THE HENDERSON GOLD XjEAF THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1910. Pcnding investment of idle funds we call at tention to our Certificates of Deposits which are payable on demand; transferable by endorsement; negotiable at any Bank, and earn ing interest at varying rates; depending on length of time money remains on deposit. Correspondence or personal interview in vited. Citizens Bank of Henderson, HENDERSON, N.C. VERY LOW PRICES. On Lumber, Lime, Shingles Doors, Windows, Frames, Oak Mantels, Tiles, Cahill Grates. JOHN B. W ATKINS. t; . v i FOR SALE The Henry 1'irie limnc place situated one mile from n ciuitaiiiiiiK acres, or an addi-i.-i! 7", acres adjoining if purchaser Tcrnm will be made to suit pur--; Applv to J.K. POYTHRESS, Henderson, N. C. I 1 SMLIM-: ENGINE FOR SALE-I haw for sale a 2-horse power line engine. Good as new. Will be i ;ij for cash. Appy to I). L. I'AIIKEU, Henderson. N. C. I "''!: i;i;.T New six-room dwelling rioti.e on ( havasse avenue. Good u i "I water on premises. Apply to W. E. 15 It AD Y. m: SALE I offer for sale my new re-ideuce in course of construction, mi I'liextnut and Orange streets. W. W. I'AIIKEU. i i I5KEI) POULTRY Some very X tine White Leghorn roosters and j,!,r.-tn. Rhode Island Heda and Barred I'l . rn.-uth Rocks for sale. U. M. CIlOWDEIt. 1 r AN'l "ED, TO EXCHANGE Travel- iiig man owning residence iu i in iiilinro, N. ('., is desirous of exchang ing for nn s of equal value in Henderson. Vl.lress BOX 018, Greensboro, N. C. rpili: SI'U DEPARTMENT, Office of 1 the Supervising Architect, Wash ington. I. C, January l.'L 1!)10. Notice n !i. ri liv given that the time foropening hiN for the construction (including p! unit Ting, gas jiiping, heating apparatus, i ' 1 1 -i- conduits and wiring) at the United Staffs l'ost Otlice, Henderson, North i irolina. has been extended from Janu ary 17. l'.Hii. to t o'clock P. M., Tebru ay l'tli. lllo. James Knox Taylor, Supervising Architect. Mr.-. J. Davis Keid of Portsmouth, i , i visiting Mrs. It. J. Corbitt in I leinlersotl. Mrs. Wall of Maryland, is visiting li r l.iuir!iter, Mr.s. J. P. Taylor, iu II mlerson. Mrs. Fr. New York Mrs II. .1. ink Hriggs Carpenter, of , is the charming guest of Corbitt. Miss Pat tin Morgan of Shawboro, is visiting her sister, Mrs. I). Y. i oper, Jr., in Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Corbitt of Portsmouth, Va., have been visiting it lleiinerson the past week. Mrs. Harry Harper, who has been quite sick since New Year's day, Las s far recovered as to be able to be up again. W. K. Brady advertises a new six I'iohi dwelling house on Chavasse avenue for rent, (lood well of water on premises. D. L. Parker advertises a good :-! i "! power gasoline engiri' il.-. In perfect condition as e for good as Lew tint will uesoiu at a uargain for ea-h. K. M.Crowder advertises some very tine prnv bred poultry for sale. White Leghorns, Rhode Island Heds and birred Plymouth Rocks. Roosters and pullets. Mr. John Daniel has returned from Gr.-ensboro where he went to spend a tew davs with his son, Mr. darland Daniel, and see how that grandson is developing and growing more like hi-- "old grand dad." Prf. J. T. Alderman, Messrs. A. J lbirris and J. R. Owen attended the Grind Lodge of Masons in Raleigh last week. There was a large attend an..- and the occasion was a most ei ;,vable and profitable one. i tie iieorge A. Kose tompany an- i.o'iure that their new line of sprin dre-s goods, embroideries, &c.,is now "ti sale, and a cordial invitation is 'A'.i'tided the ladies to call and exam ine their stock and compare their Mrs P. A. Irving of Richmond, Ya. s the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. P 1 r As Miss Lucy Taylor she ' fly lived in Henderson and was v v popular, and it gives pleasure r friends and admirers to see i ilerson was represented at the ' "'..e-i s Movement meeting in ' shoro last week bv Messrs. D. Vl Ilirdee. F. C. Toenleman. S. ft 11 ' a li. . P. It. SJatterwhite, J.' A. Cooper and Rev. I. W. Mr Leak Peace representing the '.iishoro Daily News, paid the 1 1' ! i 1 -1 ' l' a pleasant call one day '-" week. He likes Henderson and 'f lerson people so well he may de ' 1 e to make this place his home per iiifiitly. l i e Rev. M. MeCr Shields, 6uperin- -tit of theSynodieal Home Mis- ' -. will fill the pulpit of the Pres-:v'-rian church next Sundav, Jan- -orti, morning and evening. i!l also preach at Brookston in ' afternoon. Pneumonia Follows a Cold t ;,. r follows the uee of Foley's Honey 