THE HENDEKSON GOLD LEAF THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1909. V The Gold Leaf. ESTABLISHED x88x. BY THAD R. MANNING. TIIURSDAY. JANUARY 7, 1900. PERSONAL Mr. Henry Howard, of Oxford. fierhapA the only living survivor of the memorabk naval battle between the Mrrimac and the Monitor, in Hampton Koad during the War be tween the .Staten, is here pending the holidays with his family. WHdon Roanoke New. This opens up an interesting eub jvct. Now, let's utt Ijow many other survivors of this memorable navul battle there are if any. When a matter of this kind is brought to the front it not infrequently develops that "there an others.' The Insurance Department. "That is a wonderful record." says thn Ihiily Rrcorrf, of (Ireensboro, "inad by the Insurance Department of the St ate under Mr. Jas. R. Young. A onviction for arson yesterday in the Kastern part of the State, makes an even one hundred siin-e the estab lishment, of th department, the aver age Iwing eleven a year, or almost on a month. It is harder to convict in jirMon than in murder and the rec ord mad is one for Mr. Young to be proud of." The .serrerha remark ed frequently upon the value of the Insurance Department to the Stat and the efficiency of Commissioner Young. He collects for the Treasury a great deal of money which but for hi department it would not receive; keeps out of the State fraudulent in surance companies, ami ferrets out and prosecutes to the limit cases of arson which otherwise would not be prosecuted at all. House-burning, store-burning and barn-burning in North Carolina are no longer pleas ant pastime but has a serious side. The vigorous prosecution of offend ers f the law against arson is a de terrent of this class of criminals and with the activity of Commissioner Young in mind many would-be of fenders are no doubt restrained and much property saved from destruc t ion. Oxiip iKiHtivnly htoiiirf-i in -0 iiiiiiuN-w, fwith I)r. Shnipn Crni Kfuicil.v. On t-Ht alone will kiii--1v iirove tliin truth. No vom iting, no ilint reus. A naff il-iimK Mvriii ."(. Sohl by nil (h-iili-rs. "The Noblest Roman of Them AH. it hi its notes of the I'.aptist Conven tion recently held at Nashville, Charity awl Cliihlrt'ii hud this about our venerable and beloved towns man. Dr. Ilufhaul: Dr. J. D. Hufham was on hand and received a warm greet i ig. He is al lowed certain priv''.?ges on the floor that are denied the aver lgedelegate. Strangers are sometime a triile im patient with "the noblest Roman of them all" but those of us who know the value of his halfcentury of service understand. It is. rather dangerous business to tackle the old man yet. Brave Fire Laddies oftn rnreive H4v'r' hnrnx, putting out tirPH. then iihp Itiicklfii M Ariii-a Salve n ml forget them. It Rooti drives out tmin. For HuriiM, SraMrt, Wound", t'uts ami Itriimen it's enrth'H jirentpHt healer. Quickly i-ure Skin Erup tions. Old Soren. HoiIh. I'leer. Felowt: bent Pile Hire made. Kelief in inntnnt. 2."c nt Melville lorsey'n drilK Htore. Commissioners Meeting. TheCountv Commissioners met in regular monthly session Monday, all the mem hers, .lames A inos, chairman, W. II. Daniel, .1. K. Plummer, J. L. Capps andF. H. Crudup, present. Ik'side transacting the usual rou tine business, such as allowing tic counts, etc. jurors were drawn for February term of court and some minor mat ters were passed upon as follows: The official bonds of A. !. Carrott ami .1. A. Vaughan, constable for Dabney and Sandy Creek townships, res j ec lively, were accepted. Abbie Taylor was put on the out side pauper list nt 1 .OO a month. Alex LutVcev was put on the out side pauper list at 1 .."( i for 2 mont hs. Yinie lVttiford was put on the out side pauper list at ?l.('i)ii month for 1 months. Mrs. Klizabeth Capps' allowance was increased to ..". 