THE HENDEllSON GOLD LEAF THURSDAY, DECEMBEK 14, 1905. r n Scve Money and Travel Comf ortaLbly by going to California in a Santa. Fe Tourist Pullman Fred. Harvey meals have made this service famous. The cars are of latest pattern CHIfAGO, ST. LOUIS AND KANSAS CITY TO LOS AN GELES AN D SAN FRANCISCO. All the &y S i . v !' ,;...- : I- ' t. ii in 1!!1L! J!!?LL" JEJg'i. coo coo coocoocoocoocoocoocoo 8 8 8 o o 8 44 BDHNB MKE W0TT CAKES 99 v s y 1H1M STOCK: if s.c.. t'ii!i')i 1'nililing. S3C.OOO.OO CHARLOTTE, N. C, Piedmont In. building:. T;-- ' ' ,' v ,V' 7H1 h U-Kt hi i,o.i..rn Busi,.KK E.Iiu-Htion. Ol.Wt Busing , in N'.r'ii ..r..lnia KHtabliolicil. I'oHitinriH iu;i i-.-iti t..l . I.kl i.v w ritten rontra.-t y T..;,t;..:. i. !m i.IiiI mstru. li.Hi. UV !.., twh Rook-kn. pii,. SI,o'r m . l IVi.m.-uiNliip t .-.. A-r.-l..r llomP Stml v ruton. Writ,- to.In.v fc.r our iiT:ln,ni.-. Cffein tin.I Hfeh En $ -j-niiif- i !.'-v ;in-frw. AiMi-chh King's Business (College. Weigh, V. C. - - - Charlotte, IV. C. o C) o o o o o 3 o a o o o e Q 0 We knew they were bound to go at the prices put upon tru-m. We br-ught an im mense stock at a Great Sacrifice and are selling thtbe goods at 25 per cent. Less Than Manufacturers' Cost. W art- giving our customers the benefit of the sonr- liberal discount that we got and ad-vi- that iu'endiriiT p rc'ia rs come early and inv -t' N -uch line .f Clothing, Overcoats and Furnisnings can be tu cl inh-r eke in Hendrrson. We can fi a'l f rm ml o' rise 11 ta-tes. V Jill- Barnes Clothing Store. o () o o () o 8 o 8 O o 8 e " aoecooccoccc r 7 MUM Cchimbi Salad Fork Articles not alone beautiful, but useful and durable, make the most sensible gift. These good features, together with a moderate price, make the genuine "1847 ROGERS BROST SPOONS, KNIVES. PORKS. ETC. an ideal Holiday gift. They are made in a great variety of shapes, sizes and designs, handsomely packed in lined cases, and vary in price from ? r to $3.53. Your dealer can supply you. "Viii. us for our handsome catalogue "C-L" to aid you in making selections. ISTKRWATIOVAL 8TT.VKR C0 SneoMMr to MKUIDKS BU1TAS.MA CO, Morldu, Cona. 2 li t WPWl7? f ( ton It in no si . J : i ry i s ve will S f C'Jt i r in in Merchandise of all Kinds. Dry Gcrds, Notions, Bre s Goods. Trimming vfTh te Goods. U de w ar Hosiery. Gloves. Hats 1.' r &, f L,di p, G ntl m a and hiJdren Evcrythinp; in the Grocery Line. MP AT. FLOUR, SALT HAY, GRAIN. F : D3TUFF3. by the car load. See our stock and compare prices. " mm Via the Chicago, Union Pacific. & North Western Line. f Through electric lighted train less than three days Chicago to the Pacific Coast everaAlay in the vear. . i 0 Direct connections with stcamsfeMcs to Hav3I New Route to Southern UhTarma via SaltJfake Gty and the newly open fast schedules and s a charming route Splendid Portland of Pullm compartment sleepi witn ail travel eonve: and comparti conp;i nirari naeiKS. odidusl 1 Salt Lake ygSfcte. Exccht service. ver afe 3fctLake mft make this tourisRtrMel. Chicaf o San Francisco and drawi&lar room and private fror'the shops and provided a aumuuki.u n carsi&iK' Stf. J E&ases. 1 of rooms en suite; ung&ually lare dressinc reu&xis for lidizsu lamps tSxix section and site lroffet-smokinor, Iifcrarv and obgersftion carsnBooklover,s Library ) Superb dining; car service. THE BEST OF EVERYTHING Alt Aocnts Sett Tickets Vi Chicaoo. union Pcir MO NonrH-WCSTCNM LlNt. R. M. Johnson, G. A, 601 Chestnut St, Philadelphia, Pa.. -i. .si Phone 18 HENRY THOMASON, H nderson, N. C. n Cyclone Feed Cutters Are the Best Feed Gutters in the World. Cutter and Shredder Combined. v For Hand or Power Purposes. ' Capacity Greater than any other Feed Cutter on the market. Cuts Hiy, Oats, Straw nnd Corn-foilder in lengths from to 1 inch cuts according to nize of machine. Every person who has two or more head of stock ought to have a CYCLONE FEED CUTTER It will j.av for itself in a short time in the AMOUNT OF FEED SAVED and the IMPROVED CONDITION OF THE STOCK. We will be glad to show this wonderful machine to you and explain its superior points whether you wish to buy or not. Watkins Hardware Co., Henderson, N. C. Rlcht Character. Character Is built or grows from within outward. We may distinguish conduct from motive, as we distinguish the human from the divine, but we can not separate them. A right life is all of one texture; it is