..fl-i-.r;., THE HENDEliSON GOLD LEAF THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 1908. The Gold Leaf. ESTABLISHED 1881. BY TIIAD R. MANNING. ' thi;usday..i ;i .st 21. 100 s. f 11 -1 ' 1 11 ... , , .1. 1 .1 . 1 mi 11 WILMINGTON AS A PORT, Tho import.iiice of Wilmington its a jtort and tli extent of its business is perhaps little known and appre riateil lv the average North Caro linian. We dare say the proportion oi mir people who would be prepared to believe that Wilmington's export lor the fiscal year l!0j, just ended, ajrreated '-),'2Ul,i'S , would le very .small. And yet this is a fact as useert ained from a reeent e.overn-nn-1,1 rejmrt. oinmentin;i on this 1 he Charlotte Chronicle says: This arenate, of which all but s 1 (M .( )()( rej)resents eotton, is twelve times harleston's, not far from four times Newport News', about two and a half time? Norfolk-Portsmouth's and nlso F.ruiMwiek's and half Savannah's. Cull porta so im portant as l-naeola and Mobile are far behind. Moreover Wilmington's eontinin-d port growth is reflected in the faei. that it. leads almost cvcry other important portwithanincrea.se of sixty T cent, over last year. Con sidering that they operate under .some disadvantages this showing does immense credit to the energy of Wilmin-ton'sexporters. (Jranted.by u Conv-iessioiial appropriation for deeper water, su-h port facilities as riia'rl.ston l.-aves almost, unused, they will work wonders yet. Lest an iniustice be done Norfolk Portsmouth by the comparative tiv.urcs jriven we should mention that it occuies a unique position in rela tion to coastwise trafUc ami lias no remotely m ar rival anion": Sout h At lantic .r "jilt ports in this respect. THE INSANITY DODGE. The Winston I'nimi Hepulilican is fverlastin-jlv correct in its opinion about the thin veiled excuse for ac quittinir murderers on the insanity dode. I'.etwccn the soealled un-writ-ten law and the plea of insanity the gallows or a life term in the peniten tiary are too frequently cheated of their lawful and legitimate dues. Should one feel shocked and wonder at the frequency of homicides and murders when-human life is regarded so cheaply and hifrh handed offenders against the law so easily escape the i.enaltv of their acts? The I'nion !fjulii;ii says: The insanity plea in case of imir ;Ier, is to say the least a weak excuse to.dodjre tustiee. .Just a lew (Jays ao in an adjacent count there was a serious shooting affray by some well connected in-onle ami while the life of one "lamp: in the balance tho idea of msanitv. tenmorarv or permanent, it matters very littlt which, was already beine; intimated bv friends and counsel for t he defense. lii this instance the patient rallied and the insanitv dodire has been hushed. Had death occurred, the irallows or the iK-nitentiary would have undoubted v been cheated of their dues. Most murders are com mitted bv men in the lull possession of their senses unless you admit pas sion, jealousy, some urudp,e or re venue as a 'uise for insanitv. If men oossessinir these are crazv. then there is need to enlarge the asylums. The world is full of them and murder is only an extreme limit to which these unfortunates allow I he devil to drive them and for which thev should be held strict Iv to account. Tin: ( harlot te ()hscrvvr hinks that a good deal oi unnecessary boredom miirht be saved if the vice-presidential notifications were cut out altogether. To which we heartily agree. But when did it become customary for vice-presidential candidates to go through the non sensible and useless formalitv of beine; notified of their nominal ion? THE PLACE FOR HIM Booking the boat or rocking the train are two ent irely different things, but the fellow found iruiltv of doing either ouuht to be sent to do duty on the rock pile. ( Jivenville He- tloctor. The rock pile, ns tu llctloctorsay is the proper place for tho fellow who rocks the boat or throws rocks at a train, but some how we can t get swav from the idea that anv one who shoots at a train or shoots from a train and kills a person ought to be hung. Significance of Mr. Williams' Visit. i'harlot tc Chronicl-. - 1th. The presence in this citv this morn ing of Mr. B. Lancaster Williams, one of the receivers of the Seaboard Air lane, and his examination of the physical condition of the Buth- fordton division, naturally points to some connection of this branch of t he Seaboard with the Clinchfield road over the mountains. If a joint arrangement could be made between the Clinchtield a ml the Seaboard com panies to run through trains from