THE HENDERSON GOLD LEAF THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1905. AGE UN 9 Indicates strength and experience, and when age accompaniment of large assets and Capital, it is ,' assurance of stability and safety. Through its Sixteen Years of existence the Citizens Bank of Henderson ho vn a growth in all these elements of strength. "AT offer our best service, alike to those of large and sr': . i :n-ans. ASSETS $500,000.00. j. B. OWEN, President. W. A. HUNT, Cashier. r "T- el r vr W ZrT'riZ TOWN VERY LOW PRICES. Li inbrr, Lime. Shingles, I)w . -, Windows. Frames, O A Mantels, Tiles, Grates, &c. IOIIN 15. W ATKINS. ii ( I,. Kl.ukiiall of Kittrell, was ,, i(. : -, -rsoii visitor Tuesday. Mr .mil Mrs. L.N. Watson of Ax !! . !.- visitors to Henderson Tues- ,!;. Mr i;n Powell of Baltimore, is vi-iii! relatives and friends in Hen- ,!! -.,!! t his week. Mr- .). K. Tompkins of Edgefield, r . j- visiting lier parents, Mr. and Mr- e-orge 15. Harris. M.i-ti-r lii'iirio Harris Tompkins is vi-i? i;:jr his !rand Fa. greatly to the .I.-ii-iii of t he ''old man." e n. J. S. Cnrr of Durham, was ;.-n- a short while Tuesday ami was iiiij.psM'd with the street iniprove-iii.-i t vrk going on in Henderson. An fxrhaiijre has an article on ii-.-.v in make the dinner table at-t!-.-i. live." Itriefly we should say the Ih t wav is to dt'eorate it with good 1 !,i;.::s to rat . - will le sen by caril elsewhere, Ir. IS. I-'. Arriiifrton, dental specialist, (,! CiMsboro. will lh: in Henderson, .it Masnburg"5 Hotel, next Monday .-Mid Tu.silay, Oct. 30th and .'list. I I-iidrsoii enterprise was evident .it t he State fair last week. The Cor I'in 1 Saggy Company and the Wat-kin-Hardware Company had exhibit-;iinl won first premiums. Mr. Henry Alston sailed yesterday !i. .in New York on his return to Cn v:ii!;i. Turkey, where he has been for h.-arly five years representing The Amen, an Tobacco Company. Mr 15. F. Harris came home from 'hapel Hill last week and spent a few lays, returning Saturday. He and Mis. Tompkins came to attend the marriage of their sister. Miss Carlia Harris, to Mr. Henry T. Powell on the ISth. Mr. and Mrs. C. 15. Lash ley have returned to Henderson to live, Mr. I. ili'ey taking the position of yard master with the Seaboard Air Line Kailwav which h" formerly held. They have been making Raleigh their home fir some time. Mr. and Mrs. I). C. Crab tree desire ji'iblii-ly to thank their friends for kindnesses shown them on the occa sion of the death of their infant child. The sympathy so freely expressed in the time of sorrow is very comforting to the bereaved parents. The Watkins Hardware Company m ule an exhibit of Cyclone Feed Cut ters at the State fair last week and won first premiun over nil competi tors. Mr. W. I'M Moss was in charge and made friends for himself and his house and the excellent goods they handle. Mr. and Mrs. James H. Thrower of I'li.retwe S (' nre visit inr relatives in Henderson. Mr. Thrower was! formerly a locomotive engineer on t tie Seaboard Air Line Haibvay, but for the past seventeen years has been an honored and trusted employe of the Atlantic Coast Line, holding a similar position. The ( 'orbit t Huggy Company had a very creditable exhibit at the State fair last week one of t lit largest and the best that was there in fact. They carried off five blue ribbons first premiums on dif ferent styles of vehicles and found purchasers for most of the st m k on exhibition. Mrs. I). C. Loughlin and sons, Mas ters Dave. Fred ami Charlie, who have been tilling an engagement vah a circus touring the New Eng 1 tie! and Northern States, are home ! i- the winter. As judged by press i .otices the boys have developed into fhie performers, and are destined to ke, ; up the family nam, their moth er and father being among the most unions circus artists in the profes sion. To Cure a Cold in One Day. 1 ak,. LAXATIVE BKOMO QUININE Tal- ' - All Inifrirists refund the money if it fails ;" niv. E. V. (irove'n signature is on each i -. .". Nice lot of seed oats and seed rye just revived. H. TII0MAS0X. - Money Lost. Soon after selling his tobacco at Harris warehouse last Friday James T.-rry, colored, lost his pocket book 'obtaining the money that had been !' aid him. :.". 00. Reside the money, ;i twenty, a ten and a five dollar bill, the purse, a small lead-colored one, !1:d in it a tax receipt for 1904 bear-:i- the owner's name. Terry is an sioiiest, hardworking young negro "'Hi who lives on Mr. George Ays ';iies land near Epsom, and the loss 's 1 serious one to him. He offers a reward of So.OO for its return. New Cure for Cancer. -"il surface cancers are now known to be 'urable by Bucklen's Arnica Salve. James Wnltf.