0 a month for 1 months. President Helps Orphans. Hundred of oriihtuit have been helped by the President of tle Industrial and Orphans" Hwme at Maeon. ia. who whiten: "We have ii!ed Eletric Hitter in thi Institution for nine years. It has proved a most excellent medicine for Stomach. Liver and Kidney trouble. We regard it as one of the best family medicines on earth." It invigorates the vitail organs, purifies the blood, aids digestion, creates appetite. To strengthen and build up thin, pale, weak children or run-down people it has no equal. Hest for female complaints. Only oOc at Melville borsev's drug htore. Jurors for February Court. Following isthelist of jurorsdrawn Monday for February term of court: FIRST WEEK. Henry Edwards, .las. II. Hicks, .1. v-'i-:..l . .1. AV. .!.. 'P 1. T i. puiiiu'.n k, ! mifi i. D.uiirs, i . M. Woodlief. D. S. Fleming, E. Ci. Rutler. L. W. Rames, C. A. llodwell, A. R. Walters, Wallace White, W 1$. Kearson. S. F. Coghill, W.S.Paaker, A. .1. Perkinson. W. H. Wester, Ham ilton Stewart, .1. A. Tunstall. S. A. Callis, R. Chiude Spain. Ira W. Finch. J. T. .u kles, R. L. Moss, Samuel Watkins, Jr.. M. It. Harris, W. H. AVade, .1. L. Twisdale, E. S. Clover. T. It. Fai-ham, Jr., John C. Stone, Ira T. Hunt, J. M. ltumett. E. (5. Davis, Mark D. Woodey. J. S. Nor wood. L. W. Hollomau.' SECOND WEEK. Charley Lowrv, N. D. Morton, E. II. Falkner. Ira (1. Short, S. V. Flovd, R. II. Duke, W. S. Creen, W. W. Cur rin, A. J. Smith, J. G. Puekett, Ci.W. Dunklev, W. H. Wilsou, P. L. Hunt, T. T. Ellis, E. T. ltobbitt, It. F. Elling ton, E. O. Taylor, W. J. Hight. A Horrible Ilold-L'p. "About ten years ago my brother was "held wp" in his work, health and happiness by what was believed to be hopeless con sumption, writes W . R. Lipscomb, of Washington. X. C. "He took all kinds of remedies and treatment from several doc tors, but found no help till he used Dr. King's Xew Discoverv and was wuollv cured by six bottle. He is a well man to day. It a quck to relieve and the surest cure for weak or sore Lungs, Hemorrhages, Conghs and folds. Bronchitis, LaGrippe, Asthma and all Bronchial affections. 50c and $l.O0 Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by Melville Dorsey. druggist. A Fine Record. f'hnrlotte Chronicle. For some years past,, the South ern Railway Company has rnairi tnined an industrial magazine known t iih the Son t hern Field. It is tiublish- ! 1 1 , . 1 . . .i n r-. rn St Aft" If V. Richards, Jand and industrial agent of the Southern, ia attractively illustrated and carries each month a considerable amount of literature of ti valuable character in regard to the South and its resources. In the Decenilier number it gives a review of a year's new industries, and says that "the territory traversed by the Southern Railway and the Mobile & Ohio Kailroad is making rapid strides in the development of its manifold natural resources, in the establishment of new industries and in the enlargement of factories already in ojeration, as well as in the steady advancement and the con tinued growth ofthecities and towns, is fully evidenced by the data pre sented by the Land and Industrial Department in its annual report for the fiscal year ending June '), 1008. The simple statement of these facts and figures is proof conclusive of the substantial progress made and of the wide diversity of the manufac tured products furnished to the com merce not alone of the United States but the world, by the industries of the Southeast. During the year there were com pleted and put in operation r0 new industries, having a combined caji tal of -:52,21!,4."o. Additions were made to I '.Hi manufactories already in operation of a cost of 1 .". There were also 4 plants in process of construction, captialized at 2,7tt7,.OM. In addition, the cities and townsexpended for general improvements and in permanent in vestments, such as streets Inter ments, light plants, water works, sewerage systems, street railways, hotels, business houses, residences, churches, sc hools and banks, t he sum of $7!,;."o,8.-,.-, this being .2l,22.", '.71 more than the amount e.ended for the same puipu.