Charlotte to Johnson City, or even from Wilmington to Johnson City, it would not more than meet the re quirements of the two sections, which would be thereby connected up with transportation' facilities. A trans mountain route with through trains from the South Atlantic manufactur ing districts to the coal fields West of the mountains, would tremendous ly facilitate the inauguration of the new business of bringing the Western coal to the Eastern manufacturers. Foley's Kidney ltinody will cure any oist? of kidiit'.v or 1i1;kK1t trotill that is not be yond the reach of mcdii-ine. No medicine can do more. Sold at I'arker's Two Drug Stores. Wood's Liver Medioine is for the relief of Malaria. Chills and Fever and all ailments re sulting from deranged condition of the Liver, Kidneys ami Bladder. Wood's liver Medi cine is a tonic to the liver and bowels, re lieves sick headache, constipation, stomach, Vi.lnev and liver disorders and acts as a gentle laxative. It is the ideal remedy for fatigue and weakness. Its tonic effects on the entire system felt with the first dose The 1.U0 size contains nearly 2i times the or.t,fir nf the ,r0r. isize. In liquid form Vlonantit to tnke. Sold hv Kerner-MeXnir Co. CHARLOTTE'S FINE HOTELS. The successful ending of the first year of Mr. Edgar IS. Moore's conduct of Charlotte's splendid new hotel, the Selwyn, is made the occasion of some plesant reference to Proprietor Moore and incidentally to Messrs. Hooper and Jordan of the Buford and Cen tral, who are doing their part also in sustaining Charlotte's reputation as a good hotel town one of the best advertisements any town can have. The Chronicle says: Of course, everybody knew that all Chorlotte's bi;r hotel venture the Selwvn needed, was a proper man to carry it on. The start-off was not entirely satisfactory, but one year ago, to-day, all disappointments van ished, for it was on that day tuattlie ri"ht man to run the hotel happened along. He was Mr. Edgar 15. Moore, who had gained some fame as pro prietor of a fine hotel near Ashevnle. With hiscomimr. the Jseiwyn sprang into nev hie. 1 he canned goous menu disappeared and the fresh and the tat of the land took its place. The Selwvn jumped into the class its promoters had intended it should take 111 the ranks 01 the Pest hotels of the country. Mr. Moore's manage ment has been singularly successful. It is up to Charlotte to congratulate him and the congratulations will be most agreeably extended. The Chron icle is writing now of a little bit of ex perience of the Sehvyn with the in tention, merely, of telling the public how it is coming along. In the hotel line, Hooper, of the IUiford, and Jordan, of tjie Central, are doing as much to sustain the hotel reputation of Charlotte as Moore is doing at the Selwyn. But the fact of the matter is that Moore has made a great suc cess of the Selwvn and no toast is too fine for him. NO FRIEND OF LOAFING NE GROES. Henry Hayes an industrious and thriitv negro man ot i,exington, is no friend of the loafinir neirro. He is a w- g man himself and he be- lievt ... others working. And it they will not work voluntarily, Hayes believes the law should be invoked to make them work. A Lexington dispatch to the Charlotte Chronicle says: Henry Haves a well-to-do colored man ot this place, approaeneu a party of idle negroes at the Southern sta tion and asked one to help him two hours unloading a car of coal, the negro said he cnun t wane to get dirty for such a small job. Hayes didn't do a thing but swear out war rants for the lot of them and three were arrested and fined 84.(50 for vngrancv." Haves, who has ac cnmuluted perhaps ". 000, is not a friend of the loafing negroes. DeWitts Little Larly Jtisers, safe, easy pleasant, sure, little liver pills. Sold at carter s 1 wo Urug Stores. Judge J. D. Murphy. News and Observer. The death of Judge Fred Moore re moved from theSuperior Court bench in North Carolina one of the best of the judiciary, a man who as an at torney and a iurist had taken high stand in North Carolina. To fill the vaeancj' Governor (llenn has appointed Hon. J. I). Murphy, of Asheville, and the appointment will be regarded as a wise one throughout the State. There was a demand from the candidates that the appointment be made at once and in the appointment of Hon J I). Murphy there has been an imme diate response from Governor Glenn I he new judge will bring to the oi- tice ability, character, high standing, and the training of a successful at torney. Mr. Murphy is .1 man of judicial temperament, he does not fly oil at tangents, and it