HENDERSON GOLD LEAF "M ffr-mi - r . ar it i . I I .CI am sri-cs, cm txaasri i t. W til YCl ' rW GOOD ROADS PARTY HERE. L0CAL AND PERS0NAL ITEMS- Mr. Thomas Horner spent one and dav last week at Oxford. atives at Oxford last week. PrcirTf:it Leonard Tafts VMv Nidit in Mrs. V. II. Wester visited re! 1 u I t. , r;-r Fnthu-iistic Meeting , Dr. D. Smitn, of at Vance ioei. recovering from an I.n roVi.-.' ivini.M.M i level t;-i ihv !' (',,;:V.. O! Manson, is attack of CQHPARY TO DISSOLVE. Important Statement Concerning f r x ft i t ' i rn L.t tii. . 2 v""1!'-"' J ..... j board Air Line. 13 i .nd Observer. Plans are under consideration York eves 3RL HE3 I3L jr Bps If I r . 1 i ciaii- tu: !:r 1 " 'V'.1;';1.?;::. Miss Belle Gar vitcd Mrs. Companv. the holding company U j o-- v'-o Skinner Pearson at Oxtora last w;tn which is lodsvd control ot U r i. i if ' of weeK- the Seaooard Air Line Railway. K "Pt -fVhe'(''a- Rev. I. W. Hughes attended Ihe first step in carrying out ; S ' v--:..;;4i;o::. and a missionary convention at Knox- the plan, it is jearned. wi h be 8 . t . . TT.-.i . r the retirement ot tne .,dW.),wJ Li I S The Paid in Capital, Earned Svirplus and Individual I.isl3ility oi Stockholders is 1 H I & 1 v i i il at o'ci' Ci:. i n- y I K.' .Mrs. in&nt;Stnan. b Companv tteviile, is visiting nei oaugn- for doing this have already been t te. Mrs. 1. u. iliignes. lock oi tne ea- g ? Arrangements f 0,000 i ft iy. el) Ob- rv-r, -I la:. gh Beck- - Mi'- C;;;v 15. ' Mr S. H. Sattervvhite, of theiat?. inese Dcnas are oeiievea , , atives at Durham iast week. r ri 'l- tu . Mrs. V. T. Rowland, of dieburg, visneu ,ur.-. . n. ham at Raleigh last week. Air Line Railway adjustment in come bonds to a banking syndi-: cate. inese bends are believed I -'ill,- .11 ; :itv o lit Ne'.vs. an John la.-R Taylor o Times. Pimn its . a. - . r f son. tne party came 10 u. f mtnr r.f thut phurch. willnreach i 01- n. of tV,o nntinn nf tViP rnrrs pany. Lnviaenas at me rate 01 5 per cent a year have been paid made, it is understood, by the j of which serves as a Guarantee Fund for the security of Depositors Mid- sale oi auout b,o00.ox beaboard U OiS3vrrtfrr'5f-Tl U S Postal Savings Bank County of Vance tJPO&I VLPiL J State of North Carolina Town of Henderson rrival in Hender- The first nreferred stock ofthei Rev. G. W. Holmes, a former , Seaboard Company is retireable j d hoto . ana alter ?u, - Mt Carmel next Sunday was held m the a.embi room tentative Henderson" citizens, Mrs. W. L. Taylor, of Stovall, j upon it and it has been a 5 per ' CI : , T ' .,. Mr T r Kit-" cnont nnrrnf last wftck at Oxford cent cumulative issue since July trell. who happily introducea , and went on to Townesville to State Geologist Pratt, president : visit friends. of the Appalachian Good uoaur Association, and i'resiueric uu i-. vjsjted her sister, Mrs. A. Mrs. W. H. Nicholson, of Hick- lll""IC Zollicoffer, and her brother, Col. Henry Perry, last week. B. OWEN, President W. A. HUNT, Cashier A. C. ZOLUCOFFER Vice-Fresident R. O. CROWDER, IVIanager Insurance Department nrd Tufts, ot the Capital wav Association. i i'w. i,..t' nUw'i vvs; cievot- od to explanation of the con-j Dr. A. S. Pendleton of Mon struction of various kinds ot treat, spent part .of last week in r(,od roads and he advocated the , Henderson. His friends here building bv Vance county of a ! were glad to see him looking so samph" stretch, to show their j well. ... I... II,- lfi-llf' vhllWltV'' 1 -T. 1 T f T C UrArrA t'- ---'l-H-'iAhildrwho live on Rural f It s ud n :'. - T'i ' IIHl fll U l . r-. tl'Atll T H W Ti ilf't ' I 1 th' Legislature b -r btate assi- nt ,)art 0f last week at Ox ia:ce in road engineering 1, 1910. With the sale of the adjust ment bonds and money now in the treasury sufficient funds will be available to pay off the first preferred stock. With the retirement of this is- sue, plans will be undertaken for the paying off of the $15, 993.650 second preferred and $28,545,775 common stock. In! just what manner the latter will be accomplished nas not yet been A FAIR OFFER. j", spent part Ut ; f, ,.