Ee Sure If Yob Wut You are right bj first writing an ad vertisement Betting forth the bargains you of fer, and insert it in the GOLD LEAF. Thus prepared for bus iness, you can TL A. IL..J ADVERTISIX6 THAT IS To roach the people of Hen derson and sur rounding conn try, let them know the induce ments yon hold out to get their trade by a well displayed adTer tisement in Hi worm Having . - IS TBS FOUXDATIQN ; or SUCCESS IX ANY BUSINESS . 18 jyortli Advertising KVKKY DAY IN THE YEAR. i iic ii uu Aneaa. i - TU GOLD LEAF State Library THAD R. MANNING, Publisher. it Oarolina, Carolina, ZHje-avest's Blessings .ttend Her." SDBSCB1PII0K Jl.tO Ct!t VOL. XXIX. HEXDERSON. X. C, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 15, 1910. NO. 52. ? A BUSINESS 3 n (hi .O'f Off i.Oil I Oil mi OA 0(1 11 0( 5t' '-'1 5C 1H 50 I5'i 50 30 13 CANADA FIELD PEAS. One of the Host Profitable Fort"e i Cropi That Can be Raised Prolific in Yield and a Good Soil Improveras Vcil-What is Said About Them Practical Expc Icnco.' J Tl." Uor.n Leaf is interested in ( f c i Field Pens and wants to ki'.v how nmny of its birmer friends rid th-ni. Ve are under the j.. ,;v-si(Hi it is a new crop here i;ts W'm happen to know of canes rt tlu'V have ben cultivated with -..lit si;ncs, and the following urti' published in the hope of iri- ,;V-W1 )t!iTr to tXV them. COp.V fr . :i T. v Wood & Sons' seed cata- i'-,!i:iiia 1-Vld Pea' sown in Novem ber or p.Mvmber, and covered deeply, ,-, ,ti,. up early in the spring, and pro off rapidly as soon as the w. ir'i- r opens. They usually make u i .-ii'iiil yield, which can be fed (T,,, i, (,r iiired for bay; also make a. ,.1 i soil improver when turned un-; ii r like cow-peas or clover, but their jrp.!est vain3 is as a forare crop. ( i! i i i Field Peas are best sown with oat-, at the rate of one bushel of peas to one bushel of winter or rust-proof oats to the acre. Or, if sown by themselves, sow one and a half bush els to the acre. They should be covered deeply with a heavy harrow, or plowing them in with a sinsrle-lior-e plow, is probably the best. Sowmir 'ats is h decided advantage. jh they help hold the peas off the ground, enabling them to make a better growth, and as both mature toother, thev Hhould make a splen did combination of feed, trreatly rel ished and very nutritious for all farm anim ds. The Canada Field Pea h i-ntii-iy different from the Cow or Sink Peas. It is really a field variety of t he Kiielish or (Harden Peas. It i verv extensively used as a field crop i;i i inada and the northern States I'ri.-e. about SI. 80 per bushel; cotton hai's. 1 Se. exira. Priee fluctuates. The following testimonial shows the t xperienee of a Nansemond .-:: 1 1 y (Va) farmer with Canada Peas. And if called upon we nre-uie Mr. C. A. Wyche of Rosemary could ejve even a more enthusiastic eiMioisement of this (to many) new f .r.tire crop. Read the following: I have been sowing Canada Field Peas for several years, atid consider them one of the best foraire crops 1 eve;- saw. They yield abundant crop nr. ! come at a time in the season when f, ,.,J is scarce and high; besides, they improve rather than diminish the land. I am going to sow this year in December with oats and clover deep, as I jind they do the best to tret them in either in December or very early in the spring. So often the I atid is wet early and not in condition t work. 1 follow the Canada Pea with the P.lack Pea, using this rota tion in preference to corn. I get more feed and at the same time improve the hind. A. V. Sturgeon, Nanse mond Co., Va. - - (iet the Genuine Always. A s li-t itiite is n dangerous makeshift ph I" i in medicine. The pennine Foley's II .iinl Tar cnri'SPOurl'S ami coMs quick ly .-i n ! is in n. yellow H-kare. Accept no NM.stituti's. Sold by all dniggists. . . Magistrates Must Qualify Within 30 Days. Mniristrates elected on November Mb must takethe oath of office with in dnvH from the first Monday in l'eccmber. Failure to qualify with in that time forfeits the office. GERMS IN HER SYSTEM. Every Woman Should Read This Advice and the Generous Offer That Goes With It. rin number of diseases peculiar to women is such that we believe this space would hardly contain a mere mention of their names, and it is a f i' t that most of these diseases are (ff h catarrhal nature. A woman cannot be well if there is a trace of catarrh in her system. '!ne women think there is no help for i hem. We positively declare this t be