THE-HENDERSON GOLD JLEAF 1HUBSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1906. . The Gold Leaf. ESTABLISHED 1881. BY THAD R. MANNING. TITCRSDAY, NOV. 8, 190 Results of Election. The election Tuesday resulted in u victory for the Democrats in the State and county. A solid Demo cratic delegation will represent North Caroliqa in the next Congress. Black burn was defeated by Hackett iu the Eighth district, and the Republicans thus lose the only Congressman they had from this 8tat. Crawford beat Uritt in trie Tenth (Asheville) dis trict, the contest there being more doubtful of Democratic success than any other district outside of the Eighth. The result in the other Con gressional districts and the State at large was practically as foreshad oweda complete Democratic vic tory. In Vance county the Democrats elected their ticket by an increased majority 650 or 700 majority. Hughes, Republican, was elected governor of New York defeating Hearst by over 50,000 plurality. Perhaps more interest centered In the result in New York than anywhere else outside of the State. The next Congress will be Republi can but they loe 21 members to the Democrats, as follows: Illinois, 2; Indiana, 1; lown, I; Mis souri, 4; Nebraska, 1; New Jersey. 1; New York, 1; North Carolina, 1; Ohio, :; Pennsylvania, 5; and Wisconsin, 1. 1 Express Plundering. The Greensboro Record seems to be familiar with the highway-robber, stand-and-deliver methods of the ex press companies whether it has felt their iron nnnd or not. It says: That the Express Company mana gers are as nearly highwaymen in their robbery of the public by exorbi tant rates, us those clothed in purple and fine linen can be, is kuown by every one who is compelled to use that form of transportation. Fort unately for the ieopIe the Democrats included these companies in the pro visions of the new railroad rate bill, which brings them under the super vision of the Interstate Commerce Commission. The Society of Ameri can Florists have just filed a com plaint against the United States Ex press Company charging that the rates were arbitrarily raised on May 1st from 25 to GO per cent. This the petitioners declare: "Is altogether unreasonable and unjustified by the circumstances of the case and the ex action is very nearly ruinous." The United States and the other Express Companios are controlled by the men, such as the railroad magnate Harri man and the decrepit Senator Piatt, and the stock is maii-Iy owned by an inside ring of railroad officials. These Express Companies have been a law unto themselves, but will now have to make under the new law a state ment of their earnings and expendi tures as t he railroads do, and we shall soon know just how much of their plundering can bo lopped off with.jus tice'o them and their customers. Those who feel they are subjected to unreasonable rates, should file their complaints with the evidence of the transaction with the Interstate Commerce Commission, Washington, D. C. i s ) ' What the South Needs and Wants. In view of the Southern Immigra tion Congress to be heldjn Nashville, Tenn., Nov. 12-1 4, the following is timely: Senate bill No. 4403 discuss ed in the Senate two days and passed May 23, 190G, without a dissenting vote, amends the present law by add ing to the excluded classes, imbecils, foeble-minded persons, epileptics, per sons cert ified by the examining Sur geon as being mentally or physically defective, polygamists girls coming for prostitution or other immoral purposes, children under 17 years of age unaccompanied by parents.unlees coming to join parents, brother or sister already in the United States, the assisted and illiterate. At the earnest solicitation of Southorn Sen ators the following wise provision was made a part of the bill: Sep. 20 Authority is hereby given the Commissioner-General of Immigration to establish, under the direction and con trol of the Secretary of Commerce and Lrfibor, a division of information in the llureau of Immigration. It shall be the duty of said division to promote a bene ficial distribntion of aliens admitted into the United States among the several States and Territories desiring immiera tion. When any State or Territory, or any corporation or association main taining an immigration bureau in' any tate or territory, appoints and main tains at its own expense an agent to represent it at any of the immigrat sta tions of the United States, such agent shall, under regulations prescribed by the i ommi88ioner-Ueneral oi lmmigra tion, subject to the approval of the Sec retary of Commerce and Labor, have ac cess to aliens who have been admitted to the United States for the purpose of pre senting, either orally or iu writing, the special inducements offered