THE HENDERSON GOLD LEAF THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1905. (f v nare Clothing bargains. AGE 7ft. A BANK idicates strength and experience, and when age accompaniment of large assets and Capital, it is r-t assurance of stability and safety. its Sixteen Years of existence the -1 szens Bank of Henderson nvn a growth in all these elements of strength. offer our best service, alike to those of large and nt:;ins. ASSETS $500,000.00. j. B. OWEN, President. IV. A. HUNT, Cashier. 'HE TOWN VERY I. . k i ; i It ) LOW PRICES. .?-, Lime, Shingles. Windows, Frame:-, -itrls. Tiles, Grates, &c. IX 15. V ATKINS. Great Attractions for Weldon Fair. The Roanoke News savs: "Mail. ainoisellft Zirgarella, the chief attrac tion at Luna Park, Coney Inland, in her wonderful spiral act, has been - j booked as one of the free attractions ar the Weldon fiiir Tl.o j ment of the Weldon fair in elated at .securing this splendid free attraction lor its patrons. To see her in this act is worth twice the admission. St ick these dates in your hat, Weldon iair uctooer 24, 25, 2G, 27. Rare Clothing Bargains. Of special interest to the male por tion of the population of Henderson and surrounding country is the ad vertisement of Samuel Watkins, which BOAT BUILT BY HIMSELF. ilr. Thomas C. Harris Soon to Launch His Vessel. f- c T I : . . .. i . iuuuuuu uie opposite page oi piojees or the City Engineer's Office, w the paper this week. He announces buildine a sailboat at hia hom l-toi Ar- 1 1 1 . m m . . x 1 .... a general selling out ot clothing at greatly reduced prices to" 'close out this branch of his business. Everv man s, boy's and child's suit is inclu dec! in this closing out sale. or sometime Mr. Watkins has been thinking about goinp; into the wnoiesaie dry goods and notion busi ness. With this end in view he wil sell out clothingand discontinue this department of the business. The stock is large and the goods new this season's purchases. Some idea of the cut that has been made in prices can be got from the figures printed in the advertisement a cut that means money saved to the pur causer. Has Stood the Test 25 Years. The old. original GROVE'S Tasteless Chill lou know what you are taking. ionic is iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No cure, nopay. 50c. '!'.. :-.!v- r. - Vo ii;, ' Mr. A. M. Collins f Ilidgeway, :!nr to Henderson this Il'iriirr. Mai:so:i. X. ('.. .! liiif milch cow for sale, six wwks old. I You should not fail to consult Dr. Kan run in regard to your eyes, fie can be j ui great nelp to you as hundreds of oth ers can testify. He will be at Massen i burg h Hotel. Tuenday, October 24th (;;! in ! lii!.: 1 1 I m;- :i: i 1 1 M 1: ;,. I.:,,. T. Soymour of Sanford, drson to takeiosition W at- !.. II. i il'-iiart incut of tin 1! .r.l.viiic 1 "ompaiiy. - M 1'. I'i'Itv and daughter, .-' 1!.. i Macon, art visitino 1: ,iii-s of Messrs. . IJ. Thomas I'. Newt-omb this wet-k. (Jood old. For SaJe. Miidi Cow, with calf six weeks lHOMASIIOKXEK, Manson, N. C Monday Night's Attraction. Manager Aronsou has been fortu- t) !l f li iti nnJ-lnn. . 1 . . r i I a I r ....... nnMiiw ii u; tB Willi HO l'OM- neiiy & Hatfield Minstrels for an ap pearance at Cooper Opera House ne.t jionuay night, October lGth. To say that this is one of Al G. Fields' .superb amusement attrac tions is sufficient guarantee of its ex cellence. Some of the most eminent entertainers in modern ministrelsv . nt for prices and go and are eKHged and a performance of irs-lr before tliev are all . rare ,!nerlt mirth-provoking and ruie uispening is promised. . ;.i , Donnelly & Hatfield's ; : : 1 1 ";! i t Minstrels at Cooper 1 i Ilmis" Monday night. The ;! ;it t rai t ion of the season. S Aronsou