-s. of Duflield, Va., writes: "I had a ' in er on my lip for years that seemed incur-iiiil.- till Bucklen's Arnica Salve healed it, and "v it is perfectly well.'' Guaranteed cure for cuts and burns. 2."e at Melville Dorsey's drug store. tJeneral line of Groceries always on "md at n. THOMA SOX'S. A RANK Doing Good Work. The Gold Leaf had pleasure in commending the macadam street work done by Mr. Robert Lowe Peters, under the intelligent and skill ful direction of Mr. .1. R. Gibson, and it was glad when the contract for the granolithic sidewalks was award ed to him. The work is progressing nicely and Mr. Gibson seems to be giving the town as good a job in this as he did in the other. When our sidewalks are finished Henderson will boast as fine streets as far as the work goes as any town in the State. --. Has Stood the Tst 25 Years. The old. original GROVE'S Tasteless Chill Tonie. You know what you are taking. It is iron and quinine in a taatelefls form. No cure, nopay. 50c. - . Lost. At Harris' Warehouse a lead colored nockethook containing $35, a tax receipt aud another receipt. A reward of five dollars will be paid for its return to James Terry or this office. Death of a Little Child. The infant child, a little boy about five months old, of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Crabtree, died suddenly Sunday night. To all appearances he was well and hearty- when the household retired but was found dead next morning. Heart failure superinduced by the use of condensed milk proba bly, was attributed as the cause of death by the physician who was called in. The little body was taken to Granville county and buried in the old family graveyard Tuesday. Just received, a hig lot of market bas kets, at II. TIIOMASON'S. For SaJe. (iood Milch Cow, with calf six weeks old. THOMAS HORNER, Maiison, N C. Date Cancelled. Manager Aronson has cancelled the date with the Sites Stock Com pany, booked for Cooper Opera House next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights. He did not like the lithograph paper which was sent him to bill the town with and while the show may be all right he judged it by the character of advertising matter used. Rather than take chances and possibly impose upon his patrons by giving them an in ferior attraction Manager Aronson preferred to cancel the date and wired the management to this effect. Indigestion, constipation, dyspepsia, kid ney and liver disorders, and all stomach troubles positively cured liy using Hollister's Kocky Mountain Tea. 3o cents, Tea or Tab lets. Parker's Two Drugstores. Market baskets aud groceries and pro visions to put in them. H. TH0MAS0N Death of Mr. Paul Jenkins. Mr. Paul Jenkins died at his home in this county Saturday, and was buried at Plank Chapel at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon. He had not been well for a long time but the an nouncement of his death caused sur prised to his friends. Mr. Jenkins was one of the oldest and most high ly esteemed citizens of the county. He was an honest man, a good neighbor and consistent Christian and will be missed in the community where he lived. The funeral was held at Plank Chapel Metho dist Episcopal church at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon, Rev. A. L. Or mond conducting the service. The pall bearers were: P. 4. Bobbitt, R. K. Young, J. L. Edwards, J. W. Kit trell, Sr., H. M. Hight, Dr. R. J. Gill. There was a very large attendance showing the estimation in which the deceased was held by his neighbors and friends. Plans to (Jet Rich are often frustrated by sudden breakdowns, due to dyspepsia or constipation. Brace up und take Dr. King's New Life Pills. They take out the materials which are clogging your energies, and give you a new start. Cure headache and dizziness too. At Melville Dor sey's drug store: 25c, guaranteed. Nice line of Shoes for ladies and rents, at H. THOMASOX'S. . Seriously Burned. Mr. John Renn, engineer at the waterworks pumping station, was the victim of a serious and painful accident Saturday which came very iipnr raiisim? him to lose his evesifirht if not his life. He had used kerosene oil in cleaning the boiler which caused o-ns to form inside. Unaware of the presence of this deadly element he starved to go inside with a lighted candle. Approaching the entrance there was a terriftic explosion the force of wlucli KnocKeu Mr. nenu He wnsconiDletelv enveloped in flames, his face and one arm being badlv burned, lie nas sunerea in tense! v but his injuries are not neces