THE HENDERSON GOLD LEAF THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 1906. The Gold Leaf. THURSDAY, JCXK 7, IfiOO. South Carolina's Jeal ousy. She Can Lose No Glory by Admit ting Her Sister State's Claims Regarding the Mecklenburg Declaration. Montgomery (Ala.) Advwliwr. As might hfive cci predicted, South Carolina U inclined to make f.lees at tlieclaimsof her sister State. These two are always showing their jealousy of each other. They have juarreled over the birthplace of An drew Jackson until if the old hero was living he could almost regret that he was not born in Kalrnazoo or some other out-of-the-way spot, and now South Carolina is turning up her nose at the Mecklenburg claim. The Chariton Xrns ami Courier speaks of t he celebration as "The Triumph of a Myth," and somewhat sneeringly asks, "What difference does it make, looking at the affair from a strictly commercial point of view, whether the Mecklen burg Declaration was proclaimed or not? It furnishes the occasioti for a great nnnn.-il gathering of the people of North Carolina in Hcn-lotte, and it makes much business for the rail roads and merchants and newspapers It also affords the orators of the State and of ot her States opportun ity of uncorking their eloquence and speaking with every appearance of sincerity about an occurrence that d'ul no!, occur, at least, in the man ner and form so much exploited." Well it makes quite a difference to the people of the Old North State who firmly believe in what the Xews :mt Courier designates a myth. If the claim is a true one it shows that the people about Mecklenburg county were more than a year in .advance of Thomas .Jefferson and his company of partiotsin the work of throwing down the gage of defiance to (!reat Britimi. And it should also be borne in mind that the authors of this famous declaration were a small body of men and not representatives of all the Colonics. It required ner.vy patriotism and perhaps rail for these few people to get together ami tell the mother country that they proposed to paddle their own boat in future. Sout h Carolina can lose no glory by admitting what her sister State claims. A New Wireless Record. liii hk -Wwh. Kven though the wireless telegraph has not leen perfected so far as to 1)6 of commercial ut ility as n regular channel of communication, evidences that it is already of immense practi cal importance are increasing. The remarkable achievement of theFrench liner La Provence, last week, in car rying on communication with both shores while in mid-Atlantic, makes a new record in wireless telegraph annals and demonstrates afresh the importance of this invention to the world. Heretofore it has been found im posible for any ship equipped with wireless npparatus to keep contin uously in touch w ith land wliilecross ing the Atlantic or to hold communi cation with both shores simultan eously. The operator-after getting a certain distance away from one shore have been out of reach of land until they "picked up" a station on the opposite shore. La Provence, while practically midway between the Cornish stat i n at Poldhu and the one at Cape Cod, received messages from both points. It had "picked up" America before it "dropped" the Old World, there being no moment in the time of its whole journey when it was not in touch with the land. There is no good reason to doubt that with the further improvement of wireless telegraphy and the estab lishing of more stat ions' t he ships on the great seas will be able to hold comunication with land uninterrupt edly. In time it will be possible- to send aerial messages from continent to continent over distances of thous ands of miles. Hut the possibilities to which the achievement of La Pro vence points are in themselves of vast importance in the immediate present. Rebellion and Secession. Iticlunond Tinies-Disnnteh. Jn his address on the occasion of Confederate Memorial Day in Dan ville, Senator Daniel said that he had no objection to Iteing called a rebel, but, like Oeorge Washington, rather cherished the name. In commenting onSenator Daniel's remarks, the Lynchburg Xews says that the word rebel per se does not necessarily carry odious or discredit able significance, but nevertheless, to preserve the historical accuracy of things, it is always well to bear in mind that the attitude of the Sooth during