is offering rare bar- 1-1. r 11 1 - in 1 ii ior 01 sample nose, ee r! i-'-m trm in ,.. At ( i.i-h' liili.v A. Hatfield's Minstrels i:t tlicirJ privaterars carrying ;! and a band of 2I ieces. ...iir Ont-ra House Mondav Oi-t. lOth. oting season does notoien lihiil tin- first f Xovejnber. Some I'fivoiis arc under the impression October loth is the time but in tlii tli v are mistaken. .... ! I Iciitlcrsoii liovscome in for honors :i' Chapel Hill.' Mr. T.axter Coghill I n elected orator of the sopho- lndigestion, constipation, dyspepsia, kid ney and liver disorders, and all stomach troubles positively enrol liy using llollisrer's Kocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents, Tea or Tab lets. Parker's Two Drugstores. Lost. ; la Henderson, October Dth. a black muffler with initials "It. II. M." on it. Finder will be rewarded by leaving at iiun oince. AlliS. V. 1). MITCHELL. Great Crowds Going. 1 1 -1 in .; 1 lass, and Mv. Jeslie Terry Hi ai:i of t lie freslmiaii class football t-M III. Mi-- 1 laudia 1 1 miter n: i i evening from a j Indications are that the greatest crowd ever seen at the Haleigh Fair ; will Ito there on Thursday, the 19th. j to see and hear President Roosevelt, returned Sat- j Henderson and Vance county will be pleasure trio ! well represented, hundreds of persons North. Siie was awav several weeks going from hereabouts. Tim Son. vi-iting friends in New Ha veu and board Air Line Railway promises to Philadelphia, ami with her brother. I make ample provision to accommo- j dateeverybody running special trains I and hauling extra coaches on the ; regulars. The rate of fare is low and j the schedules convenient going and Mr. Hal Hcut. r, in New York Citv. .). II. Paschal sends the Oomi specimen pear trom a tree pro- MIS l.i i" a specimen pear from a not yet three years old which li'ii eu 1 I pears weiginng irom n to 1'.' ounces each. It is the Keifer va ii'iv one tif the finest preserving us rown. Kev. J. II. Henderlite will preach in the Methodist Protestant church Sunday ninht. in consequence of which th ie will be no services at his t!.unh. the Presbyterian congrega tion worshiping with t lie Methodist Protestant brethren. lr. S. Kapport, the eye specialist, advertises that he will beat Masson-hm-'s Hotel October 24th for the I "up. ie of examining eyes and fitting "I 1 es. Persons .who may require t he ser ices of an oculist should bear I'v. Kappurt's apjioint ment in Hen-'1-Tson in mind. coming. A Pleasure to Ail. No Pill is as pleasant and positive as- De Witt's Little Early Risers. These famous Little Pills are so mild aud effective thatchil dreu, delicate ladies and weak people enjoy tneir cleausiog effect, while strong; people eay they are the best liver pills sold. Sold at Parker's Two Drug Stores. Girls Wa.nted. To work 011 men's underwear; nice clean work. Wages paid while learn ing, as much as $2.."0 and $3 per week according to age. Experienced hands make from 4.00 to $G.0O per week. Railroad fare advanced. V. XV. KOIILER, Supt., Raleigh, N. C. The busy j 1 ice" is what they call I '-ear Outlaw's barber shop. While! like 1 o patronize a nonnlar t1mv U- ., 11 1 - neie' they all go"showsthat good service i given. Oscar's motto is ! 