HENJ3EKSOK:GOJLD L.EAF, HENDEHSON, N. a, THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1911 A Welcome Change Smoke curling up from the farmhouse chimney as the men are coming m trom the fields, gives a pretty suggestion of a good sup per and a comfortable home. But it also means a hot, tired woman, working hard over a blazing fire. . , M Your wife can escape this with a New Perfection Oil CoolwStove. A New Perfection keeps a kitchen many degrees cooler than any 'other range, yet it does all a coal or wood range can do. It saves fame, labor and fuel. Nowoodtocut; no coal to carry ; no ashes ; no soot (With the New Perfection oven it is the best cooking device you can find anywhere. i Mde with 1.2 and 3 burner!, wuhlonfl. ' turaucme blue enameled chimney. Hand- lotacly knitted inroujnoui. i uo -burner Hove e be hd with or without cabinet lop. which u utted with drop helve, towel rack, etc. Dealen'erery where ; or write for detcrip live circular to the neareat agency of the Standard Oil Company (Incorporated) l Absent Minded. It was in tLe elubroom and Pat ; and the Englishman were boasting of the various times the- had been j attacked by absent-in indedne.-s. i "Ob," said the Fnglishman, "I re member once, when coiner to bui-; TIPS T rhoncrht I had left my watch at bome, and actually mv Docket to see if back home for it." "Well, that's nothing," rejoined Pat. "One night, after 1 had left here and gone to bed, I woke up feel ing very uncomfortable, and it was not till then I found out that I had put my trousers in bed and hung myself over the back of a chair." Then the clock stopped New York Evening Mail. took it out of I had time to go Those Who Take Foley Kidney Pill For their Kidney and Bladder ailineuts, and for anno.vin? urinary irregnlaritieH are always grateful both for the quick and permanent relief they afford, and for their tonic and strengthening effect as well. Try Foley Kidney Pills. For sale by all druggists. ELON COLLEGE. iCo-Edncational.) DELIGHTFULLY SITUATED in the hill roti n try. I X S U a I' A S.-EI IX HEA LTHFULN ESS. Mudfrn in equipment. Bteatn beat. Elec tric lights. Baths Sewerage. With all the adrautagea and none of the disadvan tages of city life. AX IDEAL IXTSTITUTIOX fur the educa tion of young men and younsr women, with twenty-one yearsof tucceshful history behind it. A HIGH GRADE COLLEGE whose pradu- atos are admitted without examination to the graduate departments of the great Universities. MAINTAINS ALSO Music, Art, Expression, Commercial and Preparatory Depart ment. FOUR COURSES leadine to decrees. SPECIAL NORMAL COURSES for Teach ers, approved and endorsed by Superin tendent Jovner. TERMS MODERATE f 132 to $187 per HeRsinn of ten months. FOR CATALOGUE or other information, address, ( mentioning this paper) W. A. HARPER, President, Elon College, N. C. in 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii it i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 ' GRADE PRICE BJE NAME Remarkable Subscription Offer. The subscription price of the Gold Iaf is strictly l.r0 a year, and there ia positively no reduction in these figureB to anyonp. The sub scription price of the Progressive Farmer is $1.00 a year. The price of both papers together would there fore lie $ 2.f0. But we have succeed ed in making a special arrangement with the Progressive Farmer where by we can now offer both papers for n limited time at the remarkably low price of $1.05 a year, provided al ways that you are a new subscriber to the Progressive Farmer. This of fer is good to both old and new sub scribers to tho Gold Loaf. The Pro gressive Fa rmer is conceded 13' every body to be the best agricultural pa per published in this country. Every farmer diould have it. And every citizen of Vance county should have the Gold Leaf and must have it if he expects to keep fully posted on the affairs of his own county. Here is the best combination offer we shall ever lie able to make, and it is good for only a limited time. In each and every instance the cash must accom- the subscription, aim all ar jes due the Gold leaf, if any, lie paid in full, in addition to 1.05 for both papers u year in nee. para ream mut the, adf Fdjey Kidney PHIh are cum nosed uf in gredients specially selected for their cor rective, healing, tonic, and stimulating effect upon the kidneys, bladder and uriniry passages. They are antiseptic, ant if tine and uric acid solvent. For 