-3 a ako advocated the securing ol Gov.-. -mm- it expert enmeei 1 'r! Client Tutts snoiu . 1 . . ti nr raii mamienaiice, vi- .'! nviintetiaiiCe to be Rev. N. G. Rethea's congre- Oil ine V;iLiwiir niau iiiiii c. K-oui. ing this have not yet reached maturity. The presumption is, however, j that in the readjustment, holders Your Money Back if You Are Not Satisfied. We pay for all the medicine used during the trial, if our rem- edv fails to completely relieve vou of constipation. We take all the risk. You are not obli gated to us in any way what ever, if vou accent our offer That's a mighty broad state ment but we mean every word OI 11. iuuiu an, tiling muic fair for you? A most scientific, common- RECORDS 915-20 and 2,5 YEARS READ THIS LETTER Crosby. V. D-, Ja. ?th, 1111 Kentucky Wagon Mf jr. Co. LouUTiue. Ky., Der Slrs- 1 bou(rht3Mln.OLD niCKORT" 7 jr airo and Uauled a- lig leii a 1M lmhel of wheat la.t (all without brraklnff anything on the vt.'on o?r fry bad roada, and Uia aon has stood ouUUo In rain andsunili!nd for 7 yearn, but I wuuid nt trade It for any new wagon, Yourtniiv. I tic rtiou.i You will ayree with Mr. Person when you use tbo OtD HICKORY" L3S2 cia: r ! ir. i a-; i i - t i id w the il- i ar it ;;ad ad-!kn-;;eet-a-''-"i : is ii'.ri- ;. Ml tailor-made Prince Albert suit, togetner witn a line iuil and pair of shoes, a few days ago. Mr. W. P. Gholston, who had a severe case of fever last sum mer, has recovered and has re sumed his position with the Par ham Supp'y Co. Harris, n i T i ,1 Jl ot tne second preiera anu com- gense treatment is Rexan Qrder- mon siock win nave uistriuuieu to them the shares of the Sea- lies, winch are eaten like candy. Their active nrincinle is a recent i k t : T):i ,-. ; ooaru ,nr uuu n ; scientific discoverv that is odor- the treasury of the Seaboard e5 colorhss and tasteless; very Company. The Seaboard Corn- j onoimcerl, vet gentie and pany was chartered in PA',) m ',oceont ; nnrl nnrtiVn- r anme ,;an ho lived t.cck v a; .:;,(! v c o- the oea- Raiiway, a total !: . . la.v.-- .WW' ' ! 1 1 I)-' innr; t! n ig .1 L ;. m -. .n I'll ui connection with the reorganiza tion of the Seaboard Air Line Railway. The; company acquired .?21,- 800 eommjpn : b"?rd Air' r Lin ol :y-,))), f- Staboaid Air Line , Railway stock outstanding. S The authorized caiMtnli.ation oi tne heahoava v. ornpan-' $72,000,000. consisting of Sl',- i:e.m witn that church four i (K)O.COO first prefei-ved, Slb.000.- His congregations regret ' ' .-0!1'1 P'-eu-nvo anu .?oo.- ii i,o.. u.mn o u;o.uuu comii.on siock. mere ,b a colored wo od George Ful ler's place in Franklin county, died la.-.t week at the age of 110 years. It i said that she was oorn m iN.'I. Rev. 1. C. A:!; e i preached his i :;.-t sermon to his coneTeilLioi' - ! l 1 1 .i C .1.... U . , - ! at aon cnurcn :asi kumiav, uav !1 vear.- to give him up very popular pastor T outstanding approximated - Pi larly agreeable in every way. They do not cause diarrhcea. nausea, flatulence, griping, or any inconvenience whatever. Rexall Orderiies are particularly good for children, aged and deli cate persons. If you suffer from chronic or habitual constipation, or the as sociate or dependent chronic ail-! moots, we urge you to try Rex- j ail Orderlies at our risk. Re-1 member you can get them in Hendei. ' u on-y at our store. 12 tablets. 