sarilv fatal. At first it was feared that his pvpsiffht mierht be destroyed, but fortunately it is now believed that this calamity will not result. Hia ininrips firs such, however, that he may be permanently disfigured about the lace. Mr Rnv Robertsou. assistant at tbo rnrmnino station, was standing back of Mr. Renn at the time and he was also knocked down by the force of the explosion. He happened to be out of reach of the flames and did not get burned. SKaro Tools Atiftf.iitorv AiC UUIU tCK51V v to work with. I make a specialty of sharpening razors, pocKet Knives aim scissors. Charges moderate. A. BOHLINGER, Next to Barnes' Clothing Store. POWELL-HARRIS. Mr. Henry T. Powell and Miss Cailla Harris Plight Their Troth at Hy men's Altar Marriage a Quiet Home Affair. The marriage of Mr. Henry T.Pow ell and Miss Carlia Harris which oc curred on Wednesday morning, October 18th, took not a few of their friends by surprise. It was known that they were to be married soon but the interesting event had not been anticipated quite so early. It was a quiet home affair only mem bers of the immediate families and a few special friends being present. Rev. A. G. Dixon, former pastor of the Methodist Protestant church, performed the ceremony. Both young people are well known and very popular. Mr. Powell is a member of the Hendereon bar and is a young man of bright mind and promising future who enjoys the con fidence, friendship and esteem of all who know him. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. (Jeorge li. Harris and is a young lady of lovely character and attractive personality, loved and admired by a wide circle of friends. Immediately after the marriage Mr. and Mrs. Powell left on an ex tended Northern tour visiting the principal cities and Canada. Upon their return they will occupy their residence on Charles street as soon as it is completed. Mr. Powell recently bought the Charles Stainback place which he is having remodeled and painted anew. Or. H. F. Arrington, Dental Specialist, Will be in Henderson, at Massenburg's Hotel, Monday and Tuesday next. Octo ber 30th and 31st. The Public Cordially Jnvited. The public and Bible students es- fiecially are invited to hear Mr. W. I. Bundy, who will preach in Odd Fellows Hall over Davis & Watkins' store on Tuesday night, Oct. 31st, at 7.45 o'clock. Those who appreciate Bible truth will be interested and not have cause to regret hearing him. No collection. (J. C. W00DW0RTH, L. T. HOWARD, Committee. Now is the time to sow clover. New stock best clover seed just received. II. THOMASOX. Rev. A. R. Shaw Accepts Call to Charlotte. Rev. A. R. Shaw, pastor of the First Presbyterian church. Portsmouth Va., having accepted a call to the Tenth Ave nue church, Charlotte, N. C. asked his congregation to concur -with him in a request to Presbytery to dissolve the pastoral relation. The congregation met last Sunday morning and adopted the following resolutions: hereab, Our beloved pastor and his faithful wife have been called from our midst to another field of usefulness, and wishing to testify our appreciation of their work among us, be it Jlesolved, That this church loses in the Rev. A. R. Shaw a man of acknowledged piety, ability and earnestness, and in his wifea consecrated co-worker, both of whom are justly beloved and respected by this church and the community irre spective of denomination; that while we feel our I03S deeply, we believe our pastor has acted under divine guidance, and we follow him with our prayers for (iod's richest blessing t.pon him in his work. Jtesolred, That at his request, we unite with him in asking Norfolk Presbytery to dissolve the pastoral relations bet ween himself and this church. That these resolutions be spread upon the church records and a copy be sent to Mr. Shaw. The Presbytery of Norfolk met last Monday and dissolved the pastoral rela tion. One of the commissioners from the Portsmouth church stated to the Presby tery that he desired to testify to the great help Mrs. Shaw has been to her husband in his work, "the congrega tion feels that it is losing two pastors instead of one, in the departure of Mrs. Shaw with her husband." Mr. Shaw was former pastor of the Presbyterian church in Henderson. He is a native of this State and his friends will be glad that he returns to North Carolina. Mr. Shaw expects to he in Charlotte the first of December. Doctors Said He Would Not Live. reter FrjT, Woodruff, Pa., writes: "After doctoring for two years with the best physi cians in Waynesburg, and still gettingworse the doctors advised me if I had any business to attend