8a,etaMsiHtH- New York fit v will soon have the higtoWWrnTmiu the world. The plari) have already been drawn for a hundred story building in that city. It will lie 1,200 feet high. A Custom That Should Be Changed. (Gaffney, S. 0., Ledger.) We wish a law could be passed prohibiting the barbaric custom of opening caskets in public at church funerals. It is a relic of dark the ags and has no place in a civilized com munity. It jars on the sensibility of every tender cord, and is something that the churches and undertakers ought to combine and put to an end. In nine-tenths of the cases it's merely a pandering to a ghoulish curiosity. People who never spoke to the de ceased in their life parade around the church, gape at the form of our loved one, then go out of the presence of death, not to talk of the good deeds done in life, but to criticise the appearance of the poor clay that death has left for once at their mercy. Death is a sacred thing. If we are going on a long journey we do not make our adieus Deiore a gaping crowd; we ought not to be expected to bid our dead a last goodbye while curious eyes fatten on our grief, and we ought not to be expected to sit in tne nouse oi mourning while peo ple we never speak to, who have no claim on our loved one, jostle each other in their desire to view the re mains, and then get together and gossip over what they saw or failed to see. We believe that a majority of tho people detest the painful scenes as much as we do and would be more than glad to see them ended, Itut are afraid to break a "custom." But it's a duty the minister and under taker owe to themselves and the long suffering public to put a stop to the exhibition, and they will lind the public only too glad to uphold them with a hearty amen. They Are Doing Good. Farmers' Institutes are doing a wonderful amount of good, in that they stimulate good farmers to bet ter efforts and wake up those who have been nodding over unrealized opportunities. The speakers tell you what can be done by improved methods, such as are practiced on the experiment farms, and how to do the work. Attend the institutes and get the information at first hands. They are held primarily and distinctively for the purpose of help ing to better and more profitable farming. Alamance Gleaner. When a woman is color blind she is apt to get more on one cheek than the other. THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normaf and Industrial College Maintained by the State for lb Women of North Carolina. Five regular Courses leading to Degrees. Special Courses for teachers. Free tuition to those who agree to liecome teachers in the State. Fall session begins September 13, 1911. For catalogue and other information address JULIUS I. FOUST, - - - - President, Greensboro, N. C. CONFIDENCE is the Cornerstone of Commercial Suc cess. To secure your confidence in jBI.SJIlS THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE and MECHANIC ARTS. The State's Industrial College. tour-year courses in Agriculture; in Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engi neering; in Industrial Chemistry; in Cot ton Manufacturing and Dyeing. Two- year Courses in Mechanic Arts and in Textile Art. One year course in Agricul ture. These courses are both practical ! and scientific. Examinations for admis sion are held at all county seats on July 13 th. For Catalog address THE REGISTRAR, West Raleigh, N. C. EVERY CAN carries a signed Analysis and Guarantee, in which we promise to give you our paint FUEK OF COST if it is not in EXACT ACCORDANCE with our representations. For Sale By DANIEL & COMPANY, Henderson, N. 0. NOTICE. T havi: A. tor of the estate of QUALIFIED AS ADMINISTEA- Kobert Wilson, de ceased, before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Vanre county and I hereby notify nil persons having claims against said es tate to present them to me forthwith. If not presented within one year this notice will be pleaileil in bar of their recovery. Julv (J. l'.Ul. JAMES WILSON, Admr. of Robert Wilson. T. T. HICKS, Attorney. l&x .. tO YCAD OfPuTATlON t , BALSA 1 . vuflfrnnffd la ture SUMMER SICKNESSES BVl W.W.PARKER. TRINITY COLLEGE. 