1 ;ir. w hich stops the couch, heals the aiM; ppels the cold from your system. A l uned ankle will usually disable the 1 J person for three or four weeks. This to iai k of proper treatment. When , " liniment is applied a cure lp effected in three or four davs. This "nr is onp of the best and most remark- -"parationsin une. Sold by all dealers ..u art-Buffering from biliousness, con- . . """KTOuon, enronic Headache, in' 1 -! ,;', u'T in a Postal card, send to Cham M-lKMneCo..Des Moines W -arith rid t). . -i T7 "wu"o (uaiuiy on ine oacK, r.arraM. " IO,rwarJ you a free sample of n mm 8 rsrnmonh n. T : tvi.a run e s-AH i i an ualprs. The Northern blizzard and snow storm that had New York Citv grip ped in its embrace a few davs ago, did not hit us very hard. But we had quite enough to satisfy us. There are some things we do not want just because others have it. Mr. R. S. McCoin returned Tuesday afternoon from Richmond where be has been for several weeks at a hos pital undergoing treatment. His friends are gratified at his improved condition and hope he will soon be restored to perfect health again. After spending the holidays with relatives and friends in Henderson, Mr. and. Mrs. I). M. Dunlop have gone to Rosemary to spend awhile with Mr. and Mrs. C.A.Wjche. They will also visit in Petersburg and Rich mond before returning to their home in Baltimore. Married, at the home of Mr. B. B. Collins, father of the bride, on Janu ary 10th, 1910, Mr. George Wheeler and Miss Nannie E. Collins, all of Henderson. Rev. Jere Reeves per formed the ceremony, only a few im mediate friends and members of the family being present. As will be seen by advertisement to that effect published elsewhere, the time for opening bids for the con struction of the new government (postoffice) building in Henderson, has been extended from January 17th to February 18th. Opportuni ty is yet offered to put in bids by per sons who may wish to do so. Mrs. D. Y. Cooper attended the ex ercises incident to the opening of the industrial building of the Stonewall Jackson Manual Training and Indus trial fecnool.and the reception to Mr. and Mrs. Roth, at Concord last week. Mrs. Cooper is one of the trustees and takes a lively interest in whatever concerns this institution. Just as we expected would be the case, contract for constructing the new government (postoffice) building was not awarded last Monday. Ac cording to advertisement, bids were to be opened on the 17th, but for some cause which must be good and sufficient to the Dowers that be in Washington, the time has been ex tended to February 18th. Bear in mind the auction sale of town lots to be held next Tuesday, t n-. I rru T rr, January ocn. ineur. xurner prop erty, desirably situated in one of the nicest parts of the town, conven ient to business centre. About 50 lots to be disposed of, at your own price, on easy terms, oee advertise ment on the first page of the Gold Leaf for further information. Perhaps they -did the best they could with the material thev had. but the "high salaried vaudeville ar tists"did notshow up in the perform ance of The Strollers at the Grand Theatre Friday night, as advertised. It might have seemed better had it not suffered in comparison with such a fine attraction as the Eight Yassar Girls coming just ahead of it. The D. D. Overton place on the Northwest corner of Young and Chestnut streets, just across from R. J. Southerland's residence is offered for sale. House in good repair, six rooms, two stories, over an acre in lot. Nicely situated and convenient to business part of town. Can be bought on easy terms. See adver tisement in another column. As will be seen by advertisement elsewhere Mr. W. W. Parker offers his new residence in course of construe tion, corner of Chestnut and Orange streets, for sale, 1 or reasons which are understood by his friends Mr. Parker does not desire now to com plete and occupy the house himself, This is very desirable property and can be made a beautiful place. Per son who wishes to buy a nice home would do well to see Mr. Farker. We were pleased to have a call yesterdav from Mr. Joseph V. Pe Mars, representing the Acme White Iead and Color orks, Detroit, Michigan, said to be the largest paint and varnish plant in the world, who was here interviewing our dealers in the interest of his concern. The Acme Quality kind of paints, enamels, stains, varnishes, etc., stand at the head of goods of this class and are sold everywhere. Mr. J. B. Allen is at the A. & M Collesre takinsr