-es the previous yea r. The total amount invested in in dustries enter irises was$47,.V.H;,.":0, and the grand total invesments in industries and in the general city and town improvements aggregated 127,J",:j,:sr,. must le remember ed, is confined to the territory cov eted by the lines of the Southern, and therefore represents but a part of the year's development in the South. The showing will serve to give the outside world an idea of what the South is accomplishing in the way of industrial development, and in the face of a panic, at that. Breach of Promise Case Prominent Citizen Charged with Trifling with A Wid ow's Affections. For some time, it is alleged, one of our prominent citizens has paid more or less attention to a young and beautiful wid ow of this town forgetting or at least not heeding the advice of the immortal Mr. Weller to his son Samuel to "beware of the vitlderH." lie now planus that he was not seri ous in his intentions and that he was not attached to her, hut however that may have heen the widow hecatne at tached to him, and as he seems to have lost interest in the matter she has at tached his property, which is a form of attachment that he does not enjoy. The result is, that he finds himself the defendant in a first-class Breach of Promise Case and his questionable atti tude towards the widow will be given an airing in "oikmi court." TIip parties in the case are so promi nent that it is feared no court room will hold the vast crowd desirous of attend ing the trial, so it will he held in the (irand Theatre, on Tuesday evening, January 12th. under auspices of the Hen derson (Jraded School, for whose henefit t lie proceeds will be devoted. In other words, it will he a Mock Court Trial, and promises to he one of t iih most enjoyable affairs of many vears. as a large number of our leading people will take part m the eutertainment. The committee having the trial iu charge have engaged Col. A. V. Newton, the well-kaown lawyer-lecturer of or- cester, Mass.. to atteud to the details and tiersonally conduct the entertain ment. Col. Newton has had remarkable suc cess in conducting similar entertainments and without doubt the Itreach of Promise Trial will be here, as elsewhete. an event long to 1m remembered with pleasure. - - Men Are Helpless As Children. When Taken Suddenly IllHere is a Common-Sense Safeguard. I'.ig. strong man is as a helpless infant when he is suddenly ill. The sturdiest chap in town usually loses his self control, and is utterly unable to regard his condition with the common sense that characterizes his every day actions. Cor example: He comes home tired, eats a heavy dinner and sits down to rend and smoke away a quiet evening. Suddenly he notices a weight tin "his stomach; then sharp pains around his heart, and a feeling of suffocation. Thoughts of "heart disease" rush over him. and in his agony lie fears the worst. His trouble was acute iudigestion. brought on by overloading his tired stomach A couple of Kexall Dyspepsia Tablets would have given him instant relief- would have saved him hours of suffering. Carry a package of Kexall Pypepsia Tablets in your vest pocket or keep them in your room. Take one after eneh heavy meal, and indigestion cau never bother you. Kexall I)ysiepsia Tablets cure stomach troubles by supplying the oue element, the absence of which in thegastriciuiees. causes indigestion and dveneosia. Thev enable the stomach to digest all kinds of lou and to quickly converit it into rich red blood. e know what Rexall Dyspepsia laoiets are ana what they will do. We guarantee them to cure indigestion and dyspepsia. If they fail, we will refund your money. i'nee 2o cents per full package. Sold only at our stores or by mail. W. W Parker, druggist. Fresh. RsiuM . 