. .J - ,I1 A BUSINESS Be Sure Ik -! ' r0VERTISIN6 - If Yoa Want You are right by first writing an ad ver t isement setting forth the bargains you of fer, and iuwrt it in the fJOLD LEAF. Than prepared for bus iness, you can Then 60 Ahead.- To reach the people of Hen-" derson and sur rounding coun try, let them know the induce ments you hold oat to get their trade by a well displayed adver tisement in The 60LD LEAF 1 THAT rs Worth Having 18 TEE FOUNDATION OF SUCCESS fS iiiv ciicieccc I i Worth Atorlising IEVEKY UAV . IN THE if EAR. WW! OUOINLOO TH1D R. M1KMG, Publisher. " Caeolina, CAnomsr.. Hravem's Blessinqs Attend Heh." SDBSCRIPTIOI $1.E0 Ctsk. VOL. XXVII. HEKDERSON, N. C, THUKSDAY. MARCH 20, 1908. NO. 14. s ,- j- : j 1 r 1 7" : ' Bad Symptoms. The woman who has periodical head ache3, backache, sees Imaginary dark biiitta or specks floating or dancing before Ji'er eyes, hasgnawing distress or heavy full feeling tfWtomach, faint spells, drag-glng-downAeellng in lower abdominal or pelvic reason, easily startled or excited, IrreguVfror painful periods, with or with out iHvic catarrh, is suffering from weakntfrsfts andlerangeznents that should have eafly arantion. Not all of above symptonia arf likely to bo present In any case at oeime. NeglyCtjd or badly treated and such cases 45fLfn run Into maladies which de man ore surgeon's knife If they do not reiTatally. o medicine extant such a Ion a no numerous recorn of fiirw in sue a Dr. Flerce's Favorite Pre.scrf ima- iNo medicine lias such a strong - """IJI "L 1 " 111 I ira-nn-ni. oi earn rn w Ki'Vernl inirrpri cnts worth morn tho n a r -raj inirremr.nL-wnrth more t.htm rv finer m nrnmarv mn-hrniMtinnii taa. tfmopialff The very best ingredients known to medical science for the cure of woman's peculiar ailments enter Into Its composition. No alcohol, harmful, or habit-forming drng i3 to bo found in the list of its Ingredients printed on each liottle-v.rappf r and attested under oath. In any condition of the female system, I)r. Pierce's Favorite Prescription can do only good never harm. Its whole effect is to strengthen, invigorate and regulate tii whole female system and especially the pelvic organs. When these are de ranged in function or affected by disease, the stomach and other organs of digestion become sympathetically deranged, the nerves are weakened, and a long list of bad, unpleasant symptoms follow. Too much must not be expected of this "Fa vorite Prescription." It will not perform miracle?; will not cure tumors no med icine will. It will often prevent them, if taken in time, and thus the operating table and the surgeon's knife may be avoided. Women suffering from diseases of long standing, are invited to consult Doctor I'ierce by let ter, free. All correspondence is held ii strictly private and sacredly confidential. Address Dr. 11. V. Pierce. Buffalo. N. Y. Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser (1000 pages) Is s 'lit free on receipt of L'l one-cent stamps for paper-covered, or 31 stamps lor cloth-bound copy. Address as above. NOTICE. I)Y VIUT'lTCm- POWF.K ( OX KKItUKD ) I iv h Trust I ! executed liv J. K H.ixttT on the 2t!i diiy of Mureli. Ht(i which U duly fgistcred in the office of th ItejriHtcr of Ici ls for Vance county, in Pool 21 at pne l.'tT. mid at reqnuHt of the holilei of t!ie 1 1 Heciired therein, default having been made jn the payment of the same, I tha!l. on Monday, April Gih, 1908, Hell at nulilie miction to tin' liiihent biddei for catdi. at the Court lloune door in Ilender con. Vance county, N. ('., a certain lot o laiiil in Henderson, described as follow Pegin at an iron stake at the internectioi) o' mi alley in Horimr street, thence along: Pah street North West '2 2 feet to nn iroi stake at the intersection of Horner and Har grove streets: thence along Hargrove street N. TtV II. H7:5i feet to a stake; thence 39 N '2'2 feet to a stake on an alley; thence alont said alley ."1 V. to fhe beginning. It beiity the property bought of Owen Davis.. This. March 'Ji.d, lttOH. JOHN T. THOMAS. Trustee. fity Barber Shop Murrell & Page, Proprietors (Xext to P.arnes Clothing Store.) An Easy Shave, ....... A Satisfactory Hair Cut ..... Is what yon get every time von patronizt this shop. We are experienceo Harbers, and give every customer our very best service Shop newly furnished throughout. Chain upholstered in leater cienn. cool, sanitary. We tolicit your patronage. MURRELL & PAGE. DR. F. S. HARRIS, DENTIST, Henderson, N. C. tear- OFUCR: Ov-r ii ti.nv stoe Administratrix's Notict TT AYINC QPAL1FIKD AS ADMIMSTRA- JlA trix of the estate of Louis .1. Keavis deceased. late of Vance county, .C. before the. Clerk of the Superior Court, this is to notify till persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to me. properly verified, on or before the lth day of March, I'.KHi. or this notice will ie oleaded in liar of their ncoverv. All per sons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate settlement. This March 10. 