1859 i892 1910-1911 Three memorable dates: The ( ranting of the Charter for Trinity College; the Removal of the College to (he growing nud prosperous City of Durham; the Ruilding of the new and (Ireater I runty. Miignilicent new buildings with new eqnipment and enlarged facilities. Comfortable hygienic dormitories and beautiful, pleasant Rurroumlintrs. l'ive Departments: Academic; Mechanical Civil anil Electrical Engineering: Law, Ed ucatiou; Graduate. For catalogue and other information, address R. L. FLOWERS, Secretary, Durham, N. C, 1 Am Glad" vrites Mrs. Ethel Newlin, f Liberty Center, In&, Tthat I began to take Car sjui, for it has cured me. and 1 will never fonret it "I cannot praise Cardui o highly for what it did take it?1 was vptv $ad color, suffered great am and werched onlv . .. . . PounqSv Now l h aba I 1 Kuou cDion no not sungtf I 8 U tad welMSMfe." J ;s ii i!ciifiiiitiiifi i .f" tjb " " w v w w iii ?v jT5 f I UIIU hW J W U W W tmi U LUP Paupers No Longer Burled at (he Ex pense of City or County. No longer will paupers, whoso rela tives fail to pay the expenses, be buried at the expense of the towns or counties in North Carolina. Instead, their bodies, as well as thoso of crim inals under certain conditions, will be used for dissecting purposes in the medical schools of the State. This is the law. It was enacted at the last session of the Legislature. According to this law the medical schools of tho State must pay the ex pense of having the bodies embalmed and of shipping them to the dissect ing rooms of the various institutions in the State where the medical course is given. Owing to the present operation of the law, the city authorities will no longer grant a, permit for the burial of any body at the expense of the city. Neither will the county authorities. HARM AND EVERYTHI NG FOR The 20th (BERJTURV- CAROLINA BUGGY MANUFACTURING COMPANY, BUILDERS COOPER WAREHOUSE CO. SELL THEM VOBJ Cmi'T GO IPJBSORIG. CAROLINA BUGGY MFG. COMPANY, HENDERSON, N. C. I -YOUR 'WAMTS! 1 I It Its DRUGS--W6 Have It. 1 If we haven't got it, we will get it I for you. We also have a nice line of i TOILET SOAPS iust received. r KEHWER-MACRTAIK CO. I Z Prescription Druggists. - Phone 112. z TmiumuuiUiUiuuiiUiUiUiUiuuiiUiUiumuiUiUiUiu c c f. o c A FIRE is difficult to control when once it gains headway. When you realize that the house is gone it will be a great satisfaction to know that your money is still safe, That's what it will mean to be well INSURED ' with a good reliable fire insurance company, the kind we represent. Come in and let us talk the matter over with you. 3 3 a 3 ONLY THE STRONGEST LEATHER GOES INTO THE HAR NESS WE SELL. YOU CAN KNOW THAT THE HARNESS Vol' BUY FROM US WILL GIVE LONG. HONEST WEAR. WE DO NOT SELL "CHEAP" HARNESS AT ANY PRICE. I WE SELL GOOD HARNESS FOR A CHEAP PRICE. BUY YOUR HARNESS FROM US AND YOU WILL BE "HITCH ED UP" TO OUR STORE FOR ALL TIME FOR ALL YOU NEED IN HARNESS AND HARDWARE. W ATKINS HARDWARE CO. WEEP jiOOU An Electric Fan or Flat Iron Will Do the Work. Flat Irons have been reduced in price from $4.50 to $3.50. Fans at Wholesale Cost to our regular customers. NORTH STATE HYDRO ELECTRIC CO. J. M. WOLFE, Local Mgr. Beware of sting; uox- sihK 1 tith'' your syslem, like lead to the bottom of a basin of water. poisonous minerals, o( dangerous drugs. , V It is perfectly safed'; harmless, for use by" old and. ..young, and may .be m&fc, as iq'njc,,, JOT, months, without any possi?. ble harmful effect Try it Honest Medicines Versus Fakes. President Taft's recent message sug gesting an amendment to the Ture Food and Irug law in its relation to prepared medicines, does not refer to such stand- ..ard medicines as Foley's Honey and Tar Mmpound and ioley Kidney fills, botn of which are true medicines carefullv compounded of ingredients whose medi cinal qualities are recognized by the medical profession itself as the best nown remedial agents for the diseases ey are intended to counteract. Com pound has been a standard remedy for Htfiroat, chest and lungs for children and tor grown persons, and it retains today its pre-eminence above all other prepar ations of its kind. Foley Kidney I'ills ire equally effective and meritorious. I- or Bale by all druggists. TRINITY PARK SCHOOL. ESTABLISHED 1898. Lcvalion ideal: Enuipmont, unsurpaHHed. Students liave use of 1 he library, tr.yiiinasiuni ami at liU-tie fields of Trinity College fwwoia! ;it ti-iii ion ci ven to i-aitii. A teaciirr in earn dormitory looks niter t lie livintr con ditions of loya under Iiih care Faculty of college graduates. Most modern methods of instruction. Full term opens September Fl, For illustrated catalogue, address W. AV, rF.ELE, Hendmaster. Durham. N. C. Eye