is to be ex pected that his career 011 the bench will reflect honor upon himself and the State, lie is a man who has won the high esteem of all, and as a judge he will mete out equal and exact jus tice impartially. His legal training and experience at the bar means that he will make a iudge who will win the approval of the State in the per formance of his duties. Judge Murphy was in the Legisla ture at the session of 11)05 and he made a reputation among the best of the members, being ever alive to the interest of the State. In his new position he will emulate the past. An active worker for Democracy lie has done service as a member of the Hoard of Trustees of the State Nor mal and "Industrial College and as member of the Hoard of Directors of the State University. He is a mem ber of the Mountain Retreat Associa tion of the Hible Assembly of the Southern Presbyterian church at Montreat and has added in making the meetings successful. He is to be numbered among the active men of Morth Carolina. The appointment is a strong one, and it is not to be doubted that Judge Murphy will take a high posi tion on the liench. He was enthusi astically endorsed by many attor neys over the State, among these a majority of the Raleigh bar, and it is not to be doubted that his influ ence will go to the increased influence of the bench in North Carolina. He- ing a man of high character and of the best judicial training he brings to his position a trained mind and the abihtv to do the best work. His appointment will give general satis faction and the wisdom of it will be seen as he takes up his duties as one of the judges of North Carolina. Able, intelligent and alert the Gov ernor has rmde a strong selection and it is confidently expected that Judge Murphy will render satisfaction in all cases to le tried before him. He is a straight ami earnest Demo crat aud with him on the bench all people will fully understand that he will not be swayed by corporation influences, but that he will truly rep resent the people in all matters in which he has a voice. As a successor to Judge Moore he will be found ever active and see that the law is obeyed, and his friends confidently expect iie will be among the best judges in North Carolina, The little attacks of Ptomach trouble and etoiuaeh disorders will undoubtedly lead to chronic dyspepsia unless you take something for a suftieiint time to strengthen the stom ach and give it a chance to get well. If you take Kodol in the beginning the bad attacks of Dyspepsia will be avoided, but if you allow these little attacks to go unheeded it will take Kodol a longer time to put your stomach in good condition again. Get a bottle of Kodol today. Sold nt Parker's Two Prng Store. Chase City Calcium Water. j Chase Citv, Va., comes forward as a claimant for still greater fame on account of its health-giving mineral waters. Maj. Nathaniel A. Uregory has recently discovered what is des tined in all probability to become one of the most celebrated products of the Old Dominion. It is said that there are but two stronger waters in the State and in the treatment of various complaints its use is follow ed by the most beneficial results. For uric acid it is wonderfully effica- , 1. l: .1 cious ana nne in stomacu, Kinney and liver troubles. It is making some wonderful cures this season. A preliminary analysis of this water made by Froehling & Rob ertson, analytical chemists, shows it to contain per Lmted States gallon 2'M cubic inches. Total mineral matters -4G grains. Consisting chief ly of chlorides and nitrates of lime, magnesia and soda, ana smaller quantities of potash, together with comparatively small amount of bi carbonate 01 lime and magnesia, it contains a trace of lithia and traces of oxide of iron and silica. The water is full of gas the gases being one of its chief characteristics, but were not estimated in the above analysis. With reference to the character and value of the water Messrs. Froehling & Robertson say: "We are quite satisfied from the partial analysis that the water is a very valuable one. The combination of the chlo rides and nitrates constitute what is known as a "Nitro-muriated" water and the amounts present are such as to make t he water of great potency. "While it is not possible to speak with certainty, from the results of the partial examination, we feel reas onably sure that this water would prove of great value in the treat ment of all diseases of the kidneys, liver, and digestive organs, and that its effect in cases of a scrofulous character would be verv marked." To