1908. EMILY It. KEAVIS, Administratrix of Lewis J. Heavis, deceasd GOAL AND WOOD, Best and largest stock Lump, Splint and Anthracite L ver handled in Henderson. Also Sawed and Uncut woo Split ready for the stove, we solve the wood chopping problem for you. Prompt attention to all business. Poythress Goal and Wood Go. Pbone No. 88 Laxative Fruit Syrup Pleasant to take The new laxative. Does not gripe or nauseate. Cures stomach and liver troubles and chronic con stipation by restoring the c o natural action of the stom ach, liver and bowels. Refuse substitutes. Prloe BOo. For Sale at Patter's Two Mi Stores This is the Staph. Col.Fairbrother Takes a Sur vey of the Politico-Prohibito Situation in North Carolina and Draws a Few Deduc tions Therefrom Which May or May Not be Correct. Fairbrother's Everything. Different reports come from Salisbury where the Democrats who are ppose'd to prohibition held a meeting a few days Rfrn T t in rlnimitfl li c mnrv tVtnt. thuru was not present a corporal's guard; Hint. A. Hpnnt. hn IF i nun rocTUinrloH nnr! Representative Morton was practically " ...... alone in hia scheme. Ljrus Watson wrote a letter which was read nnd which was to the point; but it was un derstood that the meeting was a fizzle, pure and simple. McNeil, of Fajette ville. writes a letter to his home paper concerning the meeting and he paints things in more hopeful color than given out by the press representatives, but from what can be learned there was nothing much, if anything, doing. The object of this meeting was to get an expression from the Democrats who are opposed to the Democratic party submitting prohibition to the State; it was to organize and attempt to raise funds and maintain a literary bureau, to the end of arousing the masses to a sense of duty. But when one figures on this proposition there is nothing in it. The Democratic party is committed to the prohibition mensure. The leader of the pnrty in the Stnte are all com mitted The Democratic olatform which 'be State convention will hand out an' vhich it will order swallowed withon any questions being asked or answer', will declare for prohibition. and the ha d full of patriots who see their liberty or the toboggan will look in vain for a emedy inside the party. The Democratic party in North Caro lina believes the time has come whe this State must be prohibition. It be lieves that the Nation should pass laws topping the importation of whiskev within the State; it believes that thpeo Ie should vote out likker for all time ind in order to keep a howl from readi ng the clouds, it submitted the question ind ordered an election in May. It didn't wait until the regular elec tion: that wouldn't be politics. Neither id it it propose to submit the question f wet or dry in the State, but it pro- mses to keep the SO per cent, of territo ry it already has dry and have the whole state vote on a few towns. In other words the Democratic party proposes to force on the people of North Carolina what a few leaders want, and the rank ind hie are not consulted and not con- iderd. so far as that is concerned. And the rank" and file will not kick ver the traces on the whiskey question. that is a moral proposition and a man tnusn't make any noise when the morals of his State are being discussed. He is tot allowed to think for himself and con dude as he irresistibly would that regu- 'ation is the only way to restrain an vil: he is supposed to shut his eyes. have his sentence read and then do the bidding of the leaders self appointed and elf chosen. This is the situation. If Mr. Morton and Mr. McNeil and Mr. Watson do not like this program they have a chance to kick over the traces; to get into the Republican party which doesn t care much what it does, u any votes are in sight but they dare not do this, because were they to 'jine" the rads they couldn't be heard any longer. so they remain between the devil and the deeD blue sea: write letters; call con ventions and resolve and re-r solve and will die the same. Right on the eve of the proposition of Mr. McNeil to open hia literary bureau and flood the State with literature op posing prohibition comes the announce ment that the Denver convention will in all probability tack a prohibition plank on the National platform and of course that would end the heart-ache, if not die sorrow. The Republican party has lieen the party in other years that -tood for temperance laws; Democracy and whiskev erstwhile went hand in hand but Democracy