a mistaken idea. "We are so s"re of this that we offer to supply Hi' : i aie absolutely free of all cost in cv. ry instance where it fails to give '-faction, or does not substantiate txir 'hums. With this understanding, woman should hesitate to believe ou; to '1 cat M.i do aonesty of purposp. or hestitate l''it our claims to a test. :'ere is only one way to overcome arrii. That way is through the " i. You may use all the snuffs. ' lies or like remedies for years wn i; rarv er.. syst Hien be fun '".it jMting more than tempo ielicf at best. Catarrh in gen a diseased condition of the '! that shows locally most fre ';!' in discharges from mucous 1 f ines. Local treatment should '-sisted by internal treatment : e -eiieral diseased condition if a, CO!!,;,i,.te ..trj :u Tl.., rat, ti:l. - .... - .w ur inn urij. X Hill "al treatment should le sein. .1! l"vised and faithfully admin- i-t..,i le-xad Mucu-Tone is scientifically l'r' i1 red from the prescription of an 'y-nt physician who for 30 years i. nie catarrh his specialty. ' This reiiu.,jv .s .ini:pni i .i......i . tr,..,t,,... ; u""l,LrlJ - iae - " 111 OI i tie catarrhal ailments a Women It purifies and enriches tne bloo, tends t l.,''' Ulds m removing impurities Srln IT '8t1Pm' s"the8, heals and hr 2 TnS the. n,UCOUs etr' th Ut a eeHnK f heaIth and Tonfrantyou to tlT Rpxa11 Mlu 1" 011 our guarantee. If vou are Zi nedfi?J' ?r fr rea- nil hand I Unp,y tel1 U3 and we will and lSS Pn tW(J 8izeH' 30 centli tain Rev di "lyou can ob "I t ' He only at our Parker" eittU Store- w- w- 1 B 71 Watches. Jewels Dia- 5 SS K 0111181)18 UlmStfllSS UlflS. HHU Ui Mill jW' U I WJWmml&M- rff- ri'VMm& A M1hV hr I ons patronaRe that ha8 been given ua C t , ,rff Fountaln WZWZP ""VUv,,, THE BEST WORK. ' $mMm. W'jhhkirJ monds, Novelties, &C. the year now drawing to a close JftrtOTLBoSS: Mri. IS-mM M I--' ' SfT15 FOR - and express our grateful appreciation of Fountain P,n. it tt J m FnliStoekatlowestDriceB I I I CT'sr'MvnWv H same. While we re pice at our expand- Wl , . . w, . K Vj t ullbtock at lowest prices. n ZsT m'W A Oh rift maS Presents, i trade and greater prosperity, we fM Big Line of Fireworks. TV heel 1.' . J I v J7 ' y)kyA UI1IS maSJrieacuvo . wouid repeat and further emphasize the V , Goods and Toys of all Kinds. 1 I ' I'ZsKe&X 1 .P 11" "pfSIs ihm 'fc is tllP Pracrical an serviceable p. - tv'k .Vou arH looking for in the $Yt line of GIFTS ! Ttie Henderson Furniture Go., ran eupjily ytiiir wnnts f'oii'bs. Comforta t.le Rni-krs. Writing Dchks. Book Cneep, Hall Hacks. Fine, Medium and Low Priced "Furniture. Carpets. Ifugs, Art Squnres, Pictures. &c. priced low for the lioliduy trude. Special ogenry for t'ole'8 Originnl llt)t Blast Heating Stoves, Schultz Pianos and Bissell t'arpet Sweepers. R. R. S ATTERWHITE, Mgr. i"l,V. XT TTT--Zn 1 1 jvf ! iiourwanisbuppiieQ In the Line of Fresh Meats of all kinds. The Best The Market Af fords at all Times. H. J. Hartmaeir. tfcTReavis' Old Stand arenn CanAv Kltrhen SPECIALS j a Home-Made Candies. Foreign and Do mestic r nuts. Spet-ial sales for the holidays on Fresh CaDdies and all kinds f Fancy Fruits Soda Fountain and Ice Cream Parlor. 300 boxes fine candy in .r of which there will be $ 2.00 in gold, each $10.00 in th 800 boxes. Who will get the GOLD? L. A. Dames & Co. Suggestive Holiday Presents. Easy Rockers, Leather Conches, Writing Desks, Hook Cases, Rugs, Art Squares. Druggets. Carpets, Fur niture of allkinds. Ileatingand Cook ing Stove e. Big stock to selcctfrom. Prices the Lowest. D. W. Hardee Furniture co. DANIEL & GO-, AGENCY FOR ft. IW0 1 I U 4 I I - i Buck's Stoves and Ranges, 6entiine Trilby and Wild fire Heaters. HAR.DWAHE of every description. Guns and Ammunition. A7i THE PEOPLE SAY: Men's Women's and Children's Shoes, Dress Goods, Notions, Trimmings, Ladies' Coat Suits, Cloaks, Skirts, &c, Art Squares, ' Furniture, Carpets, Lace Curtains. LARGEST AND PRETTIEST STOCK TO SELECT FROM - THE BEST VALUES OF ANY Chris' mas Presents. H. W. MIXON. Buy Your i P Fruits s Confectioneries For Christmas at The City Grocery Co's., And Have a MERRY HAPPY ONE. City Grocery Company. f ,M,r we. 