10 cents: 36 tablets, 25 cf satisfactory service, and the wakens still in use doing daily duty, as good as any new wagon, are not uncommon with the "OLD HICKORY". No wagon ever gained a higher reputation, because no better wagon has ever been made no wagon ever made better tho choicest of timber money can buy, thoroughly air seasoned in our own yards, selected and re-se!ectcd, inspected and re-inspected; hickory for axles, spokes, eveners, whifflctrces and neckyokes; choicest cf black birch and white oak for hubs; best cdo cf white cak for bolsters, sand boards, reaches, brake bars and hounds; superior quality carefully selected straight grain white oak for tongues of extra large size; skems far heavier than the ordinary, all tosted under hydraulic pressure in short every detail beyond practical .improvement. HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS cf these wagons in use every day, rendering perfect service, proclaim their quality and value louder than anv words can express. l MAS" CfLY ST THE H KENTUCKY WAGCH KFG. CC. (iKorpcrsttd) rn? PI H'T 'n FO Je-ZJr, fJLZX-"-? ff'Jl Xt2 A ?)I?IGXS7RATI0N WE EECOSMEND AND GUARANTEE THE 40LD EiCK0EYT i :in:o: ad. Rev O 11 ' ! 1 ' I Henderson nr.nb- QO toh!r..fc rill rfT'tlf Sf0 3(;o, 000 first preferred. $15,90o,- rt, cf rtTi Povnll Old Hickory" Wagons Run E-Z" L. Chavasse, who has (.")() second nreferred and $28, ith h's eouin, Airs. $50,900,000. our si Store. W. W. Parker. RAIDING BLOCKADE STILLS. How He Got the Money. 4 1 am working my way through iVC ..i Plants Destroys. Re v e r. i: o G i f i c : r s . By I. Y. Cooper, and other rela- tives. left last week for San Old Time Com Shucking. Francisco, Cab. from which Correspondence of the Gold Leaf. piaee ne win san iui imuu Alr j F icMiiian, a promi-; earn money?" his home. i nent young farmer of Vance "WpII fpiher rives me $10 for ' w - D college. "Brave girl. How do you PARHAM suppi DEALERS, : HENDERSON, N. ,Y c. CO. l-.uSUL;. ,s Blobbs-I don't think Long- shucking a few nights ago. ' V'e L',' . . -Vm-, -,i ,,i- nl bow always sticks to the truth. I The voung peopie of tne neigh-1 ls ni 1(1 Ml. ' 1 ;H " 'I t! Mobbs-I should say not. Why, ' borhood gathered early in the! It u; n - !M nt that fellow lies like a tombstone. ; afternoon, the voung men shuck- pres irnani cr.atuv jail i ine 1 vmui . v ;r i j- ; FlVv Wt'l tin 1 hirnani cr.atuv .1 acti ities of Depntv Collector K. W. .Merritt. Deputy Marshall .L P. .Jordan and i'osseman S. V. Knight. Tne revenue odicers began raiding and did not quit until .... . , i 1 they had hve large places ae- j stroyed. They began a mile and! a half south of Louisburg. Frank-! li n county, where they destroyed; an SO-galV-- ;till. poured out a. small quai ' f liquor and a lots of beer a..vi left the place in; ruins. Nobody was captured here, but the still was in opera tion. Three miles northeast of Uni versity Station the odicers made another raid. Here thev de- j county, gave a Hallowe'en corn pVP-,-vsinmmrlp;snn T don'ttake." I don't think Long-; shucking a few nights ago. -Louisville Courier-Journal. is better to assume than to presume greatness. stroved a 7.V gallon stiii ami tared CliarU cap-Mc- r.ee.rees, i rarham a and A'e s, who were t;tk- . ii!ity jan. iery of all was wot of Paha :; v :u : a 1K enae. Close i -till w as an- so large. Donga';-i en to : i a." ; ca'.-tiire.i me. 1 e, ', gallon rial iy tiii- ' other, no; which w; llns naa Ions. Ti-ree miles from the classic shades of the Cniversity of Xi-rth t'areilina a ilfth still, a large one. was destroyeil. ;md a negro i)erator. Tom Hayes, captured. Fifty gallons of liquor were de stroyed. Hayes was also carried to the Durham eountv jail. Stops Neuralgia Pains Sloan's Liniment has a soothing effect on the nerves. It stops neural gia and sciatica pains in stantly. Here's Proof M., the .C.M. I kcr-: 1 -h.m-.cshure. :.:- : " ."