to I had better attend to it at once, as I could not possibly live another month as there was no cure for me. Foley's Kidney Cure was recommended to me by a friend, and I immediately sent ray son to the store for it, and after taking three bottles I began to get better and continued to improve until I was entirely well." Melville Dorsey, Druggist. Seed rye and seed oats at II. THOMASON'S. The November Pearson's. Pearson's Magazine for November con tains an unusual collection of br:ght short stories and clever articles for the long indoor evenings. First, there is Lawrence Perry's deep sea story, "The Duel of Two Ocean Tramps," a tale of storm and stress and spume and the creaking of iron hulls and men's consciences. "The Shirker" is a capital Esquimaux Dog yarn, full of the human interest that has made Kipling's animals immortal. "The Great Seal of England" is an exciting link in the "Bur glars' Club" series; just as "How Kid Broke Training" is a vivid chain in the new gentleman prize-fighter character, who appears now and then in this mag azine. Then, there is our bandit friend, "Don Q.," and three other stories: a ghost story, an automobile story and a funny story about George Harlis Charles Battell Loomis's new character. Besides, there are six special articles: one on Richard Mansfield, another. ' The American Diplomat in Foreign Eyes;'" "A Sailor ot f ortune " ana "ine mory of the Y. M. C. A." "Night in a Marconi Station" is a vivid pen picture of the work among chained lightning in the interior of that most holy of holies a wireless station. "The Casuality Roll of Peace" will interest you perhaps even more than anything else. Read this, by Rene Bache, the juggler of statiscal figures into 6tories. You will be inter ested. Full of Tragic Meaning are these lines from J. H. Simmons, of Casey, la. Think what might have resulted from his terrible cough if he had not taken the medicine about which he writes: "I had a fearful cough, that disturbed my nighfsrest. I tried everything but nothing would relieve it until I took Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, which com pletely cured me." Instantly relieves and permanently cures all throat and lung dis ease; prevents grip and pneumonia. At Melville Dorsey, druggist; guaranteed. "0c and f 1.00. Trial bottle free. Seed Wheat. Nice line of Seed Wheat at M. ThOMMMIl'f. A Word About Money. Our subscribers will bear witness that we do not often call on them for money through the paper, and not at all except daring the season when everybody is supposed to have money. We are not always ding-donging at them to pay up and they know that when we do call on them we mean it. But we must have money to run our business. We have obligations to be met like other people and these require the ready cash. In go ing over our books we find that some of our good friend 8 have allowed their sub scription to get too far behind. In this perhaps we are as much to blame as they are. However, this is a request to all those who are in arrears to pay up. Do not wait for a statement but come in and leave a little money with us to lubri cate the machinery of business. e can not send the paper longer to anyone who owes for two years or more unless they pay up. We have quite a number of subscribers in distant States and in distant counties of this State, who cannot come to the office. We ask those to send us a remit tance at once. The figures on your ad- aress label indicate the time to which your subscription is paid. For instance Id Oct. '04, shows that you owe for one year. If in arrears the amount may be ascertained without making enquiry at the office. When remittance is made the figures are changed showine the date to whatever time paid for. Examine your label and see that proper credit is given. A Guaranteed Cure for Piles. Itching, Blind, Bieeding or Protuding Piles. Druggists refund money if PAZ0 OINTMENT fails to cure any ease, no matter how long standing, in G to 14 days. First application gives ease and rest. 50c. If your druggist hasn't it send 50c in stampB and it will be forwarded post-paid by Paris Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo. Nice line of new Dress Goods from Riverside Plaids up to Ladies' Cloths cheaper than ever. II. TH0MAS0N. Honor Roll Henderson Graded School. Sixth Grade Miss Ethel Plumnier, teacher. Sue Henderson Paul Kennett Alfred Wester Lessie Tyler Geuevieve Draper Estes Henderson Polk Garrett Annie Lee Heck Carrie Draper V'irgie Harris Maggie Hershman Macon Brady , Elizabeth Shell Charlie Tankersly 100 100 100 100 $y 18 !8 98 U7 1)7 Do 1)5 jr !5 Wards off Pneumonia. AH coughs, colds and pulmonary com plaints that are curable are quickly cured by One Minute Cough Cure. Clears the phlegm, draws out inflainatiou and heals aud soothes the affected parts, strengthens the lungs, wards off pneumonia. Harmless and pleas ant to take. Sold at Parkers 2 Drag Stores Girls Wanted. To work on men's underwear; nice clean work. Wages paid while learn ing, as much as f 2.H0 and f 3 per week according to age. Experienced hands make from $ 4.00 to 0.00 per week. Railroad fare advanced. F. W. KOIILER, Snpt., Raleigh, N. C. Glorious October. Scotland Neck Commonwealth. Glorious October, the red leaf mouth is here again. This is the month of matchless charms when hill aud dale, mountain and glen are all covered with nature's great kaleido scope of beauty; and when -the. Qol breezes of gladsome autumn tnu6 re mind us to say farewell to sultry summer and welcome the bracing at mosphere of fall and winter. It is the joyous harvest time when he who has faithfully and laboriously tilled the soil since the opening of the spring can now realize the results of his year's exertions and rejoice in the plenty that comes to him who has been diligent in the business to which he has for months given thought and labor. With the chatting groups of children who go running over the hills and sun-tanned toilers in the ripened harvest fields there is glad ness and joy in glorious October. One other charm about this good month of October is the fact that it is the busiest month in the year. For the most part there is less hindrance by reason of heat or cold or rain; and so the round of toil goes on un disturbed. Then there are fewer hol idays in October than any month. The whole blessed sunshiny days are given to busy work and the results of this month count more for the people, perhaps, than of any other month of the year. Again we say Glorious October, and good cheer to all the land throughout this most delightful month. 4. . A Splendid Idea. A new idea in a Cough Syrup is advanced in Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar. Besides containing Pine Tar, Honey and other valu able remedies, it is rendered laxative, so that its use insures a prompt and efficient evacu ation of the bowels. It relaxes the nervous system, and cures all coughs and colds, croup, whooping cough, etc. A red clover blossom and the Loney bee is on every bottle of the Original Laxative Cough Syrup Ken nedy's Laxative Honey and Tar. An ideal remedy for children. Mothers praise it. It is best for all. Sold at Parker's Two Drug Stores. The Youth's Companion in 1906. During 1900 The Youth's Companion wiU publish in 52 weekly issues i 7 5 serial stories, each a book in itself, reflecting American life in home, camp and field. 50 special articles contributed by famous men and women travellers, essayists, soldiers, sailors, statesmen and men of affairs. 300 thoughtful and timely editorial articles on important public and domestic questions. 250 comnlete stories by the best of living story- writers stories of character, stories of achievement, stories of humor. 1000 notes on current events and discoveries in the field of science and natural history. 2000 bright and amusing anecdotes, items of strange and curious knowledge, poems cna sketches. This is what The Companion offers its read ers during 1900. And the quality of it w fullv eaual to the auanity. The paper is m teresting without being sensational, bright without beiug flashy, elevatmgand streneta ening without being prosy a paper for every member of the family. A full Announcement of the new volume will be sent with sample copies of the paper to any address on request, the new 8Ut scribftr for 1900 who sends f 1.75 for the new volume at once will receive free all the re maining issues for 1903, inculdingthe Doubla Holiday Numbers: also The Companion' "Minutemen" Calendar for 1906, litho graphed in twelve colors and gold. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, 144 Berkeley Street, Boston, Mass, eU.t3TER'3 Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A But Hedidse for But People. Briaft Golden He<a ud Reuwcd Vigor. A gpeciflo for Constipation, Indigestion, TJtv md Kidnev Troubles. Pimples. EcMtms. Impun Blood, Bad Breath. Sluggish Bowels, Headache and Backache. It's Rocky Mountain Tea in tab let form, ss cents a box. oenuine mad HoujstsB Dbco Cokpant, Madison, Wis. GCLDES NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PE0PU OUTRAGEOUS TREATMENT. lasengers Indigoant at Seaboard's Special Train Service to Raleigh Last Thursday Schedules and Wihc of Patrons Utterly Ignored. If outraged feelings and indigna tion freely expressed by persons who were passengers on the Seaboard's special train from Bennehan, Oxford and Henderson to Raleigh last Thursday had not been impotent uuder the circumstances they would not have tolerated the miserable treatment to which they were sub jected The train was scheduled to leave Henderson 7.50. Several hun dred persons who were promptly on hand bought tickets to Raleigh. But no train came. It was reported late how late nobody knew. Finally it was given out that the train was two hours late in being taken from here to Bennehan, the starting point. Whose fault this was we do not know. It was said the engineer had overslept himself. But of the truth of this we do not know. At any rate it was after ten o'clock when the train reached Henderson. Eight coach es all well filled stood on the tracks here aud waited. It was twenty-five minutes after ten o'clock when these were hooked on at the coal chute to the engine and four coaches brought down from Bennehan and Oxford and the train pulled out for Raleigh nearly one hour and a half after it was scheduled to arrive there. Foreseeing the end several persons got disgusted and gave up the trip, demanding their money back. Others regretted that they did not do the same thing when they found that they were to be subjected to still fur ther outrage and inconvenience. Ar riving at Raleigh the train was side tracked at Johnson street station. Announcement was made that the three rear coaches would be cut off and all passengers were ordered to go forward into the other coaches, already uncomfortably crowded. And there on a siding between two rows of box cars, the passengers herded like cattle and standing in the aisles crowded almost to the point of suffo cation the train was held forty-five minutes. No one knew how long the train would be there or for what pur pose it had been stopped and expect ed every minute for it to move. It may nave been all rig tit to hold it for the two Northbound trains to pass but there was no excuse for cut ting off the coaches and subjecting the passengers to still furtherdiscom fort until time for the train to. move if then. If announcement had been made that the train would be there half an hour or more those persons who wished to do so could have walk ed across to the capitol and taken the street car there for the fair grounds. But then the fares paid to the street car company would have been lost to the railroad, and maybe this had something to do with with holding all information. It was a quarter to one o'clock when the Henderson special finally emptied its passengers, disgusted and disappointed, at the union station- three hours and three-quarters after the time advertised to put them there. Most persons who went to Raleigh on that train Thursday went for the express purpose of seeing the President. V hen they readied the fair grounds he had gone and the dust had settled where he had been along. Was there not cause for out raged feelings, disappointment and indignation at such treatment? Letter to Mayor Southerland. Henderson, N. C. Deak Sih: You are so well known that the people have put you in office. They knew whatthey were about: They didn't do it by accident. Wouldn't it be a handsome thing to do to paint your house? It is a nice house, has a good substantial commodious look, and isn't rusty at all, you kuow; but a fresh coat of paint would make it so bright! it's a pity not to. Devoe is beautiful pamt,but the beauty of it is: it lasts so long much more than adorn an already interesting and at tractive edifice. House out-buildings and fences. There isn't a man or a wo man in town, who wouldn't see them and make some pleasant remark. Of course, you will paint the town pro perty; nothing would mark your admin istration more, in the eyes of the people; and, having done the same thing at home, it is the most natural thing in the world to do it for them. Yours truly. F. W. DEVOE & CO. P. 8. Parham Bros. Supply Co. sell our paint. He Had One. Philadelphia Public Ledger. Professor We know that heat ex pands, and we also know, Mr. Smart, that cold contracts, do we not? Mr. Smart (hoarsely) I guess so; but I'll bet it doesn't contract itself as much as we contract it. AN AGED PHYSICIAN After Years of Experience (lives the Following Advice. '"If you have anything to do with med icines at ail be pretty sure you Know what your are taking." Our local druggist, W. W. Parker, says this is a strong point in favor of their valuable cod liver oil preparation, Vinol. Everything it