'ttn,. aerc. -Ml 'et to trade 08. Co. A. 1 l'ce 1 UtV t OVrrasol; llob nassww Go l.U- Th I'll llliS All SiSht C3 S J tiJ Staple S3T sons, ..J In 0ir Immense Stock Three Floors The Season's Greeting m, Mam..,wi.,ci. In To Our Friends and Patrons: Approaching the beginning of another New Year we take this occasion to again make acknowlegement of the very gener ous patronage that has been given us during the year now drawing to a close and express our grateful appreciation of same. While we rejoice at our expand ing trade and greater prosperity, we would repeat and further emphasize the fact that we do not forget that we owe it all to our friends and customers. And we would be ungrateful indeed if we did not deeply appreciate this expression of confidence and good will. The people have shown that they appreciate our efforts to please our customers in supply ing what they want GOODS OF QUAL ITY AT REASONABLE PRICES. Realising that the measure of success and prosperity which we have enjoyed is due to the loyalty of our many custom ers and is an endorsement of our efforts to supply their wants we are encouraged to even greater endeavor in their behalf, and shall, if possible, serve them in future with a truer fidelity and more loyal purpose than we have in the past. With a bigger stoek and better and cleaner goods than we have ever carried, sellintrat PRICES THAT ARE PROFIT ABLE TO OUR CUSTOMERS AS WELL AS TO OURSELVES, promising prompt and appreciative attention to all busi ness, we think we are in better position than ever before to serve our customers to best advantage and will leave noth ing undone to merit a continuance of the very generous patronage and kindly consideration accorded us in the past. 4 With the compliments of the season and wishing for each and all a Marry Christmas and Happy New Year 3 WeJare, very truly," C gg GEORGE A. ROSE CO. GEORGE f. PERRY, At your service with a big line of GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Shoes a Specially. Who Does Yonr Washing I The Henderson Steam Laundry is doing MORE WORK and BETTER WORK all the time. THAT MEANS SATISFIED CUSTOMERS. rVf Laigest' - , In iog. Forge Don 0kCo. fr. n IF YOU WANT A GOOD ARTICLE, Your Money's Worth Every Time. Full You Will Find Many Big Line of Fireworks, Wheel Goods and Toys of all Kinds. IV. IV. Parker, Druggist BIG STOCK OF Christmas Goods. Fireworks a Specialty. Thomas Brothers. Melville Dorsey, OldTimeDruggist With all the new and progressive ideas. A full line of fancy and Btaple goods suitable for CHRIST MAS PRESENTS. AgentforNunnallysCandyg ... Prescription Filling a Specialty' re. Car Etcher, and JlPoI Tab- J" terv, Clo, 88 HI 4c. line Best .or- The City- 4 00 si 4 Articles; Suitable For Christmas Gifts. I !(f'n' and all kinds ofr- J P!f 1,1 Horse and Mils Millinery. I IPlllj;"'!,u,Utc TnE BEST WORK. ' ff Mm-d Mm,,m "' I- J Presents To C" PLEASE EVERYBODY. I k V ? I A stock that is first in vnriety and quality, r -.'S .Jk and fairest in price, containintreverything fv A stock that is first in variety and quality, and fairest in price, containingeverything to be found in an up-to-date Furniture store Many articles suitable for holiday gifts, useful as well as ornamental. An in spection is .nvited a pleasure to show oar goods. Hughes - Sntaw Furniture Co, Will Present You with $5.00 TO SI 0.00, On A Nice COAT SUIT or CLOAK , Mufflers, Handkerchiefs and Hand Bags. THO M AS & N E WO OMB. 'V7v; rr,rr Suggestions For Christmas. Carving Sets, Chafing Dishes, Coffee Per colators, Copper Nickelplated Ware, Lisk's Roasters, Table and Pocket Cut lery, &c. See Our Stock and Get Our Prices Before You Buy, Allen-Moss Hardware Co. eat B,arfc! Been ...snppv itb tbebfl'd m.irteW aflo n cai Your, w ,ded lor Groceries, m a . stocit. " ,. ... oi tin" -SKnevFroit 13 AAlfl k,yorCbnetma8. jj U v id CUSIROTH, ON THE CORNEB, -Sells the Cheapest. (1U "1 'i . JOB RINTING AMY KiiVO SA Jones-Stone Co.1 TRADE AT WATKINS' Blankets, Fine Crockery Cut Glass HOUSE IN HENDERSON RACIAL STATUS FIXED. Supreme Court of District ot Colum bi Renders Important Declsloa Barring Cbildren of Negros From Schools of Whites Separation of Races North as Well as South. Wa sbingt on. PeG. Holding that eight-year-c!d lsabell Wall, who has one-sixteenth negro blood in her veins is not entitled to admisfdon to the Brookland public whool. Chief Justice Shppard, of the Dictrict Court of Appeals hns fixed the rncial status for school children within the Dis trict of Columbia. The court virtually held that any child that has any appreciable mix ture of negro blood, regardless of the proportion is a "colored person." Isabell Wall was refused admit tance to the Brookland public school on the ground that Bhe wns a negro, it having been asserted she had one