the war was not related in es sential nature to an act of rebellion, as that word is commonly used and accepted. The point is well taken. Rebellion as applied by the Northern people to secession, is specifically and design edly a term in denial of the great principle for which the Southern Con federacy fought. If secession was re bellion, the claim of the South, that each and every sovereign State had the constitutional right to witfidraw from the I'nion, falls to the ground. Buy the Best. Do you want n, typewriter? Then buy the best as well as the cheapest. The Franklin typewriter is the best and most convenient typewriter made for all prac tical purposes. It will do the work of the high price or so-called standard machines besides being a visible writer which gives it a decided advantage over them. Matters not by what name it is known or the prestige it liears the ''blind' writer is not in the same class with the visible writer, a fact which all operators are rapidly coming to recogniie. If you have not seen and operated the new Number Nine Franklin you do not know what typewriter satisfaction is. Let us show Jt to you and demon strate its strong points and superior ad vantages. And not the least attractive feature about the Franklin is the price only $75.00. Sold on easy terms in stalment plan li desired. THAD'H. MANNING, Local Representative, IIexdersox, N. C. Expel urie acid in the system by drinking Harris' Benton Spring Mineral water. For sale in bottles at Dorsey's, Thomas Bro's Parker's and the Kerner-McNair Company's drag stores. j Seeking A Seaboard Outlet. i Wabash Railroad Makes Connection I With Tidewater and Deepwater I Railroads. Norfolk, Va., May 2G . From reli able authority it is learned here that tli. W'nbnsh railroad is SO closely identified with the tide-water deep- a I witer railroads, now oeing con structed from Norfolk to Charleston, W. Va., that it will be used as an At lantic f-eaboard outlet by the Gould lines. The tide-water deep-water lines penet rate the coal fields of West Virginia. At Charleston, which will be the Western terminus, connection is made with the West Virginia Cen tral a Wabash property over a friend ly Davis-Elkin line. The West Vir ginia Central taps Cumberland, and from that city the Western Mary land, another Wabash property, is building a Pittsburg connection thus completing the link. That Wabash interests are identified with the tide-water deep-water lines was developed in a discussion of terminals for the latter system in Norfolk. The construction of the tide-water deep-water lines is the most remark able railway building in American history. With absolutely no regard for towns, mountains and valleys, the tide-water seeks from Norfolk on almost a !ee line, the great and un developed coal fields of West Vir ginia. D.-alh from Lockjaw iieverfllownn injury dres.ted withBucklen's Arnka Salve. Its antiseptic and healiDg propertinH prevent blood poisoninjr. than. Oswald, merchant, of Rensselaersviile, N. Y., writHH: "It cured Seth Burch, of this place, of the nglieHt sore on his neck I ever saw." Cures Cuts, Wounds, Burns and Sores. 25c at Melville Dorsey's Drug Store. . Scuppernong Growing. Wilmington Menenger. A week or two ago the Messenger published an editorial urging the people owning land in this section of the state to go into the bus iness of raising scuppernong grapes. We attempted to set forth some of t he advantages in this class of frnit growing. We are glad to know that a very large number of cuttings of this grape have been set out in New Han over county this spring, and that others are contemplating entering upon the same industry. For our section of the- state there is nothing like it. We feel sure that any man who will set out five, ten or twenty acres in scuppernongs will in five .years bless the day that he un dertook this departure in fruit raising It will be found to beat strawberry and any other kind of fruit raising, and all kinds of truck growing. When you once get your vineyard set and bearing about the only ex pense is the gathering and marketing of the fruit and in the latter, you are not dependent on fluctuating north ern market. The price never gets so low that the cost of gathering and shipping will exceed the market val ue of the goods, as is the case often with strawberries and all kinds of