by such State or Territory to aliens to settle there iu and the Commissioner-General of Immi gration may, when practicable provide botc ui vue TiinouB immigrant sinuous for displays by such agents of the re sources and products of their respective Mates and .territories, while on duty at any immigrant station such agent shall be subject to all the regulations prescribed by the Commissioner-General of Immigration, who. with the approval oi tne becretary of Commerce and Labor may, for violation of any of such regula tions deny to the agent guilty of such violation any of the privileges herein granted. Twenty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated from the immigrant fund to carry the provisions of this sec tion into effect. On June 25, 1900, an amendment was forced through the House by gag-rule of Speaker Cannon, which sent the Rill to Conference Commit tee, which committee will report at tne coming session. Senate Rill No. 4403 is what the South needs and wants and it should have the unanimous endorsement of the Southern Immigration Confer ence. Made Happy for Life. Great happiness came into the home of S. O. Blair, school superintendent at St. Albans, W. Ya., when his little daughter was restored from the dreadful complaint he names. Re says: "My little daughter had St. Vitus' Danes, which yielded to no treatment but grew steadily worse until as a last resort we tried Electric Bitters; and I rejoice to say, three bottles effected a complete cure." Sure, qnick cure for nerrous complaints, general debility, female weaknesses, impoverished blood and malaria. Guaranteed by Melrille Dorsey, drojrjrict. Price 5 Or. - t Big Show Almost Here. Many Sensations Promised by the Barnnm & Bailey Circus Man agement. A great deal of interest has been arous ed by the announcements of the Barnnm & Bailey Greatest Show on Earth, and circus day in Henderson, Thursday, Nov. l."th, promises to be one of the biggest days ever known in circus annals hers. The coming of the big show is, in itself, an event of importance to thousands of circus-lovers, hut added interest is given to the circus engagement this year by the announcement of an unusually large number of arenic features of a novel and even sensational character. A resume of this year's arenic features gives the following interesting informa tion: "The show opens with a new spec tacle, depicting with military and alle gorical display the closing days of the Russo-Japanese war in Manchuria, and the successful termination of the san guinary struggle through the diplomatic offices of the President of the United States. The spectacle bears the mean ing title, 'Peace,' and is the most am bitious and gorgeous military display ever attempted by a circus management. The circus proper, which follows the spectacle, serves to introduce 300 artists from oil parts of the world in a gigantic triple-ring arenic performance. Among the famous acts are the Imperial Vien nese Troupe of aeriRhsts; tne .Steves, in a new and novel perfomance called the 'Aerial Tremplin;' the Florenz, La Mont and Grunatho Trouies of acrobats; the Troupe La Carmen, in a remarkable se ries of feats on a high wire; the Bisera and orlop companies of whirlwind dancers: twenty famous principal riders, embracing Josie Demott, the somersault- exuestnenne; tne Kooneys, r red and t,na Brad n a, Dallie Julian and Fred Ledgett, Pauline Heil, Celia Sebastian, Ouika and Marie Meers, Fred Derrick, Wm. Melrose, Wm. DeMott, C'has. Siegrist; and Les Kowlandes, who give a clever acrobatic act in a tally ho; all kinds of trained ani mal displays, presenting Thompson's horses, a remarkable company of equines that perform surprising feats at liberty and iu harness; a double herd of trained seols;a combination act,introducingtwo ponies, a baby elephant and dogs; and three herds of elephants in a big battle scene; a company of forty clowns, whose mission is to inject comedy into the per formance, aud in which they are uproar iously successful; a revival of the old Roman Hippodrome on a scale of unpar alleled grandeur, and a zoological collec tion embracing four giraffes, the ouly bi-horned rhinoceros in the United States and hundreds of other rare and curious wild beasts. With all these attractions and they would seem to be sufficient to satisfy the most exacting several distinct thrillers are announced. In the "Dip of Death," a daring American girl rides forty feet through the air in an inverted racing machine, and in the "Two Twirls of Ter ror." the Boiler Brothers, two daring bi cyclists, turn mid-air somersaults ou their wheels. These acts might aptly be term ed "the limit," for each in its way seems to be the extreme point to which human daring and ingenuity may go without courting certain destruction. - . . . Had a Close Call. "A dangerous surgical operation.involving the removal of a malignant ulcer, as large as my hand, from iny daughter's hip, was pre vented by the application of Buck leu's Arnica .Salve," Bays A. 0. Stickel, of Miletus, W. Va. "Persistent une of the Salve completely cured it." Curw CutH, Buriia and Injuri'. 