the same at the sur face as at the center. Goodness is th fruit of the spirit; so perhaps is an ap ple or a corn of w heat. But man lives and acts in conscious freedom. The moral alternative the choice between good and evil is ever before him, like a parting of the ways. Right character is simply the result of a habitual choice of tLe perceived best Rev. Dr. Charles G. Ames. Unitarian. Boston. Tbe Simpllncatloa of Life. There Is a very simple rule for every one of us that reduces the perplexity of our lives, "Covet earnestly the best gifts." Cultivate that "distributive virtue" that reflects not merely the posi tively bad, but that casts aside the lesser for the greater good. Give up the vain desire of knowing everything; ask yourself at every step: "What is the thing most worth knowing? What Is most worth doing?" Do that and be not troubled, though many other possible tasks remain undone. Learn to do without what Is.-"unessential. That is the condition of doing joyfully and effectually that which is essential. The man in his work, in his study, in his friendship, must bring everything to this simple test: "Is this the best tiling for me at this moment? I am living In a world where I cannot know or do every thing; I must choose. Of the two interests which challenge my attention today I must choose the greater thing. Which one is worth my effort?" Stop by step that man's life and thought grow simple, and he comes to be serene in the midst of all distractions. Rev. Pr. Samuel M. Crothers, Unitarian. Cambridge, Mass. The Bible In Theology. This book brings us into the same spirit whereof Isaiah and Jesus and Paul were partakers and lifts us far above sordid materialism and belittling selfishness. Only in this zone can the ology thrive. A man with no sense of beauty may constnu t a system of aesthetics, one who never laughs may produce a philosophy of the comic, but one who has never been thrilled by an Ideal, who in hours of gloom has never heard "the sound of silver wings slow beating through the hush of night" and who in moments of trial has never seen "how life's rugged mountain side Is white with many an angel tint," has no power to bring theology to birth. What makes religion possible and theology necessary but the fact that our ideals come to us clothed with more than mor tal majesty and born unmistakably "not of blood nor of the will of the flesh, but of God?" And as no science of beauty is satisfactory which does not make those who master it more keenly alive to beauty and no ethical system can be valid which does not etrengthcu the moral sense, so no sys tem of theology can be true which does not grow best in the climate of ideals and further their growth. A body of divinity without an Inspiring soul Is worthless and will become an offense; hence any book which feeds and fresh ens the religious life is of immense val ue to the student of theology. Beyond the corroboration of the spirit and the communication of facts and principles is this service to theology and the Bible as a book of the spirit. Professor Wil lirtin Wallace Ucnn. Unitarian. Har vard Divinity School, Cambridge, Mass. The Faith of Jeaaa. "In the faith of Jesus" mesns that his faith la ours. We believe in God as he believed la God, and In human brotherhood and righteousness and im mortality, as he believed and taught. The faith of Christ rather than faith In Christ Is the basis of- our creed. Rev. Dr. Utter. Unitarian. Denver. The Bleaaedaeaa of Stekaeaa. Beneficent is the sickbed for the in valid. Blessed is its . influence upon those who come in touch also with the sanctified sufferer. Wendell rhlllipa would not have been as brave and as true a man as he was had his life not been Inspired by the bravery of that sick wife who always kept saying to him: "On. Wendell, on! God has a mission for you. While you are 'out battling In his name I will be here praying and waking for yon.' Could any one read the eulogy Robert J. Burdette wrote about his dead wife and not realize that the frail little woman whom he for years carried around In his arms had a mighty mis sion in molding and developing her husband's life for spiritual good? By the letters my mother wrote me from her sickroom and by the letters yon ! have received from n sick wife or a i sick daughter or a sick mother who was at that time in the shadow of . death we know