a special course in dairying, but will be on hand to at tend the Farmers Institutes in this county on the 2nd and 3rd of Febru ary, he being chairman or the insti tute committee for ance county, Mr. Allen is proprietor of the Fair view .barm, ana is one oi vance county s most progressive young farmers, making a specialty of dairy paoducts, Jersey cattle and Poland China swine. The peculiar properties of Chamberlain's Cough Remedr have been thoroughly tqgted during epidemics ot mnuenza, ana wnen it was taken in time we have not heard of a single case of pneumonia. Sold by all dealers. Card of Thanks. I wish to thank my friends for their kindness to me and mineonthe occa sion of my recent bereavement, and assure one and all of my deep appre ciation of same. Such acts of neigh borly love and sympathy do much to strengthen and comfort in' the time of loneliness and sorrow follow ing these dispensations of God'e providence. . . . , ' : W. TV. PARKER. Simple Remedy for LaQrlppe. LaGrippe coughs are dangerous, as they frequently develop intophenumonia Foley's Honey and Tar not only stops thecongh. but heals and strengthens the lungs so that no serious results need be feared. The genuine Foley's Honey and Tar contains no harmful drugs and is in a yellow package. Sold by al.ftrufc-gist. Grand Auction Sale of Town Lots. As will be seen by advertisement drinted on the first nacre of the Gold ; JLEaf this week, there will be a grand . j.-, auction sale of town- lots next Tues day, January 2oth, beginning at 11 o clock A. M., on the premises. This is desirable property for residence purposes, situated on College street. . w o Tanyard and Walden avenues, near the business centre of the town, post- office and railroad station. About 50 lots to be sold, in one of the nicest parts of the town, this sale will no doubt attract a large crowd. Sale will beunderthftauspicesof the Amer ican Realty & Auction Company, Greensboro, N. C, and the Suburban Realty &, Auction Company, Raleigh, N. C, the famous Penny Brothers the twin auctioneers, being in charge, Free band concert and valuable przes to be given away. Do not forget the day and date if you want to ouy Henderson real es tate that will surely increase in value or prove a cheap and desirable site on which to build a home. Want to Exchange Property? As will be seen by advertisement in Want Column, a traveling man own ing residence in Greensboro, desires to exchange same for one of equal value in Henderson. Reasons for wishing to exchange is that he has changed his business and covering the territory he will have hereafter it will be more convenient to travel out of Henderson. If interested address Box 618, Greensboro, N. C. Moved Place of Business. Burwell H. Bullock gives notice that he has moved next to Kerner- MacNair's drug store (Muscovitz's old stand) where he will continue the fish and oyster business as hereto fore. He will handle oysters in sea sonup to the nrst or middle of April but fish, like time, will go right on along every day from Tues day until Saturday. Shipments are made every morning as the fish are taken right out of the water, and satisfaction is guaranteed as to freshness. Home on a Visit. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Sneed came from High Point Wednesday to spend a lew days with their people in this county. Mr. Sneed is princi- fal lis al of one ot the erraded schools in h Point, and as some cases of small pox have developed in the community it was thought best to suspend the schools and abandon the assembling of promiscuous -crowds in public places for awhile. Pending his enforced idleness, Mr. Sneed im proved the opportunity to come home and is now at his father s (Mr. P. B. Sneed's) in the Williamsboro neighborhood. Dancing Academy. Mr. W. H. Allmon of Rockingham. N. C, is here for the purpose of or ganizing a dancing class and will open tonight in the armory of the Vance Guards, (old Cooper Opera House.) fle has met with consider able encouragement and expects to start with a good attendance. Mr. Allmon has had large experience in this line of work and comes highly endorsed as to his character, fitness and proficiency in teaching the art of dancing, grace, ease and natural ness, lie has instructed classes at Chapel Hill and is laown to some of our young men. 1 he children s class will start at 3 o'clock Saturday afternoon. Parents are especially invited to be present at tnat time il possible. Rare Musical Treat Indeed. The entertainment given by. the Eight