more rapidly introduce this water and get people who suffer from anv of the troubles for which it isrec- ommended to use it and give it practi cal test in their own cases, the Chase City Calcium Water Company will furnish sample free of charge to per sons who send carboy, demijohn or 'case bottles for that purpose. How to Avoid Appendicitis. Most victims of appendicitis are those who are habitually constipated Foley's Orino Laxative cures chronic constipation by stim ulating the liver and bowels and restores the natural action of the bowels. oley s Orino Laxative does not nauseate or gripe and is mild and pleasant to take. Kefuse substi tutes. Sold at I'arker's Two Drug Stores. Oxford's Growth. We are pleased to note the growth and increasing prosperity ot our neighboring town, Oxford, as record ed in the Public Ledger. That paper has from week to week kept us posted as to the progress of its people and so when a brief summary was made in its last issue of some of the town's recent improvements it was no cause for surprise, u e quote the following: The growth of Oxford in the last two or three years has been phenomenal. It effloresced from a muddv unkept town to a small city with modern improve ments. Its new granolithic pavements, its sewerage system, its water works and its electric lights prove its advances. There is more room fur growth, and we have been reliably informed that there are not enough tenement houses in the city to supply the demands of the tenants. Mr. Lapitahst. here is your chance to make a good investment. People are finding out what a splendid place Uxford is to live m, and are find ing their willingness to come here by in quiring for houses. There is not a vacant tenement in the citv. All who come do not want to rent. Some want to buy. When there is such a demand the supply should he forthcoming. Oxford is fast .becoming a manufac turing nucleus and the factories we have here have already increased the popula Hon ty attracting people from other towns. These new inhabitants have to have houses to live in and we should never allow them to go away for the lack of accommodations. We hope some of our capitalists will look into this matter of building tene ment houses, because Oxford wants every newr citizen or enterprise it can get. MUST BELIEVE IT When Well Known Henderson Peo ple Tell It So Plainly. When public endorsement is made bj a representative citizen of Hender son the proot is positive, ltm must believe it. Head this testimony. Every backache sufferer, everv man, woman or child with anv kidney trouble will find profit in the reading. Kev. J. E. Hartsell, 504 Andrews avenue, Henderson, ('., savs: ' tSince ising Doan's Kidney Tills I have had no trouble from disordered kidneys and do not hesitate to rec- ommenu xnem. distressing pains across my loins and a dull aching in my back afflicted me for a long time. I was also bothered by an annoyance ironi the kidney secretions and m fact I felt irenerallv miserable. Pro curing a box of Doan's Kidney Pills irom Kerner-McNair Co s drug store, 1 used them a short time and thev not only banished the backache but it 1.1 m -a screngtnenea tne kianevs and im proved my health in every way. r or sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. FosteV-Milburn Co.. Buffalo, .v&w lork, sole agents for the united States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Adams Moved to Action. Charlotte ("lironiole. Saturday's paper carried the news that Judge Adams had brought suit for libel against ex-Senator Marion Butler and the Caucasian, for pub lications in rejrard to the Indian Ter ritory Citizenship Court, in which Judge Adams was boldly accused of receiving bribes. There will be two suits one against Butler and one against the Caucasian Company. The amount sued for from the ex Senator is 50,000. The amount in the second case is vet to le set. The bringing of these suits is no surprise, for the charges have been kept going in one shape or another in spite of denials and Judge Adams claims to have evidence that Mr. Butler is back of the whole business. The outcome will be awaited with interest. Summer complaints and other serious ail ments common in hot weather can be traced to the stomach nine times out of ten. Kep the stomach in good order right now by keeping a bottle of Kodol handy in the house all the time, but especially during this month. Take Kodol whenever you feel that you need it. That is th only time you need to take Kodol. Just when you need if. then you will not be troubled with sour stomach, belching, gas on the