is now posing as a tee-totaler and the Republican breth ren are sweating blood in an endeavor to head off the wide-spread sentiment against whiskev, i here ' is no use. 1 hings are upsiue down and the two great parties; the . . . two parties which have been so long in existence and which have become so con tradictory are up against it, and Mr. Hearst with his Independence League is going to do a stunt this year wortu while. We note the Washington Star in its cartoons recognizes Mr. Hearst and wonders what he is going to do, and even the New York Sun which hates rlearstand Hearstism says in its Sunday paper editorially "As a plain matter of fact, without reference to the wider circuit of Hearst ian activities or hopes, Mr. Hearst 1- at present an important factor in the poli tics of iew lork Hearst has announced positively, that he will have a candidate of his own in the field and it must not be forgotten that Hearst almost carried the State of New York and he did carry New York City. His platform was said to be the soundest and best of any platform ever submitted to the people, and in this year of grace there are thousands 01 men wondering what to do, and Hearst, as the New York Sun well says, "might not only uoll the vote of his attached follow ers. but also become in every State the refuge of the indignation and despair o, many American citizens whose business or livelihood has been ruined or is tnreat ened." So if Messrs. McNeil. Watson and Mor tor, et al are looking for a place to ride in safety they may be forced to wit until Mr. Hearst s chariot passes Dy. it will be the most attractive thiug on wheels this coming campaign and it is a surprising thing to know the number of conservative people who are thinking that his party is the one that will save the country. While Hearst all along has been ac cused of being yellow find sensational; while he has advocated things that caused men to shudder, it stands ancon- caused men iu buuuuci, ouuo .wU- tradicted that the platform of the Inde- pendenee League was tne oroaiest ana of anvthintr before the American ceoole last election and it was so sound KJ W MU J 0 " - - and so inviting that the majority of the people in New York State almost ac cepted it. This time Hearst will not head the ticket but a man of Hearst's choice will head it and the League will surprise the world Not only in New York, as the Sun points out, is Mr. Hearst an important factor just now but in tne nation, tiecause it must follow that his following will carry the balance of power and in the mixed and confusing situation between Brvanism and Taftiam there will be uo choice and Hearst' . Independence League will look good to millions of the dissatisfied and disgusted. The Beautiful. Eloise Dare. Beautiful faces are those that wear It matters not if dark or fair Wbole-Bonled honesty printed there. Beautiful eyes are those that show Like crystal panes where hearth fires glow, Beautiful thoughts that burn below. Beautiful lips are those whose words Leap from the heart like the songs of birds, let whose utterance prudence girds. Beautiful hands are those that do Work tli at is earnest and brave and true. Moment by moment thd long day th-ough. Beautiful feet are those that go On kindly ministry to and fro, Down holiest ways, if liod wills it so. Beautiful shoulders are those that bear Ceaseless burdens of homelv care With patience, grace and daily prayer. Beautiful lives are those that bless Silent rivers of happiness Whose hidden fountain but few may guess Beautiful twilight at set of sun, Beautiful goal with race well run, Beautiful rest with work well done. Beautiful grave where grasses creep. where brown leaves fall, where dritts lie deep Over worn-out hands oh, beautiful sleep! Lessons for the Negro to Learn. orfolk Vrrginian-Pilot. Pooker WaRhinjrton opines that Iip people of hia rune will mak better nrosrress if tlipy lfarn to save money. Vs; and in order to skin tbp rabbit, bpy mint fir-t, cateli it. More at- "ntiufi to "crops and Ipss to eraps; n-r- tioniit or work, ann less ot ioli.1 it: !itt'iitin to tbp fnr-t that ix bivs of labor are neeesarv to nakp Sunday oiip of rest; more re ran! for a contract than a possum rack; industry, self-denial, temppr- n-p. m snort, tap npgro will thirve v observance of the samp rules which brine: success to tbp white nan. So lono; as idleness. vap;rancv nd immorality arp charactpristics of a large proportion of the race, Iip worthless elements will neutralize he efforts of the better classps toad- vancempnt. I he mpaurp of salva- ion attainable by the negroes must e sought throuirh the sweat of their rows. The narrowness of present opportunity must be met as it, has been met m nil ages by a dearree