'J'tr nt Melville Dorsey's drug store. North Carolinian Again First Amer ican Officer Entering Cuba. Asheville Guxette-News. There was a coincidence in the oc cupation of Cuba by American troops twice within a period of eight years that will beof interest to many Ashe ville boys who in 1898 wore the regu lation blue and the dull khaki of the United States volunteer army. A staff correspondent of the New York limes at Havana writes that paper under date of October 11, that Col. Cowles, who commanded the men on board the transport Sumner, was the first commanding officer to enter Cuba with troops during the recent trou bles on the island and that Col. Cowles was again congratulated upon being the firstcomiuandingofficerof troops to inarch through Havana for Amer ican occupation. Ltd. Cowles was second mcommaiid of the First North Carolina regiment, volunteers.that first entered Cuba as an army of occupation shortly after the close of the Spanish-American war. Included in the companies t hat went to make up the First North Carolina regiment was the old Ashe ville Light Infantry, and Asheville boys were, therefore, among the first soldiers to occupy Cuba in the name of the Uuited States government. The New York correspondent in referring i to the part that North Carolina played in the first occupation of Cuba says: "Major Baker told Col. Cowles,who commanded the men ou the Sumner, that early this morning the ship would be brought alongside the Ha vana Central pier and unloaded. Spec ial street cars would be read to take the men direct to their place atCarnp Columbia, witb other cars ready for baggage and camp equipment. Ev erything was to be ready so that the men could get their noon-day meal in their owu camp and sleep tonight in their own cots under their own canvas. '"Then the major congratulated the colonel on being again the first com manding officer of troops to march into Havana for an American occupa tion. Col. Cowles was the lieutenant colonel of a North Carolina regiment during the war with Spain. His reg iment was chosen for garrison duty here, but it arrived iu the harbor sev eral days after the 202nd New York. The New Yorkers had been lying on their transport vigorously dis cussing the perplexing question of whether they wanted to march through Havana, yellow fever strick en, and occupied by Spanish troops, or not. While they were still talking along came the North Carolinians. Then the New Yorkers made up their minds, but before they could trans form their determinatiou into action Col. Cowles had disembarked his men and was alreadv on his wav through the city." As a matter of fact, when the First North Carolina landed and marched through the streets of Havana, it was under the personal command of Its colonel, (now) Brigadeir General Joseph F. Armfield. In Jackson ville Col. Armfield was acting brisra- dier general, and the command of his regiment devolved upon Lieut. Col. Cowles. When the regiment boarded a transport for Havana, Col. Arm field relinquished command of the brigade. Subsequently another reg iment of the brigade (from Illinois) joined the First North Carolina in Havana, whereupon Col. ArmSeld as sumed command of the two regi ments and the command of the First North Carolina again developed upon Lfont. f oL Cowles. Dr. J. B. Matthews Kills Himself. Dr. J. B. Matthews, the Greensboro wife murderer, who was sentenced to 20 years at hard labor in the peni tentiary.committedsuicide by shoot ing himself in the head with a pistol in Baltimore Monday. He was out on $5,000 bond pending action an appeal to the Supreme court. The verdict of the lowercourt was affirm ed and Matthews disappeared. lie snpnr, several da vs in Baltimore under r " . t nn nismimpfl nn me.fitaviner at a cliean I lodging house and there killed him- j self. Matthews killed nis wile Dy in jecting poison into her veins, and many persons thought he should have been found guilty of murder in the first degree aud hung instead of get ting off on a verdict of second degree murder and sentence to a term in the penitentiary. - . m. - . "For years 1 starved, then I bought a oOc bottle of Koilol Dyspepeia Cure, and what that bottle benefited me all the gold in Geor gia could not bay. I kept on taking it ami in two months I went back to my work as ma chinist. In three months I was as well and hearty as I ever was. I