VassarGirls at the Grand The atre last Friday night, was a "top notcher" in every particular. Hen derson has never had anything finer ot tne Kina. ine company is con-f -posed of talented and accomplished young ladies, each one an adapt at E laying on not only one but several inds of -musical instruments, and the performance was of a very high order. The program consisted of in stumental music with vocal selec tions. The instruments used were piano, saxaphones, cornets, trom bones, clarionets, flageolets, violin, etc. Henderson music lovers have had the pleasure of enjoying some excellent attractions, as good as they have anywhere, but without doubt the concert given by these clever performers last Friday even ing must be numbered among the best if not the most delightful, yet provided. PILES CURED. DR. A. UPHAM s ELECTUARY will CURE the Piles, no matter how long you have suf fered. It will eradicate the disease from the svstm FOREVER. 'SATISFACTION, or yourmoney BACK. At Thomas Brothers', Henderson, X. C. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. I o I offer for sale my house and lot situate on the JNorthwest corner of xoung and Chest nut streets, (the old D.D.Overton place) just across from R.J. Southerland's residence and property of Dr. J. R Moss. Six room dwell iug, two stories, in good repair. Over one acre in lot. Will sell at a price that will make it a good investment or a desirable home at moderate cost. For further infor mation address D. D. OVERTON, Greenville, N. C "THE LADIES' STORE." GREAT SALE OF :Ready-Made Underwear - BEGINNING - Monday. Jan. 17, We will inaugurate our regular January sale of Ready-Made Underwear. The biggest line we have ever had. MRS, finSSIUfrEB. WILL START PAPER HERE. fir. J.V.Stmms, Publisher of the Ral eigh Times, to Begin Publication of New Paper to be Called the Header, son Times, About the First of Feb ruary. 1 "We had an agreeable call last Thursday from Mr. J. V. Simms, publisher of the Raleigh Evening Times, the object of whose visit to Henderson is explained in the article printed below which appeared in the Times of Friday. Mr. Simms is a young man of energy, enterprise and ability, and as a newspaper man i.f has made good, nis success with the Raleigh Times in pulling it out of the slough of financial despond and mak ing it a paying proposition has been a signal achievement in newspaper annals of the capital city, and if any one can "turn the trick" here or else where in a similar undertaking we take it vaat Mr. Simms can. At any rute the Go,ld Leaf gives him cor dial welcome and extends the hand ot fraternal greeting aqd good wishes in advance of his coming.- ' The article in question follows: Mr. J. V. Simms, publisher of The Even ing Times, spent yesterday in Hender son, where he is arranging to open a new paper about February 1st. . Aftef his return today he said: "Yes, I am making plans and arrange ments to open up an office in Henderson and publish a new weekly paper there. I have secured some nice offices on the second floor of the postoffice building and this will give me a very desirable location, in fact it ia the very best and most convenient to all the business sec tion of Henderson. I am now negotia ting with a eood man for editor and manager and if I secure him I hope to be gin this paper by February 1st. It is my intention to begin an eight page weekly, with full telegraph and State news and all the local news of Henderson and the surrounding section. The paper will he known ae The Henderson Times and if it's a success will be made a semi-weekly and improved as the conditions demand. Henderson is a live and growing young city, and is in one of the finest sections in the State, and I believe a live, progres ei ve paper that will boost the town will be a good proposition." Personal. Passing through on his way to Jacksonville, Fla.,to spend awhile in rest and recreation, Mr. Louis Mead or of Richmond, stopped over and spent last night with the family of Mr. J ohn B. W atkins. Mr. Meador for merly lived in Henderson and is well remembered by many of our citizens. His father was at one time engaged in the mercantile business here a member of the firm of 'Knight . & Meador and both father and 6on have many friends among our peo ple. Louis, as he ia still familiarly known by his friends here has added years to his age if not inches to his stature since he left and is now a married man with a family and is do ing well, holding a responsible posi tion with one of the largest