Strain Causes Headache. Glasses properly fitted will no doubt relieve you. We fit Glasses and frames, match broken Tenses. Jeweler and Optician. C Henderson Loan & Real Estate Co. j) y AL. B. WESTER, Manager Fire Insurance Department. - J H. W. MIXON, BINGHAM Ashewille, N. C, has prepared BOYS for College and for Chris L 'arl Citiacnehipfor IIS years, and ALONE in the U. S., offers a FREE ROUND TRIP TICKET lrom anywhere within 1500 milts to any parent who, on ln rr'?rAs.,,otlo,1,v,IK',ltlla,'!ipairsof ONE 8TORY brick rooms, separated by a parapet Uo, WHr- ar,erthe BEST for Health, Sanitation, Ventilation and safety against FIREt 1793 bend for Catalogue or come and see. COL. R. BINGHAM. Supt.. R. F. D. No. 64 1613 a a M. mb Has rat jaa i mx u SCHUHbLU iml .it,, "Have Stood the Test of Time" BOILERS They have no superior in point of DURABILITY and are Best Adapted for Saw Mills, Oil Mills, Cotton Gins; in fact, where Heavy Duty is required. Write for prices on Saw Mills, Shingle Mills.etc. BOILERS. We carry for immediate shipment the Best Cunstnich d Boilers, ranging fr0m 12 II. P. to 150 H. P. Write today for our illustrated catalog. j J. S. SCHCFIELD'S SONS CO., Works snd Head Office, MACON, GA. Branch Ofiice, 307 West Trade Slreet. Charlotte. N. C. Vie Also Manufacture Towers, Tanks, Standpipes, Sell Support ini Steel Stacks, Plate aad Sheet Iroa Wark. flan Up Against It. it ever occur to vou that a 1 man's life is full of crosses and temp- j tfttions? lie comes into the world J without his consent and goes out j against his will and the trip between j is exceedingly rocky. The rule of j contraries is one of the features of j the trip. When he is little the big j girls kiss him, when he is poor he is a i bad manager, if he is rich L is ilia- j honest. If he needs credit he can't ! get it, if he is prosperous everyone ; twts to do him a favor. If he is in j ill' 'U IH ' M m Mlli "iiflVts to , Vl 1 I I it is for the graft, if he is out aiaaa : Of pOIltlCS .ugak iTi?.! iky& ' ' oil. " CM 4 Earn 1 il l H. J For Sfcm-TrtuiLUrau; liver aiiaJMliijaiip It cures, ,hy, atfffig, IL qf tjie, digestive organs gently stimu lates the liver and regulates the bowelsrrthV, nly way that chronic constipation can. rbe. enred. Especially'recommended for women and y.ciuldrenJ' Clears blotched complexions. Pleasant to Wte'fitiul Vtufistityfeil ?.uki.'.'l-.l.-'J1 ''..I'll. ',' .. mix i " a q VfflDmn politics he is no good to his coun- j I try- If he doesn't give to charity he ! is a stingy cess, if he does it s for ! (jh(,iw. If he is actively religious he j is a nypocrite, it ne. takes no interest i in rengion ne is hardened sinner. ! i pjnpii rrrr u m. T If hegives affection keis a soft epeci-J. . PUY 1 11 Ktbb, HenderSOn. N. C. utvuy m into IU till JIKA UUC liC Easily laid can be laid right over wood stbgles if necessary rireproor Stormproof Last as long as the building and never need repairs. For further detailed information apply to DRUGS AND MEDICINES Parker's ring Store is one of the beat in the State, and you can always find what you want. Our stock is constantly changing and consequently is always fresh. :-: :-: :-: :-: of Great Strength and Purity. and undoubted efficiency are the kinds our patrons are sure to get. A fine selection of Stationery, Knives, Razors, Brushes, Combs and Toilet Goods. Great variety of talcum powders. Consider the quality, compare our prices, get our quality and be -satisfied. Parker's Bring Store. WE SELL Standard Sewing Machines. A New Thing The Central Needle Idea. Pianos and Organs, House Furnishing Goods. Henderson Furniture Company. R. R. Satterwhlte, Manager. if he lives to missed his cailkv2jrKi IT" Hay eyer sad Rummer Colds - j Must, be relieved qaicklv and Folev'a ! Honey kntf Tk'f ComtfoumT Hvill doit. E. M. iaHu J034l iWoifeai Street, ! Chicogo- writes! ,"I have he-en greatly troubled1 during the htft iniWibeV months i with iijvy fandijfadtliatily aging l Foley e Honey and Tar Compound I pet j great relief." Many others who suffer ' similarly wiJ be glad to benefit br Mr. ! ;JA man never knows aiueahtttil he! is three score and ten. and then he ' For SeJe by all Druggists. 