that some of God's mightiest agents for the salvation of the world nre to be found among those of pale check, thin hands and fevered brows. Oh. no. my friends, God will never take out of this world the spir itual mission of physical pain and suf fering until, through these sufferings, the multitudes have boon brought to confess Christ at the foot of the crosi Rev. Dr. Frank De Witt Talmagt, Presbyterian, Los Angeles. Cal. I Whose Ad.? Printers' Ink uses u great many advertising blotters in fact, uses no other. They en mo iu as fast as wanted, and very nice and handy they are Whuic a! erliaemeBts on Ihoae lilullrn! Ah. that is a tiling the Little Schoolmaster never observed, or. if lie did. he uever remembered and does not now remember. I'.ut he likes tlie blotters. Print ers' Ink. This, criticism is never ap plicable to advertising In your local paper. jHriTii'i'niwjrr'nnii:;wmrnniaimtfifHwnl The Crowning Commercial Event of the Twentieth Century ! OW PEP FOR BUSSIESS i i i i M000 Men's Suspenders. FULL SIZE, 9c. IU n mm mm mm mm mm mm m u S" "OFfi 3i 2 a r it Entire Stock of Clothing, Shoes, Mats, Ladies' and Gent's Furnishings Bought for This Season j Sale Positive from Start to Finish TO MOV E AT ONCE No Reserve Whatever ! MMM.,M..M,BM,.MM,.,,.....aBaaaaaaaaaBBBaaaaaaBBBBBBBBaaaBaaaaaaiaaBaaaaaaBaaaBBtaB BBaMaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiaaaaBBaBBBBBBBBBBawwaBaaBaaaai aBaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaapaaaaai I a i " I I 3 3J few IV IV hw few few v V hw IK tv AV LADIEb WRAI PERS Regular $i.5o vaie Now 98c. LAD E.V FINE 1 URS. $i5.oo kiii' I oin a'. $4 98 Iri vr hun'lrvtl jiec s ot outing 21 inches wide, ill colors regular i -rice Jc. now 4 7 Sc. Another r.ule of ( )utings ot 5o liff r :,t 1 si ir 27 n hes vid , r ;ular 10c va!u-, now 6 5 Sc. A Truthful Description A loss of many dollars to us, coming as it is, unexpected. Now that it has come, we are satisfied, and grab at the chance to inaugurate the the largest sale of the highest grade Clothing, Shoes, Hats, &c, ever held in this Part of North Carolina. Strict Terms: 1. All goods sold for cash. 2. Nothing sent on approval. 3. No time for Mail or Tele phone orders. 4. This sale for consumers 0I5f No triflers admitted. We expect enormous crowds and only those meaning business to come. Any inattention of em ployees report at effice. Men's Suits, worth $6.50, During this sale $2.98 Another line Men's Suits in Cheviots and Tweeds, $9.50 value Now Men's Suits in Worsteds and Serges, A Real $12.50 Value, This sale Fashionable Dress Suits, made by the best tailors, worth $25.00 Now $4.98 $7.98 m Men's Overcoats, in black and blue Beavers, worth $5.50, This sale $2.98 Another Good Overcoat, positively worth $9.50, ....Now $4.98 An Overcoat of Imported Vicunas and Friezes Only Overcoats positively worth $25.00 During this sale, only 7 .98 $12.98 Thrust Upon the Public We are given but a short time to dispose of this stock of timely Clothing, Shoes, &c. The man agement has decided to lose Thousands of Dollars. If Good Clothing, Shoes, &c, will do it. we will. If Greater Values will do it, we will. Shrewd shoppers judge as they read. These print ed facts should impress everybody. Whole StocK to be Melted into CASH At Once ! 5oo pairs drummers' sam pies Men's shoes $3.00 $2.5o and $2.00 kind $1.19 125 Comforts full size to fit any double bed, regular pric- $2 00 now $1 23. CHILDREN'S SUITS Must Move ! $1.25 Value. 78 cts. MEN'S FUR HATS, $1.00, 75 and 50c kind Look, 28 cents NECKWEAR. All Styles ! Your Choice, 10 cts. To hP retailed without reservation, in perfect condition. WAIT FOR IT ! Store packed and jammed with. Clothing, Shoes, Hate. Ladies and I Gent s Furnishing (Sto be sold. No fake or humbug, no scheme, no lie. Doors open and sale begins TOMORROW, (FRIDAY) MORNING, at 8 0 clock """"the bee-hive department store, ui?MnPRnM V C. Wanted Imrnedlately--Seven Active Salespeople. Those accustomed to handling crowds MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS, Not 60 cents, Your Choice for 39 cents. LADIES' HATS, 75c kind qq To go for wt 300 pairs all wool blankets in plain while, different borders, regular price $3.5o now $1 49. 5,ooo pieces of ribbons in all colors and widths 40c and 25c kind, now 16c per yard. i r 2 MEN'S PANTS $2 kind, Must go at $1.19 Look for Large Red Banner -a