mercan tile houses in Richmond. Best for coughs and colds is Kennedvs's Laxative Cough Syrup. It moves the bowels freely yet gently and thereby drives the cold from the system. It stops the cough. Chil dren like it pleasant to take. Sold by all Druggists. "Parsifal" Was Great. If Manager Poythress does not give us anything better this season be can afford to rest on the laurels won Tuesday night by "Parsifal." A stronger play has not been seen in Henderson. It was superb, elaborate ly staged and strongly acted an ad mirable production throughout. The scenery was beautiful, the electrical effects unique, the costumes pretty and appropriate. Messrs. Martin & Lmery promised much in ''Parsifal," and they, met every expectation. It is a great pro duction splendidly presented by a strong acting company. The cast is well selected aud nicely balanced, each performer seemingly peculiarly htted for .his or her part, and il one apparently does the better work and wins the greater iavor it is because ot the wider range for histrionic display or the more pleasing character he has rather than to the truer concep tion or more faithful portrayal of the role essayed. . While all were good the work oi Mr. John Rigney as Parsifal, Mr. Barrett as Klinschor, Mr. Herbert as Dwerger, an Impish servant of the Klinschor, Mr. Sloman asAnfortas, Mr. Roth, Mr. Grauman and Miss Anna May as Kundry, was exception ally fine. Their acting would be dif ficult to improve upon. The audience was not what the production merited. Rain no doubt kept a good many persons away, but we are sure if. they had realized the very unusual treat they missed it would have required more than rain and wind and reasonable distance to deprive them of it. About iio or 40 persons came Irom Oxford whereas it was expected that 80 or 100 would come. The rain in terfered and the small number of- tickets sold did not justify the run ning of a special train to take them back. Those who came spent the night in Henderson. The greatest danger from influenza is o its resulting in pneumonia. J bis can be obviated by using Chamberlain's Cough Itemedy, as it not only cures influenza, but counteracts any tendency of the disease to wards pneumonia. Sold by all dealers. ; 3 Bales of Cotton Per Acre Mr. John B. Broadwelj averaged three bales of cotton per acre on his entire crop by using fertilizers at the rate of 1,000' pounds per acre. You should be able to do as well as Mr.:Broadwell By Using Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers Get a copy of our 1910 Farmers' Year Book or Almanac from your fertilizer dealer, or write us for a free copy. Mr. Broadwell tells in this book his own story of how he got this big yield.' BALES OFFICES t Kichnot4. Va. Norfolk. Vfc Mail si thlt Coupon Colambta, S. C. Durham, N. C. Wiastoa-Salcm, N. C Charleston, 8. C. Battiaote, Md. Colambn. Ca. Mofir"T. Ala. Mcsvaia. Teaa. l&Miaaon. La, VlIGtNlA CAIOUNA CHXMICAL Company. Plcne kb4 k a copy of yoaf 1910 Fame ' Ycu Book free of cost. Towa ....... ............ fcte MONTHLY HONOR ROLL Pupils Whose Names Appeared on the Monthly honor Roll of the Central Graded School as Read Out Before The Trusters and Visitors Janu ary nth. The u.-u;il exercises incident to reading the monthly honor roll were held at. the Central Graded School Tuesday, Jan. 11th. Following was the program: 1. Ilecitntiou, bible Verst-9, St. Luke II s-ir. H. Prayer. Uev. J. A. McClure. 3. Sons, Little Town of I5ethleheru. 4. Recitation. The Fifteenth Hirthday of Agaisiz. a. Keadins of Honor Roll. 0. Sonjr, Creation. 7. s Address, Dr. A. S. Pendleton. Son. Hockiit' Time. SECOND HHADL. Elizabeth llarris, Catharine Miller, Kate Mubtian, Elizabeth Pearson, Libby Quails, Jessie Hoth, John Alderman, Marshall Cooper, Frank Falkner. Davis Falkner, Clarke Harris, Fred Hayes, Hert Hancock. Wallace Newman, Walter Rowland, James Tyler, Alfred Wester, Robert Gill Young, Andrew Fineb, J-Jd-win Fuller Parham. Cary Wallace. THIRD GRADE. Carrie Cheatham, Eleanor Chesson, Edna Garlick. Mary Clegg Goodrich, Mary Taylor. Mildred Wester. FOURTH GRADE. ;iiti. Josephine Craven, AHse Aycock, Sadie Stone, Alice Cheek, Anabel Futrell, Sadie ;IIart, Emily Henderson, Mildred Rankin. hoys. Lee Falkner, John Thomas, James Nelson, Thomas Smaw, Henry Cooper, lydward Duke. FIFTH GRADE. Wilbur Perry, SaiJie White, Runyou Tyler, Andrew Newcomb, Tom Skinner Kittrell, Dorothy Harris,,Mildred Whit lock, Newell Candell, Alice Ellis. Linier Payne, Minnie Mangum, Elizabeth Fox, Melvin