'frasn't much use for knowledge. ! More iMt on the Subled wp can Rive yon if yon come to us for figures n your tin work. Skylights Cornices Tin Roofing thee are specialties in our line. We are adding to our reputation by pood work, prompt service and small charges. Fijrure with us and we will make prices with you ILB.FUTRELL N'eit door to Henderson Grocery Co. STATEMENT United Order J, R. Giddings and JoIIifee Union, Norfolk, Va. CONDITION DECEMBER 31, 1U10, AS SHOWN BY STATEMENT FILED. Amount of Led per Assets December 31st of previous year f 4,049.70 Income From Policyholders, 15. 189.90: Mincellaneous, $5,866.34; Total, 21,056.24 Disbursements To Policyholders. $14,935.00; Miscellaneous, $1,534.90; Total, 16,469.90 Benefit Certinsates in force December 31, 1909 Number,5, 548; - - Amount, Benefit Certificates written or revived during year Number, 659; Amount, Benefit Certificates in force December 31, 1910 Number, 5,635; - Amount, Claims unpaid December 31, 1909 Number, 16 Amount, 1,200.00 Claims incurred during the year Number, 143; Amount, 14.960.00 Claims paid daring the year Number, 1 43; Amount, 1 4,935.00 Claims unpaid December 31, 1910 Number, 16: Amount, 1,225.00 ASSETS. Deposited in Trust Companies and Banks on Interest.... $ 3,416.00 Cash in Association's Ofiice 542.71 Deposited in Banks not on interest 627.63 Total admitted Assets f 4,586.34 LIABILITIES. Death Claims due and unpaid $13,735.00 Salaries, rente, expenses, commissions, etc., due and accrued 1534. 90 Total Liabilities $15.269 90 BUSINESS IN NORTH CAROLINA DURING 1910. Bn?flt Certificates in force December 31, 1909 Number 600 Amount, Benefit Certificates written or revived in 1910 Number, 78 .Amoont, Benefit Certificates in force December 81, 1910 Number, 599 Amount. Claims unpaid December 31, 1909 Number, ; Amount. $ 1,300 00 Claims incurred during the year Number, 14; Amount, 1,300.00 Claims paid during the year Number, 10; Amount, 1,050 00 Claims unpaid December 31, 1910 Number. 4: Amount, 250 00 Total amount premiums or assessments collected or secured during the year in North Carolina 1,746.65 President Julia Robinson. Secretary-Ad aline Howard. Home Office Norfolk, Va. Attorney for service Insurance Commissioner, Italeigh, N. C. Business Man ager or Organizer for North Carolina Home Office. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. INSURANCE DEPARTMENT, ijiunbtoi-vm n . Kaleigb, X. C, March 81, 1911. I, JAMts 11. IOLAU, Insurance ( ommiHsioner. do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct abstract of the statement of the United Order J. R. Giddings and JoIIifee I mon, a Fraternal Order at Norfolk, Va., filed wit h this Department, showing the condi tion af said Order on the 31st day of December, 1910. Witness my hand and official seal the day and date above n-rittea. J AMES R. YOUNG. Insurance Commissioner. ocoocoooocoootooooocoocoooo o o 0 To Telephone a Telegram to Tlrr,mo rvi O O the Western Union, say: 'Telegram." o tS If yon wiah to transmit a telegram to z the WPHtern union omce hy Home U Telephone, SIMPLY SAY: Q The operator will connect you with the proper Western Union Telephone. Thus you may dictate your telegram and save yourself the inconvenience of waiting for a messenger. For the convenience of the public this new meth od is now in effect in all cities in which the Home Telephone Company operates. o o o o o o 0 o o o Q O ( O O O O o a o o o occaccoccacco:ccccoccQccooo ECSr'lre You A Telephone Subscriber ? Hoie Telephone and Telegraph Co. Phone No. 30 The Coat of Painting. Is a heavy burden when you ust cheap paints. They eoon fade, je ami crack under the changes of weather and its u constant expenfle to main tain the bright, clean appearance so desirable in a home. Our durable paint will cut the cost in half. It' the paint that lasts. It stand all eortH of weather. It'll save you a whole lot of paint money in the fu ture. J. S. POYTHRESS East Carolina Teacliers' Training SGhooi. A State school to traia teachers for the public schools of North J Carolina. Every enerpy is directed to this one purpose. Tuition 2 free to all who agree to teacb. J Fall term begins September 2G, 1911. For catalogue and other information, address ROBERT H. WRIGHT, President, ? Greenville, N. C. E. E. WOLLETTj LITTLETON, N. C. CIY1ANUFACTURER OFO Nortti Carolina Pine ymoer, Rough and Dressed. - All Grades and Sizes Large stock kiln dried Flooring. Ceiling, Siding. Mould ing, etc., on hand at all times. Framing cut to order. Pine Shingles a.nd La.ths always on hand. Conect Manufacture Strict Grades. Prompt Ship ments. jbsSAVE TIME and MONEY by sending your Lumber orders to US. IVe Please the Mard-to-Please.