stomach, j bloating, dyspepsia and indigestion Sold i 1nrkr'n Two Prog Stores. Capt. Joe Renn Has Troubles. It seems that our genial and pop ular friend Capt. Joe Renn has troub les on account of the fair sex since he quit running on the road as well as when he was in the business of haul ing women and babies. The follow ing which is taken from the Durham iS'uj, will 1m? read with interest by Capt. Renn's friends in Henderson: Capt. J. R. Renn the genial and af o o 8 O O C) O O C) fable station master at the Union Station, is in trouble. He will not be comforted as. he has troubles worse than the proverbial "whiteele phant." His troubles are all caused by the "Merrv W idow hats, at least two hats that helms in charge await ing the return of the owners. Two. of these latest and greatly auuseu creations 01 women s neau- A ' . e ? 1. -1 froiir lisiva lufn lpft with f!m.f-. T?onn and he said this morning that more than half of the space in his private office was taken Hp bv these hats. He is responsible Tor the statement O C) o o 0 o o 0 o that one of t hese hats is at least four leet across ami weighs a fraction more than ten pounds. The other is just smaller, but large enough to shut off several feet of view space when adorning the head of some fair maiden. The Captain is confident that, no woman has arms of sufficient reach to put the necessary hat pin in the larger hat after it has been don ned. Capt. Renn, who is always obliging. has drawn the line on the "Merry Widow" hat in the future. He is suf ficiently amused. "The Thin, Gray Line' Raleigh Times. One by one thev are passing to their reward, facing death and the unknown with all the heroism they evinced on the field of battle. When General Toon lav sick with his last illness, and his friend and com rade, Dr. Dixon, inquired as to his health bv telephone, he said: "Tell Dr. Dixon that I have advanced my tiring line. And a few (lays later the stout hearted old veteran was dead. With the same unconquerable spirit, his comrades are following him. Iodar there are less than fifteen thousand names on the State's pen sion roll. Over one thousand of the ;ood gray men passed into "the land of the hereafter" last year. Remem bering that the civil war began forty- seven years ago, and that the aver ige age of the Confederate soldiers was auout twenty-nve, we can real ize how soon we must lose them. At the great reunion at Winston- Salem this week, the gray hosts were treat! royally. That good city left nothing undone that would add to the comfort and happiness of the lighest and the humblest in the ranks. Winston-Salem evinced the true spirit. The splendid entertain ment w-as of the kind that counts a real heart-offering. There was no ostentations, pharisaical display of civic vanity, such as has marked some of these occasions. Winston-Salem was not seeking glory for herself but was honestly striving to do honor to the men who wore the gray. TO NIAGARA FALLS. PERSONALLY CONDUCTED TOUR AT VERY LOW RATES Via Seaboard Air Line Rail tray Sep tember 2nd Party Will be Away 13 Days In Charge of Mr. and hrs. C. H. Gattls A De lightful Trip To points of interest in and around Niagara Falls, Toronto, Buffalo, Albany, day trip down the beautiful Hudson river, New York, Philadelphia, Atlantic City and Washington Citv. at "VERY LOW RATES, both Railroads and Ho tels, European and American plans, per sonally conducted by Mr. C. H. Gattis, 1 raveling I'assenger Agent Seaboard Air Lilne llauway, and Mrs. uattis: leav ing points in the State Wednesday morn ing September 2nd, returning home about September 15th, with three (3) to hve (..) days stopover-at the principal points of interest. Hound trip Railroad fare will cost about $35.00 from Raleigh and Durham, and the same basis from other points, and I'ullman cars will be provided for the exclusive U6e of the party with ad ditional cost of about f 10.00 per berth, though two (2) occupying the eame berth the Pullman will be only half of tne above amount lor the entire trip. Sl'J-XJlAL. LUW SIDE-TRIP RATES will be made for the party over the Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co., Niagara Gorge Electric R. R., Niagara Jielt ijine, Niagara Transfer Co., Niagara Navigation Co., and the Niagara Falls Park and .River Co., and any other of the side-trip routes that the party may desire to take. The trip is made at the lowest possible party rates that can be secured as the party will travel on party rate tickets for ten or more oeonle. and nothintr will be lacking' in all the necessary ar rangements to make the