Mathews, Nathaniel Macon, Theo Thomas. SIXTH GRADE. Muriel Craven, Francis Harris, Kath leen Benton, Clyde Hight, Paul Keeler, Elizabeth Dorsey, Norwood Thomas, Glenn Bobbitt. SEVENTH GRADE. Louise Smaw, Elizabeth Corbitt, Char lie Baskett, Mabel Pearson, Boyd Kim ball, Janie Elmore, Elizabeth Souther land, Nellie Rose, Lillian Stallings. EIGHTH GRADE. Earle Harris, Ruth Roth. NINTH GRADE. Annie Smaw, Mary At wood, Katie Bunn, Wortley Hays. TENTH GRADE. Lessie Tyler, Lilian Mangum, Clara Finch. ELEVENTH GRADE Mary Butler, Christine Thomas, Lottie Keller. Making Life Safer. Everywhere life is being made more safe through the work of lr. King's New Life l'flls in Constipation. ISilliousness, Dyspepsia. Indigestion, Liver Troubles, Kidney Diseases and Bowel Disorders They are easy, but sure, and perfectly build up the health. :5c at Meiville Dorsey 'h. . - . . Business Changes Hands. The Raleigh Pepsi-Cola. Company have bought -out Mr. I). L". Parker in the Henderson Bottling Works, and will operate the same in the fu ture. sMr. S. J. Lane, who has here tofore done the traveling for the Raleigh and Durham plants, will be manager in charge. He will remove his family (wife and one child, a little boy) here about the first of Febru ary and will occupy the Tom. Row land residence on Andrews avenue. Mr. Lane comes well recommended as an energetic and reliable business man and good citizen and on previ ous visits he has made a number of friends here. Mr. Parker retains some stock in the concern and asks for his success ors a continuance of the patronage that has been given him. ABOUT HYOMEI A Bottle Costs Only 50 Cents A Complete Outfit Including Inhaler S1.00. When W. W. Parker states most im phatically that he will guarantee Hyomei to cure catarrh or give you your money back, what is your an swer? Hyomei is a simple, antiseptic med icine, that you breathe through a small pocket inhaler over the parts affected by catarrh. It is made of Australian eucalyptus mixed with other germ killing and membrane soothing antiseptics. Get a complete outfit to-day. It only costs $1.00, and contains every thing necessary to cure any ordinary case of catarrh. Extra bottles, if needed, 50 cents. Hyomei is the bes4 remedy in the world for sore throat, coughs and colds, croup and bronchitis. It gives wonderful relief in two minutes. For sale by druggists everywhere and by W. W. Parker. Send for free sample bottle and booklet. Booth's Hyomei' Co., Buffalo, X. Y. Cures Indigestion It relieves stomach misery, sour stom ach, belching, and cures all stomach dis ease px money bftrk. Large box of tab lets 50 cents. Druggists in all towns. Atlanta. Cu Savannah, G. rtTroriniarolinaJ I DELIGHTFUL RECEPTION. Mrs. Richard Corbitt Entertain In Honor of Her Quests, Airs. Frank Brings Carpenter, Mrs. J. Davis Reed, Mrs. W. C. Corbitt and Miss Morgan. Contributed. On Saturday afternoon at "Kdge wood," the imposing colonial home of Mr. and Mrs. Liehard Corbitt. situated on the crest of a hill. jut outside of the town, a reception was given to Mrs. Frank l.rijrss Carpenter, of New York, Mrs. J. Itavis Heed and Mrs. W. C. Cor bitt of Portsmouth. Va., and Miss Mor gan of Shawboro. X. C. Little Miss Elizabeth Corbitt stood at the front door to receive the carls, while Mrs. Sidney Cooper and Mrs. I"rjoks Parham welcomed the callers. Pink shades at thedoorsand windows threw a plow over the entire home, which is so wt ll arranged for entertain ing. The drawing room and library be insf separated from the spacious ball by columns and the den and dining room with opened folding doors made a beau tiful spectacle. Mrs. C. II Turner. Mrs. Alex Cheek and Miss Pruden of Edenton. N. C, received at the footof thestairsand as the guests came down, punch was served on the circular stair landing by Mrs. X. P. Strause and Mrs. D. Y. Cooper, Jr. Mrs. J. II. Parham stood iu the drawing room and introduced the callers to the receiving party, Mrs. It. .1. Corbitt, Mrs. F. P.. Carpenter, Mrs. J. Davis Iteed, Mrs. W. C. Corbitt, Miss Morgan. Mrs. K. F. Fenner, Mrs. S. T. Peace and Mrs. An drews. Mrs. E. G. Landis then invited across the hall into the dining room where they were received by Mr. W. li. Waddill. Here Mrs. J. C. Kittrell, Mrs. J. S. K. Young, Mrs. R. C. Craven and Mrs. L. IS. Ciooch assisted in serving dainty refresh ments. Mrs. Andrew Harris received them in the library door where Mrs. P. T. Jones and Mrs. Willingham served tfffee, as sisted by Mrs. G. I?, llarris ana Mrs. A. C. Zollicoffer. Miss Florence Currin rendered beauti ful selections on the piano through the entire afternoon. The color scheme was pink throughout the house. Two hundred handsomely gowned women called. Mrs. Brooks Parham, Mrs. S. P. Cooper, Mrs. J. II. Parham, Mrs. P. T. Jones and Mrs. 0. Y. Oooper, Jr., are entertaining this week in honor of Mrs. Corbitt's charming guests. -- - . . - - - A Traveling Salesman. 