of ffort fitted to thp difficulties to be ovpreomp There is no permanent dacp in the hive of human industry except for the makers of honey. "Recollections." Wilmington Messenger. "Recollections" is the title of a book written by Colonel A. M. Wad- lell, of this city, which will be issued y the publishers in a few da vs. The name signifies the nature of the book, and all who are acquainted with Col. Waddell's store of information regarding the history written, and unwritten, of his state, especially of hp Cape Fear 'section, and with the ability as a writer will look forward with pleasant .anticipation to his reading of this book. On this subject the ATeivs and Observer of Sunday ave: "It is gratifying to know that Hon. Alfred Moore Waddell will soon pub- lsh a yolume of 'Recollections'. Col. Waddell was a promient actor in the three most interesting periods of worth Carahna history the war be tween the States, Reconstruction and the Revolution of 1898. In each he bore honorable leadership and won the approval of his people and wrote his name large on the story of his generation. He has written more than one book of history ana literary value and many sketches and stories of literary excellence. At his best he is an orator of the first water and his pen is the pen of a man of letters. His book will be looked lor witn pager interest and be a valuable contribution to the growing num ber of meritorious North Carolina historical publications." Doctor Used D. D. in His Prac tice. Eminent Phyg'Clan Says This great Liquid PrecJp ion is Certain Cure for Ez-ma. Still another Ezenia specialist comes forward in enthusiastic praise of L. D. D. Prescription, the wonderful external remedv which cures Ezeraa and other similar diseases like magic. He is Dr. C. B. Holmes of Silver City, Miss., and in summing up his impressions of the start ling cures I). D. D. has effected, he says "I have been using your D. D. D. for fonr years with gratifying results. 'TIS AS NEAR A SPECIFIC FOR HERPES, ECZEMA. FfiORIASIS. ETC.. AS IS QUININE FOR MALARIA." Dr. Holmes is one of hundreds of phy sicians who use D. D. D. in their daily practice. The D. D. D. company allows physicians to use this remedy with the understanding that they tell their pa tients what it was that cured them when the terrible itch lias been wiped out, the skin healed and the raw wound covered over with soft white skin. I) D. D. is not a nasty paste to smear the skin and clothing, but it is a clear uqu:d It is advisable to use 1). U. v. soap in connection with D. D. D. Prescription necessarv? That remedy is sold at PAR KER'S TWO DRUG STORES. Come in an let us show you convincing proof that D. D. D. will cure your skin disease. Even if you have not decided to use D. D. D. remedy, come in and explain your case any way. Everything at the Deaf and Dumb school at Morganton runs' smoothly . rph HUtnrhor nf thp npflw Ahp disturber of the peace ruro-ru, have been lonsr before. Thomasville Charity and Children. Good For Everybody. Mr. Norman R. Coulter, a prominent arcitect, in the Delbert Building, San Fran riseo, eajB: "I fully endorse all that haa ! been paid of Electric Bitters as a tonic medi cme. it l good lor everyooay. is correei fctomach, liver and kidney disorders in a prompt and efficient manner and builds up the system." Electric Bitters is the best spring medicine ever sold over a druggist's counter, as a blood purifier it is unequaled. ROc. at Melville Don.' Dim ftoro. Absolutely Pure From , Grapes, the most nealtMul of fruits, comes the . chief ingredient of Q The Southern Standard of Satisfaction An odorless ' and tasteless vege table lard no hog:fat in it pure cotton seed oil, refined by our exclu sive and original Wesson Process No other cooking-fat can be so gpod, so pure, so healthful, so economical. For bread, biscuit, pastry, and all Kkinds of frying, it's as good as butter. Doesn't take on the slightest odor of fish, onions, or anything else. Doesn't soak into or become absorbed by anything cooked in it. HE Ti'Hrt;ia;i:i f. fifi BT DOESN'T PAY to run the risk of the uninsured." The Henderson Loan and Real Estate Co. will protect you and your property against all forms of hazards. We represent one special Life Insurance Com pany, several strong and reliable Fire Insurance Companies, two Health and Accident Insurance and Bonding Companies. We are also in the Real Estate and Rental business. Let us know if you want to buy a nice lot or if you wish to rent and locate in a desirable part of town. c c f. HENDERSON LOAN Spinning Time Is Here. Suggestive of Farming and Gardening. We have a big lot of farming and gardening tools of all kinds. PLANET, JR., THE LEADER AND AVERY GAKBEM FLOWS. The best tools of the kind made. Garden Hose, Lawn Sprinklers, Lawn Fountains, Lawn Mowers, Ha.rrows, Cultivators, Plows, Hoes, Shovels, Forks, Rakes, etc. Watkiffs Hardware Company. mm Ol9EInl only, baking powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar Costs a little mere than the injurious alum or phosphate of lime powders, but with Royal you are sure of pure, healthful food. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 & REAL ESTATE CO, 5 Funny Inconsistency. Richmond News-Leader. One of the ridiculous development of editorial inconsistency that we see in some Southern Democratic news papers is a demand that the Philip pines should be treated like white people. The Columbia, S. C, State a ew days ago was pathetically elo quent in its denunciation of an American orator at Manila who told lis American audience that a very ittle independence was all that was good for the Philippines. The State resents with fervid indignation our assumption of superiority and wants know what would have oeen thought if a British officer had made a similar allusion to the American residents of Boston just before the beginning of the revolutionary war. The funny part of this is that the State and some other Southern Dem ocratic newspapers, If they had their way. would trv m the Philippines xactly the experiment that the New England people tried on the South after the civil war. Years were need ed to persuade Massachusetts tha le Southern negroes were not equal to the white people, were not ade quately civilized, were not fit for self government. Taking an adverage and judging by the reports and his tories, the Filipinos are not half so good or so trustworthy or capable as t he Southern neeroes were in 1808. et the action of the white people in assuming superiority over the i ill pmos and in accepting the task and utv of guiding them to cmhzatior and capacity is rebuked by the StaU as arrogantand insulting insolence he same blind fanaticism, the sam atuous inabilty to appreciate fact. mt forced t he horrors of reconstruc tion on us would foree worse horror on the Philippines if the State and ther newspapers which think like it ad their way. By the way, was the State one of lose enthusiastic and hysterical con temporaries which proclaimed Agui naldo to be the equal of George Washington in courage, character. statesmanship and majesty? Would MakeEm Balk. Stateeyille Landmark. The editor of the New Bern Journal is evidently one ot trie Morally Stunted. Anyway he's trying to defeat prohibition, ifear him: "What more fitting opportunity thau on the 2Gth of May to make the election doubly moral, for every voter for prohibition, who has not done so, to sijrn the temperance pledge. Let the temperance people have at every voting precinct m North Carolina pledges to be signed by each voter as he casts his votefoi State prohibition. The moral effect of this would be incalculable. I' would be a double binding force. D would be a ballot declaration againsi the liquor traffic, sustained by th pledge to Almighty God that ever voter would live prohibition and so there would be temperance in Nortl Carolina that meant morality. Well, doesn't that jar you? Th. Journal editor is trying to mudd the waters. He evidently knows that car loads of people who vote for pro- libition will do so with a mental reservation to take a nip when op portumty offers. On one occasion a victim of the drink habit who ha about reached the limit was urre by his friends to take a whiske cure, tie refused, tie mid neara, -m-tr m IV 1 he said, that if one took the cure an ever again took a drink death wa certain, and ne didn't propose to ti himself ud m any such fashion. fco with many of the prohibition voters. I hey 11 vote lor prohibition, but U ask them to pledge themselves never, no never, to take another drink- why, that's beyond reason. WOMENWOES. Henderson Women Are Finding: Re lief at Last. It does seem that the women hav more than a fair share of the aches and pains that afflict humanity; the must "keep up, must attend to du ties in spite of constantly achiii" backs, or headaches, dizzy 6pelb bearing-down pains; they must stooj over, when to stoop means torture They must walk and bend and work with racking pains and many aches rom kidnev ills. Kidneys cause more suffering than any other organ of thebodv. Keep the kidnevs wel and health is easily maintained. Read of a remedy for kidneys only that helps and cures the kidneys and is endorsed by people you know: Mrs. Henry ronton, 12 Hamilton stre"t, Henderson, a. L., says: used Doan's Kidnev Pills and found them so beneficial that I do not hesi tate o speak in their behalf. Dull, nagging pains and backaches and pains in toe region oi me Kianeys annoyed me for a long