1 is good enough Educational Rally and Picnic. There will be an educational rallr ,11:,v iiav, t wait sometimes peo- and speaking at Rear Pond Mondav, Oct. lbth. It will be a basket picuic affair, all patrons and friends of the school participating. The neighbor hood schools and their patrons will be invited and a large crowd is ex pected. Prof. J. Ii. Carlyle and Mr. R. W. D. Conner will speak. Oiev were married Tlmr:il.iv J. ue people 01 me liear x onu section 1 inst. As noted in these col- are mucn interested in the matter ami tliey are working to make the occasion a notable and successful one in theedueationallife of thecommun ity. Speaking will be at 2 o'clock. arrived Texas, Hot June- but t he best ior ins customers. Mr. and Mrs. H. V. IUinn inday from New lioston W I; t-e ..ii innns last week Mrs. Rutin was Miss ;rvinia Williams, who visited rela tives in this county summer before when Mr. P.111111 met her. They hoarding at Mrs. Cora Gregory's. M". Henry S. Lowry of Raleigh, I'M-eiitiiig Heinenian Rrothers. lii.iuiifacturers of . Baltimore, 1 . was h.-re this week interviewing ,! trade. The result was greater M'! ';t it f Heinenian cigiirs will be h iin ,! by smokers hereabouts in la: ne. The cleverness of the sales 111 in and the excellence of the goods iii'' two strong points in making 11 i;e been suggested that the ll'ierson (ii-.-iiloil Seliriol sikhoiiiI "ii Tinasday, the 19th, in order that I'Upi!- and teachers may go to Ral eiLrn to see the President, if thpv wish e so. And wliv in t'.' Tlio Kcluiols 'iid for circuses and the event, it A Guaranteed Cure for Piles. Itching, IMind, Bleeding or Protuding Piles. Druggists refund monev if PAZO OINTMEKT fails to cure any case, no matter how long stauding, in 0 to 14 days. First application gives ease and rest. 50c. If your druggist hasn't it send 50c in stamps and it will be forwarded post-paid by Paris Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo. I J Sharp Tools I Are much easier and more satisfactory i to work with. I make a specialty of sharpening razors, pocket knives and scissor?. Charges moderate. A. ROHLIXGER, Next to Barnes' Clothing Store, j . . i Complimentary to Prof. Edwards. ; The Live Oak, Florida, correspon dent of the Jacksonville limes-union the I , . --- . - - . v 4 v lit. I 11V U V w mjv m jt. Ma s m i' ne,eh ,, t1(1 i ;t li will be a bigger referring to the recent report of ..'a ocirer show Statecapitol. examining board wliose business it ; .ui . me i resitlei: thrown in. Persons who owe State and county t.ixes should bear in mind the ap-1-mtnients of Sheriff Powell, pub-li-.ied elsewhere in this paper. Be-r-mng Tlmrsday, October 19th, at A' ios Mill he will visit the various townshitK !ic- i,... .,.,;,,r..x - iiuuiCl Jl lUllU'lllClllC and the crowd is to grade the papers of teachers for ! public schools of that State, has ! among others the following item ; which will be of local interest, Prof. Edwards being a native of this sec ; tion: Prof. L. R. Edwards, principal of the ' city schools here, took the examination, and it is worthy of comment that he took it in lees time and made a better t . 1 . .. . IUUK 11 111 1CPB 111UC UIOUC U i. te people living therein for the average than any teacher ever examined j' .i-pose of coller-tii.g the taxes. Dur- in the historv of the countv. His aver age only lacked a little bit of lOUper cent. I.'l:' t he iiKnitl. nt v i i..:m. ...,,.,,.1,; '""tul in his office. Hr. J. M. AVoodlief of Kittrell, has '-' K-iated himself with the Weitkius i adware Companv as traveling :' man. Mr. W. Ed. Moss willcon-I'-ue to make trips for the house but j- duties in the store are such that 11 ''vasjnecessary for them to have a -!1 the road all the time. The j' uiess of the Watkins Hardware nipauy is rapidly increasing, in Xl" wholesale department especially. t ''liss Native Herbs guaranteed to cure k people. For sale in Henderson bv 'nssom & Bight. T. K. DEMENT, Agent, Oxford, N. C. Full of Tragic Meaning are these lines from J. HJ s,immone,of Casey, la. Think what might have resulted from his terrible cough if he had not taken the medicine about which he write: "I had a fearful cough, that disturbed my night's rest. I tried everything but nothing would relieve it until I took Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, which com pletely cured me." Instantly relieves and permanently cures all throat and lung dis eases; prevents grip and pneumonia. At Melville Dorsey, druggist; guaranteed, 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. .