still use a little oc eiiioiuilly as I find it a fine blood puriflerand a good tonic. May you live long and pros per. " C. N. Cornell, Roding Ga., Aug. 27, 1000. Kodol in sold here at Parker's Two Drug Stores. At Your Service. We have bought Parhara Brothers' drays and are now at your service with better facilities for doing your hauling. Promising good service and prompt at tention to all business, we solicit a share of the public patronage. J. It. CARTER & CO. Harris Benton Spring Mineral water can lie had iu bottles at. Thomas Brothers', Par ker's, Dorsey's and Kerner-McNair Compii ay's druc stores. Drew's, the only 5, 10 is the place to buy. Ladies Knit and Muslin Underware, Men's, Ladies' and Children's Gloves, Men's, Ladies' and Ghildren's Caps, Boy's Pants, Men's Shirts, Tinware, Enamel ware, Glass ware, China, Embroidery, Laces, Buggy whips, 251b Lard Cans, Wash Boards, Lamps, Books, Station ary, Post Cards, Etc., Etc. 200 lbs 25 cent candy. 100 lbs 50 cent candv. We get this amount fresh oai li week. Remember we never have to reduce our prices to meet competition. Our motto is The best goods possible for the money. Come and inspect our stock whether you purchase anything1 or not. Watch oir Windows for Bargains. Drew's 5, 10, and 25 Cent Store, 403 LASSITER BUILDING, A Rockerbye Rocker omy to buy "the other kind.' D. W. HARDEE r vwwvwvwwwwvvw WANTED ! 8 6 O Can give immediate employment to ( nen, Women, Boys, Girls, White or colored. Good wages paid. Steady employ- 5 ment. All parties wanting work communicate at once with J W RI 1DDHF IfiHC Durham, : This is the New ENGINE AND Now being installed in the pla.nt of the Henderson Lighting & Power Company It embodies every improvement known to the building of Engines a.nd Dynamos, Telephones, Nos. 21. 48, 6f To Win. This laki'ii from an exchange: More action, Less said; More coorrage, Less dread. More eheeiful, Less sad; More goodness, Less bad. More liking, IjCss hate; More labor, Iess wait. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is oiiiy one way to cure deafuess, and that is by the constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucons lin ing of the Eustachian Tube When thi tube is inflamed you have arnmblingsound or im perfect hearing,and when it is entirely closed, deafness is the remit, and unless inflamma tion can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be de stroyed forever; tine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred DoHars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 7oc. T)ike Hall's Family Pills for constipation. - - ... - FASTIDIOUS WOMEN consider Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic a necessity in the hygienic care of the person and for local treatment of feminine ills. As a wash its cleansing, germicidal, deodorizing and healing qualities are extraordinary. For sale at Drue-eists. Samole free. Address The R. Paxton Co., Boston, Mass. and 25c Store here, Our price, 10 cents a pound Our price, 10 cents pound. Henderson, N. C. is a boon to the entire family. Many comfortable ones scatter ed about in our stock of SATISFACTORY FURNITURE, every piece of which is built for comfort, for long wear, for util ity and with artistic style. Our splendid stock shows the evo lution of Furniture at its high est at prices that are within reach. We offer the best fur niture made. It's poor econ- We invite its examination. FURNITURE CO. 8 () f 1 ) North Carolina. O 300 Horse Power GENERATOR I THERE IS A REASON FOR CHEWING REYNOLDS' SUN CURED TOBACCO Alex. T. Barnes' Big Furniture House Is now exhibiting a line of Furniture second to none in the State. Biggest Furniture RUGS, ART SQUARES, DOOR MATS. MUSIC CAB NETS. BRASS AND IRON BEDS. ROYAL ELAS TIC FELT MATSRESSES.VICTOR SPRINGS. No finer artistic Mahogany, Oak and Birds Eye Mapje suits of Bed Room Furniture ever entered the mind of the artist who desighed the most fancied furniture for the magnificent homes of Henderson. Best line to select Bridal Inspect Our Goods, Compare Our Prices, buy where it's to Your Interest. ALEX. T. BARNES or JOS. S. R0YTSER Will Take Pleasure in Showiug You. Call and let us present you with a handsome Calendar for 1907, $mmw Single and Double Breasted Sack Suits, $10.00 to $20.00 Us The Latest Style Royal Limited, Wilson and Stetson stiff and solf hats, $1.50. $100, $2.50, $3.50 and $5.00. Chewers becoming- tired of heavily sweetened sun cured tobaccos caused REYNOLDS' SUN CURED to quick ly win from the old brands of much longer standing the place as favorite with sun cured chewers, because it contains iust enough proper sweetening and fla voring to preserve the quality of the leaf and enhance its goodness, causing" a large increase in the demand for sun cured tobaccos. - MYN0LDS' SUN CUM) is not only pure sun cured, but it is made from choice selections of the genuine sun cured leaf grown "where the best sun cured tobacco grows. It is like that you formerly got, costing from 60c to $1.00 per pound, and is sold at 50c per pound in 5c cuts; strictly 10c. plugs, and is the best value in sun cured tobacco that can be produced for chewers. H. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. Winstori-Salessi, N. C. Leather Chairs, Couches, Dining Room Furniture. Big assortment of high grade Ch&.mbera.nd Parlor Suits, etc. The prettiest line of Dining Room Furniture we ever displayed in our Store yet. We ea-e sole agents for the Globe-Wernicke ELASTIC BOOK CASES AND FILING CABINETS. House in this Section ef North Carolina. and Christmas presents. Every CJan ShouOd Wear (EHQDITIHIEQ who takes any pride in his correct appearance on all oc casionsand wishes to be economical in his clothing ex penditures. If you come in that range, you will find most convincing arguments in our smart Suits and Overcoats for wearing them their snappy style,their individuality, artistic nnish and the spendid hi or e ry you that they are the equal of expensive to-measure-made clothes. It's up to you to verify our claim,to critically exam ine and try on WATKINS' CLOTHES to save your self money. Men's and Young Men's Overcoats, $8.50 to $18.50. HENDERSON, North CorcUna. B "ft your size garments will satis- TO KEEP THE BOY WELL DRESSED AT LITTLE COST ia difficult problem with some parents but an easy one for those who buy Watkins' Clothes For Bojs and Juveniles. B0V Wln C.I. . - ....v. S Ull g .ite 8 to 10 yeaw-nobbj at vies in handsome fahri . ' J ,n $2.00 to $8oo. Juveniles' W!nt c..i. $a.5 to $5.00. Boys' Overcoats and Reefers, all mite, $3.50 to $12.00. I ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR HOW SHE LIKES HER STIEFF PIANO. We are quite sure there is at leant one Sttoff in your neichborhood,au we know thatall whoboj the'7'i;ior with the sweet tone" not only get the best, but saxe the dealer's profit. Stieff Pianos are Sold Only from Maker to the User. None Sold to Dealers. Ill Is Is a bit savins lor you. nn.l when you also get the best piano i it not worth investigating? Drop u a card and let ob tall vou nil about onr easy buying plan, the money we Bare yon and the friends we have in the "Good Old North State." : : CHARLES M. STIEFF, 66 Crmmby St.. Norfolk. Va. George S. Nitsseab, Mgr. After January 1. 1907. 112 Q ran by Si I 1 T Nice Lot of SPRINT COAL. Also all (trades of HARD COAL. Best Quality at Lowest Prices. DRV PINE WOOD Cut a.nd Uncut. Prompt attention to all orders. Phone 170. I.J.YOUNG. The gain in new building and in dustry in Henderson is greater than at any period in the history of our town. The Citizens Dank solicits its proportion of the insur ance on these new buildings.d well ings, etc, and guarantees prompt service and lowest possible rates to its customers. Insurance Department Citizens Dank. RICHARD C. GART, : Manager. TOWN TAXES. Office of Tvnrn Tax Collettob.I Henderson, N. C, August 30, 1900. j THE TAX BOOKS FOR THE TOWN OF HENDERSON for the year 1906, nav been placed in my bands for collection. All persons liable for town taxes for the curiut year aro hereby requested to come forwird and settle immediately aa the law require. The mnney I needed f meet the obtlf tUn of the toww and Indulgence cawnt Sctlven. T must be paid, and the oner. th bet. ter, tor all concerned. it is well therefore to apply the first mon ey that comes into your bands toward get ting your town tax receipt. THAD U. MANNING. Town Tax Collector. New Crop Turnip Seeds EVERY KIND. Bulmt'm talmbrated pHB medal Turnip Soaxfa. CLOVED DEEDS, SC. 7. HDIIDL1SEV. SEABOARD Air Line Railway. DIRECT LINE TO ALL POINTS South, South-west, Korti nd Kortk-west. DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE BETWEEN Boston New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore. Waahnigton, Norfolk, Richmond, BalMj?ti. Uiarlotte, Wilmington, Atlanta, Binnius ham, Memphis, Chattanooga, NashyilW. Montgomery. Mobile, New Orleans, Colusa bia, Sayannab, Jacksonville, Tampa and all iiunu points. TWO TRAINS DAILY. TWO TRAINS DAILY BETWEEN New Yni-V Wa.t.n. T.4. ... if. lanta, Birmingham, Memphis, Savannah auu acKsonniie. Trains composed of Vestibule day coaches, - O wm. .ivrwua ibia - latest cafe dining cars. DIRECT CONNECTION AT UmmliU VT nl a . . f,. new vmeans ana oi. ixu points in Texas, California, Arkansas, Colo rado and the North-west. 1 K nnn j o TP 4 ivwi, ooaiuern xjurw. For time tables, winter or soamer book - lets illustrative of toe South and Soutb-weet PPlv to Seaboard passenger representative ru C.UTia,g.F.A.,PcrttJi,Vi.