'jre Guaranteed to Htite Tver? flanlner rl riantrr&ht ulil test the SPECIAL CFFCR FOR 10 CENTS ) ill eui pottiuUd our FAMOUS COLLECTION 6 Dm; T. 1 fr (.. IU4tak 1 H Brt-Urata Clary 1 Karl? Irmnl rlW 1 falbru. ark.t l'Itr . tir on wnw Mi)! Kn 10 eati V k-;p . p J m,PHKA-T NOKTHEKN SKED 14H Ko St. Kockford. Illir.U m - m vass 3 27 Years Old. Sope Things Said About the Gold Leaf by Its Exchanges on the Occasion of Entering Upon It3 Twenty-eighth Year. Concord Time. The Ileiidernon (Jor.n Leaf an nounces itn 27th year and congrat ulation bein in oroVr Editor Man ning has ours to th fnliet. The HeialerKon (J OLD LEAK i vears old. It it a potnl j.:iier and .' . . .1 j.. .li.i- may ita many b.rthda , of the future always titi'l it tiapp and pronperou. New hero Jonrnal The many friend of Thad It. Man ning aregladtonotehif (Joi.dLeaf'h twetitv-seven years, and best of all that the ever genial Thad is at its helm. May the Gold Leak live long, and bless its owner at .once. Littleton News Reporter. The (Jou Leak, T. It. Manning, editor. Henderson. N. C, is twenty seven years old and is as bright and vigorous as an eighteen year old girl who hus just received her diploma. Age surely has don our valued friend tto harm. Weldon Itoauoke New. The Henderson !oi.i Leaf is twetit v-seven efirs old. and for thee many years it has been tinder the same management, having lieen es tablished by Thad It. Manning in lKNl. It is'one of our most valued exchanges, and we are always glad to note its success. It rings tru on every important question of the day and richly merits the patronage of the splendid people of Vance ami sur rounding counties. Charlotte Chronicle. , The Henderson (lfLi Leak, which Editor Manning, a few months ajr. when feeling out of sorts, offered for sale, has completed its twenty seventh year and is yet young. Mr. Manning begins his twenty-eighth year's work "taking courage from the thought that if we had labored in vain the paper would not have lived so long." Kight. Now buckle down to it and let us hear no more nonsense in the wav of selling out talk. You would not delay taking Foley's Kidney Remedy at the first sign of kidney or bhi dder trouble if you realized that negle-t. mili re sult in Hright's disease or diabetes. Foley's Kidney Remedy corrects irregularities and cures nil kidney and bladder disorders. Sold at Parker's Drug Store North Carolina is now as dry as the prohibitionists can make it and it is now up to all law-abiding citizens to see that it is dry as it can lie made. Durham HetaM. COMFORTING WORDS Many a Henderson Household Will Find Them So. To have the pains and aches of a bad hack removed; to he entirely free from annoying, dangerous urinary disorders is enough to make any kidney sufferer grateful. To tell how this great change can be brought about will prove com forting words to hundreds of Henderson readers. O. T. Wortham, Police Officer, Hender son, N. C, says: ' From4personal expe rience. I know Doan's Kidney Pills to be an ideal kidney remedy and willingly recommenu tnem. l or some time my kidnevs were hadlv disordered and caused me much annoyance by their too frequent action. I also suffered a great deal from backache aud sharp pains across ray loins hut was at a loss to know how to obtain relief until Doan's Kiduey Pills were brought to my atten tion. Procuring a box at kerner-MeNair Co.'s drug store. I used them and they quickly corrected the difficulties. I have had no backache or other signs of dis ordered kidnevs since and have often recommended Doan's Kidney Pills to others as the means of my being cured," t or sale by all dealers. Price .0 cents. Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo, New York, soI agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. PRICE LIST OF WHISKIES. EXPRESS PAID TO YOUR CITY. Y 1.1 1 1 1 l . r . w e are me onry wnisKey nouse mar. manufactures our own corn whiskey. Send all order to The Clarksville Old K. W. Jones corn Whiskev i nts 10 years old S4.00 Old H. W. Junes corn Whiskev 8 vears old 3.;i0 Old It. W. Jones corn Whiskev 4 vears old 3.00 Old H. W. JoriPS corn whiskev 2 venrs old '.2.50 Corn Whiskey by the half gallon $1.."0 Corn Whiskey 4 gallons 2 years old 8..V l orn Whiskey 2 gallonn 2 years old 4.50 C oru w hiskey 3 gallons 2 vears old 0.r0 Per gal. Three Feathers 4 qts $H.OO Uye Whinkey Old Velvet 4 years old 4 OO Mountain Rye 2 years old 2.75 Kentucky Belle Uye Syearaold 5.00 Koho Spring Rye 8 years old 5.00 Silver Ilrook Rye 0 years old 4.00 Mountain Spring Rye xxx 4 years old. ...3.50 Log Cabin Rye 3 years old..... 2.75 Mountain Spring Rye xx 2.75 KjtcelMor Rye 2 years old 2.75 (iolden Crown Rye 3 years old 3.00 Professor Jones Rye 2.50 Apple brandy Home Made 8yeareo'id"!!4.50 Baltimore Apple Brandv 3 vears nl.l M OO (linger Brandv rn Peach Brandy 10 years old. 5.00 t em n aui Money .. N. B. 1 gallon corn B. here 2 50 whfskev and jug F. O. 1.05 Barrelled Goods. Cherry Wine Old Cherry 8 years old. Port Wine Soupjernong Wine Claret Wine Blackberry Wine Holland (Jin Rose Oi n .3.00 ..4.00 . 2 50 ..2.50 2.25 3.00 .... 2 .50 Bottled Goods. French brandy Per qt 3.50 Rye Whiskey. Cane Spring Rye 4 qts (bottled in bond U. lake our advice and buv Home made by us in the old fashion way. own torn hiskey, o you can pet it ah oraers must he accompanied .ut., U4 uur!.s .nuuey uraer. o individual cnecKS taicen unless party is known to the firm. No gtarana taken for Whisker. Xo coods sent C. O. I) Kr,Jfc.Kb.Lhfc: First StRto Until- nnd Planters Rnnt nf PlarL-airilla Va., First National Bank of Oxford, The Claksville ClaLrksville. Virginia. P. S. All Whiskies boxes if desired. The Mclver Loan Fond. Meeting of the Vance County Alumnae of State Normal and industrial College is Called in Henderson on Sat urday, January Sixteenth. Contributed. Htudentnof the State Normal and In dustrial i Vjllege. throughout North Caro lina hare leen interested for the pat two years in raising a memorial to Dr. Charie I. Mclver in the form of a loan fund. So far Vnnee county has taken no part in this movement, hut in order that the Normal students throughout the tjouuty, ' I - xL. wno are anxious 10 nave a pari in me w nay t,je Fortunit of i doing bo, a meeting has been arranged i for Saturday morning, January the sixteenth, at eleven o'clock, in the Audi torium of the tJraded School building. At this time Miss Etta Spier, field secre tary of the Alumnae Association, will meet with those interested in the cause and plans will be made for Vance couuty's share in the work. Kvery one who knew Dr. Charles D. Mclver realized that the ruling passion of hia life was the education of the women of the State. The alumnae of the Normal College feel that they can honor the memory of their late beloved president in no more fitting way than by the establishment of a loan fund. Such a fnnd will make it possible for the Normal College, Dr. Melver's greatest monument, to reach forth its helping hand to the ambitions girl. The fund will lie known as "The M'lver Loan Fund'' in honor of the man who not only endeared himself to every student and friend of the Normal, but did such lasting work for the cause of education in general. About ten thousand of the fifty thousand dol lars desired has already been pledged. The legal ownership of the fund will be in the Alumnae Association, which will be incorporated. The funds will be handled by its representative and aud ited by its committee. When not in active use the money will probably be deposited in a secure savings bank at four per cent, interest. The plan is to keep the fund intact for all time, and to make no disbursements from i in the form of gifts. The end in view is to loan, not give, assistance to worthy young women who could not otherwise obtain the money with which to pay their expenses at the college, with the understanding that such a loan is (i strictly business arrangement and must le repaid as soon as the borrower is able to do so. with interest, beginning with the September following her grad uation. A written application for a loan will be made and a note given in legal form. As fast as partial payments are received upon these loans they will be put back into the fund to be