- vir.'s l.:nimc:.t us ;:... ni r.ie N rv.-n..;-. i. 1' '-c K.ve a.. r.e ! i - r. ur : !r. A '. ir- A t I . r . : t i v tr-rt, C i.---t'.." i. M . r.;n " I ( ive ' a:.' 1 :. I ' : N:.'i.;;.t likewise destroved. crroac'itv of i.". gal- Consistency, a Jewel. We picked up a Sunday paper and on the editorial page read an article advising all to attend church. Turning to the next page we found an advertisement advising all to drink a certain brand of "bust-head" liquor. O, consistency, thou art a jewel. Mocksville Herald. SLOAN'S LINIMENT is the best remedy for rheu matism, backache, sore throat and sprains. At all dealers. Price 25c.,50c. and $1.00 ixk cn Irtc. Eri S. Sloan Botoa. Ma. m m 11 rffc Hr-a N EC rirUC try Mat li yjll U ing the corn while the ladies I prepared a very appetizing old j - time corn shucking supper. Some of the older people know j what an old time corn shucking means. lhis was an old time supper with all kinds of good j things to eat and plenty of it. ; Of course the young ladies did their best, and the young men showed their appreciation, you may be quite sure. There were three prizes given j for the ones getting the greatest j number of red ears of corn. Mr. ' i George Burroughs won first . prize: Mr. Sedrick Brame, sec-; jond: Mr. Fred Barker, third, j At 9:30 o'clock the corn was ; shucked, and the young men re- turned to the house where the i young ladies were awaiting them. ; The jolly young people spent the I remainder of the evening in ! playing Hallowe'en tricks. At 11 o'clock fruit was served, after which all returned to their ; homes, having spent a most en ; joyable evening. Mr. McMillan made fifty-eight barrels of corn, which speaks well for so young a farmer. Fine Piece of Statuary. Mrs. J. W. Trotter, who lives on Chavasse avenue, has a beau tiful piece of statuary that com mands much admiration. It is the scene of Paul Revere start ing on his famous ride from Bos- i ton, Mass., to Concord, N. H. ; The piece is about 27x30 inches) and weighs over a hundred1 pounds. It fully illustrates this historical story. THE LADIES STORE.' Nice Line KNIT UNDERWEAR, VESTS, PANTS, SKIRTS, COTTON, WOOL AND SILK AND WOOL. Still have some of those nice warm OUTING NIGHT GOWNS. Wanting to invest in a paying busi ness with a bright future will do well to investigate this: :-: Steam Laundry For Sale in the best town in North Carolina. Doing good business. Well equipped. Established eleven years. Can be seen Running any week-day. Come and see for yourself. :-: :-: :-: :-: ENDERSON Steam Laundry, MRS. MISSIIXIER. w 3D! i T" 1 A FEATHER BEDS AND PILLOW? SPECIAL OFFER ! Paul is mount-! k S,"d Y?" 3? Pound Afl ed upon his horse and the dog is i 6 Pound Feather Pillows UU close by. On the left side are! Freight Prepaid for . . . YIUU tWO Soldiers and on the right are j Semi Express or P. O. Mosey Order. others in a little boat. Above j TURNER & CORN WELL, Ctektti.Lt the church steeple is the full) A . , , . i i i urw auu i inun b arc uu Bale ai moon Casting the shadows OnMr..A.A. Bullock's. Central Boarding U1C VIUUllU. tlou 1,000 WATCHES TO REPAIR. I have had 15 years practical experience and know I can do good work. 1,000 CUSTOMERS to bring their old watches and trade them for new ones. You will be sur prised at the bargains I am offering in watches. 1,000 CUSTOMERS for the best spectacles and eye glasses at the lowest possible prices. I have them at all prices from 25 c. up. Come in and talk with me about your needs in my line. I will sell you foods at the lowest possible prices. :-: :-: :-: :-: A. W. GHOLSON, Jeweler and Optician. Opposite Doreey's Drug Store. 1