-. Dolls reduced 20 per cent, at Parker's Two Drug Stores. Dr. S. Rapport, The Eye Specialist, Will be at Massenburg's Hotel Tues day .October 24th, for the purpose of ex uiumg eyes ana nttmg glasses. They niTed the Bill. 1 lie promise of George II. Adams' numpty uumpty show was to crowd the moments with laughter And that thev did at CooDer Oner.i HouseTuesday night. It was a crowd ed house that greeted them and if laughter and appplause is the stand ard of measurement they pleased ineauuience. Tliere were no dull mo ments. Care was dispelled by mirth ana merriment and the spirit of Momus chased awav the blues. (Jeo. H. Adams is the biggest as well as tne best part of the show but then lie is a whole show in himself and the crowd got their money's worth To Cure a Cola in One Day. Take LAXATIVE BROMO OUININK Tub let.B. All drugtfiKts refund the money if it fails 10 cure. fj. w . tjrove s signature is on each DOS. Zoc. Girls Wanted. At once, to run sewing machines, in spect and fold in underwear mill. Write or apply in person to the MALINE MILLS. , Salem, N. ('. Doing Big Business. As indicative of the large business done by the Southern Grocerv Com pany, J. A. Kelly, president, we men tion the heavy receipt of goods by concern during the past few this days 10 solid car loads of stuff in all, with 2 car loads of flour on the way. There were 2 car loads of hav. 2 car loads of flour. 2 car loads of shipstuffs, 2 car loads of tobacco (1 of Reynolds' and 1 of Patterson's, costing f 6,000 a car each.) 1 car load of salt and 1 car load of lard (40,000 pounds.) Thev had 5 car loads of goods on the track at one time last week. The Southern Gro cery Company are selling stacks of stuff, their trade rapidly growing over an enlarged territory. E. K. Howard, Sheriff of Granville county, recommends Bliss Native Herbs. Sold only in this territory by Grissom & ingnt. T. E. DEMENT, Agent, Oxford, N. C. Star Attraction of the Season. Manager Aronson informs us that the reason he is able to give theater going people of Henderson such a big minstrel attraction as the Donelly & tiatnem Magnihcient Minstrels, is that the company was booked in Salisbury for October lGth, but ow ing to the opera house not being completed they had this date open. Alter some correspondence, a few wires and the assurance that the compaii3r would do big business here, Manager Aronson was fortunate enough to get the biggest and best Minstrel companv that will plav here this season. The Donnelly & Hatfield minstrels are backed by the capital and the experience of the well known king of minstrels, Mr. Al. G. Field, which insures a good, clean, refined show. A Card. This is to certify that all druggists are au thorized to refund your money if Foley's Honey and Tar fails to cure your cough or cold. It stops the cough, heals thelunesand prevents serious results from a cold, (.'ures la grippe cough and prevents pneumonia and consumption. Contains no opiates. The genuine is in a yellow package. Refuse sub stitutes, Melville Dorsey, Druggist. FOR 1905 Are due and should be paid without fur ther notice or delay. The Money is Needed for street improvements and general pur poses. The town's obligations must be met and payment of taxes should not be with held. Perhaps you had not. thought of the matter in that light. The taxes Must be paid later. IT IS Better to Pay Now and tie done with it. The longer