contains is plainly printed on the bottle, therefore it is not a patent medicine. Yinol contains iu a highly concentrated form all of' the medical elements of cod liver oil, actually taken from fresh cods' livers, but without a drop of oil or greese to nauseate and upset the stomach. This is the reason that Yinol accom plishes such wonderful results in curing chronic coughs, colds, bronchial and long troubles, and there is nothing known to medicine that will so quickly bund up the run-down, over-worked, tired and debilitated, or give strength and renewed vitality to the aged, as Yinol. Mrs. Martha Eraser of Portland, Me., writes: "1 was all run down trom over work and had a chronic cough for years I had tried so manv remedies without help that I had lost all faith in medicine. Mv daughter bought me a bottle of Vinol. It simply worked wonders for me; it cured mv cough and brought back health and strength and I am better than I have been for years." We can only ask every one in Hender son who needs such a medicine to try Vinol on our guarantee to return their money if it fails. W. W. Parker, Drug gist. , 4 - Bargain for Some Church. Havincr nnt in Wtri lichts the hand rime oil lnrrm chandelier heretofore used in the Presbyterian church is offered for sale. 14 lights, in perfect condition with new burners. Would be an ornament to anv church or Dublic hall. Cost new $100. Will be sold at a bargain. Apply to J. R. Rankin, at Samuel atkins store, or at this office. New goods are still arriving at H. THOMA SOX'S. Important Enterprise Projected The North Carolina Connecting Railway Co. Incorporated. An Enterprise Which flay Mean Much to Henderson and to Eastern North Carolina--The Plan Suggested by One of Henderson's lost Prominent Citizens. Some two years ago, t'ol. William H. Hood of Henderson, who has had large experience as a surveyor and engineer in laying out lumber and timber plants, tram roads and rail roads, conceived the idea that a rail road from Itoxboro, in the county of Person, to Spring Hope, iu the coun ty of Nash, connecting with the four great trunk linos in North Carolina, to-wit, the Atlantic Coast Line, the Seaboard Air Lino, the Southern, and the Norfolk and Western, liesides opening and developing one of the best sections and running through some of the most prosperouscouutifs in the State, would be a paying in vestment. Heing thoroughly convinced that the enterprise could be made a great success financially, he also felt that he could do nothing which would add more to the development of his town and county or to the upbuilding of the State of North Carolina, than by urging the building of this line. He therefore opened communication with various persons and people in differ ent parts of the country having money to invest, and succeeded In getting several capitalists interested m his plan. About twelve months ago he in duced certain gentlemen of means, namelv, Messrs. I). J. Nvsewander of Toledo, Ohio, and I . ' W. (iunn, of Roanoke, Louisana, to visit him in Henderson, and to go over the ground with him. They were great ly pleased with the situation, and on their return home they interested other capitalists and men of large experience and influence in the scheme. The result of Col. Hood's effdrts in this behalf is best shown by the fact that on last Monday a charter was obtained from the Secretary of State of North Carolina, incornoratinir the "North Carolina Connecting Hailwav Company," with an authorized capi tal stock ot ;4.U,00.000, with power to increase the same, and with power and authority to survey, lay out, construct, maintain and equip and operate a railroad with one or more tracks from a point at or nearSpring Hope, in the county ot Nash, to a point at or near the town of Kox boro, in the countv of Person, run ning through the counties of Nash, Franklin, Halifax, Warren, Vance. Granville and Person, and to build branch lines; the length of the mnin line being about ninety miles. Ninety thousand dollars of the capital stock has been subscribed for by the following named persons, who are also directors of the company named in the incorporation, to-wit: 1). W. Guun, Roanoke, La.. ISO shares S. P. Douglas, Toledo, O., ISO I). J. Nysewander.Toledo, )., 180 " T. F. Whittelsey, Mobile.Ala, 10 . 11. aud U. H. Hood, Hen derson, A. C., I Hi) Immediately upon securing their charter the incorporators met at the ottice ot their counsel, Mr. A. C. Zolh- coffer, in Henderson, and organized, and elected the following officers: President, T. F. Whittelsev, Mobile. Alabama. 