time. 1 was also bothered by the frequent action of the kidney secretions, especially so at night, when my rest was great ly broken on this account. I always felt tired and languid- and had so little energy that my housework was a burden. " Reading about Doan's Kidney Pills, I obtained a box at Kerner-McNair Co's drug store and bad only to take them a short time when the backache and annoyance from tbe kidney secretions was ban ished. I also regained my strength and energy and felt better in every wav. For sale by ail dealers, rnce ou cents, Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agenta for the united States. Remember the name Doan 's and take no other. Notice to Our Customers. We are pleased to announce that Foley Honey and Tar for cough, colds and long troubles is sot affected by tbe National Pare Food and Drug law as it contains no opiate or other harmful drags, and we recommend it as a safe remedy for children and adult PoW at Parker's Two Dntar Store. To Save Game Birds. Dying Breeds to K- Defended Throughout all the Land Sportsmen Back Audubon Campaign From State to State Bird Butchers Opposed With Big Market Lobby. New York, March 18th. Until all the mating birds of spring may fly from their winter home to the North to rear their young, safe from the pot shots of unsportsmanlike and market hunter?, anational campaign against spring shooting will be carried from State to State, it was announced here today. Acting on the protests ot sportsmen and the warning of the Department of Agricul ture, the National Association of Audubon Societies has undertaken to make a last stand for the existence of the dying races of American iranie birds in eviry State in which shoot ing during the breeding seasou tenot forbidden by law. In Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Jersey and Okla homa a determined fight is today being carried on against the com mercial interests which are organized to fight the movement. That the most desperate measures have been taken by the men who butcher birds for the market to pre sent protective legislation in these States as well as the twenty others in which the law still leaves the game birds" easy prey while beeeding, is known today. Although tins market 'obby has always been active in op posing laws which threatened to urtail their gains in any particular State, the possibility of such a reneral protection throughout the country has aroused them to finance widespread and unscrupulous fight. To pit against this rich and selfish nterest, the Audubon workers have simply the moral support of sportsmen and the general unselfish lesire of the people to save the game birds from extinction. From January first on to a reason able open season in the fall is the period in which protection is to be asked for the mating birds and their vouug. In fifteen States and nine Canadian provinces the game birds ire already shielded by law during thiscritcial time. Unless such meas ures are taken at once by the remain ing States the Government authori ties have agreed that game shooting in this country will soon cease to ex ist and every species become extinct. On the Legislatures in tbe Dakotas, Wyoming. Iowa. Nebraska, New Mexico, Illinois, Indiana, Penn nivainia, Texas, Missouri, Kansas, Arkansas and all the Southern States will depend the life or death f American game when this matter h brought before them this year or next. In each of these States all the niouev and influence of the com mercial bird killers, is always at ork for their short-sighted policy f exterminating slaughter for to norrrow's table. "Every real true sportsman is be iind us in the fight for the dying run birds of this COUlltrV." said William Dutcher, president of the inimi.1 , 14 1 issuciuuuu ul us urnuquuit-vir, i-i Brodway, today. "We will makeour stand for these game species just as faithfully as we have worked for the protection of the non-game birds. If every patriotic citizen will take his dace with us to defend the birds tgainst rapid extinction, we shall be quipped to oppose all the selfish in terests that money can buy and the xruesome story of the wild pigeon, 'he heath hen. the Kskimo curlew ind the Carolina paroquest species, xterminated by the wasteful greed of man, will not be repeated. Tbe Prohibition Bill. flandleiuan Central North Carolinian. The Carolinian yields to none in loyulty to the cause of temperance, ut is of the opinion t hat temperance :an best be promoted through the reatiou of healthy sentiment against ntemperanee througli the teachings f the churches and in the home irele, by lesson and example, aided by wholesome local option laws, iuch as we now have on the statute books of the 'State, rather thau through theenactment