the delay the harder it is to pay. Thad R. Manning, Tax Collector. SAMPLE IMOSIERY 50 cent Hose 37c. 20 " " 19c. 15 44 44 11c. IB. So Aronson. gyle avenue, which he expects to launch within the next two weeks. Thia is Mr. Harris' first attempt at loat-building, though he has spent much of his time near the water. His boat is of the "sharpie" pattern, popalar among fishermen in North Car olina waters. It is 19 feet over all and 5 feet wide, and draws, with the water board down, 2 feet. Mr. Harris is a native of North Carolina, and may name his craft the Tar Heel. It will be fitted with a mainsail and a jib, and will be used solely for pleasure. Mr. Harris start ed work on the vessel about six weeks ago, and while he has had no assistance whataver, has nearly finished the boat by devoting his spare time to the job. He will have the vessel hauled to some quiet spot on the Patapsco when it is ready for launching. The above which is taken from the Raltimore Xens, will be of local in terest. Mr. Harris is a native of this section and brother of Dr. F. S. Har ris of Henderson. He was formerly curator of the State Museum at Ral eigh where his genius manifested it self in such ways that those who know him will not be surprised at his build ing a boat or anythingelse he undertakes. Bargains in drummer's samples of Lather brushes, and Hair and Nail Brushes at Parker's Two Drug Stores. -.B- A Reliable Concern. - It is always pleasant to do busi- j ness w ith a reliable firm. When vou I buy an article you know if it dees i not prove satisfactory you can get your money back or its equivalent, j Mrs. J. L. II. Missillier buys ladies' umbrellas and parasols from Hirsh & Brother, 1 308-1 311 Marketstreet, Philadelphia. In a lot sold one proved defective split and came to pieces. Her attention was called to it and the matter was taken up with : the firm. Regrets were expressed and instructions given to satisfy the cus tomer in any way agreeable bv re funding the money or replacing the defective article with a new one. A new cover was satisfactory and this was promptly forthcoming. These are the kind of people Mrs. Missillier deals with and her customers appre ciate the fact. Annual Shoot, Week. Weldon Fair ; GREAT SPORTING EVENT. One of the events of Weldoa Fair week ; will be the thrid annual shoot on Tues- 1 day and Wednesday, October 24th and oiu. me noanone ews says an at tractive program has been arranged and some of the crack shots of Virginia and North Carolina wDl be in the contest. On Tuesday there will be events at 11 a. m., 12::0 p. m., and 3 p. m., with first, sec ond and third prizes. At 3 p. m. event No. 4 will take place, team race, five men from any town, 50 targets. First prize f 10, second prize f 3, third prize $2.50. On Wednesday, October 2oth, there will be five interesting events. Event No. 1, open to all, at 11a. m.; event No. 2, open to all, at 12:30 p. ra. 25 targets in each of the above events. Event No. 3, 1:30 p. m. Open to all. 10 prs. dou bles, (20 targets.) Event No. 4, 2:30 p. m., open only to those who have failed to make SO ier cent, in any event, 25 targets. Event No. 5, 3:30 p. m., open only to those who have made at least 80 per cent, in one or more events, 10 sin gles, and 10 prs. doubles, (10 targets). Prizes in each event. There will be no entrance fee to any event. Each shooter is to pay regular admission to the grounds; furnish his own shells and pay for his own targets. Fach shooter who enters any event will give his name to score keeper and de posit with him cost of targets to be used. For further information apply for pro gram to Mr. Lee Johnson, at Pierce Whitehead Hardware Company's store, Weldon, N. C. Doctors Said He Would Not Live. Peter Fry, Woodruff, Ta., writes: "After doctoring for two years with the best physi cians in Waynesburg, nnd still gettingworse the doctors advised me if I had any business to attend to I hail better attend to it at once, as could not possibly live auother month as there was no cure for me. Foley's Kidney Cure was recommended to me by a friend, and I immediately sent my son to the store for it, and after taking three bottles I began to get better and continued to improve until I was entirely well." Melville Dorsev, Druggist. Letter to Owen Davis. Henderson, X. C. Dear Sir: A great many people will see your house in the course of the next ten years. We want it to show what De voe lead-and-zinc will do. We should like you to paint it, and then not paint it again for ten years unless it needs repainting. We'd like such a sample as that in every town inthecountry with anotice about it in the local paper: "Mr. Davis's house was. painted ten years ago with Devoe lead-aud-cinc, and has never been re painted. The color is not so bright as it was; but the paint is as perfect a coat as ever, to keep out water.'" A good lead-and-oil job is expected to last three years; it is a good one that lasts three years; it generally does not. Devoe lead-and-zinc lasts twaee as long, if not: "If you have any fault to find with this paint, either now in putting it on, or hereafter in the wear, tell your dealer about it. We authorize him to do what is right at our expense." We want your house as a sample, and you as a witness. Yours truly, F. W. DEVOE & CO. P. S. Parham Bros. Supply Co. sell our paint. Attention, Confederate Veterans! A meeting of Henry L. Wyatt Camp Confederate Veterans, is called for Octo ber 14th, (Saturday) at 11 o'clock a. m., at the court house, to elect delegates to a business meeting of the North Carolina DivisionlConfederateVeteranAsssociation T. L. JONES, Commander. FnF TDihb LsidluQs. We have pleasure in announcing the arrival of our MEW FRILL GO EDS. Nice line of Dress Goods in both Woollen and Silks. Flannelettes, Ginghams, &c. Ready-made Skirts and Underwear. The Celebrated Bursorv Hose. Centerrveri Kid Gloves and Roya.1 Worcester Corsets. Full line of Notions, Staple Ribbons, Novelty Goods and Furnishings of all kinds. SEE OUR DISPLAY OF CLOAKS. MRS. J. L. H. MISSILLIER.. Phone, No. 78. Croatan Club Building. FARMING I N Colorado, Utah and New Mexico The farmer who contemplates changing his location should look well into the subject of irrigation. Before making a trip of investigation there is no better way to secure advance information than by writing to tho?e most interested in the settlement of unoccupied lands. Several publications, giving valuable information in re gard to the agricultural, horticultural and live stock in terests of this great Western section have been prepared by the Denver & Rio Grande, which should be in the hands of all who desire to become acquainted with the merils of the various localities. Write S. K. HOOPER, General Passenger and Ticket Afent, Denver, Colorado. Annual Fox Hunt at Chase City, Va., October 23rd. 28th. The greatest event of all Southern sport w ill be the Annual Meet of the Virginia-Carolina Fox Hunters Association Mecklenburg Hotel, Chase City, Va October L3rd-28th. Foxes and other game in plenty. Several hundred hounds. Numerous hunt clubs to at tend. A week of royal good sport and pleasure. Accommodations arranged for 1.0(H) visitors. Special round trip railroad rates. Nice line of Shoes for ladies nnd gents at H.THOMASO.VS. Fatally Burned. Miss Klizabeth Hargrove was burned to death at her home in Townesville Friday morning, Oct. Cth. Just how the accident occurred is not known. At about 7 oYlork a colored woman who was iroing to the house to attend her saw a lidit bl aze through the window. She at once gave the alarm, and young Charlie Taylor rushed to her room and found her crouching on the floor near the bed enveloped in (lames and smoke. Only once did she utter a sound after lie reached her. Mr. Tay lor succeeded in smothering the flames and got the unfortunate wo man on the ln?d where she died in a few minutes. As to how she set hrself on tire is a matter of speculation, but it is sup posed that she went to light the fire and dropped the burning match too near her garments. The deceased was in her 88th year. The day before her death she had been walking about the village. She was a remarkable woman in inanv particulars. The tenacity wit h which she held on to life and the vigor of mind t-Iie displayed astounded her kinspeople and friends. To the dav of her death she read the daily papers nnd manifested great interest in things political and t lie business affairs of life. Miss Hargrove was a sister of the late Col. John Hargrove nnd Mrs. Henry II. Rurwell of this bounty. She had for many years been a mem ber of the Methodist Episcopal church, aud the funeral was conduc ted by Rev. Dr. Nash of Henderson. She was buried beside her sister, the late Mrs. Iiui wcll, at liuena Vista, near Willianisboro, where amid the cedars and pines that they both loved so well their bodies rest. Makes Homely Women Pretty. No woman no matter how regular her features, can he eallej pretty if her eotn plt'sion is had. Oi ino Laxative Fruit Syrup aids digestion aud clears sallow, blotched complexions by stimulating the liver and bowels. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup does not nauseate orgripeaud is mild and pleasant to take. Remember the uan.e OH1.NO and refuse to accept any substitute. Melville Dorsey, Druggist COOPER OPERA HOUSP B. S. ARONSON. Manager. One Night Only 10 Monday, Oct. 10 th! DONNELLY & HATFIELD MAGNIHCIENT MINSTRELS. Direction of Al. 0. Field. The Evolution of Minstrelsy Tommy Donnelly. Marry C. Shunk. Arthur Crawford. Lee Edmunds. Gilbert Losee. Uuy Stanley. The FamoDS Toledos Tnscauo Brothers CRAWFORD & FINNING The Minstrel Festival "Where the Moonlight Falls" JAMES FIN NINO'S Concert Band & Symphony Orchestra Admission, 25, 50, 7scts and $1.00 Reserved Seat tickets on sale at U. I!. Pow ell's Grocerv. Dress Making. Mrs. Y. A. Jackson nnnoun ces that she is prepared to do Dress Making, and solicits a share of the patronage of the ladies of Henderson. Satis faction guaranteed as to work and prices. Kesidence the old Harry IHirwell place, nest to Mr. J. S. Ibiruell's, in rear of Harris' Warehouse. TO INVESTORS. I offer at private ale the stock of Mr. It. L. Watkins in the Davis & Watkins Company of Henderson. Fifty-six and one-half shares. This Sept. Kith. VM)T. THOMAS M. PIT T.MAN. Attorney. Cyclone Feed Cutters Are the Best Feed Gutters in the World. Cutter and Shredder Combined. v For Haid or Power Purposes. Capacity Greater than any other Feed Cutter on the market. Cuts Hay, Oats, Straw and Corn-fodder in lengths from to 1 inch cuts according to size of machine. Every person who has two or more head of stock ought to have a CYCLONE FEED CUTTER. It will pav for itself in a short time in the AMOUNT OF FEED SAVED and the IMPROVED CONDITION OF THE STOCK. We will be glad to show this wonderful machine to you and explain its superior points whether you wish to buy or not. Watkins Hardware Co., Henderson, N. C. t i PRETTIEST LINE OF c o tl 2! 1 '11 -fc.- tl 3 1 2 IN THE CITY, t Thomas & Newcomb. Vou Are in Lucls 1 1 ' if your check 000k shows a rod hank balance. No one likes to I J have a small balance to their L J credit. HANKINC HAMTS grow, like everything else. Depositing money V lnakes you careful of expenditures Li " . 4 J lW... XVtY3 Py A per ccni. interest on mat enables your account to show up to good advantage. Call to see or write u tf TJ r J i r ' . uii Time Deposits and compound this interest twice each year. The First National Bank of Henderson, IM. C. S. R. HARRIS, President. S. T. PEACE, Cashier. Special Train Service to Weldon -ACCOUNT OF THE- Roanoke and Tar River Fair Thursday, October 26, 1905. UKO.M- Franklinton, Henderson and Intermediate Points VIA Seaboard Air Line Railway. Tin' S.'.il.o;irtl Air Line inni.iuii. t on ii.toiiiiI of tli.-,. mi.l Tur ltivt-r Fair :it tt.'lihin. X. , O. toi.- r I'tili. L.-.t,. Ii nn.l i7l it. tli-v ok nil.' u H..vinl triiiii from 1 liuiklinton, H."iil.-iMii himI nit.-riii.'.lint.' ioints. on Thui .ln . Mil-r It hm t r tichi'duli' iiml rati-x I'liuini'ia ti ll l-lov; l.v. l'ninklintix Kittr.ll Ht'lult'l'HIUl (iivvnt one Miiliileliurg M.inscin l!itl;rt'vny Xorlina N HKIH I K TOO n. 111 ...7.1.", ...7.:n ...7.:i'.t ...7.K; ...7..1.1 ...7. .V.i ...H.or, J rrx s, 111 1.1 i.t; kati $J.7.- l.v. Wnri-i'ii l'l:tiiiH s.liiii in. fi t:.", MiH OII s lit 1 - ViiukIihh s ;in 1 ;tr, 1 l.itil.toii h l.i;, 1 .''- Summit 14:, im 1 - iaiton s .V. 1 .to 1.7." Holing mn 1 tut 1 71 Koainik,' .1 unrl t. ill ..'.I It 1 IKI Arrive at Weldon at 9:25 a. m. Fair (iroiimlrt in in.'il in .ii. ., KfturiiiiiK spii ial irain for H . inli rsoii w ill J,.vf WVMon haim lny it t i .Hit . 111 Oiu ailmiwHion to tli,- Fair tii-omul i in.-luilvil in pri.,. of iwnml tiii. tu k.-t at tin' iiliove rati-H. OWE FIRST CLASS FARE Plus fifty cents inlniiHsioii 1 11 Fair iioiiiiiln from all ioint vvitliin a 1 n.liiiM of oih hiiiiiln l mili'H. Tirkt-tH will 1m hoIiI Octoli.-r L'Mnl to L'i;tli. in, liihivi-. ami for train arriving Ix-fon' noon of the UTt li . Final limit OHoImt 2!tl!, I'.mi.V Largest Fair in the History of the Association Biggest Attractions Ever Seen! Best of Exhibits and Horse Races Unexcelled. GO AND TAKE IT ALL ilM. occocccoccoccoccoccocooccoo Q PHONE 98 The 7 PHONE 98 What shaJl we have for Breakfast, Dinner and Supper? Solve Ihe problem by visiting our store. You will find here most everything that's good to cat. TODAY Peaches. Gra.pes Tokay. Mala ga and Concord. Apples. Oranges. Bananas. Celery, (He. Fresh Pork Sausage. Pig's Feet. Boneless Ham to slice. Cream, Swiss and Imperial Cheese and many other things too numerous to mention. IF YOU CAN'T COME PHONE O 0 1 O PHONE 8 98 Powell's Grocery. ccoccoccoccoccoccocoooccoo PHONE 98 o 8 0 8 o Si C) 8 0 0 o s ' y j f:?I.P JilATtC CAPITAL STOCK: S30.000.CO K U.KKiH, X. .. ' II Altl.OTTK. X. I'ullon I'.uililinjf. I'i.-.lrnotit In. IluiMint' TIim' Si'hooU ive th vrM' in nioiicrn Diii-iiaf.M IMm-Mtion. lil.-et Iiuhiii-x Co!l-jrp in Xorth Carolina. Ki-ttliiiMln'iJ. I'omtionM fiiHrtntw, ,,n k! ! 11 wtitiii rou tract Xo vacation. I nili viilual iriHtmcf ion. WV alno tnb ISook k--iiitf. Short haiiil, IVr,maitnh:i by mail. Scml for JIoni StuJy rat. Writ, to, Jay for our tiiloti,', tifTcrn ami llijjli Kn lorwm'iitH. Thy atp fr,f. AMr-cx King's Business College. Raleigh, N.C Charlotte, N. C. EW FALL GOO OS " W'c have just received i Beautmi Line 0 Iff Fall Goods, To which the attention of the trading puMic is invited with the assurance that in Quality and Price wean please them New Prints. Percales, Flannellettes. Out ings, Vicugna Cloths, Ginghams. Plaids, Crepe Flannels, Rosetta Cloths.Olympians, Brown Domestics, White Goods. &c. How aM Gloves for Goioii, Laflies anfl CMlto. ALDIES' AND GENTS' UNDERWEAR HATS, SHOES, &c. Nice Line of Crockeryware. PhT8e HENRY THOMASON, Heon

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