1st Vice President. I). .1. Nvsewan der, Toledo, Ohio. 2nd Vice President,!). W. (Iunn. Roanoke, Louisana. Secretary and Auditor, S. P. Doug las, Toledo, Ohio. Treasurer, R. II. Hood, Henderson, N. C. It was decided that work should begin at once making the surveys for the route and securing rights of wav. The gentlemen interested in this enterprise are well known iu business and financial circles, and have had much experience 1:1 the building and management of railroads and other large enterprises. Mr. T. F. W luttelsev, who has been elected president, is at present the general manager of the Mobile, Jackson & Kansas City Railway Company, and built the (ireat Relt Line around the citvof 1 oledo, which cost about three millions of dollars. Mr. S. P. Douglas will take charge of the affairs of the Company, and will soon move his family to Hender son. The route of the railroad has not as yet been decided upon, as this will of course depend upon the survey, but it is hoped that they may find it to their interest to run to or through the town of Henderson. It would mean much for the town and com munity, and would open a splendid country. The (ioLu Leak joins "iu wishing this enterprise the greatest success, and extends a cordial welcome to the promoters to our town and county. FOR. LADIES. BOYS AND GIRLS. FAY STOCKINGS. S?.X;&4 FAV STOCKINGS. Thomas & Newcomb. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE NOTICE IS HERKDY GIVEN THAT I bare qualifid ai Extf-utor of Elizalw-th llargrove, deceael. All j-frsonn hiivin claims apainut naid decent art hereby noti fied to exhibit the same to me on or tx-fon? the 20th dav of October, A. l).,l'J0H. Th is Jctober 1 Ct h , 1 005 . JOSEPH Bl'IiWELL, Executor. Thoman M. Pittman. Attorney. Vou Are , MS?? ' V. Call to see or write The First National Ranis of Henderson, A. C. S. ?. HARRIS, President. S. T. PEACE, Cashier. EBgnM! c 1-aght years ago today you ate first of (irinerics from mv store I have furnished fool for you rJ'.'JO (approximately tin number) meals, ami am here today with all the nice tittup you may ask for. After rending this announcement won't you rnll me up and let me tell you something of the nice things 1 have on hand? 1 keep only the ISKST. and keep it the NKATKST and MOST SANITARY, giving you the henellt or the ITIKSII KST COOHS from an ever moving stock which KIMM'S it so. After years of sps. ial attention to the SKUYK'K iiestion I am able to give you the benefit of the best and almost per fect system of PKLIVKRY. It is prompt and effective, deliver ing goods in the shortest possible time, and always with the right amount and kind of goods, none of the 'I left the wrong package'' or "I forgot to bring it. it will come with tho next delivery" here, etc. Come and see the ino THINGS; your appetite will prompt y ou further. POWELL'S GROCERY c c c c c c c UDdDll FdDUS UDdDILILW. That's what you get when you buy hardware here and that you jet more lor your dollar than anywhere else: is a proven, admitted fact. This is Stove Season. We have a beautiful line of BUCK'S STOVKS. the best that's made. No matter what kind of a Stove you may need, whether for Cooking or Heating, whether lor parlor, sitting room, elininor room or sure there is a Buck's trade mark on it. HENDERSON, N. C. f Cyclone Feed Cutters Are the Best Feed Gutters in the World. Cutter and Shredder Combined. Capacity Greater than any other Feed Cutter on the market. Cuts Hay, Oats, Straw ami Corn-hxhler in lengths from K to inch cuts acZ-onling to size of machine. Kverv person who han two or inore heal of sts k ought to have .1 CYCI.ONK FKKI) CI'TTKIt. It will j.av for itself in a short time in the AMOl'NT OF FKKI) K.WKI) nrnl the IMritOVKI) CONDITION OF THE STOCK. V will Ih glad to show thin wonderful machine to you and explain its superior points whether you wish to lu v oriiot. Watkins Hardware Co., Henderson, N. C. I GOODS THAT SELL THEMSELVES. Scissors and Razors. 'Watkii.s Brand," Table Cutlery and Pocket Knives. Chrysolite and Delf Wares. Iixcelsor Cooking .and Heating Stoves. O Moore's Paints and Stains. Atkins' Saws all styles, Chattanooga Steel Beam Plows, American Stock Food. Henderson, N. C. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO in LucCs if your check book shows a gool bank balance. No one likes to have a small balance to their credit. HAXKIXti HABITS grow, like everything else. I Kaposi ting money makes you careful of expenditure. That enables your account to show up to good advantage. We pay 4 per cent. Interest on Time Deposits and compound this interest twice each year. us. ML o I 3 3 3 j 3 V For Hand or Power Purposes. 1