of prohibition laws, such as the prohibition bill passed by the recent special eession of the Legislature. Men cannot be legislated into righteous deeds. If we are to improve the morals of our people and make our citizens more temperate, let the virtues ol tem perance be proclaimed in thechurches And above oil let it be enforced in the family, that parents both by word and example may inculcate in their children both temporal and spiritual which spring fromahfeoftemperai ce and sobriety. The whole question of temperance has long been up to the various towns, cities and communities throughout the States. They keep saloons if they want them, and tney have the privilege of votiug them out if they do not want them under present local option laws. What could be fairer? Drinking is no Ionsrer popular as it has been in the past. The great world of business bas set it seal of condemnation on the man who drinks. Corporations and business institutions turn him away, even the saloon keeper will not have him when he offers his ser vices, ine man wno annus is at a distinct discount in the industrial and business activities of the day Why not let the temperance problem solve itself as it is doing as fast as time can roll, against intemperance? Why all this turmoil and strife, and expense over the fetate? A severe cold that may develop into pneu monia over night, can be cured quickly by taking Foley's Honey and Tar. It will cure the most obstinate Backing cough and strengthen yonr lnngs. The genuine is in a yellow pack ate. Sold at Parker's Two Pmar Ptow. More proof that L villa ErPInk- hnm's Vegetable Compound saves woman from surgical operations. Mrs. S. A. Williams, of (iardiner. Maine, writes: I was a great sufferer from female troubles, and Lydia E. Pink ham's Vege table Compound restored mo to health in three months, after my physician declared that an operation was abso lutely necessary. Mrs. Alvina Sperling, of 154 Gey- bourne Ave- Chicago. I1L writes : I suffered from female troubles, a tumor and much inflammation. Two of the best doctors in Chicago decided that an operation was necessary to save my life. Lydia l'l IMnkham's Vecretabla Compound entirely cured me without an operation." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. hor thirty years Lydia K l'ink- ham's Vegetable Com pound, made from roots and herbs, has leen the standard remedy for female ills, and has posit i vely oured. thousands of women who have ljeen t roubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic ) uins, backache, that Itear-mg-doyn feeling, flatulency, indiges tion,(lizziness,or nervous prostration. Why don't you tiy it? Mrs. Pinkliam invites all sick women to write lier for ail vice. She has guided thousands to health. Address. Lynn, Mass. WELD0N, N. C. Manufacturers of BRICK OF ALL KINDS FIRE BRICK A SPECIALTY. t Prompt attention given orders. J. J. BETSCH, Henderson, N. C. Local Agent. Notice of Sale. BY yiHTt'E OF TI1K POWKIt OF KALE vented in me by a Deed of Trunt exe cuted by Ottsie Horkaday on the 12th day of April. IflOO, and duly recorded in Hook 21, Pnjre 182, in the Ueiriater'n office of Vmioe county, I b!i all, on Monday, March 30th, 1 908, ell at public auction to tbe liigheHt hiddT for cash at the t'otirt IIoiiHe door in Ilender son, N. ('., the following proiwrty, to-wif : One boune and lot Oiwnltea a follow: Begin at Linthtcum'a corner on Harwell avenue, run thence alonir l.lntlucum n line 1 100 fwt to Ponu's line; tbfin-e iilonir Toiw n "l?1" tliet.ee alo,lft hm iin I 2'J feet to tlalptPftd h line; tlif-noe nlotiK Hal Utead'a line 00 fret to nn Hunt rorner; thence 120 feet alontr his line to Ilurwell avenue; thence along Harwell avenue M feet to the beginning. This Felirnary 20th, 1!K)K. r. II. DIXON, Trim tee. BENNETT H.PERRY Attorney at La.w, Henderson, N. C. OFFICE: Harris Law Building. (next to Court Ilonue.) FRANCIS A. MACON, DENTAL SURGEON. Office In )ounz Block. Office hours: 9 a. ni. to 1 p. m. 3 toe p. m. Kealdence Phone 88: Ofliee Phone 23. Estimates furnished when desired. No charge lor examination. HENRY PERRY. 1NSLRANCE. A strong line ol both LIFE AND FlflE COMPANIES reprenented. Policies iae.j and rixks placed to best advantage. Office: In Court Ilonw. READY FOR WINTER. NICK LIXi: )F SPLINT COAL vrMi i r.-ii i r wm soon nave iuu suppiy ui HARD COAL. Now is the time tophic- xuur order bfforo pric. advnw-. PINE AND HARD WOOD. Cut and U-icut to Suit Purchaser. I.J. YUUiNU, Phone 170. HENDERSON, N. C. n A. G. Daniel, WhalessU and Retail Dealer la . . Shingles. Laths. Lum ber, Brick. Sash. Doors and Blinds. Foil stock at Lowest Prices. Oppomte South ern Grocery Company. y Iledereon.N. C.

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