vegetables. There is a standing and ever-increasing demand right at our door for all the scuppernongs which can be grown in this section. This is destined to become a great industry for land owners in this sec tion of the state. Those who plant the vines first are going to reap the earliest rewards for their forethought and diligence. lecause it takes the vines four or five years to become well remuner ative is all the more reason that time should not be lost in putting them out. We are glad to know that quite a good beginning has been made in this new enterprise in our county. There is no limit to the demand. The fruit is readily taken up by the existing wineries as fast as marketed. When their capacities are reached, if ever, there are men here with neces sary capital to establish new wine ries and thereby increase the demand for the fruit. The one local winery is ready to handle twice the quan ity of grapes it consumed last year. Its consumption then was confined to the supply furnished. Because there are no immediate re turns from the setting out of a scup pernong vineyard some people do not care to go into it. But just think of the handsome returns year after year when the vines do begin to bear, and almost at no outlay of money after the vines are first pur chased, set out and the arbor built. Properly gathered this grape can be shipped to market as well as the strawberry or other delicate fruit. We wish our people would take more interest in this matter. The agricultural department at Wash ington will give all neccessary infor mation on the subject. We want our people to go into the business. We are glad to know that many are doing so. - . . . The old time method of purging the system with Carthartics that tear, gripe, grind and break down the walls of the stomach and in testines, is superseded by Dade's Little Liver Fills. They cleanse the liver, and instead of weakening, build up and strengthen the whole system. Relieve headache, biliousness, constipation, etc. Sold by the Kerner-Mc-Kair Drug Company. Excerpts from the Atlanta Journal. First call for a convention of. The man with a Hoe, the Muck Rake and a patch on his pants. If a sea level canal will make fewer lock-tenders and office-holders, make it a sea level canal. It's queer, but a girl can be lots smarter in helping her beau's motlier than sue ever could be in helping her own mother. As Weber and Fields would say, the packers never sausage a disposi tion on the part ol everybody to give them the wurst of it. Every Turk is said to have not less than six wives. No wonder he is called the "unspeakable Turk." He doesn't have any show to get in a word. The report that a certain physical culture magazine has found a perfect man in Chicago is all bosh. A perfect man would never be caught staying In Chicago. We'll feel more like believing that that Iowa woman is really 140 years old wheu she adds to her claim the name of the brand of malt whisky that she owes her ripe old age to. To Manufacture Paper. Large Plant to be Established at Roanoke Rapids. Richmond, Va., May 14 Rich mond capitalists are interested in a project for the establishment at Roanoke Rapids, about five miles from Weldon, N. C, on the Roanoke river and on the Raleigh and Gas ton railroad, of a large plant for the manufacture of pulp and paper. They control property at the point mentioned which has facilities for enormous water power. The home offices of the company are to be in thiscity where, it is understood, most of the capital has been subscribed. The stock of the company is to be put at a maximum of $150,000 and a minimum of $100,000, and it is said that $125,000 has already been subscribed. A charter is soon to be applied for. The Wilmington Messenger is quite right when it says that the root of the pistol carryingevil is iuthecourts where judges are too lenient with the cowards who carry guns. 66 OUT says the doctor to many of his lady patients, because he doesn't know of any medicinal treatment that will positively cure womb or ovarian troubles, except the surgeon's knife. That such a medicine exists, however, has been proved by the wonderful cures performed on diseased wpmen, In thousands of cases, by WINE OF CARD Woman's Relief It has saved the lives of thousands of weak, sick women, and has rescued thousands of others from a melancholy lifetime