used over and over again in a similar man ner. The plan of organization requires that a strict and separate account be kept of the money derived from each county and loaned to young women from the county by which it was given. This is an equitable way and furnishes addi tional inducement for each county to be liberal. Several years ago the General Educa tion Board offered to give seven thous and five hundred dollars toward a fund to le known as "The Aumnae Fund and Scholarship Fund." provided the college alumnae would raise a similar sum for the same purpose. This was quickly and willingly done and since 1902 this fund has been in active service. Since its establishment this fund has aided 121 students; in 1903, nine out of a class of twenty-nine; in 1900. seven out of a class j of twenty-one; in 1907. thirteen out of a class of forty-six; in 1908, seventeen out of a class of forty-eight. All of these would have been unable to graduate without aid from some source, and while some of them could possibly have secured aid elsewhere, many of them could not have done so. One hundred and t wenty-one young women have been loaned money from this fund upon their unsecured notes; not one single note has ever been lost. The Mclver Loan Fund is to be kept entirely separate from this first fund; however, its splendid history of service during the past few years should be sufficient incentive for the proposed memorial. Every "Normal girl" in Vance county is urged to be present at this meeting for organization and to bring any friend who is or may be interested in the work. Don't Get A Divorce. a western judge granted a divorce on necoiint of ill-temper and bad breath. Dr. King's New Life Pills would have prevented it. They cure Constipation, causing bad breath and Liver Trouble the ill-temper, dispel colds, banish headaches, conquer chills. Z ;c at Melville Dorsey s drug store Whiskey House. S. (Jovernment Stamp) 5.00 Green River Rye 4qts 5.00 Three Feathers Rye 4 qts 8.00 Canadian Clnh 4 qts 5.00 Old Prentice 4 qts 5.00 Mums Rye 4 qts 5.50 Full Dress 4 qts 5.00 Four Aces 4 qts 5.00 Echo Spring 4 qts 5.50 Mark Rogers 4 qts 5.00 Jefferson Club 4 qts 5.00 Word on Rye 4 qts 5.50 Fit Hugh Lee 4 qts 5.00 Blue Blood 4 qts 5.00 Montreal Malt whiskey 4 qts 5.O0 Old Boh Burton 4 qts ..5 00 Old Flutcher 4 qts r.. ....8.00 Jamestown Irish whiskey 4 qts 5.00 Dewer's Scotch 4 qts 5.00 Royal Arch 4 qts 4.50 Rooney's Malt 4 qts 4.50 Duffy's Malt 4 qts 5.00 Duffy's Malt by the case 12.00 American Malt 4 qts , 4.50 CaSey Malt 4.50 Rose Valley Rye 4 qts 4.00 HJenn Lilly Rye 4 qts 4 50 Old Velvet 4 qts 4 00 ti. I . II. 4 qts 4.00 Silus Dean 4 qts..., 4.00 Old Henry 4 qts 4.50 Bottled Wine. Virginia Dare 4 qts ; 3.50 St. Estihe4 qts .f. 3.50 St. .Tulean 4 qts 3.50 Vinriuia Claret 4 qts 3.50 Kmpenal. Sherry me 8 years old 4 qts. - 5.00 Domestic 4 qts 3.50 Alcohol best grade 1 qt 2 00 Minnehaha 4 qts 3.50 Pocahontas 4 qts 4.50 Emperial Blackberry qts 3.50 Scuppernong 4 qts 3.50 Blackberry Brandy 4 qts 5.00 Extra Dry Mnmm's 4 qts 16.00 B. 1 gallon corn whiskev lOO proof and jug F, O. B. here 2.15 Made Copiier-Distilled Com Whiskev We are one of the few that make our direct from the still. bv Cashier's Check, Post Office Money N. C. Whiskey House uel Watkins Big Department Store Sain We take this method of wishing 03 friends and patrons a happy New Year, and thaiSng you, one and all, for enabling us to record tb most pros perous year in our history. We pletljp to you in this new year our very best endeavoo make this store a delightful shopping place, anorcLially in vite you to visit us as often as possible No store anywhere shall treat you fairer. Yir purchase money is simply on deposit here until fpu are thor oughly satisfied with your trade. Our stocks shall contain the very list depart ment store merchandise that intelligice and ex perienced buyers can get together. Dototful goods will not find shelf room here. I The WATKINS STORE guarantee and 53 years