sixteenth negTO blood in her veins. This action on the part ot the principal was upheld bv Superintend ent ot schools Stuart, whose opinion in turn was attirmed by the board of education bv a vote of 8 to 5. Then an application was made by Stephen Wall, an employe of the Government printing office and the father ot the child, tor a writ mandamus to com pel the school board to admit his daughter to the Brookland school. Justice Wright dismissed the bill and an appeal was taken. i be effect oi the opinion was to af firm the action of Justice Wright. It is understood that the case will be carried to the Supreme court of the United States. In appealing to the upper court the attorneys for the child's parents at tack the act of Congress providing for separate schools for white and colored children. They also argued that if the act is valid the child is not colored." "Congress having failed to define the meaning of the word 'colored,' " says the opinion, "the duty was necessarily devolved, in the first in stance, at least, upon the bonrd of education to determinewhatclnldren are white and what are 'colored' whenever the question arises in a peculiar case. "In the absence of a definition In our own statute we are compelled to ascertain the popular meaning of the word colored. As early as Mr. Justice Story declared that the word had acquired definite meaning as mulatto, negro, etc., though it was not necessary In the case before him to express more definitely what the meaning was." The petitioners contended that the word "colored"must be given its com mon or popular significance. "Negro physical characteristics and negro blood must combine in one to render her "colored" ' the petition read. regarding the contention, Lhlel Justice Shepard says: "It must be remembered that the learned trial justice had found that there was to be observed in the child physical characteristics, which af forded ocular evidence suggestive of aught save the Caucasian. "He de clined, however, to accept this de lusive test or race, and based his con clusion that the petitioner is "col ored" ' upon the fact that site has a proportion of negro blood, not more than one-eighth, and not less than one-sixteenth. In ending bis opinion Chief Justice Shepard says: "It is urged that a hardship will be inflicted upon the petitioner, a conclusion at which we have arrived. It may be, however, that greater evils would result from a different one. Be that as it may, our province is to interpret the legislation, not to en act it." Oood Results Always Follow The tine of Foley Kidnev PilU. Thev are upbuilding, atrengthening and aootbing. Tonic Id action, quick in resolU. Sold by all druggist. Britf f Appointment Greensboro Record. Of course they are rubbing It into Morehead because Britt, Duncan's best friend, who fouarht Morehead to a finish, has landed in a five thousand dollar berth as Third Assistant Post master General. But wbv lauirh? Hitchcock worked the trick. The truth is this place has been held open for Britt for a long time, waiting to see if the former occupant's health would permit bim to continue. Be sides, Hitchcock Is not Taft. Dun can's friends should wait before laughing too much. h MONEY BACK. W. W. Parker Guarantees Mi-o-na to Sorely Cure Indigestion and Stomach Sickness. MI-O-NA is guaranteed to cure indi gestion or any stomach trouble, or money back. It i not a makmhift rem edy, but is a tomarb tonic and npbnild er that taken regularly, will make the toroacD strong and bealtby. It builds np tne nerTes, puts nt h blood in the veins, and stops headaches aad all Derrouaoess. Why should any reader of tba Gold Leap hesitate to try this great stomach prescription when it doeant cost a cent unless it cures. Ia five minutes it will banish after dinner distress, nervousness, gas eruc tations or heartburn. Women who desire alovely complexion. sparkling eves, and perfect health should try MI-O-NA stomach tablets. They cause tne stomach to properly digest food, keep the liver, stomach and bowels in order and furnislr nutritious matter that makes pure rich red blood. If you have any sickness caused by the stomach, such as sick headache, bilous ness, dizziness, constipation, sleepless neas, nightmare or nervousness, MI-O-NA stomach tablets will surely bring you back to health. Sold by W. W. Parker and druggist everywhere, and guaranteed to do just as advertised. Free trial treatment on request from Booth's Mi-ona, Buffalo,