11. E. Beers. 017 7th Ave.. Peoria. HI., writes: '"I have been troubled, ho severely at times I could ncareelv carry my prips. After UHine oue bottle of Foley's Kidney Pills I have been entirely relieved, nnd cheerfully recommend them to all." Foley's Kidney Fills are healiua: nnd antiseptic nnd will re store health and strength. Sold by all Drug gists. A Delightful Occasion. Contributed. The regular senii-annunl convocation of Pod Men, for the Fifth District was held in the Wigwam of Mohawk Tribe. I. O. R. M.. No. Henderson, on the Sleep of the 17th sun. The meeting was called to order by I). Y. Hardee, Sachem of the tilth District. The following Tribes compose this District: Oc.onechee, Raleigh; Xahunta, Rocky Mount; Roanoke, Roanoke Rapids In honor of the visiting braves from these Tribes Mohawk Tribe gave a splen did banquet. Covers were laid for one hundred guests. Not only were the Red Men out in force, buteach member of the Tribe had a Pale face friend to come and enjoy the occasion with them. The in vitations were further extended to the clergy of the town, nearly all of whom were in attendance. When the first table had finished. Past Sagamore, J. T. R. Hoover, toast made, as a toast the visit ing clergy which was responded to by Rev. J; A. McClure. Rev. R. C. Craven, Rev. J. R. Doan and Rev. 0. D. Lang ston in beautiful manner combining wit and wisdom, each reply carrying with it lessons of usefulness and instruction. Other toasts were announced and replied to in a happy vein. Past Sachem C. J. Smith, chairman of the Committee of Arrangements, almost excelled himself in catering to the taste of the tribe and visitors. Did they have Lynn Haven Ray oystes? Well, I should say so, and Charlie Smith knows how to fix up such things to the Queen's taste, and for that matter as the manager of a banquet, every one knows in Henderson. that he cannot be beat. The thanks of the Trib are due him and hi excellent committee for the success of the occasion. At the conclusion of the banquet the Trilie was called together in regular business session tor the election of ofh cers. Don't 1 1 i lie with Kidney and Bladder trouble. Take De Witt's Kidney and Bladder Fills as directed and you will at once notice satisfactory results. DeUitt s Kinney and Bladder Fills are antiseptic. healiriK and soothing. Be sure to get DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Fills when you ask for them. Refuse substitutes ami Imitations. Book for the name on the package. Sold by all Drug gists. A Card of Thanks. I take this means of expres-iug my eiucereet thanks and heartfelt apprecia tion to our neighbors, physicians and friends for their kjnd attention to my son. Sidnev. diirinc his brief illness and for their hearty sympathy for myself and family in our sad and sore bereave ment. I thank his comrades of the mili tary company for their kind services at his bnnal. and for their floral tribute, l wish, also, to thank theflSembers of the Farmers' Union, and other friends for fraternal attentions and floral designs. MRS. LUCY IJASKKj T. - Looking One's Best. It's a woman's uVlislit to look h-r U-f t but pimplcp. skin Tuptiuin. sores and boils rob i;f ,.f ;r,v I.iwton? I'.ucklen B Arnica Halve L-.H flip skin Hoft anFvclvfty. It Klorifip tli- face. Turps PitnpU. Sore t-.., IV,, 1 -Snn. ('.rilfkod f.iliB. ('UHnTXHl Jl'anK Trv it. Infalible for Pils. at Melville Dorcy's. CASH CLEARING SALE OX COAT SUITS, 'CLOAKS, FURS, BLANKETS, RUGS, ART SQUARES, &o Opens this week at Thomas & Hewcomb's The Price is So Gready REDUCED That the EFFECT will be Eailj PRODUCED. How Morvey Grows. There are over seventeen million people the United States making their money grow by depositing it in the banks. $1.00 a year for fifty years is only $60.00, but compound ed it is $290.00. . $50.00 a year for fifty years is only $2,500.00, but at interest it is $14,500. This shows what systematic saving will do. Anyone can save money, and when you plant savings in our bank ydu will har vest dollars in future life. Plant the seed now to have the big tree later. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK. S. R. HARRIS, HENRY PERRY, S. T. PEACE, President. Vice-President. Cashier. - the CITY GROCERY COMPANY, (Successors to E. A. Kelly & Co.,) Has moved the entire stocck of Merchandise to No. 129 Garnett Stieet, W. T. Whitten's old stand. We will carry a complete Line of Staple nnd Fancy Uroceries. Will carry everything in the: Fancy (Irocery line necessary to supply the needs, of the most fastidious. The public is invited to call and inp4ct our stock. OUR. "The Right Goods at the Right Price: Prompt and Courteous Treatment to All." Try Us Once Get The Habit and Keep It! Phone us your wants to Phone No'. 45. Messrs. Robert Shotwell. L. C. Plrio and Wevley Allen will fill your orders promptl. The City Grocery Co. HONOR ROLL Third and Fourth Grades, North Hen. derson Qraded School. THIRD (IRADK. Iilanche Davis 07 !K .)." 9.", r, !)7 or. or, Sallie Lou Iloyle Zola Perdue 7 Rufus Strange IJeula Edward FOURTH GRADE. Ilenn Hale John I'ridgeri Howard Thompson Addie Harris It is a danirorouB thing to take a couidi medicine containing opiate1 that merely Mifie .vonr couph instead of curing it. Foley' Honey and Tar IooHens aud cures the cough aud expels the po'iHonous germs, thus pre venting pneumonia and consumption. He fune substitutes aud take only the genuine t oley s Honey anil lar in the yellow pack age, hold by all Druggists. NOTICE. Sale of Land. BY VIRTUE OF roWEK UONFEUKKP upon me in a mortgage executed ly Harwell Itiillev Felimnrv I'Jtli. 1 S'.tfi. reg istered in the office of Register of Deeds of vance Lounty, m Mortgage dook a. rage itHH. I shall sell bv nublio auction to the highest bidder for cash, at the Court House iloor in Henderson, V ance County, rs. on Monday, January 24th, 1910, at 12:-'i0 o'clock P. M., the following land, situate in Kittrell township adjoining the lands of .1 Ashe, David Roberts and more particularly described asMollows: Ilegin at stone on South side of New Road, J Ashe's corner, nnd run thence S. 2 K. 0 chains to stone B. Ridley's corner, thence S. E. l.'5.8 chains to stone; theuce . 0 chains to f) Roberts' corner ou New Road; thence N. HH W. 14.08 chains to beginning; contain in g-H 2. 100 acres. Same being the land bought by B. Ridley of T T. Hicks. Tins the 2.1rd day of December, lliua. T. T. HICKS, Mortgagee. Y YYYTYTTV YTTTTY YTYYTYTTYT Announcement I wish to announce to my freinds and cus tomers that they can find me at the same old place, E. A. KELLY & CO'S old stand,' next door to First National Bank, where your wants will be suppliend, and goods declevered promptly. Thanking you for your past favors and ho ping to get more of them, I am, Yours to please, R. Phone 364 B. iu xa a nr. ia Fine Old Whiskeys Cj4.ll Goods Guaranteed We are Distillers. Our direct to consumer . Better goods and quicker shipment. We prepay all express charges and ahip ia plain package. Prs CJallok. Old R. W. Jones Corn Whiskey (8 Years Old . . $3.50 Old R. W. Jones Corn Whiskey (4 Years Old) . 2.7S Old R. W. Jones Corn Whiskey (2 Years Old) . . 2.50 Corn Whiskey .... one-half gallon $1.50 Corn Whiskey, 2 Gallons . ... . $4.50 Corn Whiskey, 3 Gallons $6.50 Corn Whiskey, 4 Gallons, Old Velvet Rye Whiskey (4 Mountain Rye (2 Years Old) Kentucky Bell (8 Years Old) x Apple Brandy (i Years Old) Tose Valley Rye (4 quarts) Write for complete priee list on all grades of Whiskeys, Brand iea, 'lias, Etc. Remit money or express order. Send us a trial order. You irill get the quality. C L ARKSV1LLE WHISKEY HOUSE MOTTO: Fish and Oysters. I havo moved next to Kerner-MncNair Co' drug store (Muscovite'n old stand) w hero I am prepared as heretofore to serve the pub lic at all times with a nice stock of Fresh Fish and Oysters Will keep Oysters in season up to the first or fifteenth of Aprfl lint Fish 1 will bundle right along each day from Tnesduy to Sat urday. A fresh lot is shipd every morning, right out of the water, nndl make good nuy thing that is not satisfactory with another delivery or your money back. Thankful for past patronage, I respectfully ask a continunnce of same. Phone 360-F. BURWELL H. BULLOCK. "Flower Drops" j One drop diffuses the odor of thousands of blossoms I and lasts for weeks. The Most Exquisite Perfume Ever Produced AGENTS FOR Huyler's Candy AND Hudnut's Preparations Kerner-MacNair Co,, 4 Prescription Druggists. Phone 112. YYYYYYYYTYY YYYYYYYYYYYYYY A. PAYNE, z wrrr 1 Mail Orders Promptly Filled i Under the Nmtionml Pure Food Lawt Whiskeys are aged properly. Wo liip 1 Years Old) . ' . . . . 4.00 2.7$ 5.00 3.O0 4.0