of successful business stand back of eay dollars worth of merchandise sold here, andiothing at any time will be offered for sale that :annot be recommended by us. SAMUEL WATT (Eireatt Beginning Saturday, Jan. 9. Continuing from day to day until $5,000 worth of goods are sold. Preparatory to moving into LESS OF COST as we wish to AN ENTIRELY NEW STOCK. MUST FRa.EE. Presents to Ladies. EVERY AFTERNOON AND EVERY EVENING. PLENTY OF SEATS FOR, LADIE-5. ALL ARE CORDIALLY INVITED. Saturday a lady's Gold Watch and other presents will be given away. OCCOCCOOCCOCOOCOOCCOCCXDCCOCOOCOOCOO o 8 AimmiMaifl We have inaugurated our Annual Cut Price Sale and will continue same until January 15th. EVERY ITEM IN will be included in We hope you will avail yourself of this opportunity to save money. Our stock is all fresh and new. Jo CalE- O COO C NEW YEAR GREETINGS FRO! AnnettfidDim :0 F: Piainnioinidls, Jewelry, Etc., Etc., GUI Ml km m IIIU Jewelry Store. new quarters we are going to close out our entire stock REGARD make our NEW STORE ABSOLUTELY NEW by OPENING HAVE $5,000 AT ONCE. FREE. FRa.EE. FRa.EE. Presents to Ladies. (Duntt IPirtee Salle Yours Respectfully, A. LOStE COM PAR V, "THE BIG STORE THAT SATISFIES." vCD CCD i II mms. ii$44-B5 I- II ShUe Watches, Cut OJlass, Ettc, j Etc. A la Afternoon a.t2:30; also Saturday night at 7;30. Present to Ladies. OUR STORE this sale. BnrkV- "Foil of luccessiu! rrj rrcmuj plant the btJ ' m . . . oil ij I " bh I liDr'wa m L. : T ... 'them r . v. s to F-rtiet Pt V;!!" New Stni l-ss C.rrr.'i XVardv-Wr.l-np. ki.:, -Davis New Whtf V Carnes Rast li,,f ,, Etr Tjrly Ala' t 1 M .'. . " i ;-y Blum 5.V?o hu.hc' U 53 I'u'hei Us Huhc! U 5o Bushel "" ' Market Garde- f j BufV. Seed rit,i aaU Bun , i hmcsTr . , Sw-nd f.r ctnri!ce nuk- t. ' 5 ' Write Ivxijy. Menu. this p-;r " r' "W-BUCKBEE "w-iDoe HncMorj Srti Farasi, A DELIGHFUL PERSONALLY CONDUCTED TOUR TO Havana, Cuba. AND RETURN THROUQrl THE HAST COAST FLORIDA. OF January 11, 1909, IN CHARGE OF MR. AND MRS. C. H GATT1S RALEIGH. N.C. Party wilt travel in special Pullman train with dining cars. Round Trip FROM RALlilUM AND ON SAUK BASIS I WOM ai i OTMER POINTS lCI.U)INi MEALS AM) STATLKOO.n BERTH ON STEAAER LEAVE RALEIGH 5:15 P. M . MONDAY, JANUARY 1 1. 1909. VIA Seaboard fllr Llnu Railway. Six (6) Days In Cuba All arrangements completed for low hotel rates and side trips in Cuba, and stops will be made at Jacksonville, St. Augustine, Palm Beach, and Miami and carriage drives may be taken at these points. Stops also allowed at any point South of and including Jacksonville within final iirmt of ticket January 29th, IvOV. An attractive part of the trip through Florida is over the Florida East Coast Railway, Concrete Viaduct Extension. through the KEYS to KNIGHTS KEY DOCK. where a steamer of the P. & O. S. S. Co is taken to Havana. Party will visit many points of interest in Cuba, including Mantanzas, Gaunajay, Guincs, Morro Castle and Cabanas Forts, and through the sugar and tobacco plantations. The undersigned ranee all details in will ar advance 11 and look after the pleasure and comfort of all. Ladies alone will have special attention. Those who do not desire to re turn with the party can leave Havana as late as January 27th, 1909. For information as to other AvnAno.o writ? at once to the undersigned, as the party will be limited. C. H. GATTIS, Traveling Psenzer Agent. Kaleifth. N. C O 8 o 8 o () o o () o o 8 o () o o () o o o o o o o o o o o o () o o () If It's Dorsey's It's Good! Big Stock of DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES. CHEMICALS. TOILEURTICLES and Druggists' Soadries of all kiafls. Paints, OHsTvarnislies, Pflsicians' Prescriptions a Specialty- ALL TH' STmVd F0UMTA1M DR1XIS lid IINERAL WATERS. E DORSEY, stall MIit- Wholesale aanB charlesSeTfoOT- o o () Si o LITTL1 TON, N. C and Surveyor. Civil Engini All kinds of SURVEYS, DKA1 quickly and acej nr tim for tS.'I r u II t! Do tun- K 1 Kl 1) 1 l'A s In: 3 let ti In I if . i I f I i 1