of chronic invalidism. It will cure you, if you will only give it a chance. Sold at every drug store in $ 1 .00 bottles. Try it. WRITE US A LETTER freely and frankly, in strictest confi dence, telling us all your troubles. We will send Free Advice (in plain, sealed envelope). Address: Ladies' Advisory Dept., The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. i. Valuable Property For Sale The Henderson Loan and Offers the following property lerms: One brick prize house situate One 1 5-room brick dwelling Mills. One new six-room, two story, Street. One two story, frame dwelling on Horner street. Two 4-room cottages on Cemetery street. Two 4-room cottages on Horner street. One nice cottage corner Chestnut and Breckinridge streets. Two small houses on Cemetery street Two small houses on Montgomery street. Two small houses on Walnut street. Fifty vacant lots on Poplar, Montgomery and James streets. Four vacant lots on Sherman street Ten vacant lots on Chestnut and Rock Spring strets. Three vacant lots on Chavasse avenue. One farm containing 1 1 9 acres, two miles from Henderson, One farm containing 50 acres, near Freeborn Mill. One farm containing 400 acres two miles from Henderson. One Jarm containing 1 1 9 acres 1 -2, mile from Henderson. One farm containing 155 acres, near Epsom, N. C. One farm containing 23 acres part of which is in Henderson. - For further information apply to R. S. McCOIN, Sec'ty. and Treasurer. Go this Summer (Colorado Colorado for an outing in the Ask J. S. SARTELLE, s. f. &. p. a., Rockies. 1G No. Pryor St.. Atlanta, Ga., for"A Colorado Summer" book- 1 OlK tne UOlOra.aO t Iyer. let. cj Moore's Ready o o Leads, Colors in Oil, o () Varnishes, Hard Oil Finishes, Muresco inallcolors ( for walls, Japalac and Johnson s Wax. () You will make no mistake, in using these goods. (") () v Henderson, N, C. O U Blackburn Passes One to Pritchard. Washington Dispatch, 21st. When shown the article which ap peared in the Salisbury Post,n which Judge Pritchard is quoted as con firming the story of his declination to speak to the Congressman, Mr. Blackburn observed with a decided trait of bitterness in his words: "I do not care to discuss the matter. If the judge finds comfort iir making the incident a matter of comment, it is a matter of indifference to me. 'I am not a judge upon the bench, but I am content to know that I have not violated the laws of the land, nor have I plead ignorance of the law, or taken shelter behind the stat ute of limitations.'' - Deserves It. Washington Post. Here is Admiral Rojestvensky back again, when we all thought Ro just went-sky. Don't shoot! mt We might readily agree not to do anything to injure the packers' busi ness if they in turn would not do anything to injure our health. OUT 99 GAVE UP SUPPORTER "I wore a supporter for years, for my womb, which had crowded every thing down before It, writes Mrs.S. J. Chriiinan, of Mannsville, N. Y. "I suf fered untold misery and could hardly walk. After taking Cardui I gave up my supporter and can now be on my feet half a day at a time." Real Estate Company for sale, for cash or on easy on Horner street situate near Henderson Cotton frame dwelling situate on Davis - Very low excursion rentes on the Senta. Fe. When v&.c&.tion time comes your grip and go to cool - Mixed Paints ) Were ntroduced in the vear 1888 to the property, owners of Henderson and Vance coun- ty. They have stood the test C daring the 18 years trivinjr en- C tire satisfaction, wearing look- ( ) t in better and lasting; lonirer than any other paints made. Linseed Oil, Floor Oil. o n You'll Like has such Cures Biliousness, Sick Headache, Sour Stom ach, Torpid Liver and Chronic Constipation. Pleasant to take For sale by For Sale m ' r - i i i i - II r. I ?lxrg Rwttmrfc "2?r&?r3 TaMrfs. ?? p. tv,woe m t 12 months." Tfils sisfttnra- 1 fJCVCU 9r-lT -rr-m mmm f" - - fj - -g Grove's Tasteless Chi!! Tonic has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales over One and a Half Million bottles. Does this record of merit appeal to you? No Cure, No Pay. 50c. Enclosed with every bottle is a Ten, Onb package of Grove's Black Root Liver Pills. r SUMflER Screen Doors, Wire Cloth, Ice Cream Freezers, Lawn Mowers, and a variety of summer goods. Watkins Hardware Co. j I Everything for the Gardener. At Purse Pleasing Prices, Our tools are