trip pleasant and comfortable for all. A more delightful time could not be se lected, as early in September is the most attractive season of the year for parties to visit Niaarara Falls and the East. Time will be spent in Toronto during the Great Canadian Fair, and also durintr the opening of the theatrical season in .New lork, Philadelphia and Washing ton. Those interested should write to the undersigned at once for detail informa tion. Illustrated booklets, and the first applications get the lower berths. C. 11. GATTIS, . Traveling Passenger Agent. Raleigh, N. C. . Thescnppernongcropin this section will be larger than in several years. They are early this year and have be gun to ripen. There is no grape raised in North Carolina that equals the scuppernong. It grows to perfec tion in Lee county, especially in the sandy seotuffl. In three weeks the Sanford market will be well supplied with this delicious grape. Sanford i7.vpre.ss. RECIPE' FOR DIXIE ICE CREAM Can be made and frozen in 10 minutes at cost of One Cent a Plate. Stir contents of one 13c. package Jell-0 ige GREKTTi Powder into a quart of milk and freeze. No cooking, no heating, nothing else to add. Everything but the ice and milk in the package. - Satisfaction guaranteed. This makes 2 quarts of the most delicious ice cream you ever ate. 1 Five Kinds? Chocolate, X'anilia. Straw berry., Lemojt a J Vnfiavoreii. 2 packages 25c, at your grocers, or by mail if he does not keep it. Illustrated Kelp Book Free. The Genesee rVt Food Co Le Boy, N. Y. o o OUJK EXPERT RTLTYEK, o 8 MIIR. KIE(DRGIE A. HSdDSIE, o Is in the NORTHERN MAKETS this week buying KTIEW IFAILIL (OdDlDSo His selections will embrace everything in the line of GENERAL MERCHANDISE, MILLIN ERY, etc., and will be IBoungM tto the IBestt Advantage the Meadly Cash will ComirtmairndL Look out for announcement of the arrival of our new purchases. We will have somothing to inter est you, your family and your neighbors. GEO- . "THE BIG n occoccoccoccoccoccooccoccoccoccoccoooccoo For Sale r ! KTew W Allte Una ALL THE The Greatest I We are sure we can please you. prices are right. Come in and inspect er you wish to buy or not. si odd oa For Sheriff To the Voters of Vance county: 1 hereby announce myself as a candi date for sheriff of Vance county, subject to the action of the Democratic conven tion. "Promising to we and faithfully perform the duties of that office if elected, I respectfully ask the support of my friends. J. N. TUXSTALL. For County Commissioner. To the Voters of Vance County: I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election as a member of the Board of County Commissioners, subject to the action of the Democratic primaries. The support of all my friends in all parts of the county is asked and will lie appre-. dated. If elected I promise the same faithful service that I have endeavored to render for the hast two years, which service, I trust, speaks for itself. JAMES A. KELLY. Henderson, N.C., June 22, 14)08. For County Commissioner. To the Voters of Vaace County: " I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election as County Commissioner, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. I. C. BOBBITT. For the Legislature. To the Voters of Vance County: I hereby announce myself a candidate for the Legislature, subiect to the action of the Democratic primaries. The sup port of all Democrats is respectfully so licited and if elected I promise to serve with an eye single to the best interests of all the people of the county. BENNETT H. PERRY. There are many imitations of DeWitt s Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve bat just one original. Nothing else is just as good. In sist on DeWitt'a. It is cleansing, cooling and soothing. Sold at Parker' Two Drug Store. IOSIE COCFIV, STORE THAT SATISFIES." US' Open Saturday Nights Until 1 1 O'CIock. FOR DYSPEPSIA niPFQTQ WHAT YHIT FAT Relieves Indigestion. Sour UlSlEidlO WHAl IUU LAI Stomach, Belching of Gas. etc For Backaohe-Weak Kidneys trj De Witt's KIdnej & Bladder Pills-Sure and Safe PREPARED ONLY AT THY LABORATORY OP E. C. DeWITT & COMPANY, CHICAGO, ILL, at Parker's Two Drug JUST OJ. LATEST FALL STYLES. Values We Have Ever IHIad. Panamas, Serges, Mo hairs, Invisible Stripes in blue, black and brown. Silk Trimmed, Self Trim med and the new Tunic style; from $3.50 to $10.00. Black French Voile Skirts latest cuts from $7.50 to $14.00. cb B W m For Treasurer. To the Voters of Vance County: I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of County Treasurer, subject to the action of the