutherford counties i-i North Carolina furnish very signal evidence of the rapid advancement that section has made in the develop ment of its monazite mines. These counties contain laud that 15 years ago was valued at 2 per acre, but is now selling ior us muv.u o nor nor ft lecause of its mineral wealth. Near EUeuboro, Rutherford county, the supply of monazite sand is very abundant and land prices are high. The Rhode Island Company of Sprav, N- C, is having plans and specifications prepared by Messrs. llockwood, Greene & Co , of Boston Afooa for thp prpction of a lOOxJUU foot addition to its building, The Original. Chieaero, onginateu llouey Tnlv Sl Go and Tar as a throat and long remedy, and en account of the jrreai merit and popularity of Foley'a Honey and Tar many imitations are offered for the gennine. These worthless imitations have similar sounding names. Roware of them. The genuine Foley's Honey and Tar ia in a yellow package. Ask for it and refuse any substitate. It is the best remedy for coughs tnd colds. Melville Dorsey, Druggist. What Peace Means to the United States Ortice hours: t a. in. to 1 p. in.. 3 to 6 p. ni. Kesidence Phone 83; Office Phoue 25. Estimates furnished when desired. No charge lor examination. DR. E. B. TUCKER, DENTIST, HENDERSON, N.C. OFFICE: Over Thomas' Drug Store. OSCAR OUTLAW'S up-to-date BARBER. SHOP Is the place to get a satisfactory Shave, Stylish Hair Cut, Sham poo, or Shoe Shine. Firts-clasB barbers, prompt atten tion, satisfactory (service. Same prices you've always paid. - By the terms of the agreement it is said at the State Department at Washington that this country will get an open door in Manchuria and Korea, and everyting else contended or hv thp late Secretary nay. Itwas mi trpotv will be known as "The announced in June that this enlarge- Treaty of Portsmouth," and prelim- mentiiadbeendeciaeaupouttiiui,utti,iinarv 8tp8 nave Deen taneu w ctt 200 looms would be installed. The j rane an armistice. looms will weave cotton duuimw. The neVvS ot japans unespeci About 12,000 will be the cost of the conces8ion reached President Roose- mprovement. velt as a complete surprise. r.v:n tnrWo Works T h e ;n(r .iflrum's final answer, he had de- Asuev iii , . Mnrohv. rinprl to seek the aid of Emperor X C will establish a plant in Ashe- William of Germany, when word of ... 1 1 niarmrm hihiiljucu i rna ocTifiiiffiiit?iJti taiuc i v..-v---- VI I IP Will clcv;u i i vv - - . . i v. . 1 l-l , ntn I r T t- AlA not POTirpfll It IS . l j . ,nprii il TiiiiiN in n. L.V.. . I r iuhhticiu uiu a.ww Willi ueinto, iuow - ... tnnla nun other I TrofoTiTirl arfttitnae. Will USe puuiai. o---- . . j Anntnmanr i i n a i rjiniiH'H.ii cauitaio a,a.w improveu iuuuCru -i-F vmi : -"- th t the successful a - !! ILii.v-.vv MlllaBnnVIl H I lllll nOO VAavwv. ntorSrrawarded cTntrkcii terxniuatiou of the negotiation was .v , i nor.atm.tionwork due to President, jttooseveiu l'- ior uwaiiueij . A.. rv nd atfttesmanship to install electrical equipuicuu w operating its plant, taKing tne AtUcked y Hob of steam-power; niuip"'" spindles and 4oU looms, to uiu. will be added some spinning frames, revolving flap-top cards, etc. Charlotte Combing-Gin Works- rrM t -.! i r,K;v-A;T Cr . will in- LD1L nalrVl at.nrS from $100,000 perfect." Simply great for cuta and bnraa. wTffift Only 35c at Melville Boraey's drar P N. .l l.r. all its vast entirety. Bigger, Better, Greater, uranaer muu v A Magnificent Display of Entirely New Features. Grand, Gigantic, Moral Museum of Marvels. The Great New Golden Menagerie. Many Strange Zoological Specimens Including the Rarest Animals in Captivity. The Lioness, QUEEN anc I her i -i S ,,Ku K 2r 000 feature the largest living HIPPOPOTA MUS 1 in capt fi r wei-hing 6,000 pounds. A Monster Blood-Sweating ,n.,caPVtT' w! ? Ah,, inthP neiiKest Morass of the Wildest isenemoiii, ui xiuiy tm. - rpo-ions of the mvsterious River Nile. r- A Zoological Garden Brought to your city on wheels. The HUMAN METEORS, the LaPearl Family of Sensational Aerialists. Hagihar's Japanese Troupe. Mons, Carlosa, the great perpendicular Ladder Artist. Wheeler's Marine Band, The finest Musical Organization traveling with any Circus in America. GRAND STREET PAGEANT. he new and costly Steam Piano to be seen JSL New Street Parade. A Urand uaia vay. neuiewurr u Prepare for the coming event. uneticKet aamtis to a buwu """DJ All Children Half Price. NO GAUBLJMi or swinanng auoweu. nunwi uu Fair Dealing the motto of tnis vast concern. TWO PERFORMANCES DAILY. Doors open at 1 and p. m. Oot Off Cheap. He may well think, lie ban got. off rheai who, after having contracted constipation or indigestion, is still uble to pwfwtly rettor his health. Nothing will do this but Dr Kinafs New Life Pills. A quick, pleasant, and certain cure for headache, constipation, "t-. 25c at Melville Dorsey' drug store; guaranteed. ciprocally not to put any obstacles of a machine or not then; is much to to the general measures (which shall jntm.Ht most women at our store, u al ke for a nations mat i.nina may take for the development of the a ' commerce nnd industry of Manchu-' na. i Article 0. The Manchurian llail-vl-.w Khnll le oreratel iointlv be tween Russia and Japan at Kouang- Tcheng-Tse. The two branch lines and all are cordially invite. These lachines are i.ever sold to dealers. Only from Maker to I'wr. A small pH.rm-nt down, the rest at roo-T-nifiit intervals. Four different kinds and a wide range of price to suit. t.ll I... ,.rm-it-xA rtnlir fnr oinmpr' cial and industrial purposes, in view Singer Sewing Machine lOp and beaten in a labor riot, until covered with ores, a Chicago street car conductor appnea Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and was soon sound and well. "I use it in my family, writes u J. Welch, of Tekonsha. Mich 'and find it INCORPORATED sso.o.oo CHARLOTTE, N. C. Piedmont In. Building. Oldest Business CAPITAL STOCK 2 RALEIGH, JT C, Pullen Buildine. o.i i.. fh. worLI hMt in modern Business Education Colleire in rthCarolin a .Established. Positions guaranteed, backed ! by a written contract rSatii. IndivMnal instmction. We also teach Book-keepin, Shorthand, rwmubif by mall! Send for Home Stndy rate.. Write today lor oar catalog, Offer, and High En dorsements. They are free. Address King's Busorsqg (ScUege. Raleigh, N.C Charlotte, N. C. new the commercial treaty existing between the two governments prior to the war,in all its vigor, with slight modifications in details and with a mosfc-favored-nation clause. Article l'i. Russia and Japan ciprocally engage to restitute their prisoners of war on paying the real cost of keeping the same, such claim for cost to be supported by docu ments. Article 14. This peace treaty shall be drawn up in two languages, French and English, the French text beiiig evidence for the Russians and the English text for the Japanese. In case of difficulty of interpretation. the French document to be final evi dence. Article 15. The ratification of this treatv shall be countersigned by the sovereigns of the two States within fifty days after its signature. The French and American embassies shall be intermediaries between the Japa nese and Russian go veniments to an nounce by telegraph the ratiflcatioi of the treatv. " Two additional articles are agreed to as follows: Article One. The evacuation o Manchuria bv both armies shall be complete within 18 months from the signing of the treaty, beginning with the retirement of troops of the first line. At the expiration of the 18 months the two parties will only be able to leave as guards ot tne railway fifteen soldiers per kilometre. Article Two. The boundary which limits tbe parts owned respectively by Russia and Japan in tbe Sakhalin Island shall be definitely marked off on the spot by a special limitographic commission. of Russia keeping her branch linewith all rights acquired by herconveution , with China lor ttie construction oi tlmr. rtiilwnv. Janau acquires the ,aava. - -j J . . mines in connection with such branch' mo uhh h falls to her. However, tne ri'rlits of orivate parties or private' enterprises are to tie respected. Both parties to tins treaty remain aunu Futely free to undertake what they deem fit on expropriated grounu. Article 7. Russia a nl Japan engage themselves to make a conjunction of the two branch lines which they own, at Kouang-Tcheng-Tse. Article 8. It w agreed that tne branch line of the Manchuria Railway ; shall be worked with a viewtoassore commercial traffic between them with out obstruction. Article I). Russia cedes to Japan- the southern part of Sakhalin lsianu s as far north as the fiftieth degree of j north latitude, togetlier witn tne is-j lands depending thereon. The right of free navagation is assured in the bavs of La Aerouee and Tartare. Article 10. This article recites the situation of Russian subjects on the southern part of Sakhalin Island and stipulates that Russian colonists there shall be free and shall have the right to remain without changing their nationality. Per contra, the Japanese government shall have the mVht. to Force Russian convicts to leave the territory which is ceded to Vior Article 11. Russia engages herself In ti i n V P nn agreement with Japan giving to Japanese subjects the right ntnukn territorial waters ... . ni i.A Kan. of Janan. the Sea oi I tIV Br, v- f v nt hntah and Retiring Sea. - Article 12. The two high contract ing partle engage themselves to re- Heudenmn. N. C. L. W. HOLLOMMM, With Plenty of Capital And buying in quantltiea for caah we an; prepared to fur nish our customers either for cash or on time at lottoiii prices, Dry Gooda. Shoe. Hay. Crooceriea. BmtHea. Har. new. Waon. Hor avnd ynything ela you may need. W have bought Mr. C. W. Raney's cot ton gin and guano business and have contracted for a fu41 supply of guano at the right price. GRUDUP-KITTRELL CO KITTRKU.. S. C. A. G. Daniel. Wholesale and Retail Dealer la . . . Shingles. Laths. Lum ber, Brick. Sash. Doors and Blinds. Full Btoek at Lowest Price. Opposite South ern Grocery Company. Henderson. N. C.