the kind that make garden work easy and are bound to give satisfactory results. We have a big display and our prices are low. Make your purchases now. Full line of Paints, Oils, White Lead and Hardware of all kinds. Daniel & Company. This Beer Because it is brewed with the utmost care from the choicest and best ingredients obtainable. This is why Anheuser-Busch a delightful flavor and why it so popular with all lovers of Good tfeer. Be sure that you ask for Anheuser- Buseh Pale Lager if you wish GOOD Beer. Anheuser-Busch Brewing Ass'n St. Louis, U. S. A. WT7QCTiT?pft RnTTLING CU.. JJistriDUton Richmond, Va. To Cure a Cold In On DSIHD Laxative Fruit Syrup MELVILLE DORSEY, n DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT Rilieves Indieesticn, S?nr Stomach. Eelchine of Cas, Etc. - FRZTt.-lEO ONLY AT THB LABORATORY OF E. C. DeWITT COMPANY. CHICAGO. IIX. at Parker's Two (2) Drug Stores. 1 GOODS g6PSIlQennep Exnmirt99 "lis a Pure Beer." s And Pure Beer helps your digestion If you digest well you will enjoy good health; GET TME BEST, "ABSUJTEILV PURE" "PNLSENEC3 EXPORT." t Mail orders solicited. Write for prices. The Virginia Brewing Co., Roanoke, Virginia. 5 32 Day Cures Grip m Two Days. on every 25c. Cleanses the system thoroughly and clears sallow complexions of pimples and blotches. It is guaranteed Druggist. 1YSPEPS1A CCOCOOCOOCO0CCOCCCCCOCOOQC0 Lvicky the M Who rides in a CORBITT BUGGY. Made of the best material, well put together by skills) workmen. Built for We manufacturer all grades of Buggies, Surreys, Carriages and Delivery Wagons. o TheCorbittBiggyCo, C) o HENDERSON, - N. C. Just Received, A Beautiful line of WASH SILKS and DRESS GOODS of all kinds. Nice line of HATS AND SHOES very cheap. Ladies' and gentlemen's Underwear and Jlosiery. Tin and Woodenware, Glass and Crockery ware,&c. Choice Stock of Groceries. Canned Goods of all kinds, The highest grade of FLOUR that is made- Price reasonable, too, Big Lot of Hay and Feedstuffs. Buying in car load lots we can sell at lowest prices wholesale or retail. H.TH0MA50N occcoooccocccccoccocoo O C) Drink Benton Mineral Water and be Well. Nature's Own Clemsdly. .ittnIinrlthatI bavc'odtynKinthCin wftir discovered ojj my plat J want (oranvmca otben of iU undoubted CBraUepriprtW To tbo who canoot Twit the Kpnng and get tb water frw I will driver it ia any qoan- after neing the water will refund tbe money. a.haM,l'OTr?f fflado" ,n rinKcbrOBlc coBiUpatiou.lndiKe.Tion n. . f T d,"',par. nd bladder trouble and kindred duL. It ebort wbTie Pn rgans and it beneficial effect ia marked aftr nainit it . ANALYSIS SHOWS Iron, Calcium, Mateia, Sodium, Potassium as Carbonates, 1 hospliateg, Silicates unci Chloride. TESTIMONIAL. Since ni0 Mr. B. F. Harris' Benton Mineral Spring water I have bwn greatly tx-nefitpd. I bare Uren a anffer from indigeation more than 20 yearn, and havfe been treated by twreral doctors, bnt got no relief ontil 1 drank tbia water. I heartily recommend it to all snSerera from indigestion and kidDt-y trouble. K.C. 1I1GI1T. O O C) O O ( O O () C) () () O O () O O ) O O C) B F. I?. F. D. No. 5. The TTypsivrMer. The "FRANKLIN" load tli,, all. Typewriter operatives i;uP pronounced it king or nil visii,e "writiug machines. It's a tiu. eaver. simplicity itself, ami f. r ,in. rability hasnm iiua'. PRICE $73.00. Terms tohuit. FRANK H. TUXBURY, Southern Representative. 110AX0KK. W THAR R. MANNING, Local Representative. Hendehkox, x c T HIS fan.nt s ho u sell old remedy is net a ' 4 jxiui.t medicine " in any sense but a liglitft'.l combination of rM,t. herbs and barks such as our grand parents used for RIru matism, Indigestion, Toijid Liver, MIo'xl Diseases and ;i run down system. Its simj k ingredients are us hannKs.s u milk. It contains no luuvrals, no alcohoi, r.o poison of any kind. K.s Native Herbs Tablets pre free from coating and l)tgin their healing vunk as soon as swallowed. Many people in this locality have used them. Many more testify in our Almanac, to b; had free of co.-t. liaeh box con tains 200 tablets for i.o and a printed Guarantee to cure or refund the money. The medi cine is not sold in drug stores, but only by T. E. DEMENT, Oxford. N. C. Made solely 1y The AlonzuO. r.h.ui.. Washington. D. C. Service Phone 18, HARRIS Henderson, N. C. 0 Bliss Native Herbs

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