Democratic primaries. The support of my friends in all parts of the county is asked and will be appreciated. If elected I promise the same faithful public ser that I have endeavored to bring to the discharge of the duties of the office dur ing my incumbency. W. E. GARY. For Sheriff. To the Voters of Vance County: I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Vance County, subject to the action of the Democratic primaries, and ask the support of Demo crats in all parts of the county. I shall abide yoar decision and if elected pledge my best efforts to a faithful and satis factory discharge of the duties of said office. H. M. IITGIIT. SEEGDS ftCCUETS SEEDS SUCCEED! SPECIAL OFFER: JU to rnnOM K Atrtalvffl OMkM Toa oar MnniaesL uunr. Prize Collection ittv:--1 U tb tit ; Tanifk T tplmdid : O.I... t Mat Tan- CAKAHTEE TO PLKAIkEL Write. tolay:. Mention this Paper. SEND 10 CENTS aa4 pack toff mmt ncafe this mlMkl tpal4. terrtlwr with my ! kMCaniWlac(Mt.fbMLa. iaaUMttaa I luln COCO Sm WWW WWW Q Stores. Our styles and our stock wheth fir 8 on For Road Commissioner. To the Voters of Vance County: I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election as Highway Road Com missioner, subject to the action of the Democratic convention. Promising if elected to give that faithful and constant attention to to the dutien involved which the importance of the position requires, I ask the support of my friends. " HENRY A. DAVIS. For Sheriff. To the Voters of Vance County: I announce myself a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Vance county, subject to the action of the Democratic conven tion. I solicit the aid of my friends. W. II. PARRISH. For Register of Deeds. To the Voters of Vance County: I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Register of Deeds of Vance county, subject to the action of the Democratic primaries. With what fidelity I have performed the duties of said office the people know. I respectially ask the support of my friends, and pledge myself to the came faithful service of the public in the future that I have endeavored to give in the past. K. W. EDWARDS. For Sheriff. To the Voters of Vance County: I hereby announce to my friends that I am a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Vance county, subject to the action of the Democratic convention. I solicit the support of my friends for this office and pledge to them my best efforts, if elected, to discharge the duties of the office faithfully. Respectfully, JOSEPH S. ROYSTER. Stenirtts Trinity Park School, ! A First-Class Preparatory School I Certificates of Graduation Ac cepted for Entrance to Lead, ing Southern Colleges. Best Eqitfpped Preparatory School in the South. Farulty of ten ofliTN aini i-.i, Campus of seventy-five acres. !.!!. . in containing: forty ttmusaii. vnlin,,.. Well siuiiiel gynimiKiuui. i standards ami modern metlim: , u' titruotion. Frequent levtiii.- i.,v prominent lecturers. K..mi.. . , x oeedingly moderate. Ten phenomenal smws. For catalogue nl t)nr 1 1. f. .T i tion Address H. M. NORTH, Headmaster, Durham, N. C. EXACTING MAN We want the most particular property owner in town to paint his house, one half Devoe, the other half whatever he likes. If Devoe doesn't take less gallons and money, no pay. If Devoe doesn't wear 0 IGAL. DEVOE COVERS MOST better, then we'll give him enough to do it again. Allen-Moss Hardware Co TRINITY COLLEGE I Four Departments Cull. 7; iiti-, (iraduate, KiiKinti-riii' 11 1." I Law. Large lilr:iry f.n Well-equipped lalmr.it'in.- i; all departments .f Mi.n.. Gymnasium furnislit-il w l..-t apparatus. Expenses vit ihm.I erate. Aid for worthy dents. Young Men Wishing to Study Law Should Investigate the Superior Advantages Of fered by the Department of Law at Trinity College. For catalogue and Further 1 tif t-:n tion Address D. W.NEWSOM, Registrar, e Durham, N. C. a HAVE A PHOTO MADE, I offer my service to the pub lic for the making of photo graphs of all kinds- at any hour, day or night at my stu dio, at your home, or out of doors. SPECIAL ATTENTION given to difficult or unusuai work. J. S. COBB, PHOTOGRAPHER. Studio over M. Dorsey's Drug Stors. If It's Dorsey's It's Good! Big Stock of FRESH TURNIP SEEDS. DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES. CHEMICALS. TOILET ARTICLES and Druggists Sundries of all kinds. Paints, Oils, Varnishes. Physicians9 Prescriptions a Specialty. ALL THi: t STANDARD FOUNTAIN DRINKS and